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Caring for multimedia equipment

Create multimedia card treatment equipment.

Teknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiHal.: 2 Isikan Judul Halaman

Create multimedia card treatment equipment.

How do the Tools Multimedia:

One way to do this is to check the goods on how to create the rental and use of the checklist items. Ceklah each equipment by making use of the checklist such as a camera that will be used first should be examined with the format to fill in the checking of goods

Teknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiHal.: 3 Isikan Judul Halaman

Create multimedia card treatment equipment

Sample Card Care

Teknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiHal.: 4 Isikan Judul Halaman

Create multimedia card treatment equipment.

In every purchase of the product will be accompanied with the instruction manual is an indication that the content usage and what to do in supporting the security, safety and health in the use of tools

Teknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiHal.: 5 Isikan Judul Halaman


The End

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