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  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Volume XXI, Number 33 10th Waxing of Kason 1375 ME Sunday, 19 May, 2013


    New Light of MyanmarINSIDE

    Page 8

    Page 3

    President U Thein Sein leaves for USNayPyiTaw, 18 MayPresident U Thein Sein ofthe Republic of the Union

    of Myanmar left here for the

    United States of America by

    air at 11.45 pm yesterday to

    pay a working visit to the US.

    T h e M y a n m a r

    delegation led by President

    U Thein Sein was seen off

    at the Yangon International

    Airport by Union Minister

    for Transport U Nyan Tun

    Aung, Yangon Region Chief

    Minister U Myint Swe,

    Region ministers, Charge

    d Affaires ai Ms Virgina E.Murray from US Embassy in

    Myanmar and ofcials.

    The delegation members

    Union Ministers Lt-Gen Ko

    Ko, Lt-Gen Wai Lwin, U

    Wunna Maung Lwin, U Soe

    Thane and U Than Htay,

    Deputy Ministers U Thant

    Kyaw, U Ye Htut, Dr Pwint

    Hsan, Dr Myo Myint and Dr

    Daw Thein Thein Htay and

    ofcials accompanied the



    Muse is a border townwhich is on the track to

    rapid development. Being

    a border town between

    Myanmar and China, its

    border trade camp is being

    kept open, facilitating ow

    of commodities from the

    two countries via Muse.

    Moreover, the town is

    situated on Mandalay-

    Lashio-Muse road which

    is also known as ASEAN


    As a road section of

    Asia Highway No (14),

    the 453 km long ASEANHighway-14 links with

    not only neighbouring

    countries but also other

    Asian countries.

    Mandalay-Lashio-Muse road: A trade route for Thai,

    Myanmar, China, IndiaASEAN Highway-14

    linking Muse on Myanmar-

    C h i n a b o r d e r w i t h

    Mandalay includes five

    road sections124 km

    long Muse-Hsenwi road

    section, 52 km long Hsenwi-

    Lashio road section, 104

    km long Lashio-Kyaukme

    road section, 106 km long

    Kyaukme-PyinOoLwin and

    67 km long PyinOoLwin-

    Mandalay road section. So

    far construction of these

    road sections by national

    race companies under BOT

    system has been completed.Now, hundreds of

    vehicles are running on

    all road sections, thereby

    co n t r i b u t in g t o ward s

    smooth and speedy ow ofcommodities and travelling

    of passengers from one place

    to another and better socio-

    economic status of local

    people in the regions along

    all road sections.

    As Mandalay-Lashio-

    Mu se ro ad (ASEAN

    Highway-14) is also linked

    with ASEAN Highway-1

    which is 1665 km long from

    Myawady on Myanmar-

    Thai border and Tamu on

    Myanmar-India border, it is

    a trade route for Myanmar

    to connect Thailand, Indiaand China for ensuring


    Myanma Alinn: 14-5-13

    Trs: YM

    Byline: Maung Maung Myint Swe

    Photo:Kyaw Thu Win

    Photo shows a part of ASEAN Highway-14 (AH-14) near PyinOoLwin Township.

    President U Thein Sein of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar being seen off by ofcials at Yangon

    International Airport before departure for United States of America.mna

    Vice-President Dr

    Sai Mauk Kham

    leaves for Thailand

    After tough week,

    Obama tries to

    change the subject

    to jobs

    Ferguson praises




    Page 14

    Toyota opens auto

    repair workshop

    in Yangon

    Page 7

    Nay Pyi Taw , 18

    MayDeputy Minister

    for Construction U Soe

    Tint on 16 May inspected

    progress in implementation

    of Waibagi Myothit Single

    Housing Const ruct ion

    Project in North Okkalapa

    Township and Low-cost

    Implementation of housingprojects inspected

    Housing Const ruct ion

    Project in Shwepaukkan


    The deputy minister

    stressed to build the housing

    meeting set standards and

    conduct soil test for the



    Nay Pyi Taw , 18

    MayThe most amazing

    Mawlamyine exhibition

    & car show organized by

    Creation Strength Co Ltd

    kicked off at State Hall in

    Mawlamyine on 16 May.

    Mo n S t a t e Ch ie f

    Minister U Ohn Myint

    formally opened the car

    show. Taxi. AA Probox,

    Taxi. AA Succeed, Taxi.

    Mawlamyine car showAA Nissan, AD Van, Taxi.

    A Nissan Wingroad 1500

    CC automobiles are on sale

    at the show. In addition,

    Korea-made motor bikes,

    concrete brick makers,

    electronics, cosmetics, and

    tness equipment are also

    being sold.

    The exhibition will be

    held up to 20 May.






    Signifcant daytemperatures


  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 20132

    l o c a l n e w s

    New Light of Myanmar


    Photo shows a domino-effect car crash involving four vehicles one

    passenger bus of No (182) Parami bus line and three saloons near Bo

    Min Yaung trafc light on Theinbyu road in Yangon at about 3.30 pm on 17

    May. Kyemon

    Tragic death of drowned two-year-old in

    Thongwa TownshipThongwa, 18 May A

    two-year-old child was found

    dead on the edge of a lake in

    front of a house in Awbar

    Nyunt village on 7 May. He

    is believed to have drowned

    after falling into the lake

    which is 300 feet in length

    and 1.5 feet in depth.

    As police were informed

    of the drowning death by

    the village administrator,

    they rushed there and made

    necessary investigation. They

    found Maung Min Hein Ko, 2,

    dead with no external injuries.

    According to witnesses, he is

    assumed to have drowned in

    the lake while playing alone

    as his parents stuck in house

    repair work. The dead body of

    the child was sent to Thongwa

    hospital where investigating

    is ongoing whether or not

    there is foul play in his death.

    Parents are to be alert to

    the possibility of danger while

    the drains in front of their

    houses are flled with water

    in monsoon and they must

    place a close watch on their

    very young children.


    Six hurt in mechanical failurerelated road accident

    Speedster crashes into concrete


    Maubin , 18 May

    All passengers on board

    were fortunate to escape

    unhurt in a crash between

    a 20-wheeled truck and

    an express bus. The crash

    occurred at a place between

    mile post No (40/4) and

    (40/5) on Yangon-Pathein

    motorway near Thaungdan

    village in Nyaungdon

    Township of Maubin

    District in Ayeyawady

    Region at about 12 noon on

    13 May.

    The 20-wheeled truck,

    Nissan, driven by Nay Zar

    Hlaing, 21, of Hlinethaya

    Township swerved into the

    wrong path and crashed

    into the front part of the

    Yangon-Pathein passenger

    bus driving on the opposite

    lane as the driver lost control

    while the truck put its rear

    part out of joint.

    The crash left two bus

    conductors Myint Zaw

    Oo, 38, and Zeyar, 25

    wounded and caused partly

    damage to the front part

    of the express bus. The

    driver and three others

    on board the truck were

    Yangon, 18 May Asaloon crashed into concrete

    blocks laid on Thudhamma

    road in the middle near 5th

    street bust-stop in North

    Okkalapa Township, here,

    at about 10 pm on 16 May.

    The vehicle driven by

    U Kyaw Thurein, 45, from

    south to north skidded out ofcontrol and hit the concrete

    blocks, turning his car on

    the damaged blocks to the

    opposition direction. The

    crash caused damage to the

    vehicle and fve concrete



    also injured in the crash .

    Chaunggyi police station is

    investigation into the road

    accident. Kyemon

    Counterfeit bills found at bank

    in InseinYangon, 18 May

    Insein Township Police saidthey had received a report

    about counterfeit notes at

    Myawady Bank (Insein

    Branch) on Lanthit street

    in Nanthagon ward of the

    township on 14 May.

    According to Bank

    Manager Daw May Myo

    Zaw, they found 34 5000-

    kyat notes among other

    notes from a customer at

    about 12.30 pm on 14 May.

    The customer was identifed

    as U Saw Kyaw Kyaw,

    43, owner of Saw Trading

    Timber Company at No

    (296/E) Kone Myint Tha

    street in east Ywama wardof Insein Township, who

    deposited it together with

    K 140 million into his

    account at the bank. U Khin

    Aung (casher) and Daw Su

    Su Thein (cash in-charge)

    discovered the counterfeit

    notes. Police confscated the

    fake notes and informed CID

    of the seizure of fake money.

    It is learnt that numbers

    and letters of the seized

    counterfeit notes are similar

    to 5000-kyat bills seized by

    Hmawby police station.


    Smuggled cattle seized in

    Kawa Township

    Lightning kills two head of

    cattle in Yamethin TownshipYaMeThin, 18 May

    Two head of cattle had

    got caught in a lightning

    strike and were killed while

    grazing in a feld near Byeekatvillage, one mile south-east of

    Yamethin, at about 2 pm on

    11 May.

    The two cows were

    pronounced dead on the spot

    after they were struck by

    lightning. Moreover, nearby

    four herders collapsed

    unconscious as they gotfrightened when they saw

    the deaths of two cows by



    Car plunges into trench on


    Yangon, 18 May A

    vehicle, Toyota Wave, came

    off the road and plunged

    into the roadside trenchon Nay Pyi Taw-Yangon

    expressway. The driver was

    fortunate to escape with

    minor injuries to his arms.

    Riders hurt in head-on collision

    between two motorbikesThaYeT, 18 May A

    head-on collision between

    the two motorbikes occurred

    on Mindon street in Thayat

    Township of Magway

    Region on 15 May, leaving

    riders on the motorbikes


    A motorbike driven by

    Myint Tun Naing, 37, of

    south Minde ward in Thayat

    together with Pyae Phyo

    The vehicle driven

    from Yangon to Nay Pyi

    Taw plunged into the trench

    while stopping with ascreech of the brakes at mile

    post No (165). The accident

    caused damage to front part

    of the car.Kyemon

    Kawa , 18 May

    According to a tip-off that

    there was a cattle smugglingnear Aung Meiktha village

    in Kawa Township of Bago

    Region, police members of

    Kadat Sein police station

    together with witnesses

    rushed there to conduct

    a check. They seizedownerless there head of

    cattle at Lachanthaung near

    the village at about 4 pm on

    14 May. Kyemon

    Maung, 16, collided head-on

    with a motorbike driven by

    Win Naing, 40, of Zeedaw

    village in Thayet Township

    at Hsinbyutaung junction on

    Thayet-Mindon motorway at

    about 8 pm on that day.

    Three riders on the two

    motorbikes suffered cuts and

    bruises in the collision. Thayat

    police station is investigating

    into the crash. Kyemon

    Crime News

  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 2013 3New Light of MyanmarWORLD

    US President Barack Obama answers a question in therain during a joint news conference with Turkish Prime

    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the White HouseRose Garden in Washington, on 16 May, 2013.


    After tough week, Obama tries to change

    the subject to jobs

    Washington, 18 May

    President Barack Obama onFriday will seek to turn thespotlight from controver-sies threatening to swamphis agenda to the economyby announcing he will cutin half the time it takes toget federal approval forlarge job-creating projects.

    Obama travels to Bal-timore, where he is due tosay that he has signed apresidential memorandumstreamlining the review and

    permitting of federal infra-

    structure projects.In making the an-

    nouncement while posingin front of heavy dredg-ing equipment at EllicottDredges, Obama will havea chance to remind the pub-lic that he wants to spend$50 billion on repairing thenations aging roads, bridg-es and ports.

    Even as Obama insistshe wants to cut red tape, thevisit may draw attention to

    a pipeline project that hasstalled in a protracted fed-eral approval process since2008 the Keystone XLcrude oil pipeline from theCanadian oil sands.

    The pipeline has beenchampioned by Republi-cans, who blame Obama forthe delay, and pilloried byenvironmental groups whoargue Obamas credibilityon his vow to address cli-mate change hinges on re-jecting the project.

    Peter Bowe, the presi-dent of Ellicott Dredgestestied on Thursday at a

    House of Representativessmall business committeehearing about how the de-lay has hurt his company,which provides equipment

    and labor in the oil sands.For us, its all about

    jobs, Bowe said, urgingspeedy approval of thepipeline, which Obamadelayed last year, sayingit needed further review.The State Department iscontinuing to study theproject, and the adminis-tration is unlikely to makea decision until late thisyear or even early 2014.


    Japan likely to miss most of July TPP

    trade talksKuala lumpur, 18

    MayJapan is likely tomiss most of the next roundof Trans-Pacic Partner-ship free trade negotia-tions in July as it is beingarranged to start before thecountry becomes the 12thmember of the talks, a sen-ior Malaysian governmentofcial said on Friday.

    The 18th round is set tobe held on 15 to 24 July inKuala Lumpur, while Japanwaits for the United Statesto complete its 90-day no-tice to Congress around 24July to ofcially admit it as

    a new member of multilat-eral talks for creating one ofthe largest free trade zonesin the world.

    While Tokyo has asked

    the existing 11 TPP mem-bers to extend the roundof talks, the latest schedulerevealed indicates it will beable to attend only a fewdays at the most.

    The Malaysian ofcial

    said the members could stilldecide to extend the periodof the meeting for two orthree days, but they cannotpostpone the entire meetingat a time when they are aim-ing to reach a basic agree-

    ment in October. Separate-ly, Malaysias InternationalTrade and Industry Minis-ter Mustapa Mohamed toldreporters that any changeto the schedule has to beagreed on by other TPPmembers.

    The feedback I gotwas there is no consensusyet on this request by Ja-pan, Mustapa said. Topnegotiators of the countriescould hold talks on whetherto allow for the extensionof the next round later Fri-day at the earliest as theyhave gathered for their 17thround of talks in the Peru-vian capital Lima.

    In Tokyo, Japans eco-nomic revitalization min-ister Akira Amari told re-

    porters the July meeting isnot formally decided yet,and indicated he hopes theupcoming round will beextended. Saying membersof the TPP negotiationshave promised Japan theywill make utmost effortsto realize meaningful par-ticipation of Japan at themeeting, Amari said hehopes the efforts will bearfruit and allow Japan to joinsubstantive discussions.

    As Japan is unable toattend the ongoing Limaround of talks either, itis gathering informationthere to prepare for the nextround of talks in hopes tosecure national interest inkey elds such as agricul-ture, automobiles and in-surance.

    Cabinet members in-volved in TPP issues agreedat their meeting on Fridayto appoint negotiators forall 21 elds on the table

    next month and manageinformation obtained fromother countries to preventleaks.

    Japanese Prime Min-ister Shinzo Abe formallyannounced the countrysintent to join the TPP talks

    in mid-March and the exist-ing 11 TPP members havegiven the green light forJapan to join on 20 April.The United States notiedCongress of its intent tostart TPP talks with Japanfour days later. TPP mem-bers are Australia, Brunei,Canada, Chile, Malaysia,Mexico, New Zealand,Peru, Singapore, the UnitedStates, Vietnam and Japan.

    Kyodo News

    Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan Andrey Avetisyanspeaks during an interview in Kabul on 16 Feb, 2012.


    Fearing Afghan instability, Russia mulls border troopsKabul, 18 May

    Russia, predicting insta-bility once NATO-ledtroops withdraw from Af-ghanistan by the end ofnext year, is consideringdeploying border guardson the Tajik-Afghan bor-der, Moscows envoy toKabul told Reuters in aninterview. Moscow, stillsore from its disastrous,decade-long war in Af-ghanistan in the 1980s, isincreasingly concerned bywhat it describes as thecombined threat of narcot-ics and terrorism reaching

    Russia through former So-viet Central Asian coun-tries.

    We prefer to tacklethis problem on the Af-ghan border to stop thesethreats, Andrey Avetisyan

    said late on Thursday in the

    Russian Embassy in Kabul.Its sprawling grounds

    host a Soviet-built teal Vol-ga car recovered in Afghan-istan by embassy staff anda memorial to the 15,000Soviet lives lost in the waragainst mujahideen ght-ers.

    We used to have aserious presence on theAfghan-Tajik border and,at that time, the situationthere was much better, so itwould be in the interest ofboth Russia and Tajikistanand even Afghanistan if

    Russia is present there, hesaid. Avetisyan said such apresence would involveRussian border troops, butdeclined to give a number.

    Russian border guardsused to patrol the Tajik

    frontier with Afghanistanbut left in 2005, ending aSoviet-era legacy and hand-ing all power over to localauthorities. Ex-Soviet Uz-bekistan and Turkmenistanalso border Afghanistan to

    its north.Avetisyan said any

    agreement on border troopdeployment would ofcourse have to be agreedupon with Tajikistan.


    Colombias President Juan Manuel Santos speaksduring the inauguration of the 26th International Book

    Fair in Bogota on 17 April, 2013.


    Colombias Santos hints

    he will run for re-electionin 2014

    bogota, 18 MayColombian President JuanManuel Santos hinted onFriday that he would seekre-election next year toensure continuity of hispolicies, though he did notexplicitly announce hiscandidacy.

    Santos told report-ers that he would make aformal announcement bythe November deadline. Iwant clearly and rmly to

    see that the governmentspolicies continue after 7Aug, 2014, said Santos,referring to the date a new

    administration would takeofce.

    I want the peace pol-icy re-elected, I want thehousing policy re-elected,those that have reducedpoverty re-elected.

    Santos also announcedthat Housing Minister Ger-man Vargas Lleras, wholed a programme to give100,000 free homes to thepoor, has resigned fromthe Cabinet and will runa foundation that helpedSantos win the 2010 presi-dential election.


    Pro-Assad hackers attack Financial Timeslondon, 18 May

    The website and Twitterfeed of British newspaperthe Financial Times werehacked on Friday, appar-ently by the Syrian Elec-tronic Army, a group ofonline activists who say

    they support Syrian Presi-dent Bashar al-Assad. Thegroup posted links on thenewspapers Twitter feedto a YouTube video, up-

    loaded on Wednesday,which purports to showmembers of the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front Syr-ian rebel group executingblindfolded and kneelingmembers of the Syrianarmy.

    The video could notbe independently veried.

    Hacking attacks on veri-ed Twitter accounts of

    media organizations have

    triggered urgent calls forthe micro-blogging websiteto increase account secu-rity, particularly for newsoutlets. Various FT blogsand social media accountshave been compromised byhackers and we are work-

    ing to resolve the issueas quickly as possible, astatement from the FT pressofce said.

    The paper is owned by

    Pearson Plc Twitter wasnot immediately availablefor comment.

    Stories on the FTswebsite had their headlinesreplaced by Hacked BySyrian Electronic Armyand messages on its Twitter

    feed read: Do you want toknow the reality of the Syr-ian Rebels?, followed bya link to the video.


  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    4 Sunday, 19 May, 2013

    Science & Technology

    New Light of Myanmar

    People walk past furniture made of recycled wood at

    the 2013 creativity fair in Taiyuan University ofTechnology in Taiyuan, capital of north Chinas

    Shanxi Province, on 17 May, 2013.Xinhua

    Vaslui, (Romania), 18MayValentin Boanta, sit-ting in his jail cell, proudlyexplains the device he hasinvented which, he says,could make the worlds

    ATMs impregnable evento tech-savvy criminals likehimself. Boanta, 33, is sixmonths into a ve-year sen-tence for supplying gadgetsan organized crime gangused to conceal ATM skim-mers, which can copy datafrom an unsuspecting ATMusers card so a clone canbe created. He said he hadstarted to make the devicesfor the sheer excitement ofit and denies ever planningto use them himself, sayinghe only sold them to others.

    Boanta says his arrest

    in 2009 and trial broughtcontrition, as he realizedthe impact of his actionsand felt an urge to makeamends. It also brought theformer industrial designstudent a ash of technical

    Penitent Romanian hacker aims to protect

    worlds ATMs

    Valentin Boanta works

    in a craftsmen section

    of the Vaslui

    penitentiary, 340 km

    (211 miles) northeast of

    Bucharest on 15 May,


    inspiration. When I gotcaught I became happy.This liberation opened theway to working for thegood side, Boanta said.Crime was like a drug for

    me. After I was caught, Iwas happy I escaped fromthis adrenaline addiction,he said. So that the otherpart, in which I started todevelop security solutions,started to emerge. It wasduring his trial that he gotdown to work.

    The stage for Boantasproduct pitch these days isthe book-lined cell in thenortheastern Romaniantown of Vaslui he shareswith ve pickpockets and

    burglars. All ATMs haveageing designs so they are

    prone to vulnerability, theyare a very weak side of thebanking industry, he said.Every ATM can be pen-etrated through a skimmingcrime. My security solu-tion, SRS, makes an ATM

    unbreachable.Boanta sayshis Secure Revolving Sys-tem-SRS can be installedin any ATM.

    It allows the bank cardto be inserted longer siderst and then rotates it to

    prevent skimmers beingable to lock on to the mag-

    netic data strip. The systemreturns the card to its userwith a reverse rotation.Outwardly it is a trapezoi-dal metallic box around 6inches long with the cardslot in the middle. The

    SRS, funded and developedby a technology rm near

    Bucharest called MB Tel-ecom, is patented and wonan award this year at the

    International Exhibition ofInventions in Geneva. Theinventor and company arenot yet saying how much itwill cost, but insist it will beavailable soon.


    Beijing, 18 May Sev-en oceanauts with Chinasmanned submersible Jiao-long, which proved capableof diving 7,000-m-plus deep,have each been given the

    title of Manned Submers-ible Hero. The honour, be-stowed by the CommunistParty of China (CPC) Cen-tral Committee and the StateCouncil, was announced onFriday at an award ceremonyjointly held by the State Oce-anic Administration and theMinistry of Human Resourc-es and Social Security.

    Jiaolong completeda dive of 7,062 metres inthe Pacic Oceans Mari-ana Trench during its trialoperation in June 2012,enabling China to conduct

    deep-sea scientic researchand resource exploration in99.8 percent of the worldsoceans. The crew behind

    Oceanauts honoured as

    heroesJiaolongs record divewere honoured as a HeroicGroup.

    Prior to the ceremony,President Xi Jinping metwith representatives of the

    honoured units and indi-viduals, expressing con-gratulations and greetingsto all science and techno-logy workers as well asofcials who helped make

    the achievement possible.Meanwhile, Xi called forunity and hardwork to pushforward the countrys oceancause toward making newbreakthroughs. Also at theceremony, the administra-tion and the ministry gavethe Advanced Group titleto 22 units behind the re-search and development of

    the project, with 19 peopleeach honored as an Ad-vanced Individual.


    VancouVer, 18 MayRising global temperaturesare driving sh species to-wards cooler, deeper waters,making warm-water spe-cies increasingly dominantin global sheries catches,

    a new Canadian study hasfound.

    The study, conductedby researchers from the Uni-versity of British Columbiaand published inNature thisweek, is the rst of its kindto show that ocean warming

    has had a global impact onthe composition of speciescaught by shermen over the

    past four decades. Previousstudies indicated that some

    Climate change alters global fshinglandscape

    species are shifting locationin response to temperatureincreases, with sh gradually

    moving away from the equa-tor into cooler waters.

    However, the newstudy showed that speciesfrom warmer waters havealso been replacing thosetraditionally caught in manysheries worldwide at least

    since 1970, according to theresearchers. One way formarine animals to respond toocean warming is by moving

    to cooler regions, said thestudy s lead author WilliamCheung. As a result, placeslike New England on thenortheast coast of the US saw

    new species typically foundin warmer waters, closer tothe tropics.

    These shifts could haveseveral negative effects, in-cluding a large reduction incatch in the tropics, wherewater temperatures couldexceed the preferences ofmany tropical species, theresearchers said.

    Additional impactscould include decreases inprots and jobs, conictsover new sheries that

    emerge because of distribu-tion shifts, and food secu-rity concerns, particularly indeveloping countries, theysaid.Xinhua


    interested in

    buying video

    website Hulunew York, 18 May

    The largest US satellitevideo provider, DirecTV, is

    one of the companies consid-ering a bid for online videowebsite Hulu, according to asource familiar with the situ-ation. The person acknowl-edged that other parties wereinvolved, adding that Di-recTV was one of manysuitors. Media reports havepreviously identied TimeWarner Cable Inc as anothercompany weighing a poten-tial stake in the company.

    Representatives of DirecTV and Time Warner Ca-ble declined to comment onFriday. Reuters reported inApril that former News Corp

    president Peter Chernin hadbid around $500 million forHulu, the service he helpedcreate in 2007. Reuters alsoreported that Guggenheimhad been hired to adviseHulu and was also contem-plating a bid.

    DirecTV had circledHulu once before, whenthe video company put it-self on the block in 2011.Other suitors at the time in-cluded Google Inc, Amazon.com Inc and Dish NetworkCorp. Talks collapsed overthe price of that deal.Huluhas more than 3 millionsubscribers paying $7.99 amonth for its premium ser-vice, and generated revenueof around $700 million lastyear.Reuters

    Han Bing adjusts his handmade 3D printer in TianjinMunicipality, north China, on 16 May, 2013. Based

    on the method released on the internet, the 41-year-old by himself made this machine eventually, which

    costing some 2,000 RMB yuan (325 US dollars)

    and spending four months. At present, Hans 3Dprinter could only make simple items designed on thecomputer, like teapots and whistles. And he hopes his

    creation could function more powerfully bycontinuous improvement.Xinhua

    Foxconn says needs more time to further

    cut workers overtimeTaipei, 18 MayFox-

    conn Technology Groupsaid on Friday it needs moretime to reduce overtimeat its China factories afterlabour monitors appointed

    by top client Apple Inc saidcutting workers hours bya 1 July target would be achallenge.

    Apple last year com-missioned the Fair LabourAssociation (FLA) to inves-tigate working conditions atthe plants after Foxconn,the holding company forHon Hai Precision Indus-try Co Ltd, came under re

    for a series of suicides andaccidents since 2010. In itsthird report, the FLA saidFoxconn had resolved 98

    percent of the issued raisedin the initial investigation,including cutting workinghours and overtime, im-proving health and safetyand increasing union partic-

    ipation. The company em-ploys more than one millionpeople at its China plants.

    Foxconn, however,faced the challenge of fur-ther cutting overtime hoursto the standards set byChinese law by the targetdate, said the report whichwas released on Thursday.The law stipulates a maxi-mum of 40 working hoursplus nine overtime hoursa week. We need moretime with the deadline,Foxconn spokesman Louis

    Woo told Reuters. Wecant say when we can meetthat target now. Were try-ing to come up with a real-istic timetable.

    Many Foxconn work-

    ers, migrants from otherparts of China, oppose areduction in overtime be-cause they want to make asmuch money as possible ina short time. Some workershave said they may leavethe company if overtime iscut. Hon Hai, the worldslargest electronics contractmanufacturer, draws anestimated 60 to 70 percentof its revenue from assem-bling gadgets and otherwork for Apple.


    Visitors watch

    the product dem-onstration at the

    exhibition area

    of Volvo dur-ing the China


    InternationalTechnology Fair

    in Shanghai,

    east China re-cently.Xinhua

  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 2013 5


    New Light of Myanmar

    New York, 18 MayThe long-awaited, con-troversial new edition ofthe bible of psychiatry canbe characterized by manynumbers: its 947 pages, its$199 price tag, its morethan 300 maladies (fromdependent personalitydisorder and voyeuristicdisorder to delayed ejac-ulation, kleptomaniaand intermittent explosivedisorder), each limning thepotential woes of being hu-man. But to the psychiatristwho shepherded the tortu-ous creation of the Diag-nostic and Statistical Man-ual of Mental Disorders,perhaps the single most im-portant number is the 5 inits title: This is the DSM-5,

    not the DSM-V.That may seem like a

    cosmetic change, but theAmerican Psychiatric As-sociation, which will re-lease the book on Saturdayat its annual meeting, decid-ed to use Arabic instead ofRoman numerals becausewe want it to be a livingdocument, said Dr David

    GeNeva, 18 May Abooster dose of yellow fevervaccination every 10 yearsafter the primary vaccina-tion is unnecessary becausea single dose of vaccina-tion is sufcient to providelife-long immunity againstthe disease, World HealthOrganization (WHO) saidon Friday. The StrategicAdvisory Group of Expertson immunization (SAGE)arrived at the conclusionafter having reviewed thelastest evidence, accordingto WHOs Weekly Epide-miological Record releasedon Friday. WHO said sinceyellow fever vaccinationbegan in the 1930s with 600million doses dispensed,only 12 known cases of yel-

    low fever post-vaccinationhave been identied. All

    these cases have developedthe disease within ve years

    of vaccination.Based on currently

    available surveillance data,SAGE concluded that vac-cine failures were extreme-ly rare and did not clusteras time increases after im-

    Psychiatrists unveil their long-awaited

    diagnostic bibleKupfer of the University ofPittsburgh, the chairman ofthe task force that producedthe DSM-5. Rather thanwaiting another generationto revise the manual theDSM-IV was published in1994 psychiatrists willregularly update it with, forexample, ndings from ge-netics and neuroscience, la-beling the revisions DSM-5.1 and DSM-5.2 and so on.

    We used 5 becauseV.0 and V.1 just dontlook good, said Kupfer.The fact that the worldsmost powerful psychiatrists(their decisions determinewhat counts as a mentaldisorder, and thus whatinsurers cover and whichchildren receive special ser-

    vices in school) are alreadybuilding in ways to changethe manual is commend-able, even its critics say.But it is also emblematic ofthe DSM-5s failures, theyargue, which include turn-ing normal human behaviorand feelings into mental ill-nesses, and expanding thecriteria for disorders until

    an astonishing one in fourUS adults has a diagnosablemental illness every yearand even more do over alifetime.

    The latest revisionbegan in 1999 with highhopes for putting mentalillness on a scientic foot-ing, using neuroscience inparticular to tell the differ-ence between, say, normalsadness and major depres-sion. That reected persis-tent criticism that drawinga line between sickness anddisease is a special problemin psychiatry, said psycho-therapist Gary Greenberg,who participated in theeld trials that tested the

    DSM-5s proposed diag-nostic criteria before they

    made the nal cut. Wedont have blood tests orother objective criteria todistinguish mental sicknessfrom health. So you have aset of criteria that are verycommon, which means thepotential for many peoplebeing diagnosed as men-tally ill when theyre not.


    Yellow fever vaccination booster dose

    unnecessarymunization. According toconventional guidance,a booster dose is recom-mended every 10 years.However, Dr Helen Rees,chair of SAGE, stated itwas no longer necessary.Looking at really verygood evidence, it was quiteclear to SAGE that in facta single dose of yellow fe-ver vaccine is effective,said Rees in a written state-ment. She pointed out thatthe new recommendationwas important for yellowfever endemic countries forit would allow those coun-tries to reconsider their vac-cine programme.

    WHO senior health ad-visor Philippe Duclos told aPress conference that with

    this recommendation, thevaccine available can betterbe targeted where it is mostneeded and help increasethe protection of the popu-lation versus revaccinatingsomebody who has alreadybeen protected. Duclos fur-ther claried that the new

    recommendation wouldnot change the routine im-

    munization or the yellowfever vaccination certicate

    required by internationalhealth regulations. He add-ed the issue was about theperiod of validity of thecerticate and that WHOwould soon embark ondiscussing the new recom-mendation with its memberstates.

    Yellow fever disease isendemic in tropical areas ofAfrica and the Latin Ameri-cas. Statistics show an es-timated 200,000 cases and30,000 deaths are attribut-able to yellow fever annu-ally, most of them occur-ring in sub-Saharan Africa.Since there is no cure, vac-cination is regarded as theeffective measure against

    this disease.The valid international

    certicate of yellow fever

    vaccination from travellers,including those in transit,arriving from infected ar-eas or from countries withinfected areas are requiredunder international healthregulations.


    After Google, Amazon to be

    grilled on UK tax presenceLoNdoN, 18 MayIn-

    ternet retailer Amazon.com

    Inc. will be called back to theBritish parliament to clarifyhow its activities in the UKjustify its low corporate in-come tax bill, two lawmakerstold Reuters. Amazon willfollow search giant Google,which attended another grill-ing by parliaments PublicAffairs Committee (PAC)over its tax affairs on Thurs-day.

    AReuters report earlierthis month raised questionsover Googles earlier asser-tions that its UK-based staffdont sell to customers. Overthe past six years, Amazon

    has paid around $9 million inincome tax on over $23 bil-

    lion of sales to British clients,because it says it operates a

    single European businessout of Luxembourg, ratherthan a multinational structureof independent subsidiariesin different countries, andshould therefore pay tax inLuxembourg.

    However, Reuters hasuncovered evidence from thecompanys own statements,job advertisements, state-ments from three suppliersand ve former employees,as well as the proles of over

    140 staff on networking web-site LinkedIn, which sug-gests the UK unit has a highdegree of autonomy, with

    local managers deciding onmany aspects of its business.

    A worker collects orders at Amazons fullment centre in

    Rugeley, central England on 11 Dec, 2012. ReuteRs

    The information, collectedduring a three-month inves-tigation, suggests that whileAmazon depicts itself as avirtual business, its struc-ture may not be so differentfrom its bricks-and-mortarrivals. The basic businessmodel wasnt very differ-ent to a mail order companyin the 1970s or 80s, said

    Mark Riley, a Business De-velopment Manager at Am-

    azon.co.uk between 2005and 2008.

    Bryan Roberts, RetailInsights Director for con-sultants Kantar Retail, saidapart from the fact buyersseal deals over the Internet,Amazons UK unit Ama-zon.co.uk Ltd, which isbased in an ofce block in

    Slough, near London, was

    essentially a UK retailer.Reuters

    Rivals get longer to comment

    on Google EU antitrust offerBrusseLs, 18 MayEU

    antitrust regulators have giv-

    en some of Googles rivalsmore time to study its pro-posals to settle anti-competi-tive complaints, which couldprovide more leverage to pryfurther concessions from theInternet search giant. TheEuropean Commission lastmonth told interested par-ties they had until 26 Mayto say if they are satisedwith the offer by the worldsmost popular search engineto mark out its services fromrival products in Internetsearch results.

    The EU antitrust author-ity has given some rivals

    until 27 June to completetheir technical analysis ofGoogles proposals, said oneperson familiar with the mat-ter. The regulator is able togrant extensions if there arestrong grounds for doing so.A Commission competitionspokesman, Antoine Colom-bani, declined to commenton the Google case. Sev-

    eral Google competitors andcomplainants about the com-

    panys practices have beencritical of the proposed set-tlement, which includes pro-viding links to at least threecompeting search engines,and allowing rivals to stopGoogle from using specic

    information.According to British

    price comparison site Foun-dem, Googles offer wouldonly reinforce its dominance.Google has more than 80percent share of the marketin Europe, according to re-search rm comScore. Oth-er critics said the proposalwould force rivals to com-

    pete among themselves, rais-ing their costs and increasingmerchants dependency onGoogle. If Google clinchesa deal with the Commission,it would avoid a nding of

    infringement of competitionrules and a possible ne that

    could be as much as $5 bil-lion or 10 percent of its glob-al revenue.Reuters

    Surfboardslean against

    a wall atthe Google

    ofce in



    on 11Oct, 2010.


    May consumer sentiment rises to highest in nearly six years

    A shopper walks down an aisle in a newly opened

    Walmart Neighbourhood Market in Chicago in thison 21 Sept, 2011 le photo.ReuteRs

    New York, 18 MayConsumer sentiment re-bounded in early May to thehighest level in nearly sixyears as Americans felt bet-

    The Thomson Reuters/University of Michiganspreliminary reading on theoverall index on consumersentiment rose to 83.7 from76.4 in April, topping econ-omists expectations for 78.It was the highest level sinceJuly 2007. The barometerof current economic condi-tions jumped to 97.5 from89.9, the highest since Oc-tober 2007, while the gauge

    of consumer expectationsgained to 74.8 from 67.8.More consumers gave

    a favourable view of theirpersonal nances than inanytime since 2007, with

    ter about their nancial and

    economic prospects, par-ticularly among upper-in-come households, a surveyreleased on Friday showed.

    the largest gains amonghouseholds in the upperthird of income levels. Morerespondents also thought theeconomy would continue toimprove in the year ahead.

    Shopping plans weresimilarly encouraging, withthe gauge of buying atti-tudes for durable goods ris-ing to 148 from 137. Thesurveys one-year inationexpectation was unchanged

    at 3.1 percent, while thesurveys ve-to-10-year in-ation outlook edged downto 2.8 percent from 2.9 per-cent.


  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 2013


    6 New Light of Myanmar

    Fighters from Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra taketheir positions on the front line during a clash with Syr-

    ian forces loyal to President Bashar al Assad in Aleppoin this 24 Dec, 2012 fle photo. ReuteRs

    Syrias Nusra Front eclipsed

    by Iraq-based al-QaedaBeirut, 18 MayThe

    most feared and effec-tive rebel group battlingPresident Bashar al-Assad,the Nusra Front, is being

    eclipsed by a more radicaljihadi force whose aimsgo far beyond overthrow-ing the Syrian leader. Al-Qaedas Iraq-based wing,which nurtured Nusra in theearly stages of the rebellionagainst Assad, has movedin and sidelined the organi-zation, Nusra sources andother rebels say.

    Al-Qaeda in Iraq in-cludes thousands of foreignghters whose ultimate

    goal is not toppling Assadbut the anti-Western jihadof al-Qaeda leader Aymanal-Zawahria shift which

    could extend Syrias con-ict well beyond any politi-

    cal accord between Assadand his foes.

    The ghting has al-ready cost 90,000 lives.The break-up of an impor-

    tant part of Syrias opposi-tion, already splintered intohundreds of armed groups,worsens the dilemma facedby the West as it debateswhether intervention tosupport the rebels will re-sult in arms being placedin the hands of hostile Is-lamist militants. And the ifthe West were to intervene,it may now be under pres-sure to attack al-Qaeda op-position forces rather thanAssad. Nusra is now twoNusras. One that is pursu-ing al-Qaedas agenda of agreater Islamic nation, and

    another that is Syrian witha national agenda to help us

    ght Assad, said a senior

    rebel commander in Syriawho has close ties to theNusra Front.

    It is disintegrating fromwithin. Others said that Nus-ras Syrian contingent has al-ready effectively collapsed,with its leader Abu Moham-

    mad al-Golani keeping a lowprole and his ghters drift-

    ing off to join other rebelgroups. Nusra ghters have

    claimed responsibility for thedeadliest bombings of thetwo-year-old Syrian conict

    and their brigades have ledsome of the most successfulrebel offensives against As-sads forces. The group was

    formally designated a terror-ist organization by the Unit-ed States six months ago, astep which Washington saidwas vindicated by a declara-tion in April that Nusra wasmerging with al -Qaedas Is-lamic State of Iraq.


    Japan to offer



    for developing

    nationstokyo, 18 May Ja-

    pan will offer developingcountries in the Asia-Pa-cic region an environ-mentally friendly urbaninfrastructure plan thattaps into Japans energy-saving technologies, En-vironment Minister Nob-uteru Ishihara said onFriday.

    Ishihara told a newsconference he will makehis proposal at a forumon Saturday gathering 18countries to discuss part-

    nerships for low-carbongrowth in East Asia.Japan will present a

    comprehensive packagethat includes a diversi-ed energy scheme utiliz-ing solar, wind and othersources of power, efcientpublic transportation, andwater and sewerage sys-tems, Ishihara said.

    The idea is to help de-veloping countries upgradetheir city environments byoffering funding and train-ing. In exchange, Japanwill make use of a bilateraloffset credit mechanism

    under which it will obtaingreenhouse gas emissionrights from developingcountries, ofcials said.

    Kyodo News

    Employment rate of college

    graduates at 93.9%tokyo, 18 MayThe

    employment rate for thosewho graduated from col-leges in March rose forthe second straight yearto stand at 93.9 percent asof 1 April, the start of thebusiness year, up 0.3 pointfrom a year earlier, the gov-ernment said on Friday.The employment situationfor college graduates hasbeen recovering since thecollapse of US investmentbank Lehman BrothersHoldings Inc, a labor min-istry ofcial said.

    Companies are re-suming job offers, whilejoint efforts by colleges andHello Work job-placementofces to help students nd

    jobs have had positive ef-

    fects, the ofcial said.The rate, however, is

    3.0 points below its peakin 2008 and around 24,000graduates are believed toremain without job offers.

    Given this situation,the Health, Labour andWelfare Ministry and theEducation, Culture, Sports,Science and TechnologyMinistry are thus focusingon supporting job huntingby college graduates for athree-month period throughJune.

    The employment g-ures exclude those whowent on to graduate schoolsor stayed on in college foranother year because theycould not nd jobs. Among

    overall graduates, the ratefor landing jobs came to66.0 percent, according tothe two ministries.

    The employmentrate for female graduatescame to 94.7 percent, up2.1 points, exceeding thatof male graduates, whichstood at 93.2 percent, down1.3 points.

    The government sur-vey also showed 93.4 per-cent of graduates of hu-manities courses and 96.2percent of those of sciencecourses found jobs.

    The employment rateof two-year junior collegegraduates rose 5.2 pointsto 94.7 percent, the high-est since the survey startedin April 1997. The rate forjob-seeking high schoolgraduates as of the end ofMarch increased for thethird straight year, rising1.0 point to 95.8 percent96.9 percent for malesand 94.2 percent for fe-males, according to thesurvey.

    Kyodo News

    South Korean soldiers take part in a US and South

    Korean joint toxic gas drill in Yeoncheon, GyeonggiProvince, northern South Korea, on 16 May, 2013.

    Kyodo News

    Clash between Russian oil chiefs could

    undercut Putin ally

    An attendant holds a gas pump at a Rosneft petrolstation in St Petersburg on 23 Oct, 2012.ReuteRs

    Moscow, 18 MayArare public clash betweentwo leading gures in Rus-sias state-dominated oilindustry hints at a split inPresident Vladimir Putinsinner circle and could beintended to rein in one ofhis closest advisers. IgorSechin, who has built oilcompany Rosneft into the

    worlds largest with Putinshelp, has pushed for an ex-pansion of a pipeline spur

    to take more oil to China, aprotable alternative mar-ket to Europe where de-

    mand is falling.But on Thursday, the

    head of Russias pipe-line monopoly Transneft,Nikolai Tokarev, attackedthe plans by asking wheth-er he was becoming justa service company to

    Rosneft unusually out-spoken comments for amember of Russias silo-

    viki, otherwise known asthe men of power aroundPutin. A year into his thirdterm, splits are emergingin Putins ruling team afterstreet protests which have

    unsettled the president.Three ministers, most re-cently his former politicalstrategist Vladislav Surkov,have been ousted.

    Who will pay to ex-pand the pipeline spur toChina? Transneft isntjust a service company forRosneft, Tokarev said on

    Thursday evening after

    a meeting of Transneftsexpert council on innova-tion. Rosneft declined to

    comment. Sechin, 52, hasbeen close to Putin for twodecades but, since complet-ing the $55 billion takeo-ver of Anglo-Russian oilrm TNK-BP in March,

    his ambitions have becomeincreasingly curtailed andRosnefts share price has

    weakened.Putin recently up-

    braided Sechin for promot-ing a $15 billion offshoreliqueed natural gas ven-

    ture with ExxonMobil thatcould breach the exportmonopoly of Gazprom a company used by Putinto project Russias energy

    power abroad. Reuters

    35 killed, 45 injured in blastsin eastern Iraqs DiyalaBaghdad, 18 MayAt

    least 35 people were killedand 45 others injured in twoblasts, which hit almost si-multaneously on Friday inBaquba, capital of easternIraqs Diyala Province, af-ter the Friday prayer, an of-cial said.

    The two roadsidebombs exploded near theSaroya mosque in Baquba,65 km northeast of Iraqscapital of Baghdad, andhit the Sunni worshipersas they were leaving themosque after prayer, the

    citys mayor AbdullahHayali told Xinhua. Initialreports said 30 were killedand some 40 were wound-ed.

    A day ago, at least 12people were killed and 25others injured as a suicidebomber blew himself up ata Shiite mosque in northernIraqs Kirkuk. Violence is

    still common in Iraq de-spite the dramatic decreasesince its peak in 2006 and2007 when the country wasengulfed in sectarian kill-ings.Xinhua

    Nigerian forces bombard militant camps from

    the airMaiduguri, 18 May

    Nigerian forces usedjets and attack helicoptersto bombard militant campsin the northeast on Friday,in their biggest military of-fensive since Boko Haramlaunched an uprising in

    2009.A number of insur-

    gents have been killed,

    the defence headquartersspokesman said, includ-

    ing at the Sambisa gamereserve in Borno state, theepicenter of the insurgency.

    It is not just Sambisa,every camp is under attack.But we have not done themopping up operations onthe ground to determine the

    numbers killed, Brigadier-General Chris Olukoladesaid by telephone. A mili-tary source, who declinedto be named, said at least 30

    insurgents had been killed.Nigerian forces are

    trying to regain territorycontrolled by increasinglywell-armed Boko Haraminsurgents in their north-eastern stronghold statesof Borno, Yobe and Ad-

    amawa, put under a stateof emergency by PresidentGoodluck Jonathan onWednesday.


  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    7Sunday, 19 May, 2013New Light of MyanmarNatioNal

    Yangon, 18 May

    Japanese automobile maker

    Toyota Motors Corporation

    is looking for operating

    a manufacturing plant in

    Myanmar, according to the

    companys executive con-

    sultant Takemoto.He made the comment

    at the opening ceremony of

    Toyotas auto repair work-

    shop in Shwe Than Lwin In-

    dustrial Zone in Hlinethaya


    Toyotas workshop is

    the first step for setting a

    manufacturing factory.

    Yangon, 18 May

    Two famous artists and

    sculptors in Myanmar will

    work on potrait and statue

    of former United Nations

    Secretary-General U Thant,

    a Myanmar national who

    led the world most inuen-

    tial institution.

    The French Embassy

    will host the event on 3


    U Thant is an indi-

    vidual for we Myanmars

    Myanmar artists remember ex-UNSG

    Thongwa, 18 MayA

    township level multiplier

    course on child-centered

    approach was opened in

    Thongwa Township in

    Yangon South District on

    12 May. The opening cer-

    emony was held at the hall

    of Basic Education High

    School No. 1.

    Assistant Director

    U Maung Kyei of No. 3Basic Education Depart-

    ment, Township Education

    Ofcer Daw Htway Yin,

    her deputies, headmasters

    Toyota opens auto repair workshop in Yangon

    Thongwa Tsp opens multiplier course on

    child-centered approachof high schools, middle

    schools and primary schools

    in the township were pres-


    The course is being

    attended by 559 primary

    school teachers, and 27

    teachers from four monastic

    Yangon, Akita universities

    seek to cooperate in miningNay Pyi Taw , 18

    MayUnion Minister for

    Education Dr Mya Ayeand International Exchange

    Promotion Coordinator of

    Akita University of Japan

    Mr Yoshiyuki Takahashi

    and party discussed signingagreement of academic

    cooperation in mining

    Ministry of Education

    School Enrolment Week

    From (27) to (31) May

    People to participate in

    enrolment of all school-going

    age childrenToyota workshop will

    provide aftersale services to

    products of the Toyota group

    in Myanmar.

    Toyota sees great poten-

    tial in Myanmar which has

    a huge market of 60 million


    Car body workshops in

    downtown Yangon generate

    a lot of noises and are even

    harmful to health of nearby

    residents. The opening of

    the workshop separate from

    populous areas.

    The workshop is being

    run by joint venture between

    local rm TTAS Company

    and Toyota Corporation of


    Myanma Alinnsubject between Yangon

    University and Akita

    University, at the EducationMinistry, here yesterday


    education schools.

    Thirty seven trainers

    are providing the trainining.

    The course instructors dem-

    ostrated the child-centered

    approach with 240 basic

    education primary school

    students. Myanma Alinn

    to be proud of, Ko Kyaw

    Kyaw Min, a participatant

    sculptor, said.

    Artist Shwe Myint will

    draw potrait of the ex-UN-

    SG, well-known for his

    peace efforts in his reign at

    the United Nations till his

    last breath.

    U Thant Museum has

    been opened in his former

    residence in Yangon.

    The event is aimed at

    filling empty wall in the


    Both potraits and stat-

    ue will be donated to the U

    Thant Museum.

    Myanma Alinn


    Loikaw, 18 MayA

    business consultation was

    held between Myanmars

    Kayah state and a Thai prov-

    ince at Kayah state govern-

    ment ofce here on 14 May.

    It was attended by

    Union Minister for Com-

    merce U Win Myint, Kayah

    State Chief Minister U Khin

    Maung Oo, Kayah state

    ministers, Vice-President of

    Myanmar-Thailand business consultation in Loikaw in progress.

    the Republic of the Union

    of Myanmar Federation of

    Chambers of Commerce

    and Industry U Tun Aung,

    departmental personnel

    and Nice-Governor of the

    Thai province Sut tha


    Representatives from

    two states exchanged views

    on tourism, culture, sports

    and border trade.

    The delegates from Mae

    Haungsaung had rst visited

    Myanmar in April, 2012,

    and Myanmar delegates

    including Kayah state gov-

    ernment ministers visited

    the Thai side vice versa three

    months later.

    They sought ways for

    cooperation between the two

    territories in their tours.

    Myanma Alinn

    Loikaw hosts Myanmar-Thai businessconsultation

    Thaz i , 1 8 May

    To wn sh ip Mu l t i p l i e r

    Course of Child-Centered

    Approach was opened in

    Thazi Township in Meik-

    tila District of Mandalay

    Region on 12 May.

    The opening ceremony

    Opening ceremony of Multiplier Course on Child-Centered Approach in Thazi

    Township in progress.

    at Basic Education High

    School No. 1 was attended

    by Pyithu Hluttaw Rep-

    resentative U Than Soe,

    Region Hluttaw representa-

    tives and officials of No.

    2 Basic Education Depart-

    ment and Region Education

    Department, and township

    level departmental person-

    nels. The course is being

    attended by headmasters

    and teachers of primary

    schools. The first batch

    course will run through 23

    MayMyanma Alinn

    Multiplier course on child-centered

    approach conducted in Thazi Tsp

    MandaLaY, 18 May

    Citizenship scrutiny cards

    were issued by Immigrationand National Registration

    Department at Wakhingon

    pagoda in Kankauk ward in

    Chanayethazan Township


    issues CSCsto citizens in


    in Mandalay Region on 14


    Head of MandalayRegion Immigration and

    National Registration De-

    partment U Thaung Zaw,

    Mandalay Region Hluttaw

    Representative Dr Kyaw

    Hla and ofcials attended

    the ceremony to issue thecitizenship scrutiny cards to

    eligible citizens.

    A total of 665 cards

    have been issued in the fth

    phase of the project.

    The department is mak-

    ing eld trips in east AungNan Yeik Tha ward and

    surrounding neighbourings

    to issue CSCs.

    Myanma Alinn






  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 20138 New Light of MyanmarNA T I ONA L

    Sunday, 19 May, 2013

    Road slaughterWith a car boom in Yangon and hordes of

    motorcyclists in Mandalay and other towns,

    Myanmar has suffered road accident fatalitiesduring recent years than ever before on record.

    In April alone, 389 road users were killed in 1346

    traffic incidents. According to facts and stats of

    Myanmar Police Force, Yangon and Mandalay

    stood in order in the list of road deaths and

    injuries. So, it can be said that the two big cit-

    ies have worst and maximum traffic violators.

    Of vehicles running on the roads across the

    country, 80 per cent are motorcycles. Nay Pyi

    Taw and Mandalay with a high number of reg-

    istered and unregistered motorbikes are prone

    to fatal motorbike accidents. Two-third of road

    deaths across the country involves motorcyclists.

    Low use of helmet, use of unqualified helmets,

    speeding and drunkenness are contributing tothis slaughter on downtown roads and highways

    as main factors.

    There has been blanket coverage of in-

    creased road fatalities which have become a

    hot topic in conversation, calling for concrete

    road safety plans to decrease future carnage. A

    unified stance of all departments concerned is

    needed to lead to a substantial solution before

    the grisly road accidents become mundane.

    We should not blame the traffic enforcement

    agency alone as incompetent to tackle. Risk

    accidents can be attributed to mechanical fail-

    ures, environmental conditions and errors of

    human judgment triggered by excessive speed

    and drunken driving.A good starting point to avert mechanical

    failure-led tragedies is to crack down on illegal

    imports of motorbikes that failed to come under

    scrutiny and shipping of defective vehicles into

    the country. Construction of roads, bridges and

    highways meeting set standards and increased

    presence of traffic officers in accident hot spots

    are workable measures to reduce environmental

    conditions-related road casualties, but weather

    situations are unpreventable and unpredictable.

    Driving license should not be a license to kill.

    Further restrictions should be placed on driv-

    ing tests to turn out safe and secure drivers.

    Moreover, all road users are to be alerted to

    punitive actions against traffic rule violations.

    Yangon, 18 MayA Myanmar

    delegation led by Vice-President Dr Sai

    Mauk Kham left here for Chiang Mai of

    Thailand by Myanma Airways special

    ight this afternoon to attend the Second

    Asia-Pacic Water Summit in Chiang

    Mai and the 10th Celebrations for the

    United Nations Day of Vesak (BuddhasBirthday) in Bangkok.

    The Vice-President and party were

    seen off at Yangon International Airport

    by Yangon Region Chief Minister U

    Myint Swe, and Region Ministers, staff

    from Thai Embassy in Myanmar and


    The Vice-President was accompa-

    nied by Deputy Ministers U Khin Zaw and

    Dr Daw Thet Thet Zin and departmental


    Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham

    who will attend Second Asia-

    Pacic Water Summit in Chiang

    Mai and 10th Celebrations for UN

    Day of Vesak (Buddhas Birthday)

    being seen off by Yangon Region

    Chief Minister U Myint Swe and

    party at Yangon International


    Defence Ministry (Youth) playing against Triangle

    Region Command in National Hockey League2013 jointly organized by Sports Ministry and

    Myanmar Hockey Federation on 18 May. The

    former beat the latter 6-1.


    Yangon, 18 May

    Mainly sponsored by Elite

    Tech Group of Companies

    and organized by Myanmar

    Golf Federa t ion and

    Myanmar PGA, the final

    round of Elite Tech Open

    Golf Championship 2013

    took place at Yangon Golf

    Club (Danyingon) in Insein

    Township yesterday alongwith prize presentation.

    It was attended by MGF

    Patron Maj-Gen Win Hlaing

    (Retd), MGF President U

    Elite Tech Open Golf

    Championship 2013 concludes

    Tayza, personnel and fans.

    Myo Win Aung stood rst

    in amateur level with 289

    strokes and Thein Zaw Myint

    of KM Golf Center won rst

    prize in professional level.

    The winners were

    presented with cash and

    gifts. Air Bagan, Asian

    Wings Airways, AGD Bank,

    Kandawgyi Palace Hotel,CEPSR, tiger Golf, Myanmar

    Solar Power (MSP) co-

    sponsored the event.


    Banks Supervisory Committee meets

    Yangon, 18 May

    The executive boards of

    Banks Supervisory Com-

    mittee under the Ministry

    of Finance and Revenue

    and Myanmar Banks Asso-

    ciation met at the meeting

    hall of Myanmar Banks As-

    sociation in Yankin Town-

    ship here this afternoon.

    Patron of Myanmar

    Banks Association Union

    Minister for Finance and

    Revenue U Win Shein

    delivered an address at the

    147th meeting. Chairman of

    Banks Supervisory Com-

    mittee Deputy Minister

    Dr Maung Maung Thein,

    the governor of the Cen-

    tral Bank of Myanmar,

    the Secretary of Banks

    Supervisory Committee

    and the Chairman of My-anmar Banks Association

    discussed banking mat-

    ters in relation to laws,

    regulations, procedures of

    private banks and foreign


    Union Minister U Win Shein gives speech at

    executive boards meeting of Banks Supervisory


    Union Minister visits CVTtraining school

    naY PYi Taw , 18

    MayUnion Minister

    for Labour, Employment

    and Social Security U

    Maung Myint this morning

    visited Center of Vocational

    Training CVT Myanmar

    at the building of Myanmar

    Red Cross Society on

    Strand Road in Botahtaung


    The courses conducted

    by the school are business

    course, electrical prociency

    course, furniture makingcourse, hotel and hospitality

    course and mines production

    course and the course

    duration is three years. The

    trainees attending the CVT

    course are Myanmar youths

    who engaged in their works.

    A total of 600 trainees are

    being given lectures with

    the aim of enhancing junior

    professional level. New

    courses are opened in the rst

    week of May yearly.

    Jointly organized by

    the Ministry and CVT

    Myanmar and with the

    assistance of Swiss Agency

    for Development and

    Cooperation (SDC), plansare underway to establish a

    new training school to turn

    out skilled workers.


    Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham leaves for Thailand

  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 2013 9

    LocaL news

    New Light of Myanmar

    Sanitation carried out in SagaingSagaing , 18 May

    Members of Sagaing

    Township Police Force

    carried out sanitation tasks

    across the township to ensure

    proper flow of drainage

    under the close supervision

    of district managementcommittee starting from

    15 May.

    The head of Sagaing

    Township Police Force said,

    We are clearing the drains

    on both sides of roads as

    preparation before arrival

    of the cyclonic storm which

    could trigger heavy rain. And

    departments concerned are

    also undertaking sanitation

    tasks at their designated


    Fortunately, the storm

    changed its direction and

    did not enter into Myanmar.


    Birthday party for hip conjoined twins at

    Mandalay Childrens Hospital

    Mobile library in operation in Yaksawk

    TownshipYakSawk, 18 May

    To help push forward

    intellectual improvement of

    the public as part of people-

    centered public service,

    head of Yaksawk Township

    Information and Public

    Relations Department Daw

    Mu Mya Saw and staff

    supervised works on mobile

    library, wall magazines

    and photo shows. The head

    elaborated on the objectives

    of mobile library, raising

    reading habits and benets

    of reading and donated 100

    books to local people.


    Farming work permits presented in Kalay

    kal aY , 18 May

    Farming work permits were

    presented to the farmers at

    the Administrators ofce

    of Sakhangyi village-tractin Kalay Township, Sagaing

    Region on 15 May and

    Chairman of Kalay District

    Farmland Management

    Committee Administrator

    U Nyi Nyi Htway gave a


    Then, Secretary of

    Kalay District Farmland

    Management Committee

    and Head of District

    Set t lement and LandRecords Department U Thein

    Lwin explained rights and

    disciplines of farmers.

    Chairman of Kalay

    T o w n s h i p F a r m l a n d

    Management Committee

    Township Administrator

    Ma n d a l a Y,18 May

    A birthday party for

    two-year-old hip conjoined

    twins, Aung Khant Kyaw

    and Aung Myat Kyaw,

    who have been successfully

    separated at 550-bed

    Man d a lay Ch i ld ren s

    Hospital, was held at the

    hospital on 16 May.

    It was attended by

    Medical Superintendent

    Dr Sein Han, Specialist

    Professor Dr. Aung Mra,

    Pediatrician Professor

    Dr Aung Aung Oo and

    specialists, nurses, parents

    and relatives of the twins.

    The hip conjoined

    twins Aung Khant Kyaw

    and Aung Myat Kyawborn in Sagaing Township

    received successful surgical

    operation performed by

    specialists in Yangon and

    Mandalay at the hospital

    in May 2012.


    U Aye Naing presented

    171, Head of Township

    Settlement and Land Records

    Department U Aung Kyaw

    Soe, 267 certicates to thefarmers of Nansoungpu


    A plan is underway

    to present 40087 farming

    work permits to 32751



    Falam gets more water

    H a k a , 1 8 May

    Falam Township of Chin

    State gets more water

    after the water from Zaryi

    Spring, seven miles four

    furlongs from Falam is

    piped to the township.

    The tasks also in-cluded replacement of old

    pipelines with 2-inch PVC

    ones and construction of

    a 10000 gallon-storage-

    capacity tank and a 30000


    tank. The township de-

    velopment affairs carried

    out the works at the cost

    of 73.8 million kyats, con-

    tributed by Rural Develop-

    ment Department under the

    Ministry of Border Affairs.

    The spring produces

    30000 gallons of water a

    day, benefitting 2345 peo-

    ple from 278 ouseholds inKyinhmawl and Darhtauk

    wards in the township.

    Chin State Chief Min-

    ister U Hong Ngai, state

    minis ters , depar tmen-

    tal personnel formally

    opened the facilities on

    16 May.


    Digging of drinking water

    lake in Padaung Township

    Padaung, 18 May

    Villagers form Yaytwinhla

    village, participated in col-

    lective digging of drinking

    water lake at the village of

    Talokepin village-tract in

    Padaung Township of Pyay

    District, Bago Region on

    16 May.

    The village has to rely

    only on the lakes even

    though the tube wells do-

    nated by the government

    and wellwishers run short.

    The village has to face

    danger of re in summer.

    At the request of village

    administrators, Bago Re-

    gion Constituency No.2

    Pyithu Hluttaw repre-

    sentative U Than Zaw has

    pledged that coordination

    will be made with respec-

    tive administrative bodies

    for funds allotments out

    of regional development

    funds by Region Govern-

    ment for digging of lake

    and construction of bridge.


    Three old grenades found in


    MoHnYin, 18 May

    Three grenades were found

    near Guest House of Union

    Solidarity and Development

    Party in Mohnyin on 14May morning by mushroom


    Daily wage earners

    Maung Thingyan and

    Maung Kyaw Soe from

    Township Development

    Affairs Committee found

    three grenades under

    jack frui t tr ee be tween

    development affairs staff

    quarters and USDP guest

    house while searching

    mushroom at 7:30 am on

    14 May.

    Head of Mohnyin Police

    Station Police Captain HlaHtwe and members, local

    artillery commander Lt-Col

    Nay Min Oo and members

    and Aung Thabye Ward

    Administrator U Naw Lar

    rushed to the scene to

    inspect the ordnances. It is

    learnt that it was Chinese

    made 91 form old grenades

    and it cannot be harmful or


    Nation-building endeavours

    Powered trailer fre burns

    three houses

    Loan disbursed to cooperative societies in Yaksawk

    TownshipYakSawk, 18 May

    As part of rural develop-

    ment and poverty allevia-

    tion tasks and development

    of cooperatives works,

    east cooperative society

    of Shan State (south) dis-

    bursed micro finance loan

    Head-on motor bike collision

    leaves three injuredTHaYeT, 18 May

    Three injured in head-on

    motor bike collision in

    Thayet, Thayet District,

    Magway Region on 15 May.

    The accident happened

    near Sinphyutaw Junction

    on Thayet-Mindon motor

    road around 8 pm on 15

    May. The three got minor

    injuries. Thayet Police

    Station is investigating into

    the case.


    kY a i k M a r a w

    , 1 8MayA powered trailer

    fire burnt down three

    houses in Tayana Village,

    Kyaikmaraw Township,

    Mon State on 15 May.

    While the petrol barrels

    were being loading off from

    powered trailer in front of oil

    lling station of U Tun Sein

    in Tayana Village on 15 May

    evening, the battery wire

    shock of the powered trailer

    ignited the petrol barrels,

    resulting in the nearby houses

    caught the re.

    A total of 14 re engines,

    18 core firefighters and

    50 auxiliary firefighters

    from Kyaikmaraw and

    Mawlamyine townships

    and surrounding villages and

    locals put off the re which

    was extinguished an hour

    later after its start.

    Th ree two -s to rey

    houses, the power trailer were

    damaged in the re which

    also consumed 75 gallons

    of petrol. The Kyaikmaraw

    Township police have led

    a lawsuit against U Tun


    to cooperative societies.

    A total of more than K 47

    million of loans was given

    to eight cooperative socie-

    ties in Yaksawk on 15 May.

    It was attended by

    the Chairman of Shan

    State Cooperative Socie-

    ties Development Commit-

    tee, Shan State Planning

    and Economy Minister

    U Aung Kyaw Nyunt,

    Hluttaw representatives,

    depart-mental officials and




  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 201310


    New Light of Myanmar

    Greeces Prime Minister Antonis Samaras addresses theaudience during the 12th Facility for Euro-Mediterra-nean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP) conference

    on Mediterranean blue economy:enhancing marineand maritime cooperation in Athens on 8 April, 2013.


    Greek PM hails Greekovery replacing


    Athens, 18 MayGreek Prime Minister An-tonis Samaras has hailed

    kinder words from lendersand revived interest in thecountrys deeply-discount-

    ed bonds and stocks as aGreekovery to replacelast years Grexit catch-

    phrase. Although there islittle sign of economic re-

    covery, Greece is nallyattracting some of thecheap funds that are beingpumped out by major cen-

    tral banks and feeding aninvestment boom on stockand bond markets.

    Greek bond yields are

    at a three-year-low andits stock market has hit atwo-year high, helped by

    praise from foreign lend-ers for government effortsin getting its bailout pro-

    gram back on track. Un-til recently, many analystsbelieved that Greece was a

    lost case.We proved them

    wrong, Samaras said in a

    speech in Beijing duringa trip to China on Friday.Most of them now witness

    not a Grexitan exitfrom the euro zonebut aGreekoverya recovery

    of the Greek economy.

    The economy, however, re-mains mired in sixth year ofrecession with unemploy-

    ment at a record 27 percentand living standards have

    sunk due to wage and pen-sion cuts.

    Samarass successstory insults the countrys

    youth, of whom 70 percentare unemployed, GeorgeVaremenos, a lawmaker

    from the main oppositionSyriza party, told Skai TV.Investor interest in Greece

    revived this week after theFitch agency upgraded the

    countrys sovereign creditrating to B-minusstillhighly speculativefrom

    CCC on Tuesday. SteadilyGreece convinces more andmore that it is on the course

    of becoming a true successstory, said Samaras, whois on a trip to China and

    Azerbaijan to win businessinvestment and reverse a20 percent fall in output

    since the debt crisis beganin 2009. Chinese shippinggroup Cosco has already

    made a major investmentin Greeces largest port atPiraeus (OLP), which is 74

    percent state-owned and ison the governments pri-vatizations agenda.


    At least 20 killed when mine collapses in

    eastern CongoKinshAsA, 18 May

    At least 20 people werekilled when a mine col-

    lapsed in mineral-rich butconict-plagued eastern

    Democratic Republic ofCongo following heavyrains, the government saidon Friday.

    The accident occurredon Thursday at the minenear the village of Rubaye

    in the countrys North KivuProvince. Local ofcialswere attempting to recover

    bodies still believed buried

    on Friday.Were still digging

    at the site, so the death tollcould rise. The provincial

    government is handlingthe rescue, governmentspokesman Lambert Mendetold Reuters. Congos east-

    ern borderlands have someof the worlds largest de-posits of tin ore and coltan,

    which is used in electronicdevices like mobile phonesand video game consoles.

    But the region is a

    patchwork of rebel andmilitia efdoms left over

    from a 1998-2003 civil warthat killed millions, and

    the insecurity has discour-aged large-scale industrialmining. Rampant povertyhas pushed hundreds of

    thousands of Congolese towork in unregulated small-er mines, often controlled

    by armed groups, where fa-tal accidents are common-place. Reuters

    New conscripts for Russian Army and their friends and relatives attend a seeing off

    event at a recruiting station in Moscow, Russia, on 17 May, 2013. Russia aims torecruit 153,200 new conscripts this spring.Xinhua

    Chad seeks arrest of exiled presidents alliesnDjAmenA, 18 May

    Chad has charged four al-lies of the countrys formerpresident with human rights

    abuses and issued warrantsfor their arrest, a senior

    government source said onFriday. The source, who

    asked not to be identied,said they were wanted inconnection with atrocities

    carried out during the rule

    of the countrys last leaderHissene Habre.

    Habre ed to Senegalafter he was ousted in acoup by current President

    Idriss Deby in 1990. Therewere no details of the spe-

    cic accusations against hisformer ofcials. But Sene-gal, under pressure from the

    International Court of Jus-

    tice and campaign groups,has set up a special court tolook into allegations 40,000

    people were killed or tor-tured during Habres rule.

    Rights campaignershave accused Habre, 70, ofusing his political police to

    target political opponentsand rival ethnic groups after

    seizing power in an earlier

    military coup in the land-locked oil-producing cen-tral African state in 1982.

    Those sought includeMahamat Nouri, Bandoum

    Bandjim, Bichara IdrissHaggar and Abakar Torbo,

    the senior government of-

    cial at the justice ministrytold Reuters.Reuters

    Free Syrian Army fghters adjust a rocket to belaunched towards forces loyal to Syrias President

    Bashar al-Assad in Deir al-Zor on 15 May , 2013.ReuteRs

    Hold Syrian peace talks soon,

    says UN chiefsochi, (Russia), 18

    MayA proposed inter-national conference to tryto stop Syrias civil warshould be held as soon as

    possible, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon saidon Friday, but no date has

    yet been agreed for a meet-ing that appears to facegrowing obstacles.

    Ban spoke as UN of-cials announced that the

    number of refugees ee-ing the ghting in Syria, a

    conict that has claimedthe lives of 80,000 peopleover the past two years,had exceeded 1.5 million as

    conditions there deterioraterapidly.

    Western leaders have

    been cautious about theprospects of the talks

    achieving any break-

    through, and Russias de-sire that Iran should attendcould complicate mattersbecause of potential oppo-

    sition from the West.The main Syrian op-

    position, expected to decide

    its stance next week, haspreviously demanded Presi-dent Bashar al-Assads

    exit before any talks.A ris-ing death toll, new reports

    of atrocities by both sides,suspicion that chemicalarms may have been used

    and the absence of pros-pects for a military solutionhave all pushed Washing-

    ton and Moscow to agree toconvene the conference.

    We should not lose

    the momentum, Ban saidof the proposal to bring

    the Syrian government and

    opposition representativesto the conference table.There is a high expectation

    that this meeting should be

    held as soon as possible,he said after talks with Rus-sian Foreign Minister Ser-gei Lavrov.

    Lavrov agreed: The

    sooner the better, he told a

    joint news conference withBan, who was due to meetPresident Vladimir Putin

    later on Friday.

    Iran is a US foe and themain regional ally of As-sads government, whichhas also received support

    from Russia.Reuters

    UN relief chief to visitSudan

    UniteD nAtions, 18May The UN relief

    chief will visit Sudan onMonday and is expected todiscuss with government

    ofcials and aid organiza-tions there about the hu-manitarian crisis that has

    uprooted more than onemillion people and forcedover 200,000 to leave the

    country, a UN spokesmansaid on Friday.

    The four-day visit will

    take Valerie Amos, the UNUnder-secretary-generalfor Humanitarian Affairs

    and Emergency Relief Co-ordinator, to the Sudanesecapital Khartoum, and

    also to Darfur, said MartinNesirky, spokesperson forUN Secretary-general Ban

    Ki- moon, at a daily brief-ing here.

    While in the country,Valerie Amos will meet

    with government ofcialsand representatives of aidorganizations to discusshow to improve humani-

    tarian access to people

    affected by conict anddisplacement, particularly

    in South Kordofan, BlueNile and Darfur, Nesirkynoted.

    The humanitariancommunity continues to

    work with the Sudanesegovernment to addressdeteriorating living con-

    ditions in camps and tond lasting solutions forthose who have been up-

    rooted for many years, thespokesperson added.

    Fighting between the

    Sudanese armed forcesand the rebel Sudan Peo-ples Liberation Move-

    ment-North (SPLM-N)broke out after neighbor-ing South Sudan seceded

    under the 2005 Compre-hensive Peace Agreementthat ended a decades-long

    civil war.South Kordofan has

    been witnessing growing

    armed clashes betweenthe Sudanese army and the

    SPLM-N. In Blue Nile,the ghting displaced andthen isolated tens of thou-

    sands of people. Violencehas subsided from its peakin 2003 and 2004, but

    heavy ghting has been

    reported since early thisyear between the rebel al-

    liance and the Sudanesearmy supported by militiasin Darfur.Xinhua

  • 7/30/2019 New Light of Myanmar (19 May 2013)


    Sunday, 19 May, 2013 11New Light of MyanmarRegional

    Tokyo, 18 MayTheFinance Ministry said Fri-day it will basically notmint 1-yen, 5-yen and 50-

    yen coins for general usein scal 2013 as the grow-ing use of electronic money

    has crimped demand for thecoins.

    Japan Mint, an arm of

    the ministry, has refrainedfrom producing 5-yen and50-yen coins for general

    use since 2010 and of 1-yencoins since 2011.

    The ministry said it

    will mint 1 million units of

    each of the three coins forcollector sets. It will also is-

    sue 700,000 units of 1,000yen coins to commemoratethe 60th anniversary of the

    enforcement of the nationsLocal Autonomy Act, thelaw governing matters re-

    lating to local government.The ministry said it

    would mint 1-yen coins andcoins of other denomina-tions in scal 2013 if de-

    mand arises in connectionwith the governments planto hike the sales tax rate

    from 5 percent to 8 percenton on 1 April, 2014.

    Kyodo News

    Islamabad, 18 May Japan is ready to help Paki-stan overcome the countrys

    chronic power shortages,

    but at the same time it seekscomprehensive power sec-

    tor reforms, a senior ofcialfrom the Japan InternationalCooperation Agency said on

    Friday.In an interview with

    Kyodo News, JICAs chiefrepresentative in Pakistan,Mitsuyoshi Kawasaki, said

    the agency has already sin-gled out four 400-megawattpower turbines at Mangla

    Hydro electric power stationin Pakistan-administeredportion of divided Kash-

    mir and a coal-red pow-er plant in Thar in SindhProvince for replacement

    with Japanese assistance.Development of hy-

    droelectric and coal-based

    power plants is central to Pa-kistans plans to overcomepower shortages. Pakistan

    has been faced with power

    Govt not to

    mint 1-yen,


    50-yen coins

    in FY2013

    Japan ready to help

    Pakistan overcome power

    shortagesoutages across the coun-try, with some parts havingexperienced blackouts for

    up to 18 hours. Overcom-

    ing the power crisis in twoyears was one of the elec-

    tion promises by the Paki-stan Muslim League Nawaz,which has emerged as the

    biggest force in last weeksgeneral election.

    It is also top priority ofImran Khans Tehreek-e-Insaf party, which is plan-

    ning to set up a provincialgovernment in Khyber Pa-khtunkhwa, a province with

    large hydropower potential.Both parties have declareddevelopment of coal-based

    power plants and hydropow-er plants as a top priority toliterally steer the country

    out of darkness. Pakistanboasts to have one of thelargest coal reserves in the

    world, enough to generatetens of thousands of mega-

    watts of electricity for 200-300 years.Kyodo News

    Chinese top leaders Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Liu Yunshan, Zhang Gaoli meet

    with representatives of the honoured units and individuals of Chinas mannedsubmersible mission in Beijing, capital of China, on 17 May , 2013.Xinhua

    Singapores rst H1N1 u vaccine startsclinical test

    sIngapore, 18 MaySingapores Agency forScience, Technology and

    Research (A*STAR) an-nounced on Friday that the

    rst healthy volunteer hadbeen given a dose of theH1N1 inuenza vaccinejointly developed by the

    agency and the Switzerland-based Cytos BiotechnologyAG in a clinical trial.

    The agency said thevaccine may open the door

    to accelerated production of

    inuenza vaccines in Sin-gapore, aiming at provid-ing the city-state an effec-

    tive means of combattinginuenza epidemics and

    pandemics.In this rstPhase 1 clinical trial, thesafety and immunogenic-ity of this novel vaccine

    candidate and its potentialto protect against H1N1

    inuenza infection will beevaluated, the agency saidin a statement.

    This is the rst timeSingapore is attempting tomake its own u vaccine.

    In the wake of the recentH7N9 bird u outbreak,it is timely that A*STAR

    is bringing Singaporesrst H1N1 u vaccine into

    Phase 1 clinical trial. Thisdifferent approach of mak-

    ing u vaccines will betterrespond to the needs of a uoutbreak, Lim Chuan Poh,chairman of the agency

    said.It is said that if the

    Cytos new virus-like par-

    ticle technology in produc-ing this inuenza vaccineproved to be effective and

    successful, it could acceler-ate the production of vac-

    cines against new emerg-ing strains of u. This willgreatly aid Singapores pre-

    paredness to produce vac-cines quickly, safely andeconomically in the event

    of a u epidemic, a profes-sor said.Xinhuaphnom penh, 18 May

    Cambodia and Thailand

    agreed on Friday to enhancecooperation to ght againstall forms of illegal cross-

    border activities, a jointstatement said. The agree-ment was made between

    Cambodian defence min-ister Tea Banh and his Thai

    counterpart Gen. SukumpolSuwanatat at the 9th GeneralBorder Committee, whichwas held in Rayong Prov-

    ince, Thailand on Friday.Both sides agreed to

    strengthen cooperation to

    prevent and crack down onillegal activities along the

    border such as drug trafck-ing, illegal logging, and il-legal border crossing, said

    a joint statement released byCambodian defence minis-try. The two ministers also

    agreed to enhance maritimesecurity. They also agreedto cooperate to improve

    livelihoods for peoples liv-ing along the border throughthe development of tourism,

    education and public health,it said.

    Cambodia, Thailand to

    enhance cooperation in

    ghting cross border crimesIn addition, both sides

    commended the two coun-

    tries Joint Working Groupfor fruitful discussions to-wards landmine clearance

    in the World Court-denedProvisional DemilitarizedZone (PDZ) surrounding

    Cambodias Preah VihearTemple. Moreover, the

    two ministers vowed to re-lease only accurate and posi-tive information in regardto border issues in order to

    strengthen mutual trust andrespect, the statement said.

    Cambodia and Thailand

    have had sporadic borderconicts over the territo-

    rial dispute near CambodiasPreah Vihear Temple sincethe UNESCO listed the tem-

    ple as a World Heritage Siteon 7 July, 2008. Thailandclaims the ownership of 4.6

    square kilometers of scrubnext to the temple.

    Deadly clashes between

    the both sides troops hap-pened in February and April

    2011 during the rule of for-

    mer Thai Prime Minister Ab-hisit Vejjajiva.Xinhua

    Akiko Yamanaka, owner of cafe Koguma, stands in

    front of the restaurant refurbished from a vacatedantiques shop in a house built in the 1920s in Tokyos

    Sumida Ward on 15 April, 2013.Kyodo news

    phnom penh, 18 MayGarment ManufacturersAssociation of Cambodia

    (GMAC) on Friday urgedall factories in Cambodiato focus on safety standards

    in order to avoid any inci-

    dent of building collapse inthe future. The appeal wasmade after a partial col-lapse of a concrete ceiling

    in Wing Star Shoes, a Chi-nas Taipei-owned factory,in Kampon

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