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Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

PanSTARRS Gigapixel Camera PanSTARRS Gigapixel Camera SystemSystem

Scope of Gigapixel Camera effort. WIYN telescope collaboration. OTA development status OTA test plan OTA package, focal plane and cryostat

design. OTA controller electronics design and


OutlineJohn Tonry (IFA), Gerard Luppino (IFA), Peter Onaka (IFA), Barry Burke (MITLL)

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Scope of Gigapixel Camera EffortScope of Gigapixel Camera Effort

YES Maybe? NO

OTA Detectors• OTA Packages• OTA Focalplane• Camera Cryostat• OTA Controller Electronics• Camera Diagnostics• Host Image Acquisition Computers • Software for OTA operation• Software for Guiding.• Detector Calibration Info. (e.g. flats, biases, darks, linearity, etc.)

Host Computer Network Shutter Detectors for Telescope collimation and focus. Instrumental Signature Info. (fringing, scattered light, etc.) Cryostat Window

Filter Server Instrument Rotator (if Alt/Az) Telescope Control Telescope optical alignment Sky probe hardware and software Flatfield Illumination Scheduler Software Pipeline Software

Part of Detector/Camera System Scope?

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

WIYN Telescope CollaborationWIYN Telescope Collaboration

Non Binding Collaboration WIYN Developing One-Degree Imager (ODI)

• Camera System Nearly Identical to one of the PanSTARRS Gigapixel Cameras.

WIYN Contribution PanSTARRS Contribution

Develop 2nd source for OTAs• STA (Bredthauer)

WIYN Telescope time for OTA testing. Procurement of large filters. Detector testing and characterization. MONSOON controller

Lend four OTAs for WIYN/QUOTA camera Design for QUOTA camera (copy of PanSTARRS test camera). OTA package design. OTA operating software OTA controller design.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


Overview of OTA Principal design and process

challenges• Pixel layout• Logic design, fabrication, and recent

results• Metallization and interconnects

Other OTA design issues and options• Die size and pads• Enhanced substrate E fields• Compatibility of design with CMOS option• Mini-OTA (MOTA) options

Process options and lot-1 splits Design status and summary

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Orthogonal Transfer Array Orthogonal Transfer Array (OTA)(OTA)

88 array of small OTCCDs , each ~500 500 pixels*

OTCCD cells independently clocked via on-chip control logic

Cells read out one row at a time at 1-MHz read rate; readout time ~ 2 s

Subset of cells (typically five) selectable for tracking guidestars at ~30-Hz rates

*(12 um: 480 x 496; gaps 9 x 28, 10 um: 574 x 594; gaps 11 x


OTCCD cells

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

DetectorDetector Details – OverviewDetails – Overview

Each CCD cell of a 4K 4K OTA Independent ~500 500-

pixel CCDs• Individual or collective

addressing• 1 arcmin field of view

Dead cells excised, yield >50%• Bad columns confined to cells

Cells with bright stars for guiding

8 output channels per OTA • Fast readout (8 amps, 2 sec)

Disadvantage – 0.1 mm gaps, but gaps and dead cells are dithered out anyway

5 cm

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


Overview of OTA Principal design and process

challenges• Pixel layout• Logic design, fabrication, and recent

results• Metallization and interconnects

Other OTA design issues and options• Die size and pads• Enhanced substrate E fields• Compatibility of design with CMOS option• Mini-OTA (MOTA) options

Process options and lot-1 splits Design status and summary

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Principal ChallengesPrincipal Challenges

OTCCD• OTCCD yield was low until recently (lot 4)• Pixel layout appears to be critical to high yield

Control logic• Except for some preliminary test structures nMOS has

not been part of Lincoln CCD process• Design and simulation learning curve

Metallization• Extensive use of two levels of metal• New planarized metal process recently developed on

other programs; test-structure data are encouraging

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Polysilicon stackup must be minimized• High stresses may be a factor• Metallization process requires low gate profile (see

subsequent chart) OTCCD lot 4 had high yield after pixel re-design Design rules

• Max of two poly layers over channel stops• Max of three poly layers over channel regions

OTCCD Process IssuesOTCCD Process Issues

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Original pixel layout

Three-poly stacks onlyAreas of three- and four-poly stacks

Revised pixel layout

Poly PileupPoly Pileup

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


Type 1 OTCCD• Most experience with this

style: 2K 4K, 1024 1320, 512 512 (all 15-µm pixels)

• 2K 4K now has good yield (CCID-28, lot 4)

Type 2• Higher symmetry but no

obvious fabrication advantage

• Only 512 512 (15-µm pixels) made thus far

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

OTA Pixel DesignsOTA Pixel Designs

Experience to date is with 15-µm pixels

Desired pixel sizes are ≤ 12 µm• 12-µm pixel: low risk• 10 µm: moderate risk• 8 µm: high risk• Tight trade space:

Example of 10-µm pixel design

Poly3, poly4layout

Poly stackup

Minimum polylinewidth Well capacity

Poly1, poly2layout


Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Pixel Design ChoicesPixel Design Choices

Current plan: four versions of OTA, each with different pixel layout

Two 12-µm-pixel designs as lowest risk • OTA-a: type 1• OTA-b: type 2

Two 10-µm pixel designs, both scaled from 12-µm layouts, as somewhat higher risk but closer to desired pixel size

• OTA-c: type 1 (scaled OTA-a pixel)• OTA-d: type 2 (scaled OTA-b pixel)

Pixel a Pixel b

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Logic Design ConsiderationsLogic Design Considerations

Requirements• Cells must be independently addressable• Parallel clocks for each cell can be set to one of

three states– Active (image readout, update pixel shifts, etc.)– Standby (image acquisition between updates)– Floating (shorted phases)

• Cell outputs read out one row at a time– Maximum of one cell/column read at any time

Desired• Low FET count, compact layout• Low power• Compatible with parallel shift rate > 100 kHz

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Control Logic OverviewControl Logic Overview

NMOS logic chosen• Easy to add to n-channel CCD process(+)• Power inefficient (-)

Early start on development• Oct 2002: SPICE parameter extraction from test

MOSFETs on CCID-28, lot 4• February 2003: preliminary OTA logic designs added to

SST mask set• June 2003: logic designs on SST wafers in test!

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Addressing and Control Addressing and Control Logic:Logic:

Current DesignCurrent Design

Data are latched at each cell until addressed again

Flexible operation• Cell can be clocked

with video on or off• Standby mode

during science image acquisition

• Defective parallel gates can float

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Final Control Logic DesignFinal Control Logic Design

39 FETs, 0.6–0.8 mW power dissipation

Operation with VDD=5.0 V; accepts inputs with 5-V CMOS-compatible levels

Further variants under study for inclusion as test structures

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Logic Designs on SST WafersLogic Designs on SST Wafers

Designs• Simple building-block circuits• Preliminary OTA addressing

and control logic (since modified)

• Advanced aggressive designs Important validation of design

and simulation methodologies

Original OTA logic design (61 FETs)

Closeup of circuit

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

First Test Circuit ResultsFirst Test Circuit Results

Latch circuit works for VDD= 5.0 V

Two versions (different design rules) successful

Threshold voltages somewhat higher than expected• Fix is simple

implant-dose adjustment








Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Additional NMOS Test ResultsAdditional NMOS Test Results

First version of OTA control logic works!

Design from January; uses 61 FETs

Functions with VDD=5 V

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


OTA uses large amount of wiring

Two levels of metal (light and dark blue)

Design rules kept deliberately relaxed• Line widths and

spacings 5 µm

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Metallization Process: Metallization Process: Planarized Dielectrics with W Planarized Dielectrics with W

PlugsPlugs Same approach as used in

current CMOS processes Process outline:

• Thick oxide deposited and planarized (CMP)

• Contact holes etched, filled with W (damascene process)

• Metal straps• Repeat for second metal

Advantages• W plugs can be narrower

and deeper than conventional contacts for AlSi

• Planar surface better for fine lithography

Shorts yield from test wafers is high

Poly stackups must be minimized to maintain poly/metal isolation Cross section from CCID-34 test wafer

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Metal Strapping ExperimentsMetal Strapping Experiments

Used existing large imager (~20 cm2) mask set and added metal straps over chanstops

Critical test (gate shorts induced by straps) showed high yield

Significant differences from standard LL CCD process• Dry-etched metal (vs. wet)• Ti/TiN/AlSi (vs. AlSi)• W plugs (new)

Metal straps

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Metallization OptionsMetallization Options

Placing digital-related lines over pixel arrays increases fill factor by 3.3%• Is this a worthwhile gain?

Process implications• Greater chance of

metal/poly shorts• More room for metal lines:

fewer metal/metal shorts• Metal lines can be wider:

faster clocking, less vulnerable to line breaks

Metal-over-pixels option requires three mask changes

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


Overview of OTA Principal design and process

challenges• Pixel layout• Logic design, fabrication, and recent

results• Metallization and interconnects

Other OTA design issues and options• Die size and pads• Enhanced substrate E fields• Compatibility of design with CMOS option• Mini-OTA (MOTA) options

Process options and lot-1 splits Design status and summary

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Die SizeDie Size

Exclusion zone > 5 mm chosen die size = 49.5 49.5 mm

Compatible with STA/Dalsa requirements

Saw kerf ≈ 70 µm sawn die size = 49.43 49.43 mm

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Pad LayoutPad Layout

Mirror symmetric pad layout: FI and BI devices use same package and I/O




Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Deep Depletion with Deep Depletion with Substrate BiasSubstrate Bias

– Chanstop and bottom substrate electrically connected: bottom substrate cannot be biased

+ Chanstop and bottom substrate electrically isolated: bottom substrate can be biased

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Advantages of Deep Advantages of Deep DepletionDepletion


– Improved high-energy x-ray response


Back illuminated

– Increased vertical E fields tighter PSF


Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Measured Depletion DepthsMeasured Depletion Depths

Deep-depletion CCD (CCID-42)• 512512, 15-µm-pixel

frame-transfer device• Same pinouts as all

previous 5122 devices Data taken from

capacitance-voltage test structure that represents CCD layout

Depletion depths > 150 µm easily achieved

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Data from MIT/CSRX-ray Data from MIT/CSR

Si absorption length at 22 keV=1370 µm• QE depletion

depth Improved detection

of high-quality events• ~2 count

increase consistent with ~2 increase in depletion depth

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Deep DepletionDeep Depletion

Current plans• Thin four CCID-42 chips to varying thicknesses (60 –

150 µm)• Measure QE and PSF vs. thickness and substrate bias

(data relevant to Pan-STARRS)• Devices ready for test in 2 – 3 months• Backside treatment: II/LA or chemisorption charging?

OTA design can include deep-depletion option

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Why OTA/CMOS Hybrid?Why OTA/CMOS Hybrid?

Advantages• Risk reduction if monolithic OTA fails• Simplifies OTCCD processing (no NMOS, large network

of metal lines)• Pathfinder for more on-sensor processing in CMOS• Possible improvement in fill factor

Disadvantages• Additional costs: CMOS design, fab & test, bump

bonding• Adjustments to thinning process

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

OTA chip CMOS control chip

Bump bonding

Hybrid OTA/CMOS sensor

Hybrid OTAHybrid OTA

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

OTA Design for CMOS HybridOTA Design for CMOS Hybrid

Optional metal mask brings all OTA cell functions to pads for bumping

Can be done as process split (one mask change, two mask steps deleted)

Fill factor uncertain; better than baseline but maybe not as good as metal-over-pixels

Space allows double pads/function for redundancy

OTA cell

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

CMOS/OTA AttachmentCMOS/OTA Attachment

1. Attach CMOS die to OTA wafer2. Underfill with epoxy

3. Attach handle wafer (with epoxy)4. Flush-thin CCD wafer

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

OTA/CMOS Hybrid SensorOTA/CMOS Hybrid Sensor

After bonding After CCD thinning, pad-via etch,back-surface treatment

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Mini OTAsMini OTAs

MOTA is 22-cell version of OTA

Opportunity to try advanced features

• Two-phase serial register• Dual output gates• Higher performance logic

designs Useful as monitor devices

(QE, PSF, etc.) ~12 die possible Fits in conventional PGA

Tentative wafer layout

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Process Splits for Lot 1Process Splits for Lot 1


Type 1

Type 1 Type 2

Type 2

12m 12m


Wafers Split Options

1-4 Baseline process

5-8 CMOS

9-10 CMOS + deeper depletion

11-13 Metal over gates

14-16Metal over gates + deeper depletion

17-19Deeper depletion + higher resistivity

20-22 Deeper depletion

23-24 Look ahead

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Test Plan for OTAsTest Plan for OTAs

Device selection phase (Mar –Jun 2004)• Approximately 16 different devices

– Pixel size, CMOS logic, deeper depletion, shutter, etc.• MOTAs with more exotic choices• Serious, thorough testing necessary during a short time

which will lead to final, production OTA design choices.

Production testing (Oct 2004 – Oct 2006)• Wafer probe frontside for S/O (powered up?); excise cells?• Wafer probe backside, cold (packages are valuable)• OTA test, tune, and select• 300 OTAs need testing (20,000 CCDs!), so we need well

designed, stable test setups, software, and analysis tools.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Design Selection PhaseDesign Selection Phase

Clocking / pixel performance• CTI• Pocket density• Cosmetics• Dark current• Image persistence• QE non-uniformity, fringing• QE• Full well• Clocking time constants• Charge diffusion• Goodies

– Electronic shutter– 2-phase serial

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Design Selection PhaseDesign Selection Phase

Amplifier performance• Read noise• 1/f knee – noise versus speed• Linearity• Amplifier / logic glow• Cross – talk: inter-cell, inter-OTA• Goodies:

– pJFET?

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Design Selection PhaseDesign Selection Phase

Package/cells• CR and radioactivity rate• Addressing• Cell excision:

– Laser/ultrasonic excision?– Tri-state logic?

• OTA metrology– Flatness– Placement of dice on package

• Epoxy squeeze-out, epoxy voids• Bond wire masking / covering of bright scatterers

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


Controller• New controllers must be thoroughly tested and understood! • Features

– Alter clocking / bias voltages– Read out full chip or arbitrary binned subarray– 1 Mpix readout at 4e- noise– Slow readout for better noise

Dewars and focal planes• 1 OTA, quick swap• 2 x 4 OTA, 2 controller: test 2x2, QUOTA/OCTOTA for sky• MOTA package / testing

Test setup• X-ray source• Monochromator / photodiode (inside dewar?)• Optical images focussed on detectors (sub pixel?)

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Testing SetupTesting Setup

Replace normal dewar window with “Snoutus Maximus”• Simultaneous x-ray stimulation from Fe55 or optical

light• Complete test sequence in one 5 hour cool-down cycle

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing – QualitativeX-ray Testing – Qualitative

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative



Pixel Value



Pixel Value

Perfect CTE Bad CTE

Serial CTI

Parallel CTI

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

Slop2• Determine and subtract bias level• Generate and subtract “local sky”• Reconstruct split pixels (if requested)• Identify K-alpha pixel values as a function of (x,y)• Fit a plane

Gain derived from plane intercept at (0,0) Noise derived from overclocks CTE parallel from y slope, CTE serial from x slope Other features sometimes visible in pixel value


Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

Plot pixel values as a function of column (x) and row (y)

K-alpha (1620 e-) and K-beta (1780 e-) are visible

Junk on right comes from a bright defect and associated bleed column.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

Here’s the associated histogram of pixel values.



Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

Clean up split events, threshold on single x-ray events…

Define “CTE” as –log(CTI) (it’s the “number of 9’s” of

CTE) This chip loses 0.1%

across 2048 serial pixels, hence CTE_serial = 6.43.

It loses 0.3% across 4096 parallel pixels, hence CTE_parallel = 6.13

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

Here’s the associated histogram of pixel values.

Gain is 1620 e- / 1320 ADU = 1.22 e/ADU

Noise is 2.86 ADU from the overclocks = 3.48 e-. K


Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

LHS: <SPE> = 1305 ADU RHS: <SPE> = 1261 ADU

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

This chip has a number of bright defects that I tried to minimize by cooling to –130

The chip loses 3.6% across 2048 serial pixels, hence CTI_serial = 4.77

It loses 1.5% across 4096 parallel pixels, hence CTI_parallel = 5.44

This poor behavior is because it’s at –130C, and would not be detectable optically – the trap time is so long that any edge pattern would look very sharp.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

Gain is 1620 e- / 1320 ADU = 1.22 e/ADU

Noise is 2.46 ADU from the overclocks = 3.01 e-.

Even when the charge transfer is not working very well, it’s possible to characterize the amplifier’s performance.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

This chip has a slight block in the serial register.

You would not see it from images, but it stands out clearly in the x-ray pixel values as a function of column.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Optical Testing - LinearityOptical Testing - Linearity

• Conventional linearity test with variable length exposures

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing - QuantitativeX-ray Testing - Quantitative

Take a few x-ray images at different VDD, and choose the optimum VDD.

VDD which minimizes noise is usually very obvious.

If VDD is too low the noise goes way up as gain drops precipitously; if it’s too high the noise goes up and the amplifier may start glowing.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

X-ray Testing – Charge X-ray Testing – Charge DiffusionDiffusion

• Charge diffusion will be more important in the future– Better red response

requires thicker devices– CCD cost is proportional to

area, so smaller pixels are desirable

– Diffusion is proportional to CCD thickness

• The distribution of split pixel values is sensitive to the charge diffusion, and Fe55 x-rays can provide a sensitive measure of diffusion length – 0.33 pixel = 5m in this case.

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Optical Testing - QEOptical Testing - QE

Measure about 20 points, especially where QE is changing rapidly.

Similar devices are probably very similar – don’t bother QE testing all of them.

Good opportunity to characterize fringing and other non-flatness (e.g. brick wall pattern in the blue)

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

Test Data and DatabaseTest Data and Database

Typical test data• Dark images (3 temps, 3 exposure times: 0, 100, 1000 sec)• X-ray images (4 VDD, 4 clock volts, 3 clock speeds)• Monochromator images (20 wavelength, 8 exposure time x 4

VDD)• Focussed images (8 exposure time x 4 VDD)

– Test pattern (look at resolution)– Image with structure (look for linearity)– Point sources (look for cross-talk, image persistence)– Low level uniform and pocket pumping

Detector database• 300 OTA x 100 images x 32 Mb = 1 Tb• 20,000 CCD x (Noise, gain, QE, CTI, dark, full well, linearity,

cosmetics, pocket density, diffusion, preferred biases and clock volts and timings, comments, etc, etc…)

This requires a high degree of organization and uniformity!

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


(Read noise)2 (Read time) ~ 50 (goal) 100 (probable?) 200 (unacceptable?)

(Diffusion) / (Thickness) ~ (7-Vsub) -1/2 / 3

(QE @ 1 m) ~ 0.16 (Thickness / 40m)

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


Controller hardware• Component selection mid-Aug• PCBs CAD complete Oct• Flex cabling Nov• Controller prototype Dec-Jan

Controller software• Gbit ethernet tested Aug• Compact PCI throughput Aug• Centroid & shift Aug/Sep• Pixel server software Nov• OTA control development Oct-Dec

Test suite• Define tests Sep 1• Design test bench Oct 1• Define software Oct 15• Acq/fab test bench Nov 15• Test software complete Jan 1, 2004

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03


Cryostat• Package design Oct 1• Dewar and focal plane Nov 1• Hermetic cabling Dec 1• Packages complete Jan 1, 2004

Detectors• Layout finished Aug 15• Layout checked Sep 2• Masks ordered Sep 4• Start lot Sep 8• Frontside chips available Mar 1, 2004• CMOS addressing chips avail Mar 15, 2004• Thinned OTAs available May 15, 2004• Decision on Lot 2 design Jun 30, 2004

Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03Pan-STARRS Preliminary Requirements Review 04 Aug 03

PSF ShapingPSF Shaping

Planet occultations• Jupiter at 10-2, Earth at 10-4

S/N of 104 per readout by psf shaping• Jupiter easy, Earth possible…

0.002 mag

rms ~ 0.4 mmag

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