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Describe the most outstanding leader you have worked with. Indicate some aspects of the way you work that are similar to the way this leader works and others that are different.



My Father as a leader:I admire him for everything he has achieved, our family, his friends, his business… working with him made me realize that not only was

he a great leader at home but also at work.

• I have also worked with other outstanding leaders but the one that most captivated me is my Father. I know this may sound out of the ordinary, that is why I will try to address his virtues as a leader from the outside.

• I have worked for my Father in most of my spare time, especially in summer after vacations.

• His most remarkable aspect as a leader relates to this:Although he would love to have me working in his company, he has never

pushed me into doing so since he believes in encouraging everybody to pursue their dreams and exploit their potential.

I have never seen these characteristics so patent in someone:

• No matter what and under any circumstances sticks to the ethics

• Inspires others to act the same way.

• Strong yet gentle• Grateful• Quick to admit

when he has done wrong

• Worried to raise up and mature new leaders.

• Leads with actions and not with words

• He is the first to roll up his sleeves when he asks for hardwork.

• Trusted by his whole team

• Encourages personal, professional and intelectual development

• Helps people make the most of themselves and enhances their potential

Collective value building

Leads by example

Keeps principle

and values

Humble and


Similarities we have at worktime:

Commitment to social


Be trustwort


Persistency and


Distinguish between importanc

e and urgency

Go the extra mile

• I recognize these similarities especially because watching him work brought me to try to imitate him. I feel I am on my way to achieve it.

• He has encouraged me to set goals and not only stick to the plan but also lead others to follow it.

I think he is a great leader and I know at first hand, that many people perceive him as such. I hope I can one day fully achieve all what he has accompplished

due to his leadership.

Different ways to work:

Problem Solving

• My Father tends to resolve other people’s problems. However, I found it more instructive to help people create their own solutions.


• I believe he is far more patient from what I am. I know I have to work in this issue because I understand it is an important attribute, key to develop leadership skills.

I finde two main differences:

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