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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones









    Robert Owen Address to the Superintendents of


    Managers should pay as much

    attention to their vital machine or

    employees as to their inanimate


    This gives emphasis on the empowerment of

    people working with you and giving enough

    security to them. When you are a manager or

    administrator, you always want to strengthen

    the capacity of your subordinates to get the best

    results out of them and treat them with utmost

    respect. The latter is not just implied to achieve

    the best quality of work out of the employees

    but attests to the humanitarian principle.

    This idea is limited to the perspective of

    seeing success only through employees, but

    there are various aspects that should be

    considered such as managerial techniques,

    budgeting, and other resources to relay the

    best output.

    Charles Babbage On the Division of Labor

    Highly skilled or generally highly paid

    workers spend parts of their job

    performing tasks that are 'below their

    skill level. If the labor process can be

    divided among several workers, it is

    possible to assign only high-skill tasks

    to highly skilled and highly costing

    workers and leave other working tasks

    to less skilled and paid workers,

    thereby cutting labor costs.

    Each individual so employed,

    discovering that he himself could thusmake a greater profit of his labor than

    by pursuing more varied occupations.

    Subordinates are task-oriented in a specific

    field of their expertise. In social work

    administration, this idea gives the best

    backbone of any form of action plan created inthe work system to provide best results because

    it came from the worldviews of people who are

    highly commended from their knowledge in a

    certain field. The manager is complacent with

    the action plan thus being more confident and

    positive with the expected outcome.

    This is highly criticized by Karl Marx who

    argued that it caused labor segregation and

    contributed to alienation; and I couldntagree more. This principle is only

    commendable in an ideal workplace but

    not in a realistic one. In an ideal workplace

    everything is going smoothly and at the

    utmost perfection, but in a realistic

    workplace problems may occur. There may

    be instances that an expert in a certain field

    may be excused for a couple of days. If the

    subordinates labor force is only limited to a

    specific task, then no one can step in to the

    work of the absent sector. The point is that

    every person involved in the system shouldhave sufficient knowledge in everything that

    goes around but still manages to be cunning

    in his/her field.

    Captain Henry


    The Science of Administration

    Comparison of accumulated

    observations that share a common

    This applies specifically to social work

    administration in a way that Metcalfe

    emphasizes the idea ofobservation. In social

    work administration, observation is a crucial

    The author of this paper only captures one

    critic on Metcalfes work; this is how

    laborious the card system is. The idea of

    dealing with time and material cards require

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    standard. Errors of observation:

    instrumental and personal bias of the


    The excellence of an administration isuniversally measured by its cost

    costs of its actions. To value

    administration; know what it has done

    and the cost of doing it. Furthermore,

    management should maintain only

    relevant and crucial information. A

    manager should prepare the details of

    work, which will then be

    communicated to foreman and


    Administration reduces the labor to aminimum yet increases its scope by


    Card System of cost accounting and

    production controltime card and

    material card

    step to further understand the system in which

    the manager and the subordinates move in. The

    administrator, given that he/she has already

    accumulated observations, can interpret these

    data and draw conclusions form them. If theadministrator observed that the subordinates

    lack cooperation and coordination in their

    work, then it would be necessary to supply

    solutions in these aspects.

    It is possible that the administrator also

    observes positive actions coming from his/her

    subordinates and with these good actions; the

    administrator can commend his/her

    subordinates. This exemplifies the

    characteristic of an administrator that has an

    open mind and does not only solely see thenegative actions of the subordinates but the

    goodness in them.

    much effort that is why in this endeavor, an

    administrator should hire additional

    personnel to see to it that the card system is

    smooth sailing. I feel that this idea of

    Metcalfe is too idealistic and would notgenerally apply to an ordinary workplace in

    which the administrator has too much in

    his/her hands.

    I feel that there is a better system that can be

    applied to assure that the subordinates are

    working with utmost precision without the

    card system.

    Henry Robinson


    The Engineer as an Economist

    The association of engineers and

    economists as industrial managersadded with at least some skill as an

    accountant is essential for the

    successful management of industry.

    The organized exchange of experience

    among managers and an organized

    effort to pool accumulated knowledge

    in the art of workshop management

    It is fair enough that Towne expressed his ideal

    industrial manager as someone who is not

    solely educated about a certain field. I feel that

    this applies to social work administrationbecause being an administrator is

    interdisciplinary. It does not only involve the

    knowledge of being a social work major but it

    involves the ideals of other disciplines as well.

    This idea clearly defines that an administrator

    should not stop learning different things, be it

    on his/her scope of knowledge or outside.

    Towne presented his idea in an accessible

    manner and that is a very commendable

    aspect in his part but I still feel that there is

    a lack of explanation on the organizedexchange of experience among managers

    and the organized effort to pool

    accumulated knowledge in the art of

    workshop management. I certainly believe

    in the idea of gathering information from

    other colleagues in different situations, but I

    feel like it is important to emphasize how

    you shoulddisseminate the knowledge you

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    were other points stated.

    Shop Managementorganization,

    responsibility, reports, systems of

    contracts, piecework, and all thatrelates to executive management of

    works vs. Shop Accountingtime and

    wages systems, determination of costs,

    distribution of various expense

    accounts, ascertainment of profits,

    methods of bookkeeping, and all that

    enters in the system of accounts

    I also feel that the organized exchange of

    experience among managers has a distinct

    application to social work administration. This

    suggests the need for assemblies and

    conventions of different organization or agencyheads. This effort to utilize different knowledge

    from different work places truly suffices that a

    professional cannot solely base his/her

    knowledge in theories/written articles but also

    through experiences coming from different


    gathered. Given your colleagues come from

    different workplaces, one should remember

    that in gathering information, you should

    remember that not all the knowledge you

    gather from them are applicable in yoursituation. One should be wise in applying

    the knowledge they have acquired.

    Frederick Winslow


    Time Study, Piece Work and the First

    Class Man

    Time Study is the exact information as

    to how much of any given kind of

    work either as a first-class or an

    average man can do in a day.

    Maximum work coming from the

    employees will come to life; given

    that the workers have a suitable and

    permanent reward.

    High wages with low labor cost,

    accurate time study, and unit times

    are crucial for the whole system tomaterialize.

    What is Scientific Management?

    Scientific Managementinvolves a

    complete mental revolution on the part

    of the workingman engaged in any

    particular establishment or industry

    Taylor presented so many insightful ideas

    concerning management. I feel that most of it

    can be applied to social work administration.Ill emphasize the idea of having maximum

    work coming from the employees with the right

    compensation. This is a crucial idea in social

    work administration because first of all, the

    administrator does not only manages but sees

    to it that all of his subordinates are regarded

    with the right wage with concern to the efforts

    that they exert in the organization or agency.

    I also feel that the principles of management

    take great interest in the field of social work

    administration. Establishing standards is crucialbecause it evokes the feeling that managers and

    subordinates alike should follow a certain

    system that is attainable and is the leeway for

    the best performance that is possible. If the

    standards are to be followed then rest assured

    that the agency or organization is working at

    utmost ability to meet its goals and objectives.

    My only critic of Taylors concepts is its too

    much focus on surplus. I agree with him that

    surplus is a vital idea that constitutes to thework system but there are more things to be

    considered such as willingness for learning,

    commitment to good work, etc.

    Yes, the only main purpose of workmen are

    to earn money to provide for their needs and

    wants but I am not discouraged that there

    are still workmen with good hearts that see

    their jobs as their passion and surplus comes

    secondary. Many might subject this idea as

    an idealistic point but through my thorough

    observations in different workplace settings,there are still people who have the heart for

    what they do and prioritize commitment to

    work rather than surplus.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    a complete mental revolution on the

    part of these men as to their duties

    toward their work, fellow men, and

    their employees. This is not an

    efficiency device, a new scheme ofpaying men, etc. It involves the great

    mental revolution.

    Surplus is the left amount after all the

    expenses have been diminished form

    the selling price. From the surplus

    come the profit of the manufacturer

    and the wages of the workmen. The

    division of surplus has always been an

    issue for the employees and


    The great mental revolution takes part

    within the employees and employers

    and this happens when both sides take

    their eyes off the division of surplus as

    the priority but turn their attention

    toward increasing the size of the

    surplus until this becomes so large that

    it is unnecessary to quarrel over how it

    shall be divided.

    The Principles of Scientific


    The Four Principles of Scientific


    1. The development of a scienceto replace the old rule-of-

    thumb knowledge of the


    2. The scientific selection and

    The principle that explains that everyone

    should be involved, even the workmen, is the

    most important application of Taylor to social

    work administration. I can associate this to

    Paulo Freires concept of libertarian educationor problem-posing method. Social work

    administration should be grounded on this

    concept and should banish the idea of the

    banking concept in which only one sector

    contributes to the welfare of both. I believe that

    even if workmen are subordinates of educated

    administrators; they also have a voice that in

    one way or another may affect the system and

    alleviate it from its current condition.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    the progressive development

    of the workmen.

    3. To bring the scientificallyselected workman and the

    science together.4. The deliberate division of the

    work which was formerly

    done by the workmen into

    two sections.

    Standards should be established so

    that one can get the greatest

    improvements from the workmen in

    that way. Everyone should be

    involved; workmen, instead of holding

    back, should be eager to make


    Henry Laurence


    Training Workmen in Habits of

    Industry and Cooperation

    Task and bonus system of wage

    paymentexplains that if a workman

    does an excellent job for the day, he is

    given just compensationadditional

    pay and if he just does a regular job,

    he is given his regular pay. Do better

    than what is expected then you get abetter salary for the dayreward


    Workers should take interest in what

    they do so it doesnt feel like a burden

    and they perform better. With this,

    quality of work does not need more


    Teach and lead is has a distinct effect to

    social work administration. I believe that

    managers and administrators alike should not

    ponder on the idea of driving or just motivating

    their subordinates to perform the job at the best

    quality. They should remember that the

    subordinates could not perform the bestwork if

    they do not know the right manner on how to

    perform such task and if there is no guidance

    coming from the administrator. In social workadministration, the head sees to it that every

    subordinate does his/her job in utmost

    capability to achieve optimum results that is

    why the administrator should guide the

    subordinate and teach him the right manner on

    how to accomplish tasks.

    The emphasis on the idea that the community

    I agree to everything that Gantt had laid out

    in his article, but I feel that there should be

    more emphasis on how greatly the

    monopoly of different multinational

    industries are affecting small industries to

    the point that they die out and people are

    left to consume whatever this big companies

    lay out in front of them. Furthermore, if

    small scale industries are banished in the

    economy many people will result to seekemployment opportunities rather than being

    self-employed. If the people could not seek

    the jobs and wages that they feel is

    appropriate for their capacity because of

    competition, then these people will result to

    better opportunities. If they feel that the

    country could not support provide them with

    opportunities then they result to migration.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    No drive, Yes to teach and lead

    Training workmen in habits of

    industry and cooperation. The average

    workman is interested only in his dailywage and has no special desire to

    learn improved methods. The human

    element in productivity and the

    concept of motivation are emphasized.

    The Parting of the Ways

    The small industries were already

    replaced with big industries because

    they provide better results. In this

    phenomenon, the consumers are

    greatly affected. There are feweroptions because there are smaller

    numbers of large establishments. The

    monopoly of the large players in the

    business is prevalent.

    The community needs service first,

    regardless of who gets the profits

    because its life depends upon the

    service it gets.

    The business system must accept its

    social responsibility and devote itselfprimarily on service, or the

    community will ultimately make the

    attempt to take it over in order to

    operate it in its own interest.

    needs service first, exemplifies the concept of

    social work administration. The administrator

    should observe what the needs of the

    community are so that the services that they

    offer to the people are really apt to their currentsituation. Given that most if social work

    administrators work in organizations and

    agencies; they should always direct their efforts

    to the goals and objectives of the organization

    or agency.

    From the latter comes pros and cons that

    should be specifiedlack of human

    resource, displacement of professionals, etc.

    Russell Robb Organization as Affected by Purpose

    and Conditions

    All of the ideas that Robb presented applies to

    social work administration. His emphasis on

    The only critic I have for Robb is that he

    dwelled so much on the idea that

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    One must prevent assuming that

    organization always means the

    application of perfectly definite

    method or system to the carrying outof any large and complicated

    undertaking. The previous stated

    secret formulae for a successful

    organization have been centered on

    military organization, but not all of the

    organizations can take the system of

    the army. Theories should not only be

    the basis of knowledge, experience

    and time are the key points in which

    the organization can create a better

    knowledge base that specifically

    applies to their distinct system. Nogeneral principles can be applied to

    every organization.

    All organizations differ from one

    another because the goals and

    objectives they want to meet and he

    way on how these things can be

    achieved, are different. Moreover, the

    material out of which the organization

    is made differs in kind. The kind oforganization one should have depends

    on the kind of results he/she wants toachieve.

    There are different factors that make

    an organizationstructure, lines of

    authority, responsibility, division of

    labor, system, discipline; accounting,

    records, and statistics; and esprit de

    corps. Their importance changes with

    the different needs of different organizations

    extrudes the ideas. Every social work

    administrator should remember that their

    workplace is distinct from that of their

    colleagues, who may have the same orientationas them. Even though, many theories and

    studies have been done already and are

    effective statistically, the most important

    knowledge to run a distinct organization comes

    from experience and time. This can be

    associated with the analogy that through time

    comes wisdom. Social work administrators

    should take the time to study their current

    situation and address their needs accordingly.

    The factors that are presented in his works are

    the key areas in which a social workadministrator should dwell on. Administrators

    should assess the current state of their

    organization and work from that point and

    enhance other factors and prioritize one from

    the other.

    organizations are like humans that have

    individualization. This is a laudable concept

    but he almost disregarded the previous

    studies and theories that also constitute as a

    basis for the knowledge base of anorganization. Believe me when I say that I

    pretty much agree on all his points, but I

    think that he also showed some regard on

    the different studies that were upheld by

    other gurus of management. For example,

    Taylors contribution to management cannot

    be simply disregarded since it has a great

    bearing to most of organizations.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    the purpose, conditions and material

    of the specific organization.

    Harrington Emerson The First Principle: Clearly DefinedIdeals

    The first principle is a clearly defined

    ideal. Ideals are the same as objectives

    or goals. Men should have a clear

    statement of what he intended to make

    and how the work should be done. The

    ideal should never stop at the big

    bosses or administrators, the foremen

    and workmen should also be aware.

    These ideals should be consistent all

    throughout the managers, foremen,and workmen. If the administrator has

    the specific ideal with him/her but the

    workmens ideal is not in line with

    what he/she believes in, then thered

    be discrepancy in the ideals and it

    would be hard to work from the

    negative resultant force that may come

    with it.

    If every manager would formulate his

    own ideals and promulgate them

    accordingly to different officials andevery employee, then industrial

    organizations could attain the same

    high degree of individual and

    aggregate excellence. This ideal

    should include what labor unions

    stand for, but disregard their stands

    that are not in line with efficiency.

    The concept of a clearly defined ideal best suitssocial work administration. The administrator

    and his/her subordinates should be fully aware

    on what their efforts stand for. The points laid

    out by Emerson are all applicable to

    administering agencies and organizations. If the

    subordinates, possibly coming from different

    fields of expertise do not have a clear

    understanding on the agencys objectives then

    he/she is doing a blind-folded work. This is

    simply working without knowing its purpose

    and would effect on being falsified by the act.

    If the goal is not stated clearly, then the workeris not passionate about what he is doing. He

    simply works for his wage and nothing more.

    If everyone works toward the established

    common goal then thered be no interfering

    points of views that may jeopardize the whole

    system. Differences in beliefs should be

    considered for optimum results. Administrators

    and subordinates alike should take part in the

    establishment of goals so that one side is not

    favored, but equality is implemented.

    My only critic with Emersons work is thatit is too idealistic and might be a little

    dreamy for my tasteregarding the setting

    up of ideals and incorporating the stand of

    the labor unions. I feel that it is somehow

    impossible that the ideals of the one above

    the workmen would be consistent

    throughout the subordinates, themselves.

    There are so many issues in society today

    that can attest to this fact. Most often than

    not, only the voices of the board of

    directors, stockholders, and CEOs are heard

    and the voices of employees or workmenare overshadowed because of their


    Emersons ideas are not feasible for me at

    the moment but remains as a challenge to

    the people in the industry.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    Alexander Hamilton

    Church and Leon

    Pratt Alford

    The Principles of Management

    1. The systematic use ofexperience

    This is associated with standards of

    performance that explains the quantity

    and quality to any particular method in

    doing something. This is also the

    careful analysis of what is about to be

    attempted, and its reference to existing

    records and standards of performance.

    New experience can be transmitted in

    two waysminute instructions of

    which individual workers do not

    perceive the drift or as a connectedbody of new practice. Not until the

    new experience becomes a habit then

    will its full value be realized.

    2. The economic control ofeffort

    Effort is experience in action. To

    produce organized action it is

    necessary to control efforts in various

    waysdivision: largely controlled by

    design and deals with unit part orcomponent, wherein the design cannot

    be considered apart from operation;

    coordination: prearrangement of a

    number of separate efforts in such a

    manner as to produce a definite end;

    conservation: proceeding along the

    line of least effort to attain a given

    end; remuneration: this is not as vital

    The three principles explained by the authors

    are very much applicable to social work

    administration since experience, effort, and

    personal effectiveness are key points tounderstand the field.

    First, the systematic use of experience explains

    my further analysis on how crucial a persons

    experience is to developing new strategies and

    reform to address the current hurdles the

    organization is facing. The concept of seeing a

    new experience and it becoming a habit is the

    only way in which it will be fully realized helps

    social work administrators that a reform on the

    system does not happen overnight, it takes

    great consciousness to realize this phenomena.Second, the concept of effort exemplifies how

    experiences are not the tail-end of any

    endeavor. Unless, these experiences are put

    into action, then it serves nothing to the

    administrator and subordinates. Third, the idea

    of personal effectiveness further explains that a

    persons capacity to be of full potential is not

    constrained to the physical conditions, but most

    likely on the psychological state of the person.

    Through this idea, the social work

    administrator can assess the conditions of

    his/her subordinates and could help themalleviate their current condition to achieve

    optimum results.

    The critic I have for Hamilton and Alfords

    work is simple. I feel that the principles of

    management they presented lack further

    information that can attest the purpose oftheir work. I read that this might be the

    answer regarding the critic of Taylors

    principles on scientific management, but I

    feel that in itself, it lacked deeper

    associations with other important principles

    that should be included. I also feel that it

    lacked the association of the administrator

    and subordinate and how one interacts with

    the other in a system.

    Management does not only deal with the

    personal outlook of either the administratoror the subordinate, it goes more than that.

    Their individual realizations and

    experiences should be related with that of

    the other and should be further explained in

    the article to have a good grasp of what

    management really ismanager and


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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    as the first three stated but evokes the

    reality that no man works for pleasure.

    3. The promotion of personaleffectiveness

    The ideal plant is one which has good

    equipment, good methods, and good

    men; underlying the welfare or square

    deal to working relations during

    working hours. Every human being

    desires to feel that his work is

    important. Physical plane is not the

    only degrading aspect but also

    psychological elements that play an

    important role in understanding

    personal effectiveness.

    Henri Fayol General Principles of Management

    Division of Work: Work should be

    divided among individuals and groups

    to ensure that effort and attention are

    focused on special portions of the

    task. Fayol presented work

    specialization as the best way to use

    the human resources of the


    Authority: The concepts of Authority

    and responsibility are closely related.

    Authority was defined by Fayol as the

    right to give orders and the power to

    exact obedience. Responsibility

    involves being accountable, and is

    therefore naturally associated with

    All of the principles presented by Fayol are

    applicable in social work administration. The

    general principles he presented are the altered

    ideas presented by the other gurus of

    management. He consolidated the principles

    that were basically presented individually by

    the different gurus. He saw the need to put it in

    tabulation wherein one is dependent of the


    The most outstanding principle that I feel is

    vital to social work administration is

    Subordination of Individual Interests to The

    General Interests. I feel that this is an

    important tool to direct an agency or

    organization to its goals and objectives. If

    everyone subordinate and administrators alike

    would prioritize the needs of the organization

    My only concern of Fayols work is the lack

    of summary and explanation on the

    interrelationship of the different principles. I

    believe that if he presented a concise

    summary that connects each principle to the

    other then thered be a better understanding

    on how the system of the principles works.

    This explanation can also serve as the point

    to which a reader can understand the

    importance of one principle to the other andhow it cannot stand independently. This will

    also serve as a basis for deeper

    understanding on how these are general

    principles that are applied in different ways;

    thus, unique in different work settings. This

    summary would somehow take into

    consideration the blur areas on why one

    principle stands alone, but it has a distinct

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    authority. Whoever assumes authority

    also assumes responsibility

    Discipline: A successful organization

    requires the common effort ofworkers. Penalties should be applied

    judiciously to encourage this common


    Unity of Command: Workers should

    receive orders from only one manager.

    Unity of Direction: The entire

    organization should be moving

    towards a common objective in a

    common direction.

    Subordination of Individual Interests

    to The General Interests: The interests

    of one person should not take priority

    over the interests of the organization

    as a whole.

    Remuneration: Many variables, such

    as cost of living, supply of qualified

    personnel, general business

    conditions, and success of the

    business, should be considered in

    determining a workers rate of pay.

    Centralization: Fayol defined

    centralization as lowering the

    importance of the subordinate role.

    Decentralization is increasing the

    importance. The degree to which

    centralization or decentralization

    should be adopted depends on the

    and work towards the common interest and put

    their personal interest as a secondary aspect,

    then thered be less problems about conflicting


    Pretty much everything of the fourteen

    principles is applicable to every aspect of

    running a social work administration. The

    interpretation of these principles is the only

    justification on how these principles can serve

    justice on different agencies.

    relationship with the other.

    But despite of this, his fourteen principles

    are the best presentation to the science of

    management. These explain the vital needsof every system organization and do not

    generalize its principles since it works as an

    independent idea through different mediums

    or workplaces.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    specific organization in which the

    manager is working.

    Scalar Chain: Managers in hierarchies

    are part of a chain like authority scale.Each manager, from the first line

    supervisor to the president, possesses

    certain amounts of authority. The

    President possesses the most

    authority; the first line supervisor the

    least. Lower level managers should

    always keep upper level managers

    informed of their work activities. The

    existence of a scalar chain and

    adherence to it are necessary if the

    organization is to be successful.

    Order: For the sake of efficiency and

    coordination, all materials and people

    related to a specific kind of work

    should be treated as equally as


    Equity: All employees should be

    treated as equally as possible.

    Stability of Tenure Of Personnel:

    Retaining productive employees

    should always be a high priority ofmanagement. Recruitment and

    Selection Costs, as well as increased

    product-reject rates are usually

    associated with hiring new workers.

    Initiative: Management should take

    steps to encourage worker initiative,

    which is defined as new or additional

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    work activity undertaken through self-


    Espirit De Corps: Management should

    encourage harmony and general goodfeelings among employees.

    Frank Bunker


    Science in Management for the One

    Best Way to Do Work

    Employer and employee must

    cooperate in the work process for

    benefits to occur. The employee as an

    individual has his/her productivity

    depended on attitude, opportunity, and

    the physical environment as well asthe correct methods and ideal


    The means for determining the One

    Best Way to do Work:

    Motion Study is the method ofincreasing the efficiency of the

    worker. It is the science of

    determining and perpetuating the

    scheme of perfection; the

    performing of the One Best Wayto do work.

    Fatigue Study is the investigationof the causes and opportunities

    for the elimination of unnecessary

    fatigue, and the provision of rest

    from necessary fatigue.

    Skill Study is an inquiry into the

    The points that Gilbreth presented are all

    applicable to social work administration. The

    best idea is how he emphasized that the

    employer and employee must always cooperate

    in the work process for benefits to occur. I

    liked how simple the statement is, but in all

    honesty, I feel that its the most important

    thought that a social work administrator has to

    know. This exemplifies that the hierarchicalsetting of power does not apply to the idea that

    one is favored than the other. The

    administrators and subordinates work

    dependently with one another and the

    knowledge that one has that is above the other

    bridges the gap towards attaining the goals and


    Motion study can also be applied to social work

    administration. This attests to the fact that

    administrators should have a keen eye on

    keeping the efficiency on the work of thesubordinates to achieve the best outcome. If the

    manager sees to it that he/she made an effort to

    guide the subordinates to have efficient work;

    then this gives him/her a complacent feeling

    that they will get the job done.

    Gilbreth presented a praiseworthy article

    regarding the one best way to do work, but I

    believe that there are some points in which

    he failed to take notes on.

    First, I feel that the variables to establish the

    one best way are too many. Id like it better

    if there were concise points laid out that

    formed the secret formula of utilizing thebest way possible. Second, his view on

    standardizing everything seems to be a blur

    for me. As a consumer of the different

    management principles from the gurus, I

    established the thought that one cannot

    simply place an idea to every organization

    and claim it as the secret formulait

    doesnt exist. Third, the idea of motion

    study is very frustrating. Motion study

    presented a method in which it is not laid

    out to a point that it is easy to understand. I

    feel that if there is a more detailed yetconcise explanation about how simplistic

    motion study is; then thered be a better

    understanding coming from us consumers of

    his work.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    causes of, and the best way of

    acquiring and transferring skill. It

    affects everyoneapprentice,

    journeyman, laborer, manager,

    employer or stockholder, andconsumer.

    Time Study is the art ofdetermining how long it takes to

    do work or how much work can

    be done in a given time.

    Oliver Sheldon A Professional Creed of Management

    Industrial management is governed by

    three principles: policies, conditions,and methods of industry shall conduce

    to communal well-being; in the ethical

    valuation, the management shall

    endeavor to interpret; the community

    is the ultimate authority in the

    determination of matterswages and


    Management should be more

    concerned with the communitys

    interest and not just of the

    stockholders or employers.

    Science of Industrial Managements

    several purposes: forming a code to

    govern the general conduct of the

    industry, of raising the general level

    and providing a standard measure of

    managerial efficiency, of formulating

    the basis for further development and

    The most important implication of Sheldons

    study is its emphasis on who is the real boss of

    every organizationthe community. This is

    crucial information because in every socialwork administration, surely, the community has

    to be the real governing body of the institution.

    If this concept is clear with the administrator

    and his/her subordinates, theyd have a much

    better understanding on the purpose of their

    work. If people in general see the implication

    of what their service means to the whole

    community, a sense of deep clingy desire to

    work is formed.

    I guess in a deeper view, this perception is a

    mere inspirational leeway for workers andconsumers alike to understand their position in

    the economy and act upon these to ensure the

    best interaction of their respective

    relationships. If this interaction in an agency or

    organization is clear from the start, no sector

    would have identity crisis and would be

    puzzled on what the role of the person may be.

    The community being the boss of everything,

    My only critic of Sheldons work is that it

    sounds too optimistic for my taste. I dont

    have anything against the idea and to my

    surprise; I like how it has been proposed.But while I was pondering on his quest for

    having the community as the boss of the

    system, it made me wonder if this is really

    possible. I guess that in my seventeen years

    of existence, I have never really sighted a

    company that fully embraces the needs of

    the people. In fact, the only thing that I

    suppose is important for stockholders and

    workmen alike are profits and wages,

    respectively. Though I do not disclose the

    possibility of this phenomenon, I just think

    that Sheldon shouldve presented concreteapplications to management rather than

    presenting an improbable assumption.

    Generally, his assumption is good and can

    be presented as a healthy challenge for the

    administrators, stockholders, and employers.

    If this quest of him would materialize and

    the equilibrium of the workers and owners

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    improvement, and of instituting a

    standard as a necessary qualification

    for the practice of the profession.

    The evolution of management asa separate profession

    The need for a code or a set ofrules to serve as a guide for good

    managerial practice

    The need for formalizedmanagement training, particularly

    at the university level.

    The greater importance ofmanagerial ability over technicalability in the higher echelons of


    The importance of developingbetter leadership to secure the

    best cooperation from the workers

    The importance of conferences incoordinating the overall effort

    The need for unity of command.

    from the management to the economy reminds

    me of the famous line by the president, Ikaw

    (the people) ang boss ko!

    are worked out with equity, then the fuss of

    labor unions rallies would come to an end

    and Utopia is not far behind.

    Mary Parker Follett Management as a Profession

    Business management should have a

    scientific standard applied to it or

    scientific method. It involves a

    technical side or knowledge of

    production and distribution; and the

    Every part ofFolletts article reminded me the

    simplistic view on how social work

    administration is not a traditional organization

    that works with the same principle as that of

    with industrial setups.

    First, the management as a profession can be

    The criticism I have for Folletts idea is that

    it presented countless ideas that deserve

    reasonable acknowledgements, but I lacked

    the feeling of the connection between the

    three articles. The articles may be of

    separate nature, but I feel that it is

    importance that she explained the bearing of

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    personal side or the knowledge on

    how to deal fairly and fruitfully with

    ones fellow.

    One should make experiments,compare and discuss this with each

    other, and see what consensus we can

    come to in our conclusions.

    Managerial workers have to acquire

    habits and attitudes with three

    conditionsdetailed information in

    regard to a new method; the stimulus

    to adopt this method; and the

    opportunity to practice it so that it

    may become a habit.

    Men must prepare themselves for the

    professionassuming grave

    responsibilities, taking a creative part

    in one of the large functions of society

    and realize success in the end.

    The Essentials of Leadership

    Leadership is the ability to grasp a

    total situation, who can organize the

    experience of the group, the ability to

    organize all the forces there are in anenterprise and make them serve a

    common purpose. The leader should

    teach his followers their part of

    leadership and how to control the

    situations for which they are

    specifically responsible.

    The requisite of leadership is the

    applied to social work administration in a way

    that an administrator should know that the task

    he/she is taking on requires adequate

    knowledge and is not just a facade that one can

    impose on different people. The importance ofexperimenting in the profession proves that an

    administrator does not follow a definite set of

    guidelines that may be the answer to every

    query that pops in ones head. Second, the

    reiteration of the idea of leadership explained

    to me that an administrator does not only deal

    with the hierarchical situation of the norm but

    also has to keep into mind that the key is the

    method on how one can organize the given

    system. Subordinates are there as implementing

    hands to perform the likely goal that one is

    oriented with. Lastly, the principles ofcoordination explain that coordination is not a

    mere coming together of the different units in

    the organization, it involves more than that. In

    social work administration where subordinates

    may come from different expertise and fields,

    the administrator should specifically impose

    the importance of seeing the role of each

    person and its bearing to the process of relaying

    services to meet objectives.

    each to the other. I suppose that if the first

    article had been clearly associated with the

    last two articles, then itd be better to hear

    the different points of view of the other two.

    If more ideas regarding the relationship ofeach point to the other is made then a

    consumer of her thought like me would be

    more likely to go on and read further the

    other articles she presented outside of the


    Folletts thoughts would be better up

    summarized and explained further to grasp

    the deep understanding of what one thought

    influences the other.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    thorough knowledge of your job. The

    ability to grasp the total situation is

    essential to leadership. Leadership has

    the capability of transforming

    experience to power. The great leadercreates as well as direct power.

    Functional leadership vs. multiple

    leadership; in which multiple

    leadership is the only one given

    importance in history.


    This is a system of cross-functioning

    between the different departments of

    an organization. There are three waysof settling differences: by domination,

    by compromise, or by integration.

    Principles of coordination:

    Early stagemust startduring the planning stage of

    the process.

    Continuitymust not be aone-time activity, sustainable

    Direct contactmanagersmust have a good contact

    with subordinates Reciprocal relations

    decisions and actions of all

    managers, employees and

    departments of the

    organization are inter-related

    Effective communicationgood communication avoids


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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    Mutual respectbrotherlyhood among managers and


    Clarity of objectivesstatement of clear objectives

    Scalar chaineach managerpossesses a certain amount of


    Collective responsibility is not the

    matter of adding but interweaving, a

    matter of reciprocal modification and

    the matter of integration.

    There is no such thing as unity, but

    there exists only unifying. Each man

    learning to fit his work into that ofevery other in the spirit of

    cooperation, in any understanding of

    the methods of cooperation.

    Harry Arthur Hopf Management and the Optimum

    Optimology is the science of the

    optimum. The optimum is the state of

    development of a business enterprise

    which tends to perpetuate an

    equilibrium among the factor size,cost and human capacity and thus to

    promote in the highest degree regular

    realization of the business objectives.

    Efficient planning, organizing,

    coordinating, and controlling might be

    of good help in achieving the


    The most applicable concepts in social work

    administration presented by Hopf are the

    suggestions he concluded his paper with. The

    presentations of the objectives down to the

    more specific actions to attain these are suitable

    for social work administration. I feel that if

    administrators would see the scheme on howHopf presented the techniques for optimal size

    and relations on his paper and how simple yet

    meaningful his words are, then theyd have a

    better understanding on the idea of how the

    system of the organization works.

    I also believe that his emphasis on the need for

    specific classification of objectives and

    My only critic with Hopfs work is that he

    presented it with the assuming feeling that it

    applies to every existing organization

    possible. I somehow have apprehensions

    with that because the previous papers placed

    strong points that explained that not all of

    the ideas presented are standardized. Somewould even reiterate that a standard quest

    for management does not exist at all.

    I captured this thought because I believe

    that it is important to see different

    organizations as unique systems. Yes, many

    concepts may apply to majority of

    organizations but not necessarily to all.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones


    1. Establish the objectives of thebusiness in comprehensive terms;

    2. Define those general policieswhich should be followed

    regardless of operating conditions

    or results;

    3. Define the task of management inhuman terms;

    4. Staff the executive group withmembers who are competent to

    perform successfully the tasks

    assigned to them;

    5. Furnish the executive group withstandards of accomplishment by

    which performance can beaccurately measured.

    6. Study operating results andestablish trends of


    7. Adjust the rate of replacement ofmembers of the executive group

    in line with requirements for

    maintaining the standard set;

    8. Consider particularly the factor ofage in its relation to productive

    capacity of executives;

    9. Analyze all dynamic elements soas to discern the possibleoperation of the law of

    diminishing returns with respect

    to any element, substituting

    measurement for judgment

    wherever possible;

    10. Establish the optimal size oforganization at the level at which

    methods on how to attain them places a good

    knowledge base for managers. If administrators

    fully understand these concepts then he/she will

    be at better relationship with the subordinates.

    If this relationship is kept with goodcommunication and respect, as what is

    explained by Follett in her principles of

    coordination; then thered be a harmonious

    environment between workmen and


    Hopf failed to explain this fact that is why I

    had a difficulty about debating with myself

    the previous insights I got from the latter

    stated principles to his point of view.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    the most favorable operating

    results can be secured, within the

    limits of the predetermined

    objectives and policies and

    without causing an executiveoverload at any point of the


    George Elton Mayo The First Inquiry

    Sense of participation and a feeling of

    being a member of a team are stronger

    motivating forces than economic self-

    interest, lighting, rest periods and

    similar material influences. Individual

    workers cannot be treated in isolation,but must be seen as members of a

    group to establish a better outcome

    from them. In relation to this,

    monetary incentives and good

    working conditions are less important

    to the individual than the need to

    belong to a group.

    Informal or unofficial groups formed

    at work have a strong influence on the

    behavior of those workers in a group.

    Furthermore, managers must be awareof these 'social needs' and cater for

    them to ensure that employees

    collaborate with the official

    organization rather than work against


    Hawthorne and the Western Electric


    Mayos emphasis on groups in the workplace is

    very much applicable to social work

    administration. If administrators are aware

    about how cliques in workplaces affect the

    performance of the person, then he/she may

    find ways on how to avoid such instances or if

    not possible, to address the situation of his/her

    subordinates. This phenomenon has its prosand cons. Pros if the groups of his/her people

    are aiding themselves to do the best they can in

    their jobs; cons if it pulls a persons capacity

    down because the group has a negative effect

    on the subordinate. Several action plans

    towards the situation may alleviate the current

    trend of group setups to ensure that it happens

    for the betterment of the workmen.

    The reality of the interview method also opens

    up a new venture for administrators to

    strengthen their belief, Walang madadaan samagandang usapan. As social workers by

    profession, administrators are fully aware that a

    persons apprehensions and feeling can only be

    addressed by communicating them to

    professionals that can help them to address

    these accordingly. This can apply to their

    subordinates and how good communication is a

    vital tool to acquire the best outcome from the

    Mayos work produced promising results

    that in my reading of the latter gurusarticles, I feel that this study of his in the

    Hawthorne and Western Electric Company

    provided good results without taking too

    much standardization on their part. My only

    concern for his work is that it only presented

    the conclusion but there was a lack ofanalysis with it. If he further examined the

    details on how to go about the interview

    method with less partiality to address the

    ongoing debate regarding its validity, then I

    would have realize how his study is still

    acceptable regardless of the debate.

    In spite of this, I still feel that Mayo gave

    the best points regarding group affiliations

    of workmen in the workplace.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    The study pondered on examining the

    effects of social relations, motivation

    and employee satisfaction. It

    concluded that workers are bestmotivated by better communication,

    more managerial involvement and

    working in teams.

    The three persistent problems of

    management are: the application of

    science and technical skill to some

    material good or product; the

    systematic ordering of operations; the

    organization of teamworkthat is, of

    sustained cooperation.

    Discoveries regarding interview


    1. Interview aids the individual to get

    rid of useless emotional complications

    and to state his problem completely.

    2. Interview has demonstrated its

    capacity to aid the individual to

    associate more easily, more

    satisfactorily with other persons.

    3. Interview develops his desire and

    capacity to work better.

    4. Interviewing possesses immenseimportance for the training of

    administrators in the difficult future.

    5. Interview is a source of


    The three persistent problems of

    modern large-scale industry: the

    application of science and technical


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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    skill to a material product, the

    systematization of operations, and the

    organization of sustained cooperation.

    Chester Irving


    The Theory of Authority

    The Source of Authority

    Authority is the character of

    communication in a formal

    organization by virtue of which it is

    accepted by a contributor to or

    member of the organization as

    governing the action he contributes. It

    involves two aspects: the subjective,

    the personal, the accepting of

    communication as authoritative; andthe objective aspectthe character of

    communication by virtue of which it is


    Four conditions wherein a person can

    and will accept communication as


    1. He can and does notunderstand communication.

    2. At his time of decision hebelieves that it is not

    inconsistent with the purposeof the organization.

    3. At the time of his decision,he believes it to be

    compatible with his personal

    interest as a whole.

    4. He is able mentally andphysically to comply with it.

    Barnards concepts of authority and nature of

    leadership are applicable to social work

    administration. I believe that an administrator

    should realize that the idea of authority does

    not just go with the position. Yes, the

    subordinate might see you as someone who is

    above him but this does not give you the ticket

    to capture his attention and respect right away,

    unless you are worthy of it. This disseminates

    the idea that it is not always the subordinate

    that needs a little fixing or upgrade, once in a

    while the administrator should see to it that heis also apt to the position to do his/her job.

    Regarding the nature of leadership, I see this as

    a vital tool for administrators to see to it that

    they have what it takes to govern the

    subordinates and lead them to the right path to

    produce fruitful outcomes. The things

    presented here may serve as a guideline for the

    administrator to work on what he sees as

    requirements to be of best service to his

    subordinates, the agency or organization, and

    the clients.

    My concern for Barnards concept is that it

    is too focused on the concept of the

    administrators or the ones in-charge of the

    organization. It would have sounded better

    if he also presented ideas regarding how

    important the role of the subordinate is and

    how the manager and subordinate interact

    accordingly to produce the desired results. It

    lacked the connection and explanation of the

    reason why he insisted on putting these

    thoughts in paper. I would have liked it if he

    presented more subjective concerns into hiswriting for me to understand further where

    he is coming from.

    Id also like it if he placed his ideas in a

    more concise yet insightful explanation that

    would have captured by attention quickly

    for me to be glued to his writing. In spite of

    this, I still liked how he took the time and

    effort to write the roots of leadership per se

    and his idea of authority.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    The System of Coordination

    Authority of Position vs. Authority of


    It doesnt necessarily mean that a

    superior have authority, nor is a

    communication authoritative except

    when it is an effort or action of the

    organization. The determination of

    authority remains with the individual.

    The competence of thepersons serving as

    communication centers, that

    is, officers, supervisory

    heads, must be adequate.

    The line of communicationshould not be interruptedduring the time when the

    organization is to function.

    Every communication shouldbe authenticated.

    Reconciliation with Legalistic


    Legalistic conceptions seem to have

    support in the relations between

    superior and subsidiary organizations.

    The Nature of Leadership

    Addressed to the problem of

    understanding the nature of leadership

    A. Four Sectors of Leadership


    o The determination of

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones


    o The manipulation of meanso The instrument of actiono The stimulation of

    coordinated actionB. The Conditions of Leadership

    C. The Active Qualities of Leaders

    Vitality and endurance Decisiveness Persuasiveness Responsibility Intellectual Capacity

    D. The Development of Leaders

    Training Balance and perspective Experience

    E. Selection

    Douglas Murray


    The Human Side of Enterprise

    Theory X and Theory Y

    These deals with the perceptions

    managers hold on their employees, not

    the way they generally behave. It is

    attitude not attributes. They describe

    two contrasting models of workforce

    motivation. McGregor suggests that

    these are not different ends of thesame continuum. Rather they are two

    different continua in themselves.

    Theory X

    In this theory, which has been proven

    counter effective in most modern

    practice, management assumes

    employees are inherently lazy and will

    The explanation of McGregors view on

    Theory X and Theory Y is an important idea

    with association to social work administration.

    This difference between the two points can

    shed light to the more favoredstyle of

    management. I personally believe that Theory

    Y is of good help for the administrator because

    this concept is in line with the principles of

    social work per sebelieves in the capacity of

    the person. If the administrator uses this ashis/her guide in managing the subordinates,

    then theyd be betterresults. This is so because

    the administrator sees the person in a positive

    manner as capable and willing to do the task

    despite possible hurdles that may come his/her


    The statements regarding the different needs of

    My only concern for McGregors work is

    that it didnt really explain much further the

    concepts and how it can be utilized as an

    effective tool in the organization. I believe

    that it is more appropriate if most of the

    details are taken into account so that thered

    be better understanding coming from a

    consumer like me.

    His explanation on the trends of the newdefinition of management, for me, has not

    much of a bearing that may be incorporated

    in the real workplace. I feel that it only

    summarized the evolution of management

    and has no particular use in real managing.

    Furthermore, I guess that his explanation

    has nothing bad about it. I just feel that a

    more thorough explanation would have been

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    avoid work if they can and that they

    inherently dislike work. As a result of

    this, management believes that

    workers need to be closely supervised

    and comprehensive systems ofcontrols developed.

    Theory Y

    In this theory, management assumes

    employees may be ambitious and self-

    motivatedand exercise self-control. It

    is believed that employees enjoy their

    mental and physical work duties.

    According to them work is as natural

    as play. They possess the ability for

    creative problem solving, but their

    talents are underused in mostorganizations

    Mans Needs:

    Physiological and safetyneeds

    Social needs Ego needs Self-Fulfillment Needs

    The Carrot and Stick Approach

    The means for satisfying mansphysiological needs can be provided

    or withheld by management.

    Employment, wages, working

    conditions, and benefits are means. By

    this means the individual can be

    controlled as long as he is struggling

    for subsistence. Man lives for bread

    alone when there is no bread.

    man are also useful tools in social work

    administration. If the administrator has a clear

    vision on what the needs of a person may be,

    then he/she may use this knowledge to see to it

    that most of the needs of the subordinate aremet. This knowledge would also help the

    administrator to look deeper into the possible

    causes of the unsuitable work effort coming

    from the subordinates. With this understanding,

    the manager can now infer different

    conclusions and validate them to respond to

    them adequately and guide the subordinate so

    that he/she may perform better.

    better for me.

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    2011-11770 Prof. Jerry Leones

    New Concepts of Management

    Trends in the Concept of

    Management:1. The explosive growth of

    science; both behavioral and


    2. The rapidly increasingcomplexity of technology

    3. The growing complexity ofindustry-society relationships

    4. The changing composition ofthe industrial work force

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