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CMREugenia A. LarteyDr.Collier

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Life Coaching is helping individuals identify what is important to them. Life coaches help clients to align their thoughts, and words to their actions to achieve their personal and professional goals.

In order for an individual to enjoy their lives, they have to receive better clarity in difficult situations , balance,fulfiment and this is essentially what life coaches offer their clients.

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My name is Eugenia Lartey. I was born & raised in College Park, Georgia. I am fraternal twin and we were born September 29,1983 at Grady Memorial Hospital .My parents are from Tema, Ghana which is in West Africa. Both of parents have been in the United States for over thirty years. Since both of my parents are immigrants, they instilled in us the importance of pursing higher education. I graduated from Banneker High School in 2002. I attended Life University in 2009. My undergraduate degree is in psychology with my life coach certification. "LIFE COACH" it has a catchy ring to it! I can get use to people calling me that! I realize one thing.... In life, we will face many obstacles and trails, but the victory is won when we get up and keep pressing towards our goals and our dreams and we finish them.

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Source: http://www.coachfederation.org/research-education/icf-credentials/core-competencies/

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ICF was formed in 1995, and is the leading global organization, with over 14,000 members, dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high professional standards, providing independent certification, and building a network of credentialed coaches. ICF supports and advances the coaching profession through programs and standards supported by our members and to be a respected source on coaching information and research for the public.

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ICF is the largest global resource for professional coaches and the source for those who are seeking a coach. ICF is a nonprofit organization formed by individual members and professionals who practice various styles of coaching such as, Executive Coaches, Leadership Coaches, and Life Coaches.

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Synergy creates better results much, more easily. ( Coaching is synergistic through its collaborative nature between coach and client.)

When people are fully heard and understood, they move forward instantly.( Without this, people generally slow down-or even stop-in life.)

Any situation can be optimized, turned around, or improved.( And with a coach it can happen much more quickly.)

Fewer problems occur when one has a strong personal foundation.(Rising above the muck of life is job #1 in coaching.)

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Sometimes the client has the answer; sometimes the coach does (It really doesn’t matter where the answers come from.)

You can have a perfect life.(Don’t mock it until you’ve tried it.)

We humans operate at 1 percent or less of our potential. ( Coaching increases this percentage.)

Success is a basic human right! ( Success has nothing to do with deservedness,priviledge,or background.)

• When the client properly defines success for him/herself, coaching accelerates. ( This knowledge naturally positions the client to be more successful with the effort.)

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Most people don’t know what they truly want. (A coach can help clients discover what they truly want it’s a fairly simple process.)

What you put up with costs you dearly. ( Tolerations consume energy,resources,and the human spirit.)

We are all Picassos-in-training! ( The world is waiting for everyone to discover,express,and share their creativity.)

Adopted from: Thomas Leonard

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Future Self ( form of fulfillment in coaching)

The client needs to look at their lives in future self. Future self is considered a higher self because the individual knows his or her strengths, the obstacles they are facing, and the decisions they make. If a client can look at their lives twenty years from now, it will make them more confident about facing their future. Future self will also give the client the answers on how to get to their goals. The future self is a powerful image of what fulfillment looks like. The best way to introduce future self to your client is to create an image of their future self as a mentor or guide. However, the future self is created today, but does not have today’s restraints on it.

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Dancing in the momentDancing in the moment is when the

coach is completely present with the client. The coach is holding the client’s agenda, using intuition, and letting the client lead them. This skill is important to me because this essentially is what makes the coaching relationship so powerful. It is like the coach is hand and hand with the client every step, every turn they are together no matter what is happening. The benefit is that you get to unveil layers and you get to the heart of the matter. I would like to use this skill to uphold the client’s agenda.

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Intuiting (Intuition)Intuiting is the process and trusting one’s

inner knowing. Intuition is a direct knowing uncomprehended by the human mind. The information received by intuition may not make logical sense to the coach; however, it will be quite powerful to the client. This skill is important because this information is coming from higher power above any human ability to understand and the client can receive closure about something through the coach listening in at level III. The information received through intuition from the coach develops into a powerful coaching relationship. I we will like to use this skill because it causes the client to reveal more of themselves to coach because they realize the coach know more than what they are telling him/or /her.

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Powerful QuestionsA powerful question is a open ended

question that do not elicit one word responses. A powerful question evokes clarity, action, discovery, insight, and commitment. This skill is important because it takes the client by surprise, and it causes the client to think at higher level. The benefits are that it causes the client to forward the action and deepen the learning. I will use this skill to make clients think about the agenda we are upholding and I will ask these powerful questions to provoke them to make the action necessary to follow through on their agenda.

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Articulating what is going onThis skill involves telling clients what

you see them doing. It may be what you are hearing with your level II listening, or you may tell them what they have not said based on level III listening and awareness. This skill is important because express the issue at hand in their lives, and institution allows you to give the clients more insight about their situation. The benefit is the it gives the client awareness of their situation to make the necessary changes. I will use this skill to allow client’s to hear themselves by repeating what they say.

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Metaphors Metaphors are used to paint are

verbal picture for client. Examples of great metaphors

are: At 212 degrees, water boils. One

extra degree makes a difference.

To get what we never had we must do what we never done.

The margin for victory between an Olympic Gold medal ,and no medal at all is extremely small. For example, In 2004, men’s 800m the margin of victory is .71.


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