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  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    The Space Frontier Foundations annual NewSpace Conference attracts a unique mix of revolutionary spaceentrepreneurs, investors, scientists, engineers, regulators, and space policy leaders to explore the opportunities and

    challenges of opening the space frontier to human settlement. Conference sessions highlight the latest discussions onNASA-private sector cooperation, the business of NewSpace, and frontier enabling technologies of tomorrow. Thefeatured evening event, the NewSpace Awards Gala, will recognize achievements of steely-eyed rocketeers, futuristic

    thinkers, and space enthusiasts from around the world.

    Friday, July 23, 2010The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat: The Business of NewSpaceNewSpace 2010 will open with discussions between industry leaders about the recent ad-vancements and future hurdles of suborbital and orbital flight. Tim Pickens of DyneticsInc. will finish o the morning with a talk during a featured luncheon. The afternoonwill begin with Alan Stern and a look at the business opportunities presented in the spacedomain, followed by an all-star panel of space industrialists who will outline the lessonsthey learned in their entrepreneurial journey through the space industry. The day will becapped o with a keynote address from Space Adventures CEO, Eric Anderson.

    Saturday, July 24, 2010Pushing the Limits: Challenges Facing NewSpace TodayThe second day of NewSpace 2010 will kick-o with roundtable discussions between NASAand leaders in the commercial space industry. Topics will include the hurdles and the col-laboration potential for Low Cost Reliable Access to Space (LCRATS), and technologiesfor in-space servicing to enable sustainable exploration. The afternoon sessions will dis-cuss NEOs, challenges to human spaceflight, utilization of the ISS, and the future of thesuborbital industry.

    Sunday, July 25, 2010Beyond the Horizon: The NewSpace and New Worlds of TomorrowSunday will focus on the destinations of the future, and how we will get there. Themorning will feature discussions on destinations we see ourselves visiting and developingin the coming years. The afternoon will focus on the role of developing technologies haveon how we move forward to accessing these new worlds of tomorrow, and will close with aview of how the Space Frontier can best be opened.


    Schedule Overview 3

    Detailed Schedule 4

    Sponsors and Partners 13

    Exhibitors 17

    Speaker Biographical Information 20

    Conference Team 39

    Silicon Valley Map and Airport Directions 41

    Local Area and Restaurants 42


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Notes 43

    Dedication:Thanks Bob, Jim, & Rick, for setting the bar high and always encouraging us to reach for the stars.

    NewSpace 2010 Conference Team

    On Saturday, July 24th, the Space Frontier Foundation will host their annual Awards Gala at theNewSpace 2010 conference in Silicon Valley, CA. Come enjoy an elegant evening filled with live music

    performed by the Magnolia Jazz Band, a candlelit dinner with delectable food and drinks, and wonderfulconversation as we celebrate the accomplishments of several successes in the private space industry.

    Let your followers keep up with this conference. Use #NewSpace2010!


  • Schedule Overview

    Schedule Overview

    Thursday, July 22, 2010 Pre-Conference Events6:00pm 8:00pm Centennial Challenges Discussion8:00pm 10:00pm Annual SFF Advocates Meeting

    Friday, July 23, 2010 The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat: The Business of NewSpace7:30am 8:30am Registration/Networking8:30am 9:00am NewSpace Today9:00am 10:15am Suborbital Spaceflight10:00am 11:00am Spaceflight Law Roundtable10:15am 10:45am Networking Break10:45am 12:00pm Orbital Spaceflight Session12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch With Tim Pickens: Creating a Successful Space Company1:30pm 2:00pm The NewSpace Economy of the Late 2020s: A Look Ahead to Illuminate The Present2:00pm 3:15pm Space: Open for Business3:15pm 3:45pm Networking Break3:45pm 5:00pm War Stories from the Entrepreneurial Frontier5:00pm 5:30pm Creating the Framework for Space Tourism6:00pm 8:00pm SEDS-ISU Dinner Students and Alumni Only

    Saturday, July 24, 2010 Pushing the Limits: Challenges Facing NewSpace Today7:30am 8:30am Registration/ Networking8:30am 8:45am The Real Game Begins8:45am 9:00am The New Way Forward9:00am 9:15am A New Day for NASA and NewSpace9:15am 10:15am NASA Rountable: Low Cost, Reliable Access to Space10:15am 10:45am Networking Break10:45am 12:00pm NASA Roundtable: In-Space Services and Commercial Opportunities12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch with Joshua Raaelli: Investment in NewSpace1:30pm 2:45pm Physical Threats and Commercial Opportunities: Orbital Debris and NEOs2:45pm 3:15pm Mitigating Biomedical Long Duration Constraints With Innovative Mission Architecture3:15pm 3:45pm Networking Break5:00pm 5:30pm Suborbital Spaceflight and Beyond6:00pm 9:00pm NewSpace Awards Gala

    Sunday, July 25, 2010 Beyond the Horizon: The NewSpace and New Worlds of Tomorrow7:30am 8:30am Registration/Networking8:30am 9:00am A New Space Exploration Enterprise9:00am 10:15am Closing the Lunar Business Case10:15am 10:45am Networking Break10:45am 12:00pm Space Solar Power12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch with Tom Nugent: The Story of LaserMotive1:30pm 2:45pm Approaching Warp Speed: Advanced Space Propulsion2:45pm 3:15pm To Mars and Beyond3:15pm 3:45pm Networking Break3:45pm 5:00pm The Road Forward to the New Worlds of Tomorrow


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Detailed Schedule

    Unless otherwise noted, all sessions will be held in the Peak room, with meals being held in the Quantumroom. Exhibitors and Networking will be held in the Apex room on the first floor.

    Thursday, July 22, 2010

    6:00pm 8:00pm Centennial Challenges Discussion

    This session is an opportunity for conference attendees to provide input anddiscussion of the future direction of the NASA incentive prize program, CentennialChallenges. With a new round of prizes on the horizon and in anticipation offurther growth in the scope and range of future prize competitions, NASACentennial Challenges is developing a new long term strategy that will guide theprize development process. How can prizes best be used by NASA to harness thepower of open innovation, mass participation and public engagement?

    Matt Everingham Exploration Uplink, NASA Ames

    8:00pm 10:00pm Annual SFF Advocates Meeting

    This event is FREE to all Advocates of the Space Frontier Foundation. Althoughlight refreshments and hors doeuvres will be served, we recommend that Advocateseat dinner beforehand.SFF Advocates only, please. Non-Advocates will not be permitted to attend.

    James Pura Project Manager, Space Frontier FoundationBob Werb Founder, Space Frontier Foundation


  • Detailed Schedule: Friday, July 23, 2010

    Friday, July 23, 2010

    7:30am 8:30am Registration/Networking

    8:30am 9:00am NewSpace Today

    Introduction to the NewSpace 2010 Conference: Where does the NewSpaceindustry currently stand and where is it likely to go in the future?

    James A. Muncy Co-founder, Space Frontier Foundation, President, PoliSpace

    9:00am 10:15am Suborbital Spaceflight

    Suborbital spaceflight has long been a stepping stone for groups looking to launchinto orbit. However, it has become a popular destination for many space startupsdue to its huge potential in markets such as tourism and low-gravity research.With the world on the verge of a space revolution, suborbital space has proven tobe a major step in privatizing space.

    Alan Stern (Moderator) Associate Vice President-R&D, SWRIA.C. Charania President, SpaceWorks CommericalDouglas Maclise NASA - CRuSRDave Masten President and CEO, Masten AerospaceLee Valentine Space Studies Institute

    10:00am 11:00am Spaceflight Law Roundtable

    Attorneys and interested attendees will exchange ideas about what thingsnewspace-inclined practitioners can be doing, as a group, to ensure that a systemis in place for the optimized delivery of legal services to members of the commercialhuman spaceflight industry.**Note that this session is separate from the main programming track.**

    Doug Grith Aviation Lawyer

    10:15am 10:45am Networking Break

    10:45am 12:00pm Orbital Spaceflight Session

    For decades, orbital spaceflight has been restricted to only the wealthiest gov-ernments pace programs. What can be done to support commercial companiesand what are commercial companies doing to open up Earth orbit for commercialapplications.

    Philip Mcalister NASA HeadquartersJames A. Muncy Co-founder, Space Frontier Foundation, President, PoliSpaceMark Sirangelo Sierra Nevada Corp.Dennis Stone NASA Commercial Crew and Cargo


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch With Tim Pickens: Creating a Successful Space Company

    What is necessary to create a successful space company? Tim Pickens, founderof Orion Propulsion, will discuss what skillsets and strategies are important, howto formulate a business plan, and how to forge your way in a largely developedindustry.

    Tim Pickens Dynetics, Inc.

    1:30pm 2:00pm The NewSpace Economy of the Late 2020s: A Look Ahead to Illuminate ThePresent

    What will commercial space look like 15-20 years from now? Lets take a look atsome realistic possibilities for 2025-2030, and then draw some conclusions thatilluminate the world of 2010-2011.

    Alan Stern Associate Vice President-R&D, SWRI

    2:00pm 3:15pm Space: Open for Business

    Will we see the worlds first trillionaire this century? The space frontier is openingfor entrepreneurs and space related business plans closing more and more often.Knowing the international environment, who to work with, and how to developthese businesses in this emerging industry will be invaluable in the months andyears to come.

    Dr. Burton Lee (Moderator) Managing Partner, Innovarium VenturesDiane Dime Director - eSpaceEsther Dyson EDventure HoldingsDr. Bob Richards CEO Odyssey Moon

    3:15pm 3:45pm Networking Break

    3:45pm 5:00pm War Stories from the Entrepreneurial Frontier

    When NewSpace companies get started, they have all the best intentions andvery often a solid business plan. But what happens when all doesnt go accordingto plan? Presented here are a few case studies and lessons learned from theNewSpace start-up trenches.

    Guillermo Sohnlein (Moderator) Managing Director, Space Angels NetworkJason Andrews Andrews SpaceJe Greason XCOR AerospaceDebra Lepore President, DFL Space LLCTim Pickens Dynetics, Inc.

    5:00pm 5:30pm Creating the Framework for Space Tourism

    What goes into managing a service-based space company? What additionalchallenges exist and how can they be handled?

    Eric Anderson President and CEO of Space Adventures


  • Detailed Schedule: Friday, July 23, 2010

    6:00pm 8:00pm SEDS-ISU Dinner Students and Alumni Only

    Students for the Exploration and Development of Space - International SpaceUniversity Dinner is open to SEDS, ISU, and Singularity University studentsand alumni only. Current space industry leaders engage in an inspirationaland motivational discussion giving their perspectives on how to be a leader intomorrows space industry. A presentation on the National Space Societys SpaceAmbassador Program will also be given.

    Gary Barnhard National Space SocietyWill Pomerantz X Prize FoundationDr. Bob Richards CEO Odyssey Moon


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Saturday, July 24, 2010

    7:30am 8:30am Registration/ Networking

    8:30am 8:45am The Real Game Begins

    Of all the space groups and organizations the Space Frontier Foundation wasthe first to step up and strongly defend and help define the new NASA policy.Some have said NewSpace has won. This could not be further from the truth.After 30 years of trying we have simply been granted the chance to enter thefield. Now the real contest begins. How can we in the Frontier movement create anew partnership with our friends in government to create a permanent industrialinfrastructure in space that will allow us all to go everywhere and stay anywhere?

    Rick Tumlinson Co-founder, Space Frontier Foundation, Orbital Outfitters

    8:45am 9:00am The New Way Forward

    An overview of the new NASA Budget and the New Oce of the Chief Technolo-gist and its role in technology development and commercial space.

    Doug Comstock NASA Innovative Partnership Program

    9:00am 9:15am A New Day for NASA and NewSpace

    Overview of new NASA multi-Center Commercial Space Team and the activitiesthat are taking place within it.

    Charles Miller NASA Commercial Space

    9:15am 10:15am NASA Rountable: Low Cost, Reliable Access to Space

    Panel discussion between NASA representatives and industry leaders concerningbarriers and obstacles to Low Cost, Reliable Access to Space (LCRATS)

    James A. Muncy (Moderator) Co-founder, Space Frontier Foundation, President,PoliSpaceMichael Beavin Senior Program Analyst, Oce of Space Commercialization,Deptartment of CommerceDoug Comstock NASA Innovative Partnership ProgramGary Hudson HMX Inc.Michael Mealling VP Business Development, Masten Space SystemsCharles Miller NASA Commercial SpaceMichelle Murray FAA, Oce of Commercial Space TransportationTim Pickens Dynetics, Inc.

    10:15am 10:45am Networking Break


  • Detailed Schedule: Saturday, July 24, 2010

    10:45am 12:00pm NASA Roundtable: In-Space Services and Commercial Opportunities

    With sights set on the Moon, Mars, and beyond, the government and privatesectors are working together to overcome some of the greatest technological chal-lenges ever faced by mankind. From old ideas like propellant depots and on-orbitassembly, to radical new concepts such as power-beaming, the next generationof space exploration and settlement will require enormous breakthroughs intechnology.

    Gary Martin (Moderator) Director of New Ventures & Communications NASAAmesDallas Bienho Manager for In-Space and Surface Systems, BoeingRon Clark CEO, Space Orbital SystemsDoug Comstock NASA Innovative Partnership ProgramDr. Dan Rasky Director, NASA Ames Space PortalDennis Wingo Founder, Skycorp, Inc., CTO, Orbital Recovery Corporation

    12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch with Joshua Raaelli: Investment in NewSpace

    From the perspective of an investment firm, what does the NewSpace industrylook like? by Joshua Rafaelli, with introduction from Space Investment SummitLeader Paul Eckert.

    Paul Eckert Boeing BDS - Space ExplorationJoshua Raaelli Draper, Fisher, Jurvetson

    1:30pm 2:45pm Physical Threats and Commercial Opportunities: Orbital Debris and NEOs

    Asteroids contain staggering riches and seemingly endless sources of minerals,propellants, water and oxygen that could fuel deep space commerce, enable set-tlement, and help make Earth both far wealthier and far greener. Unfortunately,near Earth space is becoming more dangerous due to the threat from orbitaldebris, which wreak havoc on operational satellites and threaten to make someorbits inaccessible.

    Berin Szoka (Moderator) Senior Fellow, Progress and Freedom FoundationJoe Carroll Tether Applications, IncA.C. Charania President, SpaceWorks CommericalDennis Wingo Founder, Skycorp, Inc., CTO, Orbital Recovery Corporation

    2:45pm 3:15pm Mitigating Biomedical Long Duration Constraints With Innovative MissionArchitecture

    What are the challenges facing human spaceflight? What can be done to adapthumans to long-term spaceflight and what additional support and infrastructurecan be provided with near-term technology?

    Dr. Jim Logan Space Medicine Associates

    3:15pm 3:45pm Networking Break


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    5:00pm 5:30pm Suborbital Spaceflight and Beyond

    What are the challenges for the suborbital spaceflight industry today and howdoes suborbital spaceflight fit into the commercial space industry? What role doVirgin Galactic and other companies play now and how should this evolve?

    Enrico Palermo Project Engineering Manager, Virgin Galactic

    6:00pm 9:00pm NewSpace Awards Gala

    Join the Space Frontier Foundation in honoring the winners of the NewSpaceAwards at the NewSpace 2010 Awards Gala. This star-studded event will featuresteely-eyed rocket men, futuristic thinkers, and space enthusiasts from all over theworld.The NewSpace Awards aim to recognize outstanding achievements towardadvancing NewSpace and opening the space frontier. The awards are voted onby the Space Frontier Foundation Board and presented at the annual NewSpaceConference Gala. Please note that black-tie attire is recommended.

    Art Dula Heinlein PrizeBenjamin Higginbotham Space VidcastDuncan Jones Director, MoonDave Masten President and CEO, Masten Aerospace


  • Detailed Schedule: Sunday, July 25, 2010

    Sunday, July 25, 2010

    7:30am 8:30am Registration/Networking

    8:30am 9:00am A New Space Exploration Enterprise

    Why should we go to space? What should be our priorities and destinations?How should we get there?

    John Olson, Ph.D. Director for the Directorate Integration Oce

    9:00am 10:15am Closing the Lunar Business Case

    What does it take to close a business case on the moon? What technologies arenecessary in order to suciently reduce the cost and how can we leverage currenttechnologies in order to reach that level with the least development time andcost? A panel of lunar science experts will discuss the status and future of thesetechnologies.

    Rick Tumlinson (Moderator) Co-founder, Space Frontier Foundation, OrbitalOutfittersEd McCullough Principle Scientist, BoeingWendell Mendell, Ph.D. NASA Planetary ScientistBruce Pittman Flight Projects Director, NASA Ames Space PortalDr. Bob Richards CEO Odyssey MoonDennis Wingo Founder, Skycorp, Inc., CTO, Orbital Recovery Corporation

    10:15am 10:45am Networking Break

    10:45am 12:00pm Space Solar Power

    Recently, a number of governments have taken a serious interest in Space SolarPower as a way to alleviate the worlds energy crisis. This panel will investigatewhat technologies are necessary to utilize SSP on a commercial scale and if this isfeasible in the long term.

    Amaresh Kollipara (Moderator) Co-founder & Managing Partner, Earth2OrbitLLCJoe Carroll Tether Applications, IncTaylor Dinerman Writer and syndicated weekly columnistDr. Feng Hsu Senior Vice President, Space EnergyThomas Olson Exodus Consulting Group

    12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch with Tom Nugent: The Story of LaserMotive

    LaserMotive is a Seattle-based company developing laser power beaming systemsto transmit electricity without wires, for applications where wires are eithercost prohibitive or physically impractical. Their first project was to win theNASA-sponsored Power Beaming Challenge, which they did by winning the Level1 prize of $900,000 in 2009. This is the story of how it all started, and where itsheaded.

    Tom Nugent Founder, LaserMotive


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    1:30pm 2:45pm Approaching Warp Speed: Advanced Space Propulsion

    Up until recently, propulsion systems have been either high thrust or higheciency, but recent technologies and methods, such as VASMIR, fission-basedpropulsion, and laser based propulsion look promising. Are these systems capableof delivering payloads to new destinations in the near future?

    Bruce Pittman (Moderator) Flight Projects Director, NASA Ames Space PortalDr. Franklin Chang-Diaz President and CEO of Ad Astra Rocket CompanySteve Howe, Ph.D. Director of The Center for Space Nuclear Research (CSNR)Leik Myrabo, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor, Rensselaer PolytechnicInstituteVince Teofilo, Ph.D. Lockheed Martin

    2:45pm 3:15pm To Mars and Beyond

    When humans go to mars, what would be the best use of resources and whatshould be done to support science, exploration, and development? What tech-nologies and infrastructure will be necessary?

    Dr. Chris McKay Planetary Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center

    3:15pm 3:45pm Networking Break

    3:45pm 5:00pm The Road Forward to the New Worlds of Tomorrow

    What does the future hold for the space industry? What role should NASA playand how should commercial companies (new and old) fit into this plan? Whatdestinations and business cases should be the focus of eorts? This panel ofexperts and visionaries will seek to answer these questions.

    Dr. Chris McKay Planetary Scientist, NASA Ames Research CenterRick Tumlinson Co-founder, Space Frontier Foundation, Orbital Outfitters


  • Sponsors and Partners

    Sponsors and Partners

    Space Frontier FoundationThe Space Frontier Foundation is an organization composed of space activists, scientistsand engineers, media and political professionals, entrepreneurs, and citizens from allbackgrounds and all nations. The Space Frontier Foundation is transforming spacefrom a government-owned bureaucratic program into a dynamic and inclusive frontieropen to people. SFF is determined to convert the image held by many young peoplethat the future will be worse than the present, and rejects the idea that the worldsgreatest moments are in its past.

    NASANASA Ames Research Center (Silicon Valley) enables exploration through selected de-velopment, innovative technologies, and interdisciplinary scientific discovery. Ames pro-vides leadership in astrobiology; robotic lunar exploration; technologies for CEV, CLV,and HLV; the search for habitable planets; supercomputing; intelligent/adaptive sys-tems; advanced thermal protection; and airborne astronomy. Ames develops tools fora safer, more ecient national airspace and unique partnerships benefiting NASAsmission.

    BoeingBoeing is the worlds leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of com-mercial jetliners and military aircraft combined. Additionally, Boeing designs and man-ufactures rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehiclesand advanced information and communication systems. As a major service provider toNASA, Boeing operates the Space Shuttle and International Space Station. The com-pany also provides numerous military and commercial airline support services. Boeinghas customers in more than 90 countries around the world and is one of the largest U.S.exporters in terms of sales.

    Isle of ManInternational finance dedicated to space, Independent financial advisors. The Isle ofMan Government is pro-space and committed to helping the Space industry flourish.

    DyneticsDynetics has delivered high-quality, high-value engineering, scientific, and informationtechnology (IT) solutions to customers within the U.S. government and a range of othermarket segments since 1974. With headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama, and ocesthroughout the United States, we have more than 1,300 employees. Our mission is tobring expertise, integrity, and tenacity to every relationship and to demonstrate ourcommitment to customers by providing powerful solutions to their technical challengesin Intelligence, Missiles, Aviation, Cyber, and Space.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Ecliptic Enterprises CorporationIf youre seeking improved situational awareness on your rocket or spacecraft, you cancount on our renowned RocketCam onboard imaging systems: the worlds leading brand.Whether in Earth orbit, at the Moon or Mars or almost anywhere in between, well getyour picture. But we dont stop here. Ecliptic also provides a variety of small, cost-eective systems for accessing and experiencing other extreme environments: air, land,and sea.

    SpaceWorks CommercialSpaceWorks Commercial advances innovative ideas, solutions, and partnerships aimedat maturing near and far term commercial and international space ventures. Space-Works Commercial works with entrepreneurial, privately financed companies, either toenhance existing or to facilitate new business opportunities. SpaceWorks Commercialprovides both consulting services and advocacy services to help bring space projects tomaturation. We also aim to champion our own new ventures in aerospace. After prag-matic due diligence and careful review, SpaceWorks Commercial seeks to take thesecompanies from idea to birth and eventually spin them o under future managementteams.

    Masten Space Systems, Inc.Masten Space Systems is a Mojave, California based rocket company that is currentlydeveloping a line of reusable VTOL spacecraft, and related rocket propulsion hardware.Masten Space Systems is also an aerospace R&D shop that provides aerospace design,analysis, consultation, prototype construction and testing, and design review servicesfor groups involved in rocket propulsion and spaceflight research.

    XCOR AerospaceXCOR Aerospace is a small, privately-held California C Corporation founded in 1999.The company has evolved from its original four founders, working out of our chief engi-neers tiny hangar, to a team of 20-25 highly-skilled, experienced and talented employeeshoused in a 10,375 square foot hangar on the Mojave Air & Space Port in Mojave, Cal-ifornia. The company is the path to the dream of spaceflight for its founders whorecognize that the only way for them to get to space is to make it aordable for privatecitizens.

    Heinlein TrustThe Heinlein Prize for Advances in Space Commercialization, generally known as theHeinlein Prize, was founded in 1988 to reward individuals who make practical contri-butions to the commercialization of space. The Heinlein Prize, oers a cash award of$500,000 to one or more individuals for practical accomplishments in the field of com-mercial space activities rewarded by the International Aeronautical Congress in Bremen,Germany.The Heinlein Prize honors the memory of Robert A. Heinlein, one of the most popularscience fiction writers of the 20th century. The trust was established soon after hisdeath in 1988 by his widow, Virginia Gerstenfeld Heinlein, whose estate will fund theprize.


  • Sponsors and Partners

    Space Age Publishing Company & International Lunar Observatory AssociationSpace Age Publishing Company, publisher of Space Calendar weekly and Lunar Enter-prise Daily, operates oces on Hawaii Island, Hawaii (1988), and in Palo Alto, California(1977), USA, and pursues a business plan for its third oce on the Moon. With itsInternational Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA) aliate, Space Age advances andsupports a wide variety of scientific, commercial, international and educational lunar /astro activities and enterprises - such as Stanford on the Moon and the InternationalLunar Observatory - consistent with a human return to the Moon within the decade.Space Age, with ILOA, also promotes the Galaxy Forum Architecture and Ad AstraKansas initiatives To The Stars.

    SEDSSEDS, the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, is a group dedicatedto expanding the role of human exploration and development of space. SEDS seeks toeducate the public in such a way as to attain this goal. SEDS has many ways of doingthis, including educational outreach, conferences, and chapter projects.

    National Space SocietyThe National Space Societys vision is people living and working in thriving communitiesbeyond the Earth. NSS members promote change in social, technical, economic, andpolitical conditions to advance the day when people will live and work in space.

    Space.comSPACE.com, launched in 1999, is the worlds No. 1 source for news of astronomy,skywatching, space exploration, commercial spaceflight and related technologies.

    SpaceVidcastSpaceVidcast is a community of people who are looking to educate the planet on thevalues of space flight. Their goal is to open up the cosmos and truly make spacecommonplace for everyone on the planet. SpaceVidcast is a new media site with dailyon-demand episodes, weekly live shows and live HD coverage of major space events.

    Space NewsPublication of record for commercial space, military space and satellite communicationbusinesses.

    Space NewsfeedPublished every Sunday since January 2000 as an email newsletter and online, Micro-coms Space Newsfeed is your source of news on the space, satellite communications,Earth resources, launch, broadcasting, space science, and professional astronomy in-dustries. We focus on the business of space and its commercialisation. Written byprofessionals for professionals.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    SubtractiveSUBTRACTIVE is a multimedia production company that creates content for broad-cast, retail, and live events. A collective of talented, driven, and like-minded individu-als, SUBTRACTIVE is a constantly evolving entity... focused on the expansion of anemerging culture where music, art, and technology converge. The company nurturesand supports new hybrid forms of artistic expression, and gives them a platform to beseen, heard, and experienced.

    Magnolia Jazz BandThe Magnolia Jazz Band brings fun and elegance to celebrations throughout the SanFrancisco Bay Area. At weddings, parties, and banquets, our fans enjoy the popu-lar standards, jazz classics, and Latin favorites from a strolling trio to a swingingdance combo. Preview the fun youll enjoy at our Awards Gala on July 24. Pleasevisit MagnoliaJazz.com for music samples, testimonials, videos, photos, and our publicschedule.


  • Exhibitors


    Astronaut Teacher AllianceTATA is creating an international collaboration with visionaries like you who see thesettling of our Moon and a human mission to Mars as a reality in our lifetime. TheAtacama Center of Excellence for Space Studies (working title), a multifaceted project,includes the development of Chiles first formal institute of astrobiology (a universityannex onsite) with full scale simulations for the Moon Mars Atacama Research Stationanalogue habitat (MMARS) and a Lunar Settlement (hotel/education center/thematictourism) as a funding instrument to support infrastructure and rotations at MMARS.

    National Space SocietyThe National Space Societys vision is people living and working in thriving communitiesbeyond the Earth. NSS members promote change in social, technical, economic, andpolitical conditions to advance the day when people will live and work in space.

    Quality of Life in SpaceFor the long duration space stay and the commercial space activities on the ISS andSpace Hotels, it will be more important to provide such elements of comfort, amenity,taste, amusement, hearing, hospitality, services, as well as basic safety and reliability.As JAXAs new research project, Quality of Life in Space has been launched whichwill develop new products and services to be used in space that will enhance Qualityof Life in Space. Also these will contribute to improving QOL in daily life on Earth aswell.

    Space Frontier FoundationThe Space Frontier Foundation is an organization composed of space activists, scientistsand engineers, media and political professionals, entrepreneurs, and citizens from allbackgrounds and all nations. The Space Frontier Foundation is transforming spacefrom a government-owned bureaucratic program into a dynamic and inclusive frontieropen to people. SFF is determined to convert the image held by many young peoplethat the future will be worse than the present, and rejects the idea that the worldsgreatest moments are in its past.

    Space Tourism SocietyImagine floating in zero gravity while gazing at our beautiful planet Earth majesticallyrolling by your view port. Millions of people from around the world would love to havesuch a wonderful life-enhancing experience. Founded in 1996, the Space Tourism Societyis the first organization specifically focused on the space tourism industry. Our goals: Toconduct the research, build public desire, and acquire the financial and political powerto make space tourism available to as many people as possible as soon as possible.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Space Travelers EmporiumThe Space Travelers Emporium is operated by the San Diego Space Society (SDSpace), a non-profit organization. Its designed to be a classroom, project lab, andmeeting place for local space enthusiasts, plus a storefront that provides both financialsupport for the lab and outreach to the community. Items to be sold, both online andat the store, will be what any adventurous space traveler will need or want. Everythingfrom astronaut training packages, suborbital tickets and travel assistance packages tospace suits and flight suits, to space travel posters, postcards, memorabilia, books andartwork. Soon after, project kits, such as rockets, payloads and rovers, will be availablethat will allow you to be more hands on in your space science exploration eorts.The San Diego Space Society was founded in 2008 with the purpose of raising awarenessand educating the general public to the benefits of human exploration of space and SanDiegos role in space development, as well as to the idea of creating a spacefaringcivilization within our lifetimes.

    SpaceWiki.comhe field of space-related industries and agencies is vast and complex, so that newcomerswho want to get involved in space-related fields may find it dicult to know whereto begin. And even old hands whove been to all the conferences for the past twentyyears, and think they know everyone who is anyone, might find they could use a littlerefresher now and then. SpaceWikis goal is to solve this problem by organizing somebasic information on all the major players in the NewSpace Movement, and some of theold guard as well. (Which group you fall into, as with the two-year-old Venezuelannational space agency, may be open to some debate.)

    SpaceXSpaceX develops rockets and spacecraft for missions to Earth orbit and beyond. We arecommitted to becoming the worlds premiere space services company by substantiallyimproving both the reliability and cost eciency of space transportation, ultimately bya factor of ten. SpaceX was founded with the long-term goal of enabling humanity tobecome a space-faring civilization.

    Students for the Exploration and Development of SpaceSEDS, the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, is a group dedicatedto expanding the role of human exploration and development of space. SEDS seeks toeducate the public in such a way as to attain this goal. SEDS has many ways of doingthis, including educational outreach, conferences, and chapter projects.

    SubtractiveSUBTRACTIVE is a multimedia production company that creates content for broad-cast, retail, and live events. A collective of talented, driven, and like-minded individu-als, SUBTRACTIVE is a constantly evolving entity... focused on the expansion of anemerging culture where music, art, and technology converge. The company nurturesand supports new hybrid forms of artistic expression, and gives them a platform to beseen, heard, and experienced.


  • Exhibitors

    Synergy MoonSynergy Moon is an eccentric, electrifying merge of the arts and sciences. We represent acollaboration of individuals from over 15 countries and our numbers are growing. We arean ocial team in the Google Lunar X PRIZE, and also pioneers in human space traveland interplanetary exploration. Our technological innovations make manned orbitaltravel, personal satellite launches, and Solar System colonization cost-eective, andabove all, possible for everyone. Through aerospace research and development, rocketlaunch services, and a wide range of public events and awareness campaigns, we aim toinspire and invigorate humanitys desire to explore the Moon, Mars, and space beyond.

    Team FredNetTeam FREDNET is a group of scientists, technologists, and engineers who are usingtheir combined talents to create a timely and elegant solution to win the Google LunarX Prize. Team FREDNET is going to the Moon, the Engineering Project of a Lifetime!Team FREDNET: the First and Only 100% Open Source Competitor for the GoogleLunar X Prize.

    Virtual Daughter SpacewearVirtual Daughter Spacewear creates a synergy between fashion, science, technology anddesign. Its mission is to outfit the first mass group of space travelers in style withutility - enhancing the whole experience. Prototypes feature wearable technology andoer options in color, silhouette and details resulting in one of a kind couture spacewear,taking the space tourists trip to another dimension. Virtual Daughter Spacewear - Iswhat to wear in space.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Speaker Biographical Information

    Eric Anderson President and CEO of Space AdventuresEric C. Anderson is one of the leading entrepreneurs in the space industry. Mr. An-derson co-founded Space Adventures, Ltd. in 1998 with several former astronauts andleading visionaries from the aerospace, adventure travel and entertainment industries.He has served as Space Adventures President and CEO since the companys founding,and has led the worlds premier space tourism company through several successful yearsand has sold more than $200 million (USD) in spaceflights, including those taken bythe first and only six private space explorers who have actually flown to space: DennisTito, Mark Shuttleworth, Greg Olsen, Anousheh Ansari, Charles Simonyi and RichardGarriott. Charles Simonyi is the companys first repeat orbital spaceflight client. Mr.Andersons vision is to open the space frontier to all private citizens which will thenenable the development of space resources for the benefit of humanity.

    Jason Andrews Andrews SpaceJason Andrews co-founded Andrews Space in July 1999. Since that time, he has ledthe companys daily operations as President and has been responsible for averagingover 50% annual growth while moving into new markets and expanding the companyscore competencies. Mr. Andrews leads the strategy development for the company andmanages all day-to-day operations, including profit and loss responsibility, customerrelations, new business development, program management, stang, and engineeringmanagement.

    Gary Barnhard National Space SocietyGary Barnhard is the owner and president of Barnhard Associates, LLC, a systemsengineering consulting firm and Internet Service Provider (Xisp.net) based in CabinJohn, Maryland. He is a robotic space systems engineer whose professional work includesa wide range of robotic, space, and computer systems engineering projects. Over thelast 34 years he has been extensively involved in the space advocacy community: asthe co-founder and Executive Director of the Maryland Alliance for Space Colonization(MASC) one of the most successful chapters/aliates of the L5 Society, as founder andExecutive Director of the Space Development Foundation, as a frequent public speakeron space advocacy issues, as an organizer of space related educational programs andconferences, and as participant in many other space advocacy organization activities.Mr. Barnhard feels that the National Space Society can and must rise to the challengeof being architects, staunch advocates, and supporters of a reasoned evolution into aspacefaring society. By doing so, NSS can make a material dierence in helping toprovide for a positive future, a future we would all like to see come to pass.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    Michael Beavin Senior Program Analyst Oce of Space Commercialization Dep-tartment of CommerceMr. Michael Beavin has served as a Senior Program Analyst in the Oce of SpaceCommercialization since May 2006. He came to the Department of Commerce from theSatellite Industry Association (SIA), where he was the Director of Government Aairsand focused on the associations legislative and policy issues within Congress and theAdministration. Before working at SIA, Mr. Beavin worked for the American Instituteof Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), where he was the Director of GovernmentRelations and Public Policy. Mr. Beavin also served on the majority sta of the U.S.House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronau-tics. In this position, he was responsible for overseeing the committees authorizationof the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) fiscal year budget andthe Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Research, Engineering, and Developmentbudget.

    Dallas Bienho Manager for In-Space and Surface Systems BoeingDallas Bienho is Boeings Manager for In-Space and Surface Systems within the Ad-vanced Space Exploration organization. He is responsible for developing concepts andcapturing contracts related to fixed orbital infrastructure systems (e.g., in-space pro-pellant depots, orbiting assembly nodes, Deep Space habitats, communications & nav-igation networks), Moon and Mars surface systems (e.g., habitats, rovers, mining andprocessing equipment), and human servicing missions. He is also responsible for identify-ing, capturing, and creating commercial space opportunities in the Earth-Moon system.Dallas has 36 years of space systems experience with 28 in advanced programs develop-ment. He has led internal and contract many studies on Space exploration architectures,Earth to orbit transportation architecture studies, and lunar habitat concepts. He par-ticipated in the recent NSSO Space Based Solar Power study and contributed to thefinal report. And, most relevant to the discussion for this show, he provided relevantpropellant depot data to the Augustine Panel, whose report has had a major impacton the Administrations proposed budget for NASA and its new direction for SpaceExploration.

    Joe Carroll Tether Applications IncMr. Carroll was born in San Francisco and grew up in the Bay Area. He received a BAin Philosophy in 1969 from Catholic University of America. Over the next 12 years heworked as a math teacher, store manager, photographer, and solar energy researcher.Since 1981 his main focus has been advanced space transportation concepts, with anemphasis on the use of long tethers to sling payloads into higher or lower orbits. Heproposed and led the development of the Small Expendable Deployment System (SEDS),which was used 3 times in orbit. SEDS deployed tethers 4 to 20 km long, proving outtether concepts for spacecraft stationkeeping and controlled deorbit without rockets. Healso developed the deployer and wire for the Plasma Motor Generator (PMG), whichtested electrodynamic reboost in 1993. He has also worked on several electrodynamicconcepts, including reboost of the Mir station, and a NIAC study of debris removal byelectrodynamic tether which he will discuss at the Sunday panel. He has also worked onunmanned and manned reentry vehicle concepts for NASA MSFC and Ames and severalstartups. Mr. Carroll has 5 patents: 3 on electrodynamic tether operation (with EugeneLevin), and two on enhanced tile-type thermal protection materials (with co-inventorsfrom NASA Ames). His most recent work was design lead for the Naval Research Labon a high-voltage electron collection experiment which was launched 2 months ago.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Dr. Franklin Chang-Diaz President and CEO of Ad Astra Rocket CompanyDr. Chang, inventor of the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR,U.S. patent 2002) and other advanced propulsion technologies (U.S. patents 1989, 1990),founded the Ad Astra Rocket Company (AARC) in 2005, after 25 years of service as aNASA astronaut. AARC is dedicated to the development and commercialization of theVASIMR and related technologies.

    A.C. Charania President SpaceWorks CommericalMr. A.C. Charania is President of SpaceWorks Commercial, a division of SpaceWorksEngineering, Inc. (SEI). Mr. Charania works with entrepreneurial and establishedaerospace clients to explore future commercial opportunities and to develop businessesto service those markets. He also champions and incubates SpaceWorks- led ventures.As head of SpaceWorks Commercial, he is an advocate for and analyst of commercialspace markets, venture-driven space initiatives, and international space activities. Mr.Charania has been with the firm since 2000. He was previously Senior Futurist andhead of the Engineering Economic Group (EEG) of SpaceWorks Engineering. Mr.Charania holds an B.S. and M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Instituteof Technology (with a concentration in systems design and optimization) and a B.A. inEconomics/Mathematics from Emory University. He is currently a Senior Member ofthe American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), a member of the SpacePower Association, and a Board Member of the Space Frontier Foundation (SFF).

    Ron Clark CEO Space Orbital SystemsDr. Ron Clark started Space Orbital Systems to build a commercial business to providetransport and service for in-space satellite systems. Dr. Clark began working in thisbusiness area while he was the Director of Future Concepts and Analysis for LockheedMartin Space Systems. While there he was responsible for Future Concepts, MissionAnalysis, System Architecture, and Space Systems Internal Research & Development.Previously, Dr. Clark held several other positions within Lockheed Martin, includingTechnology Planning and Analysis, GPS System Architect, Capture Director, Direc-tor of Advanced Systems, and Director of Technology Applications for the AdvancedTechnology Center.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    Doug Comstock NASA Innovative Partnership ProgramDouglas A. Comstock is the director of NASAs Innovative Partnerships Program (IPP).The IPP provides leveraged technology for NASAs mission directorates, programs andprojects through investments and technology partnerships with industry, academia, gov-ernment agencies and national laboratories. Comstock also is responsible for directingthe IPP portfolio of technology investments and partnering mechanisms including SmallBusiness Innovative Research, Small Business Technology Transfer Research, the Cen-tennial Challenges and the Innovative Partnerships Seed Fund. Additionally, he is re-sponsible for intellectual property management and technology transfer that will providebroad societal benefits from the nations investment in NASAs space and aeronauticsmissions, and for encouraging and facilitating partnerships with the emerging com-mercial space sector including the agencys purchase of emerging commercial services.Comstock previously served as the NASA comptroller, as well as the founding directorof NASAs Strategic Investments Division. Before coming to NASA, Comstock spentfour years as a program examiner in OMB, with responsibility for NASAs human spaceflight activities, biological and physical research and personnel. Prior to his governmentservice, he was Director of Engineering with the Futron Corporation, a Bethesda, Md.-based technology consulting firm, and began his career with General Dynamics SpaceSystems Division, conducting preliminary design and systems analysis for numerousaerospace systems, from strategic defense to advanced space transportation. Comstockhas undergraduate degrees from the University of Washington in both mechanical en-gineering and architecture. He did his graduate studies at the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology and received masters degrees in both aeronautics and astronautics, andtechnology and policy.

    Jason Crusan Chief Technologist NASA SOMDJason Crusan is a Program Manager with a passion for a entrepreneurial approach tomanaging projects through leveraging investments and technology partnerships withindustry, academia, government agencies and national laboratories. He has broad expe-rience in strategic program formulation, technology development, financial performance,partnership development, and project management.

    Diane Dime Director - eSpaceDiane Dime is the director of eSpace: The Center for Space Entrepreneurship. Priorto joining eSpace, Diane was the associate dean at Carnegie Mellon Universitys SiliconValley campus. She has over 30 years of experience in the field of education focusing ondeveloping and implementing new programs. Prior to joining Carnegie Mellon, Dianeserved as the assistant dean and director of MBA programs at the Leeds School ofBusiness at CU Boulder and as executive director of the evening and weekend MBAprograms at UC Berkeleys Haas School of Business. Diane taught quantitative methods,marketing, and strategy in business schools at both the undergraduate and graduatelevels. In addition to her work with a wide variety of educational institutions, Diane wasa consultant with the San Francisco oce of KPMG Peat Marwick (now BearingPoint).Diane earned her Bachelors degree in Anthropology and Mathematics as well as herM.B.A. from U.C. Berkeley.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Taylor Dinerman Writer and syndicated weekly columnistTaylor Dinerman writes a syndicated weekly column for the Space Review(www.thespacereview.com) and has written on space and defense issues for the WallStreet Journal, National Review and Ad Astra the magazine of the National SpaceSociety, Space News and elsewhere. He was an author of the textbook Space Sciencefor Students and has been a part time consultant for the US Defense Department. Hisviews in no way represent those of the department.

    Art Dula Heinlein PrizeArt Dula is a space lawyer, a patent attorney, the literary executor for major sciencefiction author Robert A. Heinlein, and the CEO of the private spaceflight company, Ex-calibur Almaz. Since 1980, Art Dula has co-founded several aerospace companies. Ea-gle Aerospace provided engineering expertise for NASA and U.S. aerospace companies.Space Services, Inc., secured the first US regulatory approval of a private space launch.In 1982, it launched the first private U.S. space vehicle, the Conestoga, from MatagordaIsland, Texas. Spacehab, Inc., built payload bay modules for the U.S. space shuttle.Space Commerce Corporation was the first U.S.-Russian aerospace joint venture, whichsold a Soviet Proton rocket launch to Hughes Aerospace in 1987, and marketed remotesensing radar images. Tethers Unlimited, Inc., won seven patents on space tether sys-tems, and secured over $2 million in research contracts. Starcraft Boosters, Inc., hascontracts with US Air Force and NASA for the StarBooster launching system. Excal-ibur Almaz, Ltd., owns several Almaz Space System space capsules and space stations,and intends to begin launching its spacecraft as early as 2013.

    Esther Dyson EDventure HoldingsEsther Dyson is an active investor in a variety of mostly disruptive start-ups. Herportfolio of private space and air travel investments includes Coastal Aviation Software,XCOR Aerospace, Space Adventures/Zero G, Icon Aircraft, and Airship Ventures. Shehas flown weightless on Zero-G four times, and hopes to go up again soon. She is also theorganizer of Flight School, an executive workshop for air and space entrepreneurs. (Ittook a break this year in the face of a crumbling economy, but will return for the fourthtime in 2009.) On the IT side, her investments have included Flickr and del.icio.us,both sold to Yahoo! and Medstory, sold to Microsoft. Currently, she sits on the boardsof 23andMe, Meetup, WPP Group, Eventful.com, Evernote, Boxbe and Yandex, theleading Russian search company. Dyson sold her business EDventure Holdings, alongwith its Release1.0 newsletter and PC Forum conference, to CNET Networks in 2004;PC Forum and Release 1.0 played key roles in the early development of the PC softwaremarketplace and the commercial Internet. Dyson left CNET at the end of 2006 and(with permission) has resumed doing business under the name of EDventure Holdings.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    Paul Eckert Boeing BDS - Space ExplorationDr. Paul Eckert holds the position of International & Commercial Strategist within theSpace Exploration division of The Boeing Company. In this role, Dr. Eckert devel-ops strategies to strengthen global business relationships and explore new commercialmarkets. He serves as Coordinator of the international Space Investment Summit Coali-tion, which presents events linking investors and entrepreneurs in order to encourageinvestment in entrepreneurial innovation. Within the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Dr.Eckert chairs the Emerging Markets Working Group of the Space Enterprise Council.He also chairs the Entrepreneurship and Investment Technical Committee of the In-ternational Astronautical Federation and acts as commercial coordinator for the LunarExploration Analysis Group. Having joined The Boeing Company in 2003, Dr. Eckertsprior roles have involved space exploration planning, infrastructure design, Earth ob-servation, space science, government relations, and communications. Previously, withinthe U.S. Department of Commerce, he helped promote the growth of the commercialspace industry, as part of the Oce of Space Commercialization. Earlier, in the NASAOce of Legislative Aairs, Dr. Eckert coordinated liaison with the U.S. Congress in-volving space and aeronautics research, information technology, systems engineering,and technology transfer to industry. Prior to this, he served as science and technologyadvisor to U.S. Senator John Breaux, a key member of the Senate Commerce Commit-tee, with jurisdiction over NASA. Dr. Eckert holds a bachelors degree with high honorsfrom Harvard University and a doctoral degree from Michigan State University.

    Matt Everingham Exploration Uplink NASA AmesAs a contractor at NASA Ames Research Center, Matt coordinates Exploration Uplink,a project focused on bringing field science and planetary exploration into classroomsthrough hands-on telerobotic activities. Matt also supports other projects with expertisein software systems engineering, robotics and science education. As a member of theCalifornia Space Authority sta, Matt was responsible for the project management andtechnical management of the Regolith Excavation Challenge and Moon Regolith Oxygen(MoonROx) Challenge; prize competitions being executed under the NASA CentennialChallenges Program. Matt was also responsible for establishing the Regolith SimulantTestbed, a simulated lunar surface environment. In addition, he focused on educationand workforce development, managing and supporting projects that emphasized hands-on engineering and science activities and building a sense of community among youngprofessionals in the space industry.

    Je Greason XCOR AerospaceJe Greason has 17 years experience managing innovative technical project teams atXCOR Aerospace, Rotary Rocket and Intel Corporation. As president and a co-founderof XCOR, he leads the engineering team that has developed ten dierent long-life,highly-reusable liquid-fueled rocket engines, a low-cost liquid propellant piston pump,and two manned reusable rocket aircraft the EZ-Rocket and a prototype for a privatecustomer. As part of his duties at XCOR, Mr. Greason has had the final go/no-go decision responsibility on hundreds of rocket engine test firings, more than twentymanned rocket flights, and has served as a flight test engineer aboard one of those flights.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Doug Grith Aviation LawyerBefore starting his own firm focusing on the needs of aviation and private spaceflightcompanies, Doug spent more than four years at the international law firm Paul, Hast-ings, Janofsky & Walker LLP. As part of the firms aviation practice group, Doug en-gaged in a broad-based commercial litigation practice emphasizing sophisticated con-tract and regulatory disputes encompassing real property transactions, operating agree-ments, labor and employment matters, construction projects, trade secrets and airportnoise/access issues.

    Benjamin Higginbotham Space VidcastSpaceVidcast.com is a community of people who are looking to educate the planeton the values of space flight. Our goal is to open up the cosmos and truly make spacecommonplace for everyone on the planet. We are a new media site with daily on-demandepisodes, weekly live shows and live HD coverage of major space events.

    Steve Howe, Ph.D. Director of The Center for Space Nuclear Research (CSNR)Dr. Steven D. Howe was appointed the first Director of the CSNR in 2005. He waspreviously part of the Thermonuclear Applications group of the Applied Physics Di-vision at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Dr. Howes research interests includeantiproton physics and applications, nuclear rocket propulsion, hyper-velocity aerody-namics and thermodynamics, and non-equilibrium X-ray emission. Dr. Howe is alsoa fiction writer, having published the novella Wrench and Claw in Analog Magazineand the novel Honor Bound Honor Born, which detailed the possible development ofthe first commercial base on the Moon. Dr. Howe has appeared in numerous televisionprograms about space and rocketry. He holds five patents involving the storage andapplication of antiprotons, and he is the co-founder of Hbar Technologies. Dr. Howehas served on a number of national committees.

    Dr. Feng Hsu Senior Vice President Space EnergyDr. Feng Hsu is the Executive Vice President of Technology, Systems Engineering &Risk Management for Space Energy. Dr. Hsu is a world renowned expert and formerresearch fellow of Brookhaven National Laboratory in the fields of risk assessment, risk-based decision making, safety & reliability and mission assurances for nuclear power,space launch, energy infrastructure and other high integrity social and engineering sys-tems.

    Gary Hudson HMX Inc.Gary Hudson has been involved in private spaceflight development for over 25 years.Hudson is best known as the founder of Rotary Rocket Company, which in spending $34Million attempted to build a unique single stage to orbit launch vehicle known as theRoton. Rotary Rocket built a landing test simulator the ATV-1 which flew a handful offlights, prior to the company ceasing operations. He also helped found TransformationalSpace (T/Space) in 2004. Previous projects included designs of the Phoenix SSTO andother single stage to orbit rockets, founder of Pacific American Launch Systems, andvarious consulting projects.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    Duncan Jones Director MoonJones first feature film, Moon, was nominated for 7 British Independent film awardsand won 2, both going to Jones. In 1995, he graduated with a bachelors degree inphilosophy from the College of Wooster. He then pursued a PhD degree at VanderbiltUniversity in Tennessee but left before completion to attend London Film School, wherehe graduated as a director.

    Kris Kimel President KSTC and Founder Kentucky SpaceKris Kimel is President and a founder of the Kentucky Science and Technology Corpora-tion (KSTC), a non-profit company with an international reputation for designing andimplementing a range of innovative initiatives. Over the 21 year life of KSTC dozens ofprojects have been funded by diverse supporters involving corporations, private foun-dations, state and federal governments. KSTC funds important R&D and technologycommercialization projects at Kentucky universities. It also designed and manages theKentucky Enterprise Fund (KEF)an early-stage venture fund which currently holds over60 equity positions in innovation-driven Kentucky companies. Kimel is a leader behindthe vision and implementation of Kentucky Spacea nonprofit enterprise focused on thedesign, development and application of entrepreneurial and educational space platforms.

    Amaresh Kollipara Co-founder & Managing Partner Earth2Orbit LLCAmaresh is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Earth2Orbit, LLC, which is a globalprovider of satellite launch services. Earth2Orbit works with the Indian Space ResearchOrganization to provide commercial launch services to a variety of satellite clients. Inaddition to his role at Earth2Orbit, Amaresh serves as a management consultant andfinancial advisor to a generation of entrepreneurs by helping them develop viable busi-nesses and prepare for the world of venture finance. Amareshs vision to provide man-agement guidance to entrepreneurs led him to co-produce the first and second annualSpace Venturing Forum, an entrepreneurial event hosted by the National Space Society.Amaresh enjoyed a successful career with the Strategy group of Accenture, where hemanaged key strategy oerings and developed recommendations for Global 500 clientssuch as Cisco, HP, and Siemens. He specialized in creating business cases, operationalplans, Internet strategies, and M&A assessments. He has been influential in pricingmulti-million dollar private equity deals as well as in assisting clients to strategicallyallocate large-scale investments. Amaresh holds an MBA degree from the GraduateSchool of Business at Columbia University. He also earned a B.A. in Molecular and CellBiology with an emphasis in Neurobiology from the University of California at Berkeley.

    Dr. Burton Lee Managing Partner Innovarium VenturesBurton H. Lee Ph.D. MBA is Managing Partner of Innovarium Ventures, a se-nior strategic, financial and technical advisory services firm based in Silicon Val-ley. He also serves as Lecturer in the Stanford School of Engineering, where heteaches and conducts research in the area of European entrepreneurship and innovation(http://www.europeanentrepreneursatstanford.com/). His areas of expertise includeventure finance and investment; startup business & technology strategy and market po-sitioning; technology roadmapping and due diligence; corporate development and M&A;technology transfer and commercialization; and innovation policy.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Debra Lepore President DFL Space LLCDebra Facktor Lepore is President for DFL Space LLC. Prior to DFL Space, she servedas President for AirLaunch LLC. As President of AirLaunch LLC, Ms. Lepore wasresponsible for the external activities of the company, including development and exe-cution of the companys business plan, marketing plan, and government relations.

    Dr. Jim Logan Space Medicine AssociatesDr. Jim Logan has held numerous positions in his eighteen-year career at NASA in-cluding Chief of Flight Medicine where he was the personal physician to the astronautsand their families and Chief of Medical Operations. He served as Mission Control Sur-geon, Deputy Crew Surgeon or Crew Surgeon for twenty-five space shuttle missions andProject Manager for the Space Station Medical Facility, developing the initial designfor a telemedicine-based inflight medical delivery system for long duration missions.After a year at NASA Headquarters as the Medical Liaison Ocer for the Life Sci-ences Division and the Space Station Program Oce, he left the space agency to serveas Provost for International Space University, Strasbourg, France. Upon returning tothe USA, he consulted for The RAND Corporation and created Logan & Associates,Inc., an independent telemedicine consulting firm. A founding board member of theAmerican Telemedicine Association, Dr. Logan served as a telemedicine resource fora variety of professional organizations including a stint as Telemedicine Clinical Direc-tor for the DODs Pacific Regional Program Oce at Tripler Army Medical Center inHonolulu. Dr. Logan returned to NASAs Johnson Space Center in 1999 and is now asenior aerospace medical ocer in the Clinical Services Branch of the Space MedicineDivision. Board certified in Aerospace Medicine and recipient of NASAs DistinguishedSpeakers Award, his lecturing activities have taken him around the world. As an expertin space medicine and biomedical issues for long-duration spaceflight, Dr. Logan hasbeen featured on the Public Broadcast System (PBS), CanadaAM, The History Channeland numerous radio talk shows. He is a co-founder of Space Medicine Associates andcurrently writing a book entitled Frontier and Destiny: Risks, Riches and Renaissancein the Solar System.

    Douglas Maclise NASA - CRuSRDougal Maclise is the current manager of the Commercial Reusable Suborbital Research(CRuSR) Program. He also leads the ISHM Technology Maturation Group within theIntelligent Systems Division at Ames Research Center. He has a Bachelors degree inMechanical Engineering and a Masters degree in BioMedical Engineering. Over thenineteen years that he has worked at NASA, he has managed a wide variety of projectssuch as physiology experiment payloads for the Shuttle, the consolidation of seven re-source tracking databases, a real-time imaging payload for the Solar-Powered PathfinderUAV and the development of the Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics Testbed. Forthe last five years he has focused on the systems engineering and application aspectsof Integrated Systems Health Management while working on the Second GenerationReusable Launch Vehicle, Orbital Space Plane and the Constellation vehicles the AresI and V rockets, the Orion crew vehicle and Altair lunar lander.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    Dave Masten President and CEO Masten AerospaceDavid Masten is a manufacturing, mechanical, and information technology engineerwith extensive experience in managing complex IT projects for Cisco Systems, Andi-amo Systems, and SBC/Ameritech (now AT&T). As past President of the Bay AreasExperimental Rocket Propulsion Society (ERPS), David oversaw the development ofthe KISS hydrogen peroxide flight vehicle, the Gizmocopter VTVL test platform, andnumerous bipropellant and monopropellant engine development projects and tests.

    Philip Mcalister NASA HeadquartersPhil McAlister is a veteran of the space industry with over 20 years of experience incivil, military, and commercial space programs. He is currently in the Studies and Anal-ysis Division, Oce of Program Analysis and Evaluation, NASA Headquarters. TheOce of Program Analysis and Evaluation is an independent assessment organizationthat provides objective, transparent, and multidisciplinary analysis to inform NASAsstrategic decision-making.

    Ed McCullough Principle Scientist BoeingEdward McCullough is a retired principal scientist from Boeing. He has received hisprofessional schooling mainly in nuclear engineering through the U.S. Navy (gaining hisCertification for Nuclear Engineering in 1975). Mr. McCullough focuses on conceptdevelopment and advanced technology at Rockwell Space Systems Advanced Engineer-ing and Boeings Phantom Works. He has researched innovative methods to reduce thedevelopment time of technologies and systems from 10 to 20 years down to 5 years. Hehas experienced successes in the area of chemistry and chemical engineering for extrater-restrial processing and photonics for vehicle management systems and communications.This included leading a chemical process development research team in a skunk worksenvironment for 4 years. Mr. McCullough has led eorts for biologically inspired multiparallax geometric situational awareness for advanced autonomous mobility and spacemanufacturing. He recently developed several patents, including patents for an angularsensing system; a method for enhancing digestion reaction rates of chemical systems;and a system for mechanically stabilizing a bed of particulate media. Mr. McCulloughhas served in a variety of professional societies and councils. He is an Emeritus memberof the Board of Trustees for the University Space Research Association, a member ofthe Science Council for Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, an EmeritusChairman of the AIAA Space Colonization Technical Committee and a charter memberof the AIAA Space Exploration Program Committee. He has worked several studies forthe National Research Council.

    Dr. Chris McKay Planetary Scientist NASA Ames Research CenterDr. Christopher P. McKay, Planetary Scientist with the Space Science Division of NASAAmes. Chris received his Ph.D. in AstroGeophysics from the University of Colorado in1982 and has been a research scientist with the NASA Ames Research Center since thattime. His current research focuses on the evolution of the solar system and the originof life. He is also actively involved in planning for future Mars missions including hu-man exploration. Chris been involved in research in Mars-like environments on Earth,traveling to the Antarctic dry valleys, Siberia, the Canadian Arctic, and the Atacamadesert to study life in these Mars-like environments. He was a co-I on the Titan Huy-gens probe in 2005, the Mars Phoenix lander mission in 2008, and the Mars ScienceLaboratory mission for 2011. He is the deputy program scientist for Constellation - theNASA program for future human exploration of the Moon and Mars.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Michael Mealling VP Business Development Masten Space SystemsMichael has spent the past 15 years developing and deploying large scale Internet prod-ucts such as VeriSigns EPCglobal Network RFID service and the XWORDs keywordservice. He has extensive experience in deploying revolutionary products in dicultmarkets and is now using that experience to create new services in the aerospace in-dustry. He is a regular conference speaker on innnovative space based businesses and aSpace Frontier Foundation Advocate.

    Wendell Mendell, Ph.D. NASA Planetary ScientistDR. WENDELL W. MENDELL is the Manager, Oce for Human Exploration Scienceat NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC). His research focus is remote sensing of planetarysurfaces, particularly specializing in thermal emission radiometry and spectroscopy ofthe Moon. Since 1982, he has done planning and advocacy of human exploration of thesolar system, especially with regard to the establishment of a permanent human base onMoon. His interests lay as much with policy issues as with technical issues. He is mostwell known as the editor of the volume, Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21stCentury; and he received the 1988 Space Pioneer Award for Science and Engineeringfrom the National Space Society for this work.

    Charles Miller NASA Commercial SpaceMr. Miller is President of Space Policy Consulting, Inc., the President and CEO of Con-stellation Services International, Inc., a Member of the Board of Directors of the SpaceFrontier Foundation, and led the Public-Private Partnerships section of the NSSOsSpace-Based Solar Power study. Miller is currently under contract to the U.S. Air ForceResearch Laboratory (AFRL) in the area of Operationally Responsive Space access andis helping the AFRL be a smarter partner with the emerging space transportation indus-try. SPC supports a number of ongoing AFRL activities in the reusable launch vehiclearea. Mr. Miller is also the founding President and CEO of Constellation ServicesInternational, Inc. (CSI), which is a NewSpace company that specializes in commercialon-orbit space operations which is an ideal knowledge niche to advise on SBSP. CSI wasfounded in 1998, and is an entrepreneurial space services company that is focused oncommercial opportunities in Earth orbit. CSI is developing, and patenting, a number ofinnovative solutions for orbital space markets, including LEO ExpressSM Space CargoSystem for delivering cargo to space stations that uses over 99% existing technology,and the Lunar ExpressSM system that uses existing technology to enable a near-termhuman trip around the Moon. Miller has raised over $2 million in private investmentsfor CSI to date. CSI has successfully completed 4 NASA contracts to date related tocommercial ISS cargo services, and has an existing Space Act Agreement with NASAto cooperate on the development of CSIs LEO Express system. Prior to CSI and SpacePolicy Consulting, Mr. Miller was the founding Chairman and President of ProSpacewhere he served from 1996 to 1999. Under Mr. Millers leadership, ProSpace was instru-mental in the passage of space-related legislative initiatives, including the CommercialSpace Act of 1998, funding for NASAs X-33, Future-X and Space Solar Power pro-grams, and the U.S. Air Forces RLV Technology Development program. Mr. Millerstudied engineering at the California Institute of Technology and has a BS in BusinessAdministration (Finance) from the California State University of Chico.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    James A. Muncy Co-founder Space Frontier Foundation President PoliSpaceJames A. Muncy founded PoliSpace, an independent space policy consultancy, in early2000 to help space entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs succeed at the nexus of business,public aairs, and technology. His clients have included several companies in the emerg-ing private human space flight industry, firms oering commercial services to NASAspaceflight programs, and government managers of Air Force military space projects.Immediately prior to establishing PoliSpace, Muncy spent over five years working for theU.S. House of Representatives. Before joining congressional sta in late 1994, Muncyspent nine years as a space policy and marketing consultant for various clients includingNASA, NOAA, several private firms, and the not-for-profit space community, while alsosecuring a graduate degree. In the mid-1980s he worked for two and a half years asa policy assistant in the White House Oce of Science and Technology Policy underPresident Reagan. Muncy began his career in space policy in 1981 as a sta advisorin the Oce of Congressman Newt Gingrich. Muncy co-founded the Space FrontierFoundation in 1988 and served as its Chairman of the Board for six years. Earlier hehad served on the Board of Directors of both the National Space Society and the L5Society. Muncy holds an MS in Space Studies from the Center for Aerospace Sciencesat the University of North Dakota and a BA from the University of Virginia, where hewas an Echols Scholar.

    Michelle Murray FAA Oce of Commercial Space TransportationMichelle Murray has been working as an aerospace engineer for the FAA Oce ofCommercial Space Transportation (AST) since 2001. She specializes in ASTs Reentryand Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) laws and regulations. Ms. Murray is currentlyserving as a technical advisor starting up ASTs newest field oce, the West CoastOperations Oce located in Southern California to support the launch operators on thewest coast. Prior to that, she has held other positions within AST ranging from leadengineer for pre-application consultation to the Program Lead for the ExperimentalPermit program, managing the day to day operations of the program and plans for itsfuture.

    Leik Myrabo, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteDr. Myrabos research relies on a combined experimental/ theoretical/ numerical inves-tigative approach. His current MURI project investigates the propulsion physics of highpower laser-beam launched nanosatellites (i.e., 1 to 10 kg) for aordable, rapid access tospace. Myrabo has authored and co-authored more than 210 journal, symposium, andconference articles, and one bookThe Future of Flight. His second bookThe LightcraftTechnical Manualis nearing completion


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    Tom Nugent Founder LaserMotiveTom Nugent is the Project Manager for LaserMotive and general Jack of Many Trades.He is also a part-time contractor at Intellectual Ventures. Before LaserMotive, Heserved as the Research Director at LiftPort. His education is in Physics and MaterialsScience. He has worked with nanometer-sized material via atomic force microscopes upto macroscopic hunks of metal in heavy duty tension testing machines. As an undergrad,he interned at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, working on an advanced fusion propulsionsystem. He spent a year in an intensive, non-degree program in Japanese language andthen enjoyed a one-year internship in Japan, working in the space group at Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries. In grad school, he worked on liquid-fueled rocket enginedevelopment through the MIT Rocket Team. He has consulted for a micro-satellitefirm, studied solar power satellites and alternative launch vehicles, and more. In short,he says, Im a space geek. Beyond the technical background, he has also run a numberof volunteer groups and teams.

    John Olson, Ph.D. Director for the Directorate Integration OceDirector for the Directorate Integration Oce within the Exploration Systems Mis-sion Directorate (ESMD) at NASA Headquarters in Washington DC. Responsible for abroad range of Exploration architecture and integration activities including Lunar andMars architecture development and refinement, International partnerships and bi-lateraldiscussions as part of the Global Exploration Strategy, Commercial Partnerships, andintegration of Science and other government agencies. Also oversees the ESMD infor-mation technology architecture and IT management, risk and knowledge management,technology protection, Exploration architecture trades and analysis, special projects,independent cost estimation, and ESMD Level 1 (Directorate) requirements.

    Thomas Olson Exodus Consulting GroupFor nearly a quarter-century, Mr. Olson has been a business systems engineer andanalyst in the Communications, Aerospace, and Publishing sectors. In addition, he hasworked in an investment analysis and operations capacity in the Financial Services area(cash and fund management). A serial entrepreneur, he helped found Exodus Group asa way to bridge the gap of understanding between entrepreneurial space tech startupsand Angel/VC/Institutional investors seeking new opportunities. He is also on theorganizing committee for the Space Investment Summits, a semi-annual event bringingtogether interested investors and entrepreneurs for knowledge sharing and professionalnetworking.

    Enrico Palermo Project Engineering Manager Virgin GalacticAs Project Engineering Manager for Virgin Galactic, Enrico is responsible for grow-ing the operations of a new commercial suborbital spaceflight manufacturer called TSCor The Spaceship Company at Mojave Air & Space Port. TSC was founded by SirRichard Bransons Virgin Group and Scaled Composites with the mission of build-ing the worlds first fleet of commercial spaceships and launch aircraft intended to makewidespread space travel a reality. Enrico is directing the establishment of TSCs produc-tion operations including the engineering, supply chain, quality assurance, and vehicleassembly functions, in addition to supporting the setup of other key business infras-tructure functions at TSC. Enrico also serves as a key member of the Virgin programmanagement team for the SpaceShipTwo and WhiteKnightTwo development programat Scaled Composites. Enrico is an alumni of the International Space University andhas a Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science from the University of WesternAustralia.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    Tim Pickens Dynetics Inc.Tim Pickens is the Commercial Space Advisor/Chief Propulsion Engineer at Dynetics,Inc. He has over 15 years of experience in the aerospace industry, specializing in thedesign, fabrication, and testing, of propulsion hardware systems. Tim started and grewOrion Propulsion to be a $6.4M company as of 2009. Tim sold his 5 year old, 40 personAerospace Company, to Dynetics. in December of 2009. Tim worked in all areas of Orionto run a lean and innovative start-up. In this theme, he recently worked as the CEOof the company, as well as the program manager in-development of the reaction controlthrusters for the Bigelow Aerospace Sundancers module. These thrusters would operateburning hydrogen and oxygen produced from waste byproducts. This technology oersthe state of the art in in-space recycling.

    Bruce Pittman Flight Projects Director NASA Ames Space PortalBruce Pittman is the President of the Silicon Valley Space Club and a Founding Memberof the Alliance For Commercial Enterprise in Space, and has been involved in hightechnology product development, project management and system engineering for over30 years. He spent 11 years working at the NASA Ames Research Center working on anumber of flight projects including Pioneer Venus, IRAS, and several advanced studiesprograms, and is now back at Ames under a Space Act Agreement as the Director, FlightProjects for the NASA Commercial Space Portal/ACES. He has also worked with NASAas a consultant on a number of projects including the High Speed Civil Transport (1997-1998), the Lunar/Mars program (1989-1991) and Space Shuttle Processing (1987-1988).Startups and early stage companies have always been very alluring for Bruce and hehas participated in a number of such eorts including SpaceHab, Kistler Aerospace,New Focus, Product Factory, Prometheus II Ltd., and Industrial Sound and Motion.Bruce was a founding team member of both SpaceHab and Kistler Aerospace which haveraised more than $700 million in private financing and Bruce helped New Focus growfrom 150 people to 2000 people in 2 years and where revenues increased from $25 millionto $150 million including a very successful IPO. Bruce co-founded Profit EngineeringTechnologies a high tech consulting firm in 1994 to develop tools and methodologiesto assist project teams and organizations to perform better, produce superior resultsand have more fun doing it. Bruce has provided training, consulting and mentoring toa number of Fortune 100 companies and government. Bruce has a BS in MechanicalEngineering from U. C. Davis and a MS in Engineering Management from Santa ClaraUniversity.

    Will Pomerantz X Prize FoundationWilliam Pomerantz currently serves as the Senior Director of Space Prizes for the XPRIZE Foundation. He holds a BA in Earth and Planetary Sciences from HarvardUniversity and a Masters of Science in Space Studies from the International SpaceUniversity. As Senior Director of Space Prizes, Mr. Pomerantz manages the all of the XPRIZE Foundations space activities, including the $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE.From 2006-2009, he also managed the Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander X PRIZEChallenge, which concluded with the successful award of $2 million in NASA-providedprize purses. Additionally, he oversees the development of Foundations forthcomingprizes in the field of space exploration. From 2005-2006, Mr. Pomerantz served as theFoundations sole representative in Washington, DC.


  • NewSpace 2010: Ready for TakeoJuly 23-25, 2010 Silicon Valley, CA

    James Pura Project Manager Space Frontier FoundationJames Pura is a recent graduate of University of California, San Diego with a BS inMechanical Engineering, where he founded a chapter of Students for the Explorationand Development of Space. He has previously worked for Boeing Satellite Systems inEl Segundo, CA and SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA. He currently works for NASA JPL inPasadena, CA. He has been working for the Space Frontier Foundation since 2007 wherehe has held multiple positions, including the editor of the online publication NewSpaceNews, conference chair for the NewSpace Conference, Advocate Coordinator and BoardMember.

    Joshua Raaelli Draper Fisher JurvetsonJoshua Raaelli is an Associate and Kauman Fellow at Draper Fisher Jurvetson.Joshuas primary areas of interest are in energy and services businesses. Prior to joiningDraper Fisher Jurvetson, Joshua was an Analyst at Och-Zi Capital Management inLondon where he focused on merger arbitrage and emerging market investments in thelogistics and oil and gas markets. Prior to OZ, Joshua was an Analyst at JPMorgansTechnology Investment Banking group in San Francisco where he focused on mergers& acquisitions and debt and equity oerings for media-related consumer products andsoftware clients. Joshua also worked in the Debt Capital Markets group at JPMorgan inNew York where he worked on acquisition related transactions in a variety of industriesincluding energy, waste management, telecommunications, semiconductors, and healthcare services. Joshua is a Cum Laude graduate of Harvard University with a BA inGovernment, and an MBA from Stanford Business School.

    Dr. Dan Rasky Director NASA Ames Space PortalDr. Daniel J. Rasky is the Director for the Emerging Commercial Space Oce atNASA Ames, and also a Senior Scientist with NASA. He is a Co-Founder and Directorfor the Space Portal whose mission is to Be a friendly front door for emerging and non-traditional space companies. He recently completed a one-year Interagency PersonnelAssignment (IPA) with the Space Grant Education and Enterprise Institute (SGEEI),where he served as a Senior Research Fellow supporting a number of emerging spacecompanies and other organizations. This included provided expert consulting to SpaceXon the design and development of the heatshield for their Dragon capsule. SpaceX haschosen to use the PICA heatshield material, invented by Dr. Rasky and associates atNASA Ames, for Dragon.


  • Speaker Biographical Information

    Dr. Bob Richards CEO Odyssey MoonDr. Robert (Bob) Richards is a space entrepreneur and futurist. He is a founder ofthe International Space University, Singularity University, SEDS, the Space GenerationFoundation and Google Lunar X PRIZE contender Odyssey Moon Limited, where hecurrently serves as CEO. As Director of the Optech Space Division from 2002-2009,Bob led the companys technology into orbit in 2004 and to the surface of Mars in2007 aboard the NASA Phoenix Lander, making the first discovery of falling Martiansnow. Bob studied aerospace and industrial engineering at Ryerson University; physicsand astronomy at the University of Toronto; and space science at Cornell Universitywhere he became special assistant to Carl Sagan. Dr. Robert (Bob) Richards is aspace entrepreneur and futurist. He is a founder of the International Space University,Singularity University, SEDS, the Space Generation Foundation and Google Lunar XPRIZE contender Odyssey Moon Limited, where he currently serves as CEO. As Di-rector of the Optech Space Division from 2002-2009, Bob led the companys technologyinto orbit in 2004 and to the surface of Mars in 2007 aboard the NASA Phoenix Lan-der, making the first discovery of falling Martian snow. Bob studied aerospace andindustrial engineering at Ryerson University; physics and astronomy at the Universityof Toronto; and space science at Cornell University where he became special assistant toCarl Sagan. Bob is an evangelist of the NewSpace movement and has been a catalystfor a number of commercial space ventures. He is the recipient of the K.E. TsiolkovskiMedal (Russia, 1995), the Space Frontier Vision to Reality Award (USA , 1994), theArthur C. Clarke Commendation (Sri Lanka, 1990) and Aviation & Space TechnologyLaurel (USA, 1988). He is a contributing author of Blueprint for Space (SmithsonianInstitution 1992); Return to the Moon (Apogee Books 2005) and The Farthest Shore(ISU Press 2009). In 2005 Bob received a Doctorate of Space Achievement (honoriscausa) from the International Space University for distinguished accomplishments insupport of humanitys exploration and use of space.

    Mark Sirangelo Sierra Nevada Corp.Mark Sirangelo is the Chairman of Sierra Nevada Space Systems, a leading producerof satellites, propulsion systems and space sub-systems and is also the Executive VicePresident of Sierra Nevada Corporation, a billion dollar aerospace and defence firm.Mr. Sirangelo was the Chairman & CEO of SpaceDev, Inc., prior to its merging withSierra Nevada Corporation. Prior to SpaceDev, he was the CEO of the QuanStarGroup, an advanced technology commercialisation and investment company that iden-tified promising technology companies and actively assisted in their growth. In additionto QuanStar, Mr Sirangelo founded and acted as Chairman and CEO of a major globalcommunications firm, was an ocer in an international investment bank and was anentrepreneurial managing partner in high growth technology design firm.

    Je Smith NASA Ames Branch Chief Radiation & Space BiotechnologiesJerey Smith is Branch Chief of the Radiation and Space Biotechnologies group. As acomputer scientist with the Gravitational Biology Research Branch, he also applies theadvanced computer visualization/simulation technologies of the Center to his specificresearch interests in Space Life Sciences. Dr. Smiths continuing projects include 1)the Virtual Glovebox Project, a new technology for astronaut training that integratesadvanced computer hardware and software technologi

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