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Рабочая тетрадь

к учебнику «New Insights Into Business»

(by Graham Tullis and Tonya Trappe)



УДК 811.111'373.46(076):334.7

ББК Ш143.21


Р е ц е н з е н т ы :кафедра иностранных языков Мордовского государственного

педагогического института им. М.Е. Евсевьева; доцент А.В. Пузаков

Б598 Бизнес-лексика : рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «New Insights Into

Business», [учеб. пособие] / [сост.: А.С. Кузякин, В.С. Елизаров] ; Саран.

кооп. ин-т РУК. – Саранск, 2011. – 156 с.

Представлены практические упражнения на усвоение и закрепление

активной лексики и разговорных тем учебника «New Insights Into Business»

(by Graham Tullis and Tonya Trappe).

Предназначено для студентов факультетов и отделений международных

экономических отношений, а также для всех желающих углубить свои знания в

области бизнес английского.

УДК 811.111'373.46(076):334.7

ББК Ш143.21

© А.С. Кузякин, В.С. Елизаров, 2011

© Оформление. Саранский кооперативный институт РУК, 2011



Рабочая тетрадь по английской бизнес-лексике представляет собой

комплексную учебно-методическую разработку, состоящую из стандартного

набора лексических и речевых упражнений, направленных на усвоение и

закрепление языкового материала, содержащегося в учебнике «New Insights

Into Business» (by Graham Tullis and Tonya Trappe).

Пособие состоит из основной части и приложений. Основная часть

включает в себя 15 разделов в соответствии со структурой учебника «New

Insights Into Business». В начале каждого раздела приводится поурочный

словарь с лексикой для активного и пассивного усвоения. Англо-английские

толкования важнейших терминов изучаемой темы нужно заучить наизусть.

Дополнительная бизнес-лексика с англо-русскими переводами предназначена

для пассивного усвоения и призвана облегчить понимание сложных бизнес-

концептов в текстах и диалогах урока. После словаря следуют

подстановочные лексические упражнения, упражнения на контроль

понимания прочитанного, умение выделять семантически значимые части

абзацев и предложений, составлять концептуально ориентированные

вопросы. Далее размещены упражнения речевого характера на расширение

языковой компетенции. В их основе лежат прослушивание оригинальных

бизнес-диалогов с целью усвоения профессионально-ориентированной

лексики на слух, толкование терминов, комментирование возможности их

употребления в узком и широком смысле в разных культурных контекстах. В

ряде разделов есть упражнения, ориентирующие студентов на


самостоятельный поиск и анализ информации в Интернете с целью ее

дальнейшей презентации в форме доклада или статьи перед учебной группой

в аудитории. Приложения содержат образцы деловых писем (прил. 1–6),

англо-русские клише (прил. 7) и частотные аббревиатуры, облегчающие

усвоение английской деловой корреспонденции (прил. 8).

Рабочая тетрадь призвана закрепить активный и пассивный

лексический запас студентов приблизительно в объеме 2000

терминологических единиц.

Помимо этого, пособие ставит цель расширения языковой

компетенции студентов, их лингвострановедческих знаний, способствующих

развитию навыков общения с носителями другого языка и культуры и

становлению их как современных высококультурных специалистов.


Key Concepts

shareholders people who own shares in a company or provide the capital

management board of directors or the people in charge of running a busi-ness, regarded collectively

workforce the total number of people who are employed by a particular company

organization chart an administrative and functional structure of a business

Board of Directors a group of people elected by its shareholders to manage the company who are responsible for policy decisions and strat-egy

Chairperson / Presi-dent

permanent head of the board of directors

Managing Director / the most important working director in charge of the way


Chief Executive Offi-cer (CEO)

the company is managed, is appointed by the Board of Di-rectors, has overall responsibility for the running of the business

senior managers / company officers

heads of various departments or functions within the com-pany

Marketing a department that is concerned with promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service

Public Relations (PR)

part of an organization’s work that is concerned with obtain-ing the public’s approval for what it does, answering in-quiries made by customers

Information Tech-nology (IT)

a department with the responsibility for the theory and prac-tice of using computers to store and analyse information

Personnel / Human Resources (HR)

a department with responsibility for the recruiting, training, and welfare of the staff

Finance a department with responsibility for paying the salaries, re-porting how well or badly the company is doing and how much it can spend

Production a department that is concerned with making the actual prod-uct or rendering service, deals with quality and quantity problems

Research and Devel-opment (R and D)

department that is concerned with designer work directed towards the innovation, introduction, and improvement of products and processes

Supplementary Vocabulary

shareholders акционерыto provide the capital предоставлять капиталmanagement дирекцияworkforce работники, рабочая силаmanagement structure структура управленияorganization chart организационная схемаBoard of Directors совет директоровManaging Director директор-распорядитель, управляющий,

главный менеджерsenior (top) management высшее руководствоmiddle management средний уровень управления (руководители

подразделений)chairperson председательto head возглавлятьto be responsible for отвечать заto appoint назначатьChief Executive Officer (CEO) (главный) исполнительный директорoverall responsibility общая ответственностьto run the business вести дело


company officer должностное лицо компании, член руководства компании (например, один из директоров)

departments of Marketing, Public Relations, In-formation Technology (IT), Personnel / Human Resources, Finance, Production, Research and Development (R and D)

отделы маркетинга, связей с общественностью, информационных технологий, кадров, финансовый, производственный, (научных) исследований и (опытно-конструкторских) разработок

accountant бухгалтерto finalize the design завершить проектportable computer переносной компьютерadaptable легко приспосабливаемыйto reach consumers достичь потребителейkey aspect of work ключевая сторона работыto answer enquiries отвечать на вопросыmanufacturing techniques технология производстваto review salaries пересмотреть зарплатыto play an essential role играть существенную рольto ensure that system works properly обеспечить надежную работу системыto develop a new application разработать новую прикладную программуto exchange and share information обмениваться и делиться информациейmultinational company многонациональная компанияBoard of Management управляющий советin charge of / responsible for ответственный за supervisory board group management committee наблюдательный совет при комитете

руководителей отделовto implement the policy проводить политикуmobile computing products мобильные счетные устройстваx-ray equipment рентгеновское оборудованиеhairdryer фен для сушки волосdigital camera цифровой фотоаппаратspeech processing обработка речи (диктофоны)Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) видео-магнитофонDomestic Appliances and Personal Care предметы домашнего обихода и личной

гигиеныshaver электробритваsuncare средство защиты от солнцаvacuum cleaner пылесосfood processor кухонный комбайнblender блендерcoffee maker кофеваркаlighting светотехническая продукция / изделияgear приборыsemiconductors полупроводникиemerging business развивающаяся компанияheadquarters штаб-квартираlandmark достопримечательностьto lay the foundation заложить основаниеto establish учредитьlight bulbs лампочкаcarbon filament угольная нить накалаby the turn of the century на рубеже столетий, к началу нового века


to fuel подпитыватьdiversification of a product range расширение ассортимента продукцииto launch a product запускать (в производство) продуктoutlet (торговая) точкаto staff by укомплектовать (персоналом)to be listed on a stock exchange быть зарегистрированным на биржеcolour picture tube цветной кинескоп integrated circuit интегральная микросхемаlong-term долгосрочныйto monitor smth следить за чем-либоcreed убеждениеto be committed to радеть о to dial a number набрать номерapproximate приблизительныйto vary from ... to ... варьировать от ... до ...starch крахмалcandle свечаoral care, body care, household surface care, fab-ric care

средства ухода за полостью рта, за телом, за поверхностью предметов обихода, за тканями

pet nutrition корм для домашних животныхrinse жидкость для полоскания ртаto strengthen one's presence усилить присутствиеto maintain partnership поддерживать партнерские отношенияrecyclable packaging materials упаковочные материалы, пригодные для

вторичного использованияto reduce prices by 10 % понизить цены на 10 %to increase, an `increase возрастать, ростto decrease, a `decrease понижаться, снижениеoverseas investment инвестиции зарубежомto be employed as / to hold position работать в качестве / занимать должностьgeneral worker разнорабочийthe job involves работа включает (обязаности)machine operator оператор станкаbottling plant цех розлива в бутылкиmaintenance assistant сотрудник группы техобслуживанияengineering department инженерно-конструкторский отделto report directly to непосредственно подчинятьсяsupervisor мастер, супервайзер, бригадирplant manager зд. главный инженер завода to be promoted tо быть повышенным в должности доlaboratory officer старший лаборантquality assurance laboratory лаборатория контроля качества, ОТКto carry out analysis (Sing.) / analyses (Pl.) проводить анализ / анализыbrewing process пивоваренный процессindustrial relations трудовые отношения (между

администрацией и рабочими)managerial position управленческая должностьto come about as a result of произойти в результатеto undertake studies in one’s spare time взяться за (само)обучение в свое свободное



(присуждается университетом лицам, успешно завершившим, по крайней мере, год учебы и исследовательской работы после окончания университета)

current job title название текущей должностиto be concerned with smth касаться чего-либоmanpower planning планирование кадровline manager начальник цехаto identify manpower requirements определить потребность в кадрахto draw up a contract заключить (трудовой) контрактredeployment of permanent employees перемещение штатного персоналаto go through a period of transition проходить переходный периодto evolve развиваться, появляться (о профессиях)key competency главное умениеability to manage change способность управлять изменениямиto contract out non-core activities передать частным подрядчикам части

бизнеса, не связанные непосредственно с основным производством

catering организация питания maintenance техническое обслуживаниеin turn (This, in turn, has led to) в свою очередь (Это, в свою очередь,

привело к)industrial unrest волнения среди персоналаhigh age profile of the company относительно молодой возрастной состав

компанииearly retirement ранний выход на пенсиюcompulsory redundancies сокращение штатов в связи с

производственной необходимостьюperson’s profile краткие биографические сведения кандидатаbrand manager менеджер, ответственный за рекламу

конкретного товараVirgin holding companies компании, входящие в холдинг «Верджин»

(холдинг - компания, владеющая крупными пакетами акций других компаний; в большинстве случаев имеет решающее право голоса, действуя посредством механизма контрольного пакета акций; в отличие от материнской компании обычно не осуществляет производственной деятельности)

headquarters (Pl.) штаб-квартираchief financial officer / executive финансовый директорcompany profile краткая справка о компании

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

Chairperson Senior managers Managing Director Board

of Directors


At the top of the company hierarchy is the 1 , headed by the 2 (or

president). The board is responsible for making policy decisions and for determin-

ing the company's strategy. It will usually appoint a 3 (or chief executive of-

ficer) who has overall responsibility for the running of the business.4 or line managers head the various departments or functions within

the company.

2. Answer the questions to the text about Philips on page 6 of the Stu-

dent’s Book of New Insights into Business (NIiB SB).

1. What is known of Gerald Philips? 2. What was the produce of the com-

pany in the beginning? 3. What fuelled a program of expansion? 4. Why was a re-

search laboratory established in 1914? 5. How did Philips protect its innovations?

6. What were the landmarks of the company’s diversification of its product range?

7. Which figures may well speak of the Philips’ impressive international presence?

8. Who determines the long-term strategy of the Philips group as a whole? 9. What

is the managerial structure in the company? 10. What is the company creed?

11. What is its meaning? 12. What devices may remind you of Philips on travels

around the world?

3. Read the text «Colgate-Palmolive Company» on page 9 of NIiB SB

and frame questions to which the following words and phrases provide the an-


1. In 1806. 2. Starch, soap and candle. 3. In the United States. 4. The estab-

lishment of Colgate operations in countries throughout Europe, Latin America and

the Far East. 5. $8.7 bn. 6. In the area of Oral Care. 7. Many successful tooth-

pastes, rinses and toothbrushes. 8. To strengthen its presence in professional prod-

ucts. 9. For many years. 10. For dental professionals. 11. To the environment. 12.

Recyclable bottles and packaging materials.


4. Listen to the dialogue “Company Profiles” and commentaries coming

after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold print.

Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatize it with another student in class.

Company Profiles

Roberta: What are you working on?

Lee: Oh, I’m writing the company profiles for the businesses participating

in the meeting next month. Do you have a minute to give me some feedback?

Roberta: Sure, what do you have so far?

Lee: I’ve started to write the ones for Lundrun and Max Electronics. This is

what I have for Lundrun so far: “A Fortune 500 company, Lundrun is a world

leader in car manufacturing. Founded in 1936, Lundrun today is a $90 billion

dollar company that sets a standard in the industry.”

Roberta: That’s pretty good. Don’t forget to mention that their headquar-

ters are in Chicago.

Lee: Oh, yeah. I’ll make sure I add that. Okay, here’s what I have for Max

Electronics: “Max Electronics is a Frankfurt-based company that has been a pio-

neer in the manufacturing of home electronics for over 75 years. The company has

a global network of 1,500 distributors and has stores in 53 countries worldwide.”

Roberta: That’s a good start. Why don’t you pass them by me when

you’re done and I can give you some more feedback?

Lee: Yeah, I’ll do that. Thanks a lot.

(From “English as a Second Language” (ESL) Podcast 181.)

5. Choose a company out of “Fortune 500” list at

http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2010/full_list/. Get ready to answer

the following questions about the company profile.

1. What is your company name?


2. Are there any Group Members?

3. What product(s) or service(s) does this company provide?

4. Where are its headquarters?

5. How many people does it employ?

6. Does it have offices in other countries? If so, where?

7. Who is its main competitor?

8. What supplies does it need?

9. Where does it get supplies from?

10. From what country/countries?

11. From which company?

12. Where are its markets?

13. What is its

- market share?

- turnover?

- net profit?

14. Is it growing, shrinking or holding steady?

15. What is its most promising products and/or markets?

16. What kind of public image does it have?

(Adapted from http://elc.polyu.edu.hk/cill/eiw/company_profile.htm)


Key Concepts

to recruit / to em-ploy

to select people and persuade them to join an organization or work for it

position an employment for which one can be hiredto apply for (a job) to make an appeal or request especially in the form of a

written applicationletter of application a formal personal written or printed request for a job ad-

dressed to a person or organization


covering letter a letter that you send with a main formal document or par-cel in order to provide extra information

curriculum vitae a brief account of one's education, qualifications, and pre-vious occupations

application form a printed or typed document with blank spaces for insertion of generally required or requested by the employer infor-mation

short list a list of candidates for final consideration (as for a position or a prize)

candidate / appli-cant

someone who makes a formal written request to be given a job or a place

interview a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a job or a course of study

to hire someone to employ someone or pay someone to do a particular job for you

recruitment agency a firm whose task it is to provide a list of suitable candi-dates for a company

an intern someone who works for a short time to gain experience

Supplementary Vocabulary

to recruit / to employ наниматьposition (вакантная) должностьto apply for (a job) подать заявление о приеме на работуletter of application заявление о приеме на работуcovering letter (US cover letter) сопроводительное письмоcurriculum vitae (CV) / résumé резюме, сведения об образовании и

профессиональном опытеapplication form to fill / to complete ~

анкета поступающего на работу заполнить ~

short list of candidates or applicants число возможных кандидатовinterviewto attend an ~

собеседованиеприйти на ~

to hire нанять (работника)recruitment agency (US search firm) агентство по наймуtop performer лучший в профессии, передовик

производстваbonus премияtoken талонpinball настольная игра, цель которой загнать

штырями шарик в лузуa.k.a. / A.K.A. (abr. also known as) также известный какFrisbee пластиковая летающая тарелка для игр на

открытом воздухеintern практикантto offer a wealth of opportunities предоставлять широкие возможности


new graduates новые выпускники (колледжей и университетов)

current college students студенты, обучающиеся на дневных отделениях

internship практикаco-op programs программы сотрудничестваto conduct on-campus interviews проводить собеседования по

трудоустройству в студенческих городкахcareer expo выставка / ярмарка профессийto aсquire / gain experience приобрести опытrecruitment advertisement / employment wanted ad

объявление о вакансиях

to complete a probation period пройти испытательный срокMind over Matter сверхчувственное восприятие, господство

интуиции над фактическими основаниямиfrom here on с этих порcunning хитростьrecord of accomplishment список (собственных) достиженийto propel smb up the corporate ladder продвигать кого-либо по корпоративной

лестницеwhite collar / clerical jobs профессии, не связанные с физическим

трудомto submit to tests подвергнуться тестамbrainteaser головоломкаintangible неосязаемый, неуловимыйto coach обучать, тренироватьflexible гибкийpassion зд. рвение, энтузиазмsense of urgency чувство срочностиAssociation of Executive Search Consultants Ассоциация консультантов по подбору

руководящих работниковto face questions сталкиваться с вопросамиto get things done справляться с задачейto emerge появляться, выяснятьсяhire / recruit (n) новый работникsenior executive руководящий работник высшего звенаcorporate downsizing сокращение управленческого штатаto slash layers of management срезать наслоение управленцевpace of change темпы измененийto shift to a practice перейти к практикеat this point в настоящий моментanecdotal evidence данные личного опытаto bring smb around to убеждать кого-либо в необходимости чего-

либоto size up candidates оценивать кандидатовto rationalize someone’s choice найти основания для уже сделанного кем-

либо выбораto rationalize a business повысить эффективность работы

предприятияto land a better job устроиться на работу получшеto toughen the practice ужесточить процедуру (приема на работу)background check проверка данных автобиографии


sexual harassment сексуальное домогательствоcomprehensive testing полное (комплексное) тестированиеpersonality traits личностные особенности`survey (n), sur`vey (v) опрос, проводить опросto adjust interest rates регулировать процентные ставкиheadhunter «охотник за головами», агент по поиску

талантливых специалистовcostly and time-consuming затратный и требующий много времениto resolve conflicts разрешать конфликтыto be easy to get on with быть легким в общенииarticulate ясно выражающий свои мыслиwell presented представительныйsoftware engineering программотехника, инженерия разработки

ПОto contribute to внести свой вклад вexisting range of software существующий набор ПОto perfect one’s German усовершенствовать свой немецкийto have a position open иметь открытую вакансиюPublic Affairs Associate = PR manager сотрудник отдела по связям с

общественностьюoutdoor experience опыт в видах спорта на открытом воздухеgritty job пыльная работа (без прикрас, тяжелая)references рекомендацииBA (Honours) степень бакалавра искусств (с отличием)“A” level in экзамен повышенного уровня сложности за

курс средней школыScottish Nature Trust Доверительный Фонд природы ШотландииTourist Board Совет по туризмуpromotional materials средства продажи – рекламные материалы в

местах торговли, стимулирующие продажи (образцы товара, стенды)

training period стажировкаcross country skiing бег на лыжах по пересеченной местностиto make a poor impression on smb произвести плохое впечатлениеto relate one’s interests to those of the company соотнести свои интересы с интересами

компанииto highlight relevant skills подчеркнуть наличие требуемых навыковoutline of the letter схема письмаnon-profit making organization некоммерческая организацияin the meantime тем временемto familiarize smb with познакомить кого-либо сchallenge (n) зд. трудно решаемая проблемаto pass 1) сдавать (экзамен); 2) проходить мимоpromotional marketing стимулирующий маркетингsales promotion стимулирование сбыта (реклама, конкурсы,

распространение образцов, скидки)product launch запуск продуктаdirect marketing to design прямая рассылка образцов товара по

намеченному плануaccount handler персональный менеджер, сотрудник,

работающий с определенным клиентом или группой клиентов


to stand out somewhere выделяться где-либоmedia literate society информационно грамотное обществоsuitability for the position годность на должностьto have a bearing on the decision иметь отношение к решениюto be well presented (neat and tidy) быть представительным (чистым и

опрятным)to report to smb отчитываться перед кем-либо, подчиняться

кому-либоto mark down снизить оценкуyes-man послушный исполнительto lay/put in dummy questions предлагать тупые вопросы (в качестве

ловушки)to go down зд. проваливать интервьюto be through an interview пройти собеседованиеto draw the candidate out зд. заставить кандидата проявить себя

(высказаться открыто)to be up to scratch быть на должной высотеto lose temper терять терпениеacquisition приобретениеgraduate recruitment program программа найма студентов выпускных

курсовto swap обменивать(ся)

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

letter of application position application form shortlist

apply for interview recruit recruitment agency

covering letter CV applicants hire

When a company needs to 1 or employ new people, it may decide to

advertise the job or 2 in the appointments section of a newspaper. People

who are interested can then 3 the job by sending in a 4 or 5 and a 6 containing details of their education and experience. In

some cases a company may prefer to do this initial selection after asking candi-

dates to complete a standard 7 The company's human resource depart-

ment will then select the applications that it considers the most suitable and prepare

a 8 of candidates or 9 , who are invited to attend an 10


Another way for a company to 11 is by using the services of a


12 (US = search firm) who will provide them with a list of suitable can-


2. Answer the following questions to the text on page 16 of NIiB


1. What were graduates of prestigious business management colleges

supposed to rely on in their future careers in the past? 2. How has the interview for

white collar jobs procedure changed lately? 3. Which intangible qualities of a can-

didate are now put to test? 4. Why have the services of psychologists become nec-

essary? 5. What is the reason for intensification of interrogations for top jobs?

6. What do the companies want to know for sure about their top executives?

7. Why do some companies remain unconvinced that intensified testing is worth

the cost? 8. What is the weak point in the way most decision makers rationalize

their choice? 9. Why has an interview become a game? 10. What practices put Per-

sonnel Department managers close to police officers? 11. What does the compre-

hensive testing aim to achieve?

3. Read the text “Interview assessment” on page 20 of NIiB SB and

frame questions to which the following words and phrases provide the an-


1. Articulate and we presented. 2. His present employer. 3. A more chal-

lenging position. 4. To contribute to that growth. 5. That he would be expected to

contribute to that growth. 6. Our existing range of software. 7. In the south. 8. Var-

ious European countries. 9. Trade fairs and exhibitions. 10. At the moment.

4. Listen to the monologue “Getting an Interview” and commentaries

coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Answer the questions.

Getting an Interview


I've finally landed my first interview. Well, actually, that’s not really true. I

have been on many interviews for part-time jobs. This was my first interview for a

full-time job.

In less than two months, I will graduate from Arizona University. After a lot

of back and forth trying to decide on a major, I finally decided to double major.

I would study both political science and marketing.

These are not majors that usually go together. In fact, most people thought I

was crazy. But, after a lot of soul searching, I decided to combine my two main

interests: 1. politics and 2. getting a job! Those are my two priorities. I thought

that if I get degrees in these two fields, I could cast a wide net when going job

hunting. And, that’s what I’m trying to do now.

Since I don’t know if I want to work in the public or private sector, I’ve ap-

plied for jobs in both. In the public sector, I could work for the government. Maybe

one day, I could even be a speech writer for the President! Okay, maybe I should

shoot a little lower. In the private sector, I could work for private organizations

such as museums, schools, or programs. Some of those are non-profit.

Or, I could work for a company. Everybody tells me that that’s where the

money is. I haven’t decided yet. I’m planning to apply for a lot of jobs and will

see what happens. What I want now is just to get some job offers. Then, I can start

being picky.

(From ESL Podcast 43.)

Why does the speaker call this job interview “first”?

What’s the use of taking two majors?

When do serious students start job hunting?

What advantages or disadvantages are generally associated with jobs in pub-

lic and private sectors of economy?

Why is a job with a non-profit organization seldom a first priority among the



To what extent can an English proverb “Beggars can't be choosers” be ap-

plied to young college graduates?

5. Listen to the monologue “Making a Good Impression” and commen-

taries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in

bold print. Answer the questions.

Making a good impression

My interview is today. It is with a marketing company. It is a large corpora-

tion with its headquarters in San Francisco, CA. It also has satellite offices

across the U.S. and in Europe. I’m not sure if this would be the right fit for me,

but I’m keeping an open mind.

I got some sound advice from my aunt. She said that I should be confident

but not cocky. That means I have to look for opportunities to talk about my qualifi-

cations, but don’t make the mistake of boasting or worse, making things up. I do

that sometimes when I get really nervous. My brain stops working and my mouth

takes over.

I need to be respectful but not meek. I want to be professional with every-

one, my co-workers and my bosses. But, I don’t want them to think that I would

let my co-workers walk all over me.

I should show them that I’m a team-player. Nobody likes a person who tries

to grab the limelight all of the time, especially if they’re new, like me.

Okay, I think I’m ready. I have my resume, my transcript, and the address of

the office where I’m going for the interview. Now, all I need are my shoes…

(From ESL Podcast 44.)

What shows that the company in question is really large?

From what angles can you look at the possibility of working for a certain


Is there any danger in always looking up to your elder relatives’ advice?


How do you practically differentiate between “putting advantages to the

fore” and “boasting”?

What circumstances or state of mind may prevent interviewee’s cool reason-


What dangers are lurking for the newly employed company member?

What should one think of prior to going to an interview?

6. Listen to the monologue “Hiring for a job” and commentaries coming

after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold print.

Fill in the table with a checklist which is a base for the board of interviewers’

hiring decision.


Hiring for a job

Last week, my administrative assistant gave notice that he was quitting in

two weeks. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. It was a very busy time of the

year, but there was nothing I could do. Right away, we put a want ad in the classi-

fieds and received several applications for the job. I called in four of them for in-

terviews and I had narrowed it down to two candidates.

The first was Claudia Trujillo. From her resume, I knew that she had had

four years of experience working at a telecommunications company. She looked

promising and when she arrived for the interview, she was dressed professionally

and seemed personable. When I asked her about her experience, she answered my

questions with confidence. She sounded like a hard worker and showed a lot of

perseverance. The only drawbacks were that she was a little chatty and she also

seemed a little disorganized.

The second candidate was Alex Mayhew. Alex had more experience than

Claudia, but in different capacities, and only had one year of experience as an ad-

ministrative assistant. When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the

edges. He was earnest and eager, but didn’t have the air of someone who had

worked in a corporate environment. Still, he seemed bright and easy to get

along with. He did strike me as being a little shy, but I think that was because he

was nervous.

So, those are my two options. Now, which one should I hire? I need to give

it some more thought.

(From ESL Podcast 56.)

Interview Panel Checklist

Criteria Interviewee 1 Interviewee 2




Technical Skills


Language Skills

Knowledge of our Com-


Knowledge of the Job



Comments (on draw-

backs or advantages)


(Adapted from English in the Workplace at


U n i t 3 . RETAILING

Key Concepts

retailing business of selling products in small quantities to the gen-eral public

outlet an agency (such as a shop or a store) through which a prod-uct is marketed

chain store one of numerous usually retail stores having the same own-ership and management style and selling the same stan-dardized lines of goods

shopping centre (US mall)

area with a large variety of stores in the same location

hypermarket (GB) or superstore

a very large store that carries products found in a super-market as well as merchandise commonly found in depart-ment stores, located usually out of town

retail park shopping centre usually at the edge of a town or city, where besides a lot of large stores there are other facilities such as cinemas, restaurants, childcare, recreation lounges etc.

department store such as Harrods in London, a large shop which sells a wide variety of products, usually from a city centre location

department a section of a department store handling a particular kind


of merchandisewholesale the sale of goods in large quantities to retailers and not to

consumersco-operatives a retail organization whose aim is not to make profits but

to provide benefits to memberscash and carry a business that sells goods at discount on condition that

buyers pay cash and carry the goods away themselves

Supplementary Vocabulary

retailing розничная торговляoutlet торговая точкаretail chain сеть магазинов розничной торговлиchain store сетевой магазинshopping centre торговый центрretail park центр розничной торговлиdepartment store универсальный магазинdepartment отдел (в магазине)wholesale торговля оптомco-operatives кооперативы, организация кооперативовcash and carry мелкооптовый магазин, в котором товары

продаются по низким ценам без доставкиto penetrate the market проникнуть на рынокoverall в целомto withdraw from the market покинуть рынокto assume предполагатьto share the same tastes иметь одинаковые вкусыmerchandize товарыto be out of touch быть вне контекста, не соответствовать

ситуацииto develop a presence somewhere наращивать свое присутствие где-либоto adapt to a market приспособиться к рынкуto underestimate competition недооценивать конкуренциюbargain hunter покупатель(ница), бегающий по магазинам в

поисках покупок по дешевке; завсегдатай распродаж

town centre locations (торговые) площадки в центре городаrich pickings перен. “легкая нажива”hi-fi [`hai fai] (< high fidelity) высококачественныйper square foot на квадратный фут (торговой площади)on all counts по всем пунктамlittle-known малоизвестныйto warrant an entry in … for .. по праву заслуживать упоминания в … за …

(какие-то заслуги)to take an average across … брать среднее статистическое по …to clock up (a number) достигать отметки/уровня/показателя (в

цифрах)to be up быть высоким (о продажах)operating margin маржа (рентабельность) операционной


прибыли (отношение операционной прибыли компании к объему продаж)

likeable bloke милый пареньconverted vinegar factory переоборудованный уксусный заводикto rap out one’s sales pitch выкрикивать, скандировать достоинства

продаваемого товараto catch on становиться моднымto do sth up починить что-либоdiscounted hi-fi уцененная высококачественная электронная

аппаратураoverheads накладные расходы (любые не относящиеся

к себестоимости товара затраты)stock turnover оборачиваемость товарно-материальных

запасов (показывает, сколько раз запасы обновляются в течение определенного периода)

end-of-line остаточныйsurplus equipment избыточное оборудованиеlucrative прибыльныйmultiples однотипные магазины (одной фирмы )to stock the mass market обеспечивать массовый рынокto volume sell = to sell by volume продавать в большом объемеmidi (< musical instrument digital interface) sys-tem

миди-система (об аудиоаппаратуре)

separates автономные компоненты систем воспроизведения звука

tuner селектор (радио/ТВ) каналовamplifier усилительto off-load сбыть (залежалый товар)stock control контроль запасов ( систематическая проверка

объемов запасов с целью выявления тех товаров, материалов и т. п., запасы которых необходимо пополнить, и тех товаров, материалов и т. п., по которым произошло затоваривание )

quirky retailer необычный продавецworth while стоящий затраченного времени или трудаlate space долго не занятое рекламное место в СМИalternative magazines нетрадиционные журналыPrivate eye "Прайвит ай" (выходящий раз в две недели

сатирический журнал; публикует материлы об английских политических деятелях, бизнесменах, часто сенсационного характера; тираж около 210 тыс. экз. Издается в Лондоне с 1962 г.)

Viz "Виз" ( сатирико-юмористический журнал-комикс грубого содержания; выходит 6 раз в год; тираж около 1 млн экз. Основан в 1979 г.)

to push an offer рекламировать (торговое) предложениеwalk-in warehouse товарный склад по типу «заходи – выбирай



bargain bin корзина с товарами почти даромto tout [taut] разг. навязыватьto stack ставить стопкойbanner полоса материи с лозунгомto beat (down) the price перебить цену (конкурента) путем сниженияpushy назойливый (в желании всучить товар)to plug in the equipment correctly правильно подключить оборудованиеreceipt квитанция (удостоверяющая покупку товара)free phone number номер бесплатного телефонаlolly (lollypop) леденецmince pie сладкий пирожок с начинкой из изюма,

миндаля и др. hot-cross bun горячая крестовая булочка: сдобная, с

корицей; на верхней корке крест из теста или сахарной глазури; перед едой разогревается; по традиции ее едят в Великую пятницу (Good Friday)

fragrance ароматto make a deal заключить сделкуto secure the support заручиться поддержкойto place an order разместить заказoperating costs накладные расходы(market) niche (рыночная) ниша (небольшой сегмент рынка,

который может обслуживать фирма, и который в определенной степени свободен или защищен от конкуренции)

to sort the problem out решить проблемуcustomer service competition соревнование по качеству обслуживания

покупателейhigh flier «передовик» на производстве, «отличник» в

учебеJaguar convertible «Ягуар» - кабриолет с откидным верхомto perform above and beyond the call of duty делать больше, чем требует должностная

инструкцияto do good / harm / your best / someone a favour приносить пользу / наносить вред / делать

все от тебя зависящее / оказать услугуto make an appointment / arrangements / an at-tempt / a choice / money / progress / a start

договориться о встрече / сделать приготовления / сделать попытку / сделать выбор / зарабатывать деньги / достичь успеха / начать

at the front /back нареч. спереди / сзади in front of пр. впередиlayout of the store планировка магазинаmeat counter мясной прилавокstorage and preparation area место для хранения и приготовленияaisle проход между рядамиto position размещатьhalf way down on the right на полпути дальше (по проходу) справаwhereas с. в то время какcheckout касса (на выходе магазина)cereal крупа, блюдо из крупыshelf at eye-level полка на уровне глаз


to generate sales увеличивать продажиdemonstration area демонстрационная площадкаto discontinue снимать с производства или с продажиconsumer survey опрос потребителей (метод изучения

потребителей, при котором используются анкеты с целью сбора информации о потребителях)

customer profile профиль клиента (покупателя) (описание группы потребителей или их типа на основе различных демографических, психографических (образ жизни, интересы и т. п.) и географических характеристик)

resident лицо, постоянно проживающее в данной местности

product range ассортиментcustomer attitude отношение (позиция) потребителей (к

товару, рекламе, идее и прочим элементам продвижения)

open(-ended) question открытый вопрос (на который в анкете не предлагается вариантов ответов)

closed question закрытый вопрос (вопрос в анкете, предполагающий выбор ответа из предлагаемых вариантов) (чаще «Да», «Нет»)

multiple choice question вопрос, предполагающий множественный выбор

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

shopping centers multiple retailers superstores department stores

retail chains outlets shops retailing

1 is the term that is used to describe the business of selling prod-

ucts directly to the general public or to individual consumers. Most companies in

this sector sell from 2 or stores of varying sizes which are referred to as 3

. In the UK, the retail industry is dominated by large and powerful 4 ,

which are organised nationally and sell a standardised selection of products. These 5 often specialise in a particular type of consumer product: electrical equip-

ment, food/clothing, etc. Their outlets tend to be concentrated in 6 or

malls (US) where customers have access to a large variety of stores in the same lo-



Increasingly, large retailers are operating from out of town locations with

parking facilities known as either 7 or hypermarkets depending on

whether they occupy a surface area of more or less than 30,000 square metres.

8 such as Harrods in London, are large shops which sell a wide va-

riety of products usually from a city centre location. As the name suggests, they are

organised in departments, each with its own manager.

2. Answer the questions to the text “Richer Pickings” on page 27 of


1. Why does the fact that Richer Sounds is the busiest retailer in Britain

sound somewhat shocking? 2. Which extraordinary achievements of Richer

Sounds warranted an entry in the Guinness Book of Records? 3. What is the owner

of Richer Sounds like? 4. What was his first business initiative? 5. Who dominates

the audiovisual market in GB? 6. What market niche has Richer Sounds been able

to secure for itself? 7. What is the percentage of outdated and current models in

the product range of the company? 8. Why are suppliers keen on doing business

with Richer Sounds? 9. How does the company advertise? 10. What is the layout

of the shops? 10. What are the company’s priorities? 11. How does Richer Sounds

combine business and fun?

3. Read the text about Sephora on page 28 of NIiB SB and frame ques-

tions to which the following words and phrases provide the answers.

1. Which has revolutionized the way that perfumes and fragrances are sold.

2. By small exclusive perfume stores. 3. A wide selection of top products. 4. Two

years ago. 5. To buy the company. 6. The new president. 7. All aspects of business.

8. The support of many big brands. 9. Big orders. 10. In New York.

4. Listen to the monologue “Holiday Promotions” and commentaries com-

ing after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Answer the questions.


Holiday Promotions

My boss asked me to come up with some holiday promotion ideas so that

we can make inroads into the gift-buying market. For us to stay competitive, our

company has to increase retail sales for this important sales cycle. My boss is ex-

pecting some innovative ideas from me.

Since we’re an online business and not a brick-and-mortar store, we can’t

just put signs in the window or do other types of traditional advertising. Lucky for

us, though, consumers are increasingly computer savvy and are more likely than

ever to buy online. That’s something we want to capitalize on.

Like other companies, we’re willing to slash prices to attract holiday shop-

pers. We have a large inventory and we don’t have to worry about running out of

stock. The trick is, how do we increase sales without resorting to gimmicks?

Dressing up salespeople to look like Santa Claus may work for some businesses

but not ours.

I’m just hoping that I can come up with some fresh ideas to jump-start this

sales season. I know that my boss is counting on me.

(From ESL Podcast 224.)

What market does the company want to make inroads into?

Why is it necessary to increase retail sales?

What is the difference between brick-and-mortar store and an online busi-


What does the company want to capitalize on?

How do many companies attract shoppers?

What doesn’t the company want to resort to?

Why doesn’t the idea of dressing up seem to be fitting?

5. Listen to the dialogue “Working on commission” and commentaries

coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold


print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatize it with another student in


Working on Commission

Dennis: I just got a new sales job and I’m going to be making a bundle.

Irene: What kind of job is it?

Dennis: I’ll be working strictly on commission. The more I sell, the more I

earn. It’s a great opportunity for someone with my talents in sales.

Irene: I know you’re great at sales and I’m sure you’ll do well, but you can’t

coast in a job based on commissions. You’ll have to work really, really hard.

Dennis: I’m not worried. For me, selling is second nature. I’ll barely have

to lift a finger and the profits will come rolling in.

Irene: But isn’t your paycheck going to be in flux all the time? You’ll never

know what your take-home pay will be.

Dennis: There’s no cap on how much I can earn, so the sky’s the limit.

Irene: That’s not exactly what I meant. Some weeks, it may be hard to live

on what you earn, don’t you think?

Dennis: What? Do I hear a hint of uncertainty in your voice?

Irene: No, it’s just that…

Dennis: Put your mind at ease. I could sell ice to Alaskans!

(From ESL Podcast 648.)


Key Concepts

franchise authorization or right granted to an individual or group by


a company to sell its goods or services in a particular wayfranchising a business system in which a company sells an individual

the right to operate a business using the franchisor’s estab-lished system or format

franchisor one that grants a franchisefranchisee one granted a franchisefranchise fee = front-end fee

a sum of money required at the beginning of an undertak-ing

royalty share of the profit reserved by the grantor of a franchisemanagement ser-vices fee

payment for continuing advice and assistance, which is usually calculated as a percentage of annual turnover

advertising fee a contribution made by a franchisee to cover part of fran-chisor’s annual advertising and marketing costs

operations manual written guidelines containing all the information that the franchisee needs to run his or her business

master franchisee a person supervising business in a particular area

Supplementary Vocabulary

franchise франшиза, лицензия на право производства или продажи продукции другой компании

front-end fee фронтальная плата, взимаемая с лицензируемой компании при расширении клиентской базы компании-франчайзера

royalty отчисление, процентmanagement services fee плата за административно-управленческие

услугиadvertising fee плата за рекламуoperations manual руководство по эксплуатацииfranchisee франчайзи, франшизополучатель, лицензиатmaster franchisee наблюдатель от компании-франчайзераto fail прогореть (о предприятии)to be a safe bet быть надежным вложением капиталаto follow the rules следовать правиламreport on sales отчет о продажахto recruit and manage personnel нанимать персонал и управлять имto watch the fees coming in наблюдать за поступлением платежейto do performance reviews производить регулярную оценку результатов

деятельности, аттестацию (метод повышения эффективности работы персонала, заключающийся в рассмотрении показателей выполнения рабочих заданий с целью оценки производительности труда, установления обратной связи, поощрения сотрудников)

time management управление временем, управлением расписанием (подраздел менеджмента, изучающий методы, которые позволяют


руководителю эффективно расходовать собственное рабочее время)

prioritizing уделение первостепенного внимания (каким-либо задачам)

networking установление (деловых) контактов, налаживание связей

to do monthly account делать ежемесячный расчетto do balance sheet делать бухгалтерский отчет‘golden arches’ trademark торговая марка «Макдоналдс» - желтая

неоновая буква «М» с закругленными верхними уголками, по форме напоминающая две соединенные арки; иногда заменяет название компании

to take up the fast food challenge взять на себя решение сложной задачи быстрого питания

to go off (about alarm) срабатывать (о будильнике)to make a mental list создать в уме списокto master computerized accounts овладеть компьютерным ведением

бухгалтерииto expand the seating расширить число посадочных местto conform to standards соответствовать стандартамvalue (for money) standard стандарт относительно невысокой цены за

товар высокого качестваpreferred suppliers рекомендуемые поставщикиmaintenance текущий ремонтrefurbishment реконструкцияto be considered for a franchise рассматриваться как кандидатура на

франшизуto pay off окупатьсяthe place boasts the first Drive-Thru зд. место знаменито первым рестораном на

колесахinvoice счет-фактура (счет на отправленный товар с

указанием краткой спецификации, цены, расходов и других подробностей контракта)

to run a training course проводить курс обученияbookings for parties заказы на групповые посещенияMystery Diner Посетитель Инкогнито, неизвестный

контроллер, проверяющий уровень сервиса и качество блюд

to commend by name хвалить с указанием именto tackle the problem / the difficult piece of work с усердием приниматься за решение

проблемы / за трудную часть работыto have an ongoing dialogue with иметь постоянный диалог сfield consultant региональный представительto update records обновлять учетно-отчетные материалы tax office query запрос в налоговую инспекциюpay-roll платежная ведомостьstaff turnover текучесть рабочей силыcasual worker временный рабочий [работник]lunchtime rush обеденная гонкаto be short staffed испытывать нехватку персоналаto muck in Брит.; разделять с кем-либо (например,


работу )small business малое предприятиеbehind the scenes admin work негласная административная работаunder construction строящийсяbomb site место, где разорвалась бомбаmasses of paperwork кучи бумагin priority order по степени важности, первоочередностиto head off to school оправиться в школуto collect from school забрать из школыto do figures подсчитывать цифрыto work into the early hours работать до 1-2 часов ночи (далеко за

полночь)have something on the go разг. быть постоянно чем-то занятымto snore храпетьto laser away убрать с помощью лазераcraving for страстное желание чего-либоpremonition предчувствиеtimetable график, расписаниеon / behind / ahead of schedule по расписанию / с отставанием / с

опережениемto meet / miss a deadline уложиться / не уложиться в срокassessment оценкаworking capital / operating capital оборотный капитал(federal) tax return (федеральная) налоговая декларацияfixtures and fittings крепеж и оснасткаtrademark торговая маркаcall charge плата за телефонный вызов free of charge бесплатноshop fitting обустройство магазинаallowance for … фонд денежных средств на покрытие

расходов…gross profit margin фин. учет. маржа (рентабельность) валовой

прибыли, коэффициент валовой прибыли (выраженное в процентах отношение валовой прибыли к выручке от продаж), коэффициент прибыли до обложения налогом

induction training ознакомительное обучениеretail software package пакет программ по розничной торговлеsubsistence expenses расходы на содержаниеreclaimable подлежащий возвратуreward вознаграждение, премияbagel рогалик, бубликmuffin кексdonut пончик, жареный пирожокway back in 1950 давным давно, еще в 1950 г.beverages напиткиshake коктейль (чаще молочный)speciality sandwich chain узко ассортиментная сеть магазинов,

продающих сэндвичиvision мировоззренческая концепция, видениеdedication преданность


staffing кадровое обеспечениеlet’s face it разг. давайте посмотрим правде в глазаto maintain business поддерживать бизнес (на плаву)savings зд. экономияfull training and ongoing support полное обучение и постоянная поддержкаstartup cash начальный наличный капиталongoing fees регулярные комиссионные (франчайзеру)Сс (carbon copy) копия (индивидуальный получатель видит

адреса других получателей данного сообщения)

Bcc (blind carbon copy) слепая копия (индивидуальный получатель не видит адресов других получателей)

to forward (a file) переслать (файл)to include (a file) вложить (файл)recipient получатель

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

franchisor management services fee franchise agreement

advertising fee franchisee operations manual

master franchisee franchise fee format

Franchising can be defined as a business system in which a company (or 1 ) sells an individual (or 2 ) the right to operate a business using the

franchisor's established system or 3 . The franchisee is thus able to take ad-

vantage of the franchisor's brand names, reputation and experience.

As part of the contract (or 4 ) the franchisee pays an initial sum of

money, known as a 5 to the franchisor and, in addition, agrees to pay a 6 in exchange for continuing advice and assistance which is usually calcu-

lated as a percentage of annual turnover. In certain cases the franchisee may also

pay an 7 to contribute to the franchisor's annual advertising and mar-

keting costs. It is important to understand that the franchisee also has to find the

necessary capital to open the business.

Once the contract has been agreed, the franchisor provides an 8 which

is a document containing all the information that the franchisee requires in order to

manage his or her business. In some cases a franchisor may appoint a 9 to

supervise all aspects of the development of the business inside a territory.


2. Answer the questions to the text “One day in my life” on page 36 of


1. When does Vanessa Stein plan her schedule for the day? 2. Why does she

train one of her floor managers to deal with computerized accounts? 3. What stan-

dards does she have to comply with while expanding her business? 4. How does

Vanessa estimate the correctness of the decision to buy a franchise business?

5. Who pays for the training courses for the staff? 6. What is the function of mys-

tery diners? 7. What is the purpose of a field consultant’s visits? 8. What are the

routines of the administrative work? 9. Why does one have to be flexible in a small

business? 10. How does Vanessa organize masses of paperwork on her table?

11. What family duties complement her business responsibilities? 12. Which books

does she prefer? 13. What has hampered her sleep for a long time? 14. Which crav-

ings from her pregnancy period does she associate with her present day business?

3. Read the text below and put questions to the underlined words and


McDonalds Logo

A proper and authentic trademark is a guarantee of consistency and quality.

It assures the customers that all the products bearing a specific trade-

mark are of the same quality everywhere in the world. So when Mc-

Donalds expanded its business worldwide, it needed and employed a logo that en-

sured their continued value in the restaurant business. The McDonalds logo has be-

come a symbol of international business expansion and has been termed as ‘part of

Americanization and American cultural imperialism' as it is closely identified with

US. The famous Golden Arches in McDonalds logo represent style, significance

and a strong corporate identity. It was created by Jim Schindler in 1962 and the

idea was first introduced by Dick and Mac McDonald as arch shaped signs on the

sides of their then ‘walk-up hamburger stand’. From an angle, those arches looked


like the letter “M” and thus, were incorporated in the McDonalds logo as a merger

of the two golden arches together.

4. Listen to the dialogue “Starting a Franchise business” and com-

mentaries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expres-

sions in bold print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatize it with another

student in class.

Starting a Franchise Business

Magdalena: Thanks for meeting with me today. I’ve read through the mate-

rials your company sent me, but I still have some questions about opening a fran-


Phil: That’s what I’m here for. What questions can I answer for you?

Magdalena: Well, I’m familiar with the franchise fee, but are there recur-

ring fees not listed in these materials?

Phil: That’s a good question. In addition to the annual franchise fee and the

monthly royalties, we also charge a training fee and an advertising fee. Here’s a

list of these and other fees.

Magdalena: Oh, that’s very useful, thanks. I was also wondering what kinds

of quality controls the franchises are subject to.

Phil: As you know, when you start a franchise, you are buying into a proven

formula for success. We offer a turnkey operation and you will be trained on how

to run your business, down to the smallest details. To maintain these standards, we

conduct spot checks of all of our franchises from time to time and we audit the

books of each franchise once a year to make sure that our standards are being

met. Only in very rare occasions do franchises lose their franchise rights because

they’ve failed to meet our standards.

Magdalena: What if I have problems along the way? What kind of support

does the corporate office provide?


Phil: We give our franchises as much support as possible. After all, it’s in

our own best interest that you succeed. We provide troubleshooting and training

for your management and employees.

Magdalena: I think those are all of the questions I have right now. I really

appreciate your time. If I have other questions in the future, can I contact you?

Phil: Certainly. Here’s my card. I’d be happy to answer any questions you

may have. Just give me a ring.

Magdalena: Thanks, I’ll do that.

(From ESL Podcast 356.)

5. Listen to the dialogue “Using an Online Email Program” and com-

mentaries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expres-

sions in bold print. Answer the questions.

Using an Online Email Program

Luigi: What do you think of this new email program?

Selma: I don’t know yet. I just started using it. The interface is pretty intu-

itive, but I haven’t figured out how to sort my inbox by date.

Luigi: That’s easy. Let me show you. All you have to do is hit one of these

buttons and it’ll sort automatically.

Selma: Oh, I see. Let me try to compose a message. I’ll cc: myself and I’ll

bcc: you to make sure it goes through. It looks like if I don’t want to send it right

away, I can save the message as a draft. If I do send it, does it save a copy?

Luigi: Yes, it should. Refresh the page and it should show up in “sent


Selma: Oh, yeah, there it is. Let’s see, I can also archive messages or mark

them as junk or send them straight to trash. How do I add contacts?

Luigi: You can put contacts into your address book by dragging an email

address into your “contacts” folder, like this.

Selma: Okay, one more thing: I want to set up spam filters and some other

filters to block unwanted emails.


Luigi: You can do that in this window, see? Whose emails are you blocking?

Selma: Yours, if you don’t stop forwarding all of those stupid jokes every


Luigi: And deprive you of the fun? Never!

(From ESL Podcast 532.)

Which boxes will there normally be in an email program?

How can one sort an inbox if not by date?

What do we need a draft box for?

What information can be stored in an address book?

Which addresses do people usually try to block?

What information can be forwarded for fun?

6. Find a franchise company to your liking at http://www.franchisegenius.com/

and describe it to the following plan.

1. Franchise company name.

2. Overview.

3. Product and services.

4. Training and support.

5. Why this and no other company.

6. Why are you a perfect fit for this company.


Key Concepts

national culture the customs, civilization, and achievements of particular people at a given time (e.g. ancient Chinese culture)

hierarchy a system in which people are ranked one above the other according to the grades of status or authority

manager a person controlling or administering a business and re-sponsible for leading people directly under him/her

subordinate (n) one that is submissive to or controlled by authorityauthority the power or right to enforce obedience, to take decisions

and give orders


to delegate author-ity

to entrust (a task) to a lower ranking employee in the same company enabling him/her to make individual decisions without asking their manager

initiative the power or right to begin something, the power of an em-ployee to make decisions without asking the manager

etiquette polite behaviour

Supplementary Vocabulary

to vary изменятьсяto approach the job подходить к работе, организовывать

деятельностьsubordinate подчиненныйto delegate authority наделять полномочиямиstrong sense of authority большое уважение к властиloyal to the company верный компанииto obey подчинятьсяto take an interest in work проявлять заинтересованность к работеlow-level низко-уровневыйdecision-making процесс принятия решения (состоит из

нескольких этапов: формулирование проблемы, поиск альтернатив, анализ альтернатив, поиск решающего правила и непосредственный выбор решения)

to communicate informally общаться неформальноto measure individual performance оценивать индивидуальное качество работыaggressive attitude to work решительное и активное отношение к работеto accept innovation and change принимать нововведения и измененияto gain experience приобрести опытself-starter амбициозный внутренне мотивированный

бизнесменtechnical degrees степени кандидата или доктора технических

наукbusiness qualifications дипломы и сертификаты по отраслям

бизнеса, признанные в мире (например, MBA – «Мастер делового администрирования»)

to work long hours работать на условиях удлиненного рабочего времени (более 48 часов в неделю)

market techniques рыночные методыcase study учебный пример, разбор конкретного случаяto take into account принимать в расчетto cause misunderstanding вызвать непониманиеState Department Государственный департамент

(Министерство иностранных дел США )Riyadh Эр-Рияд (столица Саудовской Аравии)nursing home дом для престарелыхto be derailed зд. потерпеть крах (“сойти с рельсов”)boardroom зал заседаний совета директоровto give an estimate of … оценивать что-либо


china фарфоровая посудаsilverware столовое сереброannual earnings годовой доходculture clash конфликт культурthe dos and don’ts то, что следует и не следует делатьto spit плеватьCentre for International Briefing Центр инструктажа для международных

культурных связей wary traveler осторожный путешественникpitfall западня, перен. возможная ошибка, просчетcovert operation секретная операцияaspiring secret agent честолюбивый секретный агентencounter (n) встречаbehind the scenes за сценой, скрыто от глазscheduled appointment назначенная встречаterm of address форма обращенияpotential hazard потенциальная опасностьshort firm handshake короткое твердое рукопожатиеloose grip слабое пожатиеsoles of the feet ступни ногto cross one’s legs сидеть нога на ногуto sack smb уволить кого-либоto empower smb наделить кого-либо полномочиямиthe most senior person старший по должности, наиболее

влиятельныйIrish Industrial Development Authority ирландские структуры по надзору за

промышленным развитиемto talk oneself into trouble договориться до бедыvirtually non-existent практически несуществующийto tiptoe ходить на цыпочках, тихо и осторожноminefield минное поле, скрытая опасностьto familiarise oneself with … близко познакомиться сthe basics основыto go a bomb (GB) (Бр.) быть успешным (о бизнесе) to bomb (US) провалитьсяto infer заключать, делать выводexuberant брызжущий энергией и оптимизмомto equate приравнятьintegral part составная частьcompany logo логотип компании, стилизованная

сокращенная форма ее названияilliberal непросвещенный, нетерпимый к (чужому

мнению)irrelevant не имеющий отношение к делуblock capitals заглавные буквы без связующих элементовto leave behind casual attitude to … забыть небрежное отношение к …to beware of остерегатьсяcross-cultural относящийся к разным культурам,

межкультурныйto have easy access иметь легкий доступto log on to a server remotely подключиться к серверу удаленноto negotiate prices обсуждать цены


memo (<memorandum) служебная запискаa.s.a.p. (as soon as possible) как можно скорееto put emphasis on the group придавать особое значение группеhuman interpersonal relations межличностные отношенияgeneralist универсал (о человеке, владеющем всеми или

многими специальностями в своей профессии; в отличие от узкого специалиста)

facilitator упр. посредник (облегчающий выполнение проекта, косвенно стимулирующий и направляющий процесс, но не навязывающий своих решений)

homogenous однородныйto get along with each other уживаться друг с другомto sacrifice smth for the sake of smth жертвовать чем-либо ради чего-либоto achieve consensus of the group достичь согласия, единодушия группыseniority order шкала надбавок по выслуге летto climb the company ladder подниматься по служебной лестницеto rotate чередовать места работы внутри компанииto take over smb else’s role взять на себя чьи-либо функцииto respect the agenda соблюдать повестку‘man in Riyadh’ официальный (американский) представитель

в Саудовской Аравииmurky business environment непонятные (темные) условия бизнеса to set up shop открывать делоto reap the rewards получить прибыльeight commandments восемь заповедейauthoritative, but not authoritarian авторитетный, но не деспотичныйcompelling vision убедительная дальновидностьhands-off management style пассивный стиль управления

(характеризуется бессистемностью в применении методов и механизмов управления, отсутствием четких планов, отсутствием системы контроля и т. п.)

to be mistaken for … ошибочно приниматься за …to play up these qualities делать акцент на этих качествахempowered organization организация на доверииtough трудныйto stand firm on major goals настаивать на главных целяхto set and stick with long-term goals ставить и придерживаться долгосрочных

целейcheckpoint контрольная точкаto spot delays отследить задержки (поставок)omnipresent вездесущийto outsource передать другим компаниямto pre-empt corruption предотвращать коррупциюto pass on deals оставлять кому-либо другому сделкиarbitrary power дискреционные полномочияbribery подкупlocal welfare program программа местной благотворительности


1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrase

from the box.

subordinates hierarchy delegate national culture authority

The amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the

position that he or she occupies in its 1 . Managers, for example, are re-

sponsible for leading the people directly under them, who are called 2 .To do

this successfully, they must use their 3 , which is the right to take decisions

and give orders that will allow their subordinates to reach certain objectives. Man-

agers often 4 authority. This means that employees, at lower levels of the

company hierarchy can participate in decision-making. The characteristics of man-

agement often vary according to 5 , which can determine how managers

are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobs.

2. Answer the questions to the text “Learning to cope with corporate

culture clashes” on page 46 of NIiB SB.

1. Why are the dos and don’ts of travelling abroad a potential minefield for

the unprepared traveller? 2. What is the main objective of the Centre for Interna-

tional Briefing? 3. Which two broad fields does the training program cover?

4. How does the decision-making go in most Asian countries? 5. What is the dif-

ference in handshake style between Europe and Middle East? 6. Which gestures

and body postures may be regarded as disrespectful or offensive in Islamic coun-

tries? 7. In what country is unconventional initiative punishable? 8. How does

talkativeness characterize a person at a business meeting in Japan? 9. Where is the

notion of personal space nonexistent? 10. What peculiar national feature distin-

guishes people living in smaller countries from their counterparts in big and pow-

erful neighbour states? 11. When can the knowledge of English for Business be

misleading? 12. What trait of British national character is regarded in America as

lack of enthusiasm?


3. Read the text “Gift giving in the international business context” on

page 48 of NIiB SB and frame questions to which the following words and

phrases provide the answers.

1. In Great Britain and in the United States. 2. When doing business abroad.

3. To learn about the etiquette. 4. Bad luck or death. 5. That the content was more

important than the act of giving. 6. Waiting for the person to open your gift. 7. As

they find items like this impersonal and in bad taste. 8. Giving knives. 9. White

lilies. 10. Yellow and white chrysanthemums.

4. Read the following descriptions of problems managers had when do-

ing business abroad. Make guesses about what might have caused the misun-

derstanding in each case. Present your interpretation of the problem to see if

the rest of the class agrees with it. In case of default look for possible answers

at: http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/country-profiles.html.


Mr Byrd was an ex-State Department employee hired by a well-known multina-

tional corporation to be its 'man in Riyadh', Saudi Arabia. This retired American

diplomat went to the home of a Saudi, Mr Fouad, to try to interest him in partici-

pating in a local joint venture with his company. A middle man who knew them

both had introduced them. As this was a first meeting, the men’s conversation be-

gan with small talk that made Mr Byrd a little impatient.

Questions such as: 'how are you doing?' 'how was your flight?' 'how is your fam-

ily?' and 'how is your father?' were common. Mr Byrd, familiar with all these

obligatory formalities of greeting answered fine'. 'Oh, my father, yes, well he is

fine, but he is getting a little deaf. I saw him a few months ago during Christmas

when we took him out of the nursing home for a few days.' From that point every-

thing froze up. Mr Byrd's mission was completely derailed. Mr Fouad remained

gracious enough but obviously was uninterested in doing any business with Mr




Jim Turner was attending a conference in Lyons. This was not his first trip to

France and he was pleased the French colleagues he'd met previously remembered

him. One evening they invited him along for dinner and began joking about the

quality of the food. That surprised him. He thought the food was really rather good

and said so, expecting the discussion to continue. But to his great discomfort, they

then make some joke about 'Americans and food' and changed the subject. He felt

somewhat excluded and didn't know what he'd done wrong.


This incident was reported by a British management consultant based in Paris:

‘I had taken the American CEO of a New York based consulting company to a

French consulting firm in Paris. The negotiations did not go well. He hadn't been in

the boardroom for more than 15 minutes before he asked them what their com-

pany's annual earnings were. Without waiting for an answer to that question, he

suggested they give him an estimate of their firm's market value, as he was inter-

ested in making them an offer.’


A businesswoman recently asked why a high-level delegation of visiting Japanese

clients had not approached the breakfast buffet table she had taken such great pains

to prepare. 'I'd gotten out the good china and silverware and even brought in Japa-

nese green tea for them, but no one touched a thing!’

5. Read the article “How to do business in Russia” and fill in the num-

bered gaps (1-8) with the appropriate paragraph headings (a-h) from the list


a. Learn to live and manage in a crisis.

b. Stand firm on major goals and be flexible on details.


c. Build a strong organizational culture with visible foreign elements.

d. Cultivate relationships with government agencies at all levels.

e. Respect local rules, but play your own game.

f. Work to create an empowered organization, step-by-step.

g. Practice authoritative, not authoritarian, leadership.

h. Recognize that corruption is omnipresent in Russia and must be managed.

How To Do Business in Russia

By Carl Fey and Stanislav Shekshnia

Russia has much to attract foreign investors — a fast rate of growth in gross

domestic product, a large population and a substantial expansion in purchasing

power. But its unique and sometimes murky business environment has left Russia

with a reputation as being a difficult place to set up shop.

How can international companies overcome the difficulties and reap the re-

wards of doing business in Russia?

Based on interviews with executives from 36 foreign companies operating in

Russia, as well as our own business experience there, here are eight command-

ments aimed at helping Western companies prosper.


Russians value strong, highly involved leaders who gain authority and trust

through competence. Effective leaders in Russia communicate a compelling vision,

deliver superior results and share responsibility and success with followers. A

hands-off management style, on the other hand, is often mistaken for weakness.

2: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Russians are drawn to work cultures where employees are respected, made

to feel part of a team and encouraged to achieve their full potential because these

weren’t traditional elements of Russian national work practices. Western compa-

nies should preserve and play up these qualities, even as their top management be-


comes more Russian. A strong organizational culture also helps guide employees’


3: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Convincing Russian employees to make decisions and show initiative is dif-

ficult because they weren’t encouraged to do so in the past. Creating an empow-

ered organization should be a gradual process that begins with a promise not to

punish employees for making honest mistakes.

4: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Don’t try to copy the business models of Russian partners or competitors be-

cause it is tough to beat them at their own game. The foreign companies that most

often flourish in Russia are those that apply, with some local adaptations, the busi-

ness models that have led to success elsewhere.

5: ………………………………………………………………………………...

In Russia’s changeable environment, some say planning is impossible. We

say it is a necessity. Setting and sticking with long-term goals, while being flexible

about the way those goals are pursued, helps guide employees through the sea of


6: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Russia is very predictable — something unexpected is sure to happen every

day. Companies must be prepared not only to put out fires but to spot the opportu-

nities that grow out of them. Firms can work to reduce surprises by implementing

early-warning systems — such as additional checkpoints on long-range projects to

spot delays at early stages.

7: …………………………………………………………………………..

Managing corruption is a necessity in Russia. To deal with it, companies can

try several options. They can outsource to other companies activities that are prone

to corruption. They can pre-empt corruption by proposing a deal that doesn’t vio-

late the company’s ethical standards. One firm we know of offered complimentary

products to officials in return for daily reports on the products’ performance, test-

ing from which the company benefited. Companies also can wait to enter the busi-


ness at a later stage, or they can pass on deals in which corruption can’t be

avoided. Russians will test a company’s corruption strategy, so standing firm is


8: ……………………………………………………………………...

Getting to know people is important in Russia, where politicians and govern-

ment agencies continue to have arbitrary power over business. Often attention, and

not bribery, is what is most important. A company’s top executives should make

regular visits to government officials, invite bureaucrats to visit and get involved in

local welfare or training programs.

(Adapted from http://sloanreview.mit.edu/business-insight/articles/2007/5/4954/how-


6. Listen to the dialogue “Sending Business Packages” and commen-

taries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in

bold print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

Sending Business Packages

Maria: I need this package to arrive in Tulsa by next Wednesday.

Sam: Sure, I’ll send it UPS or FedEx using their ground service. It’ll be

cheaper than sending it using their overnight service and we can still track it. Is it

going to a business?

Maria: Yes, it is.

Sam: Okay, I’ll mark that it’s going to a commercial address.

Maria: That’s fine. I’ll also need these contracts to get to Tokyo by Friday.

Send it to the home of the president of the company.

Sam: I’ll send it DHL and use the residential delivery service. This seems

like a large package for just contracts.

Maria: I’m also including a gift for the president’s wife.


Sam: If it’s breakable, I’ll pack it really well and then get it insured.

What’s the declared value?

Maria: It’s about $700. Oh, and I want this box to go to Olten, Switzerland,

but just send it regular mail through the post office. Make sure I get delivery con-

firmation, though.

Sam: No problem. I’ll just need to fill out a customs declaration form.

What are the contents?

Maria: They’re books.

Sam: Okay, I’ll take care of it.

Maria: Thanks. What would I do without you?

Sam: The real question is, what would the mail services do without you?

(From ESL Podcast 456.)

7. Listen to the monologue “Different Work Styles” and commentaries

coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Answer the questions.

Different Work Styles

Before I started my new job, I didn’t know that I would be working so

closely with another employee of the company. I was used to a lot of autonomy in

my last job, and I have always been self-directed. I didn’t need close supervision

and the boss never had to worry about me slacking off. To tell the truth, I was a lit-

tle apprehensive about working in a team after having had so much independence.

To my surprise, though, I liked the collaborative environment and I think I actu-

ally do better work because of it.

Of the two of us, Delilah is the creative one. While I’m a little adverse to

risk, Delilah is always challenging the status quo. She often has good ideas, and

because I’m pretty resourceful, we often find a way to put those ideas to work.

Delilah has great follow-through, too, and I never need to worry that things will

fall through the cracks.


I think the key to our success in working together is that neither one of us

tries to exercise authority over the other. We respect each other’s abilities and we

know when to take charge and when to back off. If you had told me a year ago

that I would be working in a team environment and enjoying it, I would have told

you that you were crazy. But I guess the old saying isn’t true: You can teach an

old dog new tricks.

(From ESL Podcast 312.)

What are the advantages of working independently?

Why are some people apprehensive about their new job?

Does independence imply responsibility?

How can differences in character of colleagues help with their business?

What is essential to successful working together?

Why isn’t an old saying true?

8. Do the cultural awareness quiz on Canada. Check for answers on

http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/quiz/canada/ .

1. In Canada business appointments are usually made in the:

o morning;

o afternoon;

o evening.

2. Which two languages are most widely spoken in Canada:

o English and American;

o English and Canadian;

o English and French?

3. Business associates in Canada should in the first instance be address by:

o their first name only;

o their title and first name;


o their title and surname.

4. Direct eye-contact shows:

o sincerity;

o fear;

o distrust.

5. When doing business in Quebec it is a requirement by law that it be con-

ducted in which language:

o English;

o Canadian;

o French?

6. People from Canada consider themselves to really be Americans and pre-

fer this to being called Canadians:

o true;

o false.

7. Canadians typically find it difficult to say “no”:

o true;

o false.

8. Which of the following may be construed as a sign of weakness in


o a weak handshake;

o making direct eye contact;

o wearing gloves.


9. Business gifts should:

o be modest;

o be extravagant;

o not be given.

10. During business negotiations Canadians often talk about their families

and personal life:

o true;

o false.

U n i t 6 . BANKING

Key Concepts

the bank of England

the central state bank of issue in Great Britain, founded in 1694 in London, nationalized in 1946, that looks after gov-ernment’s finance and monetary policy and acts as banker to other banks

commercial bank a bank rendering services of everyday financial transac-tions (such as accepting deposits, making loans and man-aging customers’ accounts) to the general public and many businesses

clearing bank a bankers' establishment where cheques and bills from member banks are exchanged, so that only the balances need be paid in cash

merchant bank a bank specializing in services to companies or corporate customers, active in arranging mergers and acquisitions and in advising on aspects of corporate finance

bank of issue a bank authorized to print money and officially put it into circulation in form of banknotes or coins

deposit (n) money given to the bank for safekeepingloan money lent at interest


interest money paid for the use of money lent, or for not requiring the repayment of a debt

account an arrangement at a bank for commercial or financial transactions, esp. for depositing and withdrawing money, usually in form of a computer record

balance what remains in the account when part of the amount has been spent

Supplementary Vocabulary

merchant bank торговый банкbank of issue эмиссионный банкloan ссудаinterest процент, процентный доход (доход,

получаемый с вложенного капитала и измеряемый как доля от его величины)

account счет в банкеbalance остаток на счетеmerger слияние (объединение двух или более

компаний в одну без изменения юридического лица приобретающей компании путем покупки большей части акционерного капитала приобретаемой компании, акционеры которой после объединения сохраняют свои права на акции в реструктурированной компании)

acquisition приобретение (контрольного пакета акций компании)

current account текущий счетsavings account сберегательный счетmortgage ипотечный кредит, закладнаяonline banking банковские услуги по Интернетуto borrow money брать деньги взаймыto withdraw money снимать деньги (со счета)branch зд. отделение банкаlocal community местное население, местная община с

органами самоуправления, земствоto undertake cash transactions проводить операции с наличностьюinvestment products инвестиционные продукты (акции,

облигации)back office processing обработка в операционном отделеin central site в головном офисеbarrister барристер, адвокат с правом представлять

дело в судеsolicitor адвокат, готовящий дела для барристераbank statement выписка с банковского счета (информация о

платежах и поступлениях, сальдо и др., предоставляемая банком клиенту)


bill (US check) счет на оплатуto write out (to draw) a cheque выписать (банковский) чек (денежный

документ установленной формы, содержащий безусловный приказ чекодателя кредитному учреждению о выплате держателю чека указанной в нем суммы)

cash machine / cashpoint / ATM (US Automatic Teller Machine)

банкомат, аппарат для обналичивания сумм, снимаемых со счетов

traveller’s checks дорожные чеки, покупаемые для обмена на валюту страны, куда вы отправляетесь с целью туризма

debit card дебетовая (платежная) карточка (дает возможность совершать безналичные покупки товаров и услуг путем списания соответствующих сумм с банковского счета владельца карточки (запись по дебету счета); сумма платежей ограничена имеющимися на счете средствами; такая карточка не подразумевает кредитование клиента банком)

to debit a sum from an account списать сумму со счета bank note банкнота, денежный знакbusiness insurance страхование бизнесаtelephone banking банковские услуги по телефонуreference референция (справка о благонадежности или

кредитоспособности лица, данная какой-либо торговой фирмой для сведения другой)

overdraft превышение кредита (в банке)leasing аренда, лизинг (временное пользование

имуществом на договорных началах за соответствующую плату)

to picture the scene представить себе сцену (из жизни)shuttle челнок, регулярный железнодорожный

составcrucial meeting решающая встречаto present a cheque предъявить чек к оплате банку плательщикаto boot up a laptop загрузить ноутбукto download скачать (с сервера)at one’s fingertips под руками (букв. на кончиках пальцев)to give an overall view дать общую картинуnet чистая прибыль, нетто (прибыль после

налогообложения и прочих вычетов)to fit in to banking hours приспосабливаться к часам работы банкаto access comprehensive information получить доступ к полной информацииBACS (Bankers Automated Clearing Services) payments

платежи через автоматический межбанковский клиринговый сервис

CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payment System)

система платежей через автоматизированную расчетную палату для крупных сделок

to transfer money переводить деньги (со счета на счет)standing order постоянное поручение (распоряжение,

выданное клиентом банку, выплачивать в указ. день опред. сумму денег конкретному


получателю платежа)direct debit прямой дебет (фирма либо магазин зачисляет

определенную сумму в дебет счета клиента или покупателя в банке; производится через регулярный промежуток времени, раз в месяц, раз в год)

surplus funds добавочный фонд (формируемый за счет денежного потока по проекту, оставшегося в распоряжении после уплаты налогов)

routine transactions обычные сделкиfurther built-in features дополнительные встроенные функции

(программного обеспечения)off-line processing обработка данных при отключенном

Интернетеfeatures maintained in your PC функции, поддерживаемые вашим ПКto restrict access to designated users ограничить доступ кругом обозначенных

пользователейto carry out transactions проводить сделкиto dovetail with … соответствовать, подходить account reporting and payment processing facilities

средства обработки отчетности по счетам и платежам (движения денежных средств)

smooth transfer of account information легкий перевод информации по счетам (из одного формата в другой)

template function функция шаблона (готовой формы документа)

to re-key data повторно набирать данные (с клавиатуры ПК)

database of beneficiaries база данных доходополучателейto send funds for same-day credit посылать деньги в день открытия кредитного

счетаsubject to a cut-off time of 3 pm при условии завершения перевода до 15.00

(т.е. на час раньше завершения операционного времени работы банка)

debit расходbalance остаток на счетеbank statement выписка с банковского счетаVAT (Value Added Tax) НДС (налог на добавленную стоимость)IOU (I Owe You) долговое обязательствоAOB (Any Other Business) прочееi.e. (id est Lat.) то естьMD (Managing Director) управляющийPAYE (pay as you earn) выплачивать (кредит) в день зарплатыLtd (Limited) с ограниченной ответственностьюAGM (annual general meeting) ежегодное общее собрание (акционеров)CEO (Chief Executive Officer) главный исполнительный директорp.a. (Lat. per annum) за годSFr (Swiss frank) швейцарский франкplc (public limited company) публичная компания с ограниченной

ответственностьюasap (as soon as possible) как можно скорееGMT (Greenwich Mean Time) гринвичское времяe.g. (exempli gratia Lat.) например


N/A (Not Applicable or Not Available) недоступно, не имеется в наличииa.m. (ante meridiem Lat.) до полудняto take all the credit for the work приписывать себе честь выполнения работыto negotiate a contract вести переговоры о контрактеcounterpart противоположная сторона (в обсуждении)bribe взяткаconfirmation подтверждениеtotal score общий счет, общее количество балловto be aware осознаватьto have the makings of a negotiator иметь задатки переговорщикаwin-win negotiation переговоры, в результате которых

выигрывают обе стороныpedigree родословнаяto get off to a good (flying) start очень хорошо начатьto get the format right выбрать правильный формат (отношений с

потенциальными покупателями)target audience целевая аудиторияlate payment оплата с опозданиемcredit card fraud мошенничество с кредитными картамиprojection based on actual performance прогноз, основанный на реальных

показателяхto make a firm commitment давать твердое обязательствоto have relevant information иметь необходимую по делу информациюto impose conditions выдвигать условияcapacity to manage способность управлятьto have enough collateral иметь достаточное финансовое обеспечение

(залог)to be designed to appeal to иметь целью привлечь кого-либоissue выпуск (журнала)gross margin валовая прибыльleased equipment оборудование в лизингеutilities коммунальные услугиmiscellaneous разное (о расходах)logo, concept design разработка логотипа

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate word or phrases

from the box.

commercial banks the Bank of England clearing banks

merchant banks branches

The banking sector in the United Kingdom is made up of a variety of differ-

ent institutions which are supervised by the country's central bank, 1 .This

bank not only looks after both the government's finance and monetary policy but it

also acts as banker to other banks. However, for the general public and many busi-

nesses, banking services are provided by the 2 (also called the 3 )


which have offices or 4 throughout the country. These banks offer a wide

range of banking services which include accepting deposits, making loans and

managing their customers' accounts.5 on the other hand, do not deal with the public but specialise in pro-

viding services to companies or corporate customers. They are particularly active

in arranging mergers and acquisitions and in advising on aspects of corporate fi-


2. Answer the questions to the text “Picture the scene” on page 58 of


1. What information is it most difficult to get before the bank opens?

2. What facility makes it possible to get access to the private data stored on the

Bank of Scotland’s central computers? 3. What is Bankers Automated Clearing

Services used for? 4. What does Clearing House Automated Payment System initi-

ate? 5. How can you make surplus funds work hard for you? 6. How does Home

and Office Banking Service save your time? 7. How are the costs of on-line HOBS

services minimized? 8. How is the access to your personal data protected? 9. Is

corporate HOBS compatible with such packages as Sage and Pegasus? 10. What

BACS function saves you from having to re-key similar data each week?

3. Read the text about Jane Sadler on page 60 of NIiB SB and frame

questions to which the following words and phrases provide the answers.

1. Account. 2. £300 . 3. On 15th February. 4. As a debit. 5. From a cashpoint

machine. 6. Debited. 7. Her monthly salary. 8. £955.45.

4. Listen to the dialogue “Types of Bank Accounts” and commentaries

coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.


Types of Bank Accounts

Luiz: Where are you going?

Iona: I’m going to the bank to open an account.

Luiz: What kind of account: a savings account, a checking account, or a


Iona: Um, I’m not sure, but I’m sure someone at the bank can help me de-


Luiz: You’ll also need to decide if you want an interest-earning account or

not, and don’t forget to ask for free checking. Pick a bank that doesn’t have

monthly service charges.

Iona: Okay, thanks…

Luiz: And make sure you know if there’s a minimum balance required, be-

cause if the account dips below that minimum, you’ll be charged a fee.

Iona: Yes, right, I’ll be sure to do that. Well, I’d better get going…

Luiz: You probably want to open a checking and a savings account, so make

sure you link those accounts. That should give you overdraft protection, in case

you ever bounce a check.

Iona: Okay, I’ll definitely keep all of that in mind. I’d better go. Samil is

waiting for me.

Luiz: Are you thinking of opening a joint account with your boyfriend?

Iona: We’re considering it…

Luiz: Pool your money and open a CD. That way, you’ll lock in a good in-

terest rate and neither of you can touch the money until the CD matures.

Iona: We’ll think about it. Thanks.

Luiz: Oh, and…

Iona: Would you like to come with us to the bank and help us open our ac-


Luiz: Really? But I don’t want to interfere.

Iona: You, interfere? I can’t imagine you ever trying to interfere.


(From ESL Podcast 537.)

5. Listen to the monologue “Tough Negotiations” and commentaries

coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Answer the questions.

Tough Negotiations

I'm not what you would call the world's best negotiator, but sometimes it's

necessary to engage in a tough negotiation. Take, for instance, the time I had to

renew the lease on my apartment. This was back in college, when I was renting a

small studio in the Miracle Mile area of Los Angeles. When my lease was up, the

landlord and I sat down to hammer out the terms of a new lease.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do," he said. "I'm going to give you a break

on rent if you sign a two-year lease instead of just a one-year lease."

"Well," I said, "I don't know. What sort of break are we talking about


"I'll give you a 5% rent increase instead of a 10% increase in exchange for

you signing a two-year lease. It's win-win situation: you get a cut in rent, and I get

the security of a two-year lease."

At this point, I decided to make a counter-proposal . "How about this," I

said, "You give me a one year lease with a six percent increase.‚"

"No, I can't make that sort of deal," he said. "But here's what I can do, and

it's my final offer: I'll pay for your electricity for the first 6 months of the lease,

along with the other terms I mentioned before.‚"

"You drive a hard bargain okay, it's a deal," I said. I guess I could have

tried to bargain him down a bit more, but I was happy with our agreement. Now


all I had to do was sign on the dotted line.

(From ESL Podcast 41.)

When did the action take place?

Where did the man study?

Why did a landlord bargain for a longer term of the lease?

Why could a student bargain for a shorter term of the lease?

What economic situation in the country favours long term leases?

Who normally pays for the electricity?

What did the student gain as a result of negotiations and what did he loose?

6. Fill in the gaps in the text with the following words.

installments loan deposit bank (2) checking standing savings

trustworthy debit income job mortgage transactions interest

overdraft real credit automated teller machines

How banks work

A 1 is a financial institution which deals with money 2 . In

a bank, you can borrow money in the form of a bank 3 , or you can put

your money in a bank, in other words, 4 money. In both cases, you need

to open a 5 account. There are two main types of bank accounts. They

are a checking account and a savings account. You can use the 6 account

to pay your everyday bills. The 7 account is used for depositing your extra

money to a bank. The percentage that the bank pays you for using your money is

called 8 .

Once you have opened an account, the bank can issue a 9 card –

a personal plastic card with an individual number and your signature on it – with

which you can pay for goods and services. You can also use your debit card to

withdraw cash from 10 (ATMs) as well as make online purchases and


money transfers. Sometimes banks allow you to withdraw more money than what is

available in your account. This is called 11 .

If you decide to take a loan from a bank, you will have to show the bank your

good financial 12 . That is you need to prove that you have a regular 13 or some other reliable source of 14 . If the bank considers you

a 15 borrower, it will issue a 16 card which you can use to buy

things such as a car. If you decide to buy 17 estate, such as a house, you

can take a mortgage loan from a bank. 18 means that you pledge your

property to the bank as a security for the loan. If you fail to pay the 19 the

bank may confiscate your real estate in compensation for damages.

7. Solve the crossword puzzle.

1. The act of buying something.

2. To be able to buy or do something.

3. Security of a bank loan in the form

of pledged property.

4. The amount of money you should

pay over equal intervals of time.

5. To receive money after your rela-

tive dies.

6. To put money in a bank.

7. Exceeding the limit of your account.

8. The act of conducting or carrying out business, negotiations, plans etc.

9.Percentage taken off the price of a good or service.


10. An unreasonably high price.

11. A good deal.

12. Payment for using somebody’s money.

13. Bank notes and coins.

14. The money you earn or receive regularly.

15. A bank official who works with clients.

16. The money you use to make profit.

17. Record in a bank which entitles you to a certain sum of money.

18. A pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money.

19. The money which is given back to you after your return faulty goods.

20. A special machine which allows you to withdraw cash from your account.


Key Concepts

consumer society a society where people think that spending money on goods and services is very important

environment natural world around us (land, sea, air, plants, and animals)packaging a wrapping or container for goodsto recycle to convert (waste) to reusable materialwaste (n) material which has been used and is no longer wantedto pollute to make water, air, or land dirty and dangerous to live in

or to use, especially with poisonous chemicals or sewagepollution (n) the process and result of polluting air, water, landsewage waste matter such as faeces or dirty water from homes and

factories, which flows away together with rain water through sewers (pipes and channels under ground)

dump a place where rubbish is left, for example on open ground outside a town

rubbish (GB)garbage, trash (US)

unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty tins and bottles, and waste food


Supplementary Vocabulary

sewage канализационные стокиcartoon комичное изображение, карикатураozone layer озоновый слойrubbish bin (GB) мусорная корзинаoil spill разлив нефтиto sue a company возбудить иск против компании, подать в судto X-ray просвечивать рентгеномCFC (chlorofluorocarbon) фреон (компонент, использовавшийся в

аэрозолях, холодильниках, кондиционерах, разрушающий озон)

the true planetary citizens истинные граждане мираto push frontiers отодвигать границыenvironmentally-friendly products товары, произведенные по экологически

безвредной технологииto provide a refill снова наполнять (бутылки)biodegradable materials биоразложимые материалыcounterculture контркультура (родилась как социальный

протест молодежи из среднего класса против существовавшего образа жизни и политических ценностей общества в 1950-60-х годах против буржуазных излишеств, за гражданские права и свободы)

disciplined management упорядоченное управлениеsound business practice разумная практика деловых отношенийsocial good общественное благоenvironmental commitment приверженность идеям защиты окружающей

средыcommitted customer социально активный покупательfleece anorak флисовая куртка с капюшономwaterproof hiking boots непромокаемые туристические ботинкиloyal customer лояльный (верный, приверженный)

потребитель (потребитель, склонный покупать одну и ту же марку товара)

commitment to environmental restoration приверженность цели восстановления окр. среды

green marketing экологический маркетинг (маркетинг товаров с указанием на их свойства способствовать защите окружающей среды от загрязнения, сохранению ресурсов (например, заявления о товаре типа "рециклируемый", "биодеградирующийся" (т. е. способный к биологическому разложению под воздействием микроорганизмов), "без запаха" и т. д.)

to take pains предпринимать усилияto show the big picture показать общую картину в перспективеorganic выращенный только с применением

органических удобрений (без химических добавок)

merchandise товарыto expand the issue раскрывать проблему


switch to переход кlong-term sustainability долгосрочная устойчивость (земли к

истощению), постоянно поддерживаемая плодородность

$10 premium per garment наценка в $10 за предмет одеждыto address an issue обращаться к проблеме, исследоватьtaxing обременительныйin the long run в конце концовto engage customers with привлекать внимание покупателей чем-либоto demonstrate tangible progress продемонстрировать ощутимый прогрессbacklash негативная реакцияinternal assessment внутренняя оценкаto review all activities проверять все виды деятельностиto uncover opportunities обнаружить возможностиto reduce energy сократить энергозатратыto provide on-site child care предоставить услуги по присмотру за детьми

на рабочем месте (для своих работников)to dub прозвать (неофициально)to pledge money to обязаться отдать деньги наthrough April 1997 (US) вплоть до апреля 1997 г.grass roots efforts низовые усилия, усилия обычных людейcommunity awareness осознание местным населениемto raise awareness of smth предупреждать о чем-либо (просвещать,

предостерегать), повышать осведомленностьbiodiversity биологическая вариативностьresource extraction добыча полезных ископаемыхto empower smb to do smth оказывать поддержку кому-либо для каких-

то целей to sport an insulated guide jacket носить напоказ защитный жакет проводника

(туристических групп)outdoor clothing firm фирма, производящая одежду для активного

отдыха и работы на открытом воздухеavenues for activism широкие просторы для деятельностиcause благое делоto be renowned быть хорошо известнымspectacular catalog эффектный (впечатляющий) каталогdramatic photo потрясающее (напряжением эмоций) фотоnon-violent demonstration демонстрация с применением только

ненасильственных методовto pay bail уплатить залог (в суде)to pioneer practices of sustainability in business быть зачинателем экологически

ответственных методов ведения бизнесаviability жизнестойкостьexemplary образцовыйto doubt claims сомневаться в заявлениях (компаний)managerial staff управленческий персоналsustainable growth устойчивый ростalthough, even though с. хотяin spite of, despite предл. вопрекиrecession спад (в экономике)long-term economic outlook долгосрочный экономический прогнозto reach output deadline успеть выпустить продукцию к сроку


landfill мусорная свалка (закапываемая)to divert plastic bottles to recycling plants возвращать пластиковые бутылки на

перерабатывающие заводыbarrel = 42 gallons = 159 liters баррель (бочка) = 42 галлона = 159 л (нефти)synchilla (chinchilla) fleece ворсистый материал (флис), подобный меху

шиншиллыto convert превращатьto chop into flakes измельчать в хлопьяto melt and shape into fine fiber плавить и вытягивать в тонкое волокноto ship to the mill доставлять на фабрикуskincare retailer предприятие розничной торговли товарами

по уходу за кожейto use animals in testing cosmetics использовать подопытных животных при

тестировании косметических препаратовcommunity project общественный проектto be involved into environmental causes быть вовлеченным в инициативы по защите

окружающей средыto suit one’s skin подходить к типу кожи (о мыле)to go for the established name выбирать известный брендto appreciate the fact ценить фактto correspond to one’s demands соответствовать чьим-либо возможностям (о

цене)to maintain the image or to create a new imageto project an image

поддержать имиджсоздать новый имидж (компании)продемонстрировать имидж

a charity organization благотворительная организацияto be in charge of fundraising activities быть ответственным за сбор средствa hot meal delivery service служба доставки горячего питанияold and disabled people старые и немощные людиto aim at fulfilling the scheme нацелиться на выполнение плана действийto feature profiles of the companies представлять в СМИ профили компанийto make contribution вносить вкладurban areas городские районыplanting and upkeep of the trees посадка деревьев и уход за нимиto mount a plaque in front of each tree устанавливать табличку перед каждым

деревомto be available for a press conference иметь возможность участвовать в пресс-

конференцииto commission smb поручить кому-либоmarine life жизнь морских обитателейwildlife series серия передач о дикой природеsophisticated equipment сложное оборудованиеto approach a company обратиться к компанииto appeal to customers быть привлекательным для покупателейto have a logical link with иметь логическую связь сmedia coverage освещение в средствах массовой

информацииnegative publicity отрицательные отзывы в прессеto welcome an opportunity to support откликнуться на возможность поддержатьto have vans at one’s disposal иметь грузовые пикапы в своем

распоряженииactual and potential customers действительные и потенциальные



1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

consumer society environment pollution recycled packaging

It is often said that we live in a 1 ; we consider it important to buy

products and services. Companies need to be aware of the impact of this on the 2 , the natural world around us. Many companies use 3 (boxes,

bottles, etc.) which has been 4 that is made using old materials. 5 ,

such as smoke in the air, can be reduced if companies use trains instead of road


2. Answer the questions to the text “Proven environmental commitment

helps create committed customers” on page 67 of NIiB SB.

1. What can people buy from Patagonia? 2. Who are ‘Patagonics’? 3. What

do people subscribe to when purchasing products from Patagonia? 4. What is un-

derstood under “showing customers the big picture”? 5. What issues are explained

in the essays in catalogues? 6. What premium does the company lay on each gar-

ment to justify its environmental restoration efforts? 7. What is the paradox with

business environmentalism? 8. Why is the Patagonia’s catalogue likened to Na-

tional Geographic? 9. What does Patagonia discuss in paid media? 10. What does

Patagonia do to avoid consumer backlash? 11. Which portion of its revenues does

Patagonia pledge to local preservation and restoration efforts? 12. What efforts do

the most to raise community awareness of local problems? 13. How can a customer

get money for local projects from Patagonia? 14. How can one get his or her photo

featured in a catalogue?


3. Read the text about Patagonia on page 68 of NIiB SB and frame ques-

tions to which the following words and phrases provide the answers.

1. Outdoor clothing. 2. Through retail outlets and by mail order. 3. Which

are filled with unusual and dramatic photos. 4. Definitions of materials and expla-

nations of manufacturing process. 5. Jackets. 6. To its employees. 7. Even pays

bail. 8. To environmental groups. 9. Efforts. 10. To pioneer new long-term prac-


4. Listen to the dialogue “Trash and Recycling” and commentaries com-

ing after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

Trash and Recycling

Rajid: What are you doing?

Nicole: I’m putting my garbage into the garbage can. Why?

Rajid: Don’t you recycle? You’re supposed to separate out your recyclables

and put them in a separate bin.

Nicole: I know, I know, but who has the time? I don’t have that much trash


Rajid: Oh, yeah? The dump is full of food containers that aren’t

biodegradable from people who didn’t have the time.

Nicole: Come on. Don’t blow things out of proportion. It’s not like I’m go-

ing to save the environment all by myself.

Rajid: No, you’re not, but if everybody thinks the same way you do, we’re

going to use up all of our natural resources.


Nicole: When did you turn into an ecologist? I don’t see you conserving en-

ergy. You have your lights on all night. I can see them through your window.

Rajid: I use energy-efficient bulbs. Besides, I take my recyclables to the re-

cycling center, I have energy-efficient appliances, and I turn down my thermo-


Nicole: I’m just saying that you’re not doing everything you can to save the

environment. Okay, okay. Put your money where your mouth is and help me

separate out my recyclables.

Rajid: Me? You want me to help you sort through your garbage?

Nicole: Since you’re the expert, I need you to show me how.

(From ESL Podcast 393.)

5. Listen to the monologue “Garage Sales” and commentaries coming

after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold print.

Answer the questions.

Garage Sales

One of the things I like to do on the weekends is go to garage sales. I’m a

bargain hunter and collector, so garage sales are good places for me. I look in the

newspapers or just follow homemade signs to find the sales in my neighborhood.

Whether it’s because people are doing spring cleaning or getting ready to move,

there are always plenty of sales in my area.

After going to a lot of garage sales, I’ve learned a few things about getting

what I want at the price I want. Bargaining on price is par for the course at any

garage sale. If you don’t want to get ripped off, you’ll try to get the sellers to

lower their price. I’m an early bird and I usually get to the sales before other peo-

ple to get the best items. But to get the best prices, be sure to go back right before

the sale ends. Most people are desperate to sell so that they don’t have to store

those things again or to lug them to a charity office to give them away. That’s


when people are ready to slash their prices. It’s true that there is a lot of junk and

knickknacks at garage sales. But one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!

(From ESL Podcast 277.)

Who are garage sales a good place for?

How can you find sales in the neighborhood?

When are there plenty of sales in the area?

How can you get what you want at a reasonable price?

When can you get the best items at a sale?

When can you get the best prices at a sale?

What don’t most people want to do?

What are garage sales normally filled with?

7. Read the text “Tips For an Environmentally Friendly Business”. Fill

in the spaces (1-8) with missing headings from the list given below (a-h).

Tips for an Environmentally Friendly Business

By Mark Mk Jefferies

The world's environment is now facing many challenges as threats are en-

dangering its safety and security. As an effect, we and other living beings are af-

fected by a variety of global, environmental issues.

The good news is that all of us can contribute towards a great change to save

and revive our planet, and that is through being green and eco-friendly. And if you

have a business, it would be uplifting to know that you can take steps to preserve

our nature. Environmentally friendly practices can be applied to any type of busi-

ness in any industry.

Here are eight easy ways in which your business could help sustain the envi-


1. ………………………………………. Recycling is one of the most effec-

tive ways to reduce trash and prevent pollution to our environment. Such products


that you commonly use in your business such as paper, plastic, and bottles ought to

be recycled.

2. ………………………………………. You can save energy by turning off

the equipment you use in your office, such as computers and lights that are not be-

ing used. If you also have a refrigerator in the office, avoid putting unnecessary

items in it, as doing so would increase its energy consumption. Refrigerators are

among the highest energy consuming appliances ever made.

3. …………………………………………. Water is one of the resources

most frequently used by everyone and any business, most especially by those in the

hospitality business. You and your business can do its share by not letting the

faucet run. Check for leaks; doing this would not only let you lower your water bill

but also help the environment. If you can save even just a single drop everyday,

imagine how big a help that is for our water resources on a yearly basis.

4. ……………………………………………Cleaning and maintaining busi-

ness equipment and machines will ensure their continuous efficiency and effective-

ness. There should be a routine schedule for these tasks, especially checking for

any malfunctions of leaks.

5. ……………………………………………Green technology is increas-

ingly being developed and there are already available a number of "green" products

out in the market. These are usually highly energy-efficient. This means that you

get the same great quality as your former equipment, but using less energy.

6. …………………………………………….Transportation is one of the

major causes of high carbon footprints and emissions. Thus, encourage yourself,

and your employees as well, to decrease the time of driving to the office. Purchas-

ing a bike is a bright solution. Not only can they escape traffic jams with a bike;

they get to enjoy the scenery and be fit as well (saved them gym membership fees)!

If the office or establishment is within a mile, why not walk? Not only are you


helping prevent carbon emissions, you are bringing your body toward good health

as well.

7. ……………………………………………With every paper you waste

and throw, acres of trees are being cut. Save and recycle paper. Supply only the ad-

equate amount needed by your office. As much as possible do not print; send mes-

sages through electronic mail. Doing so would produce less clutter for your office


8. ……………………………………………Reduce, reuse, and recycle -

these three concepts are very helpful in proper waste management. Avoid buying

new things that you don't need, especially if you already have cheaper alternatives

available. You'll get to save on your business costs too.

There are several more tips and ways wherein your business could help the

environment. The bottom line here is that you and your employees should always

be cautious of your actions. And with every action, always ask yourselves if you

are helping or adding to the destruction of the environment.

a. Purchase green equipments.

b. Support waste management.

c. Recycle.

d. Conserve energy.

e. Ride the “green car” - bike.

f. Save trees by saving paper.

g. Use less water.

h. Clean, check, and maintain.


Key Concepts


stock marketstock exchange

a market place for buying and selling shares

sharestock (US)

a unit of capital, one of the many equal parts into which ownership of the company is divided. Shares can be bought by people as an investment

to issue to emit or sell officiallyinstitutional in-vestor

organization that buys stocks or shares, or pays money into a bank in order to receive a profit

equity money value of your property (shares) once your debts have been subtracted from it

common sharesordinary sharescommon stock (US)

shares in a company that are owned by people who have a right to vote at the company’s meetings and to receive part of the company’s profits after the holders of preferred stock have been paid

broker a person whose job is to buy and sell shares, foreign money, or goods for other people, a middleman

shareholderstockholder (US)

a person who owns shares in a company

to have a stake in to own part of a company/businessdividend a proportion of company’s annual profits paid to the share-

holders, and money paid to them when the value of their shares increases

bond a certificate which is issued by the company or the govern-ment to investors who lend money, a loan for a fixed pe-riod with fixed interest rates

securities stocks, shares, bonds, or other certificates that you buy in order to earn regular interest from them or to sell them later for a profit

to trade to buy, sell, or exchange goods or services between people, firms, or countries

Supplementary Vocabulary

to be authorized получить разрешениеlisted company котируемая компания (акции которой

зарегистрированы на фондовой бирже )to reflect a poor performance отражать плохую динамику (изменение

курса)gain, increase рост (курса)fall, decrease падение (курса)slide, slip постепенное снижение (курса)to plummet, to dip резко падатьto diversify geographically and sector wise диверсифицировать (покупаемые акции)


географически и по отраслямstock пакет акцийpreferred stock привилегированная акция, дающая владельцу

преимущественное право на прибыль и долю капитала компании в случае ее слияния или ликвидации по сравнению с обыкновенной акцией (common stock); имеет фиксированный размер дивиденда

return доходto keep up-to-date with быть в курсе делto track smth on the internet отслеживать в интернетеfinancial portfolio портфель ценных бумагCBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) (Американская) радиовещательная и

телевизионная компания "Коламбиа бродкастинг систем", Си-Би-Эс

to check on smth проверять что-либоto update information обновлять информациюto log on to подключаться кinvestment fever инвестиционная горячкаaddiction пристрастиеto be hooked on, to be addicted to иметь пристрастие кto trade осуществлять покупки и продажи на биржеstock market boom подъем биржевой активностиto surf the Web бродить по сетиto gather pace набирать шагto set a sight открывать сайтto pose a challenge бросать вызовto accelerate vast changes усилить широкие измененияsecurities business торговля ценными бумагамиto be under way идти полным ходомapparent очевидныйE-Trade Group компания по организации электронных

торговto announce анонсировать, известить об открытииjoint venture совместное предприятиеto study moves to catch up изучать возможные шаги с целью догнать

(конкурента)under competitive pressure под давлением конкуренцииto drive down profit margins снижать размеры прибылиto draw to притягивать кlucrative привлекательный, выгодныйdiscount broker "дисконтный" брокер - посредническая

фирма в области торговли ценными бумагами, которая за счет специализации, ускорения операций и больших оборотов может предоставлять клиентам скидки по комиссионным, но при этом не занимается ни консультированием, ни управлением портфелями инвестиций. Такие фирмы появились в США после отмены в 1975 г. фиксированных комиссионных ставок.

novel idea новая (оригинальная) идея


full service broker брокер полного профиля (фондовый брокер, предоставляющий клиентам полный набор услуг, включая управление денежными средствами, консультирование, исследования по инвестированию)

to amount to достигать, составлятьgoing commission действующая комиссионная ставкаEuropean securities regulators органы, регулирующие оборот акций в

Европеindividual exchange отдельная биржаlong range goal долгосрочная цельto lag behind отставать отto foster стимулироватьThey will not have it easy Им придется нелегкоto fight off competition отбиваться от конкурентовto launch a service запустить услугуreal time share trading service услуга торговли акциями в реальном времениNASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)

американская фондовая биржа, специализирующаяся на акциях высокотехнологичных компаний (производство электроники, программного обеспечения и т. д.), одна из трех основных фондовых бирж Америки наряду с NYSE и AMEX, является подразделением NASD, контролируется SEC; название происходит от автоматической системы получения котировок, положившей начало бирже

to squeeze (brokers will be squeezed by the revo-lution they have started)

экономически стеснять, вызывать финансовые трудности

major collapse of commission fees большой обвал комиссионных расценокto surface появиться, всплыть на поверхностьto think over (syn. reflect upon) a proposal обдумать предложениеto look after (syn. supervise) operations присматривать за операциямиto call off (syn. cancel) a meeting отменить встречуto buy up (syn. purchase) shares скупать акцииto go about (syn. start + V-ing) organizing a con-ference

приступать к организации конференции

to call on (syn. to visit) smb навестить, заглянуть к кому-либоto point out (syn. draw attention to ) a problem обращать внимание на проблемуto let investors down (syn. disappoint) разочаровать вкладчиковpremium savings account сберегательный депозит в премиейgross rate суммарный процент по вкладу (включая

капитализацию)hourly rates ставки почасовой оплатыFTSE 100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange) Биржевой индекс "Файненшл Таймс" 100,

Футси (публикуемый газетой "Файненшл Таймс" индекс Лондонской фондовой биржи, основанный на курсах 100 ведущих акций; дает наилучшую характеристику дневной рыночной динамики)

listed company = quoted company котируемая компания (акции которой зарегистрированы на фондовой бирже)


closing price заключительная цена акций (на данный день при закрытии Лондонской фондовой биржи)

yield доходность (выраженное в процентах отношение дохода по ценным бумагам, инвестициям к номинальной или рыночной стоимости данных ценных бумаг или инвестиций )

P/E (price per earnings) ratio отношение рыночной цены акции компании к чистой прибыли последней в расчете на одну акцию за определенный период (квартал, год)

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

securities shareholder stock market/stock exchange institutional investors

equities stake ordinary/common shares dividends

bonds issue shares broker traded

When a company needs to raise money in order to grow, it can do so on the 1 (a market place for buying and selling shares) by choosing between two

different options, it can decide to 2 (or units of its capital) which can be

bought by 3 or by the general public. Although different types of shares

or 4 are available on the market, the most common are known

as 5 .When an investor buys a share, using the services of a specialist

company or 6 , he or she becomes a 7 and owns a part of (or

has a 8 in) a particular company. Shareholders can make money if the

company does well either by receiving 9 which are paid to them as a

proportion of a company's annual profits or by seeing the value of their shares in-


Alternatively a company can borrow money from investors by issuing 10 which are loans for fixed periods of time and which carry fixed in-

terest rates. 11 is the term that is used to refer to both bonds and shares.


Each year billions of shares and bonds are sold or 12 on the world's ma-

jor Stock Exchanges in New York, London, Frankfurt and Tokyo.

2. Answer the questions to the text “Europeans Log On To Investment

Fever” on page 76 of NIiB SB.

1. What is Mr English addicted to? 2. Where is shopping for financial

products getting popularity? 3. What does arrival of American Internet brokers into

European on-line securities market lead to? 4. What business idea seems rather

novel in Europe? 5. What is the difference in commission between buying shares

from a full-service broker and on the Internet? 6. Why can’t European investors

actively use US on-line brokers to buy shares at the European market? 7. What is a

long-range goal of American on-line brokers? 8. What role is Europe’s single cur-

rency going to play in the development of on-line stock trading? 9. Who is going to

be the main player in on-line share trading service in Britain? 10. What kind of

backlash can Americans suffer from in Europe? 11. How low have commission

fees for the Internet trades dipped in the USA?

3. Read the text about Janis Williams on page 77 of NIiB SB and frame

questions to which the following words and phrases provide the answers.

1. On the stock market. 2. For further advice. 3. A selection of different

companies’ shares. 4. How these companies have performed in the past. 5. Com-

mission. 6. To the terms. 7. On the stock exchange. 8. The transaction. 9. At the

end of the day. 10. A stockholder.

4. Listen to the dialogue “The Stock Market” and commentaries

coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

The Stock Market


Heather: What’s the matter? You look terrible.

Paul: Haven’t you seen the paper? The stock market went down a lot yes-

terday. The NASDAQ is down 100 points and the Dow is down 30! My portfolio

is in big trouble.

Heather: I knew you had some stock options in this company, but I didn’t

know you were so heavily invested in the market.

Paul: I’m invested in the bond market, in derivatives, and I have shares in

a lot of companies that took a nosedive yesterday.

Heather: I’m sure you have a good stockbroker who has made sure that

your portfolio is diversified and you have different kinds of securities.

Paul: That’s my problem. I don’t have a stockbroker. I decided to invest

on my own and to go for less secure stocks hoping for a better return. I thought I

could tell the difference between a bear and a bull market as well as the brokers.

I guess I was wrong.

Heather: The drop in stock prices won’t last. I’m sure the market will re-

bound. Just don’t panic and sell everything. The old saying, “buy low, sell high,”

is still a good idea, I think.

Paul: I know, I know. I won’t do anything stupid — that is, I won’t do any-

thing even more stupid. I’ll wait to see what happens before taking any action.

Heather: That’s a good idea. Come on. I’ll buy you lunch.

Paul: Thanks. Now that I’m poor, I won’t say ‘no’ to your charity.

(From ESL Podcast 276.)

5. Listen to the monologue “The New York Stock Exchange”, give defi-

nitions of the words and expressions in bold print, answer the questions be-


A Stock Exchange, sometimes called a Stock market, is a place where peo-

ple buy and sell stocks and shares. (It seems logical!). A stock (S-t-o-c-k) or a

share (they’re the same thing ) is a partial ownership of a company. So, for exam-


ple, if you are a company and you need money, and you need money to expand

your business, you can sell part ownership in your company by selling something

called a stock or a share. When people buy them they then become owners of a

very small part of the company.

People buy stock because they hope that overtime the company will be suc-

cessful and the value of their investment, of their stock will increase. They can

then make money by selling their stock to someone else at a higher price than what

the paid for it.

As you can guess by the name the NYSE is not in Los Angeles. It’s in New

York City. NYSE actually is the world’s largest stock Exchange. In October of

2008 the value of all the companies listed or included in NYSE was about $ 10.3

trillion. At the center of the NYSE is what is called the trading floor. To trade

stocks means to buy and sell them. The floor is a large open area where many

traders (people who buy and sell stock for their clients) make agreements with each

other. There’re technically 1366 seats on the trading floor. You can actually go

and see them, meaning that there are about 1366 people who are allowed to buy

and sell stocks on the trading floor. Many financial professionals want to be able to

buy and sell stocks directly on the NYSE, they don’t want to hire one of the people

who already have the seat – they want their own seat, so the seats are very expen-

sive. In fact in 2005 a seat sold for $ 2.3 mln. It’s a very expensive chair.

In the past the trading floor used to be very noisy and chaotic, very disorga-

nized place with mostly men shouting at each other to buy and sell stock. Today,

however, most trade is electronic. There are large computer screens on the trading

floor for traders to look at as they work.

In order to determine how well the Stock Exchange overall is doing there is

something called NYSE Composite Index. This a measurement that let people

know how well overall the market is doing. Its base value or the amount it is cal-

culated from is 5000 points, equal to the amount that the NYSE stocks were worth

at the end of 2002. So the 5000 points is in some ways arbitrary, it’s just the way

of trying to measure weather things are getting better or worse.


If you listen to people talk about Stock Market in the US you’ll probably

hear them say that “the Market is up” or “the Market is down” a certain number of

points in which case they’re talking often about this NYSE Composite Index.

There are other indexes also: the Dow-Jones Industrial Average for example

is the name of another index that lets you know how stocks in general are doing.

The NYSE is normally open for trading during the week from 9.30 in the

morning until 4.30 in the afternoon Eastern Time that is NY Time. However when

there is a large drop or decrease in the value of stocks the Stock Market can be

closed temporarily. If stocks drop 10-20% the NYSE closes for a short period of

time. If the overall index drops 30% it closes for the rest of the day. The reason for

this is that they want to give traders time to calm down. Think, sometimes people

get too involved and psychologically don’t always make the best decision. If ev-

erything is dropping in price, people begin to sell which of course causes the price

to go lower even more. They are trying to prevent by closing the Market a panic,

which is uncontrollable fear. A very terrible fear is a panic.

The NYSE also closes when there are other national events, for example it is

closed for the funerals of the former US presidents. It has also observed Moments

of Silence, a few minutes when trading stops and nobody says anything for perhaps

the death or an explosion. When the Space Shuttle exploded (28.01.1986) there

was a Moment of Silence, For American soldiers at war and others. Perhaps, most

famously the NYSE closed for 4 days after the attacks on World Trade Center in

September 11, 2001.

(Adapted from ESL English Café 224.)

Is there any difference between stocks and shares for an American?

What does owning a stock mean?

Why do people buy stock?

What is the position of NYSE among all other stock markets of the world?

What is the trading floor?

How many seats are there and how much is each seat?

What has changed in the work of NYSE during the years?


Which indexes show the overall state of business on the NYSE?

What are the operating hours of the NYSE?

What may the reasons for a break in the work or a closedown of the NYSE?

What is the difference between the terms “effectiveness” and “efficiency”?

6. Read the text “The truth behind Stock market trading” and fill in the

gaps (1-6) with the headings (a-f) given below.

The Truth Behind Stock Market Trading

By Dave Poon

If you happen to watch a business show or business news on TV, you'd prob-

ably hear words or phrases like “stock market”, “trading”, “stocks” or “stock mar-

ket trading”. What are these things and what is their significance? To answer your

questions, here's an overview on what stock market trading is.

1. ………………………………………………

In simple terms, stock market trading is the voluntary buying and selling or

exchange of company stocks and their derivatives. Stocks refer to the capital raised

by a corporation by means of issuing and sharing shares. These are traded in a

stock market just as commodities like coffee, sugar, wheat and rice are traded in a

commodity market. The physical or virtual (as trading may take place online) mar-

ketplace for trading shares on the other hand is called stock exchange.

2. ……………………………………………….

Stock market trading takes place as one sells his stocks and as the other buys

them. Usually buyers and sellers of stocks meet in stock exchanges and there they

agree on the price of the stocks. The actual stock market trading happens on a trad-

ing floor--the one usually shown on TV when news on stock market trading are re-

ported. Here investors raise their arms, throwing signals to each other. That auc-

tion-like picture of a stock market trading is the traditional way stocks are traded.

It's called "open outcry" since the traders cry out their bids.

3. ……………………………………………….


Stock market trading participants vary from persons selling small individual

stock investments to institutions trading collective investments, hedge funds, pen-

sion funds, mutual funds, etc. Big investors can be banks, insurance companies and

other huge companies.

4. ……………………………………………….

Stock market trading is required to foster economic growth. It does this by

helping companies raise capital or by helping them handle their financial problems.

Stock market trading helps ensure that the capital is saved and is invested in most

profitable business. Moreover, stock market facilitates the transfer of payments be-

tween traders.

5. …………………………………………………

With the emergence and popularity of the Internet, almost everything can

now be done conveniently online. You can go shopping online, join conferences

online, read news online and communicate with business partners wherever you

are. Even stock market trading can now be done virtually and this has made enter-

ing into a business much easier for anyone interested. Aside from conducting stock

market trading over the Internet, you can also conveniently check status of your in-

vestments online.

The benefits of online stock market trading are just endless. Aside from the

above mentioned, choosing where to invest is also much easier online. You can

find virtually all kinds of stocks over the Internet; however, it would be best to in-

vest in stocks with moving prices to ensure profitability in the long run.

6. ……………………………………………………

One of the greatest drawbacks of stock market trading, whether online or

not, is its lower leverage (кредитное плечо) compared to other forms of trading

like Forex trading. Also, you cannot easily short sell (играть на понижение)

stocks as it takes time for stock prices to go up. This means that increasing your

profit may also take time.


a. Key Players in Stock Market Trading.

b. Definition.

c. Online Stock Market Trading.

d. Disadvantages of Stock Market Trading.

e. Trading Process.

f. Importance of Stock Market Trading.

U n i t 9 . IMPORT - EXPORT

Key Concepts

to export to send goods to another countryto import to bring goods from another countrytariff = duty a tax on imported goodsquota the maximum quantity of a product allowed into a country

during a certain period of timeprotectionist mea-sures

raising prices of imported goods to “protect” domestically produced goods

WTO (World Trade Organiza-tion)

an international organization that encourages and regulates trade between its member states

EFTA (European Free Trade Associa-tion)

is a European organization that regulates tariffs and re-duces restrictions between member countries

Supplementary Vocabulary

OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития

sensible разумныйto have the expertise to do smth иметь необходимые знания, чтобы сделать


что-либоto make sense to do smth иметь смысл делать что-либоto make best use of resources and abilities наилучшим образом использовать ресурсы и

способностиto eliminate progressively отменять постепенноSingle European Act (SEA) Закон о единой Европе (обеспечил

юридическую и процедурную поддержку экономической интеграции в Европе)

European Community (EC) > European Union (EU)

Европейское сообщество > Евросоюз

Maastricht treaty Маастрихтский договор (договор об образовании Европейского союза)

to reinforce monetary union укреплять валютный союзmembership количество членовto launch a single currency ввести единую валютуcrude oil сырая нефтьcereals зерновые (крупы)option (возможный) вариант solo agent единственный представитель фирмы в

данной местностиto sell on behalf of the company продавать от имени компанииlocal branch or sales office местное отделение или офис продажlocal subsidiary company местная дочерняя компания (филиал)joint venture совместное предприятиеto establish oneself on the market укрепиться на рынкеhead of activities in a region руководитель региональных (торговых)

операцийdigital projectors цифровой проекторBFr / BEF (Belgian franc) бельгийский франк ( 1 января 2002 г. заменен

евро )to assemble on the spot собирать на местеturnover оборотa shift in a strategic focus сдвиг в направлении стратегииemergence появлениеhigh value niche markets секторы рынка товаров высокой стоимостиspecialist display systems дисплеи специального назначенияDutch голландский языкkits for monitors (ремонтные) наборы деталей для мониторовsales and services office офис продаж и обслуживанияsoftware house дом торговли ПОassembly plant сборочный заводcomponents factory фабрика производства запчастейto exploit the potential / market использовать потенциал / рынокobstacle препятствиеwhen it comes to когда дело касаетсяworking tools рабочий инструментыinfamous печально известныйpaperwork канцелярская работаdelay задержкаto welcome foreigners приветствовать иностранцевcultural hurdles культурные барьерыdeceptive обманчивый


complex, complexity сложный, сложностьsensitivity болезненная проблема в отношенияхstratum (Pl. strata) of society слой (мн.ч. слои) обществаfascinating очаровательныйto outweigh (about opportunities and disadvan-tages)

перевешивать (о возможностях, т. е. достоинствах, и недостатках)

to miss упуститьto be serious about smth серьезно задумываться о чем-либоto establish dominance установить господствоeconomy car sector сектор автомобилей эконом-классаupper-range cars машины более высокого классаto opt for остановить выбор наmid-range car авто среднего классаto give up on smth отказаться от чего-либоinvoice счет-фактураdescription of goods описание товара (предоставляемый

покупателям документ, включающий наименование товара, перечисление его основных свойств и характеристик)

proof of purchase доказательство покупкиex-works price заводская цена freight charges плата за перевозку грузаc.i.f. ( cost, insurance, freight) London сиф (стоимость, страхование и фрахт) до

Лондонаport of destination порт назначенияif specifically requested если требуется указать особоcardboard cartons картонные коробкиper pro (Lat.) подпись за кого-либоbill of lading накладная, коносаментtransfer document документ о перегрузке грузаshipper(Syn. consignor of goods) грузоотправительcharter-party фрахтовый контракт, чартер-партия, чартер

(в письмах и других документах пишется с прописных букв)

consignee грузополучатель, консигнаторvessel судноport of loading порт погрузкиport of discharge порт разрузкиport of distress порт вынужденного захода, порт-убежищеporcelan items фарфоровые изделияrice cooker кастрюля для приготовления рисаpayable подлежащий оплатеas per согласноfreight advance аванс фрахтаapparent good order and condition хорошее внешнее состояние товара, без

видимых повреждений (надпись на коносаменте, означающая, что товары были отправлены в хорошем состоянии, без каких-либо повреждений)

or so near thereto или настолько близко к нему (судну)for carriage для перевозкиin witness of whereof в удостоверение чего


Master of the vessel капитан торгового суднаtenor содержание (документа)to accomplish (a bill of lading) выполнить (накладную)void недействительный, не имеющий

юридической силыdate of issue дата выпускаoriginal bill of lading оригинал коносаментаincrease, rise ростdecrease, descent снижениеdrop, fall падениеto fluctuate колебаться нерегулярноto reach a peak достичь максимумаto stand at находиться на уровнеto level off, to remain stable выравниватьсяgraph графикbalance of trade торговый балансvisible import / export видимый импорт / экспортtrade deficit торговый дефицитtrade surplus торговый профицит

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words from the


protectionist quota export import tariff

The exchange of goods and services between different countries is referred

to as international trade. Depending on what a country produces or needs, it can ei-

ther 1 (send goods to another country) or 2 (bring in goods

from another country).

A 3 is a tax imposed on imported goods; whereas a 4 is the

maximum quantity of a product that may be admitted to a country during a certain

period of time. These measures are said to be 5 in that they raise the

price of imported goods so that domestically produced goods will gain a price ad-


2. Read the text “Profile: Barco of Belgium” on page 87 of NIiB SB and

answer the following questions.


1. What is Mr Verbrugge’s opinion about market potential of India? 2. How

have the exports of Barco to India changed since 1994? 3. How has Barco changed

its strategic focus since 1980? 4. Where is the company’s base? 5. What kind of

kits did the company use to sell in India? 6. What kind of investments has the com-

pany made for the future? 7. What obstacles are there for the expansion of Barco’s

activities in India? 8. How can the infamous Indian bureaucracy hamper importing

business? 9. What cultural hurdles can a foreign businessman encounter in India?

10. Why is having a sales office in India better than having just a sales agent there?

3. Read the text about Peugeot on page 88 of NIiB SB and frame ques-

tions to which the following words and phrases provide the answers.

1. In 1994. 2. To exploit this vast and quickly growing market. 3.

22,000. 4. 2000. 5. Automotive group Marutti. 6. In the market for upper-range

cars. 7. For its 309. 8. On the list of banned products. 9. On the country. 10. By

granting licenses to local manufacturers.

4. Listen to the dialogue “Importing and Exporting Goods” and com-

mentaries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expres-

sions in bold print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a class-


Importing and Exporting Goods

Giselle: Good morning, Brian. This is Giselle calling from Intergroup in

Kansas City.


Brian: Hi, Giselle. How are you?

Giselle: I’m great, thanks. Listen, the reason I’m calling is that I wanted to

touch base with you about the new proposed regulations. Have you had a chance

to review them?

Brian: We’ve only had time to give them a cursory look, but I think we

have a grasp on what the changes will be. I don’t think that most of the new regu-

lations would apply to our class of cargo. As long as our certificates of origin are

in order and our shipping agents are well informed of the changes, we won’t have

anything to be concerned about. Rest assured we’ll take care of all that.

Giselle: That’s good to hear. Won’t the customs procedures be different,

though? I understand that there are changes to the regulations affecting which con-

tainers we can use and how we transport our freight.

Brian: No, lucky for us, all we need to do is to put some additional informa-

tion on our waybills and make sure our packing lists reflect the same information.

Giselle: I’m relieved to hear that. You’ve really put my mind at ease,


Brian: Don’t mention it. While I have you on the phone, do you mind if I ask

you a couple of questions about the latest order?

Giselle: No, not at all. Fire away.

(From ESL Podcast 492.)

5. Listen to the dialogue “Using Visuals in a Presentation” and commen-

taries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in

bold print. Answer the questions below.

Using Visuals in a Presentation

Rosa: Thanks a lot for offering to give me some pointers on how to use vi-

suals for my presentation. I’ve never given a presentation like this before.

Milo: I’m glad I can help. What do you plan to use?


Rosa: Well, I plan to show these slides for the first part of the talk. First, I

have this pie chart that shows the types of services our company provides. Then, I

have this bar graph to show how the company has grown in the past 20 years.

But, I’m not really sure how to talk about them.

Milo: Okay, first, when you’re using a chart, make sure you explain what

each part represents. For example, on this pie chart, I would explain that each

slice of the pie represents a percentage of the business. Then, for this bar chart, I’d

make sure to tell the audience what the X-axis and Y-axis stand for, and what each

increment represents. That way, the trend that the company is following is clear.

Are you planning on using this line chart, too?

Rosa: No, I changed my mind about that. I think it’s a little confusing, but

your tips on the other charts are really helpful. I have this flip chart, too, that I’m

supposed to use but I’m not sure how. I don’t want to turn my back on the audi-

ence during the presentation.

Milo: The second half of the presentation includes some audience partici-

pation, right? Then, I think it’s fine to use it during that part of the talk. Any other


Rosa: I don’t think so. You’ve been so helpful. I hope you’ll let me take you

to lunch as a token of thanks.

Milo: You don’t need to treat, but I’d be happy to have lunch together. Let’s


(From ESL Podcast 204.)

Why is it helpful to use visuals at a presentation?

What kind of graph is good for representing percentages within the whole


What kind of graph is good for relative growth or decline?

What kind of graph is good to show trends?

Can you use a flip chart if your handwriting is barely legible?


Why is it a bad idea to turn your back to the audience during the presenta-


How can you thank a person for a service except offering him/her a lunch?

6. Read the text “Importing From China” and fill in the blank spaces

(1-5) with the headings (a-e) given below.

Importing From China

By Lisa Gunther

Over 250 billion dollars worth of goods per year are imported from China by

American manufacturers. Imports from China can be your ticket to wealth or

quickly turn into a nightmare for your company if you do not do the proper re-

search BEFORE you start importing. This article will explain some common prob-

lems encountered by small companies who start importing products from China.

1 ………………………………………….. : One of the most important

things you can do before starting the process is to make certain that you are dealing

with credible Chinese exporters. Often times, American manufacturers will search

the internet for potential exporters and end up with a list of names or companies

that they know nothing about.

2 ………………………………………… . My company ordered 3,000

leather "widgets" from an exporter that we had been doing business with for sev-

eral years and expected no problems with the upcoming shipment. Until it arrived.

The products were delivered and we quickly realized that the "widgets" were not

made of leather but rather cheap vinyl. We immediately contacted our exporter and

demanded an explanation as to why our products were not made from leather as

clearly stated on the purchase order. His response was: "Oh... in China, if you want

something made from real leather, then you have to say "genuine" leather. If you

don't say genuine, then you get imitation. An expensive lesson learned.


3 ……………………………………….: There is none! If you are lucky

enough to be the owner of Wal-Mart then you operate your own manufacturing

plants in China and have control over quality. If you are a small company who re-

lies on the exporter or the Chinese manufacturer to control quality, then you can

count on having quality problems. What's that mean? It means that from one ship-

ment to the next you may be sent items that don't match in color to your previous

order. Worst case scenario? The next shipments of products might look very differ-

ent with completely different packaging.

4 ……………………………………: Once again - if you don't give exact

shipping instructions then you run the risk of receiving a container which is filled

to the top with a pile of boxes that literally fall all over you when you open the

container doors. Ask me how I know this. Make sure you request all boxes within a

container to be palletized and wrapped in shrink wrap.

5 …………………………………….: Importing goods from China can be a

VERY profitable experience as long as you make sure that you are dealing with

reputable exporters. Avoid using export brokers who search all over China for

small manufacturers that will quickly throw your purchase order together with no

regards to quality. The best bet is to deal directly with established Chinese manu-

facturing firms that specialize in one product line. If you want to import MP3 play-

ers, then search out Chinese manufacturers that specialize in that product and have

a proven track record for quality and on time delivery.

a. Quality Control.

b. Only Deal With Credible Exporters.

c. The Bright Side.

d. Know your terminology and BE SPECIFIC.

e. Shipping.


(Adapted from http://ezinearticles.com/?Importing-From-China---5-



Key Concepts

management accounts

data about operational efficiency

financial accounts information about financial performance. The key differ-ence between managerial accounting and financial ac-counting is that managerial accounting is intended to help managers within the organization make decisions. In con-trast, financial accounting is intended to provide informa-tion to parties outside the organization

revenue the amount of money a company earns through the sale of goods or services, rents, and other sources

profit revenue less expenses (costs)expenses costs of doing business (costs of materials, employee

salaries etc.)loss extracting less money from a transaction than one put into

itlisted company = public company

a company issuing stocks, which are traded on the open market, either on a stock exchange or on the over-the-counter market, they have to present their accounts to the public

annual report a firm's annual statement of operating and financial results. The annual report contains an income statement, a balance sheet, a statement of changes in financial position, an audi-tor's report, and a summary of operations

Supplementary Vocabulary

company performance характеристика деятельности компанииmanagement accounts счета управленческого учета (материалы

финансовой отчетности, подготовленные для принятия управленческого решения)

managerial accounting оперативный учет, связанный с нуждами


управления, текущий анализ хозяйственной деятельности, для которого характерны подготовка информации исключительно для внутреннего использования менеджерами организации, представление информации в аналитической форме, необязательность соблюдения общепринятых стандартов учета, возможность применения простой бухгалтерии и т. д.

assurance services услуги по заверению (проверка дипломированным бухгалтером контракта, статьи финансовой отчетности (например, инвентаря), веб-сайта, условий кредита и т. п. для подтверждения правильности или целесообразности)

to certify accuracy удостоверять точностьstakeholder заинтересованная сторонаto have a stake in the business иметь долю в бизнесеmerger слияниеacquisition приобретение контрольного пакета акций

компанииpower station электростанцияto run into difficulties столкнуться с трудностямиto value businesses оценивать стоимость предприятийto be worth стоитьto tend to стремитьсяto set out the ways намечать путиday-to-day operations ежедневные операцииfinancial statement финансовый отчет (документ, в котором

представлена бухгалтерская информация о деятельности организации; к финансовым отчетам относятся баланс, отчет о прибыли и убытках, отчет о движении денежных средств, отчет об изменениях собственного капитала; все эти документы ежегодно предоставляются на рассмотрение акционерам компании и другим заинтересованным лицам)

transaction support поддержка сделки купли-продажиtarget company компания-цель (поглощения), компания-

объект (поглощения), приобретаемая компания (компания, которая является объектом попытки поглощения со стороны другой компании)

stock акцииlender кредиторauditor's report аудиторский (ревизионный) отчетconsistent with в соответствии сSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам

(независимое федеральное ведомство, осуществляющее контроль над финансовой отчетностью корпораций и регулирование их


деятельности на рынке ценных бумаг; требует предоставления полной финансовой информации в целях защиты интересов инвесторов, в своей деятельности следует решениям профессиональных бухгалтерских и аудиторских организаций, в основном Совета по стандартам финансового учета, Комитета по процедурам бухгалтерского учета и Совета по стандартам аудита; создана в 1934 г.)

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

общепринятые принципы бухгалтерского учета (ГААП, ОПБУ)

report of management административный актvalidity правильностьto comply with подчиняться (требованиям)statement of earnings отчет о прибылях и убыткахto earn revenue зарабатывать, получать доходcash flow statement отчет о движении денежных средств, отчет о

денежных потоках, отчет об источниках и использовании фондов (средств): форма финансовой отчетности, в которой отражаются источники поступления денежных средств и направления их расходования (обычно в разбивке по основной, инвестиционной и финансовой деятельности)

lifeblood источник жизненной силыcash equivalent эквивалент денежных средств

(приравненный к денежным средствам высоколиквидный инвестиционный инструмент (например, казначейский вексель); при составлении отчета о движении денежных средств к денежным эквивалентам обычно приравниваются только высоколиквидные инструменты со сроком погашения не более трех месяцев)

to convert to cash обратить в наличностьstatement of financial position (US) = balance sheet (GB)

балансовый отчет

snapshot моментальный снимокassets активыto owe быть должнымliabilities пассивыstockholder's equity акционерный капитал, собственный капиталselected financial data отобранные финансовые данныеgross profit валовая прибыльnet earnings чистая прибыль, нетто-прибыльadequacy достаточностьexchange биржаto trade stock торговать акциямиcorporate message заявление от правления корпорацииan analysis and a review of events анализ и критический обзор событий


to lay out представлятьmission (высокая) цельfinancial highlights ключевые финансовые показатели (объем

продаж, прибыль на акцию, размер дивидендов и т. п.)

to satisfy government requirements удовлетворять государственным стандартамbottom line итоговая строка счета убытков и прибылей в

годовом отчете (чистый доход)selling and administration (costs) расходы на сбыт и управлениеinterest зд. дивиденды, выплачиваемые акционерамfractions простые дробиpercentages процентыto qualify for shares получать право на акцииapproximation матем. приблизительное значениеlisted (об акционерной компании)

зарегистрированный на фондовой биржеbrokerage firms брокерские фирмыto make it to добраться до (места), достичь (успеха)consolidation укрупнение (компаний)to be at the back of one's mind быть на умеanalyst's trade профессия аналитикаto make, keep or to sell an investment in the company

купить, придержать или продать пакет акций компании

transparency диапозитив, слайд, изображение на прозрачной подложке

bar chart гистограмма, столбиковый графикmargin маржа, рентабельность (отношение прибыли

фирмы к выручке от продаж, выраженное в процентах)

oral presentation устная презентацияto draw a short list составить короткий списокto build up cutting edge research наращивать передовые научные

исследованияlandfill disposal закапывание на мусорной свалкеwaste-to-energy conversion переработка отходов в тепло- /

электроэнергиюlogistics материально-техническое снабжениеconsolidated net sales объединенные чистые продажи (выручка

компании от продаж за вычетом налогов, недопоставок, возврата, скидок, расходов на гарантийное обслуживание и т. д.)

to be at the core of the strategy быть ядром (сердцевиной) стратегииbreakdown of share ownership распределение долевой собственностиCAC 40 index САС 40 (индекс обыкновенных акций сорока

из ста крупнейших компаний на Парижской фондовой бирже; на данный индекс торгуются фьючерсные и опционные контракты)

monthly settlement ежемесячный расчетadjusted price скорректированная цена (первоначальная

цена, пересчитанная с учетом какого-либо фактора, напр., цена товара, пересчитанная с


учетом инфляции или конкретными условиями поставки, либо цена ценной бумаги пересчитанная с учетом накопленных невыплаченных процентов или дивидендов, и т. п.)

investment certificate инвестиционный сертификат (свидетельство о вкладе определенной суммы во взаимный фонд; дает право на получение фиксированного процента, не дает права голоса)

net dividend нетто-дивиденд, чистый дивиденд (дивиденд после вычета налогов, т. е. дивиденд, который реально выплачивается акционерам)

tax credit налоговый кредит (сумма налога, которая считается уплаченной с дивидендов; дивиденды уплачиваются за вычетом налога, но сумма налога указывается на дивидендном чеке и учитывается при расчете общих налоговых платежей)

diluted earnings per share (diluted EPS, DEPS) разводненная прибыль на акцию, разводненная прибыль на обыкновенную акцию (чистая прибыль, приходящаяся на одну обыкновенную акцию, рассчитанная с учетом как находящихся в обращении обыкновенных акций, так и акций, которые могут быть выпущены при конвертации облигаций, привилегированных акций и некоторых других конвертируемых долговых обязательств, а также реализации варрантов на акции)

capital gains доходы с капиталаcapital loss капитальный убыток, потери капитала

(потери при продаже капитальных активов, т. е. отрицательная разница между текущей ценой актива (или ценой его продажи) и ценой его покупки, возникшая из-за снижения рыночной стоимости актива)

minority interest миноритарный (неконтрольный) пакет (акций): участие в капитале компании, не составляющее контрольного пакета (обычно менее 50 %); в консолидированном балансе такое участие в дочерних предприятиях указывается как разновидность обязательств с неопределенным сроком погашения

P/E ratio, price / earnings ratio, PE ratio, PER коэффициент "цена / (чистая) прибыль": отношение рыночной цены акции компании к чистой прибыли последней в расчете на одну акцию за определенный период (квартал, год)


1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

revenue annual report profits losses

financial accounts data markets costs

Companies need to know how they are performing in order to make plans

for the future and to analyse and find solutions to the problems that they may be

facing. To do this successfully, businesses require information not only about their

own activities but also about the 1 they operate in. Management accounts

for the company provide key 2 about operational efficiency, whereas 3 give information about financial performance. This allows companies to

know not only how much they are selling or how much 4 they are re-

ceiving but also what their 5 are or how much they have to pay for the

different things that they need to operate their businesses. With this information

companies can then calculate how much money they have made (6 ) or

how much they have lost (7 ) during a specific period. Annual accounts

for listed companies, whose shares are sold on the Stock Exchange, have to be pre-

sented to the public in the form of an 8 which gives detailed financial

and other information about companies.

2. Read the text “Anatomy of an annual report” on page 98 of NIiB SB

and answer the questions.

1. What organization lays down the basic structure for every annual report

in the USA? 2. What does auditor’s report certify? 3. Who is responsible for the

validity of the financial information in the annual report? 4. What three statements

provide the complete numbers for the company financial performance and recent

financial history? 5. Why is the statement of financial position likened to a snap-

shot? 6. Which part of an annual report is a summary of the company’s perfor-

mance over five years? 7. Which part of an annual report discusses results of oper-

ations and adequacy of resources allotted to fund them? 8. Whose photos are op-


tional in the annual report? 9. What kind of information is placed at the back of the

annual report? 10. Where in the report can one look for the information about the

business philosophy and management style of the company? 11. Which part of a

report may be regarded as an advertisement? 12. What is the most often-read sec-

tion of any annual report?

3. The CEO of a large company is giving a press conference. Sometimes what he says is

not very clear. Complete the journalists' questions.

CEO Journalists

We made a profit last year. Sorry? How much profit did you make?

One division made 50% of the total. Excuse me? Which division ………….?

We launched several new models. OK, but how many models……………?

One model now has 6 % market share. Really? Which model ………………...?

But one Board member resigned. Really? Who………………………….?

Half a million euros went missing. Sorry? How much money…………….?

He used his wife's bank account. What? Whose bank account ………….?

The police found him in Panama. Excuse me? Where …………………...?

4. Listen to the dialogue “Profit and Loss” and commentaries coming af-

ter it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold print.

Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

Profit and Loss

Dolores: Manuel in accounting is supposed to help me with this report, but

he called in sick today! I can’t believe my luck. He’s supposed to be training me

in and he’s left me holding the bag.

Anton: Let me see if I can help.


Dolores: I’m supposed to use the information from this profit and loss

statement to make some projections about the company’s future performance for

our report, but I’m not sure what I’m doing. I need to plug in some numbers here,

but I can’t make heads or tails of this.

Anton: Well, if you look at the top of the statement, you’ll see the top line,

which shows the revenue the company brought in in the third quarter of this year.

Is that what you need?

Dolores: Yes, I think so, but I also need to know our net income.

Anton: Here is the bottom line. That takes into account all of the revenue

and expenses during the third quarter.

Dolores: That’s great, but I also need to know the gross profits and operat-

ing expenses.

Anton: Those are in this column. See?

Dolores: I guess all the information is here. I just needed to know where to

look. Thanks. I couldn’t have figured it out without you.

Anton: It’s not that complicated. Hopefully, Manuel will be back tomorrow.

Dolores: Manuel? Who needs him!

(From ESL Podcast 332.)

5. Read the dialogue “Questions and Answers at a Presentation”. Guess

the missing words by their definitions below. Listen to the dialogue and check

your answers.

Questions and Answers at a Presentation

Our company hired an o_ _ _ _ _ _ f_ _ _1 to set up a computer system to

help us k_ _ _ t_ _ _ _2 of the progress on major projects. The company gave us a

presentation on how the new system w_ _ _ _ _3. A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4, the employ-

ees got a chance to ask questions.


Cecelia: So, in a n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5, those are the features of the new system.

Any questions?

Yuri: Yes, I have a question. From your d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6, it s_ _ _ _ _

l_ _ _ 7 the new system may be difficult to use. Can you s_ _ _ _ to that8?

Cecelia: I understand your c_ _ _ _ _ _, but a_ _ _ _ _ _ _9, the system is

very simple to use. I mentioned a lot of features that the system has, but the typical

employee won’t be using more than two or three on a d_ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _10 . Yes,

you had a question?

Alessandro: Yeah, my biggest concern is that all of the employees in the

company will have access to the system. How does this a_ _ _ _ _11 my projects

that have s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ information12?

Cecelia: That’s a good question. One of the k_ _ f_ _ _ _ _ _ _13 of the pro-

gram is that it allows the project manager to limit access for any of his or her

projects. Now, if there are no other questions, thank you all for coming and we

l_ _ _ f_ _ _ _ _ _ to14 working with you in the future.

(From ESL Podcast 170.)


1) a different company, the one that is not part of the organization;

2) to follow smth, to be able to see how smth is going overtime;

3) operated;

4) after that;

5) in a very summary-like manner;

6) from what you have said;

7) it seems that;

8) can you talk about that;

9) I understand what you are worried about, but the truth is you are wrong;

10) every day;

11) what is the impact of this on;

12) secret information;

13) most important parts;


14) we are waiting to.

6. Listen to the monologue “Making a Presentation”, give definitions of

the words and expressions in bold print, answer the questions below.

Making a Presentation

I don't normally get stage fright, but the thought of getting up in front of my

colleagues to give a presentation always gives me butterflies. But I have no

choice; my boss asked me to do it, so I will.

I set up my projector and PowerPoint program on my laptop. Clearing my

voice, I stood up and addressed the 10 people present at the meeting. I started off

by saying, "Good afternoon. I want to thank you for inviting me to talk to you

today." I had a clicker in my hand to advance the slides. "Today I'm going to

talk to you about our new product, Provasic. Please feel free to ask questions as

we go along," I said. I then flipped through the slides showing pictures of our

product, and concluded by summarizing the main points of my talk with bullet


I finished by saying, "Thank you for your attention today. My contact in-

formation is on your handout." Whew! I was glad that was over!

(From ESL Podcast 69.)

What kind of feelings does speaking or acting in public evoke in most peo-


When is it difficult to reject an offer to make a presentation?

Which electronic devices are most often used at presentations?

Why do many people cough before beginning to speak?

Why is necessary to thank people for coming?

What are the common features between the plan of the presentation and the

menu in a restaurant?


Why and when is repetition of the main points needed?

7. Read the text “Writing a Nonprofit Annual Report” and fill in the

blank spaces (1-7) with the headings (a-g) given below.

Writing a Nonprofit Annual Report

By Kivi Leroux Miller

If you've been asked to write an annual report for a nonprofit organization,

here are seven tips to get you on your way.

1. ……………………………………………... We want to know what you

did, but more importantly, we want to know why you did it. What were the results?

Why did you spend your time the way you did? What difference did it make?

2. ………………………………………………. Getting a high-speed con-

nection in the office and new accounting software may be big accomplishments

from where you sit at your desk, but they have nothing to do with your mission. In-

spire donors with accomplishments related to your mission in your annual report

and leave all the administrative items for your board report.

3. ………………………………………………. Yes, photos really are worth

a thousand words. Many of the people reading your annual report won't actually

read it. Show them what you've been doing with photos. If you don't have a digital

camera, get one now, as basic models are very inexpensive. It's also fine to use

stock photography to illustrate your work.

4. ……………………………………………….. Now that you've got them

looking at the photos, tell a story with your captions. Don't just state what's in the

photo. Connect the photo to an accomplishment. If people read nothing but the

captions in your annual report, they should still get a sense for the good work you

did last year.


5. ……………………………………………... Many of your donors won't

know how to read a financial statement or won't take the time to read it. Include a

paragraph or two that explains in plain English what the tables say. Where does

your money come from and how do you spend it?

6. ………………………………………………. There's no better way to

sabotage a future donation than to spell the donor's name wrong in your annual re-


7. ……………………………………………….. Never leave a potential

supporter hanging, wondering how they can help you. Once you've inspired them

with the good works in your annual report, close by telling them how they can help

you do more. How can they support you with their money or time? Do you offer

planned giving options, for example? Will you accept gifts of stock? Can they use

a credit card? Be clear about the best ways to help.

The headings:

a. Get rid of the administrative details.

b. Include photos.

c. Tell donors how they can help.

d. Focus on accomplishments, not activities.

e. Triple-check your donor lists.

f. Write captions that tell your story.

g. Explain your financials.





Key Concepts

public limited com-pany (plc)

a large business in the UK with the minimum share capital of £50,000 where public can buy and sell shares on the stock exchange

Sole Trader or Sole Proprietor (UK)

the simplest way of starting a business, when you are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of the management of your business

Partnership (UK) a way of starting a business when two or more people share profits and losses and all risks of running a business between them with unlimited responsibility

Private Limited Company (UK)

a way of starting a business with two or more shareholders who appoint a director and a company secretary, when the responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the amount that they have contributed

company secretary a person whose job within a company is to keep the legal affairs, accounts, and administration in order

limited liability responsibility (e.g. of a stockholder ) limited by statute or treaty

incorporated (US), Inc, Corp

registered with the authorities in the state where the com-pany has its headquarters

Supplementary Vocabulary

fishing tackle ловильный инструмент, рыболовная оснасткаaccolade похвала, одобрениеsolicitor адвокатcollateral обеспечение, залог (имущество,

передаваемое заемщиком кредитору в качестве гарантии возврата долга)

profit expectations ожидаемая прибыльprolific entrepreneur плодовитый, богатый идеями

предпринимательhousehold name общеизвестное имяto spot the next big wave заметить следующую большую волну, т. е.

важное изменениеchartered accountant присяжный бухгалтер (квалификация,

присваиваемая рядом бухгалтерских институтов)

“the light dawned” букв. «свет забрезжил», перен. «зародилась идея»

cumbersome громоздкий


back-office operations конторские операцииpayroll платежная ведомостьcorporate accounting department бухгалтерия корпорацииto list регистрироватьchip микросхемаat the company’s height на пике развития компанииbad bite перен. плохая поклевкаto let the advantage slip упустить преимуществоto steal a market share отхватить сегмент рынкаto flop (about a campaign) провалиться (о кампании)sortie вылазка, попытка расширить рынок за

границейto spot a trend обнаружить тенденциюfatal (mistake) роковой (об ошибке)IBM-compatible computing разработка IBM-совместимых компьютеровpeculiar hardware architecture своеобразная архитектура оборудованияto concede (mistake) признавать (ошибку)to shift to IBM standard перейти на стандарт IBMto squeeze margins on smth уменьшать рентабельность чего-либоcost-efficient низко затратныйPC-clone компьютер схожий по архитектуре с IBM PCto stagnate (about sales) застаиваться, оставаться на одном уровне (о

продажах)to set the high установить максимум (о продажах)to abandon the inventory отказаться от (реализации) запасовto pursue plans проводить планы в жизньto go on a buying spree стать активным и азартным покупателемto soar воспарить, высоко взлететь (о продажах)fleeting victory скоротечная, мимолетная победаto embark on doing smth начать делать что-либоprofit warning предупреждение о критическом снижении

прибылиto slump проваливаться, резко падать (о цене акций)infighting соперничество, расприbrainchild замысел, плод размышленийto compile a library составлять библиотекуto slot together вставлять в расположенные рядом разъемыLego software программа-конструктор типа “Лего”commodity товарset of banking components набор программ банковского обслуживанияswansong лебединая песня, последнее в жизни

достижениеas far as the eye can see в обозримом будущемto distribute продавать товары, произведенные другими

компаниямиto launch запускать, продавать впервые (товар)to be a pioneer in быть первооткрывателем в following in his footsteps следуя по его путиto outsell продавать(ся) больше, чем кто-либоto predate датировать более ранним числомto postdate датировать более поздним числомrelative defining clause определительное придаточное


relative non-defining clause придаточное с уточняющим значениемto expand presence in Eastern Europe расширить присутствие в Восточной Европеto maintain close relations поддерживать тесные связиto interfere with one’s private life мешать чьей-либо личной жизниto delegate поручать (работу)to carry on doing smth упорно продолжать делать что-либоfeasibility реальная выполнимость (проекта)assembly plant сборочное предприятиеto emerge (about an idea) появиться (об идее)to identify the market определить рынокto invest in facilities инвестировать в сооруженияventure capital рисковый капитал, венчурный капитал

(капитал, вкладываемый в проекты, которые из-за своей новизны отличаются особенно высокой степенью риска и которые не удается финансировать с помощью традиционных средств внешнего финансирования)

to seek the support of big firms искать поддержки больших фирмproduction unit производственное подразделениеbusiness plan бизнес-план (документ, описывающий цели,

структуру, методы управления, предполагаемые финансовые результаты проекта; необходим в том числе для предоставления потенциальным инвесторам)

to get the business into profit добиться, чтобы дело приносило доходto look for sites in the city искать (торговые) площадки в городеto expand the management team расширить команду руководителейeventually в конце концовspecialist teas специализированные чайные смесиtea-related giftware связанные с чаем подаркиto give a precise estimate дать точный расчетessentially passing trade в основном торговля товарами под

собственным именем (без подмены, т. е. без торговли чужими товарами как своими)

target consumer целевой потребительwith a comfortable income с приличным доходомto complement дополнитьflyer, flier рекламная листовкаstreet with pedestrian access only сугубо пешеходная улицаcommuter пассажир пригородной электричкиjunior management level уровень младшего руководителяtwo full-time sales staff два продавца на полный рабочий деньpersonal assistant личный помощникgeneral office administration ведение дел в главной контореpremises (Pl.) помещениеchecklist перечень контрольных вопросовrelevant work experience рабочий опыт, важный для данного бизнеса


1. Insert correct types of business structures from the box into the spa-

ces in the following descriptive examples.

Sole Trader (UK) or Sole Proprietor (US) Partnership (UK)

Private Limited Company (UK) Private Limited Company (UK)

1. When two or more people want to start a business together they can set up

a and agree on how the business will be operated. 2. All partners are

responsible for the debts of the and profits and losses are shared be-

tween them. 3. A company can be formed with a minimum of two people becom-

ing its shareholders. In order to establish such a company specific administrative

procedures must be followed. For example, the shareholders must appoint a direc-

tor and a company secretary. If the company goes out of business, the responsibil-

ity of each shareholder is limited to the amount that they have contributed. This is

known as limited liability. A has the letters Ltd. (Limited) after its

name. 4. This is the simplest way of starting a business. In

you are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of the management

of your business. 5. Finance for usually comes from the individual’s

own savings or from family and friends. 6. Typical include tradesmen

such as plumbers, electricians, television repair people etc. 7.  Typical

- are the well known national and international companies like Vodafone and

Corus. 8. A is owned by shareholders. It must have £50,000 of capital

when founded, and may allow its share to be bought by the general public (though

it does not have to). 9. are typically found in professional services

such as accountants, solicitors, doctors, dentists etc, where the partners can share

expertise and skills. 10. A has the most extensive access to capital,

which is good, though it may be taken over, which is bad.

2. Read the text “The idea man” on page 108 of NIiB SB and answer the

following questions.


1. What has been the specific talent of Roger Foster for more than 30 years?

2. What was Foster’s initial educational background in accounting? 3. How was

the success of ACT marked in 1979? 4. Which corporation launched production of

the first microprocessors? 5. When were Apricots most widely sold in the UK?

6. Which market proved unfriendly for Apricots in 1985 and why? 7. How much

did the US sortie cost ACT? 8. Why was shifting to IBM standard so important?

9. What companies did Foster begin to buy after selling his Apricot business?

10. What conflict paralyzed the work of ACT board of directors in 1995? 11. What

was Foster’s latest brainchild? 12. Why does he call it his “swansong”?

3. Read the text about Andrew Klein on page 110 of NIiB SB and frame

questions to which the following words and phrases provide the answers.

1. The director of Spring Street Brewing Company. 2. With the idea of

bringing a Belgian beer to the American market. 3. The original approach to find-

ing the necessary capital. 4.The advantages of using the Internet as a means to at-

tract investment capital. 5. For $200 a month. 6. To finance and promote their own

business in the similar way. 7. In several major cities in the US. 8. That consumer

demand for his company products will continue to rise. 9. Some of the more exotic


4. Listen to the dialogue “A Potential Partnership Meeting” and com-

mentaries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expres-

sions in bold print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a class-


A Potential Partnership Meeting


Flavio: Thanks for meeting with me.

Marcia: It’s my pleasure. We’re eager to hear your ideas about our compa-

nies doing business together in the future.

Flavio: Well, I wanted us to meet because I think our two companies can

create great synergy.

Marcia: I agree. What do you have in mind?

Flavio: We seem to have core capabilities that complement each other, and

I want to see how we can create a partnership that would be to our mutual bene-


Marcia: Yes, that’s why I’m here. I think we’re thinking along the same


Flavio: Good. I’m glad to hear that. If we can pull off a partnership, we

could really dominate the market.

Marcia: Yes, I think that’s true, too, but let’s get beyond the preliminaries.

What kind of business model do you have in mind?

Flavio: Well, that’s why I wanted to meet with you. I’d like to get your per-

spective on that.

Marcia: I see. When your company approached us about working together,

we were under the impression that you had some concrete ideas to present.

Flavio: Oh, we do. I just wanted to get your suggestions before we present a

formal proposal.

Marcia: Let’s do this. Why don’t you send me a proposal in writing and I’ll

make sure that we give it our full consideration.

Flavio: We’ll do that. Thanks for your time.

Marcia: Don’t mention it.

(From ESL Podcast 304.)


5. Listen to the monologue “Being an Entrepreneur”, give definitions of

the words and expressions in bold print, answer the questions below.

Being an Entrepreneur

I had lunch today with my friend Sam. She recently quit her job with a large

company to strike out on her own. She has always been an entrepreneur in small

ways, but she decided to start her own business. The start-up she launched pro-

vided technology consulting services for small- to medium-sized companies.

At first, she considered becoming partners with one or two of her co-work-

ers. She wasn't sure if she could raise the seed money she needed for the start-up

costs. But, she was able to raise the capital by taking on a silent partner, her un-

cle who had a lot of investment capital but didn't want to be involved in the day-

to-day operations of a business now that he's retired.

One way that Sam is able to cut down on overhead is to make this a home-

based business. She converted her garage into an office where she and her em-

ployees could work. Since most of the work would be done on site at her client's

office, she didn't need a lot of office space.

I asked Sam if she was nervous about quitting her job to start her own busi-

ness. She said that it's a big risk but that she was looking forward to the challenge.

If she fails, she said, she can always audition for American Idol. Well, I thought,

I've heard Sam sing. I really hope her business takes off!

(From ESLPodcast 109.)

Why did Sam quit her job at a big company?

What kind of services did her small business provide?

Why did she consider becoming partners with some of her co-workers at


Who provided the necessary capital in the long run?

Which way did Sam use to cut overheads?


Why didn’t she need a lot of office space?

What is there in Sam’s character that helps her with a start up?

Why is it always a good idea to have a substitute plan in life?

6. Read the dialogue “A Business Plan”. Guess the missing words

by their definitions below. Listen to the dialogue and check your answers.

A Business Plan

About a year ago, I came up with an idea that I thought would

r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the way people sell their g_ _ _ _ on the Internet. After a lot

of planning, I decided to try to attract i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by developing a

b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ p_ _ _. I got some advice from my friend Steve who is a very suc-

cessful e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

First, he told me I needed to figure out my b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_ _ _ _. How

would my investors make money? How long would it take for the company to be

in the b_ _ _ _? Steve said that the proposal would need to show r_ _ _ _ _ _

p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the first five years, and that I should give an e_ _ _ _ _ _ _

of g_ _ _ _ s_ _ _ _ for that same period.

Steve also said that I should include what I thought was the t_ _ _ _ _ m_ _

_ _ _ for the new service and my plan for convincing p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _ _

that the new service would give them a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

After working on the plan for a few months, I thought it was ready to show

to some prospective investors. All I need is just one big investor to take a c_ _ _ _

_ on it. Hopefully, this time next year, I’ll be well on my w_ _ to building a new

b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ e_ _ _ _ _.

(From ESL Podcast 196.)


1) to completely change;

2) products, physical things that people offer for money;


3) someone who gives you money for your business with a view for profit;

4) a document of several pages that describes what your new business is and

how are you going to make money;

5) someone who is good at starting new businesses;

6) the way you are going to make money;

7) to be getting profit from your business;

8) your prediction, guess about how much money you are going to get;

9) a guess, what you think smth will be;

10) the amount of your product that you sell not including refunds or other

returns that your customers might have;

11) customers you are going to sell your product to;

12) someone who might buy your product or service;

13) an improvement in business meaning that you will be able to sell more

of your product if you buy my service;

14) to try if it will work;

15) you will be very close to your objective;

16) a large company with has many offices or sells many different things.


Key Concepts

joint venture a separate business project in which two or more compa-nies have jointly invested, with the intention of working to-gether and combining their strengths in one specific area

merger the joining together of two separate companies so that they become one with a reason to increase market share and cut costs in a sphere of research and development

acquisition buying of another company or part of a company by buy-ing its shares and taking over control and ownership

takeover the act of gaining control of a company by buying more of its shares than anyone else


Supplementary Vocabulary

to go about smth / doing smth приступить к решению чего-либоCo. (company) компания (принятое сокращение, если слово

“Company” входит в официальное название предприятия)

sports utility vehicle спортивный автомобиль для езды по пересеченной местности

to call off talks отозвать (намеченные) переговорыnewsstand chain сеть газетных киосковdistribution service служба распространенияconsumer electronic arm of Thompson ответвление потребительской электроники

компании “Томпсон”to work on a deal работать над заключением сделкиbanking assets банковские активыDirector of Communication for Volvo директор по связям с общественностью от

“Вольво”to lose one’s national identity потерять свое национальное лицо

(принадлежность)to be keen for smth to go ahead / further хотеть, чтобы что-то продвигалосьvaried reasons разнообразные причиныto develop a new strategy разработать новую стратегиюego самомнениеalpha males самцы-лидерыuncanny parallels опрометчивые сравненияspectacular collapse эффектное крушениеsupposed alliance предполагаемый союзtextbook example наглядный примерclosest rivals ближайшие соперникиcomplementary research technologies дополняющие друг друга методики

исследованияstreets ahead of the competition далеко впереди в конкурентной борьбеto throw sand in one’s face вступать в открытую борьбуto prize drive and determination высоко ценить напор и решительностьstrength of personality сила характерability to outmaneuver способность перехитритьprerequisite предпосылкаboardroom bust-up ссора руководстваto go off the top of the scale не удержаться на вершине шкалы

(личностных оценок)to be verging on paranoid граничить с состоянием болезненной

подозрительностиpeer равный (по положению, статусу), коллегаclash столкновениеto tie the knot оформить брачный союзto hold a minority stake держать меньший (чем половина) пакет

акцийto reject the plan отвергнуть планto undervalue a company недооценить стоимость компанииacquisition premium надбавка (премия) приобретения (при

поглощениях: сумма, на которую цена,


уплаченная покупателем, превышает текущую стоимость приобретаемой фирмы)

simmering resentment с трудом сдерживаемое негодованиеto add spice придать остротыmanagement revolt управленческий бунтto be reputed быть известнымto force resignation вынудить уйти в отставкуin the driving seat зд. в руководящем креслеto take a back seat зд. уйти в тень, согласиться играть

второстепенную рольto step down уступить свою позициюkey personnel руководящий составto relinquish old roles отказаться от старых ролейto turn into all-out war превратиться во всеобщую войнуimperatives of shareholders требования акционеровto force through deals добиваться заключения сделокindependent director независимый управляющийdistinction отличительный признакunavoidable неизбежныйurgent demands настойчивые требованияto catch on стать популярнымto end up оканчивать что-либо каким-либо образомto abandon the idea бросить затеюto resign уйти с занимаемого постаto speak up говорить громчеto get on делать успехи, преуспеватьto go under прогореть (о бизнесе)to look ahead планировать на несколько шагов впередto go by пройти мимоto commandeer meetings присвоить себе право распоряжаться на

собранияхto finish off sentences заканчивать предложения за другихtrappings (of power) внешние атрибуты (власти)to be on the go быть в движении, в работеto have a clear and stated purpose иметь ясную и сформулированную цельpeople concerned заинтересованные лицаto attach the time limit определить регламентto schedule breaks запланировать перерывыto keep, to take the minutes вести протоколactions, action points решения (собрания)to keep things moving, to move on переходить от одного пункта повестки к

другомуto keep an eye on time следить за временемmake sure everyone stays focused следить за тем чтобы выступающие не

отвлекались от темыto invite contributions зд. стимулировать обмен мнениямиto seek clarification требовать разъясненийallocate action points and establish deadlines назначать ответственных за выполнение

решений и устанавливать срокиto present arguments представлять свои доводыI’m all in favour of that Я целиком «за»The way I see it is Мое мнение по этому вопросу таково


1. Insert correct types of alliances from the box into the spaces in the fol-

lowing descriptive examples.

joint venture merger acquisition or takeover

1. An may be friendly or hostile depending on how a purchase

is communicated to and received by the target company's board of directors, em-

ployees and shareholders. 2. In both companies' stocks are surren-

dered and new company stock is issued in its place. 3. It will be sold to a

created by Dow Jones and Westinghouse Broadcasting. 4. A

happens when two firms agree to go forward as a single new company rather than

remain separately owned and operated 5. usually refers to a purchase of a

smaller firm by a larger one. 6. A purchase deal will also be called a

when both CEOs agree that joining together is in the best interest of both of their

companies. 7. The partners can usually form the capital of the company

through injections of cash alone or cash together with assets such as 'technology' or

land and buildings. 8. In both partiers exercise control over the enter-

prise and consequently share revenues, expenses and assets. 9. When one company

takes over another and clearly establishes itself as the new owner, the purchase is

called an .

2. Read the text “When egos collide” on page 118 of NIiB SB and an-

swer the questions.

1. What are the corporate executives likened to? 2. What business advan-

tages could two pharmaceuticals giants derive from their supposed alliance? 3.

Why was the deal between Glaxo and Beecham off for the time being? 4. What

features of corporate business culture make clashes of merging companies’ CEOs

inevitable? 5. Which pathological features could be traced on personality tests in

many senior businessmen? 6. Why do many companies want abnormal personali-

ties as leaders? 7. Who was to blame for the break-down of planned merger be-


tween Volvo and Renault? 8. What added spice to the management revolt at

Volvo? 9. How can mega-mergers work? 10. What is essential for parties and the

shareholders during mergers? 11. How can shareholders control the egos of man-

agers? 12. Where can independent directors play their part?

3. Read the text “Effects of M&A on management” and put questions to

the italicized words and expressions.

Effects of M&A on management

A study published in the July/August 2008 issue of the Journal of Business

Strategy suggests that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) destroy leadership conti-

nuity in target companies’ top management teams for at least a decade following a

deal. The study found that target companies lose 21 percent of their executives

each year for at least 10 years following an acquisition – more than double the

turnover experienced in non-merged firms. If the businesses of the acquired and

acquiring companies overlap, then such turnover is to be expected; in other words,

there can only be one CEO, CFO, et cetera at a time.

4. Listen to the dialogue “A Corporate Takeover” and commentaries

coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

A Corporate Takeover

Lee: Hello, Lee Williams.

Bruce: Hi, Lee. This is Bruce Eng. The reason I’m calling is to find out if

there is any news about your company’s takeover bid for Shamrock Corp. It’s

been a week and I was wondering what’s happening.


Lee: Hi, Bruce. I’m glad you called. I was just about to call you with an up-

date. Here’s where we are. The offer we made to Shamrock was rejected by the

board on Tuesday. Our company’s board of directors has been meeting all week

to decide the next course of action.

Bruce: Is there any chance that this could turn into a hostile takeover?

Lee: There is a distinct possibility. Our company is hoping to avoid that

since we had hoped to do extensive due diligence, but a hostile takeover may be

the only option right now if we decide to move ahead with this.

Bruce: Would the banks go for little or no due diligence? I thought that their

support of the takeover bid was contingent on getting more information about the

state of Shamrock’s finances.

Lee: You’re right and that may be the stumbling block.

Bruce: Okay, well, call me if you get more information.

Lee: I will. You can count on it.

(From ESL Podcast 368.)

5. Listen to the dialogue “Giving Opinions in a Meeting”. Find syn-

onyms to words and phrases in the dialogue (1-14) from words and expres-

sions given below (a-n). Listen to the commentaries coming after the dialogue

and check your answers.

Giving Opinions in a Meeting

I was in a department meeting and our manager was asking for our feed-

back1 on improving our product. I had a few ideas and I wanted to get them

across2, but one of my colleagues3 was giving me a hard time4.

Marcelo: In my opinion5, I think that we need to look at the question more

from the customer’s perspective6. I really feel we need to do more market re-



Ellen: I tend to think that7 we have enough information already and it’s

time to make some decisions.

Marcelo: Well, the way I see it, we’ve only scratched the surface8 in get-

ting to know our customers. We need to get inside their heads9 if we want to offer

what they want and aren’t getting right now.

Ellen: You may be right, but if you ask me, I just don’t think it’s worth it to

sink10 more time and money into the type of market research you’re proposing. It’s

far more than what other companies are doing.

Marcelo: That’s precisely my point11. I’m sure that12 if we can get infor-

mation that other companies don’t have, we’ll be one step ahead13.

That’s when the manager stepped in and offered her opinion. And, I’m

happy to say, she sided with me14.

(From ESL Podcast 220)

Synonymous phrases:

a. a particular way of thinking about something;

b. how well or badly you are doing;

c. idea;

d. making things difficult for someone;

e. people you work with;

f. to be certain that something is true;

g. to find out or do a small amount, but not enough to understand or solve

the problem;

h. to manage to achieve more than they do or avoid competition or danger

from them;

i. to my mind;

j. to spend money on something in the hope of making more money;

k. to succeed in making other people understand it;

l. to support another person in an argument;

m. to understand the way people think;


n. to want to give your opinion, but not want it to seem too forceful or defi-


U n i t 1 3 . MARKETING

Key Concepts

marketing different activities intended to make and attract a profitable demand for product

The four Ps (mar-keting mix)

the combination of marketing tools used to satisfy cus-tomers and company objectives. The company’s offer is controlled by the following variables often referred to as the four Ps in marketing: Product, Price, Place (Distribu-tion), Promotion

product something (as a service) that is marketed or sold as a com-modity, i.e. something that a consumer needs or wants

price the amount of money given or set as consideration for the sale of a specified thing

place locality where the service is providedto promote to help to increase sales or popularity of the product or ser-

vicedirect mail market-ing

sending publicity material to people directly by mail

Supplementary Vocabulary

identify consumer needs and wants определить потребности и желания потребителя

military metaphor in business военная метафора в бизнесе (маркетинге)sales campaign кампания по увеличению продажto develop a plan of action разработать план действийhigh casualties высокие потериkey strongholds (to gain, to loose) ключевые позиции (приобрести, потерять)to be outgunned быть потесненным (в результате численного

превосходства)to surrender сдатьсяto plan a surprise attack планировать внезапное наступление


to regain a market share вернуть себе долю рынкаto rage on бушеватьhassle-free buying беспрепятственные покупкиto be under way происходить, разворачиватьсяto move in with a customer зд. постоянно сопровождать покупателя to exceed expectations превзойти ожиданияgasoline (US), petrol (GB) бензинto seek ways to increase искать способы повыситьto come up with a strategy придумать стратегиюto differentiate отличатьfragmented market фрагментированный рынокmission цель, задачаcutting edge research передовые исследованияnew brand initiative новая инициатива по продвижению брендаsystems upgrade улучшение организации трудаoperating practice технологический режимfueling experience практика заправки топливомtargeted at направленный наconsumer attitude отношение (позиция) потребителей (к товару,

рекламе, идее и прочим элементам продвижения)

team leader лидер группыto pick up the story подхватывать, развивать мысль рассказаcustomer segment потребительский сегмент: одна из групп

клиентов (потребителей) в структуре клиентов фирмы или потребителей определенного товара, в которой клиенты объединены по определенному признаку (например, использование товара в личных целях)

competitive price конкурентная цена (в более узком смысле: невысокая цена, установленная на уровне, не приносящем высоких доходов, но приемлемом ввиду отсутствия у производителя монопольной власти и наличия необходимости конкурировать с другими производителями)

nearby location расположение поблизости (от места жительства или работы)

full-serve (<service) outlet пункт продажи с полным циклом обслуживания

like the old days как в старые добрые временаfocus group фокус-группа, фокусная группа

(неформальная дискуссия с небольшим числом участников, обычно 8-12, проводимая под руководством специально обученного модератора, который направляет дискуссию в соответствии с разработанным путеводителем)

waking hours часы бодрствованияto create a psychological profile создать психологический портретPremium Speeders люди, готовые переплачивать за скорость


outgoing detail orientated контактный и внимательный к деталямupmarket car дорогой автомобильto make a statement about smb показывать (высокий) статус (владельца)efficiency оперативностьfast pumps скоростные насосыSimplicity Seekers люди, для которых чем проще, тем лучшеloyal, caring, sensitive законопослушный, заботливый,

впечатлительныйeasy transactions легкие (не обремененные деталями) сделкиSafety Firsters люди, для которых важнее всего

безопасностьto go out of one’s way to smb/smth зд. стараться показать свое расположение кcommon thread объединяющая чертаlaunch запуск (нового бренда)field organization организаторы на местахto combine forces объединить усилияto eliminate little hassles устранить мелкие неудобстваto face сталкиватьсяto be test marketed проходить маркетинговые испытинияto introduce a sophisticated measurement system ввести высоко технологичную систему

измеренийto monitor satisfaction, behaviour and perception of the brand

отслеживать степень удовлетворенности, поведение покупателей и восприятие ими нового бренда

to fuel (up) a car (US), to fill up (GB) заправить машинуto be ahead of the game быть на выигрышной позицииto catch up догнатьto exceed превосходитьto affect decisions влиять на решенияupmarket and downmarket рынок дорогих и рынок дешевых товаровoverdue invoice просроченный счет-фактураoverpriced products продукты с завышенной ценойto phase out less sophisticated brands постепенно прекратить выпуск менее

усовершенствованных моделейunderstaffed company не укомплектованная персоналом компанияoutdated information устаревшая информацияto overwork переработать (сверх положенного)overdrawn account счет с превышением кредитаsporty Jaguar спортивный «Ягуар»to avoid road obstacles избегать дорожные препятствияto be refueled by Draken jet aircraft быть заправленным из реактивного самолета

дозаправщикаquantifier квантификатор, наречие степени, слово для

обозначения количественных отношенийfree sample бесплатный образец (пробник)direct mail marketing прямой почтовый маркетинг (прямой

маркетинг, осуществляемый путем рассылки почтовых отправлений (писем, рекламы, образцов, проспектов и др.) потенциальным клиентам; адресаты подбираются на основе списков наиболее вероятных покупателей определенных групп товаров)


publicity material рекламный материалmagazine subscription подписка на журналpersuasive and clear sales message убедительное и ясное торговое обращениеto concentrate sales efforts сконцентрировать усилия по продажамlife insurance plan предложение по страхованию жизниpension plan предложение по пенсионному накоплениюto put off вызывать отвращениеinsurance sales people страховые агентыto go over figures просматривать цифрыto take out a document получить (на руки) документto give the best value for money currently avail-able

предложить лучший продукт доступный в настоящее время

no red tape без волокитыto complete an application form написать заявлениеto start saving straightaway начать сберегать немедленноinsurance cover страховое покрытиеpushy sales people навязчивые продавцыinsurance broker страховой брокер, маклерin the meantime тем временем, между темenquiry card with paid postage предоплаченная почтовая карточка-запросto read at leisure прочесть в свободное времяarrival of a baby рождение ребенкаpolicy holder держатель страхового полисаone less outing to a night club одним походом в ночной клуб меньше

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrase

from the box.

price product marketing the four Ps promote place

1 is the term given to all the different activities intended to make a

profitable demand for a product. This involves: identifying consumer needs and

wants in order to develop the 2 ; setting the 3 ; deciding

on the best 4 to sell the product; deciding on how best to 5 the prod-

uct. These four factors are often referred to as 6 .

2. Read the text “Hello to the good buys” on page 126 of NIiB SB and

answer the questions.

1. What did the new marketing campaign of Shell Oil promise for cus-

tomers? 2. What kind of differentiation did Shell Oil Products marketing people

want to achieve? 3. What was the mission of the market research? 4. What kind of

changes did the marketing people aim to introduce into fuelling experience of Shell


Oil customers? 5. What formed the basis of the new brand initiative? 6. How did

the marketing team conduct the research? 7. Which factors were customers’ buy-

ing decisions influenced by? 8. What did anthropological study involve? 9. Which

three groups of customers were targeted? 10. What was the common thread to all

the groups? 11. Who combined forces to eliminate the little hassles that customers

sometimes face? 12. Why was a new sophisticated measurement system intro-


3. Read the text about market research on page 128 of NIiB SB and

frame questions to which the following words and phrases provide the an-


1. Market researchers. 2. To conduct studies. 3. Based on sex, age and social

class. 4. For companies. 5. Questionnaires. 6. The exact needs and demands.

7. What affects the consumer buying decisions. 8. To appeal to the identified seg-

ment. 9. The success. 10. If necessary.

4. Listen to the dialogue “Viral Marketing” and commentaries coming

after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold print.

Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

Viral Marketing

Jayna: I have an idea for creating buzz about our new product.

Maksym: What is it?

Jayna: I think we should use viral marketing. We can spread information

about the product quickly and among the most likely customers.

Maksym: I really don’t understand it. How would we do viral marketing?

Jayna: Well, the key is to get plugged into a few people who have large so-

cial networks already, such as bloggers and other people with popular websites.


We get them talking about the product on their websites and people who visit those

sites will tell their friends about it, and they will in turn tell their friends, and so

on. If we use these existing social networks, news about our product will spread

very quickly.

Maksym: What about the cost?

Jayna: That’s just it. It’s very low-cost because it works through word of


Maksym: That sounds promising. Why don’t you put together a short pre-

sentation about it to present at the department meeting on Friday?

Jayna: Great. I’ll get working on it right away. I think it’s going to trans-

form the way we reach our customers.

Maksym: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let’s see how it goes over with

the rest of the department on Friday.

Jayna: Sure thing.

(From ESL Podcast 280.)

5. Listen to the dialogue “A Call from a Telemarketer”. Find synonyms

to words and phrases in the dialogue (1-14) from words and expressions given

below (a-n). Listen to the commentaries coming after the dialogue and check

your answers.

A Call from a Telemarketer1

Doris: Hello.

Telemarketer: Hello, may I speak to the lady of the house2?

Doris: What is this regarding3?

Telemarketer: I’m calling from Cheetam Cable Company4 and we have a

very special offer. This month only, you can get a bundle5 of services for the low,

low price of $69.99! This offer...


Doris: Thank you, but I’m not interested.

Telemarketer: But that’s because you haven’t heard the rest of the offer yet.

If you sign up6 today, you will get at no extra charge7, all of the equipment you’ll

need to switch8 to our cable company.

Doris: As I said, I’m not interested. I’m also on the national do-not-call reg-

istry9 and I want to be taken off10 your call list.

Telemarketer: If you’re on my list, it means that you have a prior relation-

ship11 with our company and telemarketers are allowed to call you. Now about that

special offer...

Doris: I don’t want to hear your sales pitch12. I demand13 to be taken off

your call list and I don’t want to get any more calls from your company.

Telemarketer: Is that a “no” on the special offer?

Doris: Yes, that’s a “no” on the special offer and a “no” on getting any more

calls from your company. Do I make myself clear14?

Telemarketer: Yes, very clear. If you’re not interested in our special offer, I

can tell you about our other services...

Doris: No you can’t! [Hangs up the phone.]

(From ESL Podcast 375.)


a. a group, a package, two or more things for one price;

b. a list of phone numbers that companies are not allowed to call;

c. company that brings you cable TV;

d. contact in the past between two people;

e. do you understand me;

f. for free;

g. someone who calls you on the telephone to sell you something;

h. speech, words used to try to get you buy smth;

i. the female head of the family;

j. to become a member, to agree to buy this;


k. to change, to stop using this company and to start using a different com-

pany services;

l. to insist, to require someone else do smth;

m. to remove from;

n. Why are you calling?


Key Concepts

product advertising making a product or service known to a wider audience by emphasizing its positive qualities with an aim of increasing sales

to target to try to appeal to a group of people or affect themmedia ways or means of communicating with people (TV, radio,

newspapers, magazines, the Internet, direct mail)corporate advertis-ing

making a company brand image known to a wider public

brand image a picture or impression, a company wants to present to the public

public relations (PR)

activities and events organized by experts within the com-pany to generate public’s approval for the company

publicity information or actions that are intended to attract the pub-lic’s attention to someone or something, they may evoke either positive or negative response

slogan a short phrase to attract the consumer’s attention

Supplementary Vocabulary

to come up with ways придумать способыtalking ads речевые объявленияbank cash machines разменные автоматыshopping trolley (shopping cart) тележка для покупокslogan рекламная формула, слоган: фраза

рекламного характера, употребляющаяся в качестве лозунга рекламной кампании или как товарный знак

to come alive взбодриться


Pepsi generation поколение Пепсиto bring back from the dead оживить из мертвыхParker «Паркер» - фирма, производящая авторучки и

другие канцтоварыto leak течьto embarrass поставить в затруднительное положение,

смутитьpregnant беременнаяtonic water газированная вода с добавлением хинина,

лимона и лаймаleather кожаcontroversial advertising реклама, вызывающая полемикуto ban запрещатьsacrilege святотатствоto scrape off сдирать, соскребатьbillboard рекламный щитfurious complaints гневные жалобыposter (рекламный) плакатto be likened to быть приравненнымrevelation откровениеthe last supper последняя вечеряdisciple ученикadmen сотрудники рекламного агентства,

рекламщикиpresumably figured вероятно, считалиoutrageous advertising шокирующая рекламаthe likes of Benetton компании, подобные «Бенеттону»to revive оживитьto sue привлечь к судуto obtain reparation получить возмещение to suffer the damage понести ущербto confess to one’s sins признаться в своих грехахfundamental values of society основополагающие ценности обществаbeliefs of the faithful убеждения верующихto retract the posters отказаться от рекламных поакатовpenance епитимья, наказание за грехto make a donation to charity сделать пожертвование на

благотворительностьto be exposed подвергаться воздействиюadland thinkers мыслители из области рекламыforemost передовойSemiotic Solutions решения по интерпретации знаков и

символовto take sales messages at face value принимать торговые обращения на веруto challenge everything that they are told ставить под сомнение все, что им говорятinception началоsocial issues социальные проблемы

to prostitute images of faith опошлять образы веры

to benefit from получить выгоду от

to pitch for a business выступать в поддержку своего бизнеса/предприятия, стремиться получить


заказto garner extra publicity набирать дополнительную известность

Deputy Creative Director заместитель творческого директора

youth proposition зд. молодежный проект

open-minded непредубежденный

to annoy раздражать

agency creatives креативщики из рекламных агентств

counterparts from elsewhere ровесники из других мест

broad-minded либеральных взглядов

to shatter taboos разрушать табу

ahead of its time впереди времени

collision столкновение

for all the claimed acumen несмотря на утверждения о проницательности

to be in touch with public mood понимать общественное настроение

deliberately provocative намеренно провокационная

to generate media coverage вызвать интерес (отклики) в СМИ

conventional advertising обычная реклама

flavor привкус

to submit proposals внести предложения

overall advertising strategy общая стратегия рекламы

most appropriate means of advertising наиболее подходящие средства распространения рекламы

to fit in with the corporate image сочетаться с имиджем корпорации

to generate negative publicity вызвать отрицательный резонанс в СМИ

to be likened to быть приравненным к

the like of… нечто подобное …

to set up a department организовать департамент

World War Two (WW2) Вторая мировая война

celebrity endorsements поддержка знаменитостей

to feature heavily часто фигурировать

commercial n рекламный ролик

recipe рецепт

to expand presence расширить присутствие

petrochemical нефтехимический

(electric) power электрический ток

rural community сельское сообщество


national electricity grid национальная энергетическая система

stand-alone power system автономная система электроснабжения

long-lasting and simple to maintain долгосрочные и простые в обслуживании

to build an unrivalled understanding выработать непревзойденное понимание

range of packaged products ассортимент конструктивно-законченных изделий

to enhance living standards повысить уровень жизни

benzene бензол, бесцветная жидкость, образующаяся при переработке нефтяных фракций, используемая как растворитель жиров и пр.

to make a statement сделать заявление

to carry out an inspection провести инспектирование

to identify the fault обнаружить погрешность

(film) sequence последовательный ряд кинокадров, эпизод

soundtrack звуковая дорожка

live recording прямая запись

voice-over голос за кадром

to film снимать

storyboard раскадровка

setting декорации, окружающая обстановка

in glorious sunshine в ярком свете солнца

steep cliff крутой утес

to plunge into the abyss нырнуть в пропасть

sheer rock отвесная скала

in the foreground на переднем плане

to work backwards from the slogan / to build up on the slogan

придумать сценарий к готовому слогану /идти постепенно от сценария к слогану

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases

from the box.

to target corporate advertising publicity public relations

media product advertising image

1 is an important part of the marketing mix. It is used to in-

crease sales by making the product or service known to a wider audience and by


emphasizing its superior qualities. A company can advertise in a variety of ways,

depending on how much it wishes to spend and the size and type of audience it

wishes 2 . The different 3 for advertising include televi-

sion, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and direct mail. The design and

organisation of advertising campaigns is the job of an advertising agency.

4 is not directly concerned with increasing sales of products or

services but more with the overall 5 a company wants to present to the

public. 6 experts specialise in organising actions and events which

generate positive 7 for companies. Original advertising campaigns

can sometimes also get some extra publicity for the company by way of newspaper

articles and/or TV and radio reports about the campaign.

2. Read the text “Sacrilege” on page 136 of NIiB SB and answer the


1. Why was Volkswagen Golf poster considered a sacrilege by the Catholic

Church followers? 2. What was the presumption of VW’s advertising agency? 3.

What was DDB’s retracting the posters supposed to show? 4. Why did shocking

ads become more popular with advertisers? 5. What kind of philosophy has domi-

nated advertising since its inception but doesn’t seem to work right now? 6. What

can the ads deal with in order to be popular these days? 7. What can’t you do with

the images of faith, according to Virginia Valentine? 8. What do clients ask agen-

cies pitching for their business to demonstrate? 9. What is the simplest way to get

additional media coverage – both positive and negative? 10. What is the only real

taboo in advertising? 11. What was VW’s mistake in advertising style, according

to Leon Jaum? 12. Which features differentiate young consumers of today?

3. Read the article and give an annotation of it in English.


Маркетинг компании «Бенеттон»

Компания известна своей спонсорской деятельностью в области

спорта, а также провокационными и оригинальными рекламными

кампаниями под девизом «публичность United Colors». Последний возник,

когда фотограф Оливьеро Тоскани получил карт-бланш на управление

маркетингом Benetton Group. Под руководством Тоскани были организованы

рекламные акции, которые содержали яркие изображения, не связанные с

какой-либо фактической продукцией компании.

Так появились объявления на рекламных щитах, включающие в себя

изображения разнообразных шокирующих сцен, таких как умирающий

человек (активист Дэвид Кирби умирает от СПИДа), окровавленное немытое

тело новорожденного ребенка с еще не перерезанной пуповиной (umbilical

cord), две спаривающиеся (copulating) лошади, макрофотографии татуировок,

коллаж, состоящий из половых органов лиц различных рас, священник и

монахиня, готовящиеся к поцелую, фотографии заключенных в камерах

смертников (convicts in condemned cells) и окровавленные брюки и футболки

солдат, погибших в боснийской войне. Логотип компании служил только

текстом, сопровождающим изображения в большинстве из этих объявлений.


4. Listen to the dialogue “Outdoor Advertising” and commen-

taries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in

bold print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

Outdoor Advertising

Kam: Okay, the purpose of our meeting today is to listen to some ideas for

our new advertising campaign. Gina, take it away.


Gina: Thanks, Kam. I’m going to talk today about outdoor advertising. I

know that it’s a new area for us and it hasn’t been on our radar in the past, but I

know it’ll work well for our new campaign.

Kam: Can we talk specifics?

Gina: Sure. There are several types of outdoor advertising. One is the bill-

board, both the traditional kind and the digital ones. Advertising on ones in high-

traffic areas will give us a lot of exposure. To get even more exposure all over

town, we can use mobile advertising.

Kam: You mean advertise on buses?

Gina: Yes, more and more, products are being advertised on buses and cars.

These wraps can also be put on the side of buildings and other structures. There

really are a lot of outdoor advertising options, from bench ads to skywriting.

Kam: That’s all very interesting, but which of these methods do you recom-


Gina: I think we should use all of them – blanket the city with our new ads.

Kam: All of them?

Gina: Yes, all of them. You know what they say: “Go big or go home.”

(From ESL Podcast 652.)

5. Translate the following slogans from Russian into English.

«Cемейный доктор» (ежемесячный журнал о здоровье):

«36,6 - 366 дней в году».

«Elle» (журнал мод):

«Elle. Это модно!»;

«Elle. Журнал с женским именем!»;

«Elle. Ты читаешь мои мысли».

Журнал «Женские секреты»:


«Женские секреты. Счастье в ваших руках»;

«За 10 лет мы рассказали 10 миллионов секретов!»

«Максим» (мужской журнал):

«Оклеветанный журнал о тихих семейных ценностях»;

«Максим. Издатый для мужчин».

Еженедельный таблоид «Hello!»:

«Hello! Выше сплетен. Ближе к звездам»;

«Знаменитый журнал о знаменитых людях».

Русский Фокус» (еженедельное деловое издание):

«Прочел сам - передай другому»;

«Русский Фокус. О русском бизнесе - без акцента!»;

«И в вашей жизни есть место бизнесу!»


«Здоровье одно, другого не купишь».

«Финансовый контроль» (ежемесячный финансово-экономический


«Прозрачность открывает реальность».

Еженедельный журнал «Деньги»:

«Денег никогда не бывает слишком много».

«Популярные финансы»:

«Журнал для тех, кто хочет накопить, сохранить и приумножить».

Рекламное издание «Недвижимость и цены»:


«Превратим мечту в недвижимость».


6. Translate the following slogans from English into Russian.

America's Favorite Pizza.

Hut, Hut, Pizza Hut.

Camels Soothe Your T-Zone

More Doctors Smoke Camels than

any other Cigarette

I'd Walk a Mile for A Camel

Ask For More, 2000

All the taste, 1/3 of the calories,

Pepsi Max, 1993

Pepsi. The Choice of a New Gen-

eration, 1984

Have a Pepsi Day!1977

Drivers wanted

If only everything in life was as

reliable as a Volkswagen

Think Small

Safe Happens

Grab life by the horns Zoom-Zoom


The ultimate driving machine The World Puts Its Stock In US

When it pours, it reigns

A Better Way forwardBetcha can't eat just one

When it absolutely, positively has

to be there overnight

Digitally Yours


7. Listen to the dialogue “Introducing a New Product”. Find synonyms

to words and phrases in the dialogue (1-16) from words and expressions given

below (a-p). Listen to the commentaries coming after the dialogue and check

your answers.

Introducing a New Product

Augie: Today’s the day. I’m giving you the heads up1. Our company is

rolling out2 its new line of cell phones.

Lillian: I can see you’re excited about it. What’s so special about the new


Augie: This line of phones has state-of- the-art3 technology and never- be-

fore-seen features. It’s been in development4 for over a year and it’s been really

hard keeping it under wraps5.

Lillian: I thought information was leaked6 weeks ago.

Augie: Those were just rumors, and the company put a clamp7 on those

pretty quickly.


Lillian: Wasn’t the new line supposed to come out8 next month?

Augie: That was the original plan, but since McQ Corp. is coming out with

its own line of phones soon, we wanted to get a jump on them9.

Lillian: And steal their thunder10.

Augie: Yes, and steal their thunder. We had to scramble11 to get the phones

ready ahead of schedule12, but I think it was worth it. They’re really going to

make a splash13.

Lillian: I hope so. I hope all of this hype14 has been justified15.

Augie: Oh, it will be. I’ll know soon enough.

Lillian: How?

Augie: You’ll be begging16 me to get you one.

(From ESL Podcast 628.)


a. before the original plan;

b. positive things that are said about the product and make people inter-


c. supported with evidence, not exaggerated;

d. to be released, to be made available to the public;

e. to do smth that attracts a lot of attention;

f. to do smth very quickly;

g. to do something faster or sooner than another person often in competition;

h. to keep smth secret;

i. to launch, to begin a new product, start selling smth different;

j. to let someone know that smth is going to happen in the future;

k. to plead, to ask to do in a very urgent way;

l. to share secret information with the general public or newspapers;

m. to stop smth from happening usually with strength and power;

n. to take attention or praise away from someone else;

o. very modern, advanced, the newest and the best;


p. what is being worked on and is not finished yet.


Key Concepts

information knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruc-tion

data facts and figures that you can analyzeprint media newspapers, books and magazines, supplying news, info

and data in written formpress journalists and reportersto publish make information or opinion known to the public by hav-

ing it printed in a newspaper, magazine, or official docu-ment.

channel a radio/TV station that produces and distributes audio and audio-visual programs

broadcast a program, performance, or speech on the radio or on tele-vision

multimedia a technique of combining sound, video and text for ex-pressing ideas

audience listeners or viewers of a program taken as a groupnetwork a system of computers which are connected and operate to-


Supplementary Vocabulary

multimedia information network мультимедийная информационная сетьmedia средство доставки информацииbroad range of services in one package широкий ассортимент услуг одним пакетомrelated media products связанные медиа продуктыcore business основной вид деятельностиreal-time в режиме реального времениspecial terminal специальное электронное устройство ввода-

вывода данных live TV broadcasts телепередачи в прямом эфиреnews service служба новостейcoverage освещение в СМИdecision-makers лицо, принимающее решениеto syndicate одновременно публиковать в нескольких

изданиях, передавать по нескольким каналам


subscriber подписчикto complement services дополнять (одни услуги другими)individual investor индивидуальный инвестор (мелкий инвестор,

вкладывающий собственный капитал в собственных интересах; обычно имеется в виду физическое лицо)

ubiquity вездесущностьintention намерениеto plaster one’s name on cell phones наклеить имя (как рекламу) на сотовые

телефоныnews wire service агентство телеграфных новостейsatellite TV network сеть спутникового телевиденияto maintain a Web site поддерживать интернет-сайтcommodity товарto set to work приняться за работуto come up with smth придумать что-либоinitial financial backing первоначальная финансовая поддержкаstock and bond information информация по акциям и облигациямdatabase база данныхto turn into a reported $1 bn-a-year empire превратить в империю с официальным

доходом в 1 млрд долл. в год (доходом, подтвержденным годовым отчетом)

one-man brand одноименная торговая маркаnews-gathering industry индустрия сбора информацииvast holdings большое количество акцийto exert autocratic control осуществлять единоличный надзорlobby вестибюль, холлtrading floor торговая площадкаadvance copy сигнальный экземплярoutsider человек со стороныcultish devotion культовая преданностьimpressive office впечатляющее помещениеnewsroom студия новостейperks (GB infml. Pl.) неформ. льготыveritable convenience store подлинный круглосуточный магазинsoft drinks and snacks безалкогольные напитки и закускиpremises Pl. помещениеglass enclosed sitting area отгороженное стеклянными стенами место

отдыхаstate-of-the-art equipment суперсовременное оборудованиеJohns Hopkins-educated engineer инженер, получивший образование в

университете имени Джонса ХопкинсаMBA (Master of Business Administration) магистр делового администрирования slide rule логарифмическая линейкаmask скрыватьpad блокнотto disdain презиратьto displace the need for избавить от необходимости вto assert утверждатьdelivery system система доставкиat that при этомlong distance bills счета за международные звонки


hardware оборудованиеdepreciation обесценивание оборудования и связанные с

этим амортизационные расходыto charge … a month назначать плату… в месяцThey can’t get away with anything У них ничего не получаетсяto go to zero снижаться до нуляcategorization классификацияutilities служебные программыReuters «Рейтер»: крупнейшее информационное

агентство; принадлежит газетным концернам Англии, Австралии, Новой Зеландии; по имени барона Поля Юлиуса фон Рейтера (1816- 1899), основавшего в 1849 г. в Германии телеграфное бюро и бюро голубиной почты

Dow Jones News / Retrieval новости / поиск Доу-Джонса (интерактивная информационная служба, включающая услуги по предоставлению инвестиционной информации и электронную почту телекоммуникационной компании MCI; предоставляет множество баз данных для поиска текстовой инвестиционной информации, поиска отчетов об исследованиях инвестиционных фирм, поиска официальной финансовой информации о крупных корпорациях и т. п.)

Telerate «Телерейт» (электронная информационная система по ценным бумагам, выводящая данные на экраны терминалов; принадлежит «Ассошиэйтед Пресс» и корпорации «Доу Джонс»)

equal parts luck and design в равной степени счастливый случай и расчетinterpersonal skills навыки межличностных отношенийopen / cube office layout офис открытой планировки («кубы»)closed / cave office layout офис закрытой планировки («норы»)under-informed audience плохо информированная аудиторияto tune in настраиваться наto get the business off the ground начать делоmedia tycoon медиа магнатto get along with ужиться сto come in for получить (наследство и др.)to live up to соответствоватьto go along with согласиться сto get on with, to get down to приниматься заto get round to находить время, осуществить намеченноеto miss out on упустить возможностьto move over to переходить к to cut back on сокращатьto read up on много читать по какой-либо темеnews bulletin сводка новостейround-up of main stories and financial updates сводка главных событий и последних

финансовых известий


with only 3 days to go before за три дня доdeadline последний срокto scramble for гнаться заto withdraw from talks выйти из переговоровin the aftermath of вследствиеto continue downward spiral продолжать движение вниз по спиралиto advance расти (об индексе торгов)euro believers or heretics люди, не верящие в успех евроerosion of national identity размывание национальной принадлежности

1. Complete the passage below using the appropriate words from the


audiences print media channels or stations data media

networks multimedia broadcasts press news

The business community relies on various 1 to provide informa-

tion, 2 and 3 to its members. The 4 ,

which include newspapers, books and magazines, supply this in written form

through the 5 and publishing companies. Radio and television 6 pro-

duce and distribute audio and audio-visual programmes or 7 which

cover the main events and developments in business. Recently there has been con-

siderable expansion of 8 businesses which now provide integrated me-

dia services containing sound, pictures and text to 9 around the world

which can be accessed through 10 such as the Internet.

2. Read the text “A Man and his Information Machine” on page 145 of

NIiB SB and answer the questions.

1. What are the evidences of Bloomberg’s ubiquity? 2. When and how was

this multimedia empire founded? 3. What was Bloomberg network supposed to de-

liver to brokers? 4. How much do the subscribers pay a month today? 5. How does

Bloomberg differ from Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner? 6. What is the attitude of

the employees to their Big Boss? 7. What perks are there for the staff members?

8. What do calculators mask? 9. What is the problem with charging for services on

the internet? 10. What kind of value does the company add to the data freely avail-


able on the web? 11. How does Bloomberg define the further direction for his com-

pany to grow? 12. What separates winners from the losers?

3. Read the text about Noah Samara on page 147 of NIiB SB and frame

questions to which the following words and phrases provide the answers.

1. A new media concept. 2. To millions of people. 3. In Washington DC. 4.

To use satelites. 5. That more than three hundred million listeners could soon be

tuning in. 6. $50. 7. To get his business off the ground. 8. $850 m. 9. Most of the

programming. 10. For subscribers. 11. A deal. 12. With Michael Bloomberg.

4. Listen to the dialogue “Making a Sales Call” and commentaries com-

ing after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold

print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatise it with a classmate.

Making a Sales Call

Last week, I was at a business luncheon and I met a woman named Dana Okri who was heading a new start up. I have been a sales rep for Eureka Corp. for three years now and our bread and butter is data management software . I told her briefly about our products over lunch and she had given me her card.

I decided to follow up with a call. I dialed her direct line and fortunately, I got a hold of her on the first try.

Dana: Hello, Dana Okri.

Kevin: Hello, Dana, this is Kevin Abrahams from Eureka Corp. I don't know if you'll remember me but we met last week at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

Dana: Oh, yes. Hi, how are you?

Kevin: Great. Do you have a few minutes right now for me to tell you a lit-tle bit more about the data management tools our company has to offer? It won't take long .


Dana: Actually, I'm really swamped right now and I'll be going into a meet-ing in a few minutes. Is there any literature you can send me?

Kevin: Oh, sure, I understand. I'd be happy to send you a promotional packet about the programs that I think might best suit a company your size. Would it be okay if I called again to see if you have any questions?

Dana: Let's do this . Since I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to read the material, why don't I give you a call if I have any questions. Now, I'm really sorry, but I have to get going to this meeting.

Kevin: No problem at all. I won't keep you any longer. I'll put a package to you in the mail and we'll go from there .

Dana: Sounds good.

Kevin: Thanks for your time.

Dana: No problem. Bye, bye. (From ESL Podcast 103.)

5. Listen to the dialogue “Corporate Spying”. Find synonyms to words

and phrases in the dialogue (1-16) from words and expressions given below (a-

p). Listen to the commentaries coming after the dialogue and check your an-


Corporate Spying

Joachim: I'm really having second thoughts1 about hiring a firm to do cor-

porate spying2 for us. I don't want to do anything that's ethically questionable3.

Dawn: We have no choice but to do it. All of our competitors conduct corpo-

rate espionage.

Joachim: I can understand spying on our competitors, but I draw the line at4

having us snoop on5 our own employees.

Dawn: We wouldn't unless our backs were against the wall6. I know you're

thinking about Hewer Placket hiring investigators to find a leak7 in their company.

I'm sure it was a hard decision for them, but they couldn't allow anyone in their

own company to leak trade secrets8.


Joachim: True, it was necessary, but I don't like being deceptive9 with our

own employees. I won't allow wiretaps10 or any invasion of privacy11.

Dawn: Our first priority12 would be damage control13, not privacy. In any

case, we're not making a decision to spy within the company right now. We're only

after our rival's14 information. The investigators we're hiring know the difference

between legal and illegal spying. They'll schmooze15 at trade shows, scour16 legal

records, and do other things like that. They'll know where to draw the line.

Joachim: I hope you're right. I don't want to end up on the front page of the


(From ESL Podcast 412.)


a. a competitor, a person or a company;

b. desire to reconsider a decision already taken;

c. first and most important thing we need to do;

d. listening secretly to your telephone conversations and recording them;

f. secret information about how you conduct business;

g. someone who is giving secret information to an outsider;

h. to be desperate, to have no other choice;

i. to have a casual informal conversation with other people in order to find


j. to lie;

k. to look through many things trying to find a very specific piece of infor-


l. to regard smth as the last and extreme thing you are willing to do;

m. to spy on someone informally and not very seriously;

n. trying to find out as much as you can about another company including

information that may not be publicly available;

o. violating your right to keep your personal information secret;

p. when you try to make a bad situation look better than it is.


6. Read the text “Closed Offices vs Open Plan Layout” and mark the

statements coming after it as T (True) or F (False).

Big closed office layout Open office layout

Closed Offices vs Open Plan Layout

One of the first considerations for any small business is whether they want to

have closed offices or an open plan layout. Both approaches have pros and cons so

small businesses must consider carefully which option is most suitable for their

particular needs.

Closed office space, whether each employee has a separate office of their

own or there are a few people in each closed office, allows staff a greater amount

of privacy than an open plan office layout. They have the chance to work in peace

and quiet, keeping them focused on the tasks in hand without getting overly dis-

tracted by what their colleagues are doing. Closed offices also offer space for em-

ployees to think or be creative without too much interruption.

However, some people feel that closed offices, whether individual or for

small teams of employees, promote a culture of individualism rather than team-

work, and would prefer an open plan office layout. This helps keep all employees

at the same level, with the Managing Director of the company working in the same

space as the newest member of staff. Whilst this can be slightly disturbing for

those who have always worked in closed offices in the past, it helps employees to


engage with one another on a more regular and informal basis, and fosters an envi-

ronment of mutual support and cooperation.

On the one hand, a lot of offices nowadays are following the open plan lay

out purely out of financial reasons - because it saves the employers a significant

20% of their budget.

On the other hand, researchers from the Queensland University found out

that the current trend of having an open-plan workplace often results in lower pro-

ductivity and higher levels of stress for employees which means additional pro-

gressive expenses in healthcare payments for the employers.

Deciding whether an open plan layout or closed office system would be best

for your business will depend on many factors, and it is important to consider them

all thoroughly before finalising office arrangements. For instance, a company in

which members of staff discuss sensitive information over the phone such as re-

cruitment firm, or an agency in which ‘Chinese walls’ are necessary to keep client

teams separate, may decide that closed offices is the only way to make this possi-

ble. However, creative industries such as advertising and design often feel that

having an open plan layout increases the creativity of the staff without hindering

their productivity. Depending on the size and budget of your company you may

want to consider having a combination of closed as well as open plan office space.


1. In closed office employees are never distracted by their colleagues. .

2. Closed offices promote the culture of individualism .

3. Open offices conceal hierarchy and facilitate mutual support .

4. Open offices are cheaper to build .

5. Open offices provide healthier working conditions for employees .

6. Chinese walls are thin and sound-transmitting .

7. You cannot combine open and closed office layouts .




Англо-русский экономический словарь / [сост.: И.Ф. Жданова,

Э.Л. Вартумян]. М.: Рус. яз., 2000. 880 с.

ABBYY Lingvo V10: слов. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:


Collins dictionary of Economics / пер. с англ. под ред. П.А. Ватника.

Спб.: Эконом. шк., 1988. 752 с.

English as a Second Language Podcast. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим

доступа: http://www.espod.com/website/indexnow.html.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Harlow: Pearson Education

Ltd., 2005. 1928 p.

Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. L.: Longman, 1993.

1523 p.

Margdis, S. The Department Store. L.: Cassel Ltd., 1978. 214 p.

New Insights into Business: Students Book / [G. Tullis, T. Trappe]. Edin-

burgh: Pearson Education, 2004. 176 p.

Robinson P.H. Import / Export. L.: Cassel Ltd., 1979.121 p.



Приложение 1

A letter of inquiry is a request for information that the writer believes the reader can

provide. Regardless of its subject, the objective is to get the reader to respond with an action that

satisfies the inquiry.

Sample Inquiry Letter

__________Better Widget Makers, Inc.__________5555 Widget AvenueSilver City, CO 80456

September 26, 2003

Mr. Russ HamiltonVice President, Sales and MarketingGolden Bread Company123 Loaf StreetSilver City, CO 80451

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Construction on the new employee cafeteria at Better Widget Makers, Inc. is nearing completion and I am looking for a supplier capable of fulfilling our weekly bakery needs.

Do you have an information packet that would help me project the cost of doing business with your company? We will need daily deliveries of pastries, pies, dinner rolls and sandwich bread. Our facility operates 24/7 with a flextime workforce of 1,500 employees. To complete my oper-ational budget I will need the following information:

• Wholesale price sheets• Quantity cost breaks• Annual contract discounts• Delivery and / or any other service charges.

To submit my proposal to the finance committee at their October 20th meeting I will need to re-ceive your information by the 10th. I will also need to meet with you after reviewing the re-quested materials. Please call me for an appointment at your earliest convenience. My personal extension is 216-8080, # 29.

In keeping with long-standing policy we would like to place this contract locally. I look forward to working with you and am hopeful that the Golden Bread Company can fulfill our needs.


Ida Mae KnottPurchasing Agent


Приложение 2

A response letter provides the answers or information requested in a letter of in-

quiry. The objective is to satisfy the reader with an action that fulfills their request.

Sample Response Letter

____________Golden Bread Company____________123 Loaf StreetSilver City, Colorado 80451

October 1, 2003

Ms Ida Mae KnottPurchasing AgentBetter Widget Makers, Inc.5555 Widget AvenueSilver City, CO 80456

Dear Ms. Knott,

Congratulations on your new cafeteria and thanks for considering the Golden Bread Company to fulfill your bakery needs. I can assure you that we have both the capability and the experience to handle your account.

It certainly appears to me that your needs are large enough to fall into the volumecategory that fits our very best wholesale pricing structure.

Your letter of September 26 indicated some urgency in completing a budget andsubmitting a proposal. To help expedite the matter I have instructed my Sales Manager, Bill Erp, to personally deliver this packet of information. I have included a chart from each of our depart-ments detailing the individual items in each product line, their wholesale prices and the volume quantities at which cost breaks are given.

In consideration of an annual contract, further discounts are available and, at yourconvenience, I am more than happy to meet with you personally. I am hopeful that you will have had a chance to review these materials by Friday, October 3 and will call then to set an appoint-ment.

If I may be of further assistance before then, please do not hesitate to call. I may bereached at 318-1212.

Thank you,

Russ HamiltonVice President, Sales and Marketing


Приложение 3

A letter of acknowledgement is both a receipt and a public relations tool. Its objective is to let the reader know that items requested in a prior communication, usually an inquiry or an or-der letter, have been received.

The scope can actually be quite brief, just enough to complete a business communication cycle. Confirming the day in which an item arrived or expressing some appreciation for having a re-quest satisfied may be all that is necessary.

Sample Acknowledgement Letter

__________Better Widget Makers, Inc.__________5555 Widget AvenueSilver City, CO 80456

October 1, 2003

Mr. Russ HamiltonVice President, Sales and MarketingGolden Bread Company123 Loaf StreetSilver City, CO 80451

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

I received your price information packet today and appreciate its prompt delivery. It seems to have everything I need.You mentioned deeper discounts in consideration of an annual contract. I am looking for just such an arrangement.

Should I be unavailable when you call on Friday, please speak with my assistant, Annie Getz. She keeps my calendar and will assist you in making an appointment.

Thanks again,

Ida Mae KnottPurchasing Agent

CC: Annie Getz


Приложение 4

An order letter, also known as a purchase order or PO, begins the paper trail of a spe-cific purchase. The objective is to provide the vendor with detailed instructions for fulfilling an order. It also serves as a legal record of the transaction and, consequently, should be written with care.

Sample Order Letter

__________Dandy Manufacturing, Inc.__________2525 E. 34th StreetGreeley, CO 80631

February 3, 2004

Better Widget Makers, Inc.5555 Widget AvenueSilver City, CO 80456

Attention: Sales Department

I’d like to order the Widgets listed in the table below. The reference numbers are from your 2003 catalogue. Please include a new catalogue with my order.

Quantity Ref.# Description Price Total100 AB045 Tiny Blue Wid-

get$2.38 $238.00

300 XT111 Deluxe Yellow Widget

$4.56 $1.368.00

50 NT066 Super Deluxe Red Widget

$6.15 $307.50

Total $1.913.50

I would like this order to ship COD complete. If you cannot ship the complete order within 10 days, please notify me immediately. I can be reached at (303) 954-0202 #35.

Thank you,

Jim Dandy, Jr.General Manager


Приложение 5

A complaint letter advises the reader of an error in a business transaction or a defect dis-covered in a consumer product or service. The objective is to provide detailed information re-garding the error or defect and to serve as a legal document recording the writer's claim and the corrective action or adjustment being requested.

Sample Complaint Letter

__________Dandy Manufacturing, Inc.__________2525 E. 34th StreetGreeley, CO 80631

February 18, 2004

Better Widget Makers, Inc.5555 Widget AvenueSilver City, CO 80456

Attention: Customer Service Department

On February 9th I received an incorrect shipment of Widgets fulfilling the order I placed on Feb-ruary 3rd. Rather than the 300 Deluxe Yellow Widgets (Ref. # XT111) that I ordered, the ship-ment contained 300 Regular Yellow Widgets (Ref. # XT101).

As per the instructions we received on the telephone, the unwanted Regular Widgets were shipped back the same day. It was promised that the correct items would be shipped out the very next day, February 10th, and be delivered freight free the following week.

As of this date we have not yet received our shipment of Deluxe Widgets. This was a COD or-der, paid for with check #250564 in the amount of $1,913.50, which has already cleared through our bank. If these Widgets cannot be shipped February 20th, please cancel the order and send a refund check in the amount of $1,368.00 for the unfulfilled portion of the order.

I have enclosed a copy of the original order.

Thank you,

Jim Dandy, Jr.General Manager

Enclosure: Order Letter dated February 3, 2004


Приложение 6

An adjustment letter is a response to a written complaint. The objective is to inform the reader that their complaint has been received. It is also a legal document recording what deci-sions were made and what actions have or will be taken.

Sample Adjustment Letter __________Better Widget Makers, Inc.__________5555 Widget AvenueSilver City, CO 80456

February 20, 2004

Mr. Jim Dandy, Jr.General ManagerDandy Manufacturing, Inc.2525 E. 34th StreetGreeley, CO 80631

Dear Mr. Dandy:

Please accept my apology for the incorrect shipment of Widgets and the delay inreshipping the order. It was our mistake.

The 300 Deluxe Yellow Widgets (Ref. # XT111) that you originally ordered wereshipped out freight free today. You should receive them tomorrow via UPS overnight Red Label delivery.

We value your business and trust that you will find this action satisfactory.

In addition, as there is no excuse for the delay and inconvenience, I have instructed our account-ing department to credit your account in the amount of $136.80. This reflects the 10% discount routinely applied to orders larger than $2,500.00.


Frank ThompsonCustomer Service Representative(http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/documents/business_writing/business_letter/acknowledgement_letter/)


Приложение 7

List of clichés for writing business transactional letters of inquiry, response,

orders for goods, complaints and adjustments

EnquiriesWe read your advertisement in ... Мы прочитали вашу рекламу в ...with regard to your advertisement in ... of... , we would ask you ...

в связи с публикацией вашей рекламы в ... от ... мы хотели бы попросить вас ...

We have heard of your products from ... Мы узнали о продукции вашей компании из ...

We have seen your current catalogue showing ...

Мы обратили внимание на ваш последний каталог, в котором описаны ...

We are interested in buying (importing, etc.) ... Мы хотели бы купить (импортировать, и т. п.)...

Please inform us (let us know) as soon as pos-sible ...

Просим сообщить нам как можно скорее ...

Would you please inform us if it is possible to deliver ...

Просим сообщить нам, сможете ли вы поставить ...

Please let us know what quantities you are able to deliver till...

Пожалуйста, сообщите нам, какое количество вы сможете поставить до ...

We would ask you to let us have a quotation for ...

Сообщите нам, пожалуйста, расценки на ...

Would you kindly quote your prices and terms of delivery (terms of payment, etc.) for ...

He могли бы вы установить нам цены и условия поставки (условия оплаты и т. п.) на ...

We would like to have further details about ... Мы бы хотели получить более подробную информацию о ...

We would like to represent your products in the Russian market

Мы бы хотели представлять вашу продукцию на российском рынке

Please send us samples of... (your catalogues, leaflets, etc.)

Пожалуйста, вышлите нам образцы ... (свои каталоги, брошюры)

To complete my operational budget I will need the following information:• Wholesale price sheets;• Quantity cost breaks;• Annual contract discounts;• Delivery and / or any other service charges.

Чтобы составить текущую смету, мне потребуется следующая информация:

оптовые расценки; поощрительные скидки от

количества заказа; ежегодные скидки по контракту; расценки на доставку и услуги

Responses As distributors we have a large network of... Как дистрибьюторы мы имеем обширную

сеть ...We were pleased to learn your interest in... Нам было приятно узнать о Вашей

заинтересованности в ...We are most pleased that you want to buy... Мы очень довольны, что Вы пожелали

купить ...We are glad to say that we can reserve you ... Мы рады сообщить, что можем оставить за

Вами ...It is generous of you to take so much interest in our work...

Было очень любезно с Вашей стороны проявить такой интерес к нашей работе ...

We take pleasure to send you the desired sam- С удовольствием посылаем выбранные


ples and offer ... Вами образцы и предлагаем ...As to your inquiry of... we are informing you that...

На Ваш запрос от ... мы сообщаем Вам, что ...

We enclose our catalogue with the latest price-list

Мы прилагаем наш каталог с новейшим прейскурантом

Our detailed price-list will convince you in di-versity of our assortment

Наш подробный прейскурант убедит вас в разнообразии нашего ассортимента

Our proposal is valid till... Наше предложение действительно до…We deliver our goods on CIF terms Мы поставляем на условиях СИФThe price covers packing and transportation expenses

Цена включает упаковку и транспортные расходы

We can give you a 5 per cent discount Мы можем предоставить вам 5 % скидкуAs you can see from our price-list, our prices are at least by 3 % lower than market ones

Как видно из нашего прейскуранта, наши цены по крайней мере на 3 % ниже рыночных

I call your attention especially on item ... Я особенно обращаю ваше внимание на позицию ...

Besides above mentioned goods our company produces also...

Помимо упомянутых товаров, наша компания производит также...

I enclose the description of... Прилагаю описание ...I am enclosing a folder with information on our new ...

Прилагаю подшивку с информацией о наших новых ...

Our new trade list will be available in a week and we are making a note to send you one as soon as it comes off the press

Наш новый перечень товаров будет готов через неделю, и мы вышлем Вам экземпляр, как только он выйдет из печати

We would like to draw your attention to the at-tached press release announcing our launch of... products and services

Хотелось бы обратить Ваше внимание на прилагаемый пресс-релиз, которым мы извещаем о нашей продукции и услугах в области ...

Our new catalogue will be published soon, and I shall send you a copy when it appears

Наш новый каталог вскоре будет издан, и я вышлю Вам экземпляр, как только он появится

As you requested, we are enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue

По Вашей просьбе прилагаем экземпляр нашего последнего каталога

I am enclosing our price-list which gives you some idea of the range of areas we promote in-formation on so that you can see whether or not we could beof service to you

Я прилагаю наш прейскурант, чтобы Вы смогли получить полное представление о том, в каких областях мы распространяем информацию и можем ли мы быть полезными для Вас

I have just sent you, by separate mail, our re-cent catalogue for this year

Я только что выслал Вам отдельным пакетом наш свежий каталог на этот год

I would be happy to send you both our monthly descriptive brochures on new production and our complete catalogue

С удовольствием вышлю Вам наши ежемесячные обзорные брошюры по новой продукции и полный каталог

Enclosed you will find the latest listing of our production

Прилагается самый последний перечень нашей новой продукции

Enclosed is a backlist of... that we are promot-ing

Прилагается перечень ... выпуск (продажу) которых мы возобновляем

I will send you our catalogues on a regular ba-sis

Я буду высылать Вам наши каталоги регулярно


Ending with gratitudeWe appreciate your cooperation Мы бы высоко оценили наше

сотрудничествоThank you for continued support Спасибо за постоянную поддержкуThank you for your cooperation Благодарим Вас за сотрудничествоThank you for you interest in ... Благодарим Вас за интерес к ...May I take this opportunity to thank you for ... Пользуясь случаем, благодарю Вас за…May I thank you, once again, for giving me the opportunity to ...

Позвольте еще раз поблагодарить Вас за предоставленную возможность...

I wish to thank you for... Я хотел бы поблагодарить Вас за ...Ending with polite request for commentsWould you please let me have your comments at your earliest convenience

Хотелось бы при первой возможности услышать от Вас комментарии

Ending with an offer of further assistanceShould you have any questions, feel free to contact me at ...

Если у Вас появятся какие-то вопросы, сразу же свяжитесь со мной...

Please do not hesitate to write if you require additional information

Пожалуйста, пишите без колебаний, если потребуется дополнительная информация

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with ...

Если у Вас появятся какие-либо другие вопросы, свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с ...

If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to write ...

Если Вам понадобится от нас помощь, сразу же сообщите без колебаний ...

If you require further information, we would be most pleased to supply it

Если Вам понадобится дополнительная информация, мы будем счастливы ее предоставить

We consider this activity as one of extreme im-portance, not only to providetechnology transfer, but to further understand-ing and cooperation between our companies

Мы рассматриваем эту деятельность как чрезвычайно важную не только в плане передачи технологий, но и в деле дальнейшего развития взаимопонимания и сотрудничества между нашими компаниями

ComplaintsI am writing with reference to a purchase I re-cently made in your store

Я пишу относительно покупки, которую я сделал в вашем магазине

Upon examining your first delivery, we find that it does not contain the assortment that we ordered. Undoubtedly, you have made an error. We would like to hear from you on this imme-diately. While awaiting word from you, we are holding the goods for at your disposal in our warehouse

После осмотра Вашей первой поставки мы обнаружили, что она не соответствует тому ассортименту, который мы заказали. К сожалению, Вы допустили ошибку. Мы хотели бы по возможности скорее узнать, что Вы думаете по этому поводу.До получения ответа от Вас товар находится в Вашем распоряжении на нашем складе

We have found that in your shipment of (date), which arrived today, … cartons are completely wet. Because of this, … items were damaged and cannot be sold.We are returning these items today, and re-quest immediate replacement of the damaged goods

Мы обнаружили в Вашем грузе, отправленном (дата), который прибыл к нам сегодня, … совершенно отсыревших картонных упаковок. В результате изделия, находящиеся в них в количестве …., оказались поврежденными и негодными для продажи.Мы возвращаем Вам эти изделия сегодня же и просим немедленно заменить поврежденный товар


Your shipment was received on the (date). Upon examination, we found that … items are missing. We assume that this was caused by a mistake in your shipping department.Please send the missing items immediately.Additional shipping costs should not be charged to us

Ваш груз был получен (дата). После осмотра груза мы обнаружили, что не хватает … штук … . Предполагаем, что это произошло в результате ошибки, подущенной Вашим транспортным отделом. Пожалуйста, пришлите недостающий товар незамедлительно. Дополнительных расходов по транспортировке мы нести не должны

I am writing to complain about a laptop that I bought from your shop last week and also about the treatment I received from one of your staff there

Я пишу с жалобой по поводу ноутбука, который я купил в вашем магазине на прошлой неделе, а также качества обслуживания одним из ваших продавцов

I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future, either to offer me a complete re-fund or to exchange the original notebook for one which is actually in decent condition

Я надеюсь на получение скорого ответа и рассчитываю на возврат мне денег по чеку или обмен купленного ноутбука на такой же, но в хорошем состоянии

I was shocked at the difference between the standard of the rooms in the hotel compared to how they were described in the brochure

Я был неприятно удивлен разницей между уровнем номеров в отеле и тем, как они были описаны в брошюре

I have never been spoken to so rudely by any-one in my life

Со мной никогда еще не говорили так грубо

Even more embarrassing was when two of the buttons came off as I was in the middle of a formal dinner

Я был поставлен в еще более неприятное положение, когда две пуговицы отлетели во время официального обеда

I will have no other option but to take up the matter with the Consumer Protection League

У меня не останется другого выбора, кроме как обратиться в Комитет Защиты Прав Потребителей

In accordance with Consumer Rights Protec-tion Law I am entitled to a replacement of a faulty equipment or a refund

В соответствии с Законом о защите прав потребителей я имею право на замену отказавшего оборудования или возврат денег


Приложение 8

List of abbreviations frequently used in transactional letters

A1 (first-class) первоклассныйa.c., A.C. (account current) текущий счетa.o., A/O (account of) за счет кого-либоarrvl. (arrival) прибытиеa.w. (actual weight) фактический весa.w.b. (air way bill) накладная на груз, перевозимый самолетомB.E. (bill of exchange) переводной вексельB/L (bill of lading) коносаментbxs. (boxes) ящикиc.&F., c. and f., C and F (cost and freight) каф (стоимость и фрахт)c.&i., c. and i., C. and I.(cost and insurance) стоимость и страхованиеch. fwd. (charges forward) расходы подлежат оплате грузополучателемc.i.f. and c. (cost, insurance, freight and com-mission)

сиф, включая комиссию посредника

cir. (circa) приблизительноC.N. (consignment note) транспортная накладнаяc/o (care of) через, по адресу (если лицо не

зарегистрировано по данному адресу постоянно)

C.O.D. (cash (collect) on delivery) оплачивается при доставке, наложенный платеж

C.P. (carriage paid) провоз оплаченC/P (charter party) чартер-партияC.T. (cable transfer) телеграфный переводc.w.o. (cash with order) наличный расчет при выдаче заказаd. (penny, pence) пенни, пенсыD/A (documents against acceptance) документы против акцептаD/B (documentary bill) документированная траттаdd. (dated) датированныйdem. (demurrage) плата за простойDep. (department) отделD/P (documents against payment) документы за наличный расчетd/s (days aftersight) через … дней после предъявленияD/W (deadweight) полная грузоподъемностьencl. (enclosed) приложенный, приложениеexpn. (expiration) истечениеF.A.S. (free alongside ship) франко вдоль борта суднаF.O.B. (free on board) франко борт суднаF.O.C. (free on car) франко вагонF.O.R. (free on rail) франко вагонG.C. (general cargo) смешанный грузG.M. (general manager) главный управляющийgr.wt. (gross weight) вес бруттоid. (idem) тот же, то жеinc. (including) включительноince (insurance) страхованиеinv. (invoice) счет-фактура


lb. (pound) фунт (мера веса)L.C. (letter of credit) аккредитивman. (manufacture) изделиеMessrs. (Messieurs) господа, фирма (в названии которой стоят

фамилии)Mgr. (manager) заведующий, управляющийM.S. (motor ship), M.V. (motor vessel) теплоходN.B. (nota bene) примечаниеNb. (number) номерn/m (no marks) без маркировкиnt.wt. (net weight) вес неттоO/o (order of) по поручениюp.c. (prices current) существующие ценыper pro (per procurationem), p.p. по доверенностиP.O. (postal order) денежный перевод по почтеP.O.C. (port of call) порт заходаP.O.D. (pay on delivery) наложенным платежомP.S. (post scruptum) припискаp.t.o. (please turn over) смотрите на оборотеre, re., Re.,Re: (regarding) касательно, относительноin re по делуref. (reference) ссылкаregd. (registered), R.M. (registered mail) заказной (о почтовых отправлениях)R.P. (reply paid) ответ оплаченsgd. (signed) подписанныйS.S. (steamship) пароходT.M. (trade mark) торговая маркаT.V. (tank vessel) танкер, наливное судноult. (ultimo) прошлого месяцаV.P. (vice-president) вице-президентW.B. (way bill) транспортная накладная



ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ……………………………………………………….....3

U n i t 1 . COMPANY STRUCTURES ………………………...….4

U n i t 2 . RECRUITMENT ………………………….……….…..11

U n i t 3 . RETAILING ……………………………………….…..21

U n i t 4 . FRANCHISING ………………………………….……28


U n i t 6 . BANKING ……………………………………………...49


U n i t 8 . THE STOCK MARKET ……………………………….68

U n i t 9 . IMPORT – EXPORT ………………………………..…79

U n i t 1 0 . COMPANY PERFORMANCE ……………………..…87

U n i t 1 1 . SETTING UP A BUSINESS ……………….………..…99


U n i t 1 3 . MARKETING …………………………………………114


U n i t 1 5 . THE BUSINESS MEDIA ……………………………..133


ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ …………………………………………………………143


Учебное издание

БИЗНЕС-ЛЕКСИКА Рабочая тетрадь

к учебнику «New Insights Into Business»

КУЗЯКИН Александр СергеевичЕЛИЗАРОВ Владимир Станиславович

Редактор О.С. К а р я к и н аПодписано в печать 5.05.11. Формат 60×84 1/16

Усл. печ. л. 9,75. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ

Саранский кооперативный институтАНО ВПО ЦС РФ «Российский университет кооперации»

430027, г. Саранск, ул. Транспортная, 17

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Министерства печати и информации РМ431440, г. Рузаевка, ул. Трынова, 67а


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