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  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    Module 6.Module 6.

    Depression/Delirium/DementiaDepression/Delirium/DementiaMary Shelkey, RN, PhDMary Shelkey, RN, PhD

    Editor: Conchita Rader, MA, RNEditor: Conchita Rader, MA, RN

    Staff Deelopment Partners EditionInstru!tor "uide

    Page 1 of 26


    1. Expected Staff Cognitive Competencies2. Expected Staff Clinical Competencies3. Content Outline including Learning Activities

    a. E!"#$E %O "#S%&C%O ' ead activities in "nstructor(uide and prepare materials for activities in advance

    ). Scripted Po*erPoint Presentation+. 1,-item Post %est6. esources

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    E&PE$TED STA'' ($o)nitie* $OMPETEN$IES

    1. $escrie t/e prevalence of depression in older adults.

    2. &se an assessment instrument for depression in older adults 0see !odule +. Cognitive !ental Status Assessment of Older Adults

    3. $iscuss smptoms and treatment strategies for depression in older adults.). $escrie t/e prevalence of delirium and dementia in older adults.

    +. $iscuss t/e smptoms of delirium and dementia.

    6. $iscuss t/e assessment and treatment strategies for delirium and dementia.

    4. Contrast criteria for differentiating depression5 delirium5 and dementia in older adults.

    E&PE$TED STA'' ($lini!al* $OMPETEN$IES

    +e,aiors #o- alidated Noi!e Adan!ed+e)inner

    $ompetent Profi!ient Epert

    1. Accuratel assess fordepression in an older adultclient using a relialeassessment instrument

    $irect oservation of use

    of instrument5 and revie*of documented evidence offindings

    2. ecognie manifestations ofdepression5 delirium5 anddementia in older adults

    $irect oservation of


    3. Evaluate patient responses totreatment for depression5delirium5 and dementia

    evie* discuss findings

    and documentation7 actionsta8en

    ). "mplement an individualiedplan for depression5 delirium5and dementia

    $irect oservation of

    follo*-up and use ofassessment tool to monitorfor c/anges over time

    +. Accuratel assessdepression5 dementia5 anddelirium5 ased on clinicalparameters

    $irect oservation of

    assessment tec/ni9ues andstrategies7 revie* ofdocumentation

    6. "mplement care environmentalterations and

    nonp/armacologicinterventions to encourageprolem solving e/aviors inpatients *it/ dementia.

    $irect oservation of

    implemented measures and

    patient outcomes

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    $ompeten! 0. Des!ri1e t,e prealen!e of depression in older adults.

    A. $epression constitutes t/e most common emotional disorder found in older people.1

    Estimates of t/e prevalence of ma:or depressive disorder in t/e elderl range from 2; to 1,;

    of t/ose 6+ and older.

    1+; among communit-d*elling olderpersons and 3,; among institutionalied older persons. %/e smptoms are often associated*it/ c/ronic illness and pain.

    F. "t is important to identif patients */o ma e experiencing depressed smptoms as a side

    effect of medication. !an prescription or over-t/e counter 0O%C drugs contriute todepression. Alt/oug/ t/ere is little pulis/ed information on alternative medicines causingdepression5 consideration s/ould e given to /eral5 nutritional5 vitamins and supplements5

    particularl */en consumed in large doses. Some medications t/at ma cause smptoms ofdepression in older adults include' anti/pertensives5 antipsc/otics5 enodiaepines5analgesics5 antipar8inson5 antiarr/t/mic5 #SA"$s5 ot/er drugs suc/ steroids5 and


  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    c/emot/erap drugs.3

    (. !a:or depressive disorders occur less often in older adults compared to ounger adults7/o*ever5 24; of older adults experience depressive smptoms.

    . %/e /ig/est rate of completed suicide of an age5 gender5 or et/nic group is among older

    */ite men. %/e ris8 of suicide is /ig/er in older adults t/an t/e rate for ounger people 0up tosix times more fre9uent in older */ite men over =+ ears of age.

    ". C/ronic depression in older adults occurs in 4; to 3,; of all cases of depression5 *it/ a t/irdof t/ose */o recover relapsing in t/e first ear.

    B. As ounger persons *it/ t/eir /ig/er prevalence of depression age5 t/e incidence ofdepression in older adults is expected to increase over t/e next 2, to 3, ears.

    $ompeten! 2. Use an assessment instrument for depression in older adults ('or a reie-3see Module 4. $o)nitie / Mental Status Eam of Older Adults*

    A. Assessing depression in t/e older adult client is difficult ecause depression ma /ave atpicalpresentations.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia




    C.2.%/e Fesavage (eriatric $epression Scale 0($S is used to s!reen for depression

    in older adults. A score of greater t/an + is suggestive of depression and s/ould*arrant a follo*-up intervie*. %/is ta8es approximatel + minutes to administerand /as een validated and extensivel used *it/ medicall ill older adults5 andincludes fe* somatic items t/at ma e confounded *it/ p/sical illness. %/is tool/as een found to e t/e est tool and is availale in several languages. +6

    C.3. %/e Cornell Scale for $epression in $ementia is used to assess for depression in!lients -it, adan!ed dementiaand used to follo* up *it/ t/ose */o scoredless t/an 1+ 0severe cognitive impairment on t/e !!SE.

    $ompeten! 7. Dis!uss smptoms and treatment strate)ies for depression in older adults.

    A. Clinical manifestations of depression in older adults4

    A.1. $epressed mood'

    !a den sad mood and complain of pain or somatic distress

    Cring spells 0or complaining of inailit to cr or experience emotion

    Persistent G1) das

    A.2. Associated psc/ological smptoms'

    eduction in gratification5 loss of pleasure in normall pleasurale activities0an/edonia5 loss of attac/ments 5 social *it/dra*al

    #egative expectations' feelings of guilt5 /opelessness5 and /elplessness7 lac8 of

    self-confidence5 lo* self-esteem5 self-reproac/

    Poor concentration or memor prolems

    !orid t/in8ing to include recurrent t/oug/ts of deat/ and suicidal t/oug/ts

    A.3. Somatic manifestations

    Persistent appetite c/anges and *eig/t loss or gain

    Significant altered sleep 0too muc/ or not enoug/ or earl morning a*a8ening

    Psc/omotor retardation or agitation > common smptom in an older person

    5"al5 !.5 ? !ontorio5 ". Adaptation of t/e geriatric depression scale in Spain' A preliminar stud. %linical

    $erontologist, &', [email protected] S. .5 !c(ann5 P. E.5 !ic/aels5 %. .5 Penninx5

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    A.2. Psc/otic smptoms

    $elusions of *ort/lessness and sinfulness

    $elusions of ill /ealt/

    $elusions of povert 0Evaluate delusions as 3,; of elderl *omen alread are

    at t/e povert level.

    @ mont/s

    Consider maintenance treatment


    efer or consult a psc/iatrist orot/er mental /ealt/ professional C/ange %reatment

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    %reatment strategies for depression in older adults include'

    4,;7 03 targetedsmptoms7 0) degree of close monitoring for medication compliance5 and 0+patient and famil education aout t/e course and nature of depressive illness5treatment and potential side effects5 and t/e importance of treatmentcompliance. %/e principle regarding dosing t/e older adult is' MStart Lo*5 (oSlo*N. Carefull monitor for side effects5 suc/ as falls and loss of appetite.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    for all forms of depression. (enerall5 t/is approac/ aims to /elp depressedindividuals to t/oug/tfull examine t/eir e/avior5 eliefs5 emotions5 stressors5 andpersonal relations/ips in order to lead to lasting c/ange in factors t/at ma /avecontriuted to t/e development of depression.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    I"nterests 0an/edonia or loss of interest in usuall pleasurale activities

    "(uilt andor lo* self-esteem

    EEnerg 0loss of energ5 lo* energ5 or fatigue

    $Concentration 0poor concentration5 forgetful

    AAppetite c/anges 0loss of appetite or increased appetite

    PPsc/omotor c/anges 0agitation or slo*ingretardation

    SSuicide 0morid or suicidal ideation

    E. Jor all levels of depression5 develop an individualied plan integrating t/e follo*ing nursinginterventions'

    E.1. "nstitute safet precautions for suicide ris8 per institutional polic.

    E.2. emove or control etiologic agents t/at ma include correcting or treatmentmetaolic and sstemic disturances5 and altering depressogenic medications.

    E.3. !onitor and promote nutrition5 elimination5 sleeprest patterns5 and p/sicalcomfort5 especiall pain control.

    E.). En/ance p/sical function.

    E.+. En/ance social support.

    E.6. !aximie autonom personal control self-efficac. Jor example5 includepatient in active participation in ma8ing dail sc/edules and setting s/ort-termgoals.

    E.4. Structure and encourage dail participation in relaxation t/erapies5 and pleasant


    E.=. !onitor and document responses to medication and ot/er t/erapies5readminister depression screening tool.

    E.@. Provide practical assistance5 suc/ as *it/ prolem-solving.

    E.1,. Provide emotional support7 empat/ic5 supportive listening5 encourageexpression of feelings and /ope instillation5 support adaptive coping5 andencourage pleasant reminiscences.

    E.11. Provide information aout t/e p/sical illness and treatment.

    E.12. Educate patient aout t/e importance of ad/erence to prescried treatment


    E.13. Ensure mental /ealt/ communit lin8up7 consider psc/iatric5 nursing /omecare intervention.

    Learnin) A!tiit.

    Case Stud on $epression

    !s. ( is a 4+-ear old female living alone in /er apartment in #e* For8 Cit. er /usand died

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    suddenl t*o ears ago of a /eart attac8. %/eir t*o c/ildren are alive and living out-of-state.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    actuall reversile. %/ese are called MpseudodementiasN and are often treatale. Examplesare'

    E.1. eactions to medications

    E.2. Emotional distress

    E.3. !etaolic disturances

    E.). ision and /earing prolems

    E.+. #utritional deficiencies

    E.6. Endocrine anormalities

    E.4. "nfections

    E.=. Sudural /ematoma

    E.@. #ormal Pressure drocep/alus


  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    Earl $onfusional P,ase0!ildCognitive $ecline

    "ncreased forgetfulness

    $ecreased performance in emploment and social


    O:ective evidence of memor deficit otained *it/ an

    intensive intervie*

    !ild to moderate anxiet accompaning smptoms

    Earl Dementia P,ase0!oderatel Severe Cognitive$ecline

    Can no longer survive *it/out assistance

    Cannot recall ma:or relevant aspects of t/eir current


    Some difficult c/oosing proper clot/ing to *ear

    Ale to retain 8no*ledge of ma:or facts 0name5familIs names5 etc.

    !a re9uire some assistance *it/ A$L

    Late Dementia P,ase0SevereCognitive $ecline

    #o veral ailities

    "ncontinent of urine

    Loss of asic psc/omotor s8ills

    e9uires assistance toileting and feeding

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    $. $epression5 $ementia5 and $elirium are differentiated ased on specific parameters'16

    Parameter Depression Dementia Delirium

    Onset Coincides *it/ ma:or lifec/anges5 relativel rapid

    progressing from *ee8s to


    "nsidious and gradual7 mont/s toears

    S/ort rapid5 arupt7 /ours das


    Jlat affect5 /poc/ondriasis5focuses on smptoms5 apat/5

    little effort to perform tas8s

    ague smptoms5 loss ofintellect5 great effort to perform

    tas8s5 agitated5 aggressive orapat/etic5 *andering5 famil

    more concerned t/an patient.

    $isorientation5 cloudedconsciousness5 fluctuating

    moods5 disordered t/oug/ts5fails to understand tas8s.

    Course Self-limiting5 recurrent or

    c/ronic *it/out treatment.Often /as a period of


    Slo* and continuous decline.

    Smptoms progressive etrelativel stale over time

    ours5 *ee8s5 or longer5

    depending on t/e causes ofdelirium5 and t/e speed *it/

    */ic/ t/e causes can eresolved.

    Sleep Da8eCcle

    $iurnal effect tpicall *orse int/e morning5 situational

    fluctuations5 ut less t/andelirium. Sleep impaired

    #o diurnal effect5. Dorse inevening7 Msundo*ningN5

    reversed sleep

    S/ort diurnal fluctuations insmptoms5 *orse at nig/t in

    dar8ness5 and on a*a8ening7s/o*s da dro*siness5

    nig/ttime /allucinations5insomnia5 nig/tmares.

    $uration At least 6 *ee8s5 can e severalmont/s to ears

    !ont/ to ears ours to less t/an 1 mont/5seldom longer

    A*areness Clear Clear educed

    Affect Pervasive sadness5 */ic/

    precedes dementia5 *it/dra*n5constricted5 apat/5 /opeless5


    Easil distracted7 s/allo*5

    laile5 inappropriate anxiet5depression5 or possile asence

    of depression. Suspiciousness.

    Laile progressing to apat/.

    Laile variale5 fear panic5

    eup/oria5 distured

    Alertness #ormal (enerall normal Jluctuates5 let/argic or/pervigilant



    Cognitive impairment

    inconsistent. #ormal of recent

    past ot/ altered. Slo*ed recall.Often s/ort-term memor


    S/ort term memor deficit in

    earl course of disease

    progresses to long-term deficits7confaulation5 perseveration.

    "mpaired5 remote intact

    Orientation "ntact $isoriented $isoriented ut not to person7periods of lucidit

    Level of


    "ntact "ntact $istured



    $elusions in severe depressive


    !isperceived people and events

    as t/reatening7 late delusions5



    Budgment Poor :udgment5 man M" donIt

    8no*N ans*ers

    "mpaired5 ad inappropriate

    decisions5 denies prolem

    "mpaired7 difficult separating

    facts and /allucinations

    $ompeten! 6. Dis!uss t,e assessment and treatment strate)ies for delirium and dementia.

    16Joreman5 !. $.5 Jletc/er5 .5 !ion5 L. C.5 %rgstad5 L. B.5 ? t/e #"CE Jacult. 01@@@. Assessing cognitive

    function. "n Ara/am5 ".5

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    A. Delirium

    A.1. Assessment of delirium'

    A.1.1. Compre/ensive /istor and p/sical examination 0t/ere ma e more t/anone prolem

    A.1.2. evie* all current medications

    A.1.3. Evaluate tests in t/e routine evaluation 0lood c/emistries' electroltesglucose5 calcium5 alumin5 S(O%5 S(P%5 iliruin5 al8aline p/osp/atase5magnesium5 p/osp/orus5 complete lood cell count5 E(5 CR5 A

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    drugs are used.

    +. Dementia

    B.1. Assessment of Dementia. Studies /ave indicated t/at t/ere are several tests

    t/at can e used to detect dementia1=

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    of unnecessar antipsc/otics.

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    Al/eimerIs disease5 strategies to support and sustain individuals *it/ t/e disease exist.%/e primar o:ective of care is to /elp t/e person use as man retained ailities aspossile. Successful management of Al/eimerIs disease must address t/e cognitive5functional5 and e/avioral smptoms of t/is disease. Careful attention to factors t/atcreate excess disailit 0more disailit t/an can e attriuted to t/e disease itself iscriticall important. Persons *it/ Al/eimerIs diseases graduall lose t/eir ailit tounderstand our s/ared realit. As a result5 t/e misinterpret previousl understood eventsand o:ects in t/eir p/sical and social environment. Simple ad:ustments in routine /elpt/e person understand5 and function at as /ig/ a level as possile. As t/e diseaseprogresses5 increasing e/avioral disturances ma lead to placement in a nursing /ome.%/e follo*ing suggestions from t/e Al/eimerIs Association ma /elp'

    C.1. &se personal /istor5 life experiences5 and /aits as a asis for self-care and leisureactivities. Jor example5 if t/e individual en:oed gardening efore developingAl/eimerIs disease5 caregivers can /elp t/em participate in gardening activities ast/e are currentl ale.

    C.2. !aintain a familiar and comfortale routine t/at alternates activit *it/ rest to

    avoid fatigue and dsfunction.

    C.3. Slo* do*n5 spea8 clearl5 ma8e ee contact5 and sta in t/e personIs field ofvision.

    C.). Promote independence cuing t/e person to do as muc/ for /im or /erself aspossile.

    C.+. Limit c/oices to ones t/e individual can ma8e using close-ended 9uestions. Jorexample5 if t/e individual is confused dressing independentl5 t/e caregivermig/t c/oose t*o outfits and as8 t/e individual to pic8 et*een t/em.

    C.6. !odif t/e p/sical environment to reduce misinterpretation of real-life o:ects orevents.

    C.4. edirect or distract t/e person */o is delusional instead of correcting orconfronting /im or /er.

    C.=. !onitor t/e individual for smptoms of personal distress suc/ as pain5 /unger5 oroverunder stimulation. Pain assessment s/ould e included in t/e ongoing plan orapproac/ to caregiving.

    C.@. &se e/avioral smptoms as a source of communication to guide ot/ assessmentand intervention. Jor example5 individuals ma e/ave as if t/e are eing violatedduring a at/ ecause t/e feel violated. Jraming at/ time as a spa visit couldc/ange t/e e/avior.

    C.1,. Promote independence5 autonom5 and self-directed meaningful activities *it/in asafe5 secure setting.

    Learnin) A!tiit.

    $ase Stud on Delirium

    !r. % is a 4,-ear-old male admitted to t/e ort/opedic unit in a large uran /ospital. !r. %fractured /is rig/t an8le in a golf outing and /ad an open reduction *it/ internal fixation t/is

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    morning. As ou ta8e report at 3 p.m.5 t/e da s/ift c/arge nurse tells ou t/at !r. % is insistingon going /ome and 8eeps getting out of ed. !ultiple attempts to explain t/at /e is unale to*al8 safel in t/e cast /ave not convinced /im and /e is no* elling5 disturing ot/er patients ont/e floor.

    1. (iven t/e aove information5 ou suspect t/at !r. %Is condition is caused '

    a. Post-operative infection

    . $ementia

    !. Delirium (!orre!t ans-er*

    d. $epression

    2. $elirium re9uires acute assessment.

    a. True (!orre!t ans-er*

    . Jalse

    3. $elirium is caused '

    a. "nfection

    . poxia

    c. !edications

    d. All of t,e a1oe (!orre!t ans-er*

    ). Some strategies to assist in carring for !r. % *ould include' 0mar8 all t/at appl

    a. Realit orientation offered in a !alm3 non:ud)mental manner (!orre!t ans-er*

    1. $allin) famil to isit t,e patient (!orre!t ans-er*

    c. %elling t/e patient to relax and /is an8le *ill /eal

    d. #one of t/e aove

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    $ase Stud on Dementia

    !s. $ is a @=-ear-old female in a s8illed nursing facilit *it/ a diagnosis of Al/eimerIs disease.!s. $ comes to t/e nursing station and appears ver upset. S/e tells ou t/at s/e is loo8ing for/er mot/er and as8s ou to /elp /er. Fou start *al8ing *it/ !s. $.

    D/ic/ of t/e follo*ing strategies *ould e /elpful in assisting !s. $

    1. %elling /er t/at /er mot/er died a long time ago

    a. %rue

    1. 'alse (!orre!t ans-er*

    2. eassuring /er t/at evert/ing is o8a and t/at ou *ill /elp /er

    a. True (!orre!t ans-er*

    . Jalse

    3. Attempting to distract redirect /er into a pleasurale activit 0eating5 singing

    a. True (!orre!t ans-er*. Jalse

    ). &sing realit orientation /oping to reverse /er cognitive losses.

    a. %rue

    1. 'alse (!orre!t ans-er*

    +. As8ing /er to /elp ou *it/ a small tas8 and later ou *ill loo8 for /er mot/er toget/er

    a. True (!orre!t ans-er*

    . Jalse

    6. Cognitive losses related to Al/eimerIs diseases are irreversile

    a. True (!orre!t ans-er*

    . Jalse

    4. Alt/oug/ p/armacologic agents ma e /elpful 0in t/e presence of disturing delusions /allucinations5 e/avioral approac/es to treatment are t/e first-line in treating dementia.

    a. True (!orre!t ans-er*

    . Jalse

    =. Promoting dependence 0*it/ feeding5 dressing5 toileting is advantageous for persons *it/ dementia.

    a. %rue

    1. 'alse (!orre!t ans-er*@. Compensating for sensor impairments 0glasses5 /earing aides ma /elp minimie disturing

    illusions delusions.

    a. True (!orre!t ans-er*

    . Jalse

    $ompeten! 6. $ontrast !riteria for differentiatin) depression3 delirium3 and dementia in

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    older adults.;

    Often depression5 delirium5 and dementia can co-exist so t/e follo*ing protocol s/ould efollo*ed'

    A. $elirium assessment and treatment 1st

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia




    Agenc for ealt/ Care Polic and esearc/. 01@@6. Earlidentification of Al1heimer2s diseaseand related dementias. Aut/or.

    Agenc for ealt/ Care Polic and esearc/. 01@@3.*epression in primary care: Treatment ofmaor depression. Aut/or.

    American Psc/iatric Association. 01@@@5 !a. Practice guideline for t/e treatment of patients*it/ delirium.American Psychiatric Association. American Journal of Psychiatry. &/6.1-2,.

    Anderson5 A. B. 02,,2. %reatment of depression in older adults.International Journal ofPsychosocial Rehabilitation, 65 6@-4=.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    oenig5 . (.5 !eador5 . (.5 Co/en5 B. B.5 ? 1,2).

    Petersen5 . C.5 Stevens5 B. C.5 (anguli5 !.5 %angalos5 E. (.5 Cummings5 B. L.5 ? $eos85 S. %.02,,1. Practice parameter' Earl detection of dementia' !ild cognitive impairment 0an

    evidence-ased revie*.American Academy of eurology, /65 1133-11)2.

    ader5 B. ? %orn9uist5 E. 01@@+.Individuali1ed dementia care: %reative, compassionateapproaches.#e* For8' Springer.


  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    Ot,er Resour!es

    1. Al/eimerIs Association /ttp'***.al.org

    2. Administration on Aging/ttp'***.aoa.d//s.gov

    3. #ational "nstitute on Aging /ttp'***.nia.ni/.gov


  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    A(S Panel. 0&pdated annuall. $eriatrics at your fingertips. American (eriatrics Societ.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 6 Depression Delirium and Dementia



    &niversit of "o*a College of #ursing' %/e Bo/n A. artford Center of #ursing Excellence'/ttp'***.nursing.uio*a.edu/artfordindex./tm

    &niversit of Pennslvania Sc/ool of #ursing' artford Center of (eriatric #ursing Excellence'/ttp'***.nursing.upenn.educenters/cgneaout./tm

    "oernment Information A)en!ies#ational (uideline Clearing/ouseAgenc for ealt/care esearc/ and Hualit. 02,,35 !odified!a 315 2,,).*elirium: (trategies for assessing and treating. etrieved Bune 65 2,,)5 from/ttp'***.guideline.govsummarsummar.aspxdocQid3+,@?nr243+?stringdelirium

    &nited States $epartment of ealt/ and uman Services' Aging'/ttp'***.//s.govagingindex.s/tml

    Re)ulator/Aut,oritatie Sites S!opes and Standards3 Position Papers3 et!

    American (eriatrics Societ. 02,,1. (uidelines and Position Statements'/ttp'***.americangeriatrics.orgproductspositionpapers

    American !edical $irectors Association 0A!$A. 02,,). Resour!e Li1rar%/ttp'***.amda.comlirar

    #ational Conference of (erontological #urse Practitioners' ome Page' /ttp'***.ncgnp.org

    #ational (erontological #ursing Association' ome Page' /ttp'***.ngna.org

    %/e (erontological Societ of America' ome Page' /ttp'***.geron.org

    &nited States $epartment of ealt/ and uman Services' ome Page' /ttp'***.//s.gov

    $ontinuin) Edu!ation Opportunities

    A$A#CE #e*smagaines' ome Page' /ttp'***.advance*e.com

    A$A#CE Continuing Education Desite'/ttp'***.advance*e.comce.asp

    A#A Continuing Ed Online Education' /ttp'nursing*orld.orgcece/ome.cfm

    !edcom-%rainex - arious (erontological #ursing topics' /ttp'***.medcominc.com

    !edscape from De!$' #urses CE Center'/ttp'***.medscape.comcmecenterdirectornursessrc/dr

    #ational Association of (eriatric Education Centers' /ttp'***./coa.orgnagec

    #e* For8 &niversit5 Stein/ardt Sc/ool of Education5 $ivision of #ursing5 Center forContinuing Education' /ttp'***.nu.edueducationnursingne*institutes./tml

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    Online ceuIs' A director for nurses. (eriatric Classes Online'/ttp'***.nurseceu.comgeri./tm

    Sigma %/eta %au "nternational onor Societ of #ursing' Continuing Education'/ttp'***.nursingsociet.orgeducationceonlineQactivities./tml

    %/e Bo/n A. artford Joundation "nstitute for (eriatric #ursing' (erontological #ursingCertification evie* Course /ttp'***.nu.edueducationnursing/artford.institutecourse

    &niversit of "o*a College of #ursing' Continuing Education'/ttp'***.nursing.uio*a.educontedconferences./tmT1

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