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Page 1: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these




Address: PO Box 15558, Emerald Hill, 6011, RSA

Venue: Bible Society House, 31 Cotswold Avenue, Cotswold

Correspondence: [email protected]

Volume 2 No 5

Newsletter May 2018


Editor's note ………..................................................................................................

From the secretary's desk .......................................................................................

Rolling programme for 2018/2019 ……………….....................................................

Minutes of monthly meeting ………..........................................................................

Spot the difference ………………………………………….....…………………………

Things from another planet ……………………………………………………………

Editor's titbits ……………………………………………..………………...……………










Francois Friend

082 554 8900 Vice president David Brown 041 360 4025 Secretary/treasurer/exchange superintendent Rodney Maclachlan 072 619 5409 Honorary auditor Barry Green 041 368 8504 Librarian John Haigh 041 373 0604 Catering, functions, trophies and awards

Desre Kapp Margaret Morgan

072 237 8944 082 574 7616

Exhibitions, frames and judging

Herwig Kussing Vernon Mitchell

071 175 9855 082 572 9127

Next meeting

4 June 2018 at 19:00

Copyright in this newsletter is reserved. No publication or dissemination of its contents is allowed without written permission from the Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society.

Page 2: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 1

editor's note

Welcome to our May newsletter, the fifth month of the year as 2018 continues to speed through the days. Warm autumn nights continue to persist followed by beautiful and warm days. However, the drought is now becoming quite serious after an April rainfall described as the second worst in history and combined dam levels now at 23% and falling. Big halagaboo about the Western Cape drought but believe the Eastern Cape's current one has now unfortunately surpassed them. Anyway, we trust you enjoy this May edition of our newsletter to take your minds of other matters.

from the secretary's desk

Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these members a happy and joyous day. Email contact detail for our new members Bernard du Plessis and Dennis Mauer is [email protected] and [email protected] respectively. The email address for Gawie Rousseau that moved to Potchefstroom remains the same.

rolling programme for 2018/2019

month date happenings letters


June 4 Jun 2018

Mike Koyd Postal History Shield competition. General trading night and auction - bring some of your material that you wish to dispose of. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

E, F, 2

July 2 Jul 2018

Neville Polakow Trophy competition. Audio visual presentation. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

G, H, 3

August 6 Aug 2018

Philatelic Services Stamp’s Friend Trophy competition. General trading night and auction - bring some of your material that you wish to dispose of. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

I, J, 4

September 3 Sep 2018

Dave Berg Cup for best thematic display competition. Show some of your favourite stamps, covers, etc. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

K, L, 5

October 1 Oct 2018

Contemporary Cup competition. Audio visual presentation. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

M, N, 6

November 5 Nov 2018

TJ Strachan Ladies Bowl competition. General trading night and auction - bring some of your material that you wish to dispose of. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

O, P, 7

December 5 Dec 2018

President's night.


January Jan 2019

Quarterly Cup and Contemporary Cup competitions. Audio visual presentation. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

Q, R, 8

February Feb 2019

President's Cup for the best one country exhibit competition. General trading night and auction - bring some of your material that you wish to dispose of. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

S, T, 9

March Mar 2019

Annual general meeting. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

U, V, 1

April Apr 2019

Philatelic Services Stamp’s Friend Trophy competition. General trading night and auction - bring some of your material that you wish to dispose of. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

A, B, 2

May May 2019

Quarterly Cup competition. Show some of your favourite stamps, covers, etc. Items of interest and new acquisitions.

C, D, 3

Page 3: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 2

minutes of monthly meeting


PRESENT: Francois Friend (in the Chair) MEMBERS: 15 APOLOGIES: 9 VISITORS: none The President welcomed everyone to the meeting and especially Malcolm Barron and Ilmar Lätti, who had been away for some time. Minutes of the meeting dated 9 April 2018 were tabled for adoption. These were accepted - proposed by Herwig Kussing and seconded by Vernon Mitchell. The meeting then proceeded with the scheduled events. (1) QUARTERLY CUP COMPETITION There were no competitors. (2) LETTERS "A" AND "B" AND THE NUMBER 9 There were no participants for this event. (3) ITEMS OF INTEREST AND NEW ACQUISITIONS Herwig Kussing showed three items from Switzerland with the first being a letter (see below) sent from Geneve to Nyon on 17 October 1936 with correct postage. A bit of a discussion took place among the members present to determine where dear Nyon is situated, with answers ranging from France to Sweden. Eventually one member "googled" to find out that Nyon is a municipality in the district of Nyon in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland. [it seems PEPS also provides free geography lessons at times, Ed.]

Letter from Geneve to Nyon (Switzerland). Next Herwig showed a letter sent from Rheineck to Buenos Aires in Argentina on 27 August 1969 with frama labels used for the correct postage (as illustrated further below). Finally Herwig showed a postcard sent from Basel to Moorestown (New Jersey, USA) on 22 April 1948 where the postage was upgraded by 55 centimes to make up the correct postage of 65 centimes at the time, see further below.

Page 4: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 3

Letter from Rheineck to Buenos Aires with postage paid via frama labels.

Postcard from Basel to Moorestown.

Page 5: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 4

A very happy David Brown showed a new acquisition in what he described as an item that sometimes seems to be an easy item to acquire that became an elusive one. The strip of three Mongolian stamps shown below is part of a joint issue with Korea and Kazakhstan and was issued in 2009. In about 2012 he purchased the Korean and Kazakhstan stamps but could not get the Mongolian part of the issue. Eventually in March this year he managed to trace this item and purchased it and still had to wait until 2 May 2018 before it arrived. According to David one would think that the stamps of a country like Mongolia would be easy to come by since many of them are even blacklisted by cataloguers (based on the large number issued).

David's elusive Mongolian stamps. Francois then showed a registered item forwarded by Steven Gardiner, our longstanding member living in Cape Town, sent to our previous member Libby McGill that had a 10c stamp affixed as well as 35c in postage due stamps plastered on the envelope - see below.

Registered cover with large number of postage due stamps. (4) SHOWING FAVOURITE STAMPS AND/OR COVERS Christian Trumpp exhibited ten pages of his zeppelin collection that was thoroughly enjoyed by the members and was on hand to answer a number of questions from members and provide information of various flights. [still maintain must have been a wonderful, albeit dangerous, manner of travel, Ed.] A selection from the exhibit is shown further below.

Page 6: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 5

A bit of history on the first page of the Zeppelin exhibit.

Page 7: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 6

Cover from first North American voyage in 1929.

Page 8: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 7

Cover from 9th South American voyage in 1932. (5) GENERAL Francois said that Rodney was given a disc by our new member Bernard Du Plessis covering his zeppelin collection from 1930 to 1939 that members can watch during the next scheduled audio visual presentation (July 2018 meeting). He also gave feedback on the recently held committee meeting. One of the items from the meeting was the suggestion to discontinue cake and snacks at general meetings and only have snacks during the annual general meeting (AGM). The matter was put to the floor and wildly discussed for a while. In the end it was unanimously concluded that cakes will no longer be served at a general meeting but platters will be obtained for the AGM as well as auction nights. [since then a budget meeting by relevant committee members revealed that uhm, there is not enough loot for this extravagance during auction nights so at this stage it will only be snacks at the annual general meeting - except off course if the society obtain sponsors for such wild indulgences, Ed.]

Page 9: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 8

The second point emanating from the committee meeting was with regard auction evenings when the members normally storm all over the relevant person calculating sales and paying out money that they do not have sufficient time to do the actual calculations. In future auctions will be held before tea time so that the relevant auction financial whizz kid have time to complete his calculations during tea time. Another suggestion from the committee meeting was that the society obtains catalogues for use by members. John Haigh would advise members what was available once he had completed the overhaul of the library but, after a discussion regarding this matter, it was decided that the society would not buy new catalogues due to the cost thereof as well as the availability of information on the internet via google and the like. As the final item from the committee meeting Francois he informed members present that we will be hosting the 2020 national stamp exhibition at the Boardwalk Casino Complex and that the venue has been secured. More details with regard the exhibition will be made available in due course and members are reminded to forward proposed names sooner rather than later. Richard Johnstone raised a point of holding evenings when members could trade stamps and dealer members provide scratch boxes/stock for members to browse through. A discussion was held surrounding this subject matter and Francois and Robert agreed to bring along some items, but as they tried to explain at length, best option is always to visit a relevant dealer at his premises as more than likely what is brought members do not want and what they want is left at the "shop"!! At the 4 June 2018 meeting members can compete in the Mike Koyd postal history competition, bring along items of interest and letters "E" and "F" and number 2. Thereafter it will be a general trading and auction night where one can bring some of the material that one wishes to dispose of. The meeting closed at 20:00 with there being no further matters to discuss. The president then thanked everyone for their participation and the members helped themselves to tea and coffee. PRESIDENT: DATED:

…..Cake Lisa.

Page 10: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 9

spot the difference

The Newfoundland airmail stamp on the left has been ever so slightly revised on the right. There are exactly five changes that have been made on the latter, can you find them? The answers are unhidden somewhere in this newsletter.

[Kelleher's Stamp Collector's Quarterly, First Quarter 2017]

Page 11: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 10

things from another planet


Great Britain 2007 missing silver

2007 stamp from the miniature sheet "lest we forget" with the silver omitted resulting in the queen's head and value missing.

£ 35 000 [Regal Stamps]


Great Britain 1840 penny black

1840 penny black unused four margin bottom right hand corner marginal example lettered TL showing double letter T variety from plate number 2.

£ 250 000 [Stanley Gibbons]

editor's titbits

All those looking for something to do on Saturday 26 May 2018, only one place to be - the Priory Fair. For those unfamiliar with the event, it is the annual fair of the St Dominic's Priory School in Godlonton Avenue, Miramar in Port Elizabeth. (Still believe it to be the best school fair in the country!!) Stamp's Friend will also be there again this year, so do visit the fair (if only to visit the beer tent with all the rugby games on or for all our young at hearts, some rides at the play land??). Hopefully the soccer will be shown in the beer tent in the evening - go Liverpool!!!!

did you get all five?

Well folks that is that for our May edition of the newsletter. Should you come across useful philatelic articles, auction results, news items, etc - please forward to us for possible inclusion in future newsletters. Also, any letter to the editor is welcomed. Bye

Page 12: Newsletter May 2018 · Birthdays for June 2018: Barry Green 2 Jun, Dudley de Klerk 15 Jun, Ron Cleland 25 Jun, Werner van der Merwe 28 Jun and Malcolm Barron 30 Jun; we wish all these

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society newsletter © 2018

May 2018 Page 11

still looking for that stamp?

Stamp’s Friend

1987 "Bible" stamp Port Elizabeth/Eastern Cape

buying • selling • want lists

the most valuable 082 554 8900

South African stamp [email protected]

the past 100 years British Commonwealth • Hong Kong • St Helena

Lighthouse accessories Vario Gigant binder + slipcase …..……... Exhibition sleeves (packet of 5) ………… Basic stockbook 32 pages ………………. Comfort stockbook 32 pages …….……... Comfort stockbook 64 pages …………… Premium stockbook 64 pages ………….. Premium stockbook 64 pages + slipcase

Vario pages (5, 6 or 7 strips - pkt of 5) …

Stockcards (3 or 4 strips - pkt of 100) …. Single stockcards …………………………

Fasto hinges (packet of 1 000) …………. Sharp nose tweezers …………………….

SF mounting strips (per 5 strips) 217 mm x 21,5 mm or 27,5 mm ………... 217 mm x 33 mm or 36 mm …...………... 217 mm x 40 mm or 45 mm …………..… 217 mm x 55 mm or 66 mm ......………… 217 mm x 72 mm or 84 mm or 92 mm … 217 mm x 148 mm or 164 mm ..…………

SF mounting strips (packet of 25 strips) 217 mm x 32 mm - black ….......………... 217 mm x 30, 32, or 33 mm - clear .........

R 800 R 130 R 420 R 720 R 600 R 800 R 900

R 130

R 450 R 5

R 60 R 150

R 20 R 30 R 30 R 40 R 50 R 70

R 150 R 170

Magnifying glasses Straight shank 60 mm …………………… Folding 30 x 21 mm ……………………… Illuminated 30 x 21 mm …………………. Illuminated 40 x 25 mm ………………….

Mounting strips Hawid pre-cut up to 29,9x30,2 mm (50) . Hawid pre-cut up to 38,07x57,4 mm (50) Hawid pre-cut 140 mm x 90 mm (each) . Hawid pre-cut 210 mm x 170 mm (each) Prinz 200 mm x 48 mm …………………. Prinz 200 mm x 66 mm …………………. Prinz 200 mm x 75 mm ………………….

Stamp and first day cover albums Various second hand albums in good condition (from R 50).

Stock Various world/British Commonwealth South Africa/Homelands/SWA/Namibia Hong Kong/Great Britain/St Helena

R 30 R 70

R 150 R 140

R 30 R 40

R 5 R 15

R 5 R 10 R 10

we buy stamps and collectables

we do want lists

Specials May 2018 - for PEPS members at the Priory Fair

5% discount on collections, 3-page first day cover albums and stockbooks

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