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Page 1: NSEC (unit 1) and teaching the four skills

NSEC (unit 1) and teaching the four skills

Dr Dodie Brooks

Page 2: NSEC (unit 1) and teaching the four skills


1 Reading

2 Listening

3 Speaking

4 Writing

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Reading:Skill 1: skimming predictionSkill 2: scanning m/cSkill 3: careful reading questionsSkill 4: analysis task

Using the skills1 task: solve a problem in groups2 discussion: groups or class3 debate: class

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Skill 1: skimming

Purpose: to predict the content + identify main ideaMethod:1 Before reading look at the title

+ pictures2 Predict content + skim to


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Skimming main idea

Teaching suggestions

1 Read the passage through quickly• sequence (chronology of NZ: M8 U1)• sequence summary (Civil Rights M10 U3)

2 Discuss difficult concepts or ideas• analysis (snake experiment M8 U3)• analysis drawing conclusions

(women authoresses M10 U5)

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Main Idea in SB

Questions:1 What is the main passage about?

2 What five kinds of poems does the reading passage talk about? (M6 U2)

Exercises:• Make a summary of each part of the passage

(M5 U2, M6 U3)• Glance quickly at the magazine article and

then answer the questions (M6 U4)

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Skimming genre

• Is it fiction?(creative and imaginative writing)• Is it non-fiction?(factual writing)

**cultural information**

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Unit Fiction Non-fiction

M5:1 Recount

M5:2 **Expository writing

M5:3 Story

M5:4 Interview

M5:5 Information writing

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2nd reading: scanPurpose look for particular

information Questions like:What time does the train leave?How tall was the man?True / False questionsCharts

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3rd reading: careful

Purpose: • understand new ideas• learn new vocabulary• find and use grammar

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1Understanding ideas

1 literal understanding

2 inferential understanding

3 discussion or extension of issues

2 Learning new vocabulary

1 highlighting of new words

2 developing a “feel” for language

3Understanding and using grammar

1 identify

2 practise

3 apply

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1.1 Literal comprehension

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1.2 Inferential comprehension

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1.3 Discussion of ideas

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2.1 Highlighting

How highlighting can be used

3 ways: from best to least good

• best: Ss use context

• 2nd: Ss identify + use dictionary

• 3rd: T pre-teach some words

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2.1 Using the context

1 Underline any unknown words

2 Read the sentence. Example:

Make a list of establations why

friends are important.

2 Make a guess.

3 Check with the dictionary.

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2.2 Developing a “feel”

1 Exercises:• words that take the place of “said”(M5 U2)2 Collocations:• add a verb to a preposition (M5 U3)3 Connections between words• verbs, adjectives and nouns (M5 U5)• prefixes and suffixes (M5 U1 WB)• idioms (M5 U4)

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3.1 Find + practise grammar

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3.2 Apply grammar

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Why are these best?

• active learning

• more likely to remember

• more motivating and empowering

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Predict: the advice* Listening 1Listening 2: main ideaListening 3: stop tape at 2 or 3

points identify detailsDo exercises in SBListening 4: check answers

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• Speaking: individual, prepared

speech, report, no questions

• **Discussion: group work, interactive, questions and sharing ideas (TASK)

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• 2-steps

(1) pairs (2) fours

• most efficient for oral practice

• learn to negotiate opinions

• arrive at a consensus

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Teacher’s Role

• provide context for issue

• keep students on task

• act as a resource and encourage

• ask Ss to report back to the class

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Combining listening and discussion (1)for an issue:

• no right or wrong answer

• quality of discussion most important

M1 U1

What was Miss Wang’s advice?

Do you agree with it?

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Combining listening and discussion (2)to develop understanding:• of motives and intentions• of character and personality• limitations on actionsM1 U1:Why do you think Miss Wang suggested

that?What would you suggest?

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Page 40: NSEC (unit 1) and teaching the four skills


1 Class discussion: look at the model or reading passage

2 Work in pairs:

• brainstorm ideas

• make a list of ideas

• put them in a logical order

• write the first draft

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Page 42: NSEC (unit 1) and teaching the four skills

Teaching skills: writing (2)3 Correct 1st draft in pairs• swap writing with partner• correct the writing (content, verbs,

punctuation, spelling)• swap back + explain reasons for

changes• write final draft

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I’m back in Nanjing now. My hometown of Jiangsu Province. Climbing a high hill you see the resting place of great leader of China. We have the big lake and river but no sea. Its cool here. Thank you for me staying with you.

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I’m back in Nanjing now. My hometown of Jiangsu Province. Climbing a high hill you see the resting place of great leader of China. We have the big lake and river but no sea. Its cool here. Thank you for me staying with you.

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I have just returned to Nanjing,my hometown in Jiangsu Province. If you climb one of our local hills you will discover the resting place of one of the great Chinese leaders. Nanjing also has a magnificent lake and river but is not near the sea. The weather is cool here now. Thank you for letting me stay with you.

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Thank you!

Any questions:

[email protected]

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