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Page 1: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117

Melissa A. Mays

Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001-

Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117

Text/Cell #: 812.267.2385 Unit Website: www.melissamays.com

Melissa’s Dream Big Hotline: 641.715.3900 code 47141

Unit Name: The AMaysing Bombshells Seminar Division: Diamond

Weekly Success Meetings: Monday Nights 6:30-8:30 at the Asian Buffet private party room on Charlestown Road in New Albany, IN Top Producing Unit with over 8 Million in Sales 6 Time Cadillac Unit 11 time Circle of Achievement 2 times at the $550,000 Club

Page 2: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117

Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001-

Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117

Text/Cell #: 812.267.2385 Unit Website: www.melissamays.com

Melissa’s Dream Big Hotline: 641.715.3900 code 47141

Congratulations! You have made a very smart business decision and I am so proud of you!!! I’m

so excited to be taking this journey together. You will learn so many valuable business & life skills

by being a Consultant in this wonderful family-owned, debt-free, Christ-centered company.

I realize that you are very EXCITED about your new business. You may even be a little nervous


In fact, there are 4 stages you will go thru as a Consultant. They are: 1) EXCITEMENT 2) FEAR 3)OVERWHELM/FRUSTRAION 4) RE-COMMITMENT.


All Consultants go thru these stages. I promise we will teach you how to move quickly thru the



1) What your watch 2) What you listen to 3) Who you surround yourself with

4) What you read 5) What your visualize 6) How you talk to yourself


I know you want to learn all your can about your new venture! There is a ton of wonderful info on

www.marykayintouch.com and be sure to read your MK Autobiography that comes in your Start-

er Kit. Be careful about Googling Mary Kay. There is a HORRIBLE website out there called “Pink

Truth” that seeks to destroy our reputation. Not sure why they put so much energy into spreading

ugliness about our wonderful company. You may be curious to check it out or may even have

someone try to tell you about it. I personally have NEVER even went to the site because I don’t

want to hear it! I know the REAL truth because I’ve been living it the last 17 years of my career

and I personally KNOW what a blessing it has been for me and my family. It can be for you too.

If you want to research the company, go to a credible source. www.dsa.org is the Direct Selling

Association which is like the Better Business Bureau of direct sales. Also, search the hashtag

#mymklife and see thousands of pictures of REAL people that LOVE their Mary Kay! You get what

you focus on, so FOCUS on the POSITIVE. If you were considering becoming a teacher, nurse,

athlete, etc, would you go and talk to all the ones who quit or the ones that are doing it success-

fully and LOVE it?

Sometimes even well meaning family members can YUCK ON YOUR WOW! They don’t mean any

harm. They are just trying to protect you. Best way to get their support...don’t tell them how

great your Mary Kay is...SHOW ‘EM!

I will be your BEST MK Mentor, and will freely share my knowledge & experience that I have

gained from building my own successful Mary Kay business. Just so you know what to expect

from me, here are my time priorities... My faith & family My husband Don works for UPS and his days off are Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. I

normally take those days off.

My personal business I normally work Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday holding classes, conducting

New Consultant Debuts, and teaching at workshops & events.

New Consultants I look forward to getting to know you better and finding out what your goals and

dreams are. We will work together to equip you to achieve those goals & dreams.

Top Consultants I spend a lot of time mentoring & coaching Consultants that have a desire to move up

the Career Path & who are attending a weekly meeting somewhere. My purpose is to move them into

leadership positions in our Unit, in the company, and ultimately building our National Area.

What to Expect

Page 3: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117

COMMUNICATION VOXER (FREE APP) 24/7 This is my best way to communicate with our large Unit because

you can do this while you’re ON THE GO! This is absolutely the best way for me to personal-

ly mentor you! Our Consultants love it!

FACEBOOK & MESSENGER You can contact me here anytime. I do check it regularly.

Email I always do my best to answer you back in a timely manner but be patient. If I’m

traveling, you may get a delayed response.

Phone If you need to talk to me live, call me on Monday, which is my office day or we can

set up an appointment for another time that works for both our schedules.

EDUCATION & SUPPORT Weekly Success Meetings every Monday 6:30-8:30p. (Currently at the Asian Buffet on

Charlestown Rd. in New Albany, IN) Cost is $5 or FREE if you eat dinner! If you are eating,

arrive by 6p so you’re finished by the time the meeting starts.

NEW CONSULTANT TRAINING Saturdays at my home 9am-11a. Casual attire. Bring your

Starter Kit something to take notes with.

MK University, Skin Care Confident and Color Confident classes online at

www.marykayintouch.com, under Education are great tools to learn everything there is to

know about this business!

CONSULTANT EXPECTATIONS…”HOW WE ROLL!” Be professional Wear MK business attire, which is a suit or Beauty Coat with a skirt or dress

to all Mary Kay functions and to your appointments. We want to project a professional

image to our customers and sister Consultants.

Be on time I realize things happen to ALL of us that can run us late. Do your best to leave

early to allow for traffic and other unforeseen challenges!

Be accountable Turn in your WEEKLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS (online at

www.marykayintouch.com). This is how we know what you did for the week!

Be polite At meetings & events, please give the speaker, whether your Director or another

Consultant, your full attention. Be an audience CHAMPION. Maintain eye contact. Please

don’t be checking your phone. Show interest and energy. If you have a question, PLEASE

raise your hand and ask because it could help the group. If you’re talking, you may miss

something important. If you ask another Consultant while the Director is speaking, you

BOTH may miss something important

Be a good student and NEVER miss a meeting! If you had a good week, the meeting

needs you! If you had a not so great week, YOU need the meeting!

Be a POSITIVE and ENERGY GIVER PERSON. We do not share negativity at the meeting.

Always talk to your Director or Recruiter in private if you need support. Imagine if you had

a recruit prospect attending your meeting with you only to have someone complain or

whine in front of your guest when she’s possibly considering this business for herself!

Page 4: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117
Page 5: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117

Great use for TAX


You can also apply for a Pay Pal Card or line of credit at www.paypal.com!

Page 6: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117
Page 7: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117



• Attend your first meeting


• Complete your NEXT STEPS sheet.


• Place your first order of $600ws or more

• Open a separate bank acct for your biz

• Order your Beauty Coat


• Complete your Advanced Color Certification on Intouch

• Set up your website and have 10 friends/family register and fill

out their profile. (Click MY MK, REGISTER, START PROFILE)

• Order your Business Kit ***www.mkconnections.com, business cards, reorder

labels, name tag, address stamp, business card holder.


• Go thru your Starter Kit & try all your products

• Purchase a rolling crate from Office Depot &

organize your show supplies

• Complete your Skin Care Confident on Intouch


• Observe a Skin Care Class (highly recommend seeing 3 classes)

• Hold your Business Debut with min. 10 present

Name: ____________________________________

SAMPLE BOOKING SCRIPT: “I’m so excited! I’ve just started my new MARY KAY business and as a part of my training, I need to practice on 15 faces in the next 2 weeks so I need to borrow your face. (pause) What’s better for you, during the week or on the weekend?” Always offer 2 options and never ask a YES or NO question. Once you set a time, encourage them to share their appointment with a few friends…. “Okay great. I will see you on ___ at ___. Who do you know that could be there when I come to practice with you? That would help me reach my 15 faces goal even faster. If you have at least 2 or more people there (18 or older that don’t have a Consultant) you’ll get some FREE product!” See our HOSTESS PROGRAM on www.melissamays.com, RESOURCES, SHOWS for more details.

Page 8: Melissa A. Mays · Melissa A. Mays Independent Senior Sales Director Started Career in February 2001- Debuted as a Director October 2001 11060 Majestic Blvd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117

___EARN YOUR TABLET CASE -OR- SIPPIE CUP • Attend all 4 New Consultant Trainings If you're not local, we'll find an Adopted Director that has training in

your area. __Class 1 Booking like a Boss

__Class 2 Party Like a Rockstar*

__Class 3 Powerhouse Team Building

__Class 4 Customer Service & App Training *Download Melissa's Flip Chart at www.melissamays.com,-RESOURCES-Flipchart-and bring it with you to class.

Also, practice reading thru it in the mirror.

__*BONUS* Complete all 4 NCT & MK University and

get BOTH prizes (Sippie Cup -and- Tablet Case)


• Practice on 15 faces in 15 days


• 30 faces in 30 days


• 30 faces in 30 days + 6 Career Chats

*Earn bracelet only once but each month you complete a PS,

you get a new charm!


• 3 Practice Career Chats w/ Director


• 3 More Career Chats –and/or– bring 3 eighteen

or older *recruitable guests to a meeting/event


• 1st *Qualified Recruit (orders $600+)

*Recruitable means 18 or older and they pass the 3 criteria

1) You like them 2) They love the product & people 2) You’d be proud to have them on your team (classy,

hungry, excellent or wants to be excellent, honest, dependable, communicates in a timely manner, etc)

HOW TO ASK PEOPLE TO LISTEN TO THE OPPORTUNITY: “I am so excited. I’ve just started my new Mary Kay business and as a part of my training, I need to watch my Director share information and our business opportunity. You may or may not be interested and that’s totally OK. For helping me, you’ll get any one product at 50% off and be entered to win $100 in FREE PRODUCT this month and I could win a designer handbag! Plus, you’ll get and one product at 50% off!

To receive your PRIZES, fill out the ONLINE PRIZE VOUCHER on melissamays.com, NEW CONSULTANTS page.

**All prizes will be awarded at our local Meeting on Mondays. If you’re not local, they will be shipped to you. Prizes subject to

availability. New Consultants MUST be active to receive prizes. (Active: placed first order of $225 wholesale or more.)

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