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Communication strategic analysis on energy retrofit of existing buildings

November 2012 / May 2013

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Canopée Agency team would like to thank all those who supported us in this study :

• The Energy Climate Air Service (SECA) and the Sustainable Development and Climate Direction (DDSC) of the Provence - Alpes - Côte d’Azur Region

• The MED MARIE consortium members

• The national and international sector experts, the communication agencies and consultants, the sustainable development and innovation specialists as well as the craftsmen and entrepreneurs we interviewed.

Many thanks to all our interlocutors with whom we had very fruitful exchanges.

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List of interviews in Spain, France and Italy

Institut ion Nom Fonction Secteur

AC Consulting France

Alain Chauveau

Comunication consultant, Sustainable development , CSR

Communication / Sustainable development

ACIDD (Association Communication et Information pour le Développement Durable France


Gilles Berhault Founder of ACIDD ; Co-founder of theObservatoire de la Communication pour le Développement Durable ; President of the Comité 21

Communication / Sustainable development

AR HLM Paca Corse France


Aurélien Deroche

Sustainable development analyst

Institution / Housing

Bâtiments Durables Méditerranéens France


Daniel Faure Founder Construction / Sustainable development

Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto Italy


Michelangelo Pistoletto

Artist, writer, founder of Cittadellarte

Institution / Sustainable development

Effinergie France


Samuel Courgey

Co-founder Energy / Sustainable development

EIE (Espaces Info Energie) France


Fabien Veyret Managing director Institution / Energy / Sustainable development

Energiehaus Spain


Micheel Wassouf

Managing director Energy / Construction / Sustainable development

Ethicity France


Gilles Degroote

Managing partner Marketing / Sustainable development

FEDARENE HQ Belgium / Europe


Dominique Bourges

General secretary Energy / Sustainable development



José Domecq Managing director Communication / Web

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We also had many exchanges with :

• All the institutions members of the consortium have been individually contacted. We directly met their representants in Brussels and Marseilles.

• Mrs Viviane Hamon, Consultant, Project ownership Assistance for PACA Region (supply analysis and pilot actions).

• Students of the IUT Université Montpellier 2 (France) in Licence Pro (BsC) " Control and integrate Energies " - http://iut.geii.montp2.free.fr/new/formation/mie/mie.php

• About ten craftsmen working in sectors related to energy efficiency and retrofit: either independants in Paris or Marseilles, or during business creation / transmission training delivered by the Languedoc Roussillon CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) - www.languedoc-roussillon.cci.fr

K.I.B.S. France

Fabien Cleenewerck

Strategic and creative consultant - Expert in digital creativity / Serious Games

Communication / Innovation

negaWatt France


Thierry Salomon

Founder Institution / Energy / Sustainable development

Solaire Direct France


Alexandre Bameule

Residential and roofs market manager

Energy / Photovoltaic

Sustainway France


Olivier Dubigeon

Founder Consultant in Sustainable development and CSR

Sustainable development / CSR

Telos Italy


Giovanni Cafiero

President of engineering consulting firm Telos and architect at Studio Cafiero

Energy / Construction / Sustainable development

UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) HQ France / International


Solange Montillaud-Joyel

Publishing and marketing strategies manager

Institution / Development

UNICOM (Unione Nazionale Imprese di Comunicazione) Italy


Isabella Mele Managing director Institution / Communication

Zelian Italy


Andrea Lupo Managing partner Communication / Sustainable development

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Documentary database (signif icant)

Med Marie consortium's internal resources

• Bibliographical database provided by Mrs Viviane Hamon.

• Prior reports of supply and demand analysis for Med Marie project plus other internal documentation.

• « WP2 working session » presentation on communication best practices. It has been carried out by Canopée Agency for the consortium meeting in Brussels, last November 2012.

Reports and external studies

• ADEME / KANTAR MEDIA / TNS SOFRES: « Humor serving Sustainable development » - August 2011

• Poll 2012 Novethic: Buildings Eco Performance Reporting

• BPIE (Buildings Performance Institute Europe): « Europe's buildings under the microspcope » - 2011

• CA2D (Sustainable development players Club): « The white book on tertiary and public buildings

energy efficiency / Côte d'Azur - France » - 2011

• EDF, GDF Suez, Eiffage, SILIC, Bouygues and other energy and construction firms: Sustainable development Reports 2011 and 2012

• OWLRE « Evaluating Communication Campaigns » - 2008

• RénovEnergie (supported by ADEME) : « Energy retrofit in private sector » - Partners : France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland (final report résumé) - January 2011

• TNS SOFRES / ADEME: « Energy control - Results » - 2011

• UNEP / Futerra Agency: « Communicating Sustainability: how to produce effective public

campaigns ? » - 2005

• WWF / Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Español: « Acts of green / Eco energy »

Press reviews and analysis • « La comunicazione sull’efficienza energetica e la riqualificazione energetica degli edifici in Italia »

Zelian Agency - November 2012

• Press Panorama: Communication on energy retrofit in existing buildings theme - SVP - November 2012

Trade fairs and conferences

• Annual conference on innovation: Energy transition, innovation and economic development - (Nice / France) - May 2013

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• Mediterranean symposium on Sustainable Cities : www.fundea.org - (Granada / Spain) - November 2012

• Energaïa international trade fair : Workshops « EFFINERGIE : Ernergy transition, Negawatt scenario» and « CEMATER : a global answer to the challenges of energy performance in existing buildings » - (Montpellier / France) - December 2012

• International trade fair on Cutlural Heritage (Paris / France) - November 2012

• ACIDD Association : Inter region Summer University for Sustainbable Development (PACA / France) - November 2012

Literature sources

• A great part of the literature search has been done through the web

• Blogs and websites, publications, in situ visits in the different countries part of the consortium but also of other european or international countries (Belgium, UK, Germany, US, Brasil...) of :

> energy providers,

> services providers,

> materials and equipments retailers,

> construction firms and installers,

> craftmens,

> national, european, international public bodies

> NGO, associations promoting Sustainability

> communication agencies, advertising and communication control authorities

> universities and high schools,

> training centers,

> clusters,

> other projects on energy efficiency and sustainability supported by EU,

> research in social development, behaviours, new practices, eco-neighborhood, smart cities, living labs

> innovations and collaborative work

> media, sectorial blogs and forum (communication, services marketing, sustainable development, energy, buildings, Europe) and other media feature articles.

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Completed surveys

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1- General Questionnaire Document: Outlines of communication actions and best practices in MedMarie countries 2- Partners feedbacks: Uevora (Portugal), Generalita Cataluna (Spain), Anko (Greece), Golea (Slovenia), Umbria Region (Italy), Larnaka Municipality (Cyprus)

A_ General Context Informations

QA1_ What are your main objectives behind Med Marie project?

• What is it?

QA2_ Have you got a national referee organization (such as ADEME in France) which mission is to raise public awareness on EE/ER? :

• Who is it?

• Can you describe their actions till now?

QA3_ Which organizations are EE/ER network headend in your country?

• What are the current result of their communication?

• Who are they?

• Can you describe their actions and communication plans if any?

QA4_ What are your country specificities regarding sustainable development / CSR?

• Your country socio-culture

• Environnemental / Social / Societal / Economical issues vs innovations

• What about traditional construction and techniques?

QA5_Who are the main construction companies? :

• Identity informations: Name, Sector, competencies, size, geographical situation, clients, …

• Do they propose a ER/EE special package?

• Have you seen some communication on it?

• Are they gathered in a federation or business club? Other?

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QA6_ For the network headend organizations or other involved organizations:

• What is their link with public organizations?

• What is their public / private / other partners relationships?

• Those organizations are gathered in a federation or other?

QA7_ Which kind of communication is done in your country that would be specific for the EuroMediterranean countries in terms of? :

• Climate and geographical changes

• Socia-cultural aspects

• Political field

• Economical objectives

B_ Existing communication in the buildings ER/EE field

QB1_ Have the main network headend organizations communicate on ER/EE subjects? :

QB2_ If yes, what kind of message was delivered? :

• - External communication? :

> Sensibilisation communication?

> Informations on technics and innovations?

> Direct or indirect Financial supports ? Other incentives?

> Information on partnerships between organizations?

> Crisis communication?

> Other external communication?

• Internal communication?

QB3_ Which target / targets? :

• Training communication / informations?

• Final users / owners / other individuals?

• Global awareness campaign for citizens/consumers?

• Professionals ? Which sector? (construction, real estate, energy providers, materials shops, associations, notariés…) ?

• Corporate?

• Local / Territorial / National campaigns?

QB4_ For external : Which kind of communication tool they used ? Communication plan? :

• Others?

• Editorial? Advertorial? PR?

> In which media? General press, professionnal press, organization magazines, TV, radio, Web TV programs

• Networking 1.0 / 2.0 : Websites, emailings, newletters, blogs, forums, social networks pages, smartphones and touchpads applications? etc…

• Books, documentary movies? BtoB or BtoC > general public, specific targets in terms of age, social category, profession, place of residence etc…?

• Special events: indoor / outdoor innovative events? Performances? Street marketing? Artistic and sportive gatherings? Awards event...?

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• Informational Special events BtoB /BtoC: conferences, trade shows, debates, training symposiums, guided tours, …?

• Neighborhood gatherings and animations, teaching aid packages distribution, film projections / debates and public meetings, focus groups? …

QB5_ Can you give one or 2 significant examples and can you get qualitative / quantitative results for those communication actions? :

QB6_ For internal : Which kind of communication tool they used? Communication plan? :

• Others?

• Specific actions? Special trainings?

• Changes inside the organization?

• Creation of specific new jobs?

• Internal federation?

QB7_ Can you give one or 2 significant examples and can you get qualitative / quantitative results for those communication actions? :

QB8_ Have you seen some significant training programs included in communication plans? :

• Others?

• Which kind of training?

• Which targets?

QB9_ Can you give one or 2 significant examples and can you get qualitative / quantitative results for those training actions and their communication? :

• How they’ve been promoted?

C_ On the road to 2020: innovative and best practices communication actions

QC1_ As a human being/citizen/consumer person, do you remember other communication campaigns or have you talked with people about one that stroke you/them? :

• Can you describe it? Find illustrations

• Who was delivering the message?

• What was the message?

• How was delivered the message?

• What stroke you? What did you think/feel in front of this communication?

• Did you or other people around you began to change of ideas / attitudes / behaviours after being in touch with those communications?

• Depending on the subject, did those communication campaigns were going with Financial support ?

QC2_ If you interviewed some experts around you, what kind of communication they would think useful for the buildings ER/EE shift?

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QC3_ Free comments • The expert could be either from the energetic and building sectors, communication and sociology

aeas or sustainable development field…

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Questionnaire Feedback – Evora (Portugal) University of Evora

A_ General Context Informations

RA1_ N/A


The Portuguese energy agency is called ADENE (www.adene.pt). It has been founded in 2000 to replace the Energy Conservation Centre (created in 1980).

ADENE is a non-profit organization with public and private capital, it was established by the Portuguese Ministry of the Economy (Decree Law 223/2000) and modified by Decree Law (no. 314/2001), the mission assigned is “promote activities of public interest in the energy area and the interface with other sector policies”.

ADENE’s main activities are:

• Participation in several European projects along with other agencies and international organizations;

• Participation in the European Network of Energy Agencies (EnR);

• Management of the national system for building energy certification and of the system of intensive energy consumptions. ADENE is the Portuguese entity responsible for the development, implementation and management of Portuguese building certification system, under the scope of EU Directive 32/2001. This is enforced by the Decree Law 78/2006;

• Industry and transport audit service for energy efficiency.

• Participation on the national plan for energy efficiency and on the program for renewable energy management and demand;

• Sustainable Development project, related with zero carbon initiatives and renewable energy.

• Awareness and communication through the publication of books, reports, leaflets, etc, and the organization of conferences and seminars;

ADENE is also part of the EU Commission project management, coordination and membership, mainly under the scope of European Intelligent Energy, as EPBD (Energy Performance Building Directive), SAVE, Greenbuilding, Enerlin, DEXA.

ADENE has been responsible for the organisation of more than 150 events at National and European level involving a total number of more than 10,000 delegates. On the other hand, ADENE collaborates intensively in the dissemination of information on events organised by other entities, thus significantly improving leverage of the most relevant activities developed on energy issues in Portugal.

• Training and marketing. Developing and implementing different training programmes for energy efficiency in buildings and industry.


Centro Habitat - Plataforma para a Construção Sustentável (The Sustainable Construction Platform Association, www.centrohabitat.net). It’s a technical/scientific nonprofits association, with the objective of developing a concerted dynamic trough innovation, qualification and modernization of companies aggregated in the sustainable construction cluster, to improve their competitiveness.

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The action plan of this association relies, in sum, in developing the cluster’s structure, promote the added value of sustainable construction, and create conditions for companies’ cooperation and internationalization.

The Sustainable Construction Platform Association was formally appointed as the managing entity of the Sustainable Habitat Cluster that was recognized by the Portuguese Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), in July 2009, as a Collective Efficiency Strategy (CES). Sustainability was elected as the driving force for innovation and competitiveness looking for the desired transformation of this cluster, with a clear impact on economic, social and environmental aspects.

The Sustainable Construction Platform joined the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) and the Energy Buildings Association (E2BA) and is a founding member of the Europe Intercluster (Sustainable Construction Club) and of the ECO Platform.


In Portugal, despite the population awareness to environmental concerns, such as the climate change, and the need for energy and resource efficiency, the concept of sustainable development and the interdependence relations between the economical environmental and social sectors is still only known by a scarce minority; which makes that it is still hard for most people to realise and understand the full advantages of a sustainable development model. Nevertheless, there are some example of innovative products and services, like compact fluorescent lamps or lower energy rates during the night period, that have made their way into the market with significant success causing behaviour changes. The success of these products and services compared to the less success of others (e.g. electric cars, pv panels etc..) leads to the conclusion that innovative products and services have to represent direct economical savings in order to achieve significant implementation levels. This is even more important in a period of major economical and social crisis and when the vast majority of the population, including decision and policy makers, fails to understand the full relation between environmental impacts and economics.

Regarding to the construction techniques used in Portugal, and although there are different climatic realities, we can say that these are virtually equal throughout the country.

In terms of tradicional construction and techniques, Portugal saw in the last century the changing from local materials and techniques (e.g. local wood, rammed hearth, stone walls) by better quality or cheaper solutions (e.g. nordic pinewood, concrete structures). However some efforts have been made recently to recover ancient construction techniques (e.g. houses of rammed earth) which had advantages in certain climatic regions of the country and represented a sustainable way of construction.

The traditional construction in Portugal is currently based on a constructive system that consists of a structure in reinforced concrete (with some tendency for slabs of prestressed beams with ceramic blocks), external walls in double brick masonry and interior walls in simple brick masonry. This construction system with more than 50 years, experienced very few developments over the years, and remains the most widely used in Portugal mainly because of the following factors:

Economic factors, these materials are abundant in the market, so it’s cheaper price lowers the construction costs;

Low qualification of the construction workers;

The formation of construction engineers and architects is mainly directed for traditional construction solutions.

However, in recent years, the construction techniques and building materials have evolved in Portugal (e.g. ETICS systems, thermal insulating mortars, termal bricks), especially in buildings designed during the last years, upgrading the construction sector.

In the last decade have also appeared some national companies with innovative construction systems such as Light Gauge Steel Framing and Autoclaved Cellular Concrete, aiming to put themselves on the market as an alternative to traditional construction methods.

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Portuguese main construction companies are integrated in large economical groups mainly oriented to the public infrastructure sector (roads, water, electricity and telecommunications facilities etc.). However, these economical groups have also interests in other construction sectors, being the building sector one of them. The following table resumes the gathered information of some of main Portuguese construction companies. They tend to have strong relation with public organizations, including public-private partnerships to run and explore public infrastructures (e.g. roads), which already represent a significant part of the companies’ annual net balances.

Name Sectors Geographical coverage


EE/ER special


Gathered in Federation?

Examples of public partnerships

Teixeira Duarte

Construction (geotechnical and rehabilitation, buildings, infrastructures, etc.), Real estate, Hotels, Energy (Oil, gas, solar thermal etc.), Stock market

Portugal, South Africa, Angola, Algeria, Brazil, Cape Verde, China (Macau), Spain, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Russia, S. Tomé & Príncipe, Venuzuela.

Net balance 2011:

€ 1,200 M



No No • AEDL - Auto-Estradas do Douro Litoral, S.A. (Douro Litoral Highways, SA);

• AEBT - Auto-Estradas do Baixo Tejo, S.A. (Lower Tejo Highways, SA);

• LUSOPONTE - Concessionária para a Travessia do Tejo, S.A. (Tejo Crossing Concession, SA);

• SATUOEIRAS, E.M, S.A - Automatic System for Urban Transport – Oeiras;

Mota-Engil Construction (infrastructures, buildings, real state), Stock market

Portugal, South Africa, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Slovakia, Spain, USA, Hungary, Ireland, Malawi, Mexico, Mozambique, Peru, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, S. Tomé & Principe

Net balance 2011:

€ 2,176 M

No No • ASCENDI, Auto-Estradas da Grande Lisboa, S.A. (Highways of Lisboa Concession) ;

• ASCENDI Norte, Auto-Estradas do Norte, S. A.

• (North Highways Concession) ;

• Via Verde Portugal, management of electronic payment services in highways :

• ECOLEZÍRIA, management of urban solid waste and selective collection ;

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(*) – Self Energy is the first portuguese ESCO (Energy Service Company) that provides an overall service management of energy, to reduce costs and energy consumption, with guaranteed return on investment associated with the performance of the energy service provided. Self Energy aims to design and install energy solutions and energy efficiency solutions that combine local production base with other renewable sources, in addition to reducing energy bills, and also the environmental bill on CO2 emissions. The company Soares da Costa has a four monthly magazine, named World in Progress,

with the main goal of present the projects where the group is involved in, reveals the market opportunities under review and anticipates what Soares da Costa is planning to do abroad. The first number of this publication has the cover title of: Energetic Efficiency Above and Beyond Borders.


The Platform for Sustainable Construction Association cluster (Centro Habitat - Plataforma para a Construção Sustentável www.centrohabitat.net) joins different types of public and private partners: companies, I&R centres, Municipalities, Associations and other organizations.


There are no specific communications relating to the EuroMediterranean countries in Portugal.

In Portugal there are a set of reference publications, which not being specific to each of mentioned areas, are the main driver for the creation of public opinion, information and enlightenment of citizens.

Communications, both written and transmitted by the media (in its various forms, internet, television, radio) are related to Portugal in specific, although there is sometimes a tendency to compare the objectives reached in Portugal with those proposed by the European Union, or with reference values in other countries outside the European Union. However we can highlight some existing publications in the different mentioned areas.

With regard to climate and geographical changes there are a number of important publications that reach a wider audience, such as:

• TV show “Biosphere” (Biosfera), broadcast on portuguese public television. It’s a weekly magazine about environmental issues, including climate and geographical changes analysis in Portugal and in the rest of the globe.

• The program aims to raise awareness of the Portuguese citizens to the need for a behavior change. • Monthly magazine "Renewables Magazine" (Renováveis Magazine). It is a monthly publication

focused on renewables energies. It describes methods and techniques for the sustainable use of energy resources.

• Monthly magazine "Construction Magazine" (Construção Magazine). It is a monthly publication with technical information on construction. This communication has already dedicated some

Soares da Costa

Construction, Real state, Energy

Portugal, Angola, Barbados, Brazil, Cape Verde, Egipt, China, Germany, Iraq, Romania, Spain

Turnover 2011

€ 873.5 M

Workers: 5,318

Yes. Self energy*

No • Scutvias, Auto-estradas da Beira Interior, SA (Highways of Beira Interior, SA);

• CPE - Companhia de Parques de Estacionamento, SA (Company of Car Parking, SA);

• Indáqua, SA (public water supply and sanitation)

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numbers to the need of rehabilitate existing buildings to prevent geographical and climatic changes.

In what concerns to the socio-cultural, political, and economic aspects, the existing publications are generalists, but we could highlight information programs on public television and open signal channels, as also some newspapers such as Público, Expresso and Daily Economic (Diário Económico) are also importants to the formation of opinion among the public audience.

B_ Existing communication in the buildings ER/EE field


Yes, the Platform for Sustainable Construction Association cluster (Centro Habitat - Plataforma para a Construção Sustentável www.centrohabitat.net) have different forms of communicate information about issues related to ER/EE.


The external communication of cluster is based mainly in the following ways :

• Monthly newsletter: with the objective of spreading news related to the sector of sustainable construction, news related to the objectives of the cluster, news about the main activities carried out by the members and dissemination of training programs. The subscription of this newsletter is open, which means that any interested citizen may subscribe to the publication in www.centrohabitat.net.

• Website: the portal created by the cluster, www.centrohabitat.net, is also a way of spreading information about the activities of the cluster on matters of EE/ER in buildings. Besides the news that are provided and updated constantly, is available on the website an archive of all the interventions made by the cluster at the national and international press. It’s also available in the website a calendar with all the congresses and formation programs organized by the cluster.

• Social networks: the platform releases much of their information through social networks (Facebook network). Social networks are an easy way of spreading information throughout a vast audience, and the cluster uses this way of communication to give news about sustainable buildings, energy efficiency, energy rehabilitation in buildings and activities carried out by his members. The news communicated in this way are mostly in terms of building materials, renewable energy systems and technologies and ways to ensure energy rehabilitation of existing buildings.

• Conferences and Seminars: conferences and seminars are conducted in order to spread information about issues related to EE/ER and activities developed by the members of the cluster. These initiatives disclose developments and innovations in the industry along specialists, technicians and students.

The external communications have the purpose of promote, inform and train all stakeholders in the process of energy efficiency in buildings.

The internal communication of the cluster, besides to providing updated information on the activity of the cluster to all the members, is also carried out through the conferencess. At some of the conferences held by the cluster exist exclusive sessions to members, where they can discuss issues related to EE / ER in buildings. This way the members and the cluster can exchange information and establish new objectives.

The cluster also created the Support Office for Sustainable Projects and Developments (Gabinete de Apoio a Projectos e Empreendimentos Sustentáveis – GAPES), that constitutes a support interface to the

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members and promotes the public interaction, approaching their associated of the questions put to them by any entity. This support system and internal communication system allows public entities to be directly supported by the cluster, allowing better quality in his decisions.


The communications and publications made by the cluster aims to several different targets. They use different types of media depending on the target to achieve.

The main goal of communication via social networks is to achieve all users and owners of buildings, using simple and concise informations, with the objective to present new materials and techniques for improving the energy efficiency and comfort of their buildings.

The website of the cluster and its monthly newsletter is aimed to an audience that already has some information about issues related to energy efficiency in buildings and are looking for more information on these matters. We could fit in this category the construction professionals, suppliers of construction materials and energy suppliers.

The conferences and seminars organized by the cluster, where all the members participate (companies, I&R

centres, Municipalities, Associations and other organizations), are made for a specialized audience, providing detailed technical information and allowing different stakeholders to develop knowledge about different issues related with EE/ER. This enables greater efficiency in decision making to the public organization and better strategies to the companies in the market.

According to information provided, the cluster didn't make to the present date any nationwide/regional/local campaign in the more traditional media.


For external communication the cluster uses social networks, his website and a monthly newsletter. These forms of communication have the intended to reach an audience less aware of issues related to energy efficiency and its key questions.

Members of the cluster also contributes frequently in press releases, general and professional, nationwide, as a way of raising awareness to the issues of the energy efficiency in buildings, but also for the spread of content related to the cluster, to his members, and to his activities.

The organization of conferences and seminars by the cluster, open to all interested people, although the themes are focused on more specific subjects, and that awaken more interest in the professionals and experts, allows to pass more information to the general public, encouraging also the students of architecture, engineering and from different areas related to the issues of energy efficiency to look for further knowledge and face to the energy efficiency in buildings as a study area with future.

In 2011, as a result of the partnership between the municipality of Agueda and the cluster, was published the ebook with the communication "Sustainable construction and rehabilitation - Sustainable Partnerships for Urban Regeneration 2011", which is available to everyone interested and can be downloaded from the website of the cluster.


• Social network and website: The creation of these communication forms enabled the cluster to reach audiences who did not have much information on issues related to energy efficiency of buildings.

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The information provided in these media have the main objective of alert and inform users and building owners, putting them alongside the innovations and developments that are being made in this field.

These media also allows the cluster to disclose the activities of their members, both public and private. It is also through these media that the cluster advertises the products of its members among the customers, demonstrating the advantages, and stating the reasons for which they are more competitive and improve the quality of life for the user of the building.

• Congress of Innovation in Sustainable Construction (Congresso de Inovação na Construção Sustentável - CINCOS´12): This action, which lasted four days, involved a group of companies representing the sector of construction and the building materials, as well as public entities and a large number of students.

This international event aims to bring together businesses, municipalities, I&R centers, business associations and other development agents with an interest in Sustainability Built Environment as a basis for innovation and enhanced competitiveness.

This is an event where the cluster Platform for Sustainable Construction seeks to promote synergies and partnerships that generate innovation, and highlight the work done by the members of the cluster, promoting their differentiation and internationalization.


• Support and evaluation of projects and businesses in the area of sustainability; • Monitoring and promotion of innovative projects;

• Support the choice of partners at national and international level;

• Reinforcement of business opportunities for the members;

• Cooperation with the municipalities and other associative structures at national and international level in the area of sustainability;

• Updating of the databases of the members and their skills and competencies;

• Reception and registration of documentation (legislation, news and events);

• Promote the required information for each member in order to clarify any need;

• Managing a forum of questions/suggestions between the members.

Besides the Support Office, the cluster identified four fields of action and research along with his associates, defining strategies for diffusion of knowledge between different stakeholders as a mean of encouraging business development.

In addition to this support system, the cluster communicates with all of his members, via mailing system, and especially through the joint organization of conferences, trainings and seminars.


• Municipality of Agueda (Câmara Municipal de Águeda) - Contract to provide services for the development of a standard specification for the project "Urban Center of the Future - developing new constructive models", under the "Integrated program for regeneration of the City of Agueda," presented to the partnerships for the urban regeneration. From this partnership came the publication of the draft document "Sustainable construction and rehabilitation - Sustainable Partnerships for Urban Regeneration 2011".

• Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Aveiro (Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Aveiro - CIRA) - Contract to provide services for monitoring the project "Water Efficiency in Buildings and

The creation of the Support Office for Sustainable Projects and Developments (Gabinete de Apoio a Projectos e Empreendimentos Sustentáveis – GAPES), was based on the following objectives:

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Public Spaces - The Way to Sustainable Water Management", presented to POVT - Operational Programme for Territorial Development (QREN 2007-2013), promoted by consortium Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Aveiro. Through this partnership was created the blog Hydro Efficiency in Buildings and Public Spaces (http://eficienciahidrica.wordpress.com/), with purpose of spreading information relating to the subject of the project.


The conferences and seminars in addition to the informational component also function as training initiatives. The initiatives are mainly related to sustainable construction, energy efficient buildings and sustainable rehabilitation of existing buildings. The target audiences of these initiatives are the cluster members (public and private), professionals and technicians in the field of construction and urban planning, students from the fields of engineering and architecture and other stakeholders.

These conferences and seminar are promoted mostly through the organizers, on their websites and email lists, but also by the national media specialized in construction and urbanism.

With regard to training programs in Portugal, ADENE (Portuguese energy agency) is the main entity

providing training in the area of energy efficiency and rehabilitation of buildings. With content directed to technicians and specialists, the formations programs of this institution are those that most contribute to the training of experts and specialists in the area of energy efficiency.

RB9_ Platform for Sustainable Construction Association

• Workshop "Sustainability and Buildings with Balance Almost Zero '- First part with communications

of various experts in the area of energy efficiency in buildings. Second part reserved for the members of the cluster with a working meeting with the purpose of discussing issues related to energy efficiency.

• Workshop "New Materials and Systems for Sustainability" - Development and innovations in the field of building materials.


• Training programm "Calculation Method for Energy Certification of Existing Buildings" - analysis of the energy performance and indoor air quality in existing buildings, applying the methodology of calculation defined by Decree-Law n. º 80/2006 – RCCTE.

• Training "RCCTE Certification Course "- certification processes and verification procedures, as well as any relationship with the ADENE procedural documents. Will be transmitted an appropriate solid foundation of knowledge and skills to the expert that enable effective training and it's connection with the National System of Energy Certification and Indoor Air Quality in Buildings – SCE.

C_ On the road to 2020: Innovative and best practices communication actions


In Portugal, after the transposition of European directives related to energy performance of buildings, came a set of legal documents to monitor and encourage improvements to the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings. The publication of regulations concerning the energy efficiency of buildings (including the National System of Energy Certification and Indoor Air Quality in Buildings - SCE), together with the financial support for the placement of renewable energy equipment that the government promoted during

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the years 2009 to 2010, has spurred the market for energy efficiency of buildings. At this time appeared a lot of advertising campaigns on television, radio, internet and specialized press, spreading the advantages of energy efficiency in buildings and their benefits for the users.

For example, at this time, the General Directorate for Energy of Portugal launched the campaign "Solar Hot Water for Portugal”, television, radio and general and specialized press were used in the strategy of the campaign, the headline was: "Solar Hot Water. Nobody gets cold with its advantages"

Below are shown two images that serve as examples of campaigns targeted to the energy efficiency in Portugal.

Figure 1: Advertising poster relative to the campaign of the General Directorate for Geology and Energy of Portugal.

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Figure 2: Advertising poster relative to the campaign of ADENE on the energy certification of buildings.

The campaigns were carried out by public entities with the aim of promoting energy efficiency of buildings, but after the financial support announced by the portuguese government, manufacturers and sellers of materials and equipment also begun advertising campaigns in various media (television, newspapers, radio, internet) to publicize their products and demonstrate its competitiveness in a booming market.

The different campaigns released, made the citizens think about the inevitability of rationing their energy consumption and the need of improve their domestic economies. This led to a wide divulgation of techniques and systems to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The owners and citizens were interested in these subjects at this time.

Finished the financial support to the energy efficiency, in 2010, the market stagnated and advertising campaigns are now virtually nonexistent


RC2_ N/A

There weren't interviewed experts in energy efficiency for filling out this questionnaire. However, in Portugal, advertising campaigns for energy efficiency and rehabilitation of existing housing stock is quite low. So any information or communications that allows raising awareness of these issues will produce positive effects, since most citizens don't know, or does not have, in-depth information.

Campaigns targeting to users and owners of buildings in more traditional media, such as newspapers and television, may cause a positive reaction from the market, boosting and developing the sector of energy efficiency in buildings.

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Questionnaire Feedback – Catalunya (Spain) Generalitat de Catalunya

A_ General Context Informations



* IDAE is the Spanish Institute responsible of public awareness however at regional level (Catalonia) ICAEN (Catalan Institute of Energy) is the responsible of raise public awareness. Also at Catalan level there is the Climatic Change Office that has responsibilities in this sense.

IDAE (www.idae.es) actions has been important until now :

• “IDAE digital classroom learning to save energy www.idae.es/index.php/id.175/mod.noticias/mem.detalle

* Generalitat de Catalunya : Pla de l’energia i el Canvi Climàtic de Catalunya 2012-2020

* ICAEN actions : www.gencat.cat/icaen/

• Pla Genercat per l’eficiència energètica en els edificis de la Generalitat de Catalunya

• Pla Renova’t: grants for energy savings though appliances renovation

• Measures for energy savings and energy efficiency map: web application to search measures and standard diagrams of most common industrial systems

• Energy efficiency directory of Catalan companies who work in this field. This database is organized by sectors (industry, buildings and services, mobility, energy services) and the search can be done by product/service, provider or documentation

Build a common MED strategy for Energy Renovation of Buildings

* AVS is a national body representing public housing companies which depend on local and regional authorities. They are financed through the capital markets and only construct social housing.

AVS aims are to urge the public authorities to provide the necessary condition for the fulfilment of the right to housing as listed in the constitution, to boost sustainable development through sustainable urban policies such as the regeneration of historic neighbourhoods and city centres, and to promote sustainable construction and the reduction of poverty and social exclusion. The ultimate goal is to strengthen and extend the productive public housing and land development sector. Dwellings provided by AVS members are social dwellings, the majority of which are owner occupied. The main activities of AVS include the promotion of housing with social aims. The key partners are the local and regional authorities and social organizations.

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• Renting and training of portable tools for monitoring and energy measurement.

• Dissemination of good practices addressed to industrial companies.

• Dissemination of ICAEN activity through brochures addressed to general public and specific sectors.

• Promotion to the ISO- 500001 implementation

* Catalan Climate Change Office www.gencat.cat/canviclimatic/

• Voluntary agreements for CO2 emissions reduction

• AHC (Housing Agency of Catalonia/Generalitat of Catalonia) (www.agenciahabitatge.cat) is developing a communication effort to promote ITES

• - Energy and environmental good practices in private and social dwellings

• Training experiences to technicians and tenants (Rehabitat project)


In Catalonia EE/ER network is leaded by CEEC (Catalan Cluster of Energy Efficiency) www.clustereficiencia.org/

CEEC master groups are groups encompassing multiple areas in the field of energy efficiency. They are intended to serve as forums for CEEC members to conduct in-depth discussions regarding crucial topics in each area and as tools for raising awareness outside the cluster of the most important issues in each one. Each master group includes one or more working groups: buildings, mobility, public services, industry and training). There is now a general effort in communication done by CEEC however several working groups are trying to offer common products to specific building owners. For instance the supermarket working group has produced a clear an detailed offer (integrating 7 companies: engineering, climate, cooling, heating, lighting, solar light, ..)



There are many construction companies operating in Catalonia. Companies are grouped in two main organization: “Gremi de Constructors” and “Cambra de Contratistes”.

The Gremi - www.gremi-obres.org/ - has more than 3.500 SME’s working in the construction sector and associated to facilitate their functions.

The “Cambra de Contractistes” - www.ccoc.es/ca/presentacio.php - has formed by more than 130 construction companies. They are developing the network INNOCONS (more than 120 experts working in produce the innovation of the sector).

The results until now are very difficult to evaluate but for the moment Energy Renovation of Buildings is not a priority for public and private owners in Catalonia

Catalonia is a region with high level of cultural and natural diversity. Nowadays the financial crisis affects a lot specially the construction sector. The innovation processes are in development in order to build new economic lines. One of them is sustainable building; however other aspects as mobility, TIC or agriculture/food are also in development.

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The InnoCons Barcelona programme for Innovation in Construction is an initiative born in Barcelona with an international focus. It is a network made up of over 300 professionals from the fields of architecture and engineering, comprising various perspectives of the sector: developers (public and private), technicians, product manufacturers and suppliers and construction firms, both specialist and generalist.

Its goal is to allow members to share, consolidate and spread their experience and knowledge, to resolve technical problems via innovative solutions and thus to promote radical, global changes in the way we build. The aim is to create a Construction sector with high added value and qualified personnel, applying technological developments and guaranteeing maximum safety for workers and users of the completed building.

Participants : www.innocons.cat/participantes.html

Generally speaking the construction sector considers that ER/EE is the future, for the sector however there are not clear communication strategy on it.

The link with public organizations is strong however there is not yet a common strategy to overcome the current crisis situation. MARIE could be an opportunity in

this sense.


In CEEC (Cluster of Energy Efficiency in Catalonia) www.clustereficiencia.org/ there are participating four main public institutions are participating: IREC (Institute of Energy Research in Catalonia/MARIE partner), ACC10 (MARIE Partner), ICAEN (Institute of Energy in Catalonia) and DTES (MARIE Lead Partner).

In INNOCONS different public organizations are involved: AHC (before ADIGSA), ACCIÓ, ARC, BARCELONA SERVEIS MUNICIPALS, GISA, ICAEN, etc.


Public Administrations usually each summer informs and recommend indoor temperatures to save energy. Posters, videos, events and leaflets are normal to recommend reduce the energy consumption. However, impacts of communication actions are no visible yet or not well measured.

In cultural terms the rate of building energy renovation in EU southern countries is 2 or 3 times less than EU northern countries, does mind less interest for own heritage and less awareness respects energy savings.

Private energy companies are obliged to communicate ideas and tools for energy saving. In the political field it’s necessary increase communication because the energy independence and complacency are not in the policy agenda. In economic terms the energy costs are not significant in relation to hire flats costs, food costs and other usual costs.

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B_ Existing communication in the buildings ER/EE field


Not Together

Public sector is developing specific campaigns

Also specific and individual communication efforts are in development in private sector.


Private sector (www.minetur.gob.es/energia/tur/listadoempresas/paginas/listadoempresas.aspx) in general is trying sell better and more, however each typology of company has different marketing strategy. The big energy distribution companies (ENDESA www.endesa.com, GAS NATURAL www.gasnaturalfenosa.es, IBERDROLA www.iberdrola.es) SOM ENERGIA (www.somenergia.coop) communicates for energy efficiency improvement general messages with practical recommendations through TV or radio messages. Construction companies and producers develop more technical information

and innovations. RB3_ Public campaigns are mainly global awareness campaigns for citizens and consumers, however there are specific campaigns for owner’s as for instance ITES Campaign promoting the technical review (including energy diagnostic) of ancient buildings in order to ensure their security.

RB4_ The Guide for the energy renovation of housing has been produced by the Government of Catalonia in 2010. It explains in detail solutions and technologies for ER for housing. www20.gencat.cat/.../habitatge/.../Secretaria%20dhabitatge/.../20%20Guia%20renovacio%20energetica/Guia%20RE_CTPb.pdf 34 kg de CO2 La contribució de l'habitatge a Catalunya a la reducció d'emisions de gasos amb efecte d'hivernacle Best practices sheets Renewable Energies and Energy Savings implementation guidelines Climate change awareness campaigns Users campaigns ITEs (Video) REHABITAT project (Some videos) RESHAPE project (Brochure) Energy week (events) Refrigeration temperature campaign Climate change awareness campaigns

Public sector develops specially awareness communication and direct or indirect financial support (in the current context this second line is clearly decreasing).

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RB5 _ ITE’s campaign (2012 campaign) oriented to building owners the campaign results are no visible now because is a campaign related to a Catalan Decree in development. However the idea is to increase the building owners interest in general renovation and refurbish their own buildings. The campaign is mainly focused in security but other aspects as energy conservation are developed. The Green Schools campaign (2000 but with effects in 2012) oriented to increase the sustainability concepts in schools including energy. A lot of schools has developed very well the campaign and nowadays exist a big majority of Catalan schools associated to this campaign. In terms of energy does mind the installation of energy monitoring systems (with participation of teachers and pupils), solar PV and thermal installations, improvement of energy management and at the end an important energy saving.


• Videos to promote the “maintenance culture” and Eco efficiency with owners and tenants coresponsability. Addressed to owners and tenants of social and/or private dwellings.

• Green homes training addressed to tenants of social housing. The main aim was to promote energy savings and energy efficiency in communities. Specific objectives were reduce energy consumption due to renovation conscience and correct use of services; reduce energy invoices and make aware tenants of energy efficiency. Workshops about environmental good practices in the use and maintenance of dwellings were organised. Renewable energy sources and tools to reduce energy consumption and cost of energy invoices were also items included in the training.

• Internal training for technical staff for a better management and maintenance of dwellings. 49 technicians were trained in different matters of solar thermic installation maintenance, energy and water savings and the promotion of the maintenance culture.





In REHABITAT project, where l’AHC has been working in, different training has been developed :

Recently in the MARIE project framework 20 technicians of AHC has participated in 3 training sessions to learn the 2 official software to calculate energy certification for 5 Housing Public buildings.

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C_ On the road to 2020: Innovative and best practices communication actions RC1_ No


RC3_ N/A

It’s difficult to establish communication in this field. Normally persons are not habituated and not consider energy costs as important.

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Questionnaire Feedback – Macedonia (Greece) Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia S.A. Anko

A_ General Context Informations


The main objective is to promote sustainable renovation in buildings in Med countries in order to achieve the target 20-20-20. Moreover, it attempts to link public Administrations to private companies (SMEs) specialised in energy business in an innovative way improving competitiveness and pull the market to qualified technologies.


The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is the Greek organisation for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Rational Use of Energy (RUE) and Energy Saving (ES). CRES has been appointed as the national co-ordination centre in its areas of activity (Law 2244/94 and Law 2702/99).

CRES operates in two main fields of activity:

• As a Research and Technological Centre for RES/RUE/ES, by developing applied research for the new energy technologies and by technically supporting the market for the penetration and the implementation of these technologies.

• As the National Energy Centre, working on energy planning and policy for RES and ES and developing the necessary infrastructure to support the implementation of RES&ES investment projects.

• is the official consultant of the Greek government on matters of RES/RUE/ES in national policy, strategy and planning;

• carries out applied research and develops innovative technologies which are both technically/economically viable and environment-friendly;

• organises, supervises and carries out demonstration and pilot projects, to promote the above technologies;

• implements commercial RES/RUE/ES applications in private sector energy projects, local authorities, professional associations, etc.;

• provides technical services and advice, in the form of specialised know- how and information, to third parties;

• disseminates technologies in its areas of expertise and provides reliable information and support to interested organisations and investors;

• organises and/or participates in technical and scientific seminars, educational programmes, specialised training courses, meetings, etc.

Within the scope of its activities as a Research and Technological Centre, CRES provides the link between basic research and industry, aiming at the development of local technological products and services.

In the framework of its mission, CRES:

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Through this activity, CRES has obtained important know-how, participating in many research projects and networks.

In parallel, by co-ordinating and participating in a respectable number of pilot and demonstration projects, the Centre has assisted the market in accepting and adopting new energy technologies.

CRES has provided important services to third parties (private investors) and to local authorities, concerning the exploitation of the technical and techno-economical possibilities for the application of RES/RUE/ES projects.

It has carried out national, European and international investment projects for RES/RUE/ES, contributing substantially to the evaluation of investment proposals, the technical monitoring of the projects, the briefing of investors, public organisations, industry and other relevant sectors, as well as raising public awareness of RES/RUE/ES.

CRES is a very active advisor to the Greek State on matters of national energy policy, especially RES/RUE/ES, for the development and realisation of business initiatives and investment ventures, participating in the planning, co-ordination and monitoring of integrated programmes and projects at national, regional and local levels.

Internationally, CRES has promoted Greek interests in the energy sector in regions of specific interest for Greece such as, the Mediterranean, the Balkans and the Black Sea, developing a network for communication and co-operation with the energy organisations in these regions and has participated in projects, international fora and networks.

Over the years CRES has participated in more than 600 European, national and international projects. These include applied research projects and development, demonstration projects, energy policy studies, development of energy information systems and energy modelling, investment feasibility studies, technical and economic studies, environmental impact assessments, market research as well as activities for the promotion of RES/RUE/ES. Through these projects, CRES has developed co-operation with numerous public and private organisations, at a national, European and international level.


HELAPCO is a non-profit organisation representing the photovoltaic companies in Greece. It was established in 2002 by the majority of key PV companies active in Greece. HELAPCO is a member of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), the Network of National PV Associations (NNPVA), and the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF).

ELETAEN was establish in 1991 with the name Greek Company of Wind Energy and then renamed in 2005 as Greek Scientific Union for Wind Energy www.eletaen.gr. It is part of the European Wind Energy Association www.ewea.org.

ELETAEN serves a double purpose :

• it promotes scientific research in the field of wind energy and at the same time

• tries to express effectively and with scientific documentation the arguments for the development and the institutional modernization of the investment environment, on the basis of the market's and the industry's best interests, acting as a medium of promoting participation and standing positions. Members of ELETAEN may become companies and institutions, which are active in the field, as well as, individuals, professionals and scientists. Well renowned scientists have been elected as member of its Board, as well as executives from the most important companies of the field, helping thus for its best possible representation.

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The Technical Chamber of Greece, founded in 1923, is a Public Entity with elected Administration. Κατά τους κανόνες της Ελληνικής Πολιτείας ως νομικό Πρόσωπο Δημοσίου Δικαίου εποπτεύεται τυπικώς από το

Υπουργείο Υποδομών Μεταφορών και Δικτύων (ΥΠ.Υ.ΜΕ.ΔΙ.). By the rules of the Greek state as a legal entity under public law typically supervised by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (YP.Y.ME.DI.).

The Technical Chamber of Greece aims to promote science in areas relating to the specialization of its members, technique and technology in general and their use for economic, social and cultural development of the country under the principles of sustainability and protection environment.

Το Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας στο πλαίσιο του σκοπού του είναι ο τεχνικός σύμβουλος της Κυβέρνησης και ιδιαίτερα: The Technical Chamber of Greece in the context of its objective is the technical advisor of the Government and in particular:

• Μελετά με δική του πρωτοβουλία ή έπειτα από ανάθεση ή αίτηση αυτοτελώς ή σε συνεργασία με άλλους κοινωνικούς ή επιστημονικούς φορείς ή επιμελητήρια οποιοδήποτε σχετικό επιστημονικό, τεχνικό, τεχνοοικονομικό, ή αναπτυξιακό θέμα που ενδιαφέρει το κοινωνικό σύνολο. Studying on his own initiative or at the request or assignment independently or in cooperation with other social or scientific organizations or chambers of any relevant scientific, technical, techno-economic or development theme of interest to the community. Επίσης διατυπώνει απόψεις με πρωτοβουλία δική του ή έπειτα από πρόσκληση για τη σχετική με τα θέματα αυτά νομοθεσία. Also formulate opinions on his own initiative or at the invitation of the relevant issues with legislation.

• Γνωμοδοτεί, έπειτα από πρόσκληση των αρμοδίων αρχών ή άλλων φορέων, του δημοσίου τομέα ή συνδικαλιστικών φορέων και μέσα σε οριζόμενο εύλογο χρονικό διάστημα, για οποιοδήποτε θέμα της αρμοδιότητάς του. Consultancy to authorities or other bodies, public sector or trade unions and within specified reasonable time on any matter within its competence.

• Συλλέγει στατιστικά στοιχεία σε σχέση με το τεχνικό δυναμικό, την τεχνική, επιστημονική, κατασκευαστική και σχετική βιομηχανική δραστηριότητα, τα τεχνικά υλικά, τον εξοπλισμό και την τεχνολογία, καταρτίζει στατιστικές και παρέχει σχετικές πληροφορίες προς τις αρμόδιες αρχές ή άλλους φορείς. Collects statistics in relation to the technical potential, technical, scientific, engineering and related industrial activity, technical materials, equipment and technology, compile statistics and provides relevant information to the competent authorities or bodies.

• Παρέχει τη συνδρομή του για την άρτια κατάρτιση και εφαρμογή των αναπτυξιακών προγραμμάτων, την αξιοποίηση των φυσικών πόρων, την βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής, την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος, εκπονεί μόνο ή σε συνεργασία με άλλους φορείς σχετικές μελέτες και έρευνες, σχέδια προδιαγραφών, κανονισμών, συμβάσεων έργων και μελετών. Assists for the excellent training and implementation of development programs, exploitation of natural resources, quality of life, protect the environment, develop alone or in cooperation with other agencies relevant studies and surveys, drawings specifications, regulations, contracts projects and studies.

• Συμβάλλει στην εκπόνηση προγραμμάτων τεχνικής παιδείας, στην ανάπτυξη της εγχώριας έρευνας και τεχνολογίας, στην αξιοποίηση, ανάπτυξη, προγραμματισμό και διάρθρωση του τεχνικού δυναμικού σύμφωνα με τις αναπτυξιακές ανάγκες της χώρας. Contributes to the development of technical education in the development of domestic research and technology, the utilization, development, planning and structuring of technical potential according to the developmental needs of the country.

• Ενημερώνει την κοινή γνώμη με ανακοινώσεις, δημοσιεύσεις, εκδόσεις ή με άλλο πρόσφορο τρόπο για οποιοδήποτε θέμα της αρμοδιότητάς του, εκλαϊκεύοντας και βοηθώντας στην ευρύτερη κατανόηση των σχετικών θεμάτων και προβλημάτων. Informs the public with announcements, publications, publications or other appropriate manner on any matter of competence and help the wider understanding of the issues and problems.

• Μετέχει σε διεθνείς οργανισμούς, σε ενώσεις επιμελητηρίων, σε διεθνείς ενώσεις τεχνικών, αναπτύσσει σχέσεις με αντίστοιχους οργανισμούς άλλων χωρών, οργανώνει συνέδρια, εκθέσεις και άλλες εκδηλώσεις για την προώθηση των σκοπών του. Participates in international organizations, associations chambers, international technical associations, develops relationships with similar organizations in other countries, organizes conferences, exhibitions and other events to promote its goals.

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• Διενεργεί πραγματογνωμοσύνες με θεσμοθετημένη αρμοδιότητα. Conducts an assessment by statutory authority. Οι εκθέσεις των πραγματογνωμοσυνών, The reports of the expert,που ανέρχονται σε 500 περίπου το χρόνο, αφορούν θέματα τεχνικής δραστηριότητας όπως οικοδομικά, μηχανολογικά, διαφορές κράτους πολιτών, ή πολιτών μεταξύ τους, κλπ. Από τα έσοδα των πραγματογνωμοσυνών το ένα τρίτο είναι, σύμφωνα με το νόμο, δικαιώματα του Τεχνικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδας. amounting to around 500 a year on technical topics such as business building, mechanical, various state citizens, or between people, etc. From the proceeds of the third expert, according to the law, the rights of the Technical Chamber of Greece.


Sustainable Development is the only sustainable solution for the Country as it serves the human and the real needs, and respects the environment. Furthermore, it will improve the competitive position of Greece, gather significant foreign investments and improve the quality of life. New entrepreneurships and opportunities will be built. As far as, the environment, is concerned the target sets 65% GHG reduction until 2050 following RES practices, energy efficiency and energy performance.













12. ΕΚΤΕR S.A.



15. ERGO S.A.

16. ΕΤΕTH S.A.

17. J & P – ΑVAX S.A.







24. ΜΕLKA S.A.







31. ΤΕRNA S.A.



34. ΤΟMI S.A.




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Note : contact details for each company are linked

The Association of Technical Companies of the Highest Classes was set up in 2003 consisting of 36 major construction companies of Greece, holders of certificate grade 7th and 6th and their classification was undertaken by the Ministry of Environment and Public Works with financial organizational and technical expertise criteria. The company-members of the Association are called upon to execute the big projects of the country and to become the main passage of penetration into the markets abroad and more specifically in the Balkans, East Europe and Middle East. The objectives of the Association are :

• To draw attention to the extremely important role played by the construction sector in the growth of the country and society which results in an improved quality of life.

• To break free from bureaucracy so that big projects be awarded faster and more efficiently funded from the European Union and the other sources as well, so that public works really become an important segment of the National Economy.

• To provide company-members with more opportunity to undertake projects abroad with the support of the Greek state, so that errors commited in the past be avoided.

• To ensure equal treatment of Greek and foreign companies by the Greek state and to point out the potential of the Greek construction sector, for high quality projects on more cost efficient terms.

• To support the general interests of its members and to take action as their representative before Greek and foreign authorities as well as national and international organizations.


See above



B_ Existing communication in the buildings ER/EE field

RB1_ to RB9

No available information

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C_ On the road to 2020 : Innovative and best practices communication actions



Actually, there is an on-going campaing about energy efficiency in Greece under the Ministry of Environment , Energy & Climate for the programme ‘Energy efficiency at buildings’. See the interactive link

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It ‘s an interactive environment where you can choose your geographical location ,the type of your house, m2, year of built,, type of windows, walls, roof,, heating-cooling systems and at the end you can see the energy class of the house, the annual heating and cooling loads, usage of hot water and CO2 emissions. Also you have the ability to change one or more parameters (senarios) and check out what it would be the energy reduction. The innovation of this tool is the interaction between the user and the building and read the result at once.



I think that a real building model (small-scall) or an interactive model such as the one described above it would be useful. Thus, the communication, it can be on internet base (interactive website) or as a demostration model during an event, seminar, info-day, etc.


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Questionnaire Feedback – Nova Gorica (Slovenia) Goriska Local Energy Agency GOLEA

A_ General Context Informations



• Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (http://www.agen-rs.si/en/default.asp) which is involved in topics concerned with energy production. For the energy user the agency offers a wide selection of explanations, topics and links on the energy market, energy production and energy efficiency. The knowledge is readibly available on the agencies website and is actualized regulary. The agency is also involved in creating strategies to employ renewable sources to generate energy. Their communication is well received since the agency also provides practical advice for all energy users.

• Slovenian environment agency (http://www.arso.gov.si/en/) is involved in preserving natural resources, biodiversity and sustainable development, ensuring high-quality environmental data for all target groups, raising the awareness of people and institutions about the environment and environmental issues, etc… Since the agency also monitors the environment it is a great source of data in terms of local environment change. On the agencies website there are several awareness raising articles on topics such as climate change, water purity, nature conservation, etc... The agency serves mainly as a source of climate data and center point for environmental issues. While its communication is not fully directed at raising public awareness on EE/ER, the agency data and

As a local energy agency we see ourselves as a center point between the energy users (public, private and residential), energy suppliers, the local government and the global area. In so it is our goal to have as much knowledge and experience possible in the area of energy production and use with which we can influence the local energy strategy to meet the goals set by EU energy objectives (such as the 20-20-20).

As a partner in the project we would like to further our horizon outside the local area and gather new knowledge and experience from project partners involved in the same field of work as is ours. We see the MED Marie project as a great opportunity to refresh our look on energy efficiency and building refurbishing and renovation with ideas and techniques used in the EU area. We are also keen on learning about and understanding EE legislature in other countries and finding possibilities to implement it in the local environment.

The MED Marie project will enable for us to:

Learn about new technologies used outside the local environment.

Connect with foreign organizations with developed expertise in energy production/use/savings.

Develop and propose regulatory demands for EE and ER.

Communicate local obstacles, solutions and similar knowledge to foreign partners and institutions.

Create a transnational knowledge base on the energy topic in terms of climate and socio-cultural aspects, political and economical objectives.

In comparison with the example (ADEME), it is hard to state there is one particular national organization which goal it is to raise public awareness on EE/ER. In this aspect the awareness raising is on the national level distributed between several national organisations, foremost two:

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reports help other organizations to present their EE/ER ideas, suggestions, etc more accurately and with a deeper understanding.

Apart from the above stated agencies there are several noncentralized (local) agencies and institutes who promote EE and ER to the public. They too use the sources of data from the above stated agencies to raise public awareness and help all sectors to improve their energy efficiency.


• Building and civil engineering institute (ZRMK, http://www.gi-zrmk.si/default1.aspx) which focuses on topics on building EE and ER. The institute has its own energy advisory network “Ensvet” which helps the public with articles and suggestions on EE and ER. ZRMK frequently holds lectures which can be freely attended, they also train energy advisory experts, recently experts for building energy performance certificates. Their communication with the public and other parties helps to improve building energy performance.

Local energy agencies (such as Golea, http://www.golea.si/en/intro) have been established as a to further permanent improvements in energy efficiency and to quicken the introduction of renewable energy sources with a view of achieving regional energy self-sufficiency. With their services they usually cover a region consisting of several municipalites where they help in preparing energy oriented documents (audits, project proposals, etc), inform local public on EE/ER posibilites, etc… As their name suggest they cover a wide range of energy oriented topics aimed at serving all sectors in the region.

There are also several other institutes, agencies and private companies oriented on ER and improving EE of buildings. These also work in all national sectors, their main objective frequently being in creating energy savings by means of proper energy use and implementation of new energy production technologies.


Sustainable development in the country is being promoted by means of subsidies for electric energy production plants and heating systems using renewable sources of energy as well as subsidies for the ER of energy inefficient building in public, private and residential sectors. In this way the energy consumption is being lowered and there is an increase of use of energy from renewable sources such as wood biomass, solar energy, etc…

Through information given by agencies and the available subsides the public is also slowly becoming aware of the environmental issues behind the current energy demand. New technologies being deployed focus on low energy use and use of renewable sources. This in terms means that the local readily available biomass is being used and is phasing out other oil based energy sources used in heating applications. This in term reduces the CO2 print of the region.

Traditional building techniques are still a predominant way of constructing new building. However these are by law required to be energy efficient (as stated by the recently adopted regulation on efficient use of energy in buildings –PURES 2010 and associated technical guildline TSG-1-004:2010 which permit a buildingheating demand bellow 45 kWh/m2a) and in so new building while still being constructed traditionally are sufficiently isolated and use modern heating systems (heat pump, biomass boilers, etc…). Also heat recovery ventilation systems are being used in buildings, however not extensively.

As stated before it is hard to claim that one particular organization is the center point for EE/ER. EE and ER topics are covered by several agencies, institutes and other organizations who advise, help and raise awareness. In so we can say that Slovenia has a distributed EE/ER awareness raising network. Most notable organizations are :

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The goal behind it is that the building sector must lower the energy use, all new buildings should and are built with high energy efficiency in mind (even zero energy houses are being constructed), however the general public awareness is still on a moderate level. When looking at why the general public is not implementing new technologies to lower energy use in their buildings the predominating reasons are that they do not have sufficient knowledge (this is available, however interest is low) on the technology, availability but more importantly on what such a technology could bring to them.

In terms of financial support to promote EE there are many national tenders which help cover investment costs for different measures to increase EE. For the public building sector there has recently been a call by the Ministry of infrastructure and spatial planning (MZIP) aimed to improve energy efficiency of public buildings such as schools, kindergartens and other larger municipal buildings. Also Petrol (a local oil and petrol distributer) has had a call for in EE and RSE investments in the public sector. For the residential sector Eko sklad (Eco fund – Slovenian Environmental Public Fund) has in the recent years had yearly open call with financial incentives for investments in EE in the residential sector for all types of residential buildings.


Shortly after the economic crisis of 2008 there was a collapse of the construction sector in Slovenia. This meant that the largest construction companies went into bankruptcy. In so there are currently only few medium sized (approx. 100 to 200 workers) construction companies in Slovenia (such as SGP Tehnik, SGP Pomgrad, Granit, Begrad, etc…). Even so, many of these companies face a possibility of bankruptcy due to the shrinkage of the construction sector.

All remaining companies are competent in traditional construction techniques, many of them even employing new ones. However they are not heavily oriented in the ER and usually do not propose special packages. The companies are linked to the public sector, they do service public buildings and are active on construction sites of public buildings although they also outsource work to smaller (bellow 50 worker) companies.

After the collapse of the construction sector in Slovenia the mainstay of the construction force is made up from smaller companies usually specializing in certain construction procedures or techniques (isolation, roofing, etc…). These smaller companies usually form an alliance when construction takes place on a larger building site. Between these there are a many companies who specialize in new techniques for ER and have knowledge on building EE buildings. Common technologies are implementation of heat pumps, solar plants, thick isolation of foundations, walls and roofs, modern glazing, etc. But as said before these technologies are not always being deployed where possible, due to lack of public knowledge (in here we see a solution in the scope of the Marie project).

RA6_ When looking at the above mentioned organizations their relationship with partners in all sectors is mostly in terms of consultancy work. These organizations provide valuable input for all sectors in terms of EE, ER and other aspects of energy production and energy usage. Consulting work is done in common projects, as a public awareness campaign or similar. In this way the organizations are non-biased in their work and offer optimum results.

The mentioned organizations are due to their different aspects, direction of work and sometimes methodology not connected in a federation. They do however join on common projects to form a stronger knowledge base. This however means that knowledge is not sufficiently shared between them, which can be looked at as a reason for the slow adaptation of new technologies and approaches in the Slovenian sector.

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EE and ER are relatively new concepts in Slovenia. These have become an issue after 2005 from where there has been a dramatic rise in energy prices. In so we can say that most of the communication is done from an economical point of view. The main objectives are the lowering of energy costs by means of energy savings or use of lower cost energy sources.

From a socio-cultural aspect part of the public is interested in new technologies and approaches for EE. To communicate to this target group new technologies and approaches are presented as ways of improving the quality of their buildings and as a way of lowering their imprint on the climate.

From a policy field new higher requirements for EE are constantly being added as a requirement for new buildings. By presenting improvements gained by meeting these requirements the public is slowly becoming aware that ER can improve their own buildings.

The communication channels used to transfer the knowledge on EE to the public are various. Mostly this is being done by means of online (internet) advertisements, general media (papers, magazines, sometimes TV and radio) and organized trade shows. There are also many workshops and other similar events to promote EE in the region. More on the topic in answer to question QB4.

B_ Existing communication in the buildings ER/EE field



External communication from these organizations is mainly aimed at the residential sector where a majority of energy is being consumed in less than optimal residential buildings. In so the organizations main campaigns were oriented into lowering of energy use by means of building refurbishing and the promotion of new technologies to produce energy using renewable sources.

Frequently new techniques and approaches would be explained in terms of energy performance/improvement as well as looked at from an economical point of view. The organizations and also distributors of such technologies make sure that the end users also become aware of direct and indirect financial incentives to install such technologies in their buildings. Frequently an economical calculation is also given to show how such technology will lower costs.

Partnerships and links between organizations are rarely being discussed since there is a conflict of interest in some organizations since many also do similar work.

Other external communication is aimed at presenting the growing energy problem to the public and giving advice on how to lower its effect on them. The goal is also for the public to become aware of what energy means to them and how to be a proper user.

Yes, all above stated organizations have frequently provided information on EE and ER. They are great supporters of any technologies and approaches which help to improve EE and often provide readily available information on proper ER of older energy wastefull buildings. Further explanation is given in the answers bellow.

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In terms of internal communication it is hard to state what each organization is doing, however it can be generalized that the field of energy efficiency is becoming more of a concern than ever. It can be seen from the external communication that the leading EE organizations are indeed working on these subjects and are frequently being trained on these topics. Simple proof of this are ever new articles on such topics published and explained by the organizations themselves.


The EE/ER topics presented by organizations stated above were mainly targeted the owners (predominantly also final users). As said their main target is the residential sector.

The campaigns were only slightly oriented to raise global awareness and focused more on what each person could do for their own property.

To target professionals which work in the (now diminished) construction sector material providers have seminars to introduce the constructors to new techniques and materials. This is however a new trend in the construction industry and is in its infancy.

Real estate market is slowly applying the value of energy efficiency. Currently there are only speculation on how well buildings perform in terms of EE and the price of real estate is not directly linked to its EE however there is a plan to introduce energy performance certificates to real estate being offered for sale. This will bring a value of EE to the real estate market.

The corporate sector is rarely being informed on what they can do to improve EE. It is probably a general belief that the EE is still not a concern on the sector or that when it does become one the sector will by itself be able to find proper solutions. This however is not the case, since corporate and even industrial entities often do not have a good understanding of what their energy needs are and what economic impact this has. This can be considered a major weakness for the whole local sector.

As said before local and national campaigns are in most oriented towards the residential sector, there are however incentives to improve public buildings by means of ER.


Anwsers are given bellow each subquestion.

• Editorial? Advertorial? PR?

> In which media? General press, professionnal press, organization magazines, TV, radio, Web TV programs

Topics on EE and ER are frequently discussed in the general press (newspapers and magazines) and are aimed at informing the general public. TV and radio adds sometimes present technologies for the end users. While there is little real professional press (international journals) on EE/ER in Slovenia, magazines aimed at professionals in the construction industry also provide information on EE, ER and similar topics.

• Networking 1.0 / 2.0: Websites, emailings, newletters, blogs, forums, social networks pages, smartphones and touchpads applications? etc…

• The most common tool used to promote EE, ER and general energy awareness is the internet. Information is readily available on websites of many organizations (also the ones stated above). Some present this in forms of online Flash videos to give a more complete understanding of the subject. Most this information is in the form of company websites however newsletters are frequently published and forums also contain a fair amount of information. In this respect the

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forums are the most reliable sources since the information given on them is usually from someone which for instance installed some sort of EE technology and is sharing his experience.

• Books, documentary movies? BtoB or BtoC > general public, specific targets in terms of age, social category, profession, place of residence etc…?

• Books are rare, there is building literature (used in colleges) which focuses on EE. This is intended to be used by future EE experts but is sometimes made understandable to laics.

• Special events: indoor / outdoor innovative events? Performances? Street marketing? Artistic and sportive gatherings? Awards event….?

• The award “En. občina” is given yearly to the municipality who has in the past year been the most energy efficient in the country. The award is given to promote an active involvement in increasing the EE of each municipality towards the 20-20-20 goals and goals inside the local region.

• Informational Special events BtoB /BtoC: conferences, trade shows, debates, training symposiums, guided tours, …?

• Conferences and tradeshows are common on the topic of EE. Conferences are usually oriented at the expert field, however on some occasion these were oriented towards the general public.

• There is a major trade show on the topic of energy (“Sejem Energetika Celje”) oriented at the private and residential sector, other building trades also present new building technologies and techniques.

• Training symposiums are organized to train experts in the field of EE. Currently experts are being trained to issue energy performance certificates.

• For the professional/industrial sector there are yearly meets such as “Dnevi energetikov” (“Energy days”) and “Energetika in okolje” (“Energy and the environment”) which cover the EE and environment issues for that particular sector with focus on applied best practices.

• Many companies also make guided tours to present the technology they are promoting. This is usually done for home owners and builders who wish to see how a certain technology will function in their building.

• Neighborhood gatherings and animations, teaching aid packages distribution, film projections / debates and public meetings, focus groups?…

• The information of small (municipal) groups is being done, although the scale of this is still small. Several municipalities have in their energy strategy documents stated that they will inform the public on ER and how they can achieve certain EE goals.

• Energy agencies or similar organizations in tie with municipalities organize regional workshops on efficient energy use and renewable sources of energy with the goal on informing the public on available technologies and how these technologies can be used by the public in their homes.

• There are also available teaching aid packages to be used in schools to teach minors and students about proper energy use and EE and get them used to these ideas at an early age.

• Others?

• Comment:

• The number of workshops, debates, meets, trade fairs, conferences and other gatherings on the topic of EE, ER and connected environmental issues has risen significantly in the last few years. This can partly be attributed to the growing cost of energy but environmental awareness is growing as well as a wish sustainable development and lower use of non-renewable energy sources. The funding for these events is in several cases in terms of EU projets.

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• ZRMK, “ENSVET” (http://gcs.gi-zrmk.si/Svetovanje/index.html) is an online portal created by the institute. It is oriented at giving information on EE to the general public. The information on the portal is of high quality, easily understandable and free. It is made up of articles written by experts and covers all aspects of building technology. On the quantitative side it is hard to give a result, however we think that although the portal is of sufficient quality it is not sufficiently advertised and the public does not use it to its full potential.

• Online forum “pod svojo streho” (http://www.podsvojostreho.net/vsebina/spletniki) is a home construction portal again aimed at the public, more exactly at the nonprofessional home builder. Besides the forum there are published articles (non-expert) who describe building techniques many with EE in mind. The forum is the of course the center-point where people interact and share their ideas and experience on the topic of home building. Many forum topics are oriented at EE and how to achieve it. The forum serves as an information point for both new homes being built as well as building refurbishment. Since it is an open forum and experts are not always present the quality of information can suffer.


Since there are many organizations dealing with EE, either as a provider of EE services or a organization tackling obstacles to improve EE, there is a difference in the approaches they use internally. What is common is that al organizations interested in EE are slowly opting to create experts of their own. Where EE services will be provided the organization will try to train own experts in organized trainings or provide literature and other material. Other organizations interested in improving EE of own buildings may create new jobs for in-house EE experts who will be in charge of EE.


• A local grocery chain (Mercator) has started to employ experts in the field of EE. They will be in charge of improving EE of new and old buildings. They will do this by first understanding the energy needs of buildings (energy audit) and then find and apply technologies to boost EE. The expert will in so be in charge of EE of technologies used in buildings as well as the building construction and ER itself. The expert will also be trained on new technologies. A quantitative look shows that the upgrade of convenience store refrigerators with doors (these were usualy open so the articles would be freely accessible) lead to a reduction of electricity use for refrigeration of up to 40 %.

• Municipalites are also often employing new or assigning current staff for the tasks of improving energy efficiency of municipal buildings or even the whole municipality as a whole (eg. by installation of wood biomass district heating). They communicate their actions to the public by all possible means, several even organizing public meetings where the public can interact and get information from experts on EE. Example of this were lectures prepared by the local energy agency Golea that were presented in municipalites in the south-western region of Slovenia. The lectures were on the topic of proper building refurbishment to increase EE and how these actions can be partially funded by Ekosklad incentives. The lectures were well attended and the public found the material provided to be interesting and were willing to undertake actions to improve EE of their buildings.

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• - Slovenia has only recently started to train experts who will issue building performance certificates. Experts are being trained every couple of months by the notified body ZRMK, who is also in charge of final examination. Besides being trained to issue the certificates the experts are also trained in recognizing EE weak-points and within the certificate present modern solutions to improve EE.

They will in so become the optimal contact personnel to point out in what way ER can be most effectively done. The plan is to have around 1000 trained experts and that the energy performance certificate will become mandatory for some buildings by 2015 especially ones being sold or offered for rent. New buildings will also have to have a certificate. Having a base of certificates will enable a simpler approach to finding optimal ways to improve EE of the building sector.

C_ On the road to 2020: Innovative and best practices communication actions


A non-professional person in the EE sector would find visible and effective campaigns in trade fairs which are not oriented towards increasing EE. These are mainly trade fairs for home improvement in terms of refurbishing and renewing residential buildings. One such fair is “Sejem dom” (“Home trade fair”,


New knowledge would be provided by fair exhibitors who were presenting their technologies or approaches to improve residences.

Their message was that the technology, service or measure they provided would not only improve living conditions but it would also cut down on energy costs. In this way newer heating, cooling and ventilation

There are a few training programs for EE experts. These are aimed at creating new experts who would deal in different aspects of EE as well as giving new information to existing experts.

The trainings can be of a formal nature where in the end the expert receives a degree for the knowledge he has acquired and can be formally used (such example is given bellow) or these or of an informal nature where organizations who deal with new technologies introduce these to experts or even potential distributors. Except for the formal EE expert trainings, others are not common and information is only slowly being transmitted. Evidence of this is that the experts who build new buildings (architects, contractors, etc…) are often not aware of new technologies on the market (eg. micro CHP, automated wood-pellet boulers, modern building and insulation materials, etc…) nor do they know how to apply them.

The problem for the lack of knowledge and its distribution also lies in how it is being promoted. While new technologies are being presented and promoted to end users (residential sector) there is no real promotion for experts to gain new knowledge on new technologies. This could be solved by organizing seminars or distributing meaningful promotion packages or by creating knowledge networks with explanations for experts, etc…

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technologies were introduced, explained were reasons for and ways to insulate various parts of buildings, etc…

The communication path was at first verbal, the exhibitor would present the technology or service, he would provide the necessary information material (brochures), perhaps give an estimate of cost and improvement and in the end invite for a final quote at the company he is reperesenting. Whenever possible and viable, incentives were mentioned and in some cases even calculated within the cost estimate as a rebate or price reduction. This would of course raise the interest mainly because these were a way of “getting more for less money”.

The message was usually well presented, the problem was however (as with all sales campaigns) that only that type of technology/service was the correct one. In this respect a laic person would have a tough time deciding if what he is being offered is the optimal solution for them and would only choose on how it was presented to him and not on its true potential.

Since people come to these kind of fairs interested in new technologies and services such fairs are still a good way to promote and convince people to invest in building EE. On this remark it is perhaps that the people visiting such trade fair already know something about EE and that it would be more important to reach people with no knowledge on EE.

In all cases we think that emphasis should be made on how such knowledge should be presented. It should be clear, exact and understandable to all.


For the experts it is the most important to know what knowledge they should share to the public, how they should share it and what is the expected result :


Information on new technologies and methods to improving EE is important. These should be available to the expert in a form that is understandable but also gives a possibility for own interpretation. Full information should be available from specification, ways of deployment, calculation methods and final results.


EE experts are usually not also experts on communicating to the general public. To do this more efficiently they should be thought on methods to share their knowledge, how to handle the public, to differenciate between needed and unwanted knowledge and so on. A suggested solution would be any sort of concise manual on how to present EE to a laic/non-proffesional in the field. This would have to include what information should be shared on what communication path.


Expected results can be calculated, but a much more powerful tool for understanding and embracing ER/EE is data collected on pilot sites. Here the goal would be for an expert to have available exact knowledge (based on measurements) on how certain EE/ER measures perform. They could then compare real life effect to calculated value, more easily and with proof present their knowledge to the laic.

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To sum it up, the most important communication to the expert is knowledge on how to get new knowledge, how to share it and how to prove what he is saying holds ground.


As the question form is oriented in gathering information about the state of awareness on the topic of energy efficiency in the Mediteranian region with this one focused on the state of knowledge on EE and ER a short summary is given bellow.

In the last few years energy prices in Slovenia have risen which brought on an interested in cost effective ways of energy use and reduction of energy use in the first place. Technologies and approaches to do this

are readily available in the country and are being promoted to end users.

Primarily there is a goal to reduce energy costs, then improve living conditions and in the end environmental issues are also approached. However the problem remains, that although there are workshops, fairs, seminars being conducted on EE, there are available advertisements on EE/ER and even financial support, the public still does not know enough on the subject of EE and ER.

The focus should now be put on how to inform the public and convince them that EE and ER are topics they should understand and engage in.

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Questionnaire Feedback – Umbria (Italy) Umbria Region

A_ General Context Informations


To run courses for the people involved in the various stages of a renovation of buildings and seminars focusing on the importance of energy efficiency in buildings

To learn and adopt methods and construction techniques used in other countries

To acquire new construction techniques and materials


• - ENEA’s activities belongs to different areas: energy efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear energy, environment and climate, health and safety, new technologies... In all of these areas they offer different services as, for instance, to support domestic enterprises to enhance their technological level and competitiveness and to reduce the impact on the environment, to provide advice and support to State, Regions and Local Authorities in the implementation of the measures and monitoring of projects for energy saving and energy efficiency, training and information activities, ...


• AES - Azione Energia Solare

• AGESI - Associazione Imprese di Facility Management ed Energia

• AICARR - Associazione Italiana Condizionamento dell’Aria, Riscaldamento e Refrigerazione

• AIEL - Associazione Italiana Energie Agroforestali

• ANEST - Associazione Nazionale Energia Solare Termodinamica

• ANEV - Associazione Nazionale Energia del Vento

• ANIE/GIFI - Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche Italiane

• ANIT - Associazione Nazionale per l’isolamento Termico e Acustico

• ANTER - Associazione Nazionale Tutela Energie Rinnovabili

• ASSIEME – Associazione Italiana Energia Mini Eolica

It is ENEA – Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile

From their web site http://www.enea.it/it or the English version http://old.enea.it/com/ingl/default.html

For instance at the URL http://www.enea.it/it/enea_informa/i-quaderni-dellenergia/i-quaderni-dellenergia are listed 12 booklets those can be downloaded freely energy at the URL http://www.formazione.enea.it/ it is possible to find free e-learning training courses project "Educate the Future", born from the encounter between ENEA and the world of school, is about the development of new courses for primary and secondary schools based on sustainable development and on efficient energy use and renewable energy sources

FREE (Coordinamento Fonti Rinnovabili ed Efficienza Energetica) is a new-born association which was signed on the 13.12.2012 by the following industry associations:

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• ASSOLTERM - Associazione Italiana Solare Termico

• ATER - Associazione Tecnici Energie Rinnovabili

• CIB - Consorzio Italiano Biogas e Gassificazione

• COGENA - Associazione Italiana per la promozione della Cogenerazione

• COMITATO IFI - Industrie Fotovoltaiche Italiane


• CPEM - Consorzio dei produttori di energia da minieolico

• GBC ITALIA - Green Building Council Italia

• GIGA - Gruppo Informale per la Geotermia e l'Ambiente

• ITABIA - Associazione Italiana Biomasse


• MSA - Movimento per lo Sviluppo energie Alternative


• Your country socio-culture  Is getting every day more aware about the importance of the sustainable development and a massive usage of renewable energy

 • Environnemental / Social / Societal / Economical issues vs innovations

There are many issues to be addressed, but the main ones are the economic crisis, fears of impact on the landscape and environment especially for wind power and biomass, administrative delays

• What about traditional construction and techniques? In recent times, there is an ongoing re-evaluation of traditional building techniques (heavy masonry) for better performance in terms of energy, especially thermal inertia, as opposed to construction techniques developed over the years 50-60 (wall light).

It is industry associations who have become aware of the need to organize a united front to achieve the goals of emission reduction incentives, decarbonisation of the economy, the adoption of alternative models of economic development and sustainable development.

Associations and supporters will gather FREE in late January 2013 to develop a position paper to be presented to political leaders, with all the demands of industry associations to promote the sector. During the conference opportunities and critical points of the new legislation on renewable energy heating and energy efficiency will be also discussed.

The Italian people and institutions are every day more conscious about the importance of respecting the environment by reducing CO2 emissions, reducing energy consumption and increasing the production of renewable energy.

In recent years the Italian Government has provided a strong economic support to the development of renewable energy sources, especially to the development of photovoltaic energy with the introduction of “conto energia”. It has also provided financial support to the development of energy efficiency culture through State-European funding and through tax cuts.

It has been also written a specific package of laws with the aim to increase the diffusion of ER and EE. As for the energy efficiency of buildings have been implemented at national level the European standards CE 2002/91/CE and CE 2010/31/CE.

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RA5_to RA-6

No informations


Web site of Environment Ministry :


Web site of Economic Development Ministry :


I believe that there are a lot of initiatives and/or campaigns that can be reutilized and adapted.

For instance, ENEL distribuzione (the biggest electric energy supplier in Italy) at the following link shows the existing incentives for energy efficiency depending on the type of intervention


B_ Existing communication in the buildings ER/EE field

RB1_to RB9

C_ On the road to 2020: Innovative and best practices communication actions

RC1_to RC2 No informations



No informations

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Questionnaire Feedback – Larnaka (Cyprus) Municipality of Larnaka

A_ General Context Information    


To increase public awareness in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving in buildings in Cyprus in general and for the citizens of Larnaca in particular.


• information and public awareness

• provide professional training and education

• promote local/European/international collaborations

• contribute to research and development

• protection of environment

• take into consideration social and economic development at local level

• cooperate with local authorities for SEAPs development and implementation in the framework of "Covenant of Mayors" and "Pact of Islands".


In Cyprus there are no specific EE/ER networks. Academic institutions, associations and governmental departments are responsible to disseminate EE/ER.

The Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (acronym ETEK) was established in 1990 (Law 224/1990) as a Legal Entity of Public Law to regulate the Engineering Profession in Cyprus. The practice of the Engineering Profession in Cyprus and the use of the relevant titles is limited to people who register with ETEK. ETEK is the statutory Technical Advisor to the State and to the Citizen and it is the organisation for all Cypriot Engineers. Through several activities and the monthly informative bulletin (distributed to more than 10,000 engineers) disseminate EE/ER.

The only organisation aims the dissemination of EE/ER is the Cyprus Energy Agency and its potential for dissemination can be described as below:

Larnaka Municipality cooperates with the Cyprus Energy Agency. The Cyprus Energy Agency is a non-profit public organization, established to promote renewables, energy saving, rational use of energy and sustainable transport. In the Management Board 6 key groups are represented including local authorities, consumer's associations, environmental foundations, professional associations, energy experts from academic and research sector.

The main objectives of the Agency are to contribute in the achievement of the sustainable development, taking into consideration the Lisbon Strategy and the European Strategy for Sustainable Development and the energy policy of the European Union, which aims the security of energy supply, competitiveness, sustainability, tackle climate change, promotion of renewables, energy savings and efficiency and sustainable transport. The Cyprus Energy Agency aims to :

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The unique number of visits to the web site (exceeds 150,000) and this is due to the fact that all of the information material and relevant information is always posted online, so be freely accessible to all interested. Facebook contacts exceed 200 (recently established).

General assembly (more than 50 participants). The mailing list of the Cyprus Energy Agency (3200 subscribers)

The Cyprus Energy Agency participates in five (5) very important European networks :

• Network of Energy Agencies in Europe (managenergy)

• European Islands Network on Energy and Environment (ISLENET)

• European Federation of Regional Energy and Environment Agencies (FEDARENE)

• Energy Cities Network (Energy Cities)

• European Council for Energy Efficiency (eceee)

Finally exist the Cyprus Institute of Energy which aims through several activities to promote EE/ER. The Cyprus institute of Energy was founded in the year 2000 by the Minister of Commerce Industry and Tourism. It is administered by a five-member board instated by the Council of Ministers and it is located at the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism in Nicosia. CIE is funded by the Republic of Cyprus and other Semi Governmental and International Organizations.


• The National Reform Programme for EU 2020 under the relative flagship initiative, briefly describes the main policies to promote efficient use of resource efficiency.

• The National Sustainable Development Strategy provides the overall framework and analyses extensively the goals and targets to reach sustainability and resource efficiency

• In addition, the 2nd National Energy efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP), which was submitted to the European Commission in July 2011, describes the targets for energy of 2016 onwards.

The National Sustainable Development Strategy (2007) and the updated Reviewed National Sustainable Development Strategy (NDS 2010) : Resource efficiency represents a critical opportunity to address unsustainable paths. Within the NSDS, resource efficiency (atmosphere, forests, water resources, sea water, coastal areas, biodiversity, agriculture, mineral resources, energy and wastes) is addressed within the wider scope of sustainability vis-à-vis, halting depletion of resources, minimizing consumption, increasing material security, supporting lifecycle and closed-loops models of consumption and zero-waste models.

The average annual growth rate of the Cyprus economy over the period 2000-2008 amounted to 3.8%. Subsequently, due to the effects of global financial crisis, the economy shrank by 1.9% in 2009 while showed a sluggish growth of 1.1% and 0.5% in 2010 and 2011 respectively. Note that in 2011 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) amounted to Cyprus 17.77 billion and the annual per capita income of 22 thousand euros.

The Cypriot economy is based mainly on services, with the tertiary sector to contribute 81% of GDP and the contribution secondary sector is 17%. Specifically, the five largest sectors in 2011 was Trade and repair of motor vehicles (12.5% of GDP), Real assets (11.5% of GDP), Public administration and defense (10.9% of GDP), the Financial intermediation (8.9% of GDP), construction (7.8% of GDP) and Hotels and restaurants (6.9% of GDP).

Cyprus does not have an explicit national resource efficiency strategy. However, the topic of resource efficiency is being addressed in a number of National Strategies and Action Plans.

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The Reviewed National Sustainable Development Strategy 2010 was approved by the National Council of Ministers during the last trimester of 2010, and it covers 11 Thematic Priorities, among others Climate Change and Clean Energy, Transportation, Conservation and Management of Natural Resources. These three Thematic Priorities include targets and actions whose goal is the use of natural resources in a rational way in order to ensure sustainability and resource efficiency.

The NSDS refers to several Action Plans and Strategies (see following section), as well as specific targets regarding a number of resources e.g. water, biodiversity, energy, fuels, forests, atmosphere, minerals, agriculture etc.

The four main objectives of the NSDS are:

1. Environmental sustainability,

2. Economic welfare,

3. Social Coherence and Justice,

4. Uptake of International Responsibilities.

Reviewed National Sustainable Development Strategy 2010 http://www.moa.gov.cy/moa/agriculture.nsf/All/04D327E3AEAEA22DC22573B100627691?OpenDocument


The construction sector is an important sector of economic development in Cyprus despite the negative effect of the ongoing economic crisis, the percentage contribution to the Gross Domestic Product is at 7.8% in 2011. Employment in Construction showed a significant increase over time and 28,759 persons in 2000 increased to 46,217 people in 2008, and then, because of economic crisis, showed a downward trend and fell to 44,732 people in 2011 (11.9% of total employment).

Unemployment in Construction followed the opposite course of employment, with the number of unemployed persons decreased from 2,151 in 2000 to 1,299 persons in 2008 and then increased significantly to 4,820 people in 2011. Employment in the professional category of Technicians in Construction, which is the target group of the project, followed the general trend of the sector and 18,000 people in 2000 increased to 27,913 people in 2008 and declined to 23,665 people in 2011.

The national policy and strategy for achieving the objectives of the strategy «Europe 2020» for Energy and buildings are harmonized with European policy. The quantified national targets are:

• Save energy by 14.3% compared with the expected consumption of primary energy in 2020.

• Contribution of renewable energy by 13% in end-use energy by 2020.

• Reduction by 2020 greenhouse gas emissions by 21% for facilities included in the Emissions Trading Scheme Greenhouse Gas and 5% for areas not included in the ETS compared to 2005.

The buildings sector is expected to play a catalytic role in achieving national targets for 2020 as its contribution, through the fulfilment of actions and programs, is expected to cover almost 98% target for overall energy savings, 100% of the target for the contribution of renewable energy sources for heating and cooling and a significant share the contribution of renewable energy sources for power generation. From imprinting status quo seems that Cyprus has to go considerable distance to reach the targeting.

(Source: Built up skills Cyprus report 2012)

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The key players in the field of construction can be divided into three main categories.

Government agencies or public bodies law defining and pursuing policies, bodies governed by public law regulating regarding the industry professionals and private initiatives / business associations representing specific groups of professionals and operating under the umbrella of the Federation of Employers and Industrialist (OEB), the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KEBE) and General Federation of Cyprus Organizations of Craftsman and professional tenants (ΠΟΒΕΚ).


There are no med specific communications but references during conferences/fora or other events about the specifities of the med area. Some specific results about the Climate Change in the med region have been produced by the Cyprus Institute (http://www.cyi.ac.cy/) , however the character of the results are more scientific and are not focused on the wider public.

The Department of Environment has been participating in a LIFE+ project the CY adapt which is focus on the adaptation to the climate change in Cyprus, and several events have been organised (http://uest.ntua.gr/cypadapt/?p=163)

B_ Existing communication in the buildings ER/EE field


The main network organisations have been communicating through events, publications, leaflets, articles, media, press, magazines, bulletins etc.



RB3_to RB4

Normally those communications are related with final users and are global national awareness campaigns.

Yes to all

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Normally the communication campaigns that are media (TV and radio) have immediate positive effects.

Two examples have been selected from the Sustainable Energy Action Plan of Larnaka Municipality (Covenant of mayors)

Energy Saving through Awareness Raising Campaigns - Measure 6: Information about energy in the Municipality website and newspaper

The posting of information on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Saving (ES) in the Municipality of Larnaka website was examined. In addition, there will be a special article on energy in the Municipality quarterly newspaper. The measure will apply for a period of 10 years.

The indirect cost of the measure application can be considered as high as the interested party should bear the costs of implementing energy saving measures or renewable energy sources at home, on their own.

Start of Implementation: 2010 (and every following year for 10 years)

Measure Code ESAC 6

Measure Name Energy Information in the Municipality website and newspaper


Cost of Measure 0 €

Indirect Cost – High – Average – Low


Energy Financial (Energy saving. €/year) Environmental (kg CO2-eq)

4.100.000 kWh/year The financial benefits for interested parties 2.000.000 kgCO2/year


Unitary Cost (€/kg CO2) 0.00 €/ kgCO2 annual saving Proposed for Implementation

quation: ES=ν*ε*n*νδ*ESPP

ES: Energy Saving (kWh) ν: participation number ε: application years

n: Awareness Percentage (0-100%) νδ: number of diffuse influence ESPP: Energy Saving per person (kWh)

Energy Saving through Awareness Raising Campaigns - Measure 10 : Raising awareness through informational leaflets and messages

The preparation of information material to be used for the updating, the information and public awareness was examined.

The indirect application cost of this measure can be considered high, as apart from the preparation and distribution of informational material the interested party should bear their own cost for any investment or saving they proceed to.

Measure Implementation Period: 2012-2020

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Calculation: ES= 2000*10*0.15*3*455kWh/year= 4.500.000 kWh/year

Measure Code ESAC 10

Measure Name Informational leaflets and messages


Measure Cost Ολικό (€)

(a) Leaflets on RES and ES 10.000 €

(b) Leaflets on sustainable mobility 10.000 €

(c)Articles in the Municipality’s Newspaper

0 €

(d) TV Spots 5000 €

(e) Radio Spots 3000 €

Indirect Cost

– High – Average – Low


Energy Number/ receivers

Awareness Percentage

Energy Benefit (kWh/person.year)

Energy Saving (kWh/year)

(a) Leaflets on RES and ES 50.000 5% 1100 2.750.000

(b) Leaflets on sustainable mobility 50.000 5% 2210 5.526.000

(c)Articles in the Municipality’s Newspaper

100.000 2% 900 1.800.000

(d) TV Spots 10.000 4% 1100 569.442

(e) Radio Spots 10.000 3% 1000 388.256


The financial benefits for interested parties in terms of energy saving

Environmental Emissions Saving (kgCO2/ year)

(a) Leaflets on RES and ES 1.779.507

(b) Leaflets on sustainable mobility 1.395.868

(c)Articles in the Municipality’s Newspaper


(d) TV Spots 497.692

(e) Radio Spots 339.335


Unitary Cost (€/kg CO2) Proposed for Implementation

(a) Leaflets on RES and ES 0.006 €/ kgCO2 annual saving

(b) Leaflets on sustainable mobility 0.007 €/ kgCO2 annual saving

(c)Articles in the Municipality’s Newspaper

0 €/ kgCO2 annual saving

(d) TV Spots 0.01 €/ kgCO2 annual saving

(e) Radio Spots 0.009 €/ kgCO2 annual saving

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MEASURE TO IMPLEMENT: ESAC 10 Informational leaflets and messages

Total Cost 28.000 €

Emissions Reduction 5.177.170 KgCO2/ year


The internal communication tools are the specific leaflets and awareness raising for employees, special training on energy saving and energy efficiency, participation in specific conferences, the creation of energy team.




Normally the training is technical and is addressed to specific audience and professions.



C_ On the road to 2020 : Innovative and best practices communication actions    RC1_


The most intensive campaigns have been done through the Communication activities of the Environment Commissioner of Cyprus.

There are some media spots available in his website


Also, several presentations were given by the Environment Commissioner to the wide public.

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RC2-to RC3

Some radio spots about this topic has been produced by the Cyprus Energy Agency, emitted through radio and are also available online www.cea.org.cy

A DVD about Renewables and Energy Saving in Cyprus has been produced by the Cyprus Energy Agency which is also available online.www.cea.org.cy

Some other leaflets have been produced by the Energy Service, Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism which are also available on line:


The messages related on how to save energy by having thermal insulation and other measures on energy efficiency, an how to make our buildings more energy efficient.

- Radio, public presentations, TV, events were used.

Normally, the communications provide the first reaction on behavioural change of citizens. Then the citizens request further information on specific topics, and they address specific questions to professional organisations and associations.

Almost all communications have been delivered through financial support either European co-funded projects or other initiatives.


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