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  • » AST "kj >%t L'Hi "B^t^sf^Pp ii ';ypfT *-'̂ K̂ W"->" ^ r———— l9*Lap dusters and fly nets in end

    less variety at Viktor's new haraess shop.

    0 piece pa rlonSuite and T>ak pol Ished frame, $25.00. Prices on

    pother goods equally low. Harting & Son.


    V-l / ''"ill (©"Fine shoes at

    store, Butler block. Ryan Bros. mtgrnm'

    Large .stock of watches, clocks,sil verwartu&tc., Just received at -

    ôtar̂ rderfl for

    A Pleasant Entertainment* The ster-eoptloon entertainment at

    the opera house Saturday evening was attended by. a fair-sized audience AVho seemed to enjoy the scenes showed, as well they might for some of * them were novel and beautiful. The scenes showed treated of Japan and the Japanese. Mr. J. H. Rhodes read the descriptions of the views and" did it very satis-factijrily".^ Tho^e having the matter in charge wish to thank the Independent band which varied the entertainment by music, for their services so freely rendered and also Prof. DeVol for his gratituitou^ operating of th'e stereoptlcon. . .

    Harting & Son today began work on their new carriage shed, which will be large enough - for the aecoBj-modation of two hearses. .

    If the law suit to collect* pew rent from the Swan River citizen is carried to the supreme court, as now pieems prqbable, that court will for the first time consider the authority of the priest in such matters. There is no decision in Minuesota establishing the power of the church aqthotf-ties, v;

    The pemwrats came back from Brainerd well pleased with their work. Well,it suits the Republicans, tot). Baldwin is unknown outside of Duluth, and will be a long ways behind Seaile when the votes are counted.

    young lady has been in this country but a short time,

    The Congregational church society held a meeting after the regular services Sunday evening, and unanimously agreed to retain Rev. C. J. Sage as pastor for another year. The report made to the society is given in another colum.—Staples World. .

    Elk River Star-News: The machine in politics is a •ecessity and a goo.d thing so long as you are a part of the machine, but if the machine downs y.ou it quickly degenerates into

    common eyery-day "ring" and is an unholy tiling tlip,t ought to be abolished at OUcc*.

    T. J. Mtttlpeson is doing almost Whf*t may be termed a wholesale business. Since Saturday morning he lias received seven cars of materials in his lines. There were three of lime, one of cement, one of adamant, one of sewer pipe and one

    stone. The freight on these amounted to something over $300.

    Free trade goerf down easy with the Minnesota, Democrats now. The congressional convention at Brainerd yesterday declared that "we deny the right of our federal government to- levy a tax for protection, so-called."

    Winter (foods at Cp«t> For the next month we will sell all

    winter goods at cost. We are selling the best goods at the lowest prices. Call and get bargains.

    Hebron Bros.

    Compressed yeast at thebak

    Settle Accounts. All parties indebted tq me are

    hereby notified that a]l account# pinst be paid within the next thirty days. Accounts are to be paid to S P. Casey or myself at J. C. Flynn's office, where the books now are. No delay will be allowed in settling these accounts... ,

    B. Clements. Little Falls, Minn., March 18

    JWlf you have a watcti or clock to repair, .take it to Mealey's jewelery store. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed. Wetzel's block.


    (9"If aiiy one wants to get a small Homestead for about half what the land is worth near the city enquire at the Clerk of Court's office.

    : I^TIn spite of all competitions Ericksoh isjpsttn in the leadP-HiS best finished photos, are unexcelled in the city or state. ^, T -

    ; Qranulateld Wn meal, both

    -r€!ty Lots For Sale. w' I nave the sale of all the city lots

    in Little Falls owned by C. A. Tattle, and parties desiring to secure some Of the finest property in the city should call on me lUBsg*

    little Falls, Minn.

    Parties in Want of Honey would do well to call at tbe German

    Music Lessons. Mrs. S. L. Staples will give instruc

    tion on the Piano or Organ either at home or at the residences of pupils, at reasonable rates. She is qualified tr» teach on either instrument having

    rack were-: Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Williams, Mrs. C. I. McNair, Misses Florence Williams, Nellie Davidson Perin and Entires and Messrs. Jno. A. Berkey, J. C. Temple, Chas. Weyer-haueser and Drew Musser and Master John DeG. Berkey.

    The Little Falls "shootists" have recei ved tlie official program of the tournament of the Royalton gun club to be held there the 15th inst. There are twelve events,the entrance fees ranging from 50 Cents to $1.25 and the prizes run from a box of loaded shells to a gold watch chain, with a muiiher of other prizes. They are all donated by the Royalton business men, who show a. proper appreciation of.the benefits of this manner of advertising the town. Peoria blackbirds nri&i>e.-used. The officers of the cl«r|*' atfe: President, W. H. Da.vis;\ tvjee ^president, C. Cheeley; secretary! and treasurer, O. A. Havill; field captain, Geo. E. Wilson . "•

    E. Keller & Co. haver just received another car load Of wide tire farm wagons, they also carry a large stock of buggies and Spring wagons, light single and double harnesses. Opposite J. W. Berg's hardware store. i

    Dr. G. J. Bowker, and Maggie Newman were quietly married last evening at the Congregational parsonage by Rev. Wm. Moore, pastor of that church. Only Mr. Jas. Bowker, father of the groom and Miss Bertha Rhodes, his cousin, were present. The Doctor has a great many friends in Little Falls who will congratulate him udon securing so charming a bride.

    The case of Stanislaus Siedlicke, priest at Swan River, vs. John Kukla, one of his former parishoners, occupied all day in Justice Fuller's office yesterday. The suit was brought by the priest to collect church dues and pew rent to the amount of $23.00 from Kukla and is in the nature of a test case. It was tried, argued and submitted. Trettle & Shaw and A. P. Blanchard appeared for Father Siedlicke, and TaylOr, Calhoun & Rhodes for the defense. It will probably be appealed whichever way it is decided.

    The hotel is now a settled fact. The final arrangements have been made and nothing now remains between the owners of the site and Mr. Buckman to prevent the building of the hotel as stipulated in his proposition. There are a few little tecni-calities however concerning which we are not at liberty to state just at present. There is, however, absolutely now no doubt as to the building of the*liotel.

    While in Minneapolis on Friday of this week G. M. Kempton made a deal with the Port Byron Lime Company, of Illinois, for a five-year-old trotting horse (Gold Dust). He was sired by Rattler, record 2:18; dam by Gold Dust. He is a distant relation on the dam's side, of Mr. K.'s pacing stallion, Ragnarok. Tlje horse will be shipped to G. W, Clark, of Morris, who has charge of Ragnarok, and who will put him in training.

    The manner in which new church socities have been organized in Little Falls the past year shows very plainly that we are all right. Almost every denomination is now ro presented. The Baptists and Pres byterians, who have been behind the other brethren, are now endeavoring to regain whatever ground they may have lost in not having soclties and now have representatives in the field. Let the good work go on, as aside from the benefits to residents they are most potent factors in inducing new people to locate.

    The harvest on Hon. C. B. Buck-man's farm in Buckman is in full blast, four machines being in the field. A crew of men is now engag ed in putting up 250 tons of hay on the Skunk for use in lumbering.

    Mr. C. F. Engstrom, the contractor of the firm of Engstrom, Astland and Eckland, arrived home with his family from Minneapolis yesterday. They have taken posession of Mr. Engstrom's new house in Roth well's addition.

    The work on the addition to Maj. A. C. Morrili's handsome residence at Little Elk is about completed. It is one of the most beautiful homes in Minnesota.

    Ed. Dumont has resigned his position with Felix Cardinal and will probably leave Thursday for "liis home at Philips, Wis. He is succeeded by a lemonade shaker from Minneapolis.

    The following ate the recently-elected officers of the Fergus Falls school board:

    President—Wni. Hoefling. Treasurer—B. F. Bupwn. Secretary—C. W. McKay.

    Contractor Harrison claims that he is bothered somewhat in the construction of school houses by the failure of the heating apparatus to arrive. It is part of his contract to wall it in the basement and build the air ducts.

    i REWARD OFFERED. The Morrison County Agricultural

    Society will pay $50 for the arrest and conviction of any person found stealing lumber or destroying property on their grounds.

    Bv order of Board of Directors.

    White Marble L^me« double strength, in barrels, $1 per barrel; in bulk 85 cents per barrel; Crown

    Do not fail tp ciyll at ^line's music 1 line, 75 cents per barrel at H. F. taken lessons from the best instructor store' Little^ls, before you buy a j Schleusener's. in Louisville, Kentucky, kpd having] sewing machine. We have some-hat 1 sonier- experience as teacher, j thing entirely new and worth seeing. Scholars can have the uge of pianoi ~ ^—; —r———— for ppftctipe. p For Sale Cheap on Easy Terms.

    SSPRyan Bros., thene w shoe men in J The we8t 20 acres of of nwtf, or | the Butler block, are progressive bus-1 w^?'e °* 8e% se& Twp. Iness men. They are experienced ^gentlemen in their line and you will make no mistake in dealing with them.

    MCDONNELL. 40, Rg. 32.

    Settle Notejfjfnd Aeeounts. All parties intwted to us are here» |

    | by notified that^fcll notes, accounts I etc. must: be paid within the next I

    Found. A reddish bay mare, with black

    mane and tail, aged about five years and weight about900 pounds. Owner call, prove property and take her away. 3t Frank Kuliza.


    Strayed. From the Alexander saw mill, one

    Settle Accounts. 11 '' v letc. must.be paid within the next I sway-back buckskin horse, weight All partits indebted to me are here-1days. Note»an^-accounts are I aj,out 1,100, with- brown stripe the

    bynotified that Paul Gaethke has 1Pa id to eith^, the undersigned J length of his back; one dark bay, authority to collect bills, and they 1 Maurin's ̂ or£>Kthe notST and «b°ut 1'000' with will please pay to him the sums they j books now are. I^odMay will be al-jjrind fo.ot and white spot on nose owe me.

    Fred Hoffman.

    M^Herron Bros, are selling clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes and gents' furnishing go6ds for tbe next 30 days regardless of cost. Come and get a bargain/ - _ , :v-?, u:.: ; _ = •, -It; -

    iNew -: meat market x>pened oh Second street. ' , ,

    Hedges & Bexfklp, Prop;*

    ^ WTGRBAT REDTJpnd^ i f hive

    lowed in settling these notes and ac-1 and foretop cut. Eugene Beckham,

    *\ Maumn st medved. J 4I-2w Lincoln, Morrison Co., Minn.









    We are selling such this week for

    #4.00. THE BELL CLOTHING CO. Complite Outfitters

    For Ken and Boys.

    First St., Flynn Block.

    Dated April 12th4892, Little Falls, Minn;r-*-

    Did you see rose buggies, you they are nice ones at

    Habttoq & Sos's. - :.Booms to -

    Furnish?# t.QftWB tQ Jsent. Apply to

    For the celebrated Supe^lp£ $1^} tell I Fountain City Seeder^

    Robert^ ^ugkfe w|t^ E. &



    WANTED—Men to work on the water -mains extension.—

    M the

    - -

    There will be a meeting of the ladies Qf Morrison county who are interested in the Worlds Fair held in the ladies parlor at the Antlers, hotel Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock August 16, to consider the matter of organizing a Morrison County Auxilary Society. All ladies interested in having the county represented at the . World's Fair in Chicago are requested to be present.

    MRS. M. M. WILLIAMS., Alternate Delegate for Minnesota.

    The "Ladies Aid" of the ^1. E. church will give a lawn social at the. residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mi Kempton on Tuesday evening, Aug. 16tli. Supper will beservedfrom6:30^-0 Ice cream, music, etc. All are cordi-7J ally invited. ^

    AH orders registered previous to June 1st are now payable, and interest on same will cease this day, August 12th, 1892.

    S. P. Casey, Treasurer. -




    4 4?



    CO., of Newark. TJERMAN INSURANCE CO*., of Freeport. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., of New Haven.



    We carry a full line of General Merchandise and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Bring in your Butter and Eggs and we will pay the highest market price.

    Scandinavian and German Spoken. WEST SIDE. LITTLE FALLS, MINN.

    FURNITURE. We make no noise, but we sell lots of goods just the same.






    Also Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Hammocks, Express Wagons.


    Leave your order for Awnings and Store Shades with 11s.-

    HARTING & SON, SECOND STREET, , Opposite Court House.

    I The Water Power Co.

    OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To those wishing to buy and build

    on the

    EAST OR WEST SIDE ; Call at their office in Antlers hotel.

    You will be shown property and terms to suit.

    Power and Mill Sites to Lease! -A-T liCTW" RATES.

    M. M. WILLIAMS, Sec'y. Ill

    The Flower of the Family Is the Little Elk Flour,

    Known everywhere as the best, under the following brands:

    CREAM OF THE WHEAT, Best Patent. JUDGE, Family Patent. MAJOR, Straight.

    B A K E R S ' K I N G . X X X . We make a specialty of all kinds of custom

    work. All kinds of feed ground to order. Bran, Shorts, Etc. , .

    CL IS. BEALE CO., ittle Elk. - - - - Minnesota.


    Ladies of Little Falls and Vicinity To call and examine my complete stock of

    I have a nice line of

    ' I am selling at 35 cents per yard.

    VELVETEENS IN ELEGANT QUALITY And ail new shades, selling at 40 cents per yard, which 'yon can

    not purchase for less than 65 or 75 cents at other places.

    WASH SILK, For 2% cents psr skein, and other goods equally as cheap. We are

    . here to stay and will not be undersold. .

    MRS. P. F. HOSOH. •

    Job IPariiritiirxgli

    -A_T - ̂

    - *



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