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Page 1: New to PPC Advertising - pigtailpundits.com · PPC campaign How to optimise your PPC Ads. To get visitors to click your ad, you’ll have to craft a quality ad that’s attractive

New to PPC Advertising? Here’s everything you need to know.

Page 2: New to PPC Advertising - pigtailpundits.com · PPC campaign How to optimise your PPC Ads. To get visitors to click your ad, you’ll have to craft a quality ad that’s attractive


What’s in this eBook

More often than not, businesses look at Pay-Per-

Click Ads as the replacement to Organic Search.

Or, they allocate less resources to rank organically.

As a result, they’re left scarred by investing on PPC. If you’ve

done the same thing or heading down the same road, this

guide is for you.

1. Understand the basics of PPC and how it works.

2. How to grow your business using PPC.

3. Real life example of a brand that used PPC to grow

their business


Page 3: New to PPC Advertising - pigtailpundits.com · PPC campaign How to optimise your PPC Ads. To get visitors to click your ad, you’ll have to craft a quality ad that’s attractive

Organic Search results are the unpaid results that

appear on the results page when websites are

optimized for Search engines and users.

On the other hand, paid results require you to pay a fee so that

your ad may appear on top of the results page when someone

searches for a specific phrase. Not every search query gets an Ad


Pay-Per-Click or PPC is a type of Paid Search in which you pay the

search engine only if viewers click on your Ad. Google Ads works

on a PPC model.

What is Paid Search?


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A Paid Search constitutes 3 main elements: Keywords, Ads

and Landing Pages.

1. Get leads immediately.

2. Stand out from the crowd.

3. Scale easily

4. Measure effectively

4. Target the right audience

• The next step is to design relevant ads that draw users to click on


• When users click on the Ad, they’re directed to your Landing Page.

This should be designed to get your users to complete a Call-To-

Action (CTA).

• You have to start with keyword research to find out keywords that

are relevant to your product or service. Then, feed this list into

Google Ads so that Google can display your ad for related search


Ideally, your keyword list should have relevant keywords that

will lead to higher Click-Through-Rates and decrease cost

per lead. This means you should bid only on keywords that

are an exact match.

Why should I invest in Google PPC Ads?

How to cho(e the right keywords for your PPC campaign.

What are the Main elements of a Paid Search?

However, a good keyword strategy is to set keywords to broad match

and phrase match. This might sound counter-intuitive. But if you’re

bidding only on exact match keywords, your website will miss out on a

lot of traffic.

Moreover, you won’t be able to discover keywords that will drive quantity

and quality traffic to your website.

Page 5: New to PPC Advertising - pigtailpundits.com · PPC campaign How to optimise your PPC Ads. To get visitors to click your ad, you’ll have to craft a quality ad that’s attractive


Best keyword research tools for your PPC campaign

How to optimise your PPC Ads.To get visitors to click your ad, you’ll have to craft a quality

ad that’s attractive and optimize it.Based on how your campaign performs, you should be able to figure

out how to optimize your keywords. Depending on keyword

performances, you should add or delete keywords and change their

match type. This way, you’ll have an effective campaign.

• Headline 1: 30 Characters

• Headline 2: 30 Characters

• Headline 3: 30 Characters

• Description 1: 90 Characters

• Description 2: 90 Characters

• Display URL Path1: 15 Characters

• Display URL Path2: 15 Characters

Setting the keyword match to phrase match and broad match may drive

irrelevant traffic to your website. But you can add negative keywords later

to keep refining your keyword list and drive quality traffic to your website.

Since Google Ads limits the number of characters that you can use, it

pays to remember the following formula.

Page 6: New to PPC Advertising - pigtailpundits.com · PPC campaign How to optimise your PPC Ads. To get visitors to click your ad, you’ll have to craft a quality ad that’s attractive


Or, you can simply use tools like this. Expanded Text Ad Preview Tool

by Karooya is one of the best tools to write text ads.

The Headlines are the first line of the ad and are displayed as blue text.

Users will see Headline 1 first. So, you should include the most important

message in this headline.

The other two headlines should be used to display a compelling Call-To-

Action. This will prompt users to click on your ads.

To make the ad more effective, you should highlight your products and

services. You can do this using the Description field. If you want to

prompt your user further, include a Call-To-Action in this field as well.

Display URL, like its name suggests, is only for display purposes. You can

use Path 1 and Path 2 to display top keywords. This will reassure users

that the ad will take them to a relevant landing page.

The actual URL that you’ll direct your users to is called the Destination

URL. These aren’t displayed on the ad since they look very messy.

Not all of your ads will perform equally. That’s why it’s important to

create more than one ad for each ad group and test them out to

see which works best.

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A compelling landing page should have a:

While designing a landing page, always keep the user mind. Tell them

how they’ll benefit from your product or service. At the same time, make

it compelling and lucrative enough for them to click on. Place a clear

Call-To-Action button on your website and make it easy for users to sign

up for your services.

How to Create Compelling PPC Landing Pages

1. Simple Headline

2. Offer/Service

3. Call-To-Action

Page 8: New to PPC Advertising - pigtailpundits.com · PPC campaign How to optimise your PPC Ads. To get visitors to click your ad, you’ll have to craft a quality ad that’s attractive


• With a problem/pain/ need

• A Character usually the hero/ your customer

• Meets a Guide [the brand]

• Who gives the hero a plan [precise steps to achieve a goal]

• That calls them to action

• That results in Tragedy [failure]

• or Comedy [success]

How to write copy that convertsThe most important thing on your landing page is the copy. If a user isn’t

convinced that your product can solve their problem, they won’t buy

from you.

The best way to write copy that converts is by using the StoryBrand

framework for writing.

Donald Miller has studied several hundreds of Hollywood Blockbusters.

He has then essenced the success framework of the hit movies into a

story telling framework.

Learn more about how to write compelling copies using the StoryBrand

Framework here: How to write copy that sells using Donald Miller's

StoryBrand Framework and How to hire a StoryBrand Copywriter to Sell

on your Website and Landing Page.

The 7-point StoryBrand framework by Donald Miller

He uses the success formula to sell brands on the web. The result is

better clarity in messaging and all the ingredients needed for

persuading the customer to buy immediately.

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How a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign works

To do this, it multiplies your maximum bid and Quality score and comes

up with an Ad rank. The ads with the best Ad ranks are displayed on the

results page.

If your ad makes it to the results page and someone clicks through

to your site, you owe Google money. The amount you pay will be

calculated by Google according to your ad rank and Quality score.

For example, if an ad ranks below yours and its Ad rank is 16, and your

Quality score is 8, the amount you’ve to pay is given by:

(Ad Rank/Quality Score) + 0.01$

In this case, you’ve to pay 2.01$ for every click your ad gets. As long as

your ad doesn’t rank last, you’ll pay lesser than your original bid amount.

This is why it’s important to craft an attractive and relevant ad.

While setting up an Ad Campaign, you have to choose the type of ad,

locations in which it should be shown, etc.

Then, Google asks you the Daily Budget. You can allocate budgets to

different campaigns manually or used Shared Budgets and let Google

do the job.

Next, comes the bidding. There are a lot of bidding strategies and we’ll

not go into these in this e-book. You’ll be asked to enter the maximum

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) amount.

These set of keywords are paired with your ads. Google then enters the

maximum bid that you’ve specified along with the most relevant

keyword and its ad, into the auction.

Once a search query triggers an auction, Google determines which ads

should be displayed on the SERP.

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What is a Quality Score and why is it important?

Metrics used to measure Ad Performance

Initially, ad ranks were determined by bids alone. This meant that anyone

could bid for a certain keyword and create a landing page for a

completely different keyword.

For example, you could bid for “marketing tools” and direct your

customers to a landing page that is not relevant to the topic.

That’s why Google introduced the Quality Score. It’s an algorithm that

tells Google how relevant your ad and landing page are to the search

query. In other words, Google checks if your ads direct users to relevant

landing pages.

Metrics will tell you how effective your campaign was and will give you

an idea on what didn’t work for you. So, keep an eye on the following

metrics once you’ve set up an Ad Campaign.

Impression: This is the number of times your ad was shown when a user

made a search. You can also define it as the number of times your ad

was viewed.

Click: It’s the number of times a user clicks on your ad.

Conversion: When a user clicks on your ad, ends up in your landing page

and does what you wanted them to do, it’s called a conversion. This

could be buying your product, signing up for your services or

downloading an e-book.

Spend: The amount of money you’ve spent on the campaign is called


After scanning your Landing Page, Google gives your page a Quality

Score between 1 and 10. If your Quality Score is high, you won’t have

to pay as much as your competitor does.

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Before you start your PPC campaign, remember these 10 things.

Click-Through-Rate: Percentage of impressions that turn into clicks is

called Click-Through-Rate.

Conversion Rate: Percentage of conversions that turn into clicks is called

Conversion Rate. Here’s a page that tells you how to grow your

conversion rates.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC): This is the amount of money spent for each click.

Dividing the spend by the total number of clicks will give you the CPC.

This is a cost metric and should be kept as low as possible.

Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA): This the amount of money spent to get a

conversion. Dividing the spend by the total number of acquisitions will

give you the CPA. This is also a cost metric and should be kept as low as


1. Paid search appears on top of organic results in the form of an ad.

Not all search queries yield paid results.

2. It can help you split test your websites and find new keywords.

3. Google Ads works on a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) model.

4. Keyword Research, Relevant Ad copy and Compelling landing

pages are the main elements of a Paid Search.

5. Keyword lists should be relevant, comprehensive and expansive.

6. Include a Call-To-Action in the headline and description of your ad.

7. You can add important keywords in the display URL paths.

8. Offer your customers value in your landing pages.

9. Use metrics like CPC, CTR, CTA, etc. to track the effectiveness of your campaign.

10. Keep tweaking your ads and landing pages to make your campaign more effective.

As you optimize your ads and landing pages more, percentage

metrics like CTR will go up. At the same time, you can also reduce

cost metrics. Thus, you’ll end up with an effective campaign if you

keep tweaking your ads and landing pages according to these


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Real life #ample of a brand that used PPC to grow their businessAdwords Campaign sets the benchmark in the Indian moving industry

View Case Study

The objective for Writer Relocations

was to obtain leads from customers in India traveling


We used the best practices to design landing pages and

write ads. The costs for International Leads + Domestic

India Leads were brought down by as much as 75% in

one year. The lead costs were amongst the lowest in this

industry because of good quality scores, the variety in

the ads, and the number of LPs vs the competition.

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About Us Don't be content with status quo. Scale your business with PPC.

We’ve been serving clients all over the world for 22 years. Our

Pundits have a tight grasp of how Google Ads and Social

Media Advertising work. So, if you’re looking for individuals

who can make ads and landing pages that shower you with

sales, let’s talk.

Harness the expertise from work on 700+ Indian and

International projects.

Corral the experience that solves ambitious online marketing


Get a team that packs the strategic, creative, tech and

marketing wisdom in-house.

Get completely dedicated-to-your-interest strategies that

maximizes your investments.

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What our clients say

"I have worked with Unni and his team at Pigtail Pundits for a long time because, to put it simply, they do such terrific work." Over the years, Unni has consistently provided outstanding creative, strong programming and prompt response to my projects large and small.

It has been a delightful and rewarding collaboration which I look forward to continuing for a long, long time.

Sandy Tapper

Internet Marketing Consultant and Speaker | Search Engine

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"I have worked with Unni and his firm for many years. I've used them to design we0ites for our clients and to design mine." They give me better service than similar firms in my same city, they're more creative, they care more about the project and their fees are fair.

I can recommend them without reservation. They are good at what they do and they are good people--a rare combination; worth going halfway around the globe to find them!

Hamilton Wallace

I am a small business marketing consultant.

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Deliver awesome content that

boosts trust and authority for your

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Max out the value of the traffic

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Other services we offer are:

Come, soak your brand in wisdom that works.


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Build premium websites, primed

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Search Engine Optimisation

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