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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Peak Performance Quiz andPeak Performance Quiz and

3 Step Guide to 3 Step Guide to Peak PerformancePeak Performance

Using your I.D.Using your I.D.™™ for greater success and fulfilmentfor greater success and fulfilment

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Be True to You

Do you want to be

a power in the world?

Then be yourself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

What is Peak Performance?

Can you imagine what’s it like to consistently operate at your best?

Can you see yourself enjoying: high levels of fulfilment and success; positive self-esteem and self-confidence; rewarding relationships; good physical and emotional health and great energy?

Each of us has a way of operating that suits us perfectly: when we can do things our waythe great results we want from life all seem to come together.

If you operate in a way which is natural to you, you will experience greater success, less stress and more fulfilment in everything you do!

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

The benefits of Peak Performance

When you’re operating in a way that’s true to you can expect to experience these 8 things.

Throughout your life, you’ll have times of great success and fulfilment where you are free to operate in your natural way.

When you’re in peak performance it’s like the world is working with you and you’ll not only be achieving the results that you want; you’ll also experience great physical and emotional health and the high energy levels that come with these.

And when challenges do come along…you feel confident and competent to meet them head on!

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

What happens when you’re not at Peak Performance?

In contrast to being in peak performance at other times of your life external influences will pull you off track or require you to do things in a way that doesn’t simply work for you.

When you’re pulled away from operating in your natural style for a short time you’ll experience emotional and behavioural symptoms such as frustration and stress.

If this situation persists, other physical symptoms may appear such as skin irritations, significant loss of energy or a weakening of your immune system.

Longer term, failing to do things in a way that isn’t true to your natural and best way and continuing to operate out of stride, can result in more serious and chronic emotional and physical health issues.

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Where’s your performance right now?

….and take our 3 minute

Peak Performance Quiz!

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Your enthusiasm for jumping

into the day

ahead when you wake

up in the morning?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How to Take the Peak Performance Quiz


= 6.55

0-3 = …you are…

3-7 = ….you are..

9-10 = ….you are…



On a scale from 1-10, rate yourself on each of the following

elements of a life at Peak Performance

1 = Extremely Low 5 = Moderate 10 = Very High

Add up your scores and divide by 10 to get

your overall Peak Performance rating.

Look at therecommendations for working towards greater success and

fulfilment in all areas of your life.


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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Your Peak Performance Quiz

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your sense of self-esteem and self-worth?10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your confidence and clarity around your future direction in life?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your level of physical health and energy?8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your level of emotional health? (Take into account levels of stress/anxiety/sadness.)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10The extent to which you feel personally fulfilled?6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your happiness with your current level of success and achievement?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your level of awareness of your strengths and vulnerabilities and how to work with them to perform at your very best?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your understanding of what you need to be at your best on a daily basis?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your overall level of self-confidence?2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Your enthusiasm for jumping into the day ahead when you wake up in the morning?


1 = Extremely Low 5 = Moderate 10 = Very High

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10


It is likely you are feeling pulled in a number of different directions by those around you – working to meet others’ needs rather than your own;You are probably already experiencing significant physical or emotional health issues;Your situation is not sustainable you need to take action NOW to avoid more serious health issues.

No 1 Action:

What’s the one thing you can do right now to feel better – do it! And then find some space to think through times when you have felt successful and fulfilled – list the things that you don’t have now that you had then to get clear on what’s the difference for you.

And then:

Follow the 3 Steps to Peak Performance on page 12…

If your average score is between 0 – 3

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

If your average score is between 4 – 7:


You may feel great about some areas of your life but not others or just consistently average;You may have some low level but persistent health issues and find that you’ll catch anything ‘going around’ and be quite affected by the mood’s of others;You have untapped potential you have yet to fully harness.

No 1 Action:

Take stock of things that you love doing and give you a sense of achievement and success AND list the things that drain your energy right now to get clear on the common themes for both lists.

And then…

Follow the 3 Steps to Peak Performance on page 12…

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10


Congratulations – you’re able to operate in a way that is true to you and in an environment where your needs are met;You’ll be experiencing high levels of success and fulfilment;And you’ll have great energy and good health – others will be looking at you and saying: I want what they’ve got!

No 1 Action:

Make a list what is contributing to your sense of fulfilment and achievement so can continue look to keep those things in your life with intention.

And then:

Follow the 3 Steps to Peak Performance on page 12…so you can ensure you can quickly get back on track if you do experience a dip and to see how you can help others enjoy the same peak performance experience as you.

If your average score is between 8 – 10:

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

3 Steps to Peak Performance

Know what you need to be at your best and in stride, including what pulls you off track:If you have completed your I.D. ™ Questionnaire

what insights does your I.D.™ give you?

Take action! Use strategies to get your needs met:

to get back on track and

enjoy peak performance again!

Recognise your Early Warning Signals:the internal and external clues which tell you

that you’re heading off track...




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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Step1: Know what you need…

Your I.D.™ will give you specific insights into what you need to be at your best. Understanding and meeting these needs will provide you with a unique formula for achieving success and fulfilment.

Taking the I.D.™ Questionnaire is a quick and insightful way to discover the needs that instinctively drive you. If you haven’t taken the questionnaire yet, take a minute to consider times in life when you’ve felt successful and fulfilled…what did you HAVE in your life at those times? Do any common themes jump out for you?

Whether you have taken your I.D.™ Questionnaire yet or not take a look at the key I.D.™ needs on the next pages to identify and make a list of the ones that jump out as important for you: ..____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Also Remember!

While your unique I.D.™ needs are an a essential component of you being at your best, humans also share other needs. These range from the basics of

food, shelter and warmth through to emotional needs for personal growth and to experience a meaningful and satisfying life.

In addition, generally taking good care of yourself: eating a balanced diet; taking exercise; getting enough sleep; and finding time for relaxation and fun are key factors for us all when it comes to living a life at peak performance!

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TO GET IT RIGHT: by using data and evidence to evaluate and compare solutions before choosing the best one.

TO KNOW WHY: and to understand the purpose and related reasoning and justification.

FEEDBACK: to get reassurance and have the opportunity for clarification around standards and priorities.

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ACCEPTANCE: of feelings, thinking and approach without having to justify or explain to others.


ENVIRONMENT: where everyone’s contribution is equally valued.

CONSCISENESS: a summary and answers versus the detail, explanation and examples.

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10



A CLEAR PICTURE: to be able to visualise the end result and/or outcome.

TANGIBLE RESULTS: to be personally involved/hands on in building things with essential and useful outcomes.

OPENNESS: direct, literal communication and an environment where people do what they say.

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10



TO MAKE IT IDEAL: in alignment with beliefs, values and vision.


DOUBT: to have underlying intentions and motives recognized and acknowledged.

LEVERAGE: to ensure that effort, time and energy has multiple and exponential outputs and benefits.

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10



THE PLAN: including context, structure, timelines, roles and details of contingencies.

TO HAVE THINGS RUN SMOOTHLY: to have everything, including the people dynamics, organised and on track.

TO MAKE PROGRESS: and have time to build momentum free from changes and interruptions.

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10



FREEDOM: to experiment, keep the options open, and have flexibility in how goals are achieved.

VARIETY: to be able to change focus between different activities, roles, people and pace.

QUICK WINS: to start straightaway and achieve short-term goals and milestones.

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10



NEW CHALLENGES: big, exciting, inspiring and urgent… to make the impossible possible.

POSITIVE ENERGY: a fun and stimulating atmosphere and the opportunity to brainstorm ideas.

SIMPLICITY: to focus on the bottom-line to make things easier and move quickly.

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TO FEEL CERTAIN: before committing or making a decision and to strive to eliminate/mitigate risks.

SUBSTANCE: a credible and logical approach that speaks for itself.

TO ELIMINATE PRESSURE: to be able to operate at own pace without feeling rushed.

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Step 2: Identify Your Early Warning Signals!

Your Early Warning Signs are what tells you that a need is missing for you – catching them quickly can help you quickly take action to get that need met and get back in stride.

Think of situations which typically pull you out of stride and trigger negative feelings e.g. a task, a meeting, working with a particular person…

What are your typical early warning signals i.e. the first signs that you’re being pulled off track and away from your natural way of operating - we all have different ones and they could include:

Internal clues e.g. sweating; lethargy; tight shoulders; knots in the stomach; clenched teeth; headaches; itchy skin; worrying; negative self talk.

External clues e.g. sarcasm; impatience; yelling; crying; a flushed face/neck; swearing; withdrawing.

List some of your internal and external early warning signals:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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© Link-up International Pty Ltd September 03 - September 10

Step 3: Take action!

Based on what you’ve now learnt about yourself and got

clear on: what are you going to do to move to getting

into peak performance and enjoying success and

fulfilment more consistently?

List your actions – and include a date to complete by







See the next slide for examples and suggestions!

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Examples of getting into action !

SALLY I.D.™ 8553

1) What Early Warning Signs does she experience?

Knots in her stomach and she’s very short tempered when her colleague asks for some help

2) What’s missing for her?

Clarity around purpose and priority – in this case in relation to a new project she’s been asked to take on

3) What action can she take?

Makes appointment to speak with her boss to get clear and aligned on purpose of the project and agreement as to how it ranks alongside other work in terms of the time she should be spending on it.

DAN I.D ™ 3538

1) What Early Warning Signs does he experience?

Feeling lethargic, irritable and avoiding conversations with his wife.

2) What’s missing for him?

His need for fun for variety, spontaneity and fun – in this case because his wife told him this she’s about to book the family in for the same holiday destination and activities as the previous three years.

3) What action can he take?

Arranges a child-minder so he can spend some time with his wife and talk about his need to get re-energised by his time away from work and ask her to consider other options e.g. a change of venue; adding a second venue or asking some friends to join them for a few days.

Who can you talk things through with?

What can you explain to others about your needs?

What requests can you make?

When can you take time out to get back on track?

What can you change?

What can you do differently to achieve a better result?

What can you plan, do, start, stop, enjoy? Now!

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Staying on track: the role others can play

Share your typical Early Warning Signs with others, along with suggestions as to what they can do if they see them playing out for you: this is a great way to help you get back on track quickly!

The things they can do for you could include:

Leaving you alone and giving you time to think;

Asking what further information you need;

Suggesting doing something fun;

Helping you brainstorm a way forward;Asking if you need help;

Offering to talk things through with you;

Getting you away from your desk and the phone;

Telling you to write a list;Challenging you to find a solution;

Making you pick up the phone – right then!

Remember different people will be experiencing a variety of missing needs when they head of track and will not always be pulled off by the same things as you. Check in with them – not only about their I.D.™ needs and typical early warning signs – but also about the specific things you can do to help them get back to peak performance.

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…please visit: www.idcentral.com.au

To take the Instinctive Drives® Questionnaire

and find out more about:

your needs and motivations;

your natural talents and how to make the most of them;

your vulnerabilities and how to manage them;

strategies to keep you in peak performance and help you achieve success and fulfilment…

…to enjoy peak performance and achieve success and fulfilment your way!

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