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social media:Four proven models For connecting with people


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How people use decentralized, people-based networks to get the things they need from each other rather than from traditional institutions, like business or media.

Bottom Line: social media isn’t just a list of destinations. it’s a new standard of expectiations.

social media: defined


What is social media anyway?


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People are taking a new “Tac”:

it’s part of how our expectations — our very culture — is shifting.

The vast majority of people report the opinion they trust most is one from “someone like me.” For the first time in our history, peers have bested the wisdom of experts.

No matter how unusual, or obscure the topic, we want — we expect — to be able to find information on it. and not just information, but details, perspectives, and context.

it’s all about how we enter that decision-making situation. We are unwilling to go unarmed, to be at the mercy of the expert on the other side of the table.







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HoW PeoPle aRe UsiNG social media

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The ways people use social media today fall into three key categories:

How We Use it

CONTENT Works like: Blogs




Works like: diggCONNECTIONS

Works like: Facebook

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• Publish a blog or website

• Upload video or pictures

• Create music or mashups

• Write articles or commentary

How We Use it

CONTENT Works like: Blogs




Works like: Facebook

1 create content


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• Create online profiles

• Interact with friends

• Seek out new connections

How We Use it

CONTENT Works like: Blogs




Works like: Facebook

2 make connections


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• Post a rating or review

• Make a comment

• Tag or rank content

• Contribute to articles or wikis

• Vote

How We Use it

CONTENT Works like: Blogs




Works like: diggCONNECTIONS

Works like: Facebook

3 make Recommendations

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How We Use it

48%are “spectators” who

read and use the ideas, reviews, and content

they find

+18% of people create content

25% review and comment

12% tagand collect

25% join and participate

in socialnetworking

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How We Use it

Social media has reached critical mass• 182 million Americans used the social web in 2008

• The most popular YouTube videos have a wider audience than the most-watched Super Bowls

It has an impact• 60–80% of americans look for health information online, rivaling physicians as the

leading source for health answers

• 91% of decision makers for B2B technology purchases refer to blogs and other UGc

It’s not just for kids• 75% of college students use the social web, but so do 60% of the wired wealthy

• Facebook’s fastest growing population is 50+, followed closely by the 41–45 age group

• The average Twitter user is 31

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HoW BRaNds Use social media

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HoW BRaNds Use social media

people like you

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Why do organizations invest in social media?

For many of the same reasons they invest in more traditional marketing and advertising:





• Greater market share• Less price sensitivity• Stronger reputation

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How do people like you Use social media?

This one might take a few pages.

cNeT recently reported that 75% of Fortune 1000 companies will launch a social media campaign this year.

of course, they also noted that 50% of those campaigns will fail.

The strategies that succeed follow one of four proven models.

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let your customers or employees support and connect with each other.

Pros: • Very authentic way to use the social web• inexpensive to operate and can reduce costs

Cons: • Takes a lot of work to seed and build• The crowd can turn on you if you’re


Make sure you: • set expectations: What does success

look like?

1 Build a Community

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• connects tens of thousands of employees

• in a forum to talk to and support one another

• Where they can solve problems, share ideas, archive solutions, build a whole new kind of interconnected culture

• and just be people — who make jokes, have complaints, dig new things

Who else is doing it:• Tivo customers solve each other’s technical problems

• Victoria Secret PINK fans on Facebook vote and chat together

• doylestown Hospital connects its mobile workforce of 360 independent physicians via an iPhone application to provide a highly responsive healing environment for thousands of patients

1 Build a Community: Best Buy’s Blue Shirt Nation

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AARP’s online community gives members access to deep content on issues they care about most and enables them to form their own groups and micro-communities.

• Makes it easy to get started

• Powers multiple ways to find what people like you are thinking and talking about

• Groups run the gamut from caregivers to kittens

• In first year, 350,000 members registered (who use 1,700 groups)

1 Build a Community: AARP

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lotsa Helping Hands is a private, web-based community that organizes family, friends, and neighbors during times of need.

• easily coordinate activities and manage volunteers through a group calendar

• share updates, pictures, and more

• Give people something meaningful and useful to do in a crisis

1 Build a Community: Lotsa Helping Hands

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Pros: • Builds relationships with influencers • Gets real people talking one-to-one

Cons: • scale is limited to personal networks• more difficult to listen to the conversation about

your brand because it is widely dispersed

Make sure you: • encourage fans to be transparent about any

direct contact they have with you, samples they receive, and so on

it’s about inspiring individuals to carry your message into the places they talk, connect, and create.

2 Energize Passionate People

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it takes a new way of thinking.

What’s wrong with this picture?

2 Energize Passionate People

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it wasn’t built to be easy to pass on.

• Bold• succinct• action oriented

2 Energize Passionate People

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• Built its social media strategy on a core tenet of the brand: We’re a customer service organization that happens to sell shoes

• Hundreds of associates and executives use social media to connect one-on-one with customers

• They answer questions, give advice, solve problems, build relationships

• To create brand ambassadors who cannot stop telling “i ♥ Zappos” stories

Who else is doing it:• Ford Fiesta is offering a six-month test drive

• dell won big with free laptops

• iBm supports its bloggers and alumni

• aurora Health and others are “tweeting” cutting-edge surgeries

2 Energize Passionate People: Zappos Customer Service

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• Rallied a passionate community around a new, inspirational story

• asked students to share their aspirations and feedback in lots of social mediums

• aggregated the collective experience

• operationalized a larger strategy that enabled potential students to connect with counselors on the social web

2 Energize Passionate People: Capital University

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Pros: • connects you to the best ideas inside your own

company and in your larger community• often very cost effective, leveraging resources

you already have

Cons: • can generate overwhelming content• can take your brand in inauthentic directions

Make sure you: • Have a very savvy filter for the input

imagine if you could get the very best development or marketing ideas you’d never thought of from people who actually use your product.

3 Find a Good Idea

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• leveraged a idea crowdsourcing engine called innocentive that connects problems to solvers

• Took on a sticky problem: how to separate frozen oil from water

• connected with an unlikely “expert”: an illinois chemist from the concrete industry

• Got an almost immediate solution to a 20-year-old problem

Who else is doing it:• Bell canada’s employees share ideas and vote the best

ones to the top for executive review

• mini listened to what its customers were saying online to target its marketing

• P&G gets fresh ideas from pet owners who log in to share insights

3 Find a Good Idea: Exxon

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over the years, many of the most compelling panels and presentations for the sXsW interactive Festival have come directly from the online community. Their social strategy harnesses the power of those crowd-sourced ideas both to bring the best content to the conference and to build reputation and attendance.

• Built an application that accepts and categorizes panel ideas from the industry

• in 2009, 100 of the 150 sessions were created and selected by the community

• Tens of thousands of attendees and supporters vote

• Hundreds of thousands read about the panels on blogs and in other social media

3 Find a Good Idea: SxSW

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Partnered with the National comprehensive cancer Network to find new insights that would change their approach.

• learned that newly diagnosed patients aren’t ready to make “business executive” decisions

• instead, their primary care physician is the #1 influencer of where they seek treatment

• suddenly, marketing mattered

3 Find a Good Idea: Memorial Sloan-Kettering

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it takes a new way of thinking.

What could go wrong with this video?

3 Find a Good Idea

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Talking to you audience makes all the difference.

• Resonance• authenticity• accuracy

3 Find a Good Idea

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Pros: • creates significant conversation• Builds brand perceptions and attachments

Cons: • Hard to do• Tends to be a long-term commitment

Make sure you: • Test the concept with users of social media

before you go live

The toughest way to use social mediais also one of the best: give people something they need.

4 Meet a Need to Make a Connection

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• Needed a relevant way to participate in social media

• scanned the various tools and networks people use, looking for a gap

• Found a limitation on Facebook: members can send email-like messages, but can’t add attachments

• Built a branded app that filled the gap — winning 1000,000 installs in the first 48 hours, #1 most active page, and lots of repeat users

Who else is doing it:• american express is offering tools for small business

• Brooklyn museum gave new photographers an exhibit curated by a social community

4 Meet a Need to Make a Connection: FedEx

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• Knew where to be when crisis struck

• connected a community overwhelmed by floodwaters with the latest information on service access

• Helped families outside the region connect to loved ones

• earned thousands of views, referrals, and loyal fans with timely updates and community action

4 Meet a Need to Make a Connection: Innovis Health

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Goodwill of Greater Washington, dc uses a personal voice and a very unexpected strategy to meet the needs of price-conscious fashionistas in the region.

• Goodwill transformed their live fashion show into a virtual fashion show

• and supported the event year round with a blog featuring quality clothes on the cheap

• The social media strategy is supported by an online store

• Nearly 4000 people visit the blog every week

• and, one out of every 14 readers buys something at the online store

4 Meet a Need to Make a Connection: Good Will

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How Should You Use Social Media?

There’s really just one essential thing to keep in mind: It should provide value to the customer and to the brand.

looking at it another way, the circles could read:• true to the core of your brand• new or unexpectedeFFeCTIVe SoCIaL MedIa STraTeGy

VaLUe To clieNT

VaLUe To cUsTomeR

ah, the big question.

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Start with an Honest Appraisal

most conservative andleast powerful tactics

• listening tools

• private communities

• blogs

• targeted applications

• moderated contests

• licensed tools

• social networks

• sponsored communities

• idea generation

most powerful andleast conservative tactics




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Set a Strategy:

start with who you want to talk to, not what technology you’ll use.

Your Social Media Strategy

Get to know what your audience does on the social web

decide which social technologies to use

define what you want to accomplish




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Above All Else: Be Authentic

Technology changes our expectations for behavior, our standards for etiquette. social media is no exception. a few live-by rules:

1. Listen, then talk. Know your community. Be relevant. Hear other opinions.

2. Set expectations and deliver on them. Try to be consistent. Focus on a topic. let people know when things change.

3. Be real. Be honest about your identity. speak with your true voice. share your personality. 4. Be personal, don’t broadcast. don’t be one-sided. don’t be overly promotional. don’t repeat,

repeat, repeat.

5. Be responsive. engage in conversation. Reply quickly. answer questions.

6. Edit. don’t overwhelm with frequency. Be brief. Be compelling.

7. Be a good host. Thank your community. make people feel comfortable. Translate new terms, and insider references.

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Bringing it all together:capital University

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STRATEGY | Value Proposition



Capital Universityprovides a

So studentsbecome

Core attribute: Core benefit:

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Driving Traffic

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DRIVING TRAFFIC | Sidewalk Chalk

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DRIVING TRAFFIC | URL on Chalkboards

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DRIVING TRAFFIC | Desktop Backgrounds

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MICROSITE | willyou.capital.edu

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MICROSITE | YouTube Embed

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MICROSITE | Facebook Integration

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MICROSITE | Facebook Page

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MICROSITE | Flickr Feed

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MICROSITE | Flickr Tagged Search

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MICROSITE | Customized Backgrounds

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RECRUITMENT | Expanding The Audience

THE CHALLENGE: convince acceptedstudents to commit to Capital for the comingacademic year

• 5 admission counselors• 5,000 accepted students• 1 month timeframe• 600 student commitment goal

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RECRUITMENT | Expanding The Audience

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• Counselor invitation• Share Capital Facebook page• Event invitation for “College

Choice Day”

RECRUITMENT | Expanding The Audience


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RECRUITMENT | Introductions

Subject: Hi, I’m your Capital University counselor.

Hey ______,

My name is __________, and I’m your admissions counselor at CapitalUniversity.

Any question you have about Capital (seriously, anything) I’m here toanswer.

I’m sending this email to remind you that the national deadline forenrollment is just around the corner — May 1. Don’t forget to submit adeposit. You can submit yours to Capital online here:www.capital.edu/deposits

Also, the students on our campus just got involved in something I think ispretty cool (even the university administration got involved!)

See it at willyou.capital.edu

If you have any questions for me, the best place to reach me is onFacebook. Add me as a friend here: <link>

Hope you’re having a great end to high school. Let me know what I can doto make your college choice an easy one.


If you’d rather not get an email from me, I understand. Just reply to thismessage and type “no thanks” in the subject line. (That way I’ll find iteasily.)

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RECRUITMENT | Building The Community

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RECRUITMENT | Adding Relevant Content

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RECRUITMENT | Creating An Event

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#1 in24 hrs

In less than a day,our page gainedmore fans than anyother Capital page ,and our Facebookpresence was 2ndonly to Capital’salumni group.

RESULTS | The Numbers

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RESULTS | The Numbers

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140Number of “Will You”statements left onFacebook page

RESULTS | The Numbers

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Capital was ableto exceed targetenrollment — ina year when mostprivate schoolswere forced toaccept lowernumbers.

RESULTS | The Numbers

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120,000 Total unique visitsto micrositein 3 months.

RESULTS | The Numbers

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leigh [email protected]


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