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Page 1: Poster creation


Page 2: Poster creation

I began by looking at that of real media texts and liked the You’re Next poster so typed it up. After I had done this I changed the names and companies to that which went with my work and then added it in as layers on a Photoshop template.

Page 3: Poster creation

After I had made the layers I changed the font to one more appropriate in order to make it appear more professional. I also added in a basic outline of where the title might go along with a web address and a 15 rating.

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After looking through all the photos taken as a group we decided which one would look best and portray what we wanted to show. After we had chosen I added in the photo and also put in the logos of the production companies associated the trailer.

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After the title had been created I dragged it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to erase the background. Instead of having it at the bottom where we originally planned for it to go, I moved it to the top as it looked better against the background instead of clashing with the white jumper of the protagonist.

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To try out some different design ideas I tried a slightly different way of presenting the poster similar to that of The Strangers as we all liked the way that it looked, however we did not like it very much and so decided to go without having a border.

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Eventually I decided that the picture did not work as well as I wanted it to as the presence of a hand made the villain appear too human and less of an ‘other’. There another issue with the original picture as when I wanted to move it down I was unable too because the image was too short.

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To give the poster a cleaner and more professional look, I removed the spots and blemishes on the models face using the healing tool. I chose to manipulate the photo this way as it made the lighting look smoother on her face creating a stronger contrast between the right and left sides of the face. This as a whole makes the poster look more effective.

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I then changed the text colour to a light grey colour so that it could be visible against the black background. However this made the text hard to see against the white clothing and the torch light. To overcome this problem I added different blending effects such as: bevel and emboss, colour overlay, outer glow and drop shadow.

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As the original title (The Intrusion) was too bright and took a lot of the viewers focus away, I decided that dimming it was the best way to over come this problem. I did this by adding the satin blending effect over it.

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To make sure that everything was centred and lined up I used the grid as in making it neater it also made it look more professional as that is what is done in current real media texts.

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We noticed that there was a small corner not fully covered by the black backing we put up to form the pictures background. In order to fix this we used the patch tool and by sampling a small area of black, were able to carry the shade across to the uncovered area.

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Next we added a release date and a web address for the movie. We chose to release it on the 13th of October as that is the next Friday the 13th which is a date traditionally symbolising bad luck and has many links to horror e.g. the film Friday the 13th. It is also in the same ‘Optimus primus’ font as the title to create cohesion.

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To add a finishing touch to the text at the bottom, I added the same blending effects that the title had to make all parts of the poster pull in well and work together.

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Before After

To make the mask appear more haunting I selected it all using the magic wand tool and then manipulated the image by changing the brightness contrast. On the right the changes can be seen and are only subtle as when made too bright the mask appeared synthetic and looked abnormal.

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By this stage this is how the poster appeared.

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Next I added in the tagline ‘run before he finds you’ which played on the idea that the narrative follows a girl being hunted down. Again using the Optimus primus font, I added the same blending options that I had for the title, the web address and release date.

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Finally as a group we made the decision to change the tagline as it made the magazine and poster better link with the trailer as the trailer says ‘he will always find you’ not ‘run before he finds you’.

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