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Norsk Romsenter – www.romsenter.no10.11.2011

Norwegian Space CentreNorwegian Space Activities

Madrid, 3rd May 2011

Norway Space History (1)

Norsk Romsenter – www.romsenter.no10.11.2011

1900 Birkeland – Aurora Borealis1962 Andøya Rocket Range1964 Intelsat1967 Tromsø Satellite Station1968 Kongsfjord Satellite Station,

Svalbard (ESRO)

Norway Space History (2)

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1970 ELDO F9 Transponder launched by ”Europa 1”1971 Nordic Earth Station, Tanum (S)1976 NORSAT-A1974 Maritime Satcom demo ATS-61978 NERA SES certified1980 TELE-X Cooperation1981 Associated member of ESA,


1982 Nordic INMARSAT CES, Eik (N)

Norway Space History (3)

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1987 Full Member of ESA, NSC established1992 Telenor’s 1st Satellite Thor-11997 SvalSat Ground Station (Svalbard) 78o N2007 Troll Station (Antarctica) 72o S ”Pole to Pole”2009 Thor-6 launched2010 AISSat-1 launched

In brief

The Norwegian Space Centre is a government agency under the Ministry of Trade and IndustryEstablished in 1987 when Norway joined the European Space AgencyCoordinates Norwegian space activities towards ESA and the EUCoordinates national space activities32 employees at Skøyen, OsloBudget 2011: NOK 682 millionAdministers government ownership in

• Andøya Rocket Range AS (90%)• Norsk Romsenter Eiendom AS

(100%) which owns– Kongsberg Satellite Services

AS (50%)

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As the government’s strategic, coordinating and executive body, ensure the efficient use of space to the benefit of Norwegian society.

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Main objectives

The Norwegian Space Centre’s five main objectives:create growth and innovation in space related industrymeet national user requirementsattain a leading international position in selected areas of space researchdevelop space related infrastructure nationally and internationally increase the understanding and the importance of science and technology

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Tools of Norwegian Space Activities

Industrial and scientific cooperation through ESABilateral cooperationParticipation in international user organisationsParticipation in international cooperative projectsParticipation in national programmesCoordination of national activitiesInformation and public relationsR&D programmes in the public sectorIndustrial offset from large public aquisitions

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National priorities

TelecommunicationNavigationEarth observationIndustrial development based on ESA and EU programmesGround infrastructureSpace research and space related basic research

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Turnover 1997 - 2010

The Norwegian space industry produced goods and services for 5.7 billion NOK in 2010. 68% was exported. Satellite communication made up 70 % of the turnover.

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Spin off effect 2010

An extra turnover of 4.8 NOK is generated for each Euro the government spends on Norwegian space activities through ESA or national funding. In addition the country receives return contracts from ESA for almost 1 NOK.

Norway in Int’l programmes

Norway participates in ESA’s mandatory and optional programmes and in EU’s Galileo and Framework Programme for Research and



Development was fueled by the needs of the merchant fleet, the offshore industry and SvalbardMobile unitsARTES, ESAs telecommunication programme, is central to R&D todayNorwegian AIS satellite launched in 2010Telenor largest Norwegian participantTelemedicine

Telemedisin Telenor største norske aktørTe

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Satellite Communication makes up 70 % of the Norwegian space related turnover. Started in the 1970s.


Galileo – European civilian system in 2014Works with GPSIncreased output in the northNorwegian industry contractsGrowing market for new applicationsThe open EGNOS service is operative

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Satellite based positioning, navigation and accurate time is of critical importance to society.

Earth Observation

Weather & climateShip detectionOil spills Algae bloomSnow, ice, glacier & permafrostSupport of Norwegian sovereignityNature managementAir pollutionLandslide riskRainforests

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Earth Observation is one of the largest sectors in European space activity. Norway is a major consumer of Earth Observation data from sea, land and air.

Industrial development

30-50 Norwegian participants per yearR&D in ESA’s technology programmesNational development programmesInnovation and synergy

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Assist Norwegian companies to positions in ESA’s programmes and global market.

Ground infrastructure

Andøya Rocket RangeAlomarEISCATGround stations in the Arctic and AntarcticaGlobal downloadingOptical fiber cable Svalbard – Norway

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Northern Norway, Antarctica and Svalbard are well placed for ground based space activities.

Space Research

Sun and Aurora BorealisIonosphereCosmologyESA’s science programmeBilateral cooperation

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Norway’s long traditions within the space sciences started with Birkeland’s research on the Aurora.


romsenter.noStudent satellite programmeSpace camps Travel grantsContinuing education for teachersESERONAROM

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The space activities of the future are dependent on today’s youth choosing natural sciences and technology. Space travel, astronomy and satellite images make hard science more fun.

Satellite Communications

Telenor Satellite Broadcasting• Provides fixed and mobile satellite communication and transmision

services for data and remote Internet applications together with VSAT and broadband services in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

• Broadcasts over 200 digital TV channels across the Nordics and Europe• Owns and operates Thor 3, Thor 5 and Thor 6 satellites

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Satellite Communications

Ship EquipDelivers high bandwith broadbands to ships andmaritime users worldwide* merchant shipping * offshore oil & gas * fisheries* passenger/cruise * coast guard/navy * yacht

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STMSupplies complete network system employing cost-effective VSATs and high-performance hub stations

Satellite Communications

Encoder SystemsPCM Decoder SystemsRemote Crypto Distribution Systems

Ruggedised satellite communications for criticalapplications in remote areas

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Remote site55/90 cm antenna

2.4kbps – 128kbpstwo-way communication

Satellite Communications

Norsk Romsenter – www.romsenter.no10.11.2011

NorspaceWorld leading, independent supplier of on-board electronic equipment and components for satellites and launchers

Products:* Amplifiers and Gain control* Analog Signal Processing* Frequency Converters* Frequency Generation and Distribution* Launcher and Control Electronics* Saw Filters and Modules* Switch Matrices* Command Receivers, Telemetry Transmitters

and Beacons* S-Band Transponders

Satellite navigation

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Kongsberg SeatexEngaged in development of next generation navigation systems; Galileo, AIS•AIS monitoring• Distribution of AIS data

Vessel Traffic Systems, Military, police and customs etc• Provisions of GNSS services

Integrity monitoring of DGNSS systemsDistribution of differential GNSS corrections via AIS

FUGROOffering navigation and high accuracy positioning services, primarily to the offshore business; G2-service based on GPS & GLONASS (40 ref-Stations worldwide

Earth Observation Systems


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Kongsberg Spacetec

Provider of turnkey Satellite Ground station for EO

Products:• Ground Stations for Polar orbiting Satellites• Ground Stations for Geostationary Satellites• Value added products

• Ship detection• Oil spill detection

• Data acquisition systems• Digital demodulator• Front-end processors

• Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems• Ground station networking• Maintenance and support

Launcher technology Ariane-5

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Booster fastening & separation systemVinci nozzle deployment mechanism (development)

Launcher technology Ariane-5

Separation rocketsAccelleration rocketsSafe & Arm mechanismsEngine gimbal joint & struts

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Launcher technology Ariane-5

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Cryogenic tank level conditioner

On-board Solid State Recorder

Spacecraft mechanisms

Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace

SADM1s for Rosetta, Mars Express, Venus Express

KARMA2, the new generation rotation mechanism for antenna pointing solar array rotation Generic Mechanism Controller

Self contained Deployment SystemOne rotary actuator located in each hinge

1 Solar Array Drive Mechanism2 Kongsberg Angular Rotation Mechanism Assembly

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Sensor technology

• Extreme accuracy & long-term solutions• Rough & dynamic condition• Wide temperature


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* A world leader in readout of semiconductor * A world leader in readout of semiconductor gamma and xgamma and x--ray detectorsray detectors

* Background from terrestrial high* Background from terrestrial high--energy energy physics transferred to highphysics transferred to high--energyenergyastrophysicsastrophysics

* Use space applications as a means of* Use space applications as a means ofleveraging development for own productsleveraging development for own productswithin the medical and industrial fieldwithin the medical and industrial field

* Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, SWIFT,* Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, SWIFT,STEREO, AGILE, ASIM, STEREO, AGILE, ASIM, AstroAstro--H, Solar H, Solar Orbiter/STIX, Orbiter/STIX,

ISS Plant Cultivation Chamber

CMR Prototech

Design and manufacturing of Plant Cultivation Chamber Cooperation with The Plant Biocentre (NTNU)


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Industrial Data Management

Data products for the reduction of development and product life cycle costs through the use of intellegent data management

Products provided to ESA and major European and US Aerospace companies

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Data modellingDatabase managementRule engineWeb aervices

Concurrent designSpecification methodsMechanical design methodsCAD/CAE/PDM


Kongsberg Satellite Services – KSAT

Ground Station Services Earth Observation Services* TT&C * Oil spill detection* Sounding rocket support * Ship detection* Launch support * Snow mapping* Global data dump / Orbit support * MODIS products* Pole to Pole * Data sales* SvalSat * Ice navigation* Tromsø Ground Station* Grimstad* TrollSat/Antarctica

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Andøya Rocket Range

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Services• Sounding Rocket launch services• Sounding Rockets from Svalbard• Payload Services• Long Duration Balloons• ALOMAR Observatory• Ground based Instrumentation•NAROM Space Education•Andøya Test Centre (ATC)

Technology development: Hybrid propulsion

Successful demo 3 May 2007Development activities underway:* Ariane-5 ME upper stage accelleration rockets* ESA Future Launcher Technology Programme

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Technology development: OptoPyro

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Optical Firing Box

Optical Safe&Arm Device

Optical Harness

Optical System


Technology development: Energy systems

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SS container

Metal hydride alloy

Filter element Adapter

Locking valve


Objective:Develope system for power storage and supply in space crafts based on regenerative PEM-cells

Partners:IFE, New Energy Systems, a.o.

Prototech’s contribution:System design and integration

Finanacing:European Space Agency

Technology development: Titanium components

A) Cold forming of titanium wire directly from titanium sponge:- inexpensive feedstock- only one major feedstock

B) Additive layer manufacturing (ALM) ofnear net shape titanium componentsdirectly from Ti-wire:- reduce machining and waste- reduce energy usage- reduce lead times- design flexibility- alloy composition flexibility

NTiC’s technology enables production of complex high quality titanium parts at significantly lower cost than conventionally available technologies

Currently two pilots up and runningNorsk Romsenter – www.romsenter.no10.11.2011

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