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© 2015 SkimaTalk, Inc.

SkimaTalk Official Course

Preparing for the MBA Application Process Lesson 3: Know Your School’s Values

Page 2: Preparing for the mba application process - lesson 3

Each MBA Program Has Unique Core Values

2 © 2015 SkimaTalk, Inc.

Question the status quo Students always Confidence without attitude Beyond yourself

Example: UC Berkeley’s “Defining Principles”

Page 3: Preparing for the mba application process - lesson 3

MBA Programs Select Candidates that Align with their Core Values

3 © 2015 SkimaTalk, Inc.

“Will this person fit in?” “Can this person become a good leader” “Is this person committed to our core values?”

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A Successful Application Will Demonstrate Your “Fit” with the School’s Values

4 © 2015 SkimaTalk, Inc.

Value: Committed to Innovation

“In my previous job, I designed and developed a new order management system to help the customer better track inventory. This innovative process saves the customer millions of dollars every year.”

Value: Selfless

“In my spare time I help tutor students in a low-income neighborhood. After school, I want to start an education company that focuses on helping students in low-income areas.”

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Lesson Structure

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Before the lesson you will prepare a list of the core values for one of your target MBA programs. During the lesson you will discuss the values with your teacher: (10 minutes) – Review each of the core values. (15 minutes) – For each value, spend 3 – 5 minutes discussing how your background, education, and interests are a fit with the value. Use specific examples where possible.

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End of Lesson We Hope You Enjoyed It!

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