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Page 1: MINUTES TECHNICAL COUNCIL MEETING NO. 97 Memphis, … · 2016. 2. 4. · New business – None. Next Meetings o 2016 GM – Boston, MA July 17-21, 2016 o 2017 JTCM – New Orleans,




Memphis, Tennessee USA

Heritage III

Sunday, January 10, 2016, 11:30 AM – 6:00 PM

Administrative Topics

Meeting called to order by the Chair, Miriam Sanders at Noon CST.

Introduction of members and guests

o See attachment A for attendance roster.

Approval of agenda.

Approval of minutes: Meeting 96 – Denver, CO

o Minutes were approved unanimously as submitted, moved by Doug Houseman and

seconded by John McDaniel.

Most of the action items identified at the last meeting are including in the agenda.

Updates for Technical Committee Rosters

o Farnoosh Rahmatian request the TC members to update the officer’s list in the Excel

roster file and send it to Vijay Vittal.

Technical Committee Meetings Calendar

o PES Tech Council now has its own calendar to post the technical committee meetings.

Please forward technical committee calendars to Vijay Vittal and include, Names, Dates,

Location and Contact.

Annual Reports

o Annual reports are vital to market our output and expertise. Miriam Sanders reported that

the following committees have submitted their annual reports, PSDP, PSR, SWG, SUB,

T&D, EDPG, PSO, SB and PSPI. If the name of your committee does not appear in this

list then the annual report has not been submitted. An updated template has been added

to web page. Please use this template for any future reports. http://ieee-

pes.org/images/files/doc/tech-council/Annual_Report_Template_2016.docx or


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Topics from the PES President & Executive Director

Damir Novosel acknowledged the efforts of Jeff Nelson, Doug Houseman and Miriam

Sanders in facilitating the technical committees’ reorganization.

Damir Novosel also summarized a presentation on PES Strategies and Goals

o Important aspects of technical committee activities

o Growth of student chapters exceeds that of regular chapters

o Overall goals and priorities

o Need to fast-track standards development

o PES is in a unique position to facilitate the collaboration process.

o See Attachment B for complete presentation.

Topics from the Officers

T&D Expo 2016

o John McDaniel gave an update on the T&D Expo 2016. Forum sessions and other topics.

Registration will open around Jan 21, 2016. The opening session for the Expo will be at

the AT&T Stadium.

GM 2016

o Farnoosh Rahmatian indicated that the technical sessions planning is ongoing. The

deadline for the paper reviews is Jan 11, 2016. Space planning for committee meetings is


Templates for Technical Reports and Paper Compendiums

o Jeff Nelson gave an update on the two products. The template will be available soon on

the technical committee activities web site. A motion was made to approve to make it

mandatory that any new technical reports be put in the new PES format and be posted in

the resource center, technical committees creating the technical reports are allowed and

encouraged to post the technical reports to their websites as well in a password protected

format.. Moved by John McDaniel, Seconded by Doug Houseman. After some

discussion the question was called and a vote was taken. The vote was 19 votes in favor

of the motion and 1 vote against. The motion was approved.

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Presentation of PES Standards at International Meetings

o Miriam Sanders informed the TC that PES Standard updates should be presented at

international meetings. Financial support is available to present standards updates at

international IEEE PES meeting.

Cooperation Task Force

o Miriam Sanders also informed the TC that the Cooperation task force includes four

subsets; Standard and Interoperability, Technology, Conferences and Meetings and

Education. Pat Ryan will send an update on the staff allocation for this topic. See

Attachment C for details of the cooperation structure and points of contact. This contacts

listed should be consulted for any outside request for comments or feedback, such as

DOE, NERC, European Energy and other such organizations.

Standing/Coordinating Committees

Technical Council Awards Update

o Jeff Nelson the Technical Council Awards Chair announced that a notice for receiving

nominations has been sent out and are being received. The annual reports also serve as

the nomination material for outstanding technical committee awards.

Standards Coordination Committee

o No new updates.

Organization & Procedures Committee

o The O&P Committee will now be chaired by V. Vittal. After the reorganization is

approved technical committees that have been reorganized will have to submit new O&P

manuals. The O&P Committee will meet at the 2016 GM to review progress. See the

action items at the end of the minutes for deadlines.

Technical Sessions Committees

o This meeting will occur on 1/11/2016 at the JTCM and will be chaired by Farnoosh


Emerging Technologies Coordinating Committee (ETCC) and Intelligent Grid Coordinating

Committee (IGCC)

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o No report.

Marine Systems Coordinating Committee

o No report.

Wind and Solar Power Coordinating Committee

o No report.

Topics from Technical Committee Chairs


Fellows Committee Update

See update from Sharma Kolluri in Attachment D.

Re-Organization of Committee Structure

J. Nelson provided a historical review of the re-organization of the technical committees’

structure and summarized the progress to date. It was noted that the initiative to re-organize

originated at the technical committee retreat. See Attachment E for the report on the re-


A motion was made to approve the proposed change to the structure of the technical

committees, Doug Houseman – Moved, John McDaniel – Seconded. The motion was voted

upon and approved by a vote of 20 - For and 0 – Against

Several action items were noted in conjunction with the re-organization dealing with

manuals. These action items are listed at the end of the minutes.

Technical Council Retreat Action Items

Strengthen PES Awareness

o One page flyer for each technical committee. See Attachment F for a sample from

PSACE before reorganization.

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Leadership/Member training

o An action item for Ron Hotchkiss and Mike Sedlac was identified. Please see action

items at the end of the minutes.

International involvement and presence

o Prof. Stefano Massucco was identified as the individual to promote this activity.

IEEE/IEC/CIGRE Interaction

o Appropriate individual who have membership in these institutions need to be identified.

Next Planning Meeting – See action items at the end of the minutes

Resource Center

This topic was covered earlier in the minutes. Templates have been placed on the IEEE-PES

technical activities web page http://ieee-pes.org/technical-activities.

Liaison Reports

IEC Liaison – J. Haasz

o See Attachment G for report.

NASPI – A. Silverstein

o No report.

CIGRE – J. McDonald

o No report.

SCC21 – No liaison has been identified.

Sensors – Harold Kirkham was identified as liaison. Has to seek approval from employer.

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Technical Council Task Forces

Geo Magnetic Disturbances – A fast track summary article in the Power and Energy

magazine was proposed. Nothing has been done since then. A guide has been produced by

the transformers committee.

Other Business/Future meetings

Old business

o Minimum approach distances – A paper on this topic needs to be produced for ESMO

and should include the new OSHA regulations.

GitHub – Will not be pursued.

New business – None.

Next Meetings

o 2016 GM – Boston, MA July 17-21, 2016

o 2017 JTCM – New Orleans, LA January 8-12, 2017

o 2017 GM – Chicago, IL July 16-20, 2017.

Meeting Adjourned at 6.15 PM


Action Items from IEEE PES Technical Council

Jan 10, 2016 Memphis

1. From each technical committee, please send at least 1 and as many as 3 technical

contributions of promotable interest to the technical council officers semi-annually.

2. Identify from each technical committee a marketing and PR coordinator by the end of

February 2016. The role of this coordinator would be promoting and educating the general

public about technical contributions from their technical committees. If the deadline is not

met, the Chair of the committee will be the default PR coordinator.

3. Ron Hotchkiss and Mike Sedlak will develop a formal power point presentation to promote

PES leadership. They will be supported by and coordinate their effort with Damir Novosel

and Juan Carlos Montero (VP of Membership and Image), including identifying best ways to

market the material.

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4. Planning meeting on Nov. 3 and 4, 2016, Thurs - Fri. Charlotte, DFW, Phoenix or Atlanta.

5. Stephen Antosz will query the transformers committee to determine if a PES report on GMD

can be produced. This would then be a PES report involving multiple technical committees.

6. Deadlines for O&P and P&P for reorganized committees.

a. Organization and Procedures by May 1, 2016

i. Scope of the Tech committees

ii. Scope of the Subcommittees

b. Sponsor Policy and Procedures (standards only)

i. 2015 baseline

ii. Post GM

iii. Same scopes for TCs and SCs as in O & P

c. Working group Policy and Procedures (standards only) to be determined on Jan

11, 2016

i. Template with name change.

d. Proposed new committee officers affected by the reorganization – Jan 31, 2016

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ATTACHMENT A Technical Council - Meeting Attendance

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ATTACHMENT B Presentation by Damir Novosel

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ATTACHMENT D Fellows Committee Report – Sharma Kolluri

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ATTACHMENT E Report from J. Nelson

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ATTACHMENT F One page flyer sample

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ATTACHMENT G IEC Liaison Report – Jodi Haasz

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