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Page 1: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

My abc book

Arlette Garlan

Page 2: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

AabolitionistA person who strongly favors doing away with slavery


To not take part in some activity such as voting


An immigrant living in a country in which he/she is not a citizen

annexTo add a territory to ones own country

Page 3: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.


A region of hills & forests west of the ride water


Consisting of two houses of chambers especially in legislature

bondNote issued by the government which promises to pay off a loan with interests

Burgesses Elected representatives to an assembly

Page 4: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.


A group of advisors to the president


Mexicans who lived in California

Canal Artificial waterway


Money for investment

Page 5: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.


Person or country that owes money


An order or decision given by one in authority


Fall in value


Variety or difference

Page 6: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.


Rag figure representing an unpopular individual


Free from slavery

Export To sell abroad


Person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere

Page 7: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.


An extreme shortage of food


Supporters of the constitution




Runaway or trying to

Page 8: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

GGlobal warming

Steady increase in average world temperature

Greenback Piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the north during civil war

Guerrilla tactics

Referring to surprise attacks or raids rather than organized warfare


The deliberate destruction of racial political or cultural group

Page 9: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

HHabeas corpus

A legal order for an inquartiy to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned


An ancient form of writing using symbols and pictures to represent words sounds and concepts


Name given to the mass slaughter of Jews and other groups by the Nazis during world war 2

Horizontal integration

The combining of computing firms into one cooperation

Page 10: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.


To formally charge a public official with misconduct in office


To buy goods from foreign markets

Interchangeable parts

Uniform pieces that can be made in large quantities to replace other identical pieces


Forcing people into service as in navy

Page 11: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

JJoint occupation The possession and settling of an are shared by two or more countries

Joint stock companyA company in which investors Buy stock in the company in return For a share of its futures profits

Judicial branch The branch of government including the federal court system that interprets the nations laws

judicial review The right of the supreme court to determine if a law violates the constitution

Page 12: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

KKansas-Nebraska act Hoping to encourage settlement of the west and open the way for transcontinental rail road Douglas proposed organizing the region west of the Missouri and Iowa as the territories of Kansas and Nebraska

Bleeding Kansas With proslavery and antislavery forces in Kansas arming themselves the outbreak of violence became inventible

Keelboat A boat Lewis and Clark used to send back men with reports and specimens

Stephen watts kerney general: led his troops to new Mexico and California

Page 13: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

LLandslide An overwhelming victory

Legislative branch Branch of government that makes the nations laws

Literacy Ability to read and write

Loyalists American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence

Page 14: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

MMayflower compact Formal document written in 1620 provided law and order to the Plymouth colony

Militia Group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies

MigrationA movement of a large number of people into a new homeland

Minutemen Companies of civilian soldiers who boasted that they were ready to fight

Page 15: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

NNullify To cancel or make inexpensive

Neutral rights The right to sail the seas and not take sides in a war

Nationalism Loyalty to a nation and promotion of its interests above all others

National debtThe amount of money a national government owes to other government or its people

Page 16: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

OOrdinance Laws or regulations

OffensivePosition of attacking or the attack itself

Override To overturn or defeat as a bill proposed in congress

Overseer Person who supervises a large operation or its workers

Page 17: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

PPatriotsAmerican colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won

Pilgrims Separatists who journeyed to the colonies during the 1600’s

Preamble Introduction to a formal document especially the constitution

Pention A formal request

Page 18: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

QQuakers Believed every individual had an “inner right” that could guide that him/her to salivation

Page 19: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

RRatify To give official approval

Republic Government in which citizens rule through elected representatives

Resolution A formal expression

Revivalngs A series of meetings conducted by a preacher to arouse religious emotion

Page 20: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

SSecede To leave or withdraw

SegregationThe separation Or isolation

Suffrage The right to vote

Smuggling Trading illegaly with other nations

Page 21: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.

TTariff a tax on imports or exports

Temperance The use if little or no Alcoholic drink

Triangular trade A trade route that exchanged goods between the west indies the American colonies and west Africa

Turnpike A road that one must pay to use the money issued to pay for the road

Page 22: My abc book Arlette Garlan. abolitionist A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery Abstain To not take part in some activity such as voting.


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