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Ollie Armstrong My favourite memory of school is running a stall at the Spring Fayre. Our stall was ran by me, Warren and Rosie. We got wet sponges chucked at our faces. It wasn’t that sore really just wet wet and more wet.

Kayleigh Brunton My favourite memories P1 My first day when we got a half day P2 When we found out our teacher P3 Our assembly cause we made it up P4 Having Mrs Kerr and doing art with

her P5 Having Mrs Clark at the start and Mrs

Clark brought in a big bear called Mr Hug bear

P6 Meeting our buddies and being door monitors

P7 Camp, show, drums (only on Wednesdays) and playing with p1s

Warren Campbell My favourite memories P1 Mr Thompson - my first day at primary P2 Mrs Campbell - doing art P3 Ms McLauchlin - the one that twirled her hair p4/5 Mrs Robertson and Mrs Berry - loads of art P5 Mrs Robertson - a lot of trips P6 Miss Smith and Mrs Davidson - clay models P7 Mr Kingsbury - Ronnie left :(

Isla Crosbie My favourite memories were at camp when we were doing the leap of faith when everyone tries to touch the ball and when we were doing raft building and I deliberately fell off. It was funny and it was so cold. Everyone got soaking wet and when you touched the ground it felt weird because it was mud. Noah was giving us a tour round the school and spinning round and round in a circle and everyone fell. At Mock Court I was an artist. Despite the pressure we won. Our show turned out good in the end after ages of practice it went quite well.

Toby Dean Hi!! My Favourite memory of my time at primary school was when I get to fly down the stairs on the side of our classroom in a buggy! Yeah! We went down three steps then two steps I felt the wind in my hair I had so much fun!

Sophie Gibson My favourite memory in primary is camp. It was the highlight of school. P7 is the best year because you have lots of trips. Another one was when we invented the game called Noah's tours. It was so funny and the spinny game it was fun, we fell on the floor. At the Mock Court I was a witness and it was so scary at the final. I was shaking. But we won!!!!!!!!! So that is it.

Rosie Graham My favourite memories from P7 are all the times we spent outside together. We would do lots of things, like telling each other ridiculous stories that has never happened to us and running around the playground, holding hands and getting in everyone else’s way. But my favourite overall memory was when Noah took us on a ‘school tour’, showing us around the playground. It was hilarious. P7 has definitely been the best year I’ve ever had so far! We always loved piling on top of each other, even though someone would always end up getting hurt.

Grace Higgins My favourite memory from primary school is when William and Niamh and Duncan found an empty carton of milk that still had some in it and were stamping on it and milk was going everywhere. Niamh ran back into the school and filled up with water and it was dripping all over the school.

Zoe Hunter I’m going to do one of my favourite memories for every class: P1: My first day of school playing P2: our p2 assembly on African animals

and singing Crocodile Rock P3: Singing Roar in the singing

competition P4: Everyone trying chocolate coated

crickets (I didn’t though) P5: Watching Singing in the Rain as part

of our topic on movies P6: Going to the nursery and playing with

my buddy P7: Hanging out with my friends, camp

and playing with the P1s

Bethany Kerr One of my favourite parts of p7 is camp. One because of the food and two because when we were doing the catwalk and when I was on it I looked down and the go pro fell of my head and it was very funny. My favourite class was p4 because we got to write our p7 future letter. P6 was also good because we got to have our nursery buddies .

Noah Macdonald

P7 has been one of my favourite years so far. We have climbed up the tallest of trees and the hardest of heights and ran and jumped the highest of bars, and had the most fun I have had at school so far. I am going to write about my top 3 favourite things this year. 1 mock court. I was the solicitor for the defenders side. We placed 3rd out of 24. 2 camp. It was a great experience for all of us. 3 Meadowmill athletics. It was a very fun day with us coming away with 4 gold medals, 2 silvers and 1 bronze.

Niamh McLean My favourite memory in primary 7 when we did the Raft Building at Camp because it was really funny because 2 seconds after we got off the side Rosie fell off. She got absolutely soaking. She was absolutely freezing cold. Then Elliot pushed me off then William fell off then Elliot and then other people fell then Grace and Lucy were still on. Then Grace fell off then Lucy was the last one on. My other favourite memory was the Mock Court. I was a witness it was so scary. Defenders was my team and we came 3rd and pursuers came 1st they got into the finals and they won.

Lucy McMillan My favourite memories of Pencaitland Primary School are going to camp and doing the p7 show. I also like the memory when I was with my p1 buddy Rowen (she drew me with spiky hair and arms where my ears should be) and all the p1s. I liked doing Mock Court because I was a solicitor. It was really scary when we were presenting the case to the court but it was fun when we won the case and came third in the competition. I liked spending time with the class in the (not so) quiet area and some of the things the class talked about and did was ridiculous. I think in p7 the whole class got closer which was nice.

Duncan McWilliam-Snow P7 has been the best year ever! We have been on so many trips and had lots of memories like camp, Mock Court, Risk Factory, sporting events and transition days. I loved going to camp where we did so many activities. My favourite activity was raft building everyone got wet and we had the best shower after. At Mock Court I was a witness for the defenders, We came 3rd out of 24 and the pursuers came 1st. Our class has done really well in sports this year we came 2nd in cross country, 3rd in swimming, we got into the semi-finals in basketball and we came 1st at Meadowmill with help from P6. I can't wait till I go to high school but it will be sad to leave primary.

Ruby Mosses-Hoy My favourite memory in P7 was at Mock Court when Pencaitland was called as the winners and we all cheered and the rest of our class held up signs, so the pursuers team started laughing on stage and we all were really happy.

Evie Sinclair My favourite memory is when we were all spinning around the quiet area. I know it's not that big of a memory but it’s the little thing that makes Primary 7 special. Also when Noah took us on the school tour. It was so funny when we all kept falling over each other, also when we did a big pile on even though it hurt bad it was a good laugh. At Mock Court I was an artist. It was really fun because me Zoe and Isla got to paint and draw for ages and I am so happy our team, the Pursuers won. Don't even get me started on camp it was so much fun!!

Malcolm Sinclair My favourite thing in p1 was Mr Thompson. My favourite thing in p2 was a trip to the Botanical Gardens. My favourite thing in p3 it was doing the musical choir competition. My favourite thing in p4 it was Mrs Kerr. My favourite thing in p5 it was being the teacher’s parrot. My favourite thing in p6 it was going to Dynamic Earth. My favourite thing in p7 it was all the trips and camp and everything fun.

Elliot Smith My favourite memory was when we were making our short films. I was in Space Wars and Titanic 2. I'm proud of it because I was the main character Jack. I was Old Ben Wonkie in Space Wars. When we showed them to the school it was fun having people laughing at my characters. At P7 camp my favourite moment was when I got 2 BULLSEYES in a row in archery. My funniest thing was on the first lunch when I tripped up and my lunch went flying!

Finley Taylor My favourite memories at school: My favourite thing in p1 was the teacher Mr Thompson. My favourite thing in p2 was a trip to Edinburgh Zoo. My favourite thing in p3 was the teacher Miss McLauchlin. My favourite thing in p7 was camp.

William Ward My favourite memory is the p7 camp when I did the catwalk. Niamh helped my fear. The catwalk is two big logs put in between two trees and ones higher than the other about 20 feet in the air. My legs were shaking like mad. I also did a dance on the top one. When you finish it you had to dangle and you got lowered down and when you finish you have to belay the rope.


Tamara Warren My favourite memory from primary 7 is when we all went to Edinburgh College and did all the activities for science and how we got to meet all the other people. Also at Meadowmill we got to test different foods like what was gonna be in the school cafe and we got to play games like basketball and dodgeball. We had to socialise with others and create and design carts and Christmas themed pictures.

Cameron Young My favourite thing from primary was p7 show and camp when my shoe fell in the water and when Noah made everyone laugh with the spinny game. The show was really good as well. P7 was the funniest year of them all and Noah said his great stories. We came 1st in Mock Court in our 2nd year entering the competition.


Being a solicitor was hard from the very beginning. We had a lot to do under pressure and not a lot of time. At first we jumped head first into piles of work. We started to work on Mock Court very close to the start of the year knowing we only had till the end of November to finish all the details of the cases for both sides. We had to make documents, websites, Ming vases, art work, letters and lots more. We had a manic classroom

at some points but it was all worthwhile. After a few months we went to court and had an amazing experience and an amazing time. We all worked very hard in the classroom and in the courtroom, making artwork, writing documents questioning witnesses, making newspapers and lots more but all of the hard work paid off completely. The Pursuers came 1st and the Defenders came 3rd. We all learned so much and had so much fun. Our solicitors are Ruby & Rosie (pursuers) and Noah & Lucy (defenders).


Being a witness is hard because you had to learn a lot of lines. But it was a great experience. You had to put a ton of effort into it. Our witnesses where Grace as Anne Byte, Malcolm as Mr Ing, Sophie as Apple Byte on the pursuers side. On the Defenders where Niamh as Stacey, Duncan as Sam Sim and Tamara as Mr Snoop. A Lot of work went into the Mock Court even before we went into court. We made witness diaries in our characters shoes. In court was a good experience. We sat in a witness

chair then when we were called we went up to the witness stand. It was very exciting and nerve wracking. The pursuers got into the finals out of 80 schools and only 4 got in including the Pencaitland pursuers. It is on the 4th of June. We are going up against Cumbrae Primary School.


In Mock Court you had to create newspapers that get marked on how good your newspaper is. A lot of work went into these newspaper and the newspaper might have helped us win. You had to create your newspapers on recent events that happened like Brexit or football then we put our case in the newspapers that we made.

Gown Makers Defenders: William Elliot and Ollie Pursuers: Bethany Cameron Warren Being a gown maker is hard because we needed to make our gowns in a limited amount of time and if we didn't do it in time it would let our team down which was stressful but we had fun whilst doing it. It was difficult to start making the gowns because we needed to find the right materials to make them. We started to think of some ideas for the gown. Before we had made the gowns we had to do a lot of sketches. At the end we decided on a red, black, yellow and green colour. Our gowns looked like this:

Court Artists

The artist where Isla, Zoe, Evie, Finley, Kayleigh, Toby When you where are artist you had to make a Ming vase and a map. We made the vase out of papier mache the vase took nearly a month to make. The map was hard because you had to get all the details and the number mark where things were damaged. In the court you had to draw the all of the court and what was going on it the stand. You had to draw three drawings at the court it was hard getting all the little details.

The Parents Quiz

Many of our parents took part of the mock court parent quiz. It was questions about law and court. It gave our teams a lot of extra points.

At the beginning of the year we went to the risk factory. We arrived in the morning and had a safety briefing, then we got put into groups then the adult in charge of our groups took us to our first activities. The idea was that we went into different parts of the building that were decorated to look like places that could be dangerous. We went into the different stations and worked as a team to decide how we should deal with them. The activities were

Fire safety

Electricity safety

Bus safety

Water safety

Building site safety

House safety

Train safety

Online safety

Bike safety

Farm safety

In some activities we just talked about what you can do to make it safer and in others they left us alone to see what we would do in certain situations. One of the things we did was fire safety, they left us in a house and then a fake fire started. We had to get out and help out two dummies. Once we were out we had to call the fire brigade on a phone in the phone box. After we had called the fire brigade and we were waiting for them to come we heard the voice of someone from the house next door saying that the house was filling up with smoke and they couldn’t get out and that there was a key in the house on fire to his house. Most of the kids went back into the house. Another one of the activities was train safety there was a £20 on a train track, we were told that if we got the money we could keep it of course no one would go onto the track and pick up the money but every time someone did as soon as they took a step onto the track a train came right towards the who was on the track! The child who was on the track would immediately jump back off the train track thinking that the train would hit them luckily it was just a projection on the screen.

Another activity was bike safety. We went onto a street and saw a person who had crashed with a car on their bike. Then we had to check the person, the bike and the car for evidence of why they had crashed and see what they were doing unsafely. Another activity was house safety. We had to look around a house and see all the things in the house that was unsafe or could cause danger!!! In water safety we went into a room that had a big picture on the wall of a sea side. We had to pick out all the people who were doing something that could be dangerous. Then we pretended that someone had been drowning and someone had to call the coast guard. Another activity was bike safety. We went onto a street and saw a person who had crashed with a car on their bike. Then we had to check the person, the bike and the car for evidence of why they had crashed and see what they were doing unsafely.

Another activity was house safety. We had to look around a house and see all the things in the house that was unsafe or could cause danger!!! In water safety we went into a room that had a big picture on the wall of a sea side. We had to pick out all the people who were doing something that could be dangerous. Then we pretended that someone had been drowning and someone had to call the coast guard. There was one activity where we saw someone unconscious on the ground and someone had to call the ambulance. Then we looked at a front garden that had been vandalised.

McMillan Coffee


P7 ran a McMillan coffee morning. There was lots of lovely cakes and biscuits and scones and coffee. We raised £576.20 !!! Lots of people came along to eat cake and drink tea or coffee. The turnout was great. The chocolate cake very popular. We served the younger kids lots of cake and juice and water and some P7s played with their P1 buddies. Look its ollie and cameron handing out cakes Tamara also in the background. There’s the Star Wars chocolate cake. In our opinion that was the best cake there.

At Sky Academy we made a news report. We got to sit on comfy seats and watched a video. Then we made our short films. We each got to go pick our groups at school and then went into our groups. Each group went into a separate studio. In the studios we got to check how loud we were with a sound check after that we actually got to film them. Before that we got to put costumes on. At the end people from Sky Academy put them all together and then we got to watch it. After we all got a Sky Academy wristband with the films on it which we got to take them home and plug them into the computer and watch. It was so amazing, the cameras was so big they were filming cameras that you could move at different angles. There was a screen to the side of the camera which had our lines on it so it looked like we didn't have them. We did about 6 retakes and picked what one we thought was best. Once we picked what one it was we were done and waited for the other groups to finish then once they were finished we all went back to the comfy seats and watch the movies that we made all put together.

STEM Activities @ Edinburgh College

When we got to the Edinburgh College we went into groups with some random people from other schools. Our first activity was building a rocket propelled car which was made of syrofoam which we then decorated. After decorating we tested them most of the cars went at 60-70mph. Next we had a challenge to stop an egg from cracking from a drop by making something. You had paper plastic straws and some tape. Most people did a birds nest and a parachute to protect the egg. We had to make a bridge and we had to make triangles and put it on the bridge to make it stronger. When we finished we had to put weights to see how much our bridges could hold and when we turned the bridge around it became even stronger. When we left we got to keep 2 cars and a bridge.

Christmas Lunch

At the Christmas lunch the

primary 7 had to help hand

out all the lunches and give

them to all of the classes.

We also set the tables. We

had to put the crackers down

and bring the little ones their

trays and help them open

their crackers. We handed out choc-ices - they are really

good. Everyone tried to finish quickly to get the choc-

ices. But people took too long to eat them so they

melted and the little ones got all sticky! It wasn’t nice

so we had to wipe their hands and face. It was fun

helping but the best part was the end because that's

when we got our lunch and our choc-ices. YUM!

FILM MAKING Our Teachers Are Aliens

One of the groups for movie making

was Our Teachers are Aliens. The

people in that group were Zoe, Lucy

and Kayleigh. The first thing we had

to do was come up with an idea. We

spent a lot of time coming up with

ideas, deciding they weren’t good

enough and starting again. After a

while we came up with the idea of teachers being aliens. We started working

on it and making it into a story. We had to make a storyboard with everything

that happens in the story and we made about 3 of these before we had our

story and started writing the script. We spent the next week or so working on

the script before it was ready. Once we had made the script we started

practising scenes, learning our lines and gathering props.

Eventually we were ready to start

filming. When we were filming we

took at least 5 attempts before we

got a take we could use. We had

about 10 scenes to film. We could

only film if everyone was silent and

there were lots of times when we had

to film a scene again and again because someone laughed or opened the door.

Eventually we had filmed all the scenes and Mr Kingsbury put them together

and put in the sound effects. We were all really happy with the film. Later in

the year we found out that our film had been shortlisted for the Edinburgh and

Lothians Schools Film Competition and we went to see them being shown at

the film house.

Space Wars

First we thought of ideas and made

plans for the script. Then we thought

of the names and the characters.

Duncan was Princess Freya, Elliot was

Oh Bee Wonkie, Finley was Baccy

Chewer, William was Ham Solo, Noah

was Luke Cloudwalker, Bethany was

WD40 and Sophie was a stormtrooper. William and Noah started working on

the script while Duncan, Elliot and Finley started working on WD40. After the

script was finished, everyone helped finish WD40. Everyone had to have a

costume so we all provided each other with our costumes. Team Work! After

all these things we finally started the

filming, one scene at a time. Yeah! We

learned that about 80% of making the

movie is thinking of ideas for the

movie, script and costumes, making

the script and the costumes.

Titanic 2

First we came up with the scenes and

looked for who would be playing who.

We decided Rosie would play Rose,

with Elliot as Jack. We had to look for

music that we could use in our movie,

and we decided on ‘A thousand years’

by Christina Perri. We thought of all

the props, costumes and settings, and then we were ready to film. We used

the green screen for most of our scenes, and other places in the school,

including the stage, the gym hall and the sofas in the upper area. Although the

last scene is Jack and Rose (Elliot and Rosie) sitting in the lifeboat, that was

actually the first scene we filmed. We all had a laugh while filming this scene,

because Mr. Kingsbury told Rosie and Elliot to turn around, to the green screen

and they were waiting there for about 1 minute. All together, our group

included Tamara, Ruby, Bethany, Evie

and Rosie. We used P7 to help out

with some of the background filming

and used them to walk and run around

the classroom for the near end scene

for when the alarm goes off.

The Mystery of the Missing


First we had to choose are groups. In the mice group

were Isla, Niamh, Sophie and Grace. We

had to decide what movie we wanted to

make. We had 8 different ideas but we

weren't allowed any of them. Mr

Kingbury helped us change one idea so

that it would work. The next thing we

needed to do was make the script - that was one of the hardest things to do.

Then we had to find costumes,

actually make the movie and choose

all the sound effects. It took weeks to

make our movie. One of the hardest

parts was to make it under 5 minutes.

Who Wants to Win a Load of


Warren Cameron Malcolm Toby and

Ollie came up with Who Wants to

Win a Load of Money. First we made

Warren be Jezza Darkton then Ollie as

Bobby Jones. Jezza and Bobby are the

main characters. Now we had to get

props together. We got 2 computer

screens, 2 breakfast stools and 1 table. We were ready to film. It was amazing!

The first question was which of these was a team in the English Premier

League, the second question was which countries make up Great Britain. The

third question was what is the largest

animal in the world. The fourth was

what is the capital of Mongolia, the last

question (which he got wrong) was

which country has the smallest area.

Despite a lot of cheating Bobby didn’t

win loads of money.

Unfortunately our film didn’t make it to the shortlist for the film competition.


When we learned about WWII we did lots of activities - we made a 5 minute movie, had some debates, researched a lot and at one point we had a visitor.

Our WWII Movie

We made a short movie about WWII in Europe. We did drawing, animation and sound effects. We made maps of Dunkirk, Poland and France. We then made animations of tanks moving across them to show how Germany invaded different areas. We also did artwork of people celebrating winning the war. Finally we wrote and recorded a narration.


We were put into groups and allocated an argument. We had some debates about whether children should be evacuated or not and how it would affect them emotionally and then physically.


We did a lot of researching and were told to type up some questions. Sometimes Mrs Davidson would read a page of a book about WWII and we would write down notes, then she would give us a quiz about it. We wrote down different sections that we were going to research (what women helped with, bombing and shelters, evacuation and rationing). We had lots of books about WWII that we could read.

Our Visitor

We had a visitor who came in to teach us about WWII. He had lots of different things with him: he had clothes that soldiers would wear, guns that they would use (not loaded or used), gas masks, real canned food from the time of the war, ration books, equipment that both the Germans and the Britons would use and lots more. He had lots of stuff on different tables and in our groups we would go round the tables, have a look at the stuff and write it down on a worksheet. We went outside and used a hand turned air raid siren. We played a game with a real bomb that went off in the war.

Meadowmill Transition Event

What We Did

At the Meadowmill

Transition day we did

loads of activities and

games. We tasted some

of the drinks and food

you can get at Ross

High School. We also

played basketball

games, indoor curling,

dancing and fruit salad.

We talked to students

from Ross High.

We Enjoyed It


We enjoyed it because

we got to make new

friends, we got to try

the Ross High food and

we got a taster of

Recharge, which is

youth club in Tranent.

Camp – PGL Dalguise

Just before the Easter holidays we went on P7 camp. We went to PGL Dalguise where we took part

in many activities. Here’s what we got up to.

Vertical Challenge

On Tuesday one of the activities we did

was the vertical challenge. The vertical

challenge is a climbing challenge where

you have to get to the top of a wall but it

isn’t a normal climbing wall. First we got

harnessed up and then the first people

climbed with the others belaying.

For the first part of the challenge you had

to climb up a ladder. Then you have to go

up a bit of a climbing wall. Then you had

to climb up more of a ladder. Then you have to climb up a net. By this point you’re quite high up and

you can see how high up you are through the ladder and net. Then you have to climb up a pole and

ring the bell at the top.


Breakfast = Toast, Cereal, Yoghurt, Sausages,

Bacon, Hash Browns and Baked Beans.

Lunch = Soup, Bread, Baked potatoes, Tacos

or Wraps with Chilli con carne or Cajun

Chicken, Nachos and Fish and Chips

Dinner = Chicken Pie, Chilli Con Carne with

rice or Chips, Cottage pie and Chicken


Desserts = Apple Pie and Custard, Doughnuts,

Lemon Drizzle Cake and chocolate rice crispy cake.


Trapeze is where you climb up a tree, with a

harness and onto a platform. Then you have to

jump off and try to hit an orange ball that is

hanging from the tree.


On our last day we did canoeing. We had to pull

the canoes out to the edge of the water and learn

how to use the paddles. We got into pairs, sat in

the canoe and got pushed into the lake. Our

leader taught us a few games. We had to stand

up, lean forwards, sit on the edge and dip our

elbows, hands and feet into the water at one

point. In the water we saw some frogs and lots of

frogspawn. When we came out some people had

to do a forfeit which was dipping your hat into the water and put it on. Some people did it anyway!

Cat walk

There were two big wooden poles a high one and a

lower one. We had to ‘ching-our-bling’ before we

started to climb. We had two people holding the

ladder and 4 people on belay.

Nobody wanted to belay so the people that were

doing it had to keep doing and got sore hands!

When Bethany went up on her shot she had the go

pro on and it fell right of her head and hit the floor.

Sadly we didn’t catch the footage as it would have

been good if we did though.

The second one was high. Some people didn’t do it but we were encouraging them to and some of

them did it.

Raft Building

Our instructor Mikey took us for Raft Building.

He asked what outline of raft we wanted to

make. So our group choose to do one altogether

and the other group choose to do Boys and

Girls. Our group got 2 seconds off the edge and

Rosie fell of the raft and she was absolutely

soaking wet. Then most of us fell off except

Grace and Lucy who were still on the raft. Then

Grace fell of then Lucy. In the other group they had 2 rafts, one with just girls and one with just boys

and then the boys won. The girls did the challenge where you had to cannon ball in and lie back. We

all got soaked.


One of the first activities we did at camp was

climbing. We went to the climbing wall to meet our

leader Jack. First he showed us how to put on the

harnesses then he taught us how to us belay which

is when you hold the rope that is connected to the

climbers harness and pull it to make sure that it is

tight and will hold them up. Then we took it in turns to climb as high as we could. We all climbed in

pairs so that if you wanted to you could race to the top. When you got to the top you had to touch

the top of handle and then you sat back in your

harness and waited to get lowered down.


On the Thursday night (our last night) we had a

disco. At around seven O’clock we walked down to a

big hall called the dome. Inside was the disco but

outside you could go to get a drink. They played lots

of good songs and everyone had a good time.


On abseiling we had to walk down this really high

wall and lower yourself down it. The first shot you

did it completely normally and then they made

you try doing it the proper way. It’s kinda the

same but it was cool to do it like the professionals.

Abseiling was pretty scary for some people but

with a lot of encouragement and chanting they finally came down. It took a while to get them down

but whilst they were coming down it was completely fine and they faced their fears!!

Burn walk

There is one word I can use to describe burn walk, cold, very, very cold. The burn walk was a long

stream, a very, very cold stream. It had a lot of big

rocks. We did have a small rock called pebble

which we had to carry her up the stream. If you

lost or dropped pebble then you had to get an

even bigger rock and carry that up the stream. As

we were going up we came across a big wall. It was

all wet and slimy so we kept on moving. Soon after

that we came to the end of our trail. At to the top

there was a big pile of rocks. That’s what pebble

was for. Everyone who does the burn walk has a

rock called pebble and at the end you would put

pebble at the top with the rest of the rocks to

show that you have been there.

Challenge course

The challenge course great fun because we had a

very funny teacher. He called us all private Dave

and if we did a dab or any sort of Fortnite dance we

would have to do a punishment like grass angels or

20 push ups. First we did a laser beam challenge.

We had to go through the laser beams without

touching them (the laser beams were actually ropes

crossed over).The next challenge was that we had

to walk across a moving log. We were allowed to

get help to walk across it if we felt like we needed it. The next one was this frame thing which we

had to go through. It was really fun.

The other activity that we did was these big tires that were dug into the ground but our PGL teacher

poured water on the ground so that we got covered in mud. My favourite activity was this tire thing.

It was to racks of tires but they were stacked on top of each other and we had to crawl through the


Night Activities

Robot Wars.

On the night we arrived the first activity we did was robot wars. For robot wars we had lots of

different challenges and if you did well you got

something you could use to make you robot

(cardboard boxes, string, sellotape etc.).

Then we had to use anything we could find or

the stuff we had earned to dress one of our

team members up as a robot. Our group leader

Caitlin chose the best dressed robot. Then we

made sure the person in the robot costume

couldn’t see anything and their group had to try

and lead them to find a bucket that had water

balloons in it. The robot had to carry back as

many as possible. Then all the robots had a water balloon fight and the least wet one won.

Quiz night

On the Wednesday night we had a quiz. We got into groups of 5 or 6 and they gave us a quiz sheet.

They asked the question and we had to put down the answers on the sheet. At one point we had to

do some challenges, one was we had to pick up water balloon using anything but our hands and

then we had to try and keep it until Friday without it bursting. It was fun.

Photo Challenge

On the Tuesday evening we had a photo

challenge. We got into groups and in our groups

we got an iPad to take photos with. Then our

group leader Caitlin gave us all challenges to

take a photo of (your team flying, part of a

movie, your group in a tiny space, photobomb

etc.). Different photos got you different

amounts of points and at the end the group

with the most points wo


On Thursday and Tuesday we were allowed to

go to the shop and buy what we want. There

were mugs, bracelets, snacks, keyrings, and lots

of other things.

Meadowmill Athletics

Meadowmill was a challenge as there were lots of schools competing for the prize but only one could win. We arrived at Meadowmill not knowing how hard it was going to be. We had been training in PE on a Tuesday but some of us only had a week of practice but still we felt like we were ready. We arrived in the morning and straight away the high jumpers (Noah & Evie) had to go away and get their practice jumps and all of the runners had to warm up.

The first event was the relay and the first jump of the high jump. The relay team (Malcolm, Evie, Cameron & Courtney) finished third in their heat and qualified for the final.

The next activities were the next round of high jump, the 80 metre sprint (Cameron) and the cricket ball throw (Warren). We weren't so lucky in the cricket ball throw though we placed 10th. We did well in 80 metre sprints qualifying for the final. In the boy and girls high jump both cleared 1m 5cm.

We did really well in the 150 boys and girls with Darcy coming 1st in the heats and Malcolm Coming second and they both qualified for the final. In the final Darcy came 2nd with Malcolm coming 2nd.

Our first victory came in the 600 metres with Alex smashing the boys race. Also in the 600 metres girls Emily had a comfortable win. This was before Noah and Evie won the boys and girls high jumps. Then it was the long jump. Alex started off roughly but ended up winning which meant he had 2 medals. The next event was all of the finals. The relay final we started of strong but Cameron and Courtney did not do the best of changeovers but in the end we did come 3rd.

Before the rest of the finals came the tug of war. We did well in the tug of war. We won and lost one but it was close. We got into the quarter finals with the tug of war (Sophie, Malcolm, Rose, Lucy, William and Duncan)

Next up was the start of the 80m finals. Cameron and Courtney both started strongly. But we weren’t that lucky because all of the other sprinters were really fast. In the end Cameron came 4th and Courtney came 6th Next up was the 150 metres finals with Darcy and Malcolm after Darcy winning the Heats and Malcolm coming 2nd. the Pressure was on for them to impress. The first race was the girls where Darcy did really well but came 2nd in the end. Next race was the 150m boys race with Malcolm competing. Malcolm started first but then someone overtook and finally Malcolm came 2nd.


We all had fun and we hope we can do as well next year

Jealousy Kills

This is a show about 4 dramatic deaths with gossiping girls, idiots and clowns to make you giggle and one of the main evil characters Iago. We have worked on this for weeks now and we are all really excited to perform it today we are hoping we don’t get embarrassed for talking so we need to be quiet. This show has been so fun to work and now it is time to perform. We have now performed it and everyone enjoyed it the little kids enjoyed it and I didn't think that they would understand any of it. I think we got a lot more laughs from the adults they found it hilarious!!


Iago - A villainous, envious, soldier who seeks revenge

Othello- The loyal , mature and kind but jealous army-leading hero.

Roderigo- Iago’s naive collaborator who is desperately in love with Desdemona

Cassio- A relentlessly cheerful, loyal and trusting soldier

Messenger 1- An excitable news-teller who loves to gossip

Messenger 2- A spoilsport news-teller who is often bored

Messenger 3- A bad-tempered news-teller who is usually miserable

Guard 1- An irritable overworked soldier

Guard 2- A childlike overworked soldier

Guard 3- A cheerful overworked soldier

Brabantio- Desdemona's rich and devoted father

Desdemona- The young, beautiful, rich and loyal heroine

Emilia- The honest, good and kind wife of Iago

Bianca- Tiffania’s frivolous best friend and Cassio’s girlfriend

Tiffania- Bianca’s excitable best friend who fancies Roderigo

Clown- The “Village idiot”

Idiot- The “Village Clown”

Montano- An important official who likes to know what’s going on

Lodovico- An important official who likes to state the obvious

Gratiano- An important official who likes a good gossip

The Duke of Venice- The wise and mature ruler who doesn’t tolerate fools Announcer Introduces the show

Light and Sound

Toby Elliot Malcolm Warren Cast

Iago- Noah Cassio- Duncan Othello- Cameron Roderigo- William Guard 2- Niamh

Guard 1- Isla

Guard 3- Tamara

Messenger 2- Bethany

Messenger 1- Zoe Messenger 3- Lucy

Emilia- Rosie

Bianca- Evie

Tiffania- Grace

Desdemona- Ruby Brabantino- Warren Montano- Sophie Gratiano- Ollie

Lodovico- Kayleigh Idiot- Finley Clown- Elliot The Duke of Venice- Malcolm Announcer- Toby

We collected over £100 for Cancer


Mock Court Finals

The past couple of weeks before the finals, we were working on our show, but

we managed to squeeze in time to work on the Mock Court. Our first Case,

on the 6th of December 2018, all of us had scripts, but we decided we wanted

the witnesses to learn their lines this time. By the time we went to the finals,

our witnesses knew their lines off by heart. This was a big advantage for us.

On the 4th of June, we went to Central Hall in Edinburgh and the Pursuers

took part in the Mock Court Finals against Cumbrae Primary School from

Ayrshire, Armadale Primary School from Livingston and St. Bridgit’s Primary

School from Glasgow. Ruby and Rosie were our solicitors and Sophie, Grace

and Malcolm played the parts of our witnesses, Sophie as Apple Byte, Grace as

Anne Byte, and Malcolm as Michael Ing. The others in the class got the chance

to take part in an art competition. When it came to the time for us to do our

finals case it was scary at first, because

we had to walk through the hall behind

the Sheriffs, as they played really

intense music. But once we got up

there, it was okay.

We questioned all our witnesses and

they did great! After that we got the chance to cross examine all of the

defenders witnesses. Our witnesses were really good and done great in their

cross examination. Surprisingly, their Sam Sim accidentally confessed. It was a

very successful case, which we won, but we had to wait until the end of the day

to find out the overall winner.

We all had lunch and then a few people performed. The next finals case took

place after, and it was St. Bridgets (Pursuers) against Armadale (Defenders).

We watched and thought that St. Bridgets were really good. Their case took a

really long time! After that more classes performed, and awards were handed

out for other things. The wait wasn’t actually that long, bit it felt like ages! Just

before they announced the winners, they asked our Pursuers Solicitors and

Witnesses to go up on stage, with the 3 other finalists Solicitors and Witnesses.

They said it was extremely close between us and St. Bridgets. But, their final

decision of the winners was us! We

were all really happy and we took lots

of pictures with the trophy. There was

one more performance, and then

everybody started to leave. We went

home with the trophy, and we were

all so excited to tell our parents! All in

all, it was an extremely successful day.

Edinburgh and Lothians Schools Film Competition

FINALS Earlier in the year we made 6 short films

which we entered in the Edinburgh and

Lothians Schools Film Competition. Five

of them were shortlisted.

We all went to the Filmhouse in Edinburgh

to see all the 24 shortlisted films. It was

fun watching what other people made and

thought of. Lots were funny and some

were saying about bullying. It was intense

when the results were being announced.

Everyone's hearts were pounding because

they wanted to get a prize.

When we won the prize for best factual

film everyone was relieved. We were all very surprised when Space Wars won best film but

very excited as well.

At the end we had lots of photos and very happy children

Assault Course

On the 24th of June we went to

Winton to do an Assault Course.

We started with a warm up

where we ran 3 times up and

down a steep hill. During the

warm up, we also linked arms and

did sit ups and squats. After that

we started the course, which had

many mucky and wet, but fun

activities. One of our first

activities was going through a deep river. After that we had to climb

under a cargo net but there was muddy water underneath it so when

we climbed through we all got


We had to swing from ropes and

rings from metal poles, to get to

the end. Some of us fell off, but

everyone who fell just laughed it

off and carried on with the

course. Soon after we did a mini

course, where we had to jump

over 3 tires, crawl under a cargo net again, but the water was

deeper, then we had to crawl through a dirty tunnel, then we had to

jump over more tunnels, and

that led us to the end of the

mini course.

Another activity we did was 4

poles, with tires hanging from

them, and we had to squeeze

through them. After that we

had to jump on and over 3 hay

bales. There were also 3 walls

of different sizes, where we

had to use teamwork to help

each other over. One of our

classmates would get on one

knee, we would step on their

knees, then their shoulder

and climb over the wall, and

then we were able to climb

over the 2 other walls by ourselves, as they were shorter.

There was a big slide, where at the bottom, there was mucky water.

They put fairy liquid on the material and we had to slide down, into

the freezing cold water. We also

did an activity where there was a

wall tipped to one side and we had

to climb up and over it, this one

was really hard, but really fun at

the same time!

One of our last activities was

metal monkey bars, but they were

really slippery and high up, so it was a challenge! We were all

freezing and we had the choice to walk back to the shed where we

left our stuff, or we could go

the river way.

Once we were all back, we got

changed into dry clothes and

then we got a hot chocolate, a

tea cake and a pack of


But, as we are silly

P7s, we will

ALWAYS be silly


We got to sit and talk for a while, and then we went back to the

school. It wasn’t the nicest day, but we all really enjoyed ourselves,

in fact, the bad weather probably made it more fun!

Most likely to:

1. Work at McDonalds ........................... Noah (Macdonald)

2. Go to jail .............................................................. Warren

3. Be an actor ............................................................ Rosie

4. Be an artist ............................................................. Evie

5. Attempt take over the world ................................... Toby

6. Be a goth ........................................................... Tamara

7. Own part of Europe ................................................. Lucy

8. Stay in touch with everyone in the class ................ Grace

9. Go on Britain’s Got Talent ................................ Cameron

10. Work at a nail salon ........................................... Kayleigh

11. Get in a fight ...................................................... Tamara

12. Get detention at high school ............................... Tamara

13. Be super rich ............................................................ Isla

14. Teach at PPS ........................................................ Grace

15. Move to Australia and stay there .......................... Niamh

16. Become a singer ............................................... Cameron

17. Run for prime minister ............................................ Noah

18. Forget about everyone in the class .......................... Elliot

19. Get divorced three times .................................... Tamara

20. Become a dancer ................................................ Sophie

21. Compete at the Olympics ........................................ Evie

22. Marry someone in the class ................................. William

23. Become a Psychic .................................................. Ruby

24. Become a professional Footballer .................... Cameron

25. Go to space ............................................................ Noah

26. Work for Donald Trump ....................................... Warren

27. Get fired from your first job .................................... Finley

28. Have children first ..................................................... Zoe

29. Go to university........................................................ Lucy

30. Binge a TV show for 2 days in a row ..................... Rosie

31. Go bald ..................................................... Mr. Kingsbury

32. Live at home for the longest ................................... Toby

33. Laugh at the wrong time ...................................... Sophie

34. Become a crazy cat lady/man ........................... Bethany

35. Create a time machine ....................................... Duncan

36. Try and cycle round the world but fail .................. Warren

37. Get bitten by a radioactive spider ............................ Ollie

38. Set a world record ................................................ Niamh

39. Get lost in Disneyland ........................................ Bethany

40. Wear a Darth Vader costume in public ................ William

41. Still say LOL when they’re 50 .................................... Isla

42. Release a fitness video ........................................... Evie

43. Lie on an application form ................................. Malcolm

44. Give all their money charity ................................ Duncan

45. Become a Little Mix super fan ........................... Kayleigh


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