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Page 1: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are



ourns enne y The l!.~•lnftllon ur l'rl"\ld(nt Kennedy cam~ Ill! a chill·

I nil' Mhotk to Amtrlra. The horrible und •~•mlnfCiy impcloc.<ible deed had been done and the l'rftlidMt or tho \lnilecl S tales Ia)' dead. For houN lht nullon lo-ttntd and rtfl~ltd in dl~­beller a t neWll or lht .. hootinr and the rinal. l ragir r<'pori or hl• dtalh.

A8 the drtndful rta lit> rorrtd itH pr C"t<onre into peopltos' mind><. tho mood or lht ~untr,\ turned f rom ~hotk lo KrioJ. Tht nt,.ly ,.,.IH'n·l n t•rb<ldtnt , l .)' lldon J ohn."""· proelaimtd &Iunday "" a 1111llonul day or mournin~r. Hho,.·n bore at lhe left. J>r~~ldent JohDI'<ln ron.""l"' &!..,._ Jnrqutllne Kuntdy mOMl'ft\10 aft or ht toolc thr lllllb O( oH irt' .

It Is th<' nature or our demorrury that thr ne,.· l'rt~<ident ran not pn~ befon owmmi.nll' the duli\'11 or hill orne~. l'rt>tl· dMI Joh""'"' mu•l turn nway (rum the l~"'"ved Mrs. Kon· ntdy and offt'r "'" ltlldtr~<hlp to the nnt lon now in d~p need or guidance.

We will nnrr be nbt~ to Cully cuh·ulale the ntt nning of l'rtt~idenl Kennrdy'K '"'"'""'innllun. II L< d lrtloult lo under· 11tc~~nd ,.,hut I bbc viulrni 11cl rurbude~ ror our "'l<'ldy-whel h~ lhi!l yeur or ••lolenre. whlr h sotw the ll&'lal4141nallon o( Med~rar Everll a nd I he b o "'bIn JC or four r hlldren in llirml ngham, nt.urk ll gent•rul MC'Inl dct·ny. We c•tn not knO\\' what dieter• ence l'rt'Jildtnl Ktnnedy '11 perHonul le:•dt•r•hip might l•a••t mnde lo domt'llllc 11nd \\t>rld pr'OJCrt'AA.

lluL ,..~ do knoll' thnl the '""" 11 profound.


'TIN f'ruUl Bltall llw You Free"

Dr. A. B. Brill•

- Nowm~~.r 30. t9n IOc Per


Ll an d letJipl to answer t'Omc of Uto quu· Uona ot a w'orld otunned by tho do~th of Pro•· lden~ John Fl!:~gerald Kennedy, outspoken :Miui,.Jppi leaders expre•& their <>pinion•, an<1 eoneern.a for the naUM'i luiure.

"The dulb .t U.. ,reskleat came ao a • ..,....,. oho<k t. ...... who ha4 rrown •• ra-w .... 11 love him. f, like moay ott"""• am left amaao4 ud •-blt'So." Dr. A. Jl , Brit._ ...W.

Dr. Britwn. Temporary Ch~irmon of tho :Missiulpp! Civil R IghI • Commilt~. and Treuurer of the MetropolJilln Cham~r of Commerce tell mat ''peace In our time h•• been. doall a ,...,at setbae.k."

Empbaslzin& the prosldenl'a lnnucnct on lbe nAtion IOI1d on the CivD RlghiJI Movem.,.l , J>r. BrlttOCI Jtaled, "r feel thai he wu the Onl¥ man who eould hAve led us lo the typo or poatoe that • •e strive ror. Tb,. ~1ov<'mrnl llu been given a blow thai will ~ hard to recupena:te from .. ''

Ond~.dinln1 the President'• lmponance 10 the Civil Rights MoYCI1\<11t, Mr. Samuel B ailey ltattd:

" We ban lo•l - .t the peote..t mtft of oar time, a maa who wotketl for th• commm• ,..., nm. IUI<il hlm.Klf u<Oftd. llo loolled on tboo N qN u a ""'"• •"" upheld • n oUilude lnolisfM'•Able ta tboo Mowmeal. Ia thl• re· _d,- will t.e able to OU Jt'K'o . ....... :• ll!lr. Balkr Ia W Vlee PrHid~nl of the J O<It• - B ..... h N&ACP, IOI1d Pro.rnm Cholrmon .t U.. Stale NAACP.

JI\ICIIJ fl!IUI'CM fu~ poo·mltl i1111 j ITCSIKIIJ>ibi lily ~o eonllnuc. " In "u••h ca•cs, the man who .,..Jiod the trlner I• not wholly responsible -41 Ia lho•c who preoell ltatrecl •"" .. ,,.., • • lion •ralnlit l""lvlduol• who ore tile real mvrde:rcn of tbe•e two l'reat le.atlc:r• Ia tl1o fAit 81hc month'i,u i.:Yf'" ~t•tf'CI .

Sinl()lnfl out llos• u .. rneu. Georr,-c Wal­lnce, the Clll•e.>~ CouneU, and the Ku Klu~ Klan. Evoro ronllnu~>d. " Unle .. Ull• Jypo of mind and uruani•allcm b replaced by those who re,:pect law ond oe'der. oulrageoWr' inca· dt•nlf w•ll continuo 10 Ink" ploc.,."

I. S. S~ndert, Prc>ldeni of the Metro­politan Chombcr or Cummer~<". and State Cltairman or the United Negro CuliCRC t'und ""Prt'•'ed tho hot><' I hat the ,. oriel .,.ould ptn knowttdg~ btcttu .. t: of l.h~ tratic tYftl't.. ..,

hope Jh• l II will be a m CUJ of purl(ioC llll natloru. and - •• of lhl• evil. The 4u th of Ute Pre,Hfe• t I• MuM lo ha ,•e • 1reet rffef't UJMN'I the r our-..e ef hhtor3 1a ••r •"~" ~ountrr •'"' In tf~ w• rW:'

l'olnllna out thai the attention or the na· tl<.n will be dro\fn 1<1 rhe manner In whleh tho new Pr&ald.,nt, l .yndon B. J!Jtln·.on " Ul hnndlc the Ctvll Rillhla Blll, Snndcra 14id, "II Jot of oppooll!ou com .. nOI ltorn the bill 01

propn<a.l ltoolf. but lro111 tho relullooshlp ~><>· '"'ecn tho pe<•ple who are tryln.c to uct il thrwlfh. l'erhapl , Joon.lllft will u•e hh oDI· aneo with t11c Soutb lu gel it pn•std."'

COMMUNITY U:AD&al ••• I• l•t117ret eoMt o,lalll ........ t·•·., ,.~ .. , lit__.,.

Charles Evers, Field S<!cretary for Ute NAACP, bListod the "atmosphe"" ot h•lred" thai tlldecl ln. the lre,;c dealll of ltla brother, Medcar Evet'l, and tbl deotiJ of the Prul· dent. " I ••• very moved and hurt over U•• incident, .. E,....a stated, "It 1.1 tbe moat In• buman lbior llutt oould hue hap~ alnce the brutal murder of my broUter ouly a low Jnontha ago."

EvorJ bl•lll .. lire MU111J loiiCNII 0( ~

llllcmptln• to Interpret the errcet or the l're>ldcnt'o deoU1 upon the ClvU Rlthta lll o••­"'""'· SNCC •·lold !k'cretary Robart MOSt>• po; od tho quo•tlco, that the notloo mu•t Wlk afier •ulfcrlnll aueh a lou. " Will lhe ~ountry be movod to rote r<'al le•ue'j{ ond that wbkb Ia to be dono, or wlU ll oltl U1e blomc out· aide of Ame•·lca and du nothing nbout the cond.ltl~n whlcll fOf torod Ullt acl or vlo· Mut t !" .

Page 2: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are

I Page 2

Editorial Page

Wa ITAND..::. • • •

D.IGlllD U'llNO tT A PfDA.AIIe

111'"1'£. f:DOCATtOHAL OPJI'fWJ'lJlfrTUII

.aaw. JUI'IlCII ••• IH Mtn1U IP01

Assassination And Climate Of Violence

.A~rlca.n famiiiM obecrve Thank8Kivln~r this year neath 11 1hadow which ~.retchee oc roos the .country. The ah11dow ralls from the riJVre oi the man shot to death last Friday by an uMBBin'~ bullet.

For the paMt rew day~ the eountry hao been In a lltate of ahoelc o1·er the a~MIIAinatlon; It hnd n~"umed that auch an event could not occur In A mer lea. "We may el(~ tbeae things to happen In countrl~ where unr~"t and anarehy are t he rule, but not In the United StatM," one Mle•latlppl ot.fl­eiAI declared.

Yet we mul!t point to our lAck or und~,.,.tandln11g In AI· t~~~miu,l( t.he M~alll!hwtion to be lmt)()Nible, ror thla act of vlo­~ce did not ~ur All .. pl't1:C<Ir nt. On th~ eontr11.ry, It came atur America had witJteMed other even~ or a eha.racter only too ~imUar to this one.

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Saturday, IWvernller 30, 1963

Importance Of City . Gov'L Grows Sin<:e lhe popula tion o1 Mit· to money from the atate aod mailltaia aDi -·te boolo!nf

olttlppi ia prilftuly rur, t, coun- fedora! 10vemment. projectt wben !.hue is a abort·

1 diK ed Noedlett to aay that atthouah ace ol low-rent, aare, aad aanJ. cove l"llll\en waa . ,_ everyone mutt pay the .. tuft, tat]' dw~ rar ...,._. ol WHit u tbe moat Ullportant - ..,.,17011., receives lhe aame low ille.,....o.

k>on ol local aovernment. Ytt, benefltt from lhem. The city When !hue .. , ri<• an DGt there is a cradual ahift or PGIJU· muot ..tabUah lire ead polite proyjded .. U..,. ~ be, laUon from lbo rural areaa to protcc:tloo ead mabltaia tree d tlzms aheuW - tbeir ?Otes lhe citlet 10 lha t municipal. or public ae'-lt. The ell)' alao to .,..... .uieiela wtoe hawe I ' 1 b., ltlo powu to _,truet. bem lax.

ely ~~e DOW ~Otnlf~~--~~-------------------------------------

more lluu~ a. thlrd of lhe ~· ---lli!ll7l!ll!l!IMIIllJI!i!llfillliJ'I~ In MhsJU1ppl. &r < --

'lbere are maoy differ_., ! FREEDOM WRITER An4y Mitchell

l :~::::eoun~ ~,. amt DWillclpal F :r •• Se • ~ ev... ltloucb bolh om""' TVJee Iii mUtt tee~ lbe ft -

same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are created I received a Iotter lbal 1 dlu aUdle.l wMil ayaelf. I look by lhe ttalo ead follow 1M nalet lhouct>t wat pretty meanlnlful i~ out .., IIIMr jle4lpla. M3' laid down by lbe ttale, wl\ile the olber day. And alnte I've &TmdlalheP ...- to a.T to me, cities ,..., run by lhe lnbabil.al!lt beel aqueezed out by lhe other "U you hate Jwnelf, 7W tlarl of • eertaia orea, ead for lhe lnformoUon In lbll paper, 1 batlnf eve17111M:r ebe." most part, ope.oate ODlr ac.,.,nl· llhoujbl I 'd prlnllt. lb. ---lng to feDUat Jawt laid down Dear Andy: ~~ by lhe state. From reading artlclN about Dear Sir:

In order tor tbe c:1ty to meet lhe l'amUy Servlee AltoclaUm, And bolla& Ia what - want lhe needt or tbe people in Itt I falned o 1re1t deal of ln.tllht everybod7 ta ..... area, it mutt Je-q tueo, ead about ll>e problema lhat my t..e, add tb~ t&x money II reeel"" famU;r !.1 havlnr. Becau..,l waa Andy

Chamber of Commerce

Road To Progress The ~layln~ of Medpr Ev~ Ia a atrilrlng parallel. A Oullinh>g a broad approt~do to tuR>Ort o1 lha adult edutaUon The Boon! _.,. • meet-

111gb powered rifle, a teleecopk alfbt, a ealculated plan, and bualneat ead c I vic llw••• pfOIIUil. 1n lhe -nl• o1 L s. of lhe 1eneral mU>bonbipd llatred combined to murcler an outapoken and a Jollt le.der. ment, the Boon! of Dl.ree1ore o1 Salldera, Chamber Prelidem, to be beltl - the aeeo11 The nme elreum&tancea aurrounded the Pn!sldent'a death. lhe Jltt.ropolltall c h 1 mb • r e1 "To cot fOOd )obi JOU J1Md Weclnelda:J in ~- Un-

The church bombln~t In Blrmln~ham and the re.ultln~r Commerce bold lhetr _....., hlcb ac:Mol diploma ud clau- til tb.t lim!• .,. worlt ol tbe death of four ch lklnn ~nda from a almllu cHmat.e oflmeetinc laat WedDftdaJ. room tralnlnf. Tbere ahoulcl be Chamt>u ~.ill N ....,., by tbe ltatred and lawltNnMB. Although aeveral memben three or four hundred ~· vuloua com-1-.

t.l1ed tied lb....... .-.rolled ID lhe proiHJD." Leal c.-wWaw Ct !aJ ln et1t h ~ the counU,. ~ctetl a~ It Ia ree~ tiO'Il'- !bote P~.:.U aet ..,• a:~ than 1eo are eurrent17 taldna Siaee 11M -- ~· ,.,.

witb 8hock and aonow. Volcea of a nvrr were ra1Aed aphlat ead romisina e«UM Jor 11M adult tducaUon couraea at Jill\ ~ble 1M eai'1'Jlng - tbe t.hoM who had committed the 11ct1: volc:es or &'rie1 ~ ~ber Worlrlnl lbreoqll Bill IIIP &eMoL ldeaa ol the O..mll«, tt.oir ..,. fM tboee who w- km.ct. Yet nothlne waa doH to alte:r the mmlllee atal,.,_ta tN To ,.u. ,., .. , aupport lor tmtlet .....,. ......, • ~ dlmate ill which the te-rrible acta took piACf'. Jn Birminl'ham. cUrected Ita 1~ 1e .,. Cllamber'a ac:Uvltlea, tbe 11M Cbaabu'a ~ the bombinp tontlnued, and In MI.,.IN~ippi, violence l.lalnel fieldt .....,.., from the ....u. Boanl be&an a drive to upend TM!r n ; • ..,._.., pMt, but civil ripta -rkmt Ia atiU common. tloo or eity atroett 10 federal ita m-borlhip. Nolu Tate, the botlefllt el t1ieir ~-In

Now, OIIH .,.Un we f~ an act of violence. awesome ln aovernmct lc>aM for ..,..1) b..,.. cbal-an ol tbe membenblp terau ol Mtt. .,.aile ...Wtles, It« II('()Jl". And •~in. t he eountry •nd 1111 lentlen ans fil"ft.t IDe...,_ ~mlu ... aald he hoped tho more jelle, _. *"' r I ift.

thallenged to undentand the a t m011phtre which fot~l.ered the -~Siql;2-;;au~.U~IIM;U.~.~~~.,_~~~cunent~;~llt~l~ol!::ove:r~100:_:w:OI:IIkl:~d~ualt]';~ID~IM~£"~""';•~e;::-::ll7: alayilll!'. and lleCOftd, to aet' to ehan~ that atm<ll!ph~re. 1'be Board alfirmed .Itt ltNoll ot IHel .,....,., eoulll .. ,_ .-w. 1/ action Ia to come It must be f'"'CMM by andt'l'lll:a11d·

in~t and It Ia at thle level that our country has not ~Mt It« J)rlnmry l"N]>Oilllibllltlea. In our -n atntP. polltlelane have thn>l\'11 up a nMulblock to underat.nn•llntr by '''Jr"I'OM ~up. pteNion of '-"1 view other than whnt tht~ hold to be th._. ·orthodox. F'ol' ex~tmple, It Ill onl~ now. a )'<'Rr too lAte. thl\t lndlvltluola In lli'Ailemlr life hn,·P rn.rnn to rnunter the 'I'Oli­t lrilms and tell Ml&~~l8~lppiana the truth about the Ole :Mil!~

Mississippi Education; Separate, Unequal

r iota. White Mlulsslpplant lille to ataJ .... .r ,.ut101. Tbey floe. On t he national level. th~ n('l'd I• MlnAII)' P""•in~r to un- that lhe atate't aehool f• · -lldT .. • 1 molle • real at·

MNIIMul t he r llmatc which ro~lerA vlolenre. It mu~t be rHI- cllities ore separete but oqual. '-•,C le view their •"'••olee latd thnt the Prealdcnt'a murdn Is nf'l lh~ i100latf'd work e f But a meek ot the olaUaUu ::..-:: .. -::::::-!:.': : ... :.::: .j a left-wing Cl'ftCkJW-, but an net lwlm in • yen~rnl ntm()!l'(lltt'~ s D thot ""'rmlta vlolcmce araln~t m~n "'ho nrt on their ldeae. compiled by lhe late eparl· IN Illata, lo•t rather •• jllllt U ·

"' ment or Education abowt 11>11 etloer JM, Our willinl!'llt'lllJ to moum natl<>nnl 1 1'1\ltl'd l~• ~·tt our l't'· Mississippi's Kgrea•led t~•lli· Pri••l,als Ote Stu•enlt

lu~tanec to analyze thtlr nx>b ~hn rrl>• c>u tliul'~ • foi'!J•ketl lieo provide anylhlnJ but ~"•l Thty ""' their t ehools u o duty w~ owe to ou1'8elv•_. and to our I!Odet)•; that 1~. the usc 1.,,.,,..rtur.ilioa. plat e to malla monty, to do or tragedy to further our kno .. •lt dlllt a nd Jill ide our future tbtlr Jobs qulotly. Some do not aeUon. In areas rangln' from ochool tvm toke lhis view. School

\_'OftS:INt.tion to tea cher v amin«. prinC'ip.olc have bHn knoVt'n to

Miulssippi FrM Press tho stale's Negroes are put ol -· Fedora! sdlool lunch an Wlf~ir dioad••ol>II Ce. The rt· Pn>ltams bocauae they lei • .WIS of ln~uallty >how up 1tll pcrtenlalt of the amount tabn

The labor•~ Ia U.O • ION

apot. kleaa "'11W.•ent k bani to find, ... ...... ... ""' enoup toaiMit Hepo &eadlen. In lho libru7 it to .,. .....,e story. Thole vt 111 whl., have tbem, fn 1 l'dl7 lone oalJec:. tioot o( boea.t wllklo we far too elementAt]' lw t1>e otudenu' need. Selectee .,. hiator7 booka of aU II:IDdt are ia .._. ~-


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ID from aaleo In lhe acbool • loo>t lhe Une. and !tad to pc!Or colett:rill. Job•. poor homu. one! bleak lnet~uaiHy ab o results from lr=========="1 bv~ the lodlltiea provided for Ne-

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~~·-----------------------------A«Jrel (lty _ _____ _____ ,..t ___ _

FRIEf PR!SS-538)!1 N. r-arlsh, Jack110n

n.. binm lo<l•• .......... gro od>oolo. Generally there It aaaittsl .,.,... mtatleoo Ia Ml· - ...-ab <laNroOm •paee. IJ1 rerotlaa. The So• rt- c..n the ••ott thoro are 131 whit• 4ed 4o4 Ia IJ5C tlaot ugnaoW t ciK>c>ls lor 28:s.:sot pupils, and lo<llllita wue iaNI'eMI;r - !C Ne~ro sehools lor rll,lfl ,... ... &, aiWI Mt .. lnl,~'a ..,...,. ot...tm~. •••v• !llot ..-c. PorlHtlet Vor1

Segrqotleoo a-u Jn~Nie tht schoolt the diller· ~ botomo even plainer.

" Jt".s tho wont -• ID 11M ,.or ld ." .,..., Negro tudlel a..W. White ad>ooll are utUally more

aur .. tlvt, moel of lhe Ilene of " 11 m~aat tbat ll>e ~~ ~!'b!c• lllo-r;r a.ad brick oonttNe· are Ur?t 10«' lhe whit". Tv ""-· rret~uftlllr N•rro soltolm ...., lhin&', N e I r o teat'Mre, .,. '-"1M o1 claderbloclt. It Ia trained ill illadet~uate HelM v.~ n rc Nt1ro achool that hu ! cbooll, cannot be opect .. tea • epa r ale &Ymnulum mel

l!le aame ldncl ol ~ N u..lr autiJtorlum. U•ually they are CCIWI!t:rparta. rPr~~bln...t In ane room. which

,.. .,.... .... _.. Ia malM<I it to~u·-•1.1 dlllieult to wa;rt. N.,.. taatlwn. put m playJ, CMcerta, 0«' even

-..q t1 ...._ ,.., IMe el ..... •r<M1l7 •nt mblloa,

'" ................ n,_...

Page 3: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are


S.turdooy, November 30, I 963 MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS

Courthouse Segregated (Ed. Nol•: ,.., ,....,.,. •I ~~~ he talc! " you aU t><>me out ol to caU mo. !Je said very rouch·

crUde il Mt'f. v.,.. Pl.-ft. Sh hrre!' llucri•u ~ .... , .. P«Wio o/flcloC. 'Come Out' b'. "Vua, eome out of here·•. •I Cl~ -i• t•i• ,~, "'"' 1 h-~ In a low minutes I walked out.

- tntered one ol the In· • · th ~--plio• •I 1-1111<'1 i• t.MI p•~llt cllvlclual boothl and proceeded • tut outside e rel!troom ':""'• ••il•li•1 .. ) lo uae ,.me, but M1u Jonea ttood L. A. Rou, the ShHill of

I entered the ladles rwtroom wee atendlna in the restroom. Coaboma County, Ch~ Co!U..., In the County Coul'lhouae that Chlof CoUina thoo called to bet and Thomas "Babe Peanoon, the hu 1 111:11 on the door sayln& ''tty aoudly " WUma come out Coun p · At ''White Ladlea." I entered the or here." About the' second or ty rosecuttnJI toTnoy. room alone with • friend of third Ume he called abe slowly Mr. Rou said '·Don't you aU m ine at about U :• A.M. Tho made ber ult and stood juat co In ther<' Anymore." Chlef ol Polio:+, Ben C. Collins ouuldo the door, ,.1uch the thiJ we went back Into entered the rwtr ... m within • Chid had l<!lt ~· Courtroom. minute ot two, Aa he eatered He came beck In and btogan

I colled Y r. Ro.. tatu same da.y. November 12, 1963. Over 65? -- Che«:k

Social Security to romplaia to blm about lhr IN MlSSISSIPPI , ••rroratiM b ati.U the rut ef Uoe I•""·

Many people In the Unltl!d ehould •cain sci In toue.h with States who are o•er ace 65 may the soclo l aecurtty offiee and not realize that they have sec U they are now eligible. monthly social security ~n&- Worken Ellslble

action of th~ Chief of Polite in 'tb1a ·~colorM Entrant'• .. to a euovle theater la Greeav1Ue • County Building ;, the prM· dem•••tralu \lab rut ........ y .. that ltrlalatloo b - ·-en,ce of the She-riff. Mr. ROtt: aar1 te " ' '•• aurh de1ratl\"t ''•t.tltc.•. aaid, uwben \\ .. e puU these S~1r~1aUvn Is the rule In vtht<r ty,ea of eatabUshme••t.s. atunts, we put h.lm on the spot. " Althoul(b declo red l tl•cat by • 5th Clrcwlt C...rt decl•l•, Re • sald, "y()U know you .e.-arate walt.lnr 1'1Ktnu are "1111 tnalntalned br lnt·crstate b.u111 dJdn't have any busineas going Une1. Abe, loclUtl .. ho nooat of lhe olote'• public bultcllnc•

fils comln& to them, aect,.'ding to J ohn F. Pate, JOCIII aecurlly district manacer In Jackson,

in tbue and 1 don~t wunt to l·p;';;;'';;;";;;";;;'n;;;;;••;•;;;•;•lf;;;";;;tiicolii.iiiie;;;;;;iiiiiieu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Many persons over age &.5, h.w·t anybody!' who are working Lull Uma or 1----'---''--------­pn r'l: Um•. m oy now be eligible 1 ::"""""""""""'"'"""""""""""" ... -on Mississippi. to aet •ome n>onthly aoclal ••• " D . FOURTH STREET .L,. DRUG STORE

WILLIAMS "66" SERVIa STATION P"yment of these ~nell!$ Is curl(y beneflts.~~F:o~~r~:~~~~:~~~ " We'll Build on Your Lot"

not a.utomaue. An awllc:atlon If a person'• L'" Vonne Bu:lders I Ia $100 and he ba1 ~W> " •Cf•r'"""'*'• h •••J DN11 Under New M¥\jl,eMe"nt

:must be fill!d In order lo reee ve $2000 per yeu, be aUIJ FHA -VA Ill••"' Will ond Bon WoiU..,. any 80Cia.l aocurlty beneflta. be eUglbl& for $650 In ~nefita au fOUITI' STIIIT - Try alld T.., Us FM n-•- ~~ th l •~ ltJZ ........, ~~

Mr. roo"' Ill '"" 8 .,,e tor lbe year. C:U.atlSOt.l.l. WIU. -Service amowal of wotk oeceaaary to Me would be entitled to ptr·l~~~~~~~~~~~= T.t-•·--o Molo 4-UU ~-, ~--le•• ~oo Net!d< •• cet beneflq .... beea ellanaiMI . ell I .,._ ~ ~ ... In r-t ~- --~ aome ~ple tlal blndots bo(,au•e (or ea 605 Whitfield Mill -~ ~--- • ...,. ...-• •1200 __ ,. ,.,.,_. IJnr, - Olft•• $-.bit

who ,.._ pte~ told they $2 he .. m• between • · ..,.., l't. ,_8131 ,...,....,.,. .... , • ..,.,, C.ll FL 5 ·9127

...,.. iDelllible18

ayDOwq..aUty. $1700, he loses on.ly one dollar ll Delltoa funeral Home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~=; PeHON who -• yeatw eco In benefits. For eaeh dollar be ;; were cleftied benefit. Oil the earr\1 ebove $1700 be loses ooe Courteous, Personal Service baais ol inrufflelea t work, dollar In benoflts.' Burial Insurance Visit •. •

N.r. Pate emphaslud thai Ambular~ee Service BEL A/R ESTATES r-------· 1two partl<:ular •roups-thole m ..... - .... - ......

Peaches Cafe over ••• 65 (even thoulh still Jackso~• PreBtige Area workln&), and U.O.e preYiou.sly ----------- • • • • denied bel>eflta beuoae ol Hew Homes fnlfft $10,700 to $20,000 and up lq not worked er~-abould r-----------. • • • •

.... c.tlt .... IU I. flltall a.

1et In toucb with the neare•t aOLM lUll SIIYICI FHA, VA, C0t1 .. 11tionof looM aoclal aecurity office. • • • •

....._... . lllaG



Subscribe To The 'FREE PRESS

And Get The Truth $1.00 a year (52 issues) """ ... -............

Cet ..,_.., Friend• to S•bscribe 531 ~ N. F.,lth St., Joc"-

PieiOM f ind -.ctos.d $·---­( I $1 In Mlaal11lppl ( I $4 out of 1t1te


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()pefl Every Day Until Dart.; • • • • c.u 366 6456 - 362--4822

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-. ~ ... ltrown, G-een, and other colon



It's Here! CHUKKA


r• lflotlt Wlltttl o.r - SJt.Poltu n cortttt illl(tt coi«M, tlll(re 01111flllt*e - Md lhfr MA IOf •••• lht~ •111 ctmp~~lble Ilion you un ..... ..,........... - .

..... ._, tt •n• 1"f Slltu Senlctl ., • .,.,.. at


Page 4: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are

Page 4 MISSISSIPPI fREE PRESS Saturday, November 30, 1963

BaslretbaJJ S~ason Foster Cllildren Church Activities Opens At J'aelrson Need Help From · Jo>m ,w '1111 ~Is~~~~ .. ""'""" .....

. Generous Santas "Or•m•r low ,,.,,, .,o "'"" tom .... io/1 Stt•i<• lbllk.,tb~ll get3 undC!rwny at Oramblmg College __ Jan. rhnrc tltiJ, lltlll 11 ,1111111 IIIJ' ' ''""" - UIIIT WTJST CIIUIICll

Jnt.lrson State College wheJ) the Southern Unlverslly• _ Jan. u Unle~s.ten<>rous &>e?PIC In ou·r lcls life (or his frimcdst This 224£. lttl SlrHt 'l'lgus host the Tougaloo College Southttrn University _.!an. communcty take ac~on, many JU.,a of 1<11'< 0 nd ·fritltldslci" •s~· ~..!f119~ ..• 30

Putor Cugcra Monclay, Deeemb<>r 2, at . . . . children wlU nol rcctJve Chrrat· bl ·1 .. 1 11. f ·;' ~-• ~-Coil d p rk Audit · H MJ .. l~cpp1 Voeat1onlll _.ran. 15 <Il•· u 1~ e ..... h 'ld '" • """'a" ty. . «att.O#. o I, Sllldly lloroilla Worsb" II 00 e.e a or>Um. op- . ...... I • Y ar. '""'" e I . • dltr'dual lti "I s d lCIIJic lng lo have • favorable s:easo·n, Tuas Southern• Jan. 2S tu who do not have paren'l• to 1? 1 ".~~>ums tu•, Hll"' t IN w Slludl .. the buk.otball schedule !or the Pralri@ View" Jan. t1 clve them gi1ts arc ulllcing to be MIIJ lurve """ smtttl ,.,,,,, " 0 "':r.:. ~~. 39-41 .- • tall seuon II a• tallows: Touguloo College Jan. SL "adtl(lled" as !o&leJ' cllildren tor tegorlls 10 race, crud, 0~ oolor. ~~ Emlot WOI\illp 1:00

T Wiley Col.!·•·• Feb 1 the Christmas g(vlng •e:uson. - Rtv, J\. !If. llrclrmoJtd T.,IC, ougaloo College• _ Dec. 2 ~~~ · .,.. . · ,. •- CMPil &12 ~•c• St. ,........ 111 1e •~c~r--•·

Arkansas AM&N• --,feb. 3 •••• Hind$ »Gun ty Wellare •••· $, L Webb, l'oslor st Jolin lr 6-7 Mlu. Vocational CoUeKe• Arkansas AM&:N Feb. 10 Dt•pt., Child WeUore Division, ILOO WonltiP S.~lee Pll\n IIDIOIIAI. llfTMetiST Cl!Uacll --------L~ee. H I• a.ppealing lo oc:garuzalions 7:00 Wortlli!> S.cvrco 1057 l"oscapoll st

Stillman Colle11c Dee. 20 Texai Sol!thern - - - l'eb. 1./j and lndl viduul• to p.lay !he role IIUTU lUll AMt 110M CMUitW h•. All .. !:,_JoiiMoft, I'IJ!or Stillman College Dec. 21 Prah·!tt View Jrcb. 17 o! Santa l'<rr Jo.<tcc• ehlldren. Blolr Stfeot 11<00 Wor':w S.r•lc• Bishop Collcga Dec. 27 Aleom College eb~ 22 Welfare pcpt. •ay~ that it =~ \~~~:.;.~:SW' 7,30 Ennftle Otsl\lp $oMet Bi$hOp CoUcne De 2!1 Orombllng College Feb. 24 lncka the fund• td provcdc ode- Spetill boob, TIUll133""Pf ..... ~~.CMUICll

c. girts Lot· all the chUdren. Yo~tll bo"ftllsm rtocram &,oo P.M. "' SUQmnn College _ Dee. ~1 'All home g a 01 e 0 wUI be lt you or y<.rut organization "'I~ oulil for Cllrlsl" =~ ~1. C. Ill=- h ttOf

( ln .l'U$CR!OI>.'Io, Alabnmn) pl•«·A at Colleg• P•rL ' udJ. ld t'L ,_ CUTUL IIP•IST CMUIICM IJ,OO , ....... ,~ - · ·•, .. '""'' ~ ''" .o Wt>U ... e 10 sponsor a u.>ter Ill £. Cilurch Street ~-.. ~·~'

Alcorn Collc~e _ Jnn. 4 toc·lum ni 7 ·oo p m hUd Ch · w p T Toole: -----~-------__:___:_ _ __:__;·.:.;_::.;_·::.:.· ____ c no a rratmas project, a... . . •Yior, l"ostor "Tiro -If=-

plc•se ~elepboue the Cbrlit.mu 11 :00 Sundly ""'nln~ Wotslllp 7·.00 •-'- w-wh t ' G · 0 Cl • 1 •• ruiStl STIUT W TIST CMCN ·~• fl 0 S 01ng n . . . uong >ouse, FL S,Swl., from 619 rarish Slr1tt Topic:

_ Nov. 25 unt:tl D~e. 18. a.ew. $. L Wbibley. ,...stor .,._ ..

I T h S • I w I d ---<>- IL:OO Wotsllip $orvlu S....lll (Mots: n e 0 C I a 0 r f ·.J • 6<00 Sll!ldl1 Evenlnl S.rvlce A - ·IIIII - nne ..tartin\ Doce•il>•• 11IIICfiiiOft • • • - 1E11 WTJST CIIWCH 2 llltotllh Dee-. 6. tv. C. T.

•·· T a 1 p •·· TllolllloO will llo 11M '""""· floc ,... (C•'Itm...c l•- , • ..,. ~> - ·· · · '"""· "- tic 11 irWited. ' -SO&OILITll' 'I'EA 1 chnpll~r o! lhe Alpha Kappa Al· 10:45 Wo11hlp S.rtlc:t n. POUI WT1ST CIMM

The lScta Omego Chuptcr ot pho Sorority. only 84 llbrnrion$_ in the Negro ~~Jtf~"' :s'~,s;~~~ 148- $trw! .Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorurlly The Sorority cordlruzy lnvilel aystem. In the- rest ot the Ne- Rov. Q. a. H..ab!..., ,.ut9r 1 ... 1. 0. I""'IN. ,_ )aunch"s the oW!ervance of the the public to attend the Teo held gro' •th<lols makellhltt !aclHUe• 11:00 MOrNni' YiofSl!i!l S.rYice U . .OO """'"' Soi-.loo Ch<ist:m•• ••••on '!'ilh II.JI an· Sunday, Deceml><>r J , al the are used, or the i llldentll do .cTooit::,..:;..' ___________ 7,_30....;.f;_M_~..;11:.Wohtl _ _..;lp_St_MC_t _ __ _ nwtl Yuletide Tea. The Yule- YMCA, BOG N'. Fnrlsh Street, without a library. Udc Teo Is one ol the woy& by from 4-8 p.m. Nor an Nerro .. boola •talfe<J sult there io tilmost no coll<ile which the chApter ""P'' .. sc• H• Beautle ... nt • • well •• the white lnatltalloas. ot vocati~~ pddance ~r Ne-thnnk• tor the •upport Rhown by 1 •·•_eoou1;6 ot 1 .. ltfl fro yOWlgsoero. -

Outslnnding beautician• ol t.h•l ' -r pay I • - 11 •L--1 'I' mnny tri•nd• and P • l ron • • • cult te get tea eben tAl alay Ia ..., _,- umo throughout lh" )'Car. city wUI be honoro:.d by the Up· the proteulon. 'No•rv leadoe,.. Even the lenl(lh of lbe !thool

per 100 Cosmetlci.nns Club when • 1 · -• ~- •- t•· N Jrc.-,dt'"g the t•n '•• Mt'B E•t•r wllh fl~e vea·n traiDI,.. an erm '' .. <ouer "' . ,.., e~o • •· · • ~ · · • • !.he club • lv1!a lt.s first prt>·Xmas • ~ boo~ 1n I" •·t .,. Rlg•by, assisted by Mu. Lilllnn ~ pal• •• aveta•e ot ,_ •--1 ae •· "" •- e • om" Dcccmbct• 17, •t Steven'• • .... ..,. ~~-• ,_ · ~- · Lnn, Antl-Bulleus o( the k><:nl lhaa equally traboe<l whlte1• s.,..uu,, are •u• otos""' w« nme

Rose Room. 'l'llo•a with tour yean !Palalq months ·~ I!Orn• tar ti«bt. Of The FREE PRESS Jnvlt~ W· aiH roeelvo $3M le•s, .... these th...., en tt.. shorter term, lOS

I with lh- .voaro lralal,.. ... are Nearo, 2 ~re white. cal orgonlutlons to seod in ••v • tnrorn1ntlon eoncernlng •-o•nii>g r-et $501 leu ••Y· Negroes . also attend even!JI in the Jackson eommun· Negro prindpals tecelve an clasaea than whitea. While lbe

"'- )SI-1702 lty, or call the F~El PRESS aslrooomleal '1200 less each number of Ne11.roe1 aod whltH

'~~~~~A~•;••~tw.~~~~ .. ~·~-~~~~~~ol1l:~.,.~on:~•'~at:·:lsh::S:tr:e:•:t,~F:L;$. year, oo the average, Ulan eru:olled in !.be schools Ia jUBt 7345. white~~. about the same, the avera·ce

Hllb4lnda Le11 da:IJ.y . attendance ror NegnM!I

It The loequality In teachere' tralll that of Idle White• by tO,·

Jot's lilt Grocii'J 12 MrTCIIIll'S GIOCIIY MIT. reoultt from tha deci•loos 000. There ara varymc re .. on• ..... r .. r .. r ... m ,.

./4tNH•IH.• ..... ... .. """' .... IIOJ Whltflel4 M-~ s~H11

local adlool boardt. The·~~ put torth to nplam this fact, gu.arnntces an «<U&I minimum and m,o•t ol them u•ut.D)': come ulnry, and then the lo<;al dis· clown to poveJ·ty.

22olll WHITP'I EL.D MILL. R D . b-Jcts add lo It OS they Wish. TbolliOIWII SJdp Lun<la

iiij~~~;.fiiiiiiiiiiii Lost yc~r ~9 of the ota~\i l50 It iJI ~aid that Negro· farnWes school di$tr1nts dad not WJe any olum earulot afiord to buy c,Joth·

w.cu.NrON'& money from Jor_al !uJ,cLJ to pay lng for their cblldren to allow

125,000 C'blldf't-A, qr 25 per t'ent ol NU..Iialppl' • school childnn, do l!(lt eat lul\th ' Mcau•e Ult'y eannot aftord to buy it. The sub­jects ta ... ht' Ia the tSCboola . oJS. are not odequate for llwl job

1choola han w do. tt~ere nof eooulh · mathemdiea,

or IC!enee, Ne111<o ad- · 1 a y. E4ipeclolly1

adequate, horiest P~· ol Negro hilllory.

ertK.le W • .. .,w.t. I• _, .. -~iolo.) ~

Your Ve<lit Is Good At


tf!af! WHITP'IILD N1U. .. D.


teochets, a !oct whl<!h bel~ them to ItO to school, or ean· '-? put .'!'" a vcruge pay o! Mis· not find money to b<~Y the cbil· a .. slppt a teacher~ lrurt on the dren lunclJes while at school

lli;L o! Southern st.ates. and 50 tbese children stay home. ~;~=========::::=: Guidance personncl •re alao lacklng in mo~l Neg•·o schools. Mnny other& t!<lme to sobool





• BtOWn. &leek


• s,:..,~Qr,-cif(t

• lnc:fivkj~o.dtllv 8<tiQ.t'd • Stu•: 1.t .• 17


Stets""''- $11 ,99

Champ - S9. "5 Other

Felt Hats - SS.OO Now !1yle Of'<! Colo,.

C<'ltN~I' AMm an4 FARISH, DELTA MART ....... ~~~" .......

arc qnly LG 111 tlte entire but do not cut. The admlniJlrB· Nc~ro •Y"tem 1 rut cor>\p~,red tor ol the stale'• school luncl;l with 91 lor the whit"•· As a re· p rogram has ~timated that

Help the Fight lor Freedom Join The

NAACP Mus Meetinp Every Tues., Thurs. Ni1ht


Come in and Open A Credit Account

We')] Save You MONEY!

410 NORTH FARISH ()ppoWto ColllnJ FUNrol Heme

Telephone FL 2-5463

D & L SHOE REPAIR P•r AB r ......... Hutlt

lOU 1,~ Sc. - I'L 2·"44

STOP , Don' t You D•­

Rcpalr, btnedel, er •ullcl Y001r H-• Until You

C. II FRED scon

lvlhlera We Can Save You Mo~

Loans FHA • VA • Conventional

We Buy- Sell- Trade or Exchang-e

Cell u. r.~., Fl 2-8028

~ .... , ''·~·





1-Mble. Mio.

-ot<t DA\' SRVICt-

Page 5: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are

~~Y. Novc011~r 30, 19o3 MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Pag~ 5

FHA· Aids Farmer's Success Ia U.ue a fut•re for llot Nea'ro faratrT 1'be encourncinlf 1tory Of Harvey Whitt'.

of letrC!QOn Da••ls County, d(\m01~tee t hat the future ean be promlalnr throu11h hard work and the wi1111 Ul!l! of aJd from t~e farmer's Home Administretion (FHA).

White 1\'a& typteal o/ the small Iarmer eaucht In the struglfle fur survival. lt1 an economy 1\•hieh lavon~ the large lalld-owner. White and otbUt. like him wue beln1 forC'ed off their land.

The ama.ll farmer ia wed,OO In an eoo­momie trlan1le ot inadequate ed~Uon. lack of inve!ltm~t money, and autoftll\tion. For the Nearo rumer, the Aqu- Is e.peelally

• painful : bla annual Dl4!dlan Income In the '' last decade was $46 4 ~ than one-third

that of the white rural farmer. I Yet for Wltlte at leMt, thla yeer •&riled

aa ~~ .abellnabte tqmhor ,olat for tile future. Rarv•Un1r 48 bal• el mUon froM 411 acr-. White eleued t11oup -:r to f1aldl Uae payatal .. th pvehaM of

I Z9 KTH of laatl. In t hree ye.,... ltis laeo• e j.,.ptod fro• $500, to $7.566.

Tile ,._ behfn.t White's astoundina' prorrt·~ are •oy. bat his denlopaeat be­xu when he wtlll to FHA.

In 1900. on 35 ~res o( rented land, White eultl .. ated·l4 aeres. He earned jl18l enouscb money to pey ba<'k his debts for that ye&r. Bad c:rope prevented him from bot:row­ln~r enough money to prodoc:e high-;ri~ld cropo~. Jle trle<l eredit A.ot!W~Ciat:i<>ns but ..-u tu1'Ded down bealul!e be didn' t hne enough -urily.

White wa3 Jortlt'd to work duling the winter months. "l decidtld not lo rnrm un­leM T eould get enough money to ju..tify a 100<1 crop," be •tated. Without el'tlrut. White could not 1'lll1 hi& farm.

State Lad<&Prognm Since the state provide3 oo hone:<t. J>I'O­

I I'am for the an1all farmer, lie could luwe turned to private loon a&~oclatlons or the federal governmen" Many Negro fllml~..,._

TIIK.:t~ Yt~AaS AC'.O. llarnr WlUio wao om- lh• mony -· MLool,.lppl larm•ra ..,.,. t.o• lo •~<•nt• ... ..,,, •• •nrvh·~. lie wa• in 411ebt a.-A ;aw Uttle holN f•r the f~;~tur• ao o larnltr . Now While • Ito alop lolt own tndor, on4 looll• out ovf'r hi• own Jan4. The ke:t• •• hla aueeu• en hanl ,. .• , .. ...... loan rr uru thf" li••rnu•n ...... A.dmlalttrati ...

• vietim3 ot lo&n eomprutlea that we\'ll "~mnrt with 'the peocll''-hnve IQRt tbou~l\ml8 or aeree of land they once owned.

'l'he !edfl'lll scovemment hM de81lfncd progr&lllll like l''.IIA lo help IUid proW(;~. lhe small farmer when he i8 un~ble to obtain the eredit requit-ed to eonUnue normnl f11rm cperatiol\l!.

WorM liard

Rnn Owa Far. l'hi~ yt'<\r, White wM able 10 nmkt ~the

1>111' ~ler: bh~ 11urchnso oC llis t>WII lund. With hi• fnm1 ownership lOAn lll>r>rovetl, he I~ 11hulllinl! to build hi8 own hom~, •nd tle­v~lop 11 l'""lure Cor li~k. lad w(')l aA rl•u•t. eoUon lltld com.

White now has a /arm that 0011 en•·n hfm 11 l'filliY lneome of ' 10,00(1, Artd in~ure M college l'<IUa•tion fill' bls four cruklr<>n.

Good Exa.,ple


White cb011e tlle FHA and l!tarled with an emergeney lo&n to operat. hi• farm • nd to comPlete J)aymenl4! on bls t.raetor. From t.bia point, with money available, the Jlf'OI'­ftM of the farm Mpet\cled on hard work. And Harvey Whit. worked hucl.

In 196%, wftll an FHA tara ..,....un~r lou, White wu all&e to tlottble low lnco.e. &M dar t'tiOill"'l -e:r (or 0.. ._...,.y.

n Is obYiotl" tluo~ det.uminKlOn II! need­.,., for Ill\)" ~lf-in1provement. ·But. rotlh~r than thinking of Wbite as &ll exCCJ)tion. he ~ •hould be "'""rded Ill! atl ex am I) I e o·r • farmer who l'N>k advnnlalr& of t~ I'Olllltl tOe.M'iel's nffered by I''UA.

FHA J(h'CII Jon& ran~ lolu"' fur 'l>l'l'<:ti­cally all f11rming putp01'14)8. Sinc.o PHA ha~~ oftict'8 In m011t count~. the fa.rDM'r au1 ob­tain ad•·k'e and lnfDr'1N.liOu cooc:uninl!' lo.ns at. the FliA o/Cice l!eJ'VInr the",..... in which he ex1~ to farm, or by writing the FliA, MilrMY Bldg., lae~.

WITII A LOAN fna tile rBA, wu -~ oo UYt IICft8 ellud.. .. r"'- lobuelf .. ., •• w. looq .. - ...... ... trl,&e tloe .,. .C Ilk lara al tile .._. U... Ilia •- -. fna .._- .. -...., f7,• • ..,, ..... n.. , ..... x-, ......... "'--lT c.. .................. ""'" flohore.

Following the advice or FilA ~Melin)! . \VIrite was tntrodueed to modem farm methocla tbe U8e ot "'l"rl•' iMeetlc:idH to ldll (ll"&SS aJid WMvilll. *

.. I. ••u• Pi IEliEI 11·1· Senkt 2U9P_A_ FOR PROMPT SlRVIC£: Col....._ fLJ·t.4U

CW•'s Grocery Mkt. Top grade, Jreah tMnla

n 2-1552-20411 Wllltfltld Mill

M L S Drug Store Prescriptions • Free [)c.Uvcry -··-...... s-Mn • .. ,., NM.

Ct- Ilea • ~ R. S-0180 1304 Lyoch, JO<klon

Get Tlltm Reallv Clean. ot

Paris Cleaners 100 N. Farfth P'L 2-0641

6 Shirts For $1.00 AIMratlo•t P'rM Deii••'Y

IIOSUf'S SIIOfS -T-1 .... lt72 l,.... Jt~Ht-J417

" Family Shge StO<e"

, ... Uil Drivt-111 LYJI' ()J{ 'A N U DAJ.TON


JONES PHARMACY I• 1•11••• '•r ,..,.


IDiol JL 2·1111

FlEI DELIVERY •u LJ•'-• s.,.., ,.ck...,, M-.


LJ.O ., D.J-., )Kk.M


llJ N•rtl. Far;.l. St.tMC

r.u .... MUt JIL J .J2' '


Draine's Refri..,..lon Stnke

Air Conditiottina - l a•all.uioft tiM Rep•irt

1 !Jl c:.n.11o St .. Jock-, lotio, c.rtiiW T«h"tdu

FL 2-290l


Up To $450.00 THROUGH

Peoples Burial ·Association, Inc. -Peoples Associate, Inc. ~~~~J :: a =u<=:~o1~u

Relieves Your loved Ones of Most of The financial DiHiculties

Peoples Funeral Home, Inc. 116 Hoot~~ Fultll St- !'hone FL M707

Jack-, Mlululppl

Houston-Thomas Furniture

AMERICA'S FIRST PORT ABU WITH SONAR .. ULL PUNCTION IUEMOTE CONTROL ..,,.,. ...... , . ....... ,If .... ~ ........... _ _.,."""' .,. . c: ....... ,.-.. . ............... _ . ._ .. """

The ... W TC Jt" fttOOO .. , ... ............... n:-··11-,ttd .... ••tnt~ tltt!l~ cil• ltlt . IS U•• ..... '"'" ~ ... t.dill" =~·=~\~~ , ~'-ttl y I

C1ll FL a-~a"' For Courtny C•• To Pic• Yeu Up •

Page 6: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are

MlSSISS.lPPI FREE PRESS Saturday, Nov.mber 30, 1963

Try These Fine Stokely Products

Stokley Catsup .~~i 2 for 35~ Fruit Cocktail STOKELY 4 nn• $1oo Tomato Juice 46-~~~~Js 3 nn• $1°0


GEESE :.":t~ lb. 39- Cream Corn s~~~~: 2 nn• 35~ Honey Pod Peas STOKELY 2 un• 39~

BEEF3-Ib •. 89- . . Sl RLOI N CHIJCI SJEAI2-Ibs. 79~ STEAK PORI STEAl lb. 39~ .. a.. 6 9~ . SMOK!D FlANK OR PORK LIVER W 1eners 3 ... 89c

a~cqn 2~-. 79c NECK .BONES i~;~;. 3 ... s9c BUFFALO FISH


s 1b sUGAR--- 29¢ RICE .• PURE


··15~ ··10~ Ills~

2 .... 29"


RED POTATOES 5 ... 19~ Vegetables 5"·" 1 ' ILUI PLAn


POR~ & BEANS 5 ....

49¢ Mayonn_aise ... 49¢



FRESH CABBAGE lb. s~ DRY ·MILK ALL GREENS TU~~~~::s•o bunch 10~-

• NO. 1 .


8-flf. Size ltx • .

Page 7: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are

Satunl.y, November 30, 1963 MISSISSIPPI f'~EE PRESS

Methodist Bishops Decry Seqreqation Of Churches

The followiJIJ IJ a mtomeot of the eow,. We caD u.pon aU M'"-thodiU wtltutlOQs eO of Bisbopo or the Methocliu Church adopt. w~re aut!> ha• not been don~ to bdna their ed November 13, 1913, n.trolt, Ml<hlran : rulal poll cleo ar.d pncticH 1~ line wilh the

The Mrthod.lst Church at&Jlda for the equal Chri.Uan prinriples or ruial ln.clusiv-.. rights ol aU racjaJ, cultural, aocl rtlitioua to whld> we are commltled. g ......... We conte .. wllh deep penlt~ce that our performance .. a church baa ""' kept alalot .... Pnteot pace with our proteaal..,. Tha rllht u. dloose We affirm the ltflallty and ricbt o.f u-e a plact of reoid~ce, to ~ler a •rhool, to minorities who are opprusc<! anywhere in the aecure employment, to -· or to join a world, to Protest. to usemble In publit, and c:hurcb. ohouJd to oo way be Umlted by a t.> aailale "for the rodreas o1 trievat~CH" penco'• race or Mture. provided lhla Is done in an orderly • .,. 'A

Chtoreloea Mllll LeN public ma""h as a vaot petltiOII for aUa'ltlon Tbe llethocliat Church mwt build and a.nd luotlee Is iD line with the principlu on

democstrale wllhto Ita own orcaniutlon and whlch this nallon wu founiled. n,., rerent proaram a FeUowahlp without racial bar· march In Wuhlnaton provided a spectacular den. The ehurcb m\&lt abo ,work to ch&nre ond we.U-dlrected move of this ldnd. U>OR community pattema In whlcb ra<lal ,.,. p.....,..,,.. MlUie r ecatlon oppeon, lncludlnc education, houa· We note with satls!aclioo the lncreuinc tnr, ~ employment and the 11M o! pub· appreciation in our 14nd and over the wodd lie facllit!u. To I o 1 la t ltlat reatau.ranto, of • rrowlnz spirit of jualice and rocxJ wlli edlool.t, b<lllneaa ootabUahmcnlo, and holela which In t ime wW enable our people, both provide equal accornmoclatlono for aU peopla ao churchmen and u citizens, to resolve without resard to race or<:olor, but t.o exempt unbrotherly tensioru. Much hu been ae· the d>lll'cl\ fre>m the aame reqwremOftla Is to compUslled and mud\ me>re wW be aet· be auJlly of abeu.rdlly • • well aa tin. compllahed as the month• go by. Construe·

No Celor Bar tive, If unnoticed, work hu loeen roinc on We ur1e ou. pu ton upon whom reot.t over our totlole land and our cl\utch baa been

ltle tHpon&<iblllty of recelvlnl pertonl Into the amonc the foremoat In calling for broiher· cl\urcb, to receive aU who are Qualified and bond and justice, and for an end \o loftr who desire to be rectlved wltboul re1ard to entrenched evU. We reJoice that In community nee, eolor, o.- naU011al orlcln, and we lndl· alter community, eUy otter city, state after viduaUy and collectively pledce them our oup. nate, toocl wW and gooil laws have JJIC)Ved port aa they do ""· Tha Metbodlu Church Ia ahead with men and women ol Cood lntenl - iDcolualve d>lll'cb. workina weU tocether.

We decry, .., lecaJ u weU aa Chriatlan We call upon all of our paatora and mem· IJ'C)UDdo, lhe dto>ial to aQ)' pera.., of any bers, aocl lbe people of OW' land and of eolcw or rae. lho rlcht of membenhip o.- the all lando, to "" apealt and 10 Uve u to rlcbt to worahlp In any M~at Church. deepn by word and deed ltle brolherflood J'llttlwr, to moYO \o arrest any pe,_. a\- of mae and mao dJia a I'Ulity ln1lcad of

• -plio« to .......mJp Ia to 111 an outrare. a hope.


Labor Leader Describes Plight Of Poor Negro



Jxkson, M ississippi

FL 3-2288 & FL 5·7593



IlEAl ~ All sw- '

OLEO ..... ..... FLO II ~ ... , «


........ •• 151 llllllfe ..,. ...

INf , .... , ... ~· ... '1. STEII.~.HTEX .. 3r

SHOITEIIIG 25' •• 1N1 3~ ar -r­..... -



w,Ho ttlit ...,... "" '5 ,..dieM. Yold '"" "'"' . Dtc. 4. IIU •

p.,gv 7 • ,..,

'M, Here We Come

~:;~~·~:t::~ -- ~ A'l' ITS FIFTH a atloaal ,.,.veatl.,., tloe AFL-cl8 Mt·

hao4 a IS·IIHIInt PNinon to t<lmbat -••'-1- Ia 1M aa· 11 .. an<l t• apur a renerall1 aluarllh ••-•7·

Yhe toevHtloa t allecl for " a ~o.mpete.a_•v• ... Manive Jolo.<reallnc ef(ert" C. oolvo whot It ,....,. A-li•a'a bUm· ber..., pr.W.m"- the lot k of Jobt. 'ffolter P . ..,,.. ... , , ,.., •. Weal ol lhe Unltod Auto 'fforlton, ehalleJoc..t tt.e ,..., .. , .,.,.. le ueote a oubalonllal e<onomle ....... Wy,

'ffldlout •• •• • r roap he aald, " "• aN ..... 1e loe ll.Jt,.. IIUM lnte iho fut11re where U.. daaaeN ... 1M pidaHs are M areal tbot t1o~1 eaa .... ermine t1oe wr., __ .... of -• ~Jet7,N

The ...... tlon paaae<l a rtMiutlu ........ doo ,._ ... CIU< eat aM colUaf for aa lntreaoo4 ..... _ ... prepa•. The reMiutlooo abe 4<-mand .. ,.. lllereaae latloe ....,al •••· .......... ,..,. ti .JI ........ " ... .._......... ...... "': U.. ,._,. ..... a eul Ia tloe otuol.,.. ••• •• .. _ .. loll-n.

One Day Service T11Jt.'S C1eanen

141 lpch Strttt

"Ww« M~al3 Ar~ Fruit EIX'rlllffM''

F,.. Delivery

819 N . FARISH-~ .....

1001 , ....... ....... v .. c ..... ,_

154 , ... ....

AJ.A•o Thea be --­""' ....... .,.

.,.. Jawtwt' .,...... w...- ~

VII*-__ _._ '111 IF I!Hi NUCl" --

lot·--·- ... ,.. ........ ·-­....... T--wftT .. , conr ..,.. __ a ... c-~--·· ....... - ....... -c.oo ... ...... T., ....... ., ....-:Y ' ;'t.: -- - :;' ~· .:.:: ... .. y.., ....... i'r:r'- .. .. .. --• .. T~ ......_ II fM p.,_., .. p.- 00

ti............ ··=· .... ... .... CAT . • ••• • .. ·= .'ttl' ... , . ml' • • .... ., ..... ,.

Page 8: LEADERS LAMENT U TIMELY DEATH · 2020. 7. 27. · same probtem5 for lhe ~~e f.iili!llll!illi!lltmlli!llll!i.JtmiAUliAimllifll they govern. The m&lll dllJu-mce 1$ tbat count1ea are


,... 8 S• turday, Nov~mber 30, 1963

Would-Be Citi.z-en Jailed; Loses Job


Greenwood Boycott

Rights Groups Urge Santa To Bring Freedom


Two ci vil l'ithl¥ gruup0 are urRing the boycott ol .. u bu•ine~•cs who "contribute to 5egJ•eJ:taHon, rOC!ia l dis~riminatlon. und so. cluJ lnju•tlce" In Greenwood, Ml,s•lasipp.l.

ln<i~C.. of brutnlitY 1>3Ve lltrendy pro. voked b<>YI!UI\~ of l \\'0 grocery stores in Gre<nwood, spot>sored by lbe Student Non­Vlolent CoordlnoUng Committee, Wllshl,e '• One St·op, und Sllrn Hendt>rBOn' • Markel.

Accorcllng to u ·local SNCC worker, • Ne­go·o customer nt WlbhJre's wn< bcntw by th" owner ~nd onother white mnn. as he (4h.emp· too to • cUte hb aerounl a t the t lore.

'l'tle cW.tom"' w., •truck by the son of the grn¢Qry sl QI'c owner. ns he pnid his biJJ and luon ed to leuve tlu> •tore. Ute S.NCC woo·keo· c.lalmed. WU!Ihlre hlmsel( then joined the at­tack, und Ule t~·o men beat the cu£tomer tievcrc.ly with a stJek.

S llm Henderoon'• Market Is owned by a "Greenwood politemun who is d ist.iniiUished

by a tong ltMor·y Ill br'lllal lreat,nent oJ Ne­groes. li is alleged thA~ Hend.,r•on loan• money at " " horbitant r~tes of interest, and Urco U6e s bb policeman'• •<~lhorlty to Ior ee collection.

Sinee ljoth n>arkets are located In the Ne• gru ~e"tlou oJ Greenwood, and depend heavily upon Nego•o trade, a boycott i i the on ly elfecUve way to s top these injw tlees, ~e SNCC woo·ker advised.

Emphasizing Ule tnertnin t: of ••peace. on eBrLh aud, good wil l to all >ncn," the South· ern Christltrn Leadership Confet'ente (SCLO) ealJed upon un ejtjurts to rcJuse_ to " COODel'• utc wlU1 p<>l'liQn>'- of 1.1 wUl whelh~r they be m~rchnnts, politicians , OJ' .re.Ugious spokes• men. ''

In a letter cent out to eltltens who par ll• clpated Jn the Vote tor Freedom, SCLC po\nt• ed out !hat a Christmas boycott Is not being urged, but a boycot t of !hone lndlvlduaU; and orstonh:ations which diserim innte.

Beckwith Gets Date For Trial

President Johnson Faces New Burden

During the Christmas buying sea50n the f i­nancial burden is especially heavy. To lift that burden State Mutual has mailed out thousands of dollars to our Christmas Club Members.

State Mutual invites you to be among those receiving Christmas club checks next year. To have Christmas money on hand, join our 1964 Christmas club. Your whole family will ~ grateful.

State Mutual Federal II v .. l.n• V•• h t ....... &Helft

At Th• Sip .t Th1

Sayings and Loan Association 1.00 50.00 2.00 100.00 $ .50 ~~~~~$ 25.00 3.00 150.00


5.00 250.00 10.00 500.00

Jl• SWe Mutual Fetleral Grow•, W• Continiu To Offer lncreuitrg BenefUs Chrt.tma Clu • FHA. HoPM Improvement LoaM • 4% DivUI.end• on Savings

UOII SIIVICI ITA'IIOII "" __ ,0.._ .. ,.,..., .. ' ,.. C.W ..... IIPI2 7 7

J..._ ........

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