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  • 1. Word Formation Vocabulary Building PUTRI SYARIFAH SARI 130210401072 KELAS O

2. CLICK HEREREAD SHORT COMICGO TO MATERI CLICK HEREGO TO QUIZ CLICK HERE 3. BACK TO MENU 4. CLICK HERE 5. Compound Noun 6. What is compound noun? In English, words, particularly adjectives and nouns, are combined into compound structures in a variety of ways. A compound word is made when two words are joined to form a new word. There is only one sure way to know how to spell compounds in English: use an authoritative dictionary. BACK TO MATERI 7. THREE FORM OF COMPOUND WORDS: Closed form: Two words are joined together to create a new meaning. Examples: firefly, softball, redhead, keyboard, makeup, notebook Hyphenated form: The words are joined together by a hyphen. Examples: daughter-inlaw, over-the-counter, six-year-old Open form: The words are open but when read together, a new meaning is formed. Examples: post office, real estate, full moon, half sister BACK TO MATERI 8. start quiz 9. Compound noun Example: 1. Im late because there was terrible . In the centre of town. a. traffic jam b. zebra cross c. traffic lights d. income tax 10. Compound noun Example: 2. My . didnt ring this morning and I didnt wake up until 09.30. a. phone rang b. alarm clock c. hairdryer d. sunglasses 11. Compound noun Example: 3. My brother loves . , but I prefer true stories about the present or the past a. fairy tale b. hairpiece c. film star d. star let 12. BACK TO MENU 13. Pembahasan 1 1.. Im late because there was terrible . In the centre of town Meaning of exercise 1 is: aku terlambat karena terjadi masalah . di tengah kota. a. traffic jam : kemacetan lalu lintas b. zebra cross :tempat menyebrang c. traffic lights : lampu lalu lintas d. income tax : pajak So, the answer is a. traffic jamNext to Quiz 14. Pembahasan 2 2.My . didnt ring this morning and I didnt wake up until 09.30. Meaning of exercise 2 is: ku tidak berbunyi pagi ini aku tidak bangun hingga pukul 09.30 a. phone rang : telepon berbunyi b. alarm clock : jam alarm c. hairdryer : pengering rambut d. sunglasses : kcamata pelindung matahari/ kacamata hitam So, the answer is b. alarm clockNext to Quiz 15. Pembahasan 3 3. My brother loves . , but I prefer true stories about the present or the past Meaing of exercise 3 is: Kakak laki-lakiku suka , tapi aku lebih suka cerita nyata tentang kehidupan sekarang atau peristiwa yang lampau. a. fairy tale : dongeng b. hairpiece : rambut palsu c. film star : bintang film d. starlet : calon bintang So, the answer is a. fairy taleCheck your scoreBACK TO MENU 16. Compound Adjective A compound adjective is an adjective that contains two or more words. In general we put a hyphen between two or more words (before a noun) when we want them to act as a single idea (adjective) that describes something. Ex: I live in an English-speaking country. 17. BACK TO MATERI 18. There are many types of Compound Adjectives. Here is a list of the most common types: Compound Adjectives + Periods of Time When he have compound adjectives using numbers + a time period, that word referring to a time period is in singular form and is joined to the number with a hyphen. I work eight hours every day --> I work an eight-hour day I'm going on vacation for three weeks --> I have a three-week vacation There was a delay of 5 seconds --> There was a fivesecond delay Notice how we normally write the number as a word, not in numerical form. 19. Adverbs and Compound Adjectives Adverbs can also be used to modify an adjective. It is very hot today. (Very is an adverb) She is extremely intelligent. (Extremely is an adverb) Notice how we do not put a hyphen between an adverb and an adjective (not even before a noun). It is a very hot day. She is an extremely intelligent girl.Adverb + Past Participle However when we have an Adverb + past participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective. This is a brightly-lit room. She is a well-known actress. We live in a denselypopulated city. BACK TO MATERI 20. More combination of compound nouns Noun + Past Participle Ex: We should start using wind-powered generators to cut costs. Noun + Present Participle Ex: I bought some mouth-watering strawberries. Noun + Adjective Ex: This is a smoke-free restaurant. Adjective + Noun Ex: We watched the full-length version of the movie. 21. Adjective + Past Participle Ex: That is an old-fashioned dress Adjective + Present Participle Ex: She is a good-looking girl. Compound Adjectives with Proper Nouns A proper noun is the name of something or someone (e.g. John, Susan Sanders). Compound Adjectives made from Proper nouns don't need a hyphen though must have capital letters. I bought the James Jackson tickets for us.BACK TO MATERI 22. Thank you SEE YOU NEXT WEEK

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