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  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Paid News

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Paid News has been defined by PCI as- Any

    news or analysis appearing in any media(Print & Electronic) for a price in cash or kindas consideration.

    Press Council of India guidelines say- news

    should be clearly demarcated fromadvertisements by printing disclaimers, should

    be strictly enforced by all publications. As faras news is concerned, it must always carry a

    credit line and should be set in a typeface thatwould distinguish it from advertisements.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Background Political parties and media groups had approached

    the Commission requesting for strong stepsagainst Paid News. Parliament also discussed theissue.

    There was consensus among all political parties intheir meeting with the Commission on 4th October2010 and again on 9th March, 2011 that stringentmeasures should be taken against Paid News.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    The malaise

    Paid News misleads the public and hampers the

    ability of people to form correct opinions.

    Paid News causes undue influence on votersand also affects their Right to Information.

    Paid News seeks to circumvent election

    expenditure laws/ ceiling

    Paid News adversely affects level playing field

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    How to check

    Make paidNews an electoral offence through

    amendment of RP Act, 1951

    Use existing mechanisms of expenditure ceiling

    to curb the menace

    Partner with stakeholders, including political

    parties and media to fight the menace

    Sensitise people on the subject

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Electoral Reforms proposed By ECI

    on Paid News Amendment in the R P Act 1951, to providetherein that publishing and abetting the publishingof `paid news for furthering the prospect of

    election of any candidate or for prejudiciallyaffecting the prospect of election of any candidatebe made an electoral offenceunder chapter-III ofPart-VII of R P Act, 1951 with punishment of aminimum of two years imprisonment.

    Date of proposal 3rdFebruary, 2011

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Steps taken by ECI Starting with June 2010, ECI has issued instructions to

    state and district officers to scrutinize, identify and reportcases of Paid News.

    The Commission has appointed a Media Certification &Monitoring Committee (MCMC) at District and State levelfor checking Paid News.

    The Committee has Officers from Ministry of I&B andState DIPR.

    The Committee will scrutinise all media within its

    jurisdiction to identify political advertisement in the garbof news.

    MCMC shall also actively consider paid news casesreferred to it by the Expenditure Observers.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    District MCMC

    District MCMC shall intimate the Returning Officer

    for issue of notices to candidates for inclusion of

    actual expenditure on the published matter in their

    election expenses account

    or notional expenditure based on DIPR rates in

    their election expenses account irrespective of

    whether the candidate actually has paid or not paid

    any amount to the channel/newspaper. A copy of the notice shall also be marked to

    Expenditure Observer.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    On reference from District MCMC, RO shall give notice

    to the candidates within 96 hrs of publication/

    broadcast/telecast/receipt of complaint to explain why

    expenditure should not be added to the candidates


    District MCMC shall decide on the reply expeditiously

    and convey to the Candidate/Party its final decision.

    In case no reply is received by District MCMC from the

    candidate within 48 hrs of serving of notice, the decision

    of MCMC will be final.

    If decision of District level MCMC is not acceptable tothe candidate, he/she may appeal to State level MCMC

    within 48 hrs of receipt of decision, with information to

    the District MCMC.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Appeal Mechanism

    The State level MCMC shall dispose of the case

    within 96 hrs of receipt of appeal and convey the

    decision to the Candidate with a copy to District

    level MCMC. The Candidate may appeal against the decision

    of State level MCMC to ECI within 48 hrs of

    receiving of order from this Committee. The

    decision of ECI shall be final.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Additional Checks

    District Collectors have been instructed to takemeeting with Political Parties as well as mediahouses to alert them against surrogateadvertising and Paid News and consequences of


    Political parties and media houses have beenbriefed and sensitized in advance at HQs.

    ECI has written to Press Council of India forsupport to strengthen this mechanism.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Decided cases of paid news

    Once the cases are decided as paid news, the

    print media cases should be sent to ECI for

    referring it to PCI for action against theconcerned Media House.

    Paid News cases related to electronic media are

    to be referred by the Commission to National

    Broadcasters Association for consideration byNational Broadcasting Standards Authority


  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Some Illustrations

    Identical articles with photographs andheadlines appearing in competing publications

    carrying by-lines of different authors around the

    same time.

    On the same page of specific newspapers,

    articles praising competing candidates claiming

    that both are likely to win the same elections.

    News item stating that one candidate is gettingthe support of each and every section of society

    and that he would win elections from the


  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Illustrations-more News items favouring a candidate, not carrying any


    Newspaperpublishing a banner headline stating that aparty/candidate is ready to create history in the

    state/constituency but not carrying any news item related

    to this headline.

    News item saying that the good work done by a

    Party/Candidate had marginalised the electoral prospects

    of the other party/candidate in the state with each and

    every sentence of the news item in favour of the


  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Illustrations - more

    There are instances of fixed size news items, each sayof a length of 125-150 words with a double-column

    photo. The fixed size news items hid more than theyrevealed. News items are seldom written in such a rigid

    format and size whereas advertisements are most often. In specific newspapers, multiple font types and multiple

    drop case styles were noticed within the same page of asingle newspaper. This happened because just abouteverything the layouts, fonts, printouts, photographs

    was provided by candidates who had paid for slots inthe pages of the newspaper.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Considerations PCI has not provided any conclusive criteria to adjudge

    Paid News

    The illustrations and decided case examples of Paid News

    are for guidance of MCMC. These are not exhaustive.

    Application of mind by MCMC is the key. Hence,

    decisions should always be by the committee and not by


    PCI has expressed inability to nominate members todistrict committees. Nominations by DEOs should be


    St t

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    StatusStatus of Paid News Cases duringGeneral Election of Bihar-2010

    SI No. Name of State/UT No. of Paid News Cases

    1. Bihar 15

    Status of Paid News Cases during Assembly General Election in 2011

    SI No. Name of State/UT No. of cases, in which

    notices to the candidate


    No. of confirmed

    cases of Paid

    News1. Kerala 65 652. Puducherry 3 33. Assam 42 27

    4. West Bengal 15 85. Tamil Nadu* 11 22

    SI No. Name of State/UT No. of cases, in which

    notices to the candidate


    No. of confirmed

    cases of Paid News

    1. Uttar Pradesh 97 972. Uttarakhand 60 30

    3. Punjab* 339 523

    4. Goa* 63 9

    5. Manipur Nil Nil

    6. Gujarat 495 414

    7. Himachal Pradesh 190 104

    Status of Paid News Cases during Assembly General Election in 2012

    *Certain cases are still in process. Some are getting modified.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    StatusStatus of Paid News Cases during Assembly General Election in 2013

    SI No. Name of State/UT No. of cases, inwhich notices to

    the candidate


    No. of confirmed cases ofPaid News

    1. Tripura No No

    2. Meghalaya No No

    3. Nagaland No No

    4. Karnataka 93 93

    5. Madhya Pradesh 279 165

    6. Delhi 80 25

    7. Chhattisgarh 35 32

    8. Rajasthan 110 81

    9. Mizoram 0 0

    *Certain cases are still in process. Some are getting modified.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Challenges There is circumstantial evidence, but little proof.

    Establishing transaction of cash or kind is indeednot very easy, as it is usually done without anyrecord and promptly denied by both sides, whenenquired.

    Media violations, surrogate advertisement andunreported advertisements are often mistaken asPaid News by MCMC. A suspect case of Paid Newsonly begins from a newsitem.

    Timelines are quite tight. However if these are notmaintained, it is not possible to account expenditureon Paid News in a particular election process.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Way ahead The Commission considers self regulation by

    political parties, candidates and media housesas one of the main solution to this malaise.

    The enforcement needs to be more

    streamlined and the instructions would requirehigher clarity.

    As the Commissions intention is more

    preventive rather than punitive, it is

    undertaking educational campaign on PaidNews involving political parties, media housesand other stakeholders.

  • 8/12/2019 Paid News- As on January, 2014


    Thank You

    Communications Division

    Election Commission of India

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