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  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    KnowledgeManagement Life


  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    System Analystdata & Information from the userUser highly dependant on the analyst for


    Knowledge developerCaptures knowledge from people with known

    knowledge in the firmDeveloper dependant on people for solution

    Difference b/w Conventional System &KM System

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Interface of System AnalystUser knows the problem & not the solution

    Interface of Knowledge DeveloperKnowledgeable person who knows the problem

    & solution

    Difference b/w ConventionalSystem & KM System

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Development is sequential

    Design is incremental and interactive

    Difference b/w ConventionalSystem & KM System

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Testing at the End of the System

    Testing (verification & Validation) from thebeginning of the Cycle

    Difference b/w ConventionalSystem & KM System

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Process Driven & documentation oriented

    Process Result oriented- Start slow & grow

    Difference b/w ConventionalSystem & KM System

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Does not support rapid prototypingSupports rapid prototyping incorporate

    changes on the spot refining the system

    Difference b/w ConventionalSystem & KM System

    Structure the Problem

    Structure a Task

    Build a Task

    Reform the Problem

    Make Modifications

    Rapid Prototyping

    Repeated Cycles

    Repeated Cycle

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    User v/s Knowledge Worker

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Fo rm th e K M Te a m

    K n o w led g e C ap tu re

    E v a lu a tin g E x istin g In fra stru ctu re

    D e sig n K M B lu e p rin t

    &V e rify V a lid a te th e K M S y ste m

    Im p le m e n t th e K M S yste m

    &M a n a g e th e C h a n g e R e w a rd S tru ctu re

    Po st S y ste m E va lu a tio n

    KM System Life Cycle

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    System Justification

    Scope of Evaluation

    Determine Feasibility

    1.Evaluating ExistingInfrastructure

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Knowledge lost due to knowledge workerretirement, departure

    Need at several locationsAre experts available and willing to help

    Does it require years of experience & cognitivereasoning

    During knowledge capture does the expert knowhow to solve the problem

    How critical is the knowledge capturedAre the task non algorithmicIs there somebody who believes in the benefits of

    a KM system

    System Justification

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Limiting the breadth and depth of the projectwithin the financial, HR and operationalconstraints

    Readiness of the companies current technology

    Identify the gap areas between the currenttechnology and the requirement of the KMsystem

    Understanding of benefits and limitations

    Scope Factor

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Is it doable - Can it be completed within areasonable time

    Is it affordable Does the system benefitsjustify the cost

    Is it appropriate What is expected to get outof it

    Is it practical - How often will it be constructedand at what cost


  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Are the users aware of the KM system in thedesigning

    What training is required for the user

    What operation support is needed

    User Support

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Identify the key units, departments, divisions asthe stakeholders in the prospective KM System

    Balance the team size and competencyorganizationally, strategically & technically

    Caliber of team members in terms ofPersonalityCommunication skillsExperience

    Team size (4 to 20)

    Complexity of projectLeadership & Team MotivationPromising more than can be delivered

    2.Formation of the KM Team

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Apply appropriate tools to capture ExpertsKnowledgeExplicit knowledge documents, files other mediasTactic Knowledge company experts, Data mining

    Collecting, analyzing & interpreting knowledgeused by experts in solving problems by the team Interviews with knowledge experts Interview the users

    Knowledge developer identify the problem domainCapture the knowledgeWrites & tests the heuristicsCoordinates the entire project from beginning to

    the end

    3. Knowledge Capture

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Inter operability & scalability with the existing ITinfrastructure

    Finalize the scope of proposed KM system with netbenefits in mind

    Required system components user interface,

    knowledge directories, mining toolsDevelop key layers

    User factorAuthentication / passwordCollaborative agents & filters

    Application layerTransport internet layerPhysical layerStorage devices holding the Information

    4.Design a KM Blueprint

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    VerificationPrograms do what they are designed to doRight knowledge is available when needed in

    the format needed

    Evaluate technical performanceValidation

    Meets user expectationUser friendly

    Usable and scalable on demandReliability of the KM System

    5.Test the KM System

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Converting the KM System into actualoperation

    Quality assuranceReasoning errors

    Firm has never had a layoff so it will never havea layoff

    AmbiguitySell the bad stocks

    False representationUser Training

    6. Implement the KM System

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Experts anxiety about sharing of information

    User Resent lack of recognition (helped inbuilding KM)

    Troublemaker obstruct installation, cause delay

    Narrow minded Superstars

    Manage Change & RewardStructure

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge Management Life Cycle


    Change in the accuracy and timeliness ofdecision making

    Constructive organizational change

    Attitude of the end user

    Change in the cost of operation

    Change in relationship between the end users

    Cost justification

    Post System Evaluation

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