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  • 8/8/2019 Music World Final Print


    Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.

    M.Sc. (Information Technology) Program

    Projec t Repor t



    M.Sc. (Information Technology)

    5 Year Integrated Course

    Year 2010 2011

    Online Classifieds

    Guided By: Submitted By:

    Mrs.Payal Joshi Mitali Solanki

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    Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.

    M.Sc. (Information Technology) Programme


    This is to certify that Ms. Mitali Solanki (Exam Seat Number: 70) has satisfactorily completed

    his/her project work entitled MusicWorld as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for 9th

    Semester M.Sc.(Information Technology) [5 Year Integrated course], during the

    academic Year 2010-2011.

    Date: 15/12/2010 Mr. Pushpal Desai

    Course Co-ordinator

    Place: Surat M.Sc. (I.T.) Programme.

    VNSGU, Surat

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    Project Title:MusicWorld


    MusicWorld is onlinemusic library for those music lover people

    who searches for the music as per their likes with some interest on

    Internet. This website facilitates to download the music audio file from

    the collection on it. One can have account on the website through easyfree registration Procedure. This website facilitates to put own view

    related to tracks as well as on form one can post his/her query on website.

    For downloading once Person have to be registered first within this

    Website and for registering itself one may be free).

    This website has the different categories for audio file downloading

    like Hindi Songs, Instrumentals, Gazals and etc.

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    Sr. No Topics Page No1 Introduction

    1.1 Project Profile 112 Proposed System

    2.1 Scope

    2.2 Objective

    2.3 Constraints

    2.3.1 H/W Constraints

    2.3.2.S/W Constraints

    2.4 Advantages

    2.5 Disadvantages


    3 Environment Specification

    3.1 Hardware & Software Requirements

    3.2 Development Description

    3.3 Tools / Software Used

    3.4 Website Standards as basic law


    4 System Planning

    4.1 Feasibility Study

    4.2 Software Engineering Model2266

    5 System Analysis

    5.1 Detailed SRS5.2 UML(Unified Modeling Language) Diagrams

    5.3 Data Dictionary


    6 Software Design

    6.1 Database Design

    6.2 Interface Design8800

    7 Time Line Chart 110055

    8 Testing

    8.1 Unit Testing

    8.2 Navigation Testing

    8.3 Functionality Testing8.4 Environment Testing


    9 Future Enhancement 111122

    10 Bibliography 111144

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    MusicWorld 2010



    1.1 Project Profile

    Project Title MusicWorld

    Developed By Mitali Solanki

    Project coordinator Mrs. Payal Joshi

    Language PHP

    Database MY SQL

    Framework CakePHP

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    22PPrrooppoosseedd SSyysstteemm

    2.1 Scope

    2.2 Objective

    2.3 Constraints

    2.3.1 H/W Constraints

    2.3.2 S/W Constraints

    2.4 Advantages

    2.5 Disadvantages

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    Proposed System

    2.1 Scope

    MusicWorld is online music library for those music lover people

    who search for the music as per their likes with some interest on Internet.

    This website facilitates to download the music audio file from the

    collection on it. One can have account on the website through easy free

    registration Procedure. This website facilitates to put own view related totracks as well as on form one can post his/her query on website. For

    downloading once Person has to be registered first within this Website

    and for registering itself one may be free).

    This website has the different categories for audio file downloading

    like Hindi Songs, Instrumentals, Gazals and etc.

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    2.2 Objective

    One can make once free registration for MusicWorld.

    Website is going to be handled with predefined Security Privileges.

    Administrator will provide further privileges to end users.

    It consists of different User account facilities such that managing user

    profiles, account detail.

    Searching facility is likely to be user friendly and it gives vast area for

    searching; for example one can search from the Albums inalphabetical order, Instrumentals, Gazal also.

    It includes detailed information about actor and singers of the specific

    tracks and albums.

    Each Track follows Album Information, Artists Information Actor

    Information and downloading Information.

    Here one can post free registration and one can send Feedback as well

    as send the song or the album requests.

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    2.3 Constraints

    2.3.1 H/W Constraints

    - Design Constraints:

    When designing a Web site, there are few limitations to how many

    files and features can be added to it. However, there is a realistic limit to

    how much should be included in a Web site.

    - Bandwidth Constraints:

    The main limitation is bandwidth, which means how quickly

    information travels between the computer where your Web site is located

    (your Web server), and the visitor's computer. Even though 56.6kbps

    modems, and even 10Mbps cable modems are becoming more common,

    many people on the Internet are still using 28.8kbps modems.

    This means that the larger your Web pages are, the longer they take

    to download, and the less likely a visitor is to stick around to see them.

    One of the major tasks of a Web site designer is to provide maximum

    content at a minimum file size. Graphics and animations are the big data-hogs. A screen-sized photo in full color can easily consume 2 megabytes

    of space, which would take a computer with a 28.8kbps modem about a

    half-hour to download.

    Of course there are a wide range of compression and color-

    flattening techniques that Web designers can utilize to squeeze files down

    to manageable sizes. Most designers aim for a maximum file size of

    about 30 to 40 kilobytes, which means 15 to 20 seconds of waiting, using

    a 28.8kbps modem.

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    - Hardware Constraints:

    An enormous variety of computer equipment will be used to view

    your Web site, from older 33 MHz 386s to the most modern 600+ MHz

    Pentiums and PowerPCs. The complicating factor is not usually processor

    speed; however, it is monitor size and resolution.Your Web site will be seen on 256 color 640x480 pixel screens up

    to 16.7 million color 1152x864 pixel screens (or bigger). And it has to

    look good on all of them. Like everything else associated with the Web,

    compromises between quality and universal accessibility have to be


    Screen size: Most Web page designers currently assume a viewer screen

    size of at least 800x600 pixels. This is the standard size recommended for

    AGRAPHA's designed Web pages; unless a particular application for a

    proposed Web site requires and/or allows for a different screen size.

    Color Palette: There are 216 colors that are considered "browser-safe",

    meaning that they look the same on all browsers and across all platforms,

    when viewed in 8-bit color depth. AGRAPHA recommend that "non-

    dithered" (flat-colored) GIF graphics use the browser-safe palette to

    ensure a consistent appearance in all browsers. "Dithered" (mixed-colors)

    GIF graphics will look best using an "adaptive" palette.

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    2.3.2 S/W Constraints

    Computers : PC

    Operating system, including release


    Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP

    , Vista, 7, Ubuntu 10.4

    Browser, including version number IE 8.0; Firefox 3.6

    Network Yes

    Authoring system required NA

    Testing system required NA

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    2.4 Advantages

    Allows user to get huge collection of songs

    User have facility to request songs or albums as per your need User can have categorized tracks for the downloading.

    Audio file downloading as well as the user can view the relatedalbums, artist and the downloading information about the track.

    Forum facility also available where one can post his/her queries ordiscuss any topic

    The admin can upload the tracks as well as the album and artistsInformation and the uploaded tracks are available to user at a time to


    2.5 Disadvantages

    The File size for the file uploading is up to 9MB The File downloading speed can be slower due to server may busy

    with the multiple file downloading

    The Tracks and Album collection cannot be complete due to vast areaof the music

    With the increasing popularity of the Internet, people are moreconcern to get free audio file on the net with different kind of the

    audio file.

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    33EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn

    3.1Hardware & Software Requirements3.2 Development Description

    3.3Tools / Software Used

    3.4Website Standards as basic law

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    Environment Specification

    3.1 Hardware & Software Requirements

    The efficient hardware and software configuration required to run

    the system is as suggested below. The configuration suggested is

    adequate. Same functionality or higher configuration will always be


    3.1.1 Client-side Requirement:

    Computer : PC Details & Comments

    Operating system, including

    release number

    Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP,

    Vista,Ubuntu 10.4,Mac

    Processor 600 MHz Intel Pentium lll or equivalent

    Hard Drive capacity 100 MB disk space

    RAM 256 MB RAM

    Monitor Resolution At least 800 by 600 resolution

    Network Yes

    Modem Speed Minimum 56K

    Input Device Key Board, Mouse

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    3.1.2 Admin-side Requirement:

    Computer : PC Details & Comments

    Operating system, including

    release number

    Windows Server 2003,Ubuntu 10.4

    Processor 600 MHz Intel Pentium III or


    Hard Drive capacity More than 500GB

    RAM 512 MB RAM

    Monitor Resolution At least 800 by 600 resolution

    Network Yes

    Modem Speed Minimum 56K

    Database My SQL

    Input Device Key Board, Mouse

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    3.2 Development Description

    ModelViewController (MVC) is a software architecture, currently

    considered an architectural pattern used in software engineering. The pattern

    isolates "domain logic" (the application logic for the user) from the user

    interface (input and presentation), permitting independent development, testing

    and maintenance of each.

    The model manages the behavior and data of the application domain,

    responds to requests for information about its state (usually from the view), and

    responds to instructions to change state (usually from the controller). In event-

    driven systems, the model notifies observers (usually views) when the

    information changes so that they can refreshed.

    The model is not a database: the 'model' in MVC is both the data and the

    business/domain logic needed to manipulate the data in the application. Many

    applications use a persistent storage mechanism such as a database to store data.

    MVC does not specifically mention the data access layer because it is

    understood to be underneath or encapsulated by the model. Models are not data

    access objects; however, in very simple apps that have little domain logic there

    is no real distinction to be made. Active Record is an accepted design pattern

    which merges domain logic and data access code - a model which knows how to

    persist itself.

    The view renders the model into a form suitable for interaction, typically

    a user interface element. Multiple views can exist for a single model for

    different purposes. A viewport typically has a one to one correspondence with a

    display surface and knows how to render to it.

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    The controller receives input and initiates a response by making calls on

    model objects. A controller accepts input from the user and instructs the model

    and viewport to perform actions based on that input.

    An MVC application may be a collection of model/view/controller triads,

    each responsible for a different UI element. The Swing GUI system, forexample, models almost all interface components as individual MVC systems.

    MVC is often seen in web applications where the view is the HTML or

    XHTML generated by the app. The controller receives GET or POST input and

    decides what to do with it, handing over to domain objects (i.e. the model)

    which contain the business rules and know how to carry out specific tasks such

    as processing a new subscription, and which hand control to (X)HTML-

    generating components such as templating engines, XML pipelines, AJAX

    callbacks, etc.

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    3.4 Tools / Software Used



    PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a

    widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is

    especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

    Originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages.

    For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document

    and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which

    generates the web page document. As a general-purpose programming

    language, PHP code is processed by an interpreter application in

    command-line mode performing desired operating system operations and

    producing program output on its standard output channel. It may also

    function as a graphical application. PHP is available as a processor for

    most modern web servers and as a standalone interpreter on most

    operating systems and computing platforms.

    PHP was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has

    been in continuous development ever since. The main implementation of

    PHP is now produced by the PHP Group and serves as the de facto

    standard for PHP as there is no formal specification. PHP is free software

    released under the PHP License.PHP is an open-source language, used

    primarily for dynamic web content and server-side applications.

    PHP scripts are executed on the server. PHP supports many

    databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL,

    Generic ODBC, etc.)PHP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and

    interactive Web pages.PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficientalternative to competitors.

    PHP can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux,

    many UNIX variants (including HP-UX, Solaris and OpenBSD),

    Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, RISC OS, and probably others.

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    PHP has also support for most of the web servers today. This

    includes Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server, Personal Web

    Server, Netscape and iPlanet servers, Oreilly Website Pro server,

    Caudium, Xitami, OmniHTTPd, and many others. So with PHP, you have

    the freedom of choosing an operating system and a web server.

    PHP also has support for talking to other services using protocols

    such as LDAP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, HTTP, COM (on

    Windows) and countless others.

    PHP has extremely useful text processing features, from the

    POSIX Extended or Perl regular expressions to parsing XML documents.

    For parsing and accessing XML documents, we support the SAX and

    DOM standards. You can use our XSLT extension to transform XML


    While using PHP in the e-commerce field, you'll find the

    Cybercash payment, CyberMUT, VeriSign Payflow Pro and CCVS

    functions useful for your online payment programs.

    At last but not least, we have many other interesting extensions, the

    mnoGoSearch search engine functions, the IRC Gateway functions, many

    compression utilities (gzip, bz2), calendar conversion, translation...

    PHP is a powerful language and the interpreter, whether included

    in a web server as a module or executed as a separate CGI binary, is ableto access files, execute commands and open network connections on the

    server. These properties make anything run on a web server insecure by

    default. PHP is designed specifically to be a more secure language for

    writing CGI programs than Perl or C, and with correct selection of

    compile-time and runtime configuration options, and proper coding

    practices, it can give you exactly the combination of freedom and security

    you need.

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    Web Server


    WAMPs are packages of independently-created programs installed

    on computers that use a Microsoft Windows operating system. WAMP is

    an acronym formed from the initials of the operating system Microsoft

    Windows and the principal components of the package: Apache, MySQL

    and one of PHP, Perl or Python. Apache is a web server. MySQL is an

    open-source database. PHP is a scripting language that can manipulate

    information held in a database and generate web pages dynamically each

    time content is requested by a browser. Other programs may also be

    included in a package, such as phpMyAdmin which provides a graphical

    user interface for the MySQL database manager, or the alternative

    scripting languages Python or Perl.

    Frame work


    CakePHP is an open source web application framework forproducing web applications. It is written in PHP, modeled after the

    concepts of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under the MIT License.

    CakePHP started in 2005. The community has since grown and spawned

    several sub-projects. CakePHP is not a port of Ruby on Rails to PHP, but

    appropriates many of its useful concepts.

    In October 2009, project manager Garrett Woodworth and

    developer Nate Abele resigned from the project to focus on their own

    projects. The remaining development team continued to focus on the

    original roadmap that was previously defined. It is a rapid developmentframework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like

    ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Its

    primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users

    at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss

    to flexibility.

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    Here are some features of Cake that make web application

    development with it easy and fast:

    Easy to install most platforms, including UNIX and Windows. Active, friendly community

    Flexible Licensing Compatibility with PHP4 and PHP5 Integrated CRUD for database interaction and simplified queries Application Scaffolding Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture Request dispatcher with good looking, custom URLs Built-in Validation Fast and flexible templating (PHP syntax, with helpers) View Helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML Forms and more E-mail, Authentication, Access control, Localization, Security, Session,

    and Request Handling Components Flexible access control lists Data Sanitization Flexible View Caching Works from any web site subdirectory, with little to no Apache

    configuration involved

    URLs are optimized for search engines Database connectivity support includes MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well

    as many other database platforms

    Utility classes to manipulate resources such as sets files, folders, XML,

    and many others

    MVC improves upon the typical PHP flow and is an effective

    technique for making class objects available over the whole application. The

    main goal behind MVC is to make sure that each function of the application

    is written once and only once, thus streamlining code by reducing

    redundancy. Cake accomplishes this goal by not only providing the

    resources to make MVC possible but also by using a consistent method for

    where to store operations in the application. Simply naming your own files acertain way allows Cake to piece together the various resources without

    using any code specifications.

    MVC can vary depending on the framework with which youre working,

    but generally it works as follows (see Figure):

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    1. The client sends a page request to the application, either by typing a URLor by clicking a link of some kind. By convention, a typical URL is

    usually structured like this:

    http://{Domain}.com/{Application}/{Controller}/{Action}/{Parameter 1,


    2. The dispatcher script parses the URL structure and determines whichcontroller to execute. It also passes along any actions and parameters to

    the controller.

    3. The function in the controller may need to handle more data than just theparameters forwarded by the dispatcher. It will send database requests to

    the model script.

    4. The model script determines how to interact with the database using therequests submitted by the controller. It may run queries with the database

    and do all sorts of handy data-sorting instructions.

    5. Once the model has pulled any data from or sent data to the database, itreturns its output to the controller.

    6. The controller processes the data and outputs to the view file.7. The view adds any design or display data to the controller output and

    sends its output to the clients browser.

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    MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database

    management system, is developed, distributed, and supported by Sun

    Microsystems, Inc.

    - MySQL is a database management system.

    A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything

    from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of

    information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data

    stored in a computer database, you need a database management system

    such as MySQL Server. Since computers are very good at handling large

    amounts of data, database management systems play a central role in

    computing, as standalone utilities, or as parts of other applications.

    - MySQL is a relational database management system.

    A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than

    putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility.

    The SQL part of MySQL stands for Structured Query Language.

    SQL is the most common standardized language used to access databases

    and is defined by the ANSI/ISO SQL Standard. The SQL standard has

    been evolving since 1986 and several versions exist. In this manual,

    SQL-92 refers to the standard released in 1992, SQL:1999 refers to

    the standard released in 1999, and SQL:2003 refers to the current

    version of the standard. We use the phrase the SQL standard to mean

    the current version of the SQL Standard at any time.

    - MySQL software is Open Source.

    Open Source means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify

    the software. Anybody can download the MySQL software from the

    Internet and use it without paying anything. If you wish, you may study

    the source code and change it to suit your needs. The MySQL software

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    uses the GPL (GNU General Public License), to define what you may and

    may not do with the software in different situations.

    - The MySQL Database Server is very fast, reliable, and easy to


    If that is what you are looking for, you should give it a try. MySQL

    Server also has a practical set of features developed in close cooperation

    with our users.

    MySQL Server was originally developed to handle large databases

    much faster than existing solutions and has been successfully used in

    highly demanding production environments for several years. Although

    under constant development, MySQL Server today offers a rich and

    useful set of functions. Its connectivity, speed, and security make MySQLServer highly suited for accessing databases on the Internet.

    - MySQL Server works in client/server or embedded systems.

    The MySQL Database Software is a client/server system that

    consists of a multi-threaded SQL server that supports different backends,

    several different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and a

    wide range of application programming interfaces (APIs).

    - A large amount of contributed MySQL software is available.

    It is very likely that your favorite application or language supports

    the MySQL Database Server.

    The official way to pronounce MySQL is My Ess Que Ell

    (not my sequel)

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    3.4 Website Standards as basic law

    A Website Standard is a document that details the approach of an

    organization to the management and administration of its sites.

    In some ways, a Website Standard is like a 'constitution', because it

    lists all the conventions by which online activity can be regulated. For

    example, such a document could include rules on things like:

    The Markup language to be used on a site. The security systems that must be implemented.

    The file formats that can be used. The screen dimensions the website must be

    designed for.

    It is important to emphasize that a Website Standard is not merely

    a list of aspiration rules. On the contrary, it must state in clear and

    unambiguous terms how a site must be managed with respect to the

    environmental and operational constraints of the business.

    As such, the first step for creating a Website Standard is to explore

    all these constraints in full. These are:

    1. The Environment2. Established and Emerging Industry Practice3. Organizational Values4. Organizational Policies5. Organizational Practice6. Organizational Website Infrastructure

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    1. The Environment'The Environment' is a term used to describe elements that shape

    Website Management at the highest of levels. Drivers in this area are

    often set directly by government or indirectly as a result of high-leveltrends in society. For example, among the chief constraints in this area


    The Law

    The law encompasses legislation, directives or court judgments that

    have the power to influence web activity. These typically comprise:

    Privacy and Data Protection

    Criminal Damage Freedom of Expression Copyright Electronic Commerce Disability Official Languages


    The rate of change in technology is a powerful influence on web

    development. For example, think of a site that was released in 2003 buthas not been redeveloped since. If this site is not renewed soon, it is in

    danger of being sidelined. This is because many of the web practices that

    were current in 2003 have now been superseded, e.g. by Web Standards.


    Most nations have long since recognized the opportunities

    provided by the internet and are eager to ensure their citizens realize its

    potential. Because of this, governments are investing millions in internet

    awareness programmers and business schemes as a means of gettingpeople online. This can be of assistance to organizations that require extra

    funding or support.

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    While the bubble years of the 90s are long gone, ecommerce

    continues to grow as more and more people discover the convenience of

    buying goods or services online. However, this expansion is a double-

    edged sword because a strong market has the knock-on effect of making

    staff more expensive to hire.

    Society and Culture

    Research by Google recently found that UK citizens now spend

    more time on the internet than watching TV. Organizations that are

    prepared for this change in consumer habits (e.g. by developing high

    quality, engaging content) will find they have an advantage over those

    that are not.

    2. Established and Emerging Industry PracticeIndustry Practice is defined as a set of conventions that are central

    to the activities of a specialized community of interest. Some of the most

    widely accepted web practices (as of 2006) include:

    XHTML 1.0 as a choice of Markup language.

    CSS 2 as a choice of Presentation language. WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 as means for

    evaluating the accessibility of a website.

    Any website that ignores these factors is deliberately condemning

    its users to a poorer-quality online experience.

    3. Organizational ValuesOrganizational values are the set of attributes that define corporate

    personality. When applied to a website, they play a central role in thedevelopment process. For example, a business that adopts 'trust' as a key

    value, implies that the emotional relationship it has with customers is of

    overriding concern and needs enforcement by making a substantial

    investment in security equipment. In this way, values are an important

    constraint on development activity.

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    4. Organizational PoliciesPolicies are the rules by which a business sets limits to the

    behavior of its staff. Some of the most common policies that affect web

    management include:

    Security Policy Privacy Policy Corporate Identity Policy Ethics Policy Customer Care Policy

    5. Organizational PracticeWhen undertaking development work, staff may have a number of

    preferred techniques or conventions that they rely on. Practices of this

    type are often based on existing skills, company traditions and

    preferences for technology, e.g. Open Source versus Licensed Products.

    This means that any attempt to create a site that is not based on existing

    practices or preferences will meet with staff resistance.

    6. Organizational Website InfrastructureThe final set of constraints to be reflected in a Website Standard

    derives from the infrastructure that is used to host a site. Website

    Infrastructure encompasses all of the hardware, software and other

    technology needed for hosting. It is the technology used within the

    infrastructure solution that determines its effect on site management. For

    example, a site with a high performance server can tolerate more traffic

    than one with low grade technology.

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    44SSyysstteemm PPllaannnniinngg

    4.1Feasibility Study

    4.2Software Engineering Model

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    System Planning

    4.1 Feasibility Study

    Operational Feasibility:

    MusicWorld functionality is independent of other working system.

    It does not communicate or interfere with other systems of Users actual

    system. Hence MusicWorld System is a feasible system at operational

    point of view.

    Technical Feasibility:

    Technical feasibility of any system is the availability of both the

    hardware and the software for the proposed system. System is windows

    based and requires Apache or any other web server that can host web

    applications developed using PHP server-side scripting. PHP is a free to

    host language. System requires MYSQL as a back-end. System can run

    effectively on 600 MHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent, 512 MB RAM or

    higher configuration systems. Hence MusicWorld is technically feasible.

    Financial Feasibility:

    There is no overhead cost for software or hardware. The system is

    a web application which will be hosted on the existing web server. But

    the cost of domain name registration will be incurred which is minimal

    compared to the advantages provide by the system.

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    4.2 Software Engineering Model

    To solve actual problem of Master Mind system, I, as softwareengineer must incorporate a development strategy that encompasses theprocess model, method, tools and generic phases of software

    development. This strategy is referred as process model or a software

    engineering paradigm. The Incremental Model is an abstract

    representation of development activities.

    A software process is a series of identifiable stages that a software

    product undergoes during its lifetime.

    The Incremental Model

    The incremental model combines elements of the linear sequential

    model (applied repetitively) with the iterative philosophy of

    prototyping. Referring to Figure, the incremental model applies linear

    sequences in a staggered fashion as calendar time progresses. Each linear

    sequence produces a deliverable increment of the software.

    For example, word-processing software developed using the

    incremental paradigm might deliver basic file management, editing, and

    document production functions in the first increment; more sophisticatedediting and document production capabilities in the second increment;

    spelling and grammar checking in the third increment; and advanced page

    layout capability in the fourth increment. It should be noted that the

    process flow for any increment can incorporate the prototyping paradigm.

    When an incremental model is used, the first increment is often a

    core product. That is, basic requirements are addressed, but many

    supplementary features (some known, others unknown) remain

    undelivered. The core product is used by the customer (or undergoes

    detailed review). As a result of use and/or evaluation, a plan is developedfor the next increment. The plan addresses the modification of the core

    product to better meet the needs of the customer and the delivery of

    additional features and functionality. This process is repeated following

    the delivery of each increment, until the complete product is produced,

    the incremental model encompasses the following activities:

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    Software requirements analysis:

    The requirements gathering process is intensified and focused

    specifically on software. To understand the nature of the program(s) to be

    built, the software engineer ("analyst") must understand the information

    domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior,performance, and interface. Requirements for both the system and the

    software are documented and reviewed with the customer.


    Software design is actually a multi step process that focuses

    on four distinct attributes of a program: data structure, software

    architecture, interface representations, and procedural (algorithmic)

    detail. The design process translates requirements into a representation of

    the software that can be assessed for quality before coding begins. Likerequirements, the design is documented and becomes part of the software


    Code generation:

    The design must be translated into a machine-readable form. The

    code generation step performs this task. If design is performed in a

    detailed manner, code generation can be accomplished mechanistically.


    Once code has been generated, program testing begins. The testing

    process focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all

    statements have been tested, and on the functional externals; that is,

    conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will

    produce actual results that agree with required results.


    Software will undoubtedly undergo change after it is delivered tothe customer. Change will occur because errors have been encountered,

    because the software must be adapted to accommodate changes in its

    external environment (e.g., a change required because of a new operating

    system or peripheral device), or because the customer requires functional

    or performance enhancements. Software support/maintenance reapplies

    each of the preceding phases to an existing program rather than a new


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    55SSyysstteemm AAnnaallyyssiiss

    5.1 Detailed System RequirementSpecification (SRS)

    5.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML)


    5.2.1 Use Case Diagrams

    5.2.2 Activity Diagrams

    5.2.3 Sequence Diagrams

    5.2.4 CRC Model

    5.3 Data Dictionary

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    System Analysis

    5.1 System Requirement SpecificationProject Type:First, determine what kind of activities you want your customers to be

    able to perform on your website. Do you want to set up an ecommerce

    site where potential customers can learn about and purchase your

    products? Or do you want a billboard site with information about your

    company and where potential customers can go to purchase your

    products? Or do you want your customers to be facilitated with onlineadvertising for their needs?

    We need to create a website which gives online advertising facility.

    Project Parts:Activities that you can provide your customers may include:

    Registration Album, Actor and track management Searching a database File Uploading and Downloading Discussion forums

    Program Type:What kind of software can we create?

    An internet web-site: This website runs on a web server and users will

    access it using their internet browser.

    Feature Requirements:Identify the features that you want to add to your website to make it more

    engaging and interactive. Some common features are:

    Forms - allows visitors to easily submit or request information Message Boards - visitors can leave or respond to messages Counters - track the number of times a page has been viewed Search - allow visitors to search for content

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    Size of Website:How many pages need to be created / edited in this website?

    It depends on future requirements.

    Programming Language:Which programming language(s) going to be taken to create this website?

    CakePHP Framework

    Database:Will this project include a database?

    Yes, it does include a database.

    Details: MySQL

    Browser Type(s) / Version(s):Which browser/version combinations must this website support?

    IE 6.0

    IE 7.0

    IE 8.0 an onwards

    Firefox 2.0-2.x

    Firefox 3.5.2 and onwards

    Server Hosting Environment:What is your server hosting environment?

    Company does having its own in-house server.

    Service Provider Requirements:Determine the expertise you need. There are two components to the

    creation of a website: Design and Development; Design deals with the

    front-end look and feel. Development deals with the back endfunctionality. Moreover, Online Search Engine facility should be


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    Planning a Project:Some of basic guidelines that we have followed during Project planning

    to complete our project needs.

    Determine the objective of your website. Define your audience. Determine what content you will need. Look at other sites for inspiration Develop a rough storyboard for your site to ensure that you have all

    the components.

    Write up a detailed project description based on the information youhave gathered.

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    5.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML) DiagramsIntroduction:

    UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It represents a

    unification of the concepts and notations. The goal is for UML to become

    a common language for creating models of object oriented computer


    In its current form UML is comprised of two major components: a Meta-

    model and a notation.

    - The Meta-model:

    UML is unique in that it has a standard data representation. This

    representation is called the meta-model. It describes the objects,

    attributes, and relationships necessary to represent the concepts of UML

    within a software application.

    This provides CASE manufacturers with a standard and

    unambiguous way to represent UML models. Hopefully it will allow for

    easy transport of UML models between tools. It may also make it easier

    to write ancillary tools for browsing, summarizing, and modifying UML


    - The Notation:

    The UML notation is rich and full bodied. It is comprised of two

    major subdivisions. There is a notation for modeling the static elements

    of a design such as classes, attributes, and relationships. There is also a

    notation for modeling the dynamic elements of a design such as objects,

    messages, and finite state machines.

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    5.1.1 Use Case Diagrams

    Introduction:A use case diagram shows the relationships among actors and use

    cases. An actor is a role of an object or objects outside the system that

    interacts directly with it in a use case.

    The actor has class-like properties. A use case is a unit of

    functionality of the system or a class. One physical object may have

    different roles and therefore be modeled by several actors. There are three

    types of use case relationships:

    - Communicates:

    This relationship shows participation of an actor in a use case. This

    relationship is shown as a solid line between the actor and a use case, and

    is the only relationship between actors and use cases.

    - Extends:

    An extends relationship from use case A to use case B indicates

    that an instance of use case B may include the behavior of use case A.

    This is shown as a generalization arrow from the use case providingthe extension to the base use case. The arrow is labeled with the

    stereotype extends.

    - Uses:

    A uses relationship from use case A to use case B indicates that

    an instance of the use case A will also include the behavior specified

    by use case B. This is shown as a generalization arrow from the use

    case doing the use to the use case being used. The arrow is labeled

    with the stereotype uses.

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    Admin Use Case

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    Admin Use Case

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    Back Up Use case

    Database Use Case

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    Grant Privileges Use Case

    Group Use Case

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    General Use Case

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    Home Use Case

    Role Use Case

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    Login Use Case

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    Logout Use Case

    MySQL Use Case

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    Performance Use Case

    Fiel Upload and Download Use Case

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    User Use Case

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    Registration(1) Activity Diagram

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    Registration(2) Activity Diagram

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    Registration(3) Activity Diagram

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    Admin Activity Diagram

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    Audit Activity Diagram

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    Backup Activity Diagram

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    Configuration Activity Diagram

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    Database Activity Diagram

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    Grant Privileges Activity Diagram

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    Group Activity Diagram

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    Home Activity Diagram

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    IP Address Control Activity Diagram

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    Login Activity Diagram

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    Logout Activity Diagram

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    MySQL Activity Diagram

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    Role Activity Diagram

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    User Activity Diagram

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    5.1.3 Sequence Diagrams


    A Sequence diagram depicts the sequence of actions that occur in a

    system. The invocation of methods in each object, and the order in which

    the invocation occurs is captured in a Sequence diagram. This makes the

    Sequence diagram a very useful tool to easily represent the dynamic

    behavior of a system.

    A Sequence diagram is two-dimensional in nature. On the

    horizontal axis, it shows the life of the object that it represents, while on

    the vertical axis, it shows the sequence of the creation or invocation of

    these objects.Because it uses class name and object name references, the

    Sequence diagram is very useful in elaborating and detailing the dynamic

    design and the sequence and origin of invocation of objects. Hence, the

    Sequence diagram is one of the most widely used dynamic diagrams in


    Elements of a Sequence diagram

    A Sequence diagram consists of the following behavioral elements:

    Element and its description SymbolObject: The primary element involved in a sequence

    diagram is an Objectan instance of a class. A Sequence

    diagram consists of sequences of interaction among

    different objects over a period of time. An object is

    represented by a named rectangle. The name to the left of

    the ":" is the object name and to its right is the class


    Message: The interaction between different objects in a

    sequence diagram is represented as messages. A messageis denoted by a directed arrow. Depending on the type ofmessage, the notation differs. In a Sequence diagram, you

    can represent simple messages, special messages to create

    or destroy objects, and message responses.

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    Admin Sequence Diagram

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    Registration Sequence Diagram

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    Login Success Sequence Diagram

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    Login (Error in Login) Sequence Diagram

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    Home Sequence Diagram

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    Database Sequence Diagram

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    5.1.4 CRC ModelCRC (Class-Responsibility-Collaborator) Card Modeling is a

    simple yet powerful object-oriented analysis technique. CRC modeling

    often includes the users, analysts, and developers in a modeling and

    design process, bringing together the entire development team to form a

    common understanding of an OO development project.

    It is one of many tools that should be used in the collaborative

    design of a system.

    Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham first introduced CRC cards at

    OOPSLA 89 in their paper A Laboratory for Teaching Object-Oriented

    Thinking. Originally their purpose was to teach programmers theobject-oriented paradigm. The technique has since been refined to

    become valuable beyond the education curriculum.

    A CRC Model is a collection of cards (usually standard index cards

    or larger) that are divided into three sections.

    1. Class2. Responsibility3. Collaborator

    ClassResponsibility Collaborator

    Figure 1: CRC Card Layout

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    The back of the CRC card is often used for a more detailed

    description of the class. Along with any other notes captured during the

    CRC session. Many times these include the actual attributes of the class.


    A Class represents a collection of similar objects. Objects are

    things of interest in the system being modeled. They can be a person,

    place, thing, or any other concept important to the system at hand. The

    Class name appears across the top of the CRC card.


    A Responsibility is anything that the class knows or does. These

    responsibilities are things that the class has knowledge about itself, or

    things the class can do with the knowledge it has.

    For example, a person class might have knowledge (and responsibility)

    for its name, address, and phone number. In another example an

    automobile class might have knowledge of its size, its number of doors,

    or it might be able to do things like stop and go. The Responsibilities of a

    class appear along the left side of the CRC card.


    A Collaborator is another class that is used to get information for,or perform actions for the class at hand. It often works with a particular

    class to complete a step (or steps) in a scenario. The Collaborators of a

    class appear along the right side of the CRC card.

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    Class : Admin

    Type : Interaction

    Class Characteristics : Atomic ,Permanent ,Guarded

    Responsibility Collaborations






    Grant Privileges



    File Upload

    Class : User

    Type : Property

    Class Characteristics: Sequential , Transient , Guarded

    Responsibility Collaborations


    Registration Admin

    Remove Temp File

    Start SessionEnd Session

    Manage Profile Admin

    File Downloading

    User Image Upload

    Class : Login

    Type : Property

    Class Characteristics : Sequential ,PermanentResponsibility Collaborations



    Forgot Password Admin

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    Class : Tracks

    Type : Intraction

    Class Characteristics : Non Tangible, Atomic ,Sequential,

    Permanent , Guarded

    Responsibility Collaborations

    Album create AlbumTrack file Upload Track

    Class : File upload

    Type : Interaction

    Class Characteristics: Atomic , Sequential

    Responsibility Collaborations

    Add Album AlbumsAdd Track Tracks

    Add artist Trackartists

    Add Album Admins

    Add File Tracks

    Remove File Tracks

    Edit File Tracks

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    5.3 Data Dictionary

    Name: actors

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores actors name

    Content Description: id+actorname

    Supplementary Information: Used to store the different actors

    Name: albumactors

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used:Stores information of the actors related to

    respective album

    Content Description: Id+album_id+actor_id

    Supplementary Information: Used to information of actor and album

    Name: albums

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores album information

    Content Description: id+albumname+albumtype+ albumyear+

    albumimgpath+ albumlatest+ albumstartwith

    Supplementary Information: Used to store information of different albums

    Name: tracks

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores track information

    Content Description: Id+album_id+trackname+trackduration+tracktype+




    Supplementary Information: Used to store information l ike track title, album


    Name: artists

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of artist

    Content Description: id+artistname

    Supplementary Information: Used to store artist names

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    Name: comments

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information comments related to forum

    Content Description: id+forum_id+msg+username+dateentered+emailed

    Supplementary Information: Used to store information like forum comments

    related to forum

    Name: feedbacks

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of feedbacks given by the visitors

    of the websites

    Content Description: id+username+feedbackmsg+feedbackdatetime

    Supplementary Information: It consist information like feedback messages and

    the respective date and time information

    Name: forums

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of New forum topics

    Content Description: id+topic+msg+username+dateentered

    Supplementary Information: It consist information like forum topic and message

    with the respective username,date and time

    Name: gazals

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of banner

    Content Description: id+gazaltitle+filepath+duration+downloadedtimes+


    Supplementary Information: It include information like instrumental name and

    other respective information related to track file

    Name: instrumentals

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of banner

    Content Description: id+instrumentaltitle+filepath+duration+downloadedatetimes+addeddatetimes+lastdoenloadeddatetime

    Supplementary Information: It include information like instrumental name and

    other respective information related to track file

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    Name: tellafriends

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of the visitors has share the

    website information with their friends

    Content Description: Id+username+sendingdate+fromemail+


    Supplementary Information: It includes information like name and mail id of

    sender and receiver.

    Name: trackartists

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of artists related to tracks

    Content Description: Id+track_id+artist_id

    Supplementary Information: Used to store information like trackid and artistid.

    Name: trackcomments

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of comments given by user on


    Content Description: Id+track_id+msg+username+enteredatetime

    Supplementary Information: Used to store information like comments given by

    the users , etc.

    Name: userlogs

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of users log

    Content Description: id+username+logdatetime

    Supplementary Information: It consist information like username and lastlogin

    time , etc.

    Name: userrequests

    Alias: NoneWhere Used / How Used: Stores information of users songs and album


    Content Description: Id+user_id+requesttype+request+requesteddatetime

    Supplementary Information: It include information like request and type of

    request by user and when, etc.

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    Name: users

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of different users

    Content Description: id+username+fanme+lname+emailid+gender+


    Supplementary Information: It include information like username and related

    information like mailed, etc.

    Name: wallpapers

    Alias: None

    Where Used / How Used: Stores information of wallpaper of the albums

    Content Description: Id+album_id+imgurl+thumbimgurl+imgblob

    Supplementary Information: Used to store information like wallpaper image path,

    image file,albumid , etc.

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    66SSooffttwwaarree DDeessiiggnn

    6.1 Database Design

    6.2 Interface Design

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    6.1 Database DesignTable Name: actors

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Key

    actorname varchar(45) No

    Table Name: albumactors

    Field Type Null Default Commentsid int(10) No Primary Key

    album_id int(10) No Foreign Key

    actor_id int(10) No Foreign Key

    Table Name: albums

    Field Type Null Default Commentsid int(10) No Primary Key

    albumname varchar(50) No

    albumtype varchar(45) Yes

    albumyear varchar(5) No

    albumimgpath varchar(45) No NULL

    albumlatest tinyint(1) No

    albumstartwith char(1) No

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    Table Name:artists

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Key

    artistname varchar(50) No

    Table Name:comments

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) NoPrimary


    forum_id int(10) NoForeign


    msg text No

    username varchar(50) No

    dateentered datetime No

    emailed varchar(50) No

    Table Name:feedbacks

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Key

    usename varchar(45) No

    feedbackmsg text No

    feedbackdatetime datetime Yes NULL

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    Table Name:forums

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Keytopic varchar(50) No

    msg text No

    username varchar(45) No

    dateentred datetime No

    Table Name:gazals

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) NoPrimary


    gazaltitle varchar(50) No

    filepath varchar(255) No

    duration varchar(45) No 0

    downloadedtimes int(10) No 0

    addeddatetime datetime Yes NULL

    lastdownloadeddatetime datetime Yes NULL

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    Table Name:instrumentals

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No PrimaryKey

    instrumentaltitle varchar(50) No

    filepath varchar(255) No

    duration varchar(45) No 0

    downloadedtimes int(10) No 0

    addeddatetime datetime Yes NULL

    lastdownloadeddatetime datetime Yes NULL

    Table Name:tellafriends

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Key

    username varchar(50) No

    sendingdate datetime No

    fromemail varchar(50) No

    fromname varchar(45) No

    toemail varchar(50) No

    toname varchar(45) No

    msg varchar(45) Yes NULL

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    Table Name: trackartists

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Key

    track_id int(10) No Foreign Key

    artist_id int(10) No Foreign Key

    Table Name: tracks

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) NoPrimary


    album_id int(10) NoForeign


    trackname varchar(50) No

    trackduration varchar(6) Yes NULL

    tracktype varchar(45) No

    trackfilepath varchar(255) Yes NULL

    tracklyrics text No

    tarcklatest varchar(1) No L

    downloadedtimes int(10) No 0

    addeddatetime datetime Yes NULL

    lastdownloadeddatetime datetime Yes NULLtrackfile longblob

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    Table Name:userlogs

    Field Type Null Default Commentsid int(10) No Primary Key

    username varchar(45) No

    logdatetime datetime No

    Table Name: userrequests

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) NoPrimary


    user_id varchar(45) NoForeign


    requesttype varchar(1) No

    request varchar(50) No

    requesteddatetimedate datetime No

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    Table Name: users

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Key

    username varchar(45) No

    fname varchar(45) No

    lname varchar(45) No

    emailid varchar(50) No

    gender varchar(1) No

    password varchar(45) Noimgurl varchar(255) No

    imgblob longblob

    Table Name: wallpapers

    Field Type Null Default Comments

    id int(10) No Primary Key

    album_id int(10) No Foreign Key

    imgurl varchar(45) No

    thumgimgurl varchar(45) No

    imgblob longblob No

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    6.2 Interface Design1.Main Web Pages

    Figure 1.1 Shows Home Page (header portion) of MusicWorld.

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    Figure 2.1 Registration Form

    Figure 2.2 Registration Form - error

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    Figure 2.3 Registration Form with Error Messages (Prompt for providing correct

    information to User)

    Figure 2.4 Confirmation message when Registration procedure has been done


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    3.Login Procedure

    Figure 3.1 Login Page

    Figure 3.2 Login Page Giving Error

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    Figure 3.3 Login Page Successfully Login

    Figure 3.4 Edit Profile

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    Figure 4.3.1 Forum-Homepage

    Figure 4.3.2 Forum-View the thread

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    Figure 4.3.2 Forum-Add comment

    5.Track Download Procedure

    Figure 5.1 List All Albums

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    Figure 5.2 List Albums alphabet wise

    Figure 5.3 List Latest Albums

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    Figure 5.4 View Album info and list tracks

    Figure 5.5 Display Track information with download link

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    Figure 5.6 Prompt For File Downloading

    Figure 5.7 Display all instrumentals

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    6.Admin Pages

    Figure 6.1 Admin Home

    Figure 6.2 Add Albums

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    Figure 6.3 Add Actor

    Figure 6.4 Add Artist

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    Figure 6.5 Add Albumactor

    Figure 6.6 Add Albumartist

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    Figure 6.7 Add Track

    Figure 6.8 View Feedback

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    Figure 6.9 View Userlog

    7.Other Page

    Figure 7.1 About Us

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    Figure 7.2 Contact Us

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    77TTiimmee LLiinnee CChhaarrtt

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    8.1Unit Testing8.2Navigation Testing

    8.3Functionality Testing

    8.4Environmet Testing

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    8.1 Unit TestingWorking Task Result


    List All Album Fine List Albums according to alphabetical order Fine Categories Fine Forum Fine Send Request Fine

    Feedback Fine2.Login Page

    LogIn validation Fine LogIn Button Fine

    Registaration Link Fine3.Registration

    Registration Validation Fine

    Working Submit button Fine Working captcha Fine


    Add Album Fine Add Actor Fine

    Add Track Fine Add albumactor Fine

    Add Artist Fine Add Artisttrack Fine Upload track file Fine


    View all Message Fine

    Comments Fine New Thread Fine


    Add request Fine8.Static Page

    About Us Fine Contact Us Fine

    9.Tell a Friend

    Add to database Fine10.Feedback

    Sending Feedback Fine

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    8.2 Navigation TestingLink Expected Page Result Page

    Home Homepage HomepageLogin Login Login

    LogOut LogOut LogOut

    Registration Registration Registration

    Edit Profile Edit Profile Edit Profile

    About Us About Us About Us

    Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us

    Request Request Request

    Forum Forum Forum

    Upload Track Upload Track Upload Track

    8.3 Functionality Testing Login & Password validation process has been Co-

    operated properly.

    Checking of User session created on every task is accurate.

    Display of requested task by User is fast & easy.

    User flow is understandable.

    Edit User Profile is managed accurately.

    File uploading

    8.4 Environmet Testing Following Os are considered for testing environment

    operability of software.

    o Windows XPo Ubuntu 10.4

    Following browser are checked for operability of software.o Internet Explorer 8.0 or latero Mozila Firefox 3.5 or later

  • 8/8/2019 Music World Final Print


    MusicWorld 2010


    99FFuuttuurree EEnnhhaanncceemmeenntt

  • 8/8/2019 Music World Final Print


    MusicWorld 2010


    Future Enhancement

    The future of MusicWorld has a lot more in downloading than

    Tracks. According to todays scenarios the registration may be free as

    well as paid and according to that the facilities are going to be changed.

    There may lot more categories related to tracks. As the visitor or users

    give the feedback according to that there may be facility changes or


    The gathering cloud of service hosts like Google, Yahoo,

    Microsoft and Amazon will be taken in the next era. The consensus

    moves toward an algorithmic meta-data driven future in which thewinners will likely be taking a piece of many online transactions. Money

    transaction can be done only through credit card or PayPal. This real-time

    website cover up current marketplace and it can be scaled up to global

    mass media, and down to audience and location of one.

  • 8/8/2019 Music World Final Print


    MusicWorld 2010



  • 8/8/2019 Music World Final Print


    MusicWorld 2010



    Beginning cakephp from novice to professional CakePHP Manual MYSQL Admin Roger Pressman 5


    Design Pattern Application of UML


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    http://book.cakephp.org/view/4/Beginning-With-CakePHP www.mysql.com

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