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STEP 1: Set up for Cash on Delivery.

A) Log into ShopTab and complete the integration with your Facebook page. Then select Settings (#1) then choose COD (#2).

B) Now select to enable COD payments.



C) Add your products



D) You can now upload a photo from your computer, server or photo site. As stated in ourTerms of Service, you must have complete ownership of all images that you use in your store.Click on the Choose File button as seen below:

You will then select your image file you want to upload.

Click update and your image will now appear under your product listing.

Your listing will appear in your store as noted below.

Note: You have the option to select to turn on PayPal payment or connect to your e-commerce site with the COD option. Reference the support database for how to activate PayPal or e-commerce. An example of a PayPal button with a COD option for each in a store is shown below.

Step 2: Set up your Form

On the same page you have the option to set up your COD form.Click on the Edit COD translations tab to access the form.

COD Translation Form: Be sure to click the Update button at the bottom of the page once you are done with your translations.

3) You will have immediate access to all form completions via email notices (sent to your email address in your Settings/Personal section) as well as under Settings/Options. There is a CSV file download option for all sales as well.

The COD Sales Report

Example email notice below:

4) Upon submission of a form by your clients they will see a confirmation screen where you can provide to them a phone number and/or email address where they may contact you.

One of our early users is the Garden Crate. They custom build each garden for their clients. An online checkout option, like PayPal or a website, didn’t make sense for them since they need to discuss the unique color, sizing requirements, and delivery needs prior to finalizing the order.

“We love Shoptab! The ability to easily add this to our Facebook page and create a Cash on Delivery purchase is perfect for us since our orders are highly customized and local, plus, we need to work with our clients on the appropriate delivery or pick-up option. Shoptab is a easy and cost effective way to get business from Facebookconsumers.” - Dean M. Owner of The Garden Crate

Another example of our COD clients. This Facebook store is fully translated for Portuguese. Veste.PTutilizes our COD payment option for their cash based economy.

Go to ShopTab’sFacebook Shop websitefor more information

For more detailed information:

COD Installation and Application Support Document:



Launch a Facebook Shop with PayPal Support Document:




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