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Week beginning 27/04/20

EnglishHave you updated your diary for what you did during your first week at home? Remember to write about the different things you did in the correct order using time words to help you order your diary entry - first, then, next, after that, finally.

This week we are going to be continue our work on the story – The Zoo Vet.

You can complete your writing tasks onto plain paper or inside the purple books which are part of your packs.

Task 1 – Information writingRevisit the facts you recorded about your favourite animal as part of last week’s English learning. Read them out loud to an adult. Today you are going to create an information poster, booklet or leaflet about your favourite animal. You can include; pictures/photos of your animal, a labelled drawing of your animal, headings for different pages or sections and some ‘Did you know…’ fact boxes.

To make your writing really interesting to read you could start your sentences using these interesting sentence openers:

Did you know…? Are you aware that…? Amazingly, Surprisingly, Sometimes, If you look closely,

Task 2 – Writing your own version of the storyRe-read the Zoo Vet story and talk to your adult about how the story is written – are there repeated sentences? Is there a pattern in the way in which the story is written?

Imagine it’s a new week in the Zoo Vet’s surgery. Today you are going to write your own version of the story – writing about the different animals that visit him each week. I have uploaded a recording sheet you can print off to complete your writing on but you can also complete your writing onto a sheet of paper.

You may want to create a plan before you start your writing – please see my example below.

Story planning example –

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Task 3 – Solving riddlesRiddles are lots of fun! They are a set of clues and the aim is to guess what the clues are describing. Riddles often tell you facts about an animal and describe what an animal looks like. A riddle may also tell you where an animal lives and what it likes to eat. Riddles are written in sentences and are a special sort of sentence called a statement.

On the Tiger class webpage there are three PowerPoints full of animal riddles. Work with an adult to read the riddles – how many animals can you guess correctly?

Task 4 – Writing riddlesBefore starting todays learning please watch my YouTube video sharing a riddle I have written.

Today you are going to be writing your own riddle for your favourite animal. Reread the information writing you completed earlier in the week to remind yourself of all the super facts you have learnt about your animal. Try to make you riddle as interesting as possible – you can use the same exciting sentence openers you used within your information writing. Please send me your riddles using the Tiger class email address [email protected] I would love to try and solve them!

Task 5 – Apostrophes

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In our spelling lessons this week we would have been revisiting how we use apostrophes. Apostrophes are punctuation marks. In English we use them in two ways, to show possession (showing who something belongs to) and to show contraction (where letters are missing within a word).

Apostrophes are used to tell us that something belongs to someone. For example, if you were talking about a football belonging to Ben, you would say ‘Ben’s football’. 

There is only one of Ben, so this is called singular possession and is the only sort of possession we learn about in year 2.

Another way we use an apostrophe is if we put two words together and miss out some letters. We need to add an apostrophe where the missing letters are. For example: ‘do not’ would change to ‘don’t’, the contracted form.

For today’s learning I have uploaded a worksheet to complete about using apostrophes within contractions – you could print off this sheet or record the separate words and their contraction onto a sheet of paper. There is also a PowerPoint about using apostrophes to show possession. You can record your learning for this onto a piece of paper – please don’t feel that you have to work through the whole PowerPoint as it is very long!

SpellingsFor your spelling homework this week please learn the following spellings – station, fiction, section, direction, fraction. In our spelling lessons this week we would have been looking at the ‘tion’ word ending. The word ending ‘–tion’ is a tricky one that is not spelt as it sounds. There are other spelling patterns for the ‘tion’ sound. Here is a video about this tricky spelling pattern - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zt62mnb/articles/zyv4qhv Remember to write a sentence including each word. E.g. I waited at the station for the train.

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MathsMental Maths activities

● Practice counting on and back from different start number e.g. 25 - 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 25 - 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19. If you are finding this tricky please use the hundred square below to support your counting.

● Continue counting in 2s and 5s using the resources from previous weeks. Remember to spend some time practicing your times tables on times table rockstars.

● Check out my YouTube video showing you some fun games you can play to practice your instant recall of number facts.

Measurement – Position and directionThis week you will be continuing your learning about position and direction. We will be describing turns using the language – full turn, half turn, quarter turn, three-quarter turn, clockwise and anticlockwise.

Task 1 – Describing turnsWorking with an adult have a look at an analogue clock and talk about the direction the hands turn. Discuss what the terms clockwise and anticlockwise mean. You can use the diagram below to help you.

Today you will be working with an adult to make clockwise and anticlockwise turns. Use the photos below to help you understand quarter, half and three quarter turns. After discussing these with an adult practice making turns e.g. Make a quester turn clockwise, make a three quarter turn anticlockwise, make a half term clockwise.

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Quarter turn clockwise

Quarter turn anti-clockwise

Half turn clockwise Half turn anti-clockwise

Three quarter turn clockwise

Three quarter turn clockwise

Task 2 – Describing turns – problemsRevisit the directions you learnt about yesterday. Find a cuddle toy and ask an adult to challenge you to move the turn different turns.

Work through the following problems. You could print off the problems for your child to complete but if you don’t have a printer please discuss them on the screen.

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Task 3 – Describing turns – recording directionsLast week we learnt about the directional language forward and backwards. For today’s learning we are going to be giving directions again but instead of left and right we are going to use the directions quarter turn clockwise/anticlockwise. Using the same grid as last week please colour in a route and then record directions for the route. You could place a cuddly toy onto the grid and use this to help you record the directions.



E.g. The directions for this route would be – forward 1, quarter turn clockwise, forward 3, quarter turn anticlockwise, forward 2.

Challenge - Write a route for the problem below:

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Task 4 - PatternsShape patterns are lots of fun to make. Create a shape pattern by drawing around some different shape objects you have at home or using a ruler to draw your own shapes. Whilst drawing your patterns talk about the direction different shapes are facing. E.g. The first arrow is pointing down, the second arrow is pointing left, the third arrow is pointing up etc.

Challenge – You could print off the problems for your child to complete but if you don’t have a printer please discuss them on the screen or draw them into a blank sheet of paper.

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Task 5 – Revisiting the 4 operationsPlease solve the following number sentences to revisit your addition, subtraction, multiplication and division learning. Remember to visit our class webpage for infromation on the different methods you can use to solve these questions.

32 + 5 = 48 + 4 =44 + 32= 58 + 26 =39 – 5 = 42 – 7 =85 – 42 = 74 – 36 =8 x 2 = 20 ÷ 5 =

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InquiryOur new transdisciplinary theme for Term 5 would have been – Sharing the Planet.

Within this our central idea would have been – Living things may have different requirements in order to survive.

This term we would have been answering the following questions: What are the different parts of a plant? What do plants need to grow? How do we look after a plant? How are plants adapted to live in different places? Where are animal’s homes? How should we treat an animals home? Why do animals live in different places? How are animals adapted to their environment? What are the different groups of animals? How do animals differ by the foods they eat? What interesting facts can I learn about animals?

Please spend some time discussing these questions with your child, hopefully by the end of this term we will be able to answer many of these questions.

When we are at school we talk about the Learning Profile Attributes within all lessons and look for example of children demonstrating these attributes throughout the school day. See if you can continue to practise the school’s Learner Profile Attributes whilst completing your learning at home:

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Inquiry learning tasks

Task 1 - What do plants need to grow? Watch this video of some plants growing. The plants were filmed over a very long time and their growing has been speeded up for you to watch – it’s amazing!https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zv2qxnb

Work through the PowerPoint uploaded onto the Tiger class webpage to find out what a plant needs to grow healthily. When you have done this you could create a poster about what a plant needs to grow. Here is an example –

Task 2 – Flower artThere are so many lovely flowers now appearing in gardens and parks. Whilst out in your garden or on your daily walk you could collect some daisies from the grass and complete the following activities.

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Task 3 – Animal HabitatsDiscuss what an animal habitat is and think about the animals that might live in the grounds of the school. Lots of animals live in our copse. Draw and label pictures of the animals you believe may use our copse as their habitat – I know that foxes sometimes visit our copse.

Task 4 – Different animal habitatsCan you think of animals that live in these different habitats? Draw a picture of the animal and add a sentence explaining where its habitat is.

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Keeping active

Remember to keep active while you are off. I have been doing Joe Wicks PE lessons with my children every morning at 9am. They are lots of fun and wake you up ready to start your days learning.https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html

Andy from CBeebies has also uploaded some fun animal workouts.https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06tmmvz

The National History museum has also launched a fun interactive resource which you can complete during you daily walk. Become a naturenaut and explore the nature on your doorstep. Using the link below you can – identify different plants and species of trees, go on a colour hunt and identify different birds that live in your area. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/take-part/naturenauts.html

Please also check out the PE and mindfulness sections of our class webpage which has lots of super links to PE activities.

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