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21435Pople, Perspectives, Skills, Knowvledge, Learning ;

^2A Ne ofStaff Excan,ge. Program Groi6wing~ Ratos hips'



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World Bank Group Mission

To fight poverty with passion and

professionaiism for lasting results.

To help people help themselves

and their environment by providing resources,

sharing knowledge, building capacity,

andforging partnerships in the public and private


To be an excellent institutionthat is able to attract, excite, and nurture committed

staff with exceptional skills who know how to

listen and learn.

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An Invitation to Share

ore than 5() years after the World Bank made its first loan,

we turn to our partners in development to help us create a U"

renewed Baank-one that shares its mnost im)portant

resouirce, it-, people.

The World Bank Group's Staff Exchange Program is essentially a

sharing of staff between the Bank and a partner institution. with a

particular focus on the private sector. Through it, we hope to develol)

long-lasting relationships. foster cultural exchange, and enhance the

skills of both organizations. Together we can make a positive am reallty thrilled by just

difference in the global developmenL arena.

Over the past decade, the development environment for the Bank's howfar we've come in this

clients has changed dramatically-the private sector has become program. When you stand

more activc, govermnents lhave become more accountable for their back afterfoutr and a half

countries' development, and all the global players increasingly rely onyears, the achievements are

the capacity to share knowledge and learning more rapidly.

Our Staff Exclhange Program is one of the most effective ways of really quite considerable.

sharing knowledge across and within our various companies. This thing is building.

institutions, and sectors, and of fostering cultural change in the

global development community.

In the end. the almost 5 billion people who live in emerging

economies deserve the benefits that an effective and competenL global

developmeitr partnerslhip can provide. With our collaboration, the

Staff Fxchange Program can imake this lhappen.

James D. Wlolfensohn


World Bank Group

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Staff Exchange global partners

M ty oaganizatioa s-private industry, nongovernme ital organizations (NGOs). tle p1blic se development agencies-from all re-gions of'the world currently participate in the Staff Exchange Program. Our list of partners continues to grow.

Action Aid Electricite de France (EdF) Samsung Corporation

Aga Khan Fund for Economic Erirorn Sanwa Bank Ltd.

Development (AKFED) European Conimission (EC) Saudi Arabia Monetary Autthorily (SAMA)

Agence Frangaise de Developpement European Bank for Reconstruction and Saudi ARAMCO

(AFD) Development (EBRD) Scottish Entcrprise

Aguas Argentinas European Investmnent Bank (EIB) Severn Trent Water Authority

Als0oi European Training Foundation (ETF) Shell Internationial

Antioquiia Presente ExxonMobil Shinsci Bank

Asea Browni Boveri (ABR) Export-Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM) Siemens

Austrian Development Corporation Federal Emergency Management Agency Societ6 Gr,nerale

Autostrade (FEMA) Stanflord Un iversity

Aventis Fichtner State Environmryenltal Protection

Bahlirin Stock Exchange Food and Agriculture Organizatiorn ol the Administration. China

Batik of Eniglanld United Nations (FAO) Suez LTonnaise des F.aux

Bank of Israel Fountain Publishers5 Uganda Sumiitomto Corporation

Bank of Korea Fuji Bank, Ltd. Swedish Interniationial Development

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Human Resources Development Canada Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

Banque de France (IIRDC) Tokyo Electric Power Cornpany (TFPCO)

BP Inner ancd Eastern Health Care Network, Tractebel

Brisbane City Council/City Enterprises Ltd. Australia Ulnited Banik for Africa (UBA)

Caisse des Dtp6ts el Consignations Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Uliited Nations

Canadian Initerna[ioiial Developnielit Japarn Bank for International Cooperation Ulnited Nations Ccntre for Regional

Agency (CIDA) (JBIC) Development (UNCRD)

Chase Manhattani Banik Japan International Cooperation Agency United Nations Childrel's F'und (LNICEF)

CH2M Hill Companies Ltd. (JTCA) United Nations Development Programnme

Citibank JP Morgan (UNDP)

COMESA Clearing House Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. (KEPCO) United Nations Economic Commissioni for-

Corporaci(n Inter-Red Keidanren Africa (UNECA)

Credit Agricole Indosuez Lahlime)er International United Nations Environment Programme

DaimlerCGrvsler Macro Irnteirnational (UNEP)

Department for International Development Maruhbeii University of Arizona

(DFID) Menck Vivendi

Deutsche Bank Mitsubishi Corporation Westsaco

Deutsche Cescllsehaft fur Technisehe Mitsui & Co., Ltd. World Cotiservaiionn Uniioi (JUCN)

Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) NAL Merchant Bank WNorld Links for Development Organization

Deutsche Post Nippon Life Insurance Conipaiiy (WorLD)

Development Bank of Souithern Africa Nippon Steel Corporation World Tourism Organization

(DBSA) Novartis

Dexia Organisation for Economic Cooperation

Dow AgroSciences and Developrnent (OECD)

Dresdner Bank Philipp Holzrnanr

EastMWest Institute Placer Dome, Inc. Viet a are joinig the earArrnge

Egyptian Centre for Economic Studies Pricewaterhouse Coopers progrrn iall the time. This Wtns theftill list eot(ECES) Rio Tinto the end of.September 2000.

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Dear Partners, About the Staff ExchangeProgram 4WJUe relcased the first issue of this mnagazine in May attirie First ConIference of the Stiff

v W Exchange Progam, the theme of which was "Building Long-Lasting Global Rela- Come to learn, stay to teach 6tionships." I welcomed some 50 of our corporate partners who took the time to attend the

conference and participate fully in the proceedings, making it an overwhelming success. I Boot camp for brains 7am now delighted to have this opportunity to thank everyone, even those who could not at-

tenid hutivlico conitributed in otlher ways, for their excellent siipport. More than 100 repre- Conference highlights 8senitatives froni our partnier organizatiorns travelled to Washinglon, D.C. for the cnfrierence.

By all accounts. it was a wonderful forum in which not only were we in the Bank Group able Fast forward with Samsung 12

to meet our partners, but our partners were able to meet one another and through active net-

working create and grow the global relalionships tdat are at the hleart of the SLaff Exchange Alumnus heads upProgram. partnership group 13

To build on this success, we are even now planning our next coniference, to he held in

early May 2001. We will announce the prceise dates shortly and look forward to seeing old Concluding his assignment 14friends again and welcoming new ones.

VWith the conference over and our members once more dispersed around the globe, re- Let the conferenceminehber [hat "out of sight" is nou "ouL of touch." By virtue of our ever-improving Web site-

our knowledge potlal-the StalT Exchange Program,I is a true virtual glohal community. The commence I 5new site. at www.staffexcianrge.org, has been il pllace sirnce August. Our knowledge nian-

agement project is one of the first in the world to be developed using Microsoft Exchange haring people and2000. Throuigh it, we are. capitalizing onr one of tIle greatest benefits of the Iiiterinet, the abnil- knowledge th roughity to bring people together to share ideas and knowledge-in this case, on global devel- parnership 16opment issues. Both Staff Exchlange Program participants and their member companies alid

organizations will be able to share information and to network through their individual por- Five years and counting 17tal pages.

The theme of this issue of Share magazine is the Staff Exchange Program's growing net- Entrance to a globalwork of relationships, and I am proud to report that our community of corporate partners community 18continues Lo grow. It was a great pleasure to announce, dulrintg the conference, a ilew part-

nership with Sanmsung. ThraL broughlt our list of parltners to 85, anid in Lthe few imiolrltis silice Pushing the envelopethe coniference, still more have joined us. At thie tiurne of writing, we liave just over 100. of postal services 1 9

Wlio krrows liow many there As ill be whlen wve welcomle thern at the ruiext SEP conference?

The number is not vet certain-but the warmth of our welcome and the strength of our com- How a relationship grew 20mitmient to our partners and to ourjoint efforts in global poverty alleviation are beyond question.

Weaving a network of CDFMy best personal regards. partnerships 2 1

Seizing the future at the

t4rasad UBA 22Pauline B. Ramprasad

Marrager. Staff Exchlarrge Program A local governmentWorld Bank Group with a global perspective 23

Moving on, moving in 24

Share pays dividends 25

Cover illustration byJamesYangDesign and layout by

Communications Development

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About the Staff Exchange Program

Oulr goal at the V(orld Bamk Gi-oiip is to Creduce poverty and improve living.

sLandax(ls hy promloting slstainable growth Our growing network ofand investments in energing cconomics. We

provide loans. technical assistanice. and pol-_icy guidance Lo help our developing cou ntry relationships with partnersmembers aichieve thtis objective.

Our group of institutions includes:

from the private sector and+ >9" " f 77Te International Bank]for

.WRLD UANK Reconsiruction[ and Development

(JRRD). Founded in 1944. this civil society enhances staffsingle largest provider ofdevelopment loans to middle-income developing countries is skills and brings our partnersalso a major catalyst of similarfinancing from other sources.The IBRD funids itself priniarily into a strategic allianceby borrowinig oni internationalcapital iniarkets.

serving our common purposeThe Internationail Developrnerit

Association (IDA). Founded inIDA 1960, IDA assists the poorest of development.

countries by providinginterest-free credits wvith 35-40 year maturities. IDA isprimiarily funided by

governmlenit coritributions.l

[[C The International FinanceeCorporoliOtn (IFC). Thie TIFC

V supports private enterprises inIthe tlevelopinig world throtughthle provisionr of loan andequjity financing, and through -

a range of advisory services.

The Aliltilateral Invest7nentMI XG L Guarantee Agency O(1IGA1).

T I MIGA offers investors insuranceagainst non-couiioercial risk ver the World Bank's more than 50- partners into a strategic alliance serving ourand helps governmelts ini year history, we have become a common purpose of development. Ihedeveloping countries attract global partnership in which more essence of the program is very simple-Meforeign investnient. thian 180 countries have joined together for exchange knowledge by exchanging staff.

a common purpose: to improve the quality of And with knowledge comes partnership.-: . s; The International Centler f vr life for people throughout the world and meet

-tmcs:l lthe Settlemnent of Investment the challenges of sustainable development. How to join usI Disputes (CSJID). TCS1D The Staff Exchange Program, by building The SEP Office is our focal poinit for estab-

encourages the flowv of foreigni a growing nietwork of relationshiips witll part- lishinig avid niaintainiiig these partnerships.investment to developing rier orgarizat ioiis froiri the private sector and The SEP Manager is the contact for advicecountries through arbitration fromti all levels of civil society, enhances thie and guidance on the process. The steps to es-and conciliation facilities. skills ol the Bank Group's staff and brings our tablish the partnership agreement followv.

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We, agree with your representative 'ini the * Enhance the professional and techiiical Skills and Expertisemutual objectives to be gained throuighi the skills anid expertise of parLicipants (0ot1hstaff exchange partnership and on the skiLls. our staff and those of partner organiza- A

neees, and developmenital opportunities tobe tions) through a variety of learning andgained in each assignment. (Note: It is not skills development opportunities. Agriculture/Agribusinessnecessary for both parts of the exchange to * Foster cultural chanige, kinoA ledge ex- Auditintake place at the same time. Either process change, diversity. antid asharing of people gcan begin first. and the exchange can be- and talent with our global development Compensationcompleted at a later date that is convenient partners. Corporate Planningfor both organtizatiors.)

In all exclianges of staff, the host organi- Achievements Economicszation specifies the job description and/or Since its inceptionm the Prograni has suc-terms of reference for the assignment. ceeded in providing external skills develop-

A search is conducted within the spon- ment opportunities for more than 100 talented Energy/Powersorinlg organiizationi for appropriate candi- professionals with a variety of skills profiles Environmentdates (sponsoring organizations will identify and expertise.

anm nominate individuals who have main- External Affairstaiiied a consibtently strong perforinance The World Bank Group Financerecord). and the Private Sector

The sponsoring organization forwardsap- A revolution in economie inanagemenlt is General Servicespropriate staff profiles or curricula vitae (CVs) occurriiig throughout the developing wolld. HeIthto the host organization for consideration. There is global consensus that countries ea

lndividuals who are niominated are as- must foster an open and stable economic Human Resourcessessed by the host organization and inter- climate that encourages entrepreneurshipviewed before a decision is made. and compelitive private sector activity. A

The receiving organization selects an ill- nirarket-frieodly" approach to dexelop- Informaticsdividiial to partLicipate in the Program. meniL is widely viewed as the basis for eco-

Our Staff Exchange Program Office will romnic growtLh. techoiological progress. and Information Managementdiscuss and agree wxith your representative on jot) creation. Investmentcost-sharing arrangements. The private sector c an help) to make Leal

The partnership agreemcnt is finalized economies nimble and responsive enough gand signed by both organizations. These to compete in today's fast-moving global Nutritionagreements contain details of the assignment markets. Moreover, by relieving govern- Organizational Development(clear cxpectations on work program, terms ments of excessive responsibilities and fi-of reference, performance evaluation process. nancial burdens, the private sector can play and Learninginductioni. training, etc.); administrative in- an important and complementary role infoiriation (durati of the assignmeiit, leave, reducinig poverty and securing sustainable Prelocatioii, etc:.); and financial details (whieh growth. 2f Private Sector Developmentorganiizationi pays for what). Procurement

The participant joins the host organizationfor the start of the assignment (the duration Project Finance andof aii assignimernt is typically up to Ltvo years,withi an extension iif u)p toi a third year if boLth Guaranteesorganizations agree). Public Sector Management

The participant returnis Lo the lionie o rga- Social Sciencenizationi at tlhe end of the assignimeiit aimlSapplies t[le new learrnirng. Telecommunications

Program Objectives Transportation* Develop) closer partnerships and lonig- Treasury Operations

lastinig relationships with other organiza- Water and SanitationlioIns operatitng in the global developrmient


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Come to learn, stay to teach

As in the rest of Whashingtoni, D.C., suIII- According to Greg? a comlplete aurisermIner is intern season at the Bank. Interns must have several parts: "First. Poverty Re-start arrivitg aoiuridcl May, arid somrie stav as duction Strategy Papers are not compulsory.late as October. This year therc were more Rather, the Governors of the World Bank indthan 120. from 50 countries as diverse as IMF took a decisioniii September ]999 lthai.Chinia. Estonia. Guinea-Bissau. Italy. Japan, after a transitioni periodi autd for reasons of de-Niger, Russia. Saudi Arabia, antI Senegal. velopmient effectiveness and financial pm-Most are gradu(ate students. dence, they will only lend concessionial

Greg's acdress was part of the Bank's one- resources to the governments of countriesday Summer Internship Program Seminar, that have a strategic focus oil poverty redche-The day kicked off at 9:15, and by the time tion denionstrated by producing a PRSP.Greg addressed the intents tdey had already 'Second. precisely because of the T-e_heard presentations on tlre International De- quiremen t to achieve real country owner-veloprteril Association, thte p)oject cycle, the shiip, tire development of a PRSP must be ledYouna Professionals experience, knowle(dge by government, not the Balnk or other inter-management, and the International Finance national partners. Therefore, it will be up toCorporation. Talk about knowledge sharing. government to ensure that the strategy that

Much of what Greg does in the secretariat emerges is orte uvith which they, and thie cuorir-I_s concerned wvith assembling arid shar itig tiv more broadly, are n oriterit.knrowledge. Imiplermientatiorn of thie CDF ap- "Third, the process that tlie government

I -- ~~~~proach is being tracked on a pilot basis in a leads muist be open anid participatory; anld

number of countries. The secretariat's role is aimed at building a credible consensus bothto coordinate that tracking, support World with their ovn society aid with their develop-Banik coutryii- teaTats in helping governmicnits ment partners, includinig the Bank and F'und.

address CDF implementation, and ensure This approach should create the space to wor-k

that the Bank Group and the development through differences of approach and opirnion.communitv uiore widely learn the lessons "Fourth, in assessing wlt irer ithe siralegy

Greg Tou/rain caine to the fIrurrn thle pilolt experierice. The secretlriat a government proposes provides a sojlindalso has the task ofreporrtirig on progress, iri- basis for concessional lending, the boards of

Bankftrom Britain on, an SEP cluding reportirig to tie World Baiik arid IMF the \World Batik arid TMF will have heobreAnriiral Meetings iti 2000. thiemT a joint staff assessment, addressinrg

assignment and .soon found Greg also works with couritry directors as both the intrinsic merits of the strategy andthey support the CDF pilots, collecting and its relationship to their institutional fiduciary

himsefj giving presentations digesting information on progress. Ile sup- concerns. The accent is on finding the righitports internal lesson learning and cultural solution to support the shared objective--ef-

oni the Comprehensive change nrore wuidely in the Bank, explaining fectivc poverty reduction-but with distinctwliat the CDF is aboul to itrterial and exter- accouuntabilities for the Bank atid Futld, as

Development Framnework nal audiences and contributitig toi reports well as for the country concerned.from the CDI' Secretariat. "Lastly, emergent practice suggests that

Tlre questiotn-atid-answver sessioni at the this dileiritra is more theoretical tItan real. Thieor peoprle from partner orgairizationis, end of Greg's presentation to the ititerns PIRSPs and Intei'im P1SPs that have come for-a stafflexeclarige assignment is a great proved that a world slrot-tage of bright grad- ward so far have shown credible evidence ofF opportmutitv to learn about the Barik. iate stildeirts is trot sonietliing we ha;ve to couita ownriership. while also easily aclhiev-

But as Greg Toulmin forurid( otit, they can eid woriry albout arty time snort. The internis weLr itlg the tntreslioltd required to secure staffup teaching as well as learning. straight for the aspec:ts oftithe CIDF that sotte srtpprort, irt ternis of'struclure. poverty frcus.

Greg, who came to the Bank in Septembrer regard as comntrversial. Their questionts boiled aril tmaciotcectnttritc corltext. "1999 from the British government's Department diown to: "toiler the CDF, Ciountries are stup}- The questiotn-and-answver session ox er.

for International Development, noe regularly posed to take ownership of their develop- and Greg's knowleoge-shliaring mission florgives presentations on the Comprehensive De- merit process. Htw do you sqrriare tbat witr the day fulfilled, lhe interns returned ttt theirvelopmirent Framework (CDF) both to nCew Banik the need to satisfy Bank ancd Fund require- dirties. Who kniows, some of them could bestaff and others-which is how lie founnd him- merits, and having to produce a Poverty Re- among the SEP participarnts of the futrtie.self addressitig an audience of Brink interns in duction Strategy Paper (PRSP) that nieets One of thene might even end rip giving pre-the l-l auditorium one afternoon in Julv. -with Bank ind Fiund approval?" sentatioris oni the CDF. *


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Boot camp for brains

Thi,s } ear.s SEP plartoon Markus Repnik, from the Austrian De- the EDP. Of course the SEP attracts peopleseloprient Cooperation. dlescribe(l the EDP who are open to knowledge-sharing and learn-

is ready to get the most as "a tremendous opporlituity to lealmnjointly iig, hotll still it was remarkable how many ofwith Bank colleagues." Lhe participants expressed interest in learn-

out o?f the Executive Participants also expressed eagerness to ing more in fields where they already have ex-learn more about areas and activities of the perienec. 'I'hat belief that you never know it

Developmrlent Prograinm- Banik beyond their own specialization. Knut all. that anly day you could meet someoneLeipold, fiomrl Siemlens. sail: "I will have the who cotld teach you more. is a very SEP

by putting tile inost in opportunity to rieeta lot of Bank staff involved frame of minld.in mlanagerial activities in other Batik sectors, Markus Repnik, who alreadv has consider-

sAffien people tome to the Batik wlichl will widen m) horizons.' able experience in the management of change.%~V "'ion sLaff exchange assiginments, R6mulo Leon. also fronlt Siemenis, said: "I said lie hoped that one of the skills be would

vY they probably don't expect to be think this is the opportunity to experience the imnprove on the EDP is change mranagement insent to boot camp. But the Bank has a boot camp organization from various angles and facets." international developmenit cooperation.with a difference-it',s a boot camp for brains. Our group also displayed a strong belief that Knut Leipold said: 'Participation in the

It's known as the Executive Development the EDP is a leading program in the ambitious EDP offers the opportunity to acquire moreProgram, and everv year about 120 senior ex- process of change on which the Bank has em- knowledge on how to approach strategic plan-ccutives loio the Bank, 1MF, client countries, barked. and that SEP participants can con- ning in sulch a huge public institution as theani partner or gal i i zat ins attend two i n le rise tribute to arid learn ftrom tlat process. R1r6nn lo World Batik in particular and in the publ ic see-thlree-week modules witi the Harvard Busi- l.e6n said: "EDP liarticipants should( be the tor-to which the \Xorld Bank dedicates a lotrness School and other institutions. Setting up ones -who shiil(l canr- on with the World Bank" of developmental work in its client countries-the EDP was one of James Wolfensohn's ear- change process and I want to be part of that." in general. This will help to understand theI iest initiatives whien he became presid ent of Asked what skills he expected to acquiire strategy of the WUorld Bank better and at the samethe Bank, as a way of introduci ng the changes on the program, Joel Garnboa also emphasized time to contribute to developing strategic ap-be wanted to make at the highest lcvels. the process of change: "In particular, the for- proaches at the Bank in my special expertise

Learning is one of the central tdienies of the mulation of strategies-global. regional. sec- area: e-governmnt."' lie added that he alsoStaff Exchange Program, anrl some of our toral-andt how these interrelate in sutpport hopes to leamr niore alhout strategic anld huIi-visiting participants have attended the EDP of the tranisforiniatioii process. Also. tiaviuig ness plarii iug and or gan izatiotnal naniagerlient.every year sinCe it began in 1996. This year gone througli successfully several cultural R6mulo Le6n said lie is interested in leam-tde SEP has sent its biggest corntingent to and change management initiatives in the ing more skills in strategic planning for pub-date-seven SEP people went to Harvard in private sector with the latest one being global lic organizations, and the development ofAuiguist for the first module. as well as non-US in nature, I am vCIy inter- management systenis for its implenientation.

As they prepared to go. some of this year's ested in learning about the facilitation of Clearly, the EDP is no ordinary boot camp.participants discussed the EDP with Share these in an institution like the World Bank." And by their comnients and commitment. themagazine. Asked why they wanted to attend, Joel's comnients highlight another strik- participauits from the SEP prove that they arethey were unanimous in viewing it as a great ing aspect of the SEP participants' attitude to no ordinary recruits. Copportunity. But it was also noticeable thatthey echoed the Staff Exchange Programn'sthemes not just of leaning, but of' klnowl-edge-sharing. They were concerned not onlywith what they could take from the program, '

but what they could contribute.Joel Ganbuoa. from Exxon-Mobil. said: "The l

prograrn set-up shouldallow not only for gain- i iing k-iowledge frontt an acadeiiiic perspectivelint more importantly from the sharing of theknowledge anti experiences of the partici- .pants. The interaction aniongst the partici-paiiLts shol] d he one of the highlights . . .I planto take adlvantage of this great opportunity togaii and share' experience and kiowledge."

Our participants with EDP staff at Harvard

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Conference Highlights

M ay was conference time. The Above: James D.Wolfensohn, the oresident UfStaff Exchanae Program's first the Waorld Ban <e pens tee conference.M * confe.rence, based on the theme Right: eans Ho z ABB's lia so^ officer for tnee

"Building Long-Lasting Global Rela- multilaleral dtve cpmert Daelns, ado-ceses a i

tiouslhips," was held at the Bank on May reception n the atriUe M o thie MC buildrig.

10-12. It was a great success, attractingmore thanl 100 representativesfrom .0 of 3 Xtour partner organizations. Over the three PR;CI:&NIdays the packed agenda featured no fewer

tharn 19 sessions, and thle conference wasaddressed by 25 visiting speakers, withimany contributions from Bank Groupstaff and SEP participants. The confer-ence wvas accompanied by an Expo inthe atrium of the NIC building, with 20stalls hosted by exhibitors from ABB to

Xpedior.The World Bank president. James D.

Wolfensohn. opened the conference with a

welcome address to our partners. The pho-

tographs on these pages show our first con-

ference in full swing, and the quotes that Above: At the Expo n the MC anriun om th-c firet noreing (orn left) Pae r- R. tmprasacd,

accompaiy them are from Mr. Wolfensohn's mranager- of t-e SLaff Excharge Program, James D. WVof[ensohr, pres dedt of the Word BaCk, are

opening address. Mr t -a Regal la von Biebe ste n Kocle -VVaser d rector gener-al of the 'Nor d Coe mo-vaion Union.

Left: Te Stdaff Excranga- `eare teem at 0-re

S1P steed at tnea race (from leftl Yapeak

- - -- - GfInger fCee ttar oac iHolrert S roai;Ir ie

A ust- ia, Marian iet ac P'atine Ea nRampsae, can

Poe I-so I-er oy. Right:The entree so she

Expo hethe MC atrurom.

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May 10-1 2, 2000

-,stt 't> w.@ ; S 1 *--- | h A 1 -f e"

_S Ii are B~i~ng "n9gGlobal Relatonsbips

.bove:The ertrancer othe Prestor Arditorium D-o anms ine themie of lhe ccnfeier,ce.T CseionZ elsti g 1-eationsl ips >sere enhal-nced bE th,e ia. rre rp ,f m:r)e I hirn MC

representatives of our pairtners.

This is enriching, it's long frterm, and it's going to build a

network of relationsh1ips that

will be very rneaningfulfior u As. e 0 - ji .

.- 'Above: O p- the cpenrg -o-nirg ofthe conference. Bank. P esident ain es D.rV'llIensoh i (Uhit-dfr-omi left) leads tl-e wA, t fi-omn the E-,pa to) t-ne F eston Au,diLol-lnrm, ovhe e r,c Wdak UJ '-rve h is

adcjress of,E lce ne to deL1-he dele_>dees.

EXH\(LSh-alrePROG A p | ripe ri es Skll, Knowledge, Learning

'I S i_ ip Perspectiv

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Conference Highlights

In the developmenit business. it's no longer a question of afew

multilateral institutions making the difference. The d'iffrence

now comes from. the private sector and all aspecis of civill

society coming together with institutions like the Bank.

s s3 _ 00 ,qo~~~~~~~~~~~ed l_

Top: Rchert -rmword c- ie exPcUtve cf

_Sottsh Entorpr sc giv/er s 5adress G1obo

Above:Troe Expo sands of M crosoft aod Xpecio - woo colla.orteod or o Iding tco ncw., Kn cdgeTransf-sr a5d ohe PowoC!- of

<no'x coge por-al cr the Staff Exchange Program one oftheo wcrds fist apclicatbso-s to use Connect vsit, Above: Mar -sa Rogala von

Mcrosoft Excawge 2000. Below: Delegates at a pane ciscussion of gender .aw on te first 3oocrate o KocD-'aVeset6r ector gone 0

afternoon oft-e coPe^ence, mcderated by SEP -artocDano Lesyt Oiora, of tbe Uncve-sity, of the A/ore Cor-sevatioo- Un on, speaks aLcu.r

`nozoca. ared a tenced biy ministers for.georer ssues fnornTarzaria, Uganda, Zambia arc Zimbabwe. Os pa-tnership N-h -.he vVooeld Banke G1oou1p


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May 10-1 2, 2000


Above: NigelTw ose (left) maragerof the Bnk's Busness lartnership and Ounreac^ Gnroa, set

_up ts year to develop partrerslops vh he priate setowth the de egaton fr-mn cdirner,

tihe jdpan Fed -altari ofF ar-o nac 0 gda:il eLno> waerh reap esenl- Toie th i-; 1.000

rorporat on n Japan

Top: PeLer Wo cke ne(nuLive vace presidern

IntemdnaLio-al Finance Corpora, at in

niaraging di-ector Privite S Wcen vaorld Bank!

adresses the crlerence on Ma>i I i Above:Is. Lukwand ast rg exeCLtive secretary ot the Above: I he Stsft x-canage Proram .gnrs utp itn d5th p.,-tnern Boeind, oef to right r"ycng-KwanCaonnri Marses tar Fastern and Southerr i a/.n Samsniig' vce cha ronan anr chiefcsAocutive. -hakes hrndes nith Richrard Se-n the ranl-Afris, deel ver n s address on Shnari hg Phu c- Groauns- v ce pres cant for numan rrsourncs anc i fronts Paulic Rampra sad, manager o;f the Staff

Pr acne Partnershin Exper ence in Afi ca. E>charge Pro-gram 'with Km Chang-Son Samsung's d re-cat of persor no.

We appreciate enormously the

possibilities of working with

you. I want to thank you, all

ofjyou, for being our partners

andfor helping uts build this

really remarkable endeavor.

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Fast forward with Samsung

T he Staff Exchange Program docsn't BJ and BK showed determination to lit intodrag its feet. One of the highlights of the inulticultural wor ld of' the Bank, enjoy

Tll i l nour first conference in May was Sam- theirtime in WVashington, and fujlfil thie SEP'ssunrg Corporation's signing up as our 85thi primiary mtission-by sabaring knowledge, in

partner. Things moved quickly after that. Lit- both directions.

tie mrore. than a mnonth later; the first partie-HiJ said: "I worked for tile Finance Divi-ipant from Sanasung arrived to start his sion in Samsung, so I hope I hope that toy ex-

l i i S r m | assignment at the Bank, and he was joined perience in the Finance Division, especiallyhy the second participant a few weeks later structured finanicing experience, will be help-

The first arrival was Byung-Kwon (BK) ful to the Bank. and also I believe that r willKim, whom we welcomcd on June 20 for a get a lot of' advanced finiarncial skills andtwo-year assignment as a private sector de- great experience from the Bank."velopiment specialist in the Africa Region BK hoped that the private sector per-Technical Farnilies, Private Sec tor tUnit. He spective he offers might be a valuable con-worked in the Project (Plant) Department at Lrihution to project planning by the Bank orSamssung. by client governirnents. Bujt like BJ, he, em-

Very soon afterward, we welcomed Bong- phasized his interest in learninlg as wel L. HeJin(BJ)Kim,who raivedonJulyI1,alsofor believes thal his assignment in the Africatwo years. His assignment is as a financial ad- region will give him inure anderstaniliarg ofviser in the Strategy and Resource Manage- the special character of each African coin-ment, Commodity Risk Group. At Samstung, try and enable him to proniote business ac-he is a finance niarager in the Finance Team. tivities in the African market when he goes

With two Samsung participants already hack to Samisung.here, the reciprocal part of the exchanige has While it wvas a little early for them to havenot been forgotten, and preparaLions are well iligested all the c ontrasts between two orga-under way to send Bank Group staff on as- nizatioris as different as Samsalng and the

Bong-Jin Kim (left), and Byung-Kwon Kim signments to Samsung. Bank, both BJ and BK said that one differencecame to the Staff Exchange Program Samsung is the Group's first SEP partner was immediatcly obvious-the much greater

from Samsung Corporation in the Korean private secttor. Speaking at the diversity of culture here. BK said: "I have no-signinlg of the partnership agreeMent dujring ticed that employees at the Bank come fromthe conferenlce, the president of the World all over the wold.l It is a multinrational cullure,Bank, James D. Wolfensohii, said: "Thlis first- and I hiope to learn about various cultures atever staff exchange by the Bank with a Ko- the Bank." BJ agreed: "The biggest differencerean company, in this case Samsung, is sure in the Bank is the culture, because the Bankto be a win-win arrangement. The Bank will is an internationlal organization."

Tlb is video nmaker doesn It herefit fronn corporate Asia-Pacific knowledge JIst coming to the States has been a newarnd Samsurog n'ill gainr from omr global de- cultural experienice for BJ, btit oiie he seems

belie ve in slowv maotiton. Ju.st velopment perspective." to relisli. He said: "This is rniv first time to visitEveryone has heard of Samnsung. They do the US, hut I believe I enjoy American life."

wueeks after oiar- 8'5th parttner video players. right? Well, yes. But don't for- BK lived in the States for two vears inget the cars, aerospace products, jet fighters, 1989-90, but had never been to Washington

stgned up, twvo of its staff fertilizers, insurance, banking, and the con- before. He said: "Washington. D.C, is an el-struction (if oil refineries arid nuclear power egant and historic city. I love D.C. and hope

begani their aNssignments planits. Not to mientiomi the professiornal base- to have a wonderful time here during myball and soccer teams, and sponsorship of the assignment."

at the Rank Sydney Olympics. The work-force worldwide WVith such a positive attitude, we are quitenumbers a mere 193,000, and net sales in sure he and BJ will. (a1998-99 were $72 billion. That's qulite apartriea.

Among those 193,0001 employees, fle Bankcould hardly have found two with a greater un-derstanding of the purposes of the SEP. Talk-ing to Share magazine as they settled in here,


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Alumnus heads up partnership group

An SEP gradtuate has gone on7 IFC'" engagement with a client more broadly * A road safety project in Poland, as part ofto achieve social bernefits, alonig with business the Global Road Safety Partnership. work-

lo lead a new uttit dedticated benefits." BPOG partniership specialist ingloimproveroadsafety andvisibilityatAmanda Blakeley explains. "black spots" with the General Directoc-ale

toJbrging relationshipts The unit is considering convening a world for Public Roads, the Red Cross, 3M.conference of telecommunications and infor- Siemens, and others. The companies. with

between. the Barnk Group arid mation technology companies to brainistorni the lhelp of a World Bank loan. are work-ways to address the sector's skill shortage, iiig to improve ntiglht visibility, erect traf-

the prirate sector which is increasing costs and hitting profits. fie signs, and improve road alignmernt atMeanvhile more than 30 projects are under fix e black spots identified bv the Road

way as part of the unifs Business Partners for Administration.A s tbe WNorld Bank Group has devel- Development initiative (BPD). BPD is a three- * WTiter concession cointracts in Buernos Aires.,A () iped its n"ewv approach of forging re- year, project-based initiative that involves where Aguas Argentinas. the private eon-

ationships wiLh developmeiit more tiani 120 global firms and civil society tractor, and Suez-Lyonnaise des Eaux, thepartners, the Staff Exchange Program has heen organkizations i workiig ont partnerships for operatoi; were looking for mechanisms toin the forefront of that effort. And oiie of its niatuiral resources, water and sanitation, youth supply drinking water and sanitation ser-

alumni is now leadingaimajorinitiative iri oiai- developiment, and road safety. Since 1998. it vices to the poorest areas, the shanty townsreach to the private sector has set up 30 "focus projects" in 20 countries. or rillos miserias. Fr om the coimipany per-

Nigel 'Twose, who completed his SEP as- Partners have a common goal to maximize the spective, these areas wvere bad business:signmlent in 1998, is maniager of the recentily - public good in the private investment activ- their 3 million people account for 15 per-formed Business Partniership anl Outreach ities of multinational corporations through cent of the company's customer base, yet de-Group (BPOC). Nigel was director of pro- trisectoir parLtnerships that benefit the long- liver only 1.5 peTcent of the income and usegramme development at ActionAid in the term interests of the businiess sectorv while op to 25 percent of investments.U.K. and came to the Bank on assignment in meeting the social objectives of civ il society BPD's Witer anrd Sanilation Cluster hasSeptember 1997 .BPOG is focusing on busi- and the state. included this project amnong a series ofness partnerships as a way to bridge business BPD projects include: focus projects aroutnd the world aimed at

interests and a country's social and environ- * The Global Alliance for Workers and Corn- sharing innovative approaches to servimigmental interests. munities, which brings NGOs, multinational poor communities. An additional 100,000

"There are a lol of new activities underway corporations, and factory owners together to people were connected in 1999 as a resultthroughout tIle Worlr Banik Group airnied at tproviile young factory workers (predomiii- of thlese innovative solutions.helping countries leverage privaite enterprise's namilny wonien) with opportunities to im- BPOG is intent on fostering partnershipspotential as an engine ouL of poverty," Nigel prove their lives, workplaces. and where meeting social obligations is as im-says. Companies are realizing tlat it is iii their connmunities. Ttie iiiitiative has begun in porLanL as achieving business alid corporatebusiness interest to not only "do the right Vietnani. Thailand, Idlonesia, anrd China, goals. In practical terms, that also meansthing" but to add significant value to the com- and partners include Nike, The, Gap, the In- providing training Lo Bank Group stall, amongpany by preventing social and environmental temational Youth Foundation. and the World( others, oii bow to partner with the privaLeproblems before they happen, as they identify Bank. Discussions are we'll under -way with sector. BPOG is working with partners at theopportunities for new products, lie adds,. sonie major Asian companies. World Bank Institute and a training consor-

The mLn(iate of the new group), establishedl * The Sarsliatali moal iniiie, wvhichm is an IFC liumo led by the Prince of NVales Businessbv Peter Woicke ii April 2000 and co-lunided client and tlie first privately operated coal Leaders Foruni (T K) btat imnludes Lthe U li-

by the Bank, IFC. anid MIGA, is to support iminle iri Inidia. It is locaLeil iii West Bengal versity of Cambridge (UK), iMonterrey Tech

and guide private sector partnersbip and out- wlichl has a lonig hisLory of social unresl (Mexico), EMPRETEC (Ghanal, Philippines

reach acItivities across the World Bank Group. arounid the mining indusLry. Over the past Business for Social Progress, Partners forThe focus of this uniqUely structuLred unlit is year, lhrough BPD, local partners have Change (ITndia), and the Polish Environmen-

on nmairstrearniig the lesson.s frori theleWorld beeii involved iti a lix elilioo(ls assessruienI tal Partnership.Bark Group's work on private sector part- and a set of trust-building activities. These The Buisiness Partners for Developnent

nerships into thie Bank's, TFC's, and MIGA's activities have used partnership) trainin)g Web site is at httL)://www.bpdw%eb.org *core business. to lay the foundation for longer-terrn sus-

'/i BPOCG we <are working hard to promote taimable developmnent and built collabora-socially responsibIle business parinerships. tiOT hetweeni the compaTly, its ,NGO

That means, among other things, addressing partners, and local community groups, with Our thonuks to Jean-Mlfarie lomine ofthe Busi-

questions on how to build public-private part- active participation from the public sector ness Partnership amid Outreach Grommpforpro-nerships arounld a Bank loan and how to use led by the local district magistrate. riding thisfeature, which was editedfor Shore.


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Concluding his assignment

AlI Ri hard Stern completes Iiis three lears a. hiauni i e,oa-rces rice pre.Mident, helooks ho(k on the origins o/'the SEP and hnscnrd to ha tfinreO utside the tinted windows of the business," Richard said. "The lessons from tablished. However, as James Wolfensohn

11th floor of lhe MC buildinig, there one sector or courtry can gradually be applied said at the SEP conference in Mav. Bank_0 was swvelterirng Anguist suinshine, elsewhere. So if you want truly rounded de- staff were initially apprehensive that an SEP

but Richanld Stern had a cold. He caught it velopment professionals, they probablv need assignment was a step off the career ladder,from sleeping in near-zero temperatures, on to stay in the Bank a longtime. The downside with no clear way back on. During Riclhard'sa slat bed oni a muld floor, with only a sheet is thaL they become good development pro- time., that has ben ecorrected-somre 50for cover. fessionals. but they lack other perspectives. Bank Group staff have gone on assignments,

The Waold Bank's vice president for huiman So spen(ving one or two years outside the and intercst in participating in the SEP hasresources had not been reduced to these stiaits Batik is extremely important. We lhadn'l beers increased dramatically. The program has ex-

by budget cuts. He was just back from the final doing tlhat systematically before the SEP." panded to embrace all the institutions of themodale of the Executive Developmenit Pro- The concept of staff exchange rapidly lie- Wuorl( Bank Groutp.gram-a placement in a developing country. camne formalized after a new president was ap- The roster of partner organizations hasHe had spent a week in a village in Kenya. pointed to the Bank in 1995. "When Jin also grown, from fewer thani 20 wheni Richard

After three years in chargc of human re- AWolfensohn arrived, he started pursuing the arrived to just over 100. Althouglh the private

sources, Richard is nioving on. He is staying idea of partnerships-he was simply recog- sector is still btrongly represented, iiiole part-at the Bank but looking for a new mission. nizing the fact that we had gone froni donii- ners froni all levels of civil society have beenDuring his watch, the Staff Exchange Program nancc in the development business to being found, in keeping with the Baiik's public-became firmly established and grew to its one among a number of players, and we private partnership agenda.present scale. Gazing across Pennsylvania couldn't succeed withouit building strategic Richard's belief in the priniciples of staffAcerue froiii his office, handkerchief in hand, alliances and systematically learning friom exchange is reinforced by personal conviction.Richard reflected on its beginnings. others," Richard said. As chief of the Indonesia division in the lat e

In an unsystematic way, the Bank had The SEP. established in 1995, was from the 1970s. lie worked with a young staff memberbeen importinig lechnlical kniow-how by bor- star t itLeiided to serve both stafl develop- seconded to Lthe Bank frorn Japan's Overseasrowing staff front other organizations for years nieot aiid the growth of partnerships with Economric Cooperatiorn Fund.before the SEP was formally established. other organizations. 'The justification for it was Richard said, "He worked with us for two"'We didn't have the expertise, and we needed that if we're g'oing to be a successful devel- or three years, and became a close friend. Hea jumllp start," Richard said. opmentagencywe mustform partnerships, and is now a senior officer of JBIC [the Japan

The notion that Bank staff would benefit second we need it for staff development rea- Bank for International Cooperation, OFCF'sfrom experience outside the Bank was also in sons. It's always got to be bothl," Richard said. successor]. Now when we work together onthe airn but again it was iniplemenite(d in an So wthen Ricihardl camie to humnan re- matters of mutual interest to the two organi-ad hoe wav. "Developmient is a partnershiip sources in 1997, the SEP was already es- zations, the element ol trust is veiy stron2g.

"These are all initangibles, and you neverknow when the payoff is going to be. The

great thing about the SEP is that we have sys-tematized all these things."

Richard is glad to have spent time inhuman resources, but feels it is time to getback to operations. '-I have done 30 vears irnthe Bank, and 3 years in human resources.I've enijoyed it imimenisely, but I'm ani opera-tions person ." Whatever he does next, mavbeithe, inspiration will cose from that hut backiii Kenya wvhere he caught a c(old.

"11 hiave beeni to plenty of places in the

developing world, but cominig face to facewith abject poverty is still a radicalizing ex-perience," he said. "We live in a global vil-lage, in communications termns-we can!tsay we don't know. So holw (cani we. as a glolbalcolnimulity, tolerate it?" C

Where he caught cold: Richard Stern out-side his EDP quarters in Kenya.

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Let the conference commence

The second atnntual Staft On our knowledge portal at www.staffexchange.org. our virtual com-

Efxchlanl,ge PvrogramlJl munity can meet, confer, and discuss the design. True to our mission asa partnerslhip, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing endeavor, we are invit-

con77ferentce( Mill wktep/lafe Irl . Cing all of you, our global partners, to tell us what kind of event you would

Mat 2001. But it a vlirtital like in May. Help us to structure it and shape it so that all the partici-

sense, i/e con/erence begins pants can feel they have ownership of the evenTl.Watch our Web site! Soon we will be opening a discussiotn room where

ligt now'-because Moe alre right now becusewe reall our partniers can have their say in developing the conference. As of

(I.skig/or YOUR ilnpuL into right now, the design is open.

the (lesrgn oj the erent.i. Some of the design is a given. Same duration, same place-the for-mal events will take place over two days in the Preston Auditoriunm, with

the Expo and opportunities to network exteniding into the bllird day. But

we plan to make the proceedings very different this time. Yes, there may

be some formal addresses in plenary sessions. We certainly had inter-

esting speakers last time. But we are also looking for a design that al-

lows more interaction, networking, and discussion.

This is where yotur input is crucial. Those of you whio were witih Us at

thle first conference may want to propose ways to do things differently this

time. Others may draw on their experience of other such events to make

suggestions. We want to pool all the vast resources of talent and experi-

ence we have in our network of global relationships to make this the best

conference we can.

Soon we will have the precise dates for your diary. But in the mean-

lime, we ask all of you to start gatlhering your iltoughts and proposals for

the design. The earlier we get feedback from everyone, the better.


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Sharing people and knowledge through partnership

flO (ars oi71 (I Scottish Enterprise faces many challenges,and the imperative for change has never been

secondinent at the Imore pressing. Three major forces drive this

change: globalization, competition. and tech-World B(nk_ riology. As companies globalize they need to

nmarshal their resources of knowledge moreconvinced Robert comprehensively and effectively, making them

globally accessible. As competition intensifiesCarawford tha t staVf they need to bring to bear their entire capac-- !ity of excellence and tlhrough the use of tech-

exchlange is vitallfor nology maximize their ability to utilizekntowle(dge across the entire enterprise.

Scottishl Enrterprise Staff exchange, by connecting people topeople anid people Lo krnowledsge, creates a realloiig-temn advantage for any organization. It alsoS cottish Enterprise, Scotland's economic brings to the organization different cultoral

_development agency, is leading the must-haves-trust, sharing common goals, a

_ government's efforts to promote and - thirst for learning., and an acceptance of change.build a dynamic and competitive kniowvleedge- lOE Our staff exchange program will play a keybased economy. role insupportingtheiegoal of sharingknowledge

As knowledge and iLs application hbecome tlirougli partnersbips. At Scottish Enterprise weever more important in the global economy, believe that the only path to success as ari or-our focus is increasingly on stimulating in- ganization, or to prosperity as a nation, is tonovation and creativity in business and en- make learning and knowledge-creation of prinecouraging a framework of skills, education, importance, and we recognise that knowledgeresearch, and enterprise to project Scotland gained by experience is vital for the individ-firmlv into a very global 21st centurv. ual. the organization, and the economy.

We are now working closely with large The staff exchange program at Scotlishnumbers of organizations both in Scotland andt Enterprise will offer a diverse range of flex-elsewhere in the world to (levelop the best ible opportunities that will le aligned lo tieideas, thie best designs, the best products in - .- organizational and inidividual need. Exchanige

markets across the globe for the benefit of the . a. . . . placements will vary from short project-basedScottish economy and people. exchanges to longer national and interna-

How do we ensure that our people can tional exchange opportunities.help to deliver this? At Scottish Enterprise exchanges has been with the World Bank The program will represent a paradigmwe believe that success will corme from in- Group. This exchange program has offered sli ft in thie curnent Scottish Enterprise see-vestirig in ouir people. Part of ouri lonig-term anid will corinLinue lo offer varieil. dynamriic op- ondorenL process. Participationj will be forstrategy includes the pursuit of partnerships portunities for Scottish Enterprise participants individuals who:and strategic alliances, and we are confident to acquire, share, and act on knowledge. * Ifavc maintained a consistently high per-that Scottish Enterprise is an attractive part- I saw for myself how effective the pro- formance record.nership candidate to other organizations. gram was-T spernt two years on seconfdmerit * Can demonstrate the ability to learn from

We are already working with some of the best at the Bank. O n my return to Scottish Enter- and add value to tire host organization.comnpanies, orgamnizations, aiid individuals in the prise as chief executive this year, I was de- * Will returii lo tlhe sponIsorinig orgaiizatioi

world oii a range of groundbreakiog projects. teromined to rise the World Bank model to aiid applv new learninig.That exclhanige of ideas and information draws support my personal commitment to having Staff exchange will he one of the most ef-new experience and thought processes into the very best pcople within our organization fective ways of sharing knowledge across,Scottish Enterprise. But we also believe that we and to create value from their knowledge and within, and beyonri our organlizatiorn. Scottishcan offer new experiences and ideas to other capabilities. Enterprise has beniefited greatly fiom the Worldorganizalions thiougioutI the worlil. Witlihin Scoitish Enterprise people play Bank staff exchange program. We are coin-

One of'the niost effective ways to do this is the valuable role of navigators-putting nitted to continuing these relationships aridby exchanging staff with our partner organi- knowledge into context for others and creating creating closer partnerships with other coon-zations. Staff exchange began at Scottish En- the trust and relationships that foster effective tries. organizations, ai(i hbasinesses that erm-terprise in 1996. One of our most successful kniowledge sharing and learning. brace econmioic development and change. '


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Five years and countingSinice its birth in 1995 the Staff 'Extange Progrwtrn has grown healthilyl Here is a selection of the vital statistics it htadreached hY Summer 2000.

I 0 0 partner organizations i 81 ̂j 3 Bank Group alumnin

1 08 male participants

23 Incominigparticipanits now at the Bank Group 6 1female participants

Shortest assigrnment6 m onthsParticipantsfrom 3 O countries

Banl.k Group staff nou. on assignment 23

First Bank Group participant 29Selina Shum in September 1996 P aunPartn.er alu.mni

Most new incoming participants in a year 33 in 1999

Most new Bank Group participants in a y-ear I 5 sofar in 2000

First incoming participantAkira Tanabe arrived in Juine 1996

Longest assignment 4 years 42Average age of participantsfrom. partners

Average age of Bank Group participants 4 6Mostparticipantsfrom one partner: 7 from Siemens

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Entrance to a global community

John Foniana a writes abot _

SEP's new knowledge portal I = _

C., SPi-, K- W

Letter tern .,mes Q, Wea seen, PResrdent of Thee

(itch here for infomatton about The Wortd Sank Croup'slSlaff Exchange Programs _oe

Fah ina C.-rti- h, IffWrp-a AankaAnoooeegieaseo n

Vkelcere to the no- Staff ExchangeE e fin a lee the Ub,e, tl1Chh Peg eam Kensowedge Pegorsl n, lineSen ot ~~~~~12 D3t 09 PM qht the Pregcars' etrctegic ahjent ee

the Spoetight see Hot Topirs ret the

Knewtedge eat seo cod Shoring

| _|X_ wetltZ BanTK A~~77


W hen an organization coordinates ac- sourced the portal, called My StaffExchange which has more than 200 IT staff. plans totivities in 180 countries in an effort Program. to service provider Data Return. bring the portal in-hotuse once Exchange

to foster economic growth and reduce world The 13ank spent eight weeks getting the por- 2000 ships irt early fall.povertv, it learns a thing or two about the tal developed and deplo ed, including *vork- In building the portal it was key to kee)imtportance of collaboration. ing with svstems integrator Xpedior. in mind future growth, Pauline says. She

Tlhe Woldd Banik is just that orgaiizationi, artd To get the portal into operation, the Bank picked Exchange 2000 over Lotus's Raveutit has naturally takert to the Irfteniet as a tool contracted with Data RetuHn. The hosting ser- collaboration server because she felt Ex-for gathering the best minds it the coeporate vire in Dallas swas runreiieg early- release codle change was more flexible and would be lessworld to help stimulate its nonprolit work. One of Exchange 2000, whiclh is touted as a plat- expensive to Customnize in the long run.important development is the Staff Exchange fonna for building collaborative applications. h'l'e portal lets users create documents. ex-Programt's new portal (www.staffexehange. 'Thc Web storage system is key for Staff change data, and post infomatiorn for puiblicorg), tlesigned to captirre and putblish the in- Exchange in that it allows file storage anid full review. Each program member gets a per-tellettital capitd the Bank geteerates through text search," says Mark Warren. a vice pres- sonal site on thc portal to store documents inthe SEP ThIe Bank accelerated tIre establish- ident at Data Returrn. Anotlher key is that public or private folders to control access.ment of the portal, which wenit live in August, Exchange 2000's Web Sbore can be accessed One goal is lo add disttussion, chats, andby handing over the hosting of the portal's in- using HTTP, ineaning users catl get to dae- inrstant messaging, all supported by Exchaange.frastrtcture and applications to a third partv. uments using only a Web browser. Also im- Pauline says program participants wvere

U ntil the advent of the portal, the Bank had portant are indcex and scarch featurcs that let blown au-ay by the prototype. "People's eyesno way to capture and catalog the ideas gen- the Bank maintain its internal nlales for cat- popped out when they saw they could inter-erated witlhin the SEP. wxhiclt has more than aloging documlents by subject such as "Trans- act with the Bank in such a way," she says.100 coiporate neenmbers. Now the intent is to port" or 'Water." "We have a global comuununity and we arecreate an ever-evolving Web-based library SEP manager Pauline Ranipassad says nioving that physical community iitto a vir-of documents that can be used as a refercnce it's too early to rate the hosted infrastrue- tual one." EDtool by program participants and edttrate the ture, but her judgment will he based on re-

public about the Banik. liability and reespontsiveness. This article, edited./or Share. appeared inFor the fotandation of the project, the Bank "'they are the same issues as if it were our Aetwork World Fusion \Vews ill August. See

utecd llicrosoft's Exchange 2t)000, and otut- own IT' staff," she says. The World Bank, theirhomenpage at http.:/ruw;ra/ewfhsion.coutn.


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Pushing the envelope of postal services

The Internet d1Oe)0 not noean the end tpostail servcics--il muniasm ta whole/ nne' rantige

o/ lpportuniiies Jor thein, sass bJaren LohineYer

t may sound like heresy in the age of e- New postal partnerships, joint ventures.

mail. but the good old-fashioned postal and strategic alliances have started to makeEserice is an essential part of a country's the news. Commercialization. corporatiza- Jurgen Lohmeyer

Deutsche Poet AG,infrastructure. In the developing world it is vital tion, and privatization arc the hot topics in the Senior Director Strategic

to econrotnic developmneni-it provides com- industry. The multiple changes that have Prects

munications and logistical services to remote been so evident in the telecounirations *regions and contributes to poverty reduction. market over the last I10 or 15 years havte iow D

PosLal services' potential lfor driNing eco- clearly hit the postal sphere.nomnic development makes them a perfect Deutsche Post has significantly improved help to provide access to the Intermet where

arena for participatioa by the World Bank. But its operations, produtttivity, and quality of people have no connection at home. Andpostal services can only deliver if they are rad- service. The entire organization has beern re- mare thanl that: hard copy mail is a powerfulicallv overhauled to take advan-tage of the op- stuctured in order to support the strategic re- coruirinrCtdLion tool that attracts consumers'

posrthinities offered by the iligital age. orientation that focuses on customer needs. interest and gets traffic to Web sites.The transformnationi of rsiy owII organtizationi F'unctions that did not rcally exist in the old There is also a financial services dimetnsiorn:

is a good example of such mloderniizationi. government organization have been sue- postalcompaniescanofferpaymentfunctionsFrom ten years of change, Deuitsche Po1sL. cessfully inltroduced: controlling, sales and and, because of their image of tnistworthsi-the traditional Cerman postal service, hIas marketinig. ranagerrieril information systems. ness. can overcome one of the great obstacles

emerged as Deutsche Post World Net, a mod- Cutting-edge information techniology systenms to e-commerce-the reluctance of consumersern diversified organization that is feeding play a major role in allowing high promdntivitv to ecommiiiit confidential infoNnation such asoff the digital world instead of suffering by and customer value. their credit card nurnber to cyberspace.

comupeting withI it. On my staff exchange as- Volumes and revenues have steeply in- Postal services is a thriving inilustry. itlsignment at the Bank, I canC help others to face creased. and costs could he drastically re- spite of and due to the digital revolution. Athe same challenge by sharing the lessons we duced. Today's corpoTaLe strategy (chart 1) recent survey comnmissioned by the postalleamed at Deutsche Post. emnphasizes four directions: globalization. ex- serv ices company Pitney Bowes showed that

The German postal system has come a pansion of the product base, development of among the activities Lthat Aniericans enjoy

loiig wsay in 500 years. A major refonn in value-added services, and c-business. daily, reading their mail ranked higher thar1990 separated post froam Lelevoroununica- Postal services must see thle new Internet using the phone, reading the newspaper,Lions I whichI becaine Deutsche Teleko[mi), arid econoory as an opportuniLy, noL a Lltreat. Thley reading e-mail, or even watching TV Thereconverted them from government agencies can facilitate e-eommerce in several ways. Cy- is a future for the mail-and it lies in ex-itiLo corporatioiis. After a profound strategic berspace has a very real extension. a physical ploiting the new potential that tie Internet-and structural tranisition. Deutscthe PosL is diniension whenever "bits become boxes." The related knowledge economy offers. 9today a modern and profitable company that posts provide reliable, affordable distribuLionprovides high-quality postal services ttI cus- of goods. They offer logistical solutions that in- Jzargen Lohmeser cane to the Bank in August

tomers in Germany and worldwide. clude wareholusing and fidfillnient services- 1999 for a two-sear assignment in the jointThis transformiation can be seen as a model all the picking. packing. and shipping needed IF(/Bunk Informnation aoid Communication

for the niodernization of the postal sector in to get goods from the supplier to the consunmer. Technologies Department, supporting postalmany industrial countdes and in parts of the As well as delivering to existing customers, modernization projects in f 1ll regiors. pmirtic-developing world. But it can only be under- the post ean attract new ones. Post offices can ulrly postal e-business opportunaiies.

stood in the contexl of a wave of change thatis currenitly redefininig the entire communi- . Deutsche Post and the

cation, informTation. and logistics industrv. - world: a modern corpor-By offering new ways to comimunicate, new tate strategy to benefit

ter lhnology is threatening mail volumes. But it 4be from the digital age

also provides the posts snith new Lools for biglereefficienrX anid v6ith opporrutnities for intiovativevalue-adderl services. Deregulatioti and mar- .ket liberalization,. as well as new customierrnee.is. requi re postal organ izalioris to i mpr ove .-

1heircompelitive strength, enhance their per-

formancee and becorme m-ore market otiente(i. A.'. v /

Ant globalization makes it vital to provide :.high-qIuality soluLions iltaL (o riot stLrp at po-

litical borders/.


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How a relationship grew

Ai<l! keeps on growtng. Thu o oJour pjartner organizoetions have

starlted a snfll exchange oJftheir ow.n

Io ne you .Set 111 a I _ : : Hans and Qingfeng workinggoanetwork like, on their memorandum for

the Staff'xchlange the Congress in JordanProgram, it takes on a life of itsown. And new relationiships proposal. Next day they signedstart growing in all sorts of __ an agreement to exchange staffways. How about the two staff at three levels, global, regional,excharnge participants who ar- and national.rived at the Bank fiomii oppo- At the global level, SEPA issile sides of Lhe glhbe. he came to send one staff menmber tofriends, and arranged for their IUCN headquarters in Switzer-home organizations to begin |1' land. This will expose SEPA totheir own staff exchange? I'he IUCN's global w ork. taoee-formal agreement was signed at dures, and organizarional stru-the conference in Mav. Thanks ture for the benefit of' China'sto the SEP. a whole new rela- natural resources mnanagemnent.tionship has begun. This is the At the regioinal level SEPoc wilfirst time that two partner or- send an environmental policyganizations have entered a for- specialist to IUCN's Asiani re-mal agreement, but doubtless gional office in Bangkok to par-it won't be the last. ticipate in IUCN's regional

First came the friendship. Qingfeng Zhang and ItUCN in combating environmental dam- work, in particular in cross-border issues af-and Hans Eric Berggren came to the Bank in age in China. fecting China. At the national level, SEPAmid-1999, and got to know each other at Environmental issuies have becore a pri- will send stafffrom the Chinese Research In-what has become aii SEP inistitution-the aoihy for [lie Chinese goveniment. The criti- stitute of Environmental Sciences to IUCNS

"Thursday lunch.' It's a fortnightly forum at cal issues are land and soil degradation, loss Beijing office, which is due to open in 20)01,which the SEP community in the Bank gath- of forest reserves, degradation of freshwater to build local capacity in conservation.ers to socialize, listen to an invited speaker, resources and coastal ecosystems. and loss of If funds are available, IUCN will sendand share knowledge. biodiversity in general. Given the serious subject specialists to China to work with

Qingferig and Hans ha(d lot met before, but situation, theretiicoiild be advairtages for both SEPA to provide traiijirig and institutionalthey already bad plenty in coninion- SEPA anid IUCN in expanding their cooper- support in the field of nature conservation.Qingfeilg came fiom tle State Eavironmnen- ation. SEPA is a developing institution withl SEPA arid IUCN are also exploring thetal Protection Administration of China (SEPA) a wealth of young but less experienced pro- possibility of cooperatioii in research and( de-and Hans fromlthe World Conservation UiO nion fessionals. IUCN is an international nature velopment. Subject to availability offinance.(still known by its old initials. IUCN-In- conservation organization with a strong and it is envisaged that IUCN will provide support

ternational Union for the Conservation of Na- large network of international experts. In ad- to SEPA in its reseairch activities. IUCN couldture and Natural Resources). so they both dition, TUCN has considerable knowledge in drain on its research networks and member or-had a commitment to the environment. Nor institutional developmrent the field of con- gil izations to facilitate work in the areas ofwere their hoimie orgariizatioiis strangers- servatiorl of nature. developmenL ol information svstenis and in-they were well acquainited thirough their par- SEPA and IUCN's acquaintanceslhip in dicators, protected area management, andticipatioin in the China Ctouncil for Chinia goes back to the mid 1990s. But it species protection and biodiversity issues.International Cooperation on Environment was the friendship between Ians and Qingfeng The two organizations are also discussingand Developmcnt. that finally transformed the relationship be- organizational arrangements, in(cluding the es-

But Qingfeng a 1dl Hans soon saw the po- tweeri their two maganizations fromi close co- tablishnient of a steeriing comminittee and thetenitiall tor muchli closer cooperatioii between operationi to a formal agreenment. As a result appointmenit of liaisoni officers. Thev may or-SEPA and IUCN. of their discussions. the two friends arTanged ganize project cooperation seminars to dis-

They met regularly to exchange ideas, up- a imeeting between IUCN and SEPA during the .seminate the lessons learned from theirdatc each other on developments in their Staff Exchange Conference. On May 10, the projects and discuss forthcominig projects.home organizations, and discuss iiew initia- firstday ofthe conference, Maritta Rogalla von In consultation with their headquarters,tives. They also discussed possibilities for Blieberstein Koch-Weser, director general of Ilans and Qingfeng are preparing a memo-knowledge-sharing in nature conservation. IUCN, and Li Jianxin, deptitv director general randum of understanding to be signed h yThey became convinced that opportunities ex- of institutional and personnel mimnigernient SEPA and IUCN at the Waorid Conservationisted for increased cooperation betwt,een SEPA at SEPA, net afo a delaileed discussion of the Congress in Jordan in October. 0


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Weaving a network of CDF partnerships

The Coniprehensice Launched by James D Wol[eisnohn, thIepresident of the W'orld Bank. in January

Devrelopment Framework 1999, the CDF builds oin the lessons of de- Markus Repnikvelopment experience and advocates a holis- Cooprion

brinigs niany chatiges anid tic approach that balinces macroeconomic Adevsor Programmingand

with structural. human, and physical de- _A-trvoch/ cllenges. As a specialist in velopment needs. 'T'he CDU is based on four -Dvveivpmnnnvpvia:uv

initerrelated principles: that countLries should

chanige managemenit. Markus have a lung-termi vision adid strategy for The experience gained so far in the coun-their developmnent, that thev shouild have tries in which the CDF has been launched as

Repirilk hopes lie cani help. full ownership of that strategy, that the strat- a pilot scheme suggests that even smnaIlegy should he supported by more strategic changes to facilitate working across sectoral

partnership among stakeholders. and that it boundaries, decentralize decisionmaking,W hen the Staff Exchange Program talks should be focused on accountability for de- and modify cultural norms can significantlyv v about buildintg a netvwork of rela- velipmentL results. support new behaviors. The changes that are

tionships, it is often looking outside tile Bank. With imiy experience in organization de- most needed in the Bank's approach to learn-

thinking of its network of partners across the velopment and change management in irng and trainintg are to emphasize actionglobe. But a challenge now exists that makes different contexts, in the Geiman NGO move- learning together with clienits amid partniers;relationships inside the Bank every bit as ment as well as in the bilateral Austrian De- promote skills to suppoIt working in a part-important. velopment Cooperation. my role in the CDr nership mode: and create a community of

Implementing the Comprehensive Devel- Secretariat is now to focus on1 the intenial CDF change agents, supportiLig each other inopment Framework demands networking of a change of the Bank required by the CDlF ap- nuriturinig thte CDF appnroach.high order both inside and outside the Bank. proach. My role is a catalytic one, trving to If we wart to change the world we have toInternal change will he a challenge for the bring together people and ideas in the Bank change ourselves. The CDF approach sets theBank. On my staff exchange assignment. with to work jointly on this issue. As a staff ex- framework for these changes. and the Staff Ex-oy experience in the management of change. change person 1 can bring an "outsider" per- change Program effectively supports theseI hope to contribute to meeting that challenge. spective, which, together with the "insider" changes by sharing people, perspectives,

Development cooperation is about build- perspective of iay colleagues. facilitates this skills, knowledge, and learning, thereby wcav-iiig Era ruierstips aimtied ral ealizi rng oiir ireaiFi task. The m positive experiences in tmv lirst inn a network of'growing partnerships whichof a world free of povety. Thats wIhn am liiee miontlhs at the Bank were to get to know so are the centerpiece of every developmentat the World Bank, and that's why I work in matny engaged and committed staff colleagues process. And I have the privilege to le onethe CDF Secretariat. and to have their support in doing my work. of the -exchangees` who contribiutes and

Having worked for several years in Cer- But what are the key CDF-reIatedi changes learns bY joiintly workiing oii our dreani oi amnany as a consultant to NCOs on organiza- in the Bank's way of working? Living the world free of poverty e

tion development, I joined the Austrian CDF approach requires all of us to internal-Development Cooperation (Osterreichische ize and incorporate the CDF principles intoEntwicklumigszusamnimenarheit) eight years our wvay of'doinig lusiness, atnd to builI it-ago, acting as project manager. cointrv di- lationships with clients. partners, and eachrector, and change adviser as we decentral- other. This requires new leadership behaviorized our operations to promote greater at all levels of staff, a supportive organiza-owvnership and enhance pmutnershiij. In the lionnal environment, and a newu approach todecentralization project. we, consolidated our learning andl training.existing offices in partner countries and Concerning leadership behavior. we allopened new ones. bringing the total to eight. have to make greater efforts to build trust andThe Austrian Development Cooperation is mutual respect, empowering individual staffone of the Bank Group's Staff Exchange Pro- niembers and teams, giving priority to nationalgram partners, and within this program it experience and capacity, thinking more holis-supports the CDF secretariat. The grateful tically and shifting the focus from inputs .larkilts Repnik started his assignment at the

person from the Austrian Development Co- management to outeomes management. The Bank inA pril 2000. lIe already ehad experi-operation who has the outstanding opportu- changes in individual behavior are influ- ec7e oj'forking closely uith the Bank tchilenitv to contribute to the CDF's new approach enced by the organizational environment, as he irOs country director in Cape lerdefor histo development. which has the potential to reflected in the 3aiik's matrix structure and honoae organization, the Aatstriaa Developmentniakc a great difference-that's me. the internal culture. Cooperation.


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Seizing the future at the UBA

Manls u r Mui-ttar bvega,rn h2i.S The UBA has its antecedents in the British anid Frencht Bank Limnited, and was incorpo-

a-tssignment at the bnited rated in 1961 as thefirst of the international

banks operating in Nigeria at the time to be WL .ANkRankjhr A/ ra in July. After registered tinder Nigerian law. TheNierian '

government acquired a major stake in thehis fir.st nioth zn Lagos he hangk du-ringthe mid-1970s. as pani of an in-

digenizationi program spurred by the cou ni ry'ssent us hIs im1pressi ons oJf a oil boomi. Bv the early 1990s, the UBA hlad re ently, "a key fatoi behind our successful

become a well-established name in Nigeria's Journey fmii just a big bank in ] 994-95 tody in arnic corporation and a financial industry. However, like mnany ot'Lhe Lhe strormg, healthy, and vibrant bank that we

other big banks in which the Nigerian gov- have today is the quality. dedicatioii. andwvarmn w elcome ernment had acquired controlling shares, it commitment of our people ... they displayed

had also become chronically lethargic and in- unequalled commitment to the realization of'efficient. There was complaceney about cus- our shared objectives."T he World Bank's new relationship tomer scrvice and quality while internal The UBA is continually seeking ways to

with the United Bank for Africa- structural deficiencies, including obsolete strengthen its principal asset-and, in thisT one of Nigeria's big three commer- technology and antiquated practices, were context, embraces partnerships, linkages.

cial banks and among the ten most capitalized causing it to flounder against newer and much and alliances, such as the current one withbanks in Africa-marks the Staff Exchange more aggressive players. the World Bank under the auspices of the StaffProgram's first private-sector corporate part- The wiindow of opportunity for organiza- Exchange Program. These partnerships aie annership in Sub-Saharan Africa. I was the first tional tmansforination and renewal carne in irmportant elenment in its strategy for exploit-Barnk person to go to the UBA, and at the be- 1994. As part of its privatization program, the inig niarket and technological opportunitiesginninig ol'July 2000, 1 began my assigiiment Nigerian government divested its 46 percent while responding to competitive threats in aas a deputy general manager at the head of- stake, which was acquired by the public. A constantly changing environment.fiee in Lagos. new, dynamic, innovative, change-oriented According to Mallam Abba Kyari, ULBA's

My first month at the UBA has been very management took the helm and navigated managing director and chief executive offi-informative and illurminating. 4 detailed the UBA through Nigeria's turbulent waters cer. "despite our recent successes, we are, con-hands-oni orierntatioii program, supple- on a journey of tranisformationi aiid renevwal. sLantly seeking oul new ways ofleapfroggingmanted by extensive review of archival ma- Inspired by a new vision-to be the undis- the cnompetition and catalyzing change interial and fruitful interactions with staff, puted leading and domlinanit fuil service bank Nigeria's banking industry. The World Bank'shas provided me with a broad comprehen- in Nigeria-and witlh strong, unwavering Staff Exchange Program provides us with ian-sion of my host institution. I am now be- commitment and focus, the new leadership mediate access to new competencies, per-ginning to understand its key architectural successfully cngineered a major restnictur- spectives, and contacts available within theelements, including strategy and core busi- ing and repositioning exercise over five years. global partnership network, to help realize ourness, organizational structure and nian- Widespread and far-reaching changes were goal of being the country's undisputed lead-agement processes, and, to a lesser extent, effected in all facets of the bank's operation, ing and dominant bank."the mulch mnore elusive aspects su*ch as or- encompassing ils inanagenitent structlre, peo- The frianaging director is very keern onganizational culture. I have also begun ple, skills, attitudes, organizational culture, cemienting the LIBA's new partnership bybuilding relationships for effective fune- technology, and processes, as well as sys- sending its staff to the World Bank on stafftioning. On completion of my orientation tems and perfonrmance measures. exchange assignments. This enthusiasm hasprogram, I will be assigned to the Strategic These changes have transformed the UBA been mirrored by the warm and cordial me-Management Division, whose primary re- into a highly ef'ficient, innovative, and prof- ception showered on me since arrival at tLesponsibilities are lo assist in setting slrate- itable institution, as demunstrated by its su- UBA. (gic directions fo Lthe organization and perlative performance in the last two years.driving through strategy implementation. The bank has stayed at the forefront in prod-

During this past month, I have been fas- uct development as well as customer servicecinated by the transforniationi that occurred orientalion.in the UBA withirn the last five vears, which Management correclly recognizes [hat .Vansur Muhtar froni lVigeria entered theushered it into tne new millenniuni. Iode- these successes are largely attributable to Bank as a young projessional in 1992. He waspendent bank analysts say that the changes the bank's principal asset-people. As aptly an admninistrator of the Young Professionalsexperienced are almost without precedent in stated by the chairman, Hakeeni Belo-Osagie, program. hefore starting his two-year assign-the history of Africarn banking. ini his statemient to the annual board meeting rnent at 11'BA.


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A local government with a global perspective

L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 5

In the lfast fie years Brisbane Pacific region, arid it believes that exposing its plying irmy project management and peda-

staff to cities outside Australia, particularly in gogy skills to converting the course Lo a dlis-hlats lea rted mans lessons developing countries, will expand their personal tance learning mode.

horizons while developing a greater global cul- So what can Brisbane City offer the Worldatl)t it city adrmit inStratiorn. It ture wvithin the city administration. Bank? Surely a local government in a devel-

This is where the World Banik Staff Ex- oped country cannot help the Bank to appre-

wvants to share them with change Program canie in. Through my as- ciate the challenges facing cities in developingsignmenL al the Banik. Brisbane seeks Lo countries. In some wayb this is true. Brisbanie

developing coutntries. says develop a closer relationship wiLh Lthe Batlk does iiol suffer from mans of the issues facingas well as a better understanding about the cities in developing countries-we dforn'L htave

Roby-1a Renneberg development aid sector. slums, we do have c lean water, effective waste

Why me? Through BCE I was fortunate to managenment systems, and a good public trans-work in the Lao People's Democratic Repub- porl system. W hat we have to offer is linked pri-

risbane City Council? Why on earth lie as human resourec development adviser to marily to our technical capacity in those areaswould an Australian city council send their lancd titling project. My experiences thei-e and to our strong organizational experience.

_B someone to Washington, D.C. on a confinned my interest in the work and my be- In the last five years Brisbane has imple-staff e-xchlange to the World Bank? Isn't local lief that capacity biilding was a field iii which mrreitedl moatLy of the reforms the Bank hopesgoverunierit about roads and rubbish? And I ha(l something to contribute. Capacity build- lo foster ill cities its developing countries.why send someone who works in human ing is a critical aspect of sustainable devel- We've madle nmistakes. We've had success.resource management? Surely the World Bank opment. It doesn't matter how wcll a bridge or We have a lot of lessons lcarned to share withis more interested in economists and engineers? a water supply is built-if the capacity is not the Bank. We are looking forward to the op-

Good questions. The story begins in the in place to manage and maintain the facility, portunity to do so.early 1990s when Brisbane elected a new then in the long tenn the benefits are lost. Since I started working in Wasvhingtonlord mayor, Jim Soorley. He promised greater In local government in Australia, we don't there has been a definite increase in thecommunity participation, more effective roan- call it capacity building. We uise words like number of people travelling from Brisbane toagernent, better use of resources, arid better humn1an resource management, staff develop- the U.nited States! I irntrodduce tthem to Batik

custonier services. He also recognized the iurr- trienit and training, and organizational devel- people of like interests and bring them to

portance of placing Brisbane in a global Conl- opment. but Lthe principles and processes are browni hag luinhes oir presentations. They

text. He andcl the chief executive officen Rol) Lhie satire. Brisbane has usedl all of these final it all very exciting andl enlighterling.

Carter, were rommittelI to establishing it as strategies to reiirvent its owvn capaciity ardl has And I hope that when the World Bank per-a world class citY. done so while continuing to serve its people. son starts his or her staff exchange assignment

One strategy was to establish a private see- From my expericnce in national and local in Brisbane that people from Washington willtor company called Brisbane City Enterprises government. I have been able to make a con- drop in-Brisbane City is looking forward to(BCE). BCE is owned by the City of Brisbane tribution to the Bank's debate and strategy de- the opportunity to build on the relationshlip.and its charter is to selJ the products, serviees. velopment on urban capacity building. In Robyn Renneberg began her one-vear as-and skills of the Brisbane City Council to rny work with the World Bank Institute on the signnireat at the Banrk in Junuary 2000. SiteSoutheast Asia. The goals are both altiluistie and Urban and City Management Core Course. I is working as a senior urbant specialist in, thecommercial. Brisbane is committed to making am bringing a practitioner's appreciation of infrastructure and Urban Deretopmnenrta contribution to the development of the Asia- the challenges facing city managers and ap- Departament. 0


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Moving on, moving inMoving on Council where she is an organisational de- curities DepartmenL of lhe Ilnterniational Fi-

velopment consultant. Buit she's not leaving nance Corporationl in Washington, D.C. Makotot's nice to see Elena Folkerts-Landau without contributing to Share magazine- isjapanese.andworkedforfiveyearsasaU.S.-back in Washington after almost three years thanks Robyn (see her article on page 23). Japan cross-border mergers and acquisitions

on assigrinient at JP Morgan Sceurities in specialist. then spent six years as a project fi-T.ondon. She was vice president, Structured f avid Stiggers completed his two-year nancier based in Tokyo and London, coveringproducts Departmnent, structuring profitable Dassigimient at the Bantk in September. Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. He hasdteals in European countries where the in- David w-as senior water and sanitation spe- been with the F'uji Bank for 16 years.frastructure for asset-backed transactions is cialist in AFT'l2 Water ani Urban, West andjust developing. Elena completed her as- Central Africa, and contributed a fasc inaLing vongbeom Kim joined us in July for asigninent in August, and her post on return account of his work in Africa to the first issue Itwo-year assignment as a senior finan-to the Bank is lead specialist, Private Sector of this magazine in May. On his assignment. cial economist in the Financial Scetol De-Finance, Africa Region. heworkedastaskteamleaderandteammem- velopmient Department. Yongbeom has

ber on projects preparing for private partici- worked at the Ministry of Finance and Econ-teven Jaffee is back at the Bank having pation in the water and sanitatioii sector in omny of the Reptublic of Korea for 13 years,

Scompleted his one-year assignment in Nigeria and Niger. David is now a freelance most recently as director of the FinanicialSeptember. Steven was in Switzerland, work- consultant based in Washington, D.C., ad- Policy Division, based at the Governmentitig as issue mlanager on food safety in the vising on private sector participation, project Complex, Kwachon, playing a key role inPublic aid Legal Affairs departrnent of No- implementation, and project marketing. promoting capital maarkets arid improvingvartis Crop Protectioni, based in Basel. He has He has had a wide-ranging career cover- corporate governanlce.a Ph.D. and is an agricultural economist wvith ilig mnost aspects of the water industry, start-almost 13 years' experience in research, pol- ing in consultancy onl large water schemes, Uong-Kun Lee an-ived from Korea in Au-icy analysis, and pioject management, mostly then a period with an international contract- J gust for a two-year SEP assignment as se-related to the comniercialization and diversi- ing orgaimisation, anid then witl aii inte-rialiorial nior economist in Financial Sector Strategyfication of agrierdture and to the interface and utility operating company. He has worked in anti Policy. Jong-Kun joins us froni the(livision of roles between the private and pub- many countries in Europe, the Middle East, Research Department of the Bank of Korea,lie sectors. He returns to the Private Sector Africa. the Far East, amid South Asia. the country's central bank, where he hasGroup of the l'inamice, Private Sector, and In- worked for 19 years, tlhe last 10 as sentiorfrastructure Departinietit of the Africa Region Moving in economist. Ile joined the Baiik of Korea onas a senior agribusiness specialist. graduation from Seoul National University inFor our last issue we photographed Moon 1981, working mainly on economic resealch,R 6mulo Le6n headed back to Sieniens Kyu Bang at an SEPThursday lunch, all primarily focusing on macro and industrialR in October after his two-year SEP assign- of two days after he armived from Korea lo start economic issues such as inflation, monetalrment at the Bank, where he worked as a senior his assignnient. \ow he bas settled in and we policy, eeonomiic projection, the businessinformatics specialist in the Global Informa- have time for more details: lie joined us in cycle, and pjoiluctivity at the Research andtion arid Communications Technology Dc- March for two years as a knowledge coordinator Statistics Departnient. Just befoire his SEPpartmeria. We isisi hiim well in hlis new in Distance Learning and Knowledge Products assignment, he was working on inflation tar-appointmenit at Siemens, as regional opera- at the World Bank Institute. His career has geting, a kind of new paradigm of monetaiytional maiiager responisible for Spain aiid Por- been ili the Korean governiment, working at the policy, introduced by the revision of Korea'stugal at Siemens Busiiicss Scrvices in Munich. Ministry of F'iiance arid Ministry of Planning central banking laws in 1998. Jong-Kun

and Budget. He is a specialist in public ti- canied a Ph.D. ill economiics (specializirng in* n Julle we said goodbye to Ken Nakahira, riarnce, particularly taxation and budget, hav- productivity studies) in the University of I]li-*who had been on assignment at tlhe Bank inig extensive experience in tax treaty nois at Urbana-Chamipaign in 1991.for just over Lwo years as a linancial officer negotiationis withI over 20 countries includingin the Project 'inance and Guarantees De- China, Russia, Mexico, Vietnam. Portugal, *n April we welcomed Irit Mendelsonpartment. KIen has returned to the Sanwa Romainia, and Bielgium. He has been involved b for the start of her one-year assignment asBank, based in Tokyo. in five supplementary budget proposals to a senior investment officer at the Investment

cope with the Korean finanicial crisis of 1997. Management Departnment of the World BatikA 11 too soon we'll be saving farewell to Treasury. Since 1985 Irit has been chief for-Robyn Renneberg, who returns to In September Makoto Kawada arrived eign exchange and investmient officer at thc

Australia in January 2001. Robyn's assigmanent from London. where for the las[ three years Foreign Currency Departrnent of the Bank ofhas been for one year as a senior urbaii spe- he has been assistant general niaiiager of the Israel in Jerusaleiii. Shie has beeni withi tImecialist in the Infrastructure and Urban Dc- Project l'inance Division for Europe, the Mid- Bank of Israel since 1983. She was bom invelopment Departnient. She has also worked dlc East, and Afiica at the FIuji Bank. Makoto's Jerusalem, and has a B.A. coin laude in eco-with the World Bank Tnstitute on distance assignment is fo• two years as syndications of- nomics and an MV.B.A. in finance from the He-leaiiiirig. She will be returning to Bmisbamme City ficer at the Syndications aiid International Se- brew Uniiversity here.


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W e hope Takashi Miyahara fromI in ApTil Roland Schurmann camc to for a one-year assignment. Robert comes tothe Financial Reconstruction Corn- U Washington from the Fo(od anid Agricullure us from Scottish Enterprise, in Glasgow.

rmiissioT in Japat is enjoying Iris assignment- Organization of the United Nations, based in where for the last four years hc has been

this is hisfirst experience ofwAorkingoutside Hlome, where he isa senior economist in the head of strategic futures in the Knowledge

Japan. He's no stranger to the United States. Investment Centre Division. His miost recent Management Division. At MIICA his assign-however-he took an M.P.P. degree here in posting, fTom 1996 to 2000, was in Mantila, merit is as senior investment promotion ad-1988-90. Takaslii canie to tlhe Bank in July liaising with the Asian Development Bank. viser ill the hIvestmoent Marketing Division.

for a two-year assiginmeint as a financial see- Roland is on a two-year assignment as the Robert, who is British, has hieen aL ScoLtish

tor specialist in the Banking and Financial FAO liaison officer in the Bank's PRural De- Enterprise for 10 years and lhas worked ill the

Restructuring Unit in the Financial Sector veloptnent Departmenit. He is GerDian and has field of regional economic development forVice Presidency. 'Takashi was born and grew been at the FAO for 33 years, joininig Llte In- mrore than 20. specializing in strategy and pol-

uij in Japan, arid after graduating with an vestment Centre Division in 1972 after comi- icy development and in the monitoring and

LL.B. in 1986 he joined the Ministry of Fi- pleting a number of field assignients. evaluationi of economnic development iniitia-

nance. from which he was s conded to die tives. aFRC in 1998 as senior deputy dlirector in InJuly we welcomed RobertWhyte to thethe Coordination Division of the Secretariat. U Moltilateral Investrieuit Guarantee Agency

Share pays dividendsA s promotions and awards pile up for ing on the asscssment in a West African coun- companies, as well as to local companies

A salinini of the Staff Exchange Program, try. She will be contributing to two of the trailing among niember iricari countries of

the career heriefits of participating become FSAP's objectives. One is an examination of the Agency or with non- African countries.ever clearer. Bnl the SEP also pays big cliv- key financial sector development issues to As well as being promoted. Ivan has had hisideiids for the Bank Group, as returning providethebasis for adviceandtechnicalas- SEP assignment extended from one year to

alumni put to work the experLise and expe- sistanice hb thelBank andtheFund. Theother two. aid will now stay until November 2001.rience they acquire on their assignments. is an assessmenit of the effectiveness of aiid

A good illustration is the work being (lone conmpliance with major international stall- ils Tcheyan. whio recently completed

by Elena Folkerts-Landau. who completed dards relevant for the financial systeM. N a staff exchange assigiiuiiert irl France,her three-year SEP assignment in August (see Elena's contribution to this vital work. like wIIs appointed corporate rnanager Policy Sup-

"Moving on," opposite). She is now lead spe- that of so many returning Bank Group alu mni, pord Unit in the Corporate Secretariat ori his

cialist in Private Sector Finance in the Africa is a perfect example of the SEP in action- return. Nils. who is American,joirred Lhe BankRegion, a posting in which she can put to good bringing expert knowledge into the Group, as a Young Professional in 1980. On gra(hiatinguse the experience she gained on assignment and building a network of relationships in in 1981. he joined the Latin America and

Lo onie of tie world's inore inmovative hivestment which that knowledge is put to best use. Caribbean Region where he served as senior

banks, JP Morgan. Elena's assiginierl was to loan officer for Brazil. In 1985, he transferredthe Structured Products Group of JP Mikorgani van Rossignol, a senior n ilnderwriler at the to the Eastern and Southern Africa Region to

Securities in Lonidoin, where she was involved I Multilateral loxestinenl GuLaiaTilee Agency, lead tlie development of the Bank's programin dlesigning asset-backedfinancial transactions has been promoted while oni his SEP assign- in Mozambique; and in 1989 he was selecterd

for banks, utility companies and governments ment. His new appointmeiIt is as MIC A's spe- as the Baiik's first residernt representative to

throughout western Europe. cial representative for Africa. Ivan began his Mozambique, serving until 1993. He then re-That experience is invaluable, as Elena assignment to the Common Market for East- turned to Washington as division chief, Agri-

has joined the Bank's urgent response to the ern and Southern Africa (COMES.A in Harare, culture and Environment, in the Central Africa

financial crises that shook thie world in the last Zimbabwe in December 1999. Drawing on his and Indian Ocean department. In 1996, he was

few years. In a major collaboratioii with the In- previous experience at MIGA as a political appointed country director for Burundi, Dc-

ternatiorial Monetary Fond. the Bank has in- r-isk undervriter. Ivan has been advising mocratie Republic of Congo. and Rwanda. In

troduced a new technique for assessing and COMESA on setting up an imnovative new 1999. Nils was invited by the Aga K:han Fund

strengthening chient countries' financial sys- multilateral agency to foster trade in Africa. for Economic Development to lead its strategy

tenis. known as the Finanacial Sector Assess- The Africani Trade Insurance Agency. which for investment in small business development

nient Program. These analyses were begur. in should start operations during the first quar- and equity investments in financial institutions

a nrmnber of countries as a pilot schemie in ter of2001. will manage a World Bank-fuiided ini Asia amid Africa. His SEP assignment was

1999, and the full program was approved by facility to issue political risk insurance to with the Find as senior adlviser, Financial In-

lhe Bank atid Funld this year. Elena is work- foreign exporters trading with local African stitutions and MierofinanCe, in Paris. e


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The World Bank Grouprn thl

Staff Exchange Program

_~~~~~~~~~ 2O

Brisbane City Enterprises and Brisbane City Councilcongratulate the World Bank on the success of its StaffExchange Program.As a leading global city in the Asia-Pa-cific region, Brisbane is committed to supporting theWVorld Bank's activities to facilitate urban developmentand combat urban poverty. _

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Staff Exchange Program

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