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Page 1: Our Lady of San Juan Independent Agent since 2003 … · Juan de los Lagos! God’s Blessings to all! 5/3/15—7/26/15 Congr[tul[tions S_niors ... el Evangelio de hoy era un lago

Our Lady of San Juan Parish & Shrine

3231 El Paso Street Office: 210-433-9722 Fax: 210-433-9526

Parish Staff: Fr. Richard R. Hall, OMI Pastor

Fr. Richard Guerra, OMI Vicar

Deacon Albert Salinas

Mrs. Barbara Duncan, Bookkeeper Ms. Yolanda Puente, Receptionist Mrs. Lisa Moya Ms. Linda Hall Ms. Estela Barrientes Mrs. Eileen Loa Mrs. Isabel Salinas

Religious Education—210-432-1210 Mrs. Alma Mendez

Parish Hall—210-434-6361

Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas Saturday 5:00pm (Spanish) Sunday 8:00am (Spanish) 10:00am (Spanish) 12 N (English) Tues. & Thurs. 8:30am (English) Wed. & Fri 8:30am (Spanish)

Reconciliation/Confesiones Saturdays: 4:00pm or by appointment

Adoration of Blessed Sacrament First Tuesday of month 7:00 PM

Celebrations Baptisms: Pre-Baptism classes required for Parents and Sponsors; call for information; Quinceañeras: call the office for information Weddings: at least 6 months advance notice

Office Hours Monday—Friday: 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am to 5:00pm Sunday: 8:30am to 2:00pm


Have you considered God calling you to serve as a Brother or Priest? If so….

Contact Fr. Richard Hall, OMI at Vocations Office 210-349-1475

[email protected]







In Loving Memory of Eluterio M & Martina M



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Lif_ & H_[lth Insur[n]_ Ready to Serve You!

Dalia Landeros Independent Agent since 2003

San Antonio, Texas Lic.#1291222

Mobile: (210) 501-2296 [email protected]

Our Lady of San Juan Parish & Shrine Staffed and under the care of the

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

The Cavalry Of Christ Oblate Missionaries banned together to

evangelize the Rio Grande Valley & Texas traveling by horseback. Get a copy of this

history printed in the Office.

In Loving Memory of Josefa Aguirre Castro


Sons & Daughters


Farewell & Thank You Fr. Richard R Hall, OMI

May the Lord guide you in your new assignment;

thank you for all you’ve done for the Parish; love you & we’ll miss you.


Virg_n]it[ ^_ S[n Ju[n

Intercede a tu Hijo Resucitado por todos los Enfermos y

Necesitados quienes acuden a Ti. Te lo suplica un feligrés de la

Parroquia San Juan de los Lagos 5/1/15—7/26/15

Bless Us O Lord! A special prayer for all the Founding Families of the Parish; for the Elderly and all Senior Citizens of San

Juan de los Lagos! God’s Blessings to all!


Congr[tul[tions S_niors Class of 2015

May the Lord Bless you! Hablamos Español y Servimos al Publico

Congr[tul[tions Jose Angel Jacobo On your Confirmation

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Page 2: Our Lady of San Juan Independent Agent since 2003 … · Juan de los Lagos! God’s Blessings to all! 5/3/15—7/26/15 Congr[tul[tions S_niors ... el Evangelio de hoy era un lago

THE WIND & THE SEA Living along the shores of Lake Superior—the “big lake,” as the locals call it—you can often hear the advice, “Respect the lake; don’t take it for granted.” People who know Lake Superior respect its power and watch out for its many moods. Sunken ships and boats crushed into kindling are testimonies to what the lake can do. The readings of this Sunday evoke our memories of the lake, of the mighty Mississippi River, or of the ocean itself. Who but God can control these mighty waters and set limits to their advance? The lake described in today’s Gospel was a body of water subject to sudden storms and churned into dangerous waves by terrible winds. But these mighty agents are subject to God. The sailor and the fisher all respect the water. Even more, they respect the awesome power of the Maker of wind and sea. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The Lord said to Job: Who shut within doors the sea? Who said: Thus far shall you come but no farther! (Job 38:1, 8-11). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting (Psalm 107). Second Reading — Whoever is in Christ is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:14-17). Gospel — Who is this whom even wind and sea obey? (Mark 4:35-41).

EL VIENTO Y EL MAR Los que conocen bien el Lago Superior le tienen un saludable respeto, y siempre están alerta sobre sus caprichosos cambios de ánimo. Muchos barcos hundidos y muchos botes hechos astillas son

testigos de lo que el lago puede hacer cuando está de mal humor. Las lecturas de este domingo nos evocan memorias de ese lago, del poderoso río Mississippi o del océano mismo. ¿Quién, fuera de Dios, podrá controlar esas aguas poderosas, o imponerles límites, diciendo “Hasta aquí llegarás”? El lago que describe el Evangelio de hoy era un lago en el que se levantaban súbitas tormentas, en las que los vientos huracanados agitaban olas enormes. Pero estas fuerzas tan poderosas se someten a la voluntad de Dios. Los marineros y los pescadores le tienen un saludable respeto al poder de las aguas. Pero más todavía respetan el poder del Creador del viento y del mar. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Aquí se romperá la arrogancia de tus olas (Job 38:1, 8-11). Salmo — Demos gracias al Señor por sus bondades (Salmo 107 [106]). Segunda lectura — Ya todo es nuevo (2 Corintios 5:14-17). Evangelio — ¿Quién es éste, a quien hasta el viento y el mar obedecen? (Marcos 4:35-41).

12th Ordinary Sunday Email: [email protected] Domingo 12 Tiempo Ordinario June 21, 2015 www.sanjuanshrinesa.com San Antonio, Texas W M I

Saturday, 5:30pm Spanish + Cervando Barrientez + Juan F. Serrano + María Juan Lerma Alfredo Sánchez ADGVSJ—Susie Villanueva Sunday, 8:00am Spanish + Henry & Mary Parra + Juan C Molina For all Dads Sunday, 10am Spanish + Leonel Molina For All Dads Karis E Selker (child) Sunday, 12 Noon English For all Dads

W M I Lunes: No Hay Misa/No Mass

Gn 12:1-9; Mt 7:1-5

Martes: 8:30am (English) Gn 13:2, 5-18; Mt 7:6, 12-14

+ Ana Victoria Marquez Salas + Ramon Villarreal ADGVSJ– Pauline Cobarrubias Theresa Contreras—BD

Miércoles: 8:30am (Español) Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk

1:57-66, 80 ADGVSJ—Pauline Cobarrubias ADGVSJ—Isabel Ruiz

Jueves: 8:30am (English) Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-

16]; Mt 7:21-29 Daniel Soto—his health ADGVSJ—Pauline Cobarrubias

Viernes: 8:30am (Spanish) Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Mt 8:1-4

+ Sotero Tanariz ADGVSJ—Pauline Cobarrubias

Collection for last week: June 14, 2015 $4,054.43

Archbishop’s 2015 Appeal Pledges $7,582.00 Pd. to Pledges $3,382.00

Parish Goal $8,481.00 Total Gifts -$3,382.00 Bal on Goal $5,099.00

Lectors & MC Schedule June 27-28, 2015

EMC Lectors Saturday/Sábado, 5:00PM

Rosa Tellez Martha Fasci Armandina Garcia Jose Martinez

Sunday/Domingo 8:00am Catarino Mendoz Herminia Guerrero Juan C Carreño Esperanza Castro Carmen Carreño Sylvia Almendarez

Sunday/Domingo 10:00am Gloria Johnson Juanita Vargas Aurelia Vargas Rosa De Leon Jose Farias Consuelo Hernandez Zoila Flores

Sunday/Domingo 12 N David Reyes Adriana Agüero Grace Patlan Valerie Reyes Edward Agüero Cuca Lopez Mike Chavarria

Commentators Schedule Saturday, June 20, 2015 5pm Raquel Benavides Sunday, June 21, 2015 8am Cuca Lopez 10am Gloria Lizarde 12N Liz Gonzalez Saturday, June 27, 2015 5pm Martha Fasci Sunday, June 28, 2015 8am Carmen Carreño 10am Frank Flores 12N

Blessings to our Graduates As the month winds down, we also celebrate our Graduates: may the

Lord watch over you and guide you.

Memorial Plaques You may have noticed the names of

parishioners on plaques...this is in honor of their generosity towards particular projects of the parish. Their kindness

has helped us paint the Church, construct the gardens, pave the parking

lot, purchase nearby home and other projects. Their generosity was above and beyond their normal contribution.

For more information, you may contact the Parish office.

Comfort for the Soul Concert

O.L. of Good Counsel Church presents: Jesus Rodriguez

Singer & Songwriter of Catholic Music Saturday, July 18th, 6:30pm

$15.00 includes, concert & reception

Did you know Catholic Charities of San Antonio

is prepared to help families in many ways? Here you can find help for the elderly

who don’t have a will, immigration help and services, legal service, counseling service for families and so much more.

Call 210-222-1294 for more information

Youth Summer Bible School O.L. of Good Counsel is hosting a

summer Bible school for children July 6th through 11th. Call the parish for

more information.

Las Palmas Library Program For Kids Las Palms library offers summer reading programs for kids every

Monday and Tuesday...check it out.

Good Turn Out! It seems that voter turn out in our area

was up 50%! Good Going!

For All Dads God our Father, in your wisdom

and love you made all things. Bless those fathers, who have

taken upon themselves the responsibility of parenting. Bless those who have lost a spouse to death ...

or divorce who are parenting their children alone. Strengthen them by your love that they may become the loving,

caring persons they are meant to be. We ask through Christ our Lord. Amen!

Felicidades a nuestros Graduados Terminándose el mes de mayo,

celebramos a nuestros graduados: ¡Que Dios les bendiga y los cuide!

Placas de Agradecimiento

De seguro ha notado los nombre de feligreses inscritas en placas...estas son en agradecimiento por su generosidad

para con proyectos de la Parroquia. Han ayudado con el pintar la Iglesia, pavimentar el estacionamiento,

conseguir el terreno vecino, construir los maseteros y otros proyectos. Esta

generosidad fue aparte de su diezmo. Si gusta mas información, favor de

comunicarse con la ofician pastoral.

Un Concierto para el Alma N.S. del Buen Consejo presenta a

Jesús Rodríguez Cantautor y músico Católico Sábado, 18 de julio, 6:30pm

$15.00 incluye entrada y recepción

¿Sabia Usted que Caridades Católicas de

San Antonio están dispuestos para ayudar?

Ayuda para los mayores de edad quienes no tienen su testamento;

inmigración, servicios legales, consejo para familias, y mucho mas. Llame al 210-222-1294 para mas información.

Programa Bíblico para Niños

N.S. del Buen Consejo patrocina un programa bíblico para niños

empezando el 6 al 11 de julio. Llame a la parroquia para mas información.

La Biblioteca Las Palmas

Patrocina programas de lectura de verano para niños cada lunes y martes;

pasen y revisen el horario.

Buena Representación Parece ser que la representación de

votantes en nuestra área aumento 50%!

Mi querido papá... Te doy gracias papá por el padre que has sido para mí. Es cierto

que no has sido perfecto, pero yo tampoco lo he sido… En esta

etapa de mi vida, me doy cuenta cuánto vales mi viejo querido,

gracias por enseñarme el valor de las cosas. Gracias a ti hoy camino por la vida guardando todos los tesoros que me mostraste y que enseñaré un día. Dios te cuide en salud para que mis hijos puedan ver el estupendo padre

que has sido para mí.

— ¿Como es eso?—

Un loco entra a una panadería y le pregunta al panadero: “Señor, ¿ya salió el pan?” Y el panadero le dice: “Sí, ya salió.” Entonces el loco le pregunta: “¿Y a qué hora regresa?”

Try this one: What do you call a fish

with no eye?


Pray for our Ill Orar por Nuestros Enfermos

Melinda Barrientez, Anthony Moratta, John Moratta, Alfredo Ortiz, Gloria Johnson Ramírez, Rita Armendárez, Familia Duron, India Guerra, Irene Mendoza, Joseph A.M. Luna, AJ Moya; Jose Martinez, Ruben Hernandez, Jose Martinez For the Incarcerated at Connolly Unit

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