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Page 1: Keeping Your Body Healthy


Unit 4, Lesson 19 – Endocrine, Digestive, Integumentary, & Urinary Systems

National Health Standard 1.5

Page 2: Keeping Your Body Healthy

The Endocrine System

System consisting of glands that produce hormones

Gland A group of cells that secrete hormones

Hormone Chemical messengers released into the

bloodstream Control many body functions

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Pituitary Gland Produces hormones, which

control growth and other glands

Located below the hypothalamus

About the size of a pea Often called the master

gland because it releases hormones that affect the function of other glands

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Thyroid Gland Produces the hormone

thyroxin Located near the upper

portion of the trachea Thyroxin

Hormone that controls metabolism and calcium balance in the body

Metabolism Rate at which food is

converted to energy in body cells

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Parathyroid Gland Controls the

amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body

3 glands on the thyroid gland

Each about the size of a grain of rice

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Pancreas Produces digestive

enzymes and insulin Essential to the digestion of

food Insulin – regulates blood

sugar level Failure to regulate level

results in diabetes mellitus

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Adrenal Glands Secrete several hormones

including adrenaline Hormones that affect

metabolism 2 glands located on each

kidney Adrenaline

Hormone that prepares body for fight or flight

Reacts during times of stress, danger, or in an emergency

Heart rate and blood pressure increase

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Ovaries Female reproductive glands Produce ova and estrogen

Ova egg cells or female

reproductive cells Estrogen

Hormone produced to stimulate the development of female secondary sex characteristics and affect menstrual cycle

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Testes Male reproductive glands Produce sperm Testosterone – hormone that produces male

secondary sex characteristics

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The Digestive System

Breaks down food into nutrients that can be used by the body

Allows nutrients to be absorbed by the cells and waste materials to be eliminated

Process to change food is known as digestion

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Mouth Salivary glands – glands in the mouth that

releases saliva – contains chemicals that begin digestion of carbohydrates

Saliva – fluid that helps soften food so it can be swallowed more easily

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100,000 taste buds on tongue Each taste bud contains 50-100 receptor

cells Send nerve impulses to brain to register one

of four flavor sensations - sweet, sour, bitter, salty

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Esophagus Tube that connects the mouth to the stomach

Peristalsis Series of involuntary muscle contractions that move

food to stomach even if you were standing on your head

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Stomach Releases acids and juices that mix with food,

forming a paste called chyme Produces a layer of mucus to protect its lining

from strong acids After 4 hours of churning, the food is released

to the small intestine

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Small Intestine Coiled tube where greatest amount of

digestion and absorption takes place 21 feet long and lined with villi – small folds

that increase the surface area to allow more food to be absorbed

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Several enzymes are produced here Protein that regulates chemical reactions

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Liver Secretes bile to help break down fats,

maintain blood sugar level, and filter poisonous wastes

Bile flows to the small intestine to help in digestion of fat

Bile is stored in the gallbladder, sac-like organ located under the liver

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Pancreas Gland that produces both digestive enzymes

and insulin Enzymes from here break down proteins,

starches, and fats from food in the small intestine

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Large Intestine Also called the colon Tube extending from the small intestine to

prepare undigested food for elimination When full, it contracts pushing solid wastes

through the rectum and anus

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Rectum – lower end of the large intestine that stores solid waste temporarily

Anus – opening to the outside at the end of the rectum

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The Integumentary System

Covers and protects the body Consists of skin, glands associated with

skin, hair, and nails Performs several functions essential for


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Skin Largest organ of the body Contains nerve cells that help detect pain,

pressure, touch, heat, and cold Protects some parts from injury

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Serves as a protective layer to keep microorganisms from entering the body

Maintain healthful body temperature Helps with waste removal Senses the environment Protects against ultraviolet radiation

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Made of 2 layers Epidermis

outer layer of skin cells Constantly shed and replaced Does not contain blood vessels or nerve endings

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Dermis Thick layer of cells below the epidermis Contains sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous

(oil) glands, blood vessels, and nerves

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Sweat glands Rids the body of waste, such as salt, and help

cools the body by releasing sweat through the pores to evaporate on the surface

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Sebaceous glands small oil producing glands protecting skin Found with hair follicles Sebum – oil produced by these glands Sebaceous layer – layer of fatty tissue below

the dermis Large portion of body fat stored in this layer

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Birthmarks Most vulnerable organ Birthmark – area of discolored skin present at

birth Include different types of freckles and moles May be removed by a physician

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Scars Mark left on damaged tissue after healing Cut, severe burn

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Warts Contagious growth on top layer of skin Caused by a viral infection Grow in groups Spread by contact Can be treated by OTC medications, but best to

see a physician

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Acne Skin disorder where hair follicles become

plugged Prevalent during adolescence Pustule – dome-shaped lesion containing pus

consisting of white blood cells, dead skin cells, and bacteria

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Ringworm Skin condition causing small, red, ring-shaped

marks on skin Caused by fungal infection Can be spread by physical contact Physicians treat with ointments and creams

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Nails and Hair Nails – made of dead cells and keratin – tough

protein Hair – threadlike structure made of dead cells

filled with keratin Hair protects skin from sun rays and helps

maintain body temperature

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Hair varies in amount and color From 100,000 to 200,000 on head Each hair grows with a follicle

A depression on the surface of the dermis that contains nutrients a hair needs to grow

Roots are made of living cells

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The Urinary System

Removes liquid wastes from body Maintains body’s water balance Organs include: kidneys, ureters, bladder,

and urethra

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Kidneys Filters the blood Excretes waste products and excess water in

the form of urine – pale yellow liquid made of water, salts, and other wastes

2 kidneys – on either side of spinal column just above waist

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Ureters Narrow tube connecting the kidney to the

urinary bladder Carry urine from kidneys to urinary bladder

Urinary Bladder Sac storing urine

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Urethra Narrow tube extending from urinary bladder to

outside the body Where urine passes out of the body

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