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Linguistic and Stylistic Features of the Advertisements

Language and their Effects on Customers

Dr. Bushra Ni'ma Rashid Huda Abed Ali Hattab

(PhD Linguistics) (M.A Linguistics)

English Department/College of TOEFL Center/College of

Education (Ibn Rushd)/ Education (Ibn Rushd)/

Baghdad University Baghdad University


Advertisements help promoting various kinds of services in different shapes; centers, malls,

shops… etc. Because of competitions, many new techniques have been invented for

effective marketing and getting the customer's attraction.

As a style, advertisements require the existence of many preferable features like clarity,

comparative and superlative constructions, repetition, simple, preserving concision, and

attractiveness. In most cases, they are made not only to local people but also for foreigners

for it is typically known that the modern world is becoming smaller as a global village.

The findings indicate that, even the simplest advertisement has schematic structure that

helps in announcing about the product.

This study focuses on showing the various features of restaurants' advertisements, and how

they help making the consumers select the best product. Besides, it discusses the language

of the online ads which are shown obviously in the appendix (A).

Section One

1-1 Statement of Problem

Different grammatical structures are used in advertisement; however, the

intended meaning might be different from what is presented to and understood

by customers. The main problem of the majority of restaurants is how to

present convincing styles that attract the attention of customers, especially, if

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the ways in which the items of the advertisement are not written obviously, or

they are unrecognizable.

English language is a global one, consequently, it is the best way for

communicating ideas to people and tourists from all over the world. This

study is an attempt to investigate the lexical and stylistic level and

environments of advertisements.

The language of Ads helps in promoting the consciousness of customers and

becomes a means to improve the living standard all over the world, yet it

might be misleading according to the new trends of life.

This research is an attempt to raise and answer the following questions:

1- What features the advertisements of restaurants have?

2- What are the lexical/linguistic features of the language of restaurant


3- To what extent the language of Ads could be convincing or not

helping in attracting the customers?

1-2 Significance of the Study

This study is significant in shedding the light on the language role in

controlling and convincing the thinking and /or behavior of people (whether

sellers or buyers).

Section Two

2-1 Literature Review

The initial movement of advertisement was in the 18th

century but it took the

shape of wall painted and the first real agency was adopted by Volency

Palmer in Philadelphia in 1843.

Advertisements have been defined differently, but the most prominent

definition that carries basically the intention behind them is that published in

an article by Shi (2004) "the main purpose of Advertisements is to send out a

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message to the public or consumers to promote the sale of a product or service

to influence the public opinion, to gain [political support, to advance a

particular case… or to elicit some other response desired by the Advertiser.

(Encyclopedia Britannica, 1980: 103).

Another wide definition implies the promotion of goods, and services through

paid messages.

Another point of view is undertaken by Daharwal (2006) when saying:

"Advertising is an art used to familiarize public with the product by informing

its description uses, its superiority over other brands, sources of its availability

and price etc. Advertising is not only merely propaganda but it is a paid form

of communication".

On the other hand, in 1997 the Committee of American Marketing Association

gave another definition that carries features of Ads." Advertising is the non-

usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified

sponsors to various media."

Consequently, the various definitions –in a way or another- share certain

features in common, like: their role in communication, ways for convincing,

they have 'active' language, having small components yet effective.

2-2 Advertisements as an Influential Power

The best idea that stresses this point is that of Leebron (1997) when he states

that "images have immense power and a smart advertiser should know how to

use the power in a perfect way ". The more they are attractive, the more they

motivate customers to buy. Moreover, ads posters include details that enhance

the customers being persuaded to select the restaurants' choices or services.

There are many points help in developing the quality of Ads and assist their

"power", like:

2-2-1 Grammatical Components

It enhances the significance of the words used, their selection, the kind of

sentences involved. Such factors when gathered and arranged logically create

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'powerful' Ads. For example, in our samples of restaurants posters many

adjectives appear like: perfect, best, short, fresh, and free. Added to that, all

good ads demand skillfully composed sentences.

2-2-2 Stylistic Processes

The shared stylistic components that most advertisements have are: having a

sense of humor, a play on words, describing with more effective words. What

is more, some restaurants even include the sale prices on the posters or classes

and making them prominent for competitions. They focus on answering the

question "To what or whom do we attribute style?"

There is a controversial point here, style could be a multi-level tool in that the

stylistic features might vary at different levels according to different cultures (

Leech and Short, 2001: 70, 119).

2-3 Features of Advertisements

The owners of restaurants and individuals or companies who make the Ads

should pay attention to the features that help in marketing.

2-3-1 Persuasiveness

Ads should be convincing to ensure the payment of the consumers and they

(i.e., the products) must have the best quality, especially if they are shown in

markets that witness competition.

2-3-2 Parallelism

Since they are written to public, they should be done carefully to convince the

customers with the necessity of choosing it rather than the competition of

other similar products.

2-3-3 Techniques Used (Simile and Metaphor)

Using simile and metaphor with advertisement implies symbolic expressions

that help represent a characteristic of the product/brand, or a kind of service

while indicating its benefits. This can be done with the use of words

(especially with the help of the verb 'like') or figures or the kind of printing.

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Definitely, simile and metaphor help bring abstract ideas to be thought of as

real. They give suggestions to indicate the insurance of the product, for

example, providing a picture in which "a man is about to step on a banana

peel" or "showing the cereal flakes flying out of the box" . Appendix (B)

contains many samples of figurative ads in which simile and metaphor are

used and with a brief explanation for the implied purpose for each. It is worth

mentioning here though the samples of analysis are specified with restaurants

ads [Appendix A], yet many different examples are treated in appendix (B) for

giving more reliable and most used kinds of daily products with the help of

these techniques; i.e. simile and metaphor. Moreover, figures of appendix B

are found on http://www.oddee.com/item_97732.aspx.

[ 2-3-4 Linguistic Tool Affecting One's Behavior

The expressions used should be prepared carefully to clarify the kind of

services the products are intended to achieve and for what purpose it is

beneficial [ like the drugs for what purpose they are used- like 'relief' for

headache, and 'move' for back pain].

2-3-5 Facilitation

Generally speaking, Advertisements are intended to facilitate the knowledge

of the need and significance of the products- so it is a continuous addressing

from the seller to people who are attracted to buy with less effort of course.

2-3-6 Attractiveness

There should be, at least, pictures, headlines, figures, colorful images to

motivate people read and listen to. Normally, and it is something

psychologically, people are attracted to the colors and beautiful images on

walls or shops and they be eager to try such colorful products, whether for

themselves or as gifts for others. What is important here and worth mentioning

is that they help in achieving the purpose behind having printed posters to

fulfill convincing customers and conveying information.

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2-3-7 Creativity

Repeated thoughts and repeating the same slogans and ideas are not

recommended because as a psychological nature people tend to be attractive to

changes, new ideas, and being away of undesirable thoughts, especially with

the development of the world.

2-3-8 The use of Comparative and Superlative Constructions

Using adjectives like "faster/relieves pain faster" or "the best" or "the most"

will help in convincing the consumers.

2-3-9 Repetition for Emphasis

Certain key words or reflecting main themes are better to be repeated- even if

differently- to help understanding the purpose and promoting the selling


2-4 Media Impact

The development of technology helps in spreading the awareness of what is in

the market. Newspapers, magazines, business publication, radio, TV shows

and programs, net services all contribute in advertising the products, and

giving more details in more effective ways about the restaurants, hotels,

shops…etc. not in the area itself alone, but over the words as well. Moreover,

international websites serve the global companies for making online


Section Three

Analysis of Advertisement

3-1 Advertisement Analysis

The current research depends on Cook (2001) theory, when stating "the

majority of ads have the function of persuading their addresses to buy; this is

not their only function. They may also amuse inform, misinform, worry or


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This section focuses on analyzing the four selected posters (See Appendix 1)

plus other given for further discussions.

3-1-1 Figures Role

Readers' eyes are attracted especially if the posters are organized in a

magnificent way, and if the colors used are added to the thought of delicious

food, or better choices of other items. A very important point worth

mentioning: colors, words and font, and images should have logic when put

together to help in convincing and to be away of chaos as well.

Besides, sometimes the guiding address of the restaurant location is provided

as drawn figures for more attraction.

In samples (A, B, C) the white bright color makes the color of food

distinctive and even its way of presentation.

3-1-2 Lexical Significance

The use and choice of words in advertisement require a high skill from the

owners of shops to ensure convincing the largest number of customers. In

most cases, it is preferable to use short sentences and this is obvious especially

in (A) and (B); Fresh catch from the seas), and (European Inspired Brunch);

however, there are sentences in which words are distributed in a very careful

way with taking into consideration the misuses of elliptical expressions for

that might lead to breaking communication.

On the other hand, Leebron (1997:20) focuses on the idea that there are certain

verbs mostly used with Ads like: choose, like, need, look, know, buy, see,

taste, go, keep, and make.

In sample (A): (like, make, have, and catch).

In sample (C): serve.

3-1-3 Syntax and Advertisement

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Advertisements structures are tend to be clear because of the use of simple

sentences, and applying the functional category- as Zue (2006) has argued-

through different kinds like: exclamatory, interrogative, imperative, and

declarative. And they differ when taking length into account; i.e., some of

them are short and others are long. But in most cases, it has been found that

short sentences are preferred to remain in mind for a longer time and for

having simplicity.

Another thing, there are imperative sentences used, like in poster (A): (Have

your fill of your sumptuous cuisines), and in poster B: (Enjoy a fresh Maine

lobster for only $15!).

3-1-4 Lexicon and Advertisement

Biber (1988) refers to the great use of personal pronouns (we and you), added

to great beneficial vocabularies. Since the main purpose behind advertising is

challenging, the carefulness in choosing the best fitted ones is a prerequisite.

Examples of preferred lexical components are adjectives, favorable

expressions, continuous or simple present… and incomplete strong and

effective sentences. The most used and prominent pronouns appear in sample

(A)/ you, we; and in sample (C)/we.

3-1-5 Further Details

Sometimes more additional components exist on posters such as: the address,

websites, e-mails, and contact number as in poster (D). While (C) contains the

website (www.bangkokpost.com). Sample (B) involves the address of

restaurant (28875 Franklin Road Southfield). It is noted that the four samples

all contain the logo.

3-2 Samples of Problematic Interpretations for Certain Advertisements

Some resources handle the confusing translation. Sometimes there might be

cultural problems in international advertisements, just like the different kinds

Rick (1983) had presented;

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1. 'Coca- Cola' is read in Chinese as 'ke-kou-ke-la' which means

'Bite the wax tadpole', or it is later translated "happiness in the mouth".


2- The American fast food [Kentucky Fried Chicken] (which was

firstly opened in Beijing 1987) has carried the famous slogan [KFC]

which is translated in Chinese into 'We'll Eat Your

Finger Off!!


3- There is the famous most exported Germany wind

"Liebfraumilch": Frau means woman, Lieb means beloved or God,

Milch means milk, therefore it has one or both the following


a) Milk of Virgin,

b) Milk of Our Lady. (www.i18nguy.com/translations.htm.)

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4- Latte means milk in Italy. In English 'Latte is a coffee-drink'. It is

known one if the meanings of 'break' is destroy, so instead the phrase will

be interpreted as destroying milk!! (ibid).

5- The way of drawing the logo...Life Fitness "is a marker of exercise

equipment, bikes, ski machines etc." One when looking at the logo- might

think it is "4F" which is used in American Military for those who are unfit

physically. (ibid).

And there are many other examples. Although they share some of features,

the proposed translation might be affected and it could even occur because

of the pictures [like the case of 4F and Coca Cola].

3-3 Conclusion

Throughout this study many remarkable conclusions have been found; they are:

Most ads share nearly the same features and there are fruitful uses if colors

and images.

Attraction is the first feature that should be attendant to attract the attention

of consumers.

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Knowledge and awareness regarding the moodes and preference of society

because it is the individual who will buy the items.

The use of emotional adjectives to get the interest.

Words should be carefully chosen because they construct the overall

message to announce for items.

There is tendency towards the use of simple verbs and sentences.

In most cases, the owners of restaurants put very short (yet effective)


Advertisements are used for social interaction, yet sometimes customers

are confused because of the unclear interpretation of the picture, logo, or

even the words which then result in misunderstanding the reality of the


The most common kinds of functional sentences are interrogative and


In spite of the different styles used, the ultimate purpose behind ads is

attracting the costumer's attention and to win the competition.

Simile and metaphor are techniques used to attract and encourage the

customers to buy the products either with the use of 'effective' expressions

[like the examples given in 2-3-3] or with the use of figures and images.


- Biber, D. (1988). Variation across Speech and Writing. Cambridge, England:

Cambridge University Press.

- Cook, G. (2001). The Discourse of Advertising. London &New York:


- Daharwal S.J. (2006). Role of Advertisement and Sales Promotion in

Pharmaceutical Marketing: A Review. E-Journal,

pharmaceutical Reviews. Volume; 4, issue; 4.

- Leebron , E., J. (1997) Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising.

Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Find Articles. Com. 17 Mar,

2009.http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mim6836/is n4 v41/ai n25024536

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- Leech, G.N. & Short, M.H. (1981) Style in Fiction: A Linguistic

Introduction to English Fictional Prose. Longman Group Limited.

- Rick (1983). Big Business Blunders-Mistakes in Multinational

Marketing. [A Selection of many translated Ads.].

- Shi, Aiwei. (2004). 'Accommodation in Translation'. Translation

Journal. Vol.8, No.3.

- The New Encyclopedia Britannica. (1980) Volume one.15th


Chicago: The University of Chicago.

- Zhu, L. (2006). The linguistic features of English advertising. CELEA ,

Journal (Bimonthly). Vol. 29 No.11997

- http://www.i18nguy.com/translations.html.

- http://www.oddee.com/item_97732.aspx.

- www.kekoukele.org/kekoukele.htm.


Appendix (A): Ads Pictures under Analysis [Samples].

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Appendix (B):

Figure(1): Resembling this 'powerful' juice to sport car!

Figure (2): A Shampoo that smooth the hair just like that of a baby.

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Figure(3): For more clear, colorful, and natural images.

Figure(4): Giving good consequences just like that machine.

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Figure (5): Enjoyable taste and more colors and flavors.

Figure(6): Strong drink that makes one feel having Wings!

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Figure (7): A kind of temperature!!! (It is hot).

Figure (8): Very natural drink…From orange to the class.

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Figure (9): A Kind of sweet butter….plus having fun with food.

Figure (10): Very hot pepper. Figure (11): Very soft soap like a cute cat!


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على الزبائنرها يأثتو للغة اإلعالناتاألسلوبية اللغوية و الخصائص

حطاب عبد علي هدىم . راشد نعمة بشرى د.

ابن رشد للعلوم اإلنسانية /كلية التربية - بغداد جامعة


, سوق, موالت, محالت.فة: مراكز تالرقي بمختمف أنواع الخدمات وبأشكاليا المختم عمىتساعد اإلعالنات جديدة من اجل التسويق الفاعل ولضمان جذب الزبائن. استحدثت أساليب مختمفة و . وبسبب التنافس, فقدوغيرىا

دة كالوضوح, تراكيب لممقارنة والتفضيل, التكرار,عدمتوكأسموب, فان اإلعالنات تتطمب وجود خصائص مرغوبة نما المحافظة عمى االختصار, والبساطة والجاذبو ية. وفي اغمب الحاالت, فإنيا ال تعد من اجل الناس المحميين فقط وا

الدراسة بأنو حتى ألنو من المعروف بان العالم أصبح أشبو بقرية صغيرة. تشير النتائج ليذه ؛وذلك ,لألجانب أيضااإلعالنات البسيطة ليا تراكيب مرتبة من اجل المساعدة وتسييل اإلعالن عن المنتجات. وتركز ىذه الدراسة عمى بيان

ن إف, ذلك, فضالا عن الخصائص المتنوعة إلعالنات المطاعم, وكيف أنيا تساعد الزبائن في اختيار المنتج األفضل (.االنترنيت المعروضة في الممحق )ا ىذه الدراسة تناقش لغة إعالنات

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