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Page 2: Media evaluation  technology use

CAMERA-CANON LEGRIA HFR56• This is the camera we used to film our opening sequence. This was a good first camera to

use as it was quite simple and easy to understand, it was as basic as pressing record to start and stop. However taking the actual shot was much harder especially is hand held. The camera itself was very sensitive to light and dark so it was important when taking the shot that the light was just bright enough so the shot was clear and visible. It was very hard if we had no other option but to hold the camera by hand for example if the shot was too close to the ground. The reason why this was much harder was that it was difficult to keep a steady hand when filming or the footage would come out shaky. Using the zoom was something we were advised not to do as on the camera there was a risk that the shots would come out unfocused, this would look unprofessional. So if we needed to get closer we would simply move the camera itself. Checking back on the footage was important however wasted battery life so it was something we were reluctant to do after each shot but it was a necessity.

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• The mac desktop is something I was already quite familiar with. However I still leant a lot especially when taking screen shots and knowing where to get them from. The mac desktop is full of other people work so it was very important to be aware and not make any changes to their work by mistake. The main tool we used on the mac desktop was already installed onto the college computer, this was final cut pro.

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VOICE RECORDER/ iPOD SOUND APP• We took a couple of hours out of our lesson time to learn about the

different ways sound could be recorded. The voice recorders were very useful when recording sound for our opening sequence as we were able to make sound which was hard to find online. In our opening there was some dialogue at the beginning in the form of a voice mail. I recorded the sound on an app on an iPad as we found that the voice recorder was picking up other sounds which made the voice over sound unprofessional. We then downloaded the sound onto a laptop where the sound technician helped us edit the sound which affects such as a small echo to make the sound appear that it was coming through a phone to make it as realistic as possible. After we had edited the sound we sent it by email and got it onto final cut pro and placed it over the footage.

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SOUND- GARAGE BANDThere are many different tools on garage band that I had never used before. It was very interesting to see the different sounds and music you could create through garage band

This tool allowed me to make loops if I wanted the same sound continuously to create meaning for example.

To add in extra effect for example making something louder or quieter, faster or slower.

Different instruments we could use .

Adding in different sounds helps the build up making the sound more dramatic if you wanted .

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These images show how we added in diegetic sound effects under the image, to make the film seem as realistic as possible these effects allowed us to add more tension to the overall sequence.

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FINAL CUT PRO- Final cut has so many different tools to choose from which means that during edititinf we had plently of different effects and styles to choose from.

I had never use final cut pro so initially it was quite overwhelming to see all the things I had to get my head round and learnt to do in order to begin editing the opening sequence.

All the different shots placed in order after choosing the ones we wanted to use.

This tool meant we could speed up the clip.

This box is where we could distort the image to how we saw fit, forexample dimming the lighting or saturating the image.

This screen allowed us to see exactly how the image cos out after editing to see if it works well.

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This image shows the sound and the titles have been put onto final cut to finish the last touches of editing after all the clips have been touched and edited to how we wanted them.

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This box is how we could get writing for the credits on to the screen over the image. We simply typed what we wanted in the box where it says text, then we could choose the alignment, size and font of the text to what suited our opening sequence best.

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OTHER-We used free sound to get inspiration for different music we could incorporate in out piece.

We also used free sound to get sound effect such as typing and sending the text with a whoosh sound, if we were unable to recreate the sound our self.

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We used office 365 to pass information on through are group, this was a very useful tool as it allowed us to stay organized and on top of things.

This was easy and simple to use so we were sure to not have any miscommunication.

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Mahara was something I was new to so I was not familiar with how it worked but once I understood, it proved to be very simple and a useful reference to keep track of my work.

Mahara was something we used daily to update the examiner on our progress and simply to know what we had and hadn't completed. The way we recorded our progress was mainly through a journal.

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The main use for slide share during this possess was to simply import a presentation into Mahara.

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We used YouTube to upload our opening sequence.

We also used YouTube as a way to get weed back from people to see what they thought of our opening sequence.

Another way we used was to annotate the video using tools to edit on YouTube by creating out own channel.

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