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Remaining  Relevant  in  the  Changing  Health  Care  Payment  and  Care  

Delivery  Systems        Daniel  Hoch,  Ph.D.,  MD,  FAAN  

OutpaAent  Medical  Director  Department  of  Neurology    

MassachuseCs  General  Hospital  

 MassachuseCs  Neurologic  AssociaAon  

November  7,  2013  

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Source:  OMB    

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           Life Expectancy Per Capita Spending (PPP$) Australia                              81.2                        3122  Belgium                79.4                          3183  Canada                                                  80.7        3678  France                                                    80.7        3554  Germany                                            79.4        3328  Greece                                                    79.5        3101  Ireland                                                    78.9        3082  Italy                                                              80.5        2623  Japan                                                          82.6        2512  Netherlands                                  79.8        3383  Norway                                                  80.2        4521  Portugal                                                78.1        2080  Spain                                                            80.9        2388  Sweden                                                    80.9        3119  Switzerland                                      81.7        4312  U.K.                                                                79.4        2764  U.S.A.                                                      78.                      6714    

Copyright  Marc  J  Roberts  2012  

NaAonal  Health  System  Performance  06/07  

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Copyright  Marc  J  Roberts  2012  

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How  do  you  squeeze  $  800  billion  out  of  a  system  where  labor  is  the  main  cost?    

 •  Coordinated  care  for  chronic  condiAons  •  Enhance  horizontal  integraAon  •  EMR  adopAon  (as  decision  support  and  for  communicaAon)  

•  Reduce  hospital  readmissions  •  IncenAves  to  reduce  cost,  increase  quality  through  sharing  

•  Cap  the  rate  of  medical  inflaAon  (1%  over  CPI)    

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Other  Reasons  to  Care?  The  SGR  Fix  (Senate  Finance,  House  Ways  and  Means)    •  permanently  repeal  the  SGR  update    •  Reform  fee-­‐for-­‐service  (FFS)  through  

–  focus  on  value  over  volume  –  encourage  parAcipaAon  in  alternaAve  payment  models  (APM)    

 A  new  “value-­‐based  performance  (VBP)  payment  program”  would  be  used  to  adjust  payments  beginning  in  2017.    This  new  VBP  program  essenAally  combines  all  the  current  incenAve  and  penalty  programs  (e.g.,  value-­‐based  modifier,  meaningful  use,  PQRS)  into  one  budget-­‐neutral  program.    Payments  could  be  increased  or  decreased  significantly,  depending  on  how  well  a  physician  scores  relaAve  to  others  on  a  composite  performance  score  

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SGR  Fix-­‐  ConAnued  

•  Physicians  parAcipaAng  in  certain  alternaAve  payment  models,  including  the  paAent-­‐centered  medical  home,  would  be  exempt  from  the  VBP  program  

•  HHS  would  publish  uAlizaAon  and  payment  data  for  physicians  on  the  Physician  Compare  web  site  

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Goals  of  this  presentaAon:  •  Be  able  to  assess  your  readiness  to  take  part  in  new  

payment  and  delivery  systems  •  Know  where  to  find  resources  that  can  help  with  this  

transiAon  •  Understand  the  data  that  is    available  as  part  of  new  care  

delivery  systems  •  Know  where  to  find  quality  measures,  their  role,  and  how  

you  can  use  them  •  Understand  potenAal  roles  for  your  pracAce  in  medical  

homes/neighborhoods,  and  how  to  add  value  to  that  collaboraAon  

•  Understand  the  role  of  paAent  engagement  in  these  new  processes  of  care    

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New  Payment  Models  

Pay  for  reporAng  

Pay  for  performance  

Shared  Savings  

Bundled  payments  


Method  of  Delivery  

ACOs  •  Hospital  Created  •  Physician  Created  •  Insurer  Founded  •  CMS  inspired  


New  PracAce  Models  • PCMH  • PCMH-­‐N  

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Gemng  Ready-­‐  Look  Around  At  What  Is  Happening  In  Your  Area  

•  There  are  almost  certainly  novel  pracAce  and  payment  efforts  in  your  area.  Find  out  about  them.    –  How  many  faciliAes  –  How  many  clinicians  –  Primary  Care  vs.  specialists  

•  Governance  –  Are  specialists,  specifically  neurologists,  engaged  in  leadership  –  Has  the  organizaAon  or  pracAce  reached  out  to  neurologists  

•  What  is  the  role  of  payers  –  Are  there  exisAng  collaboraAve  care  models  with  payers  

•  Are  other  Neurologists  in  the  area  taking  part  in  the  new  models  

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Consider  Your  Role  In  New  Models    

•  What  are  the  proposed  or  exisAng  new  roles.    –  How  will  the  neurologist  be  integrated  into  the  new  model  –  Will  the  processes  of  care  be  a  big  change  –  Is  there  an  expected  Ame  table  –  Are  some  neurologists  already  changing  pracAce  processes    

•  Possible  roles  •  Curbside  consultaAon/Pre-­‐consultaAon  (telephone,  email,  other)  

•  Teleneurology  •  On  or  off  site  collaboraAve  care  •  Do  you  have  to  work  with  a  hospital?  If  not,  how  will  your  pracAce  change?    

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Assess  Your  Value  to  the  Community  

•  Consider  paAent  and  physician  surveys.  •  Determine  your  market  share.  •  Do  you  have  outcome  measurements?  •  What  is  your  relaAonship  to  the  hospital  (s)  •  What  is  your  primary  care  group  referral  base?  

•  What  is  the  exisAng  technology  infrastructure  that  you  contribute?  

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Value  =  Cost/Quality    New  models  will  be  Value  based.    •  You  can  reduce  costs  without  reducing  quality  •  You  can  increase  quality  without  increasing  costs  

It  will  be  excepAonally  difficult  to  integrate,  collaborate  and  increase  value  without  shared  data  •  EHR,    outcomes  measurement  and  cost  accounAng  systems  must  support  the  new  mode  relaAonship  between  providers.      

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You  Have  An  Impact  On  Value  

•  Tests  –  guidance  to  care  team  on  appropriateness  of  studies  

•  UAlizaAon-­‐  Is  a  given  test  or  intervenAon  necessary  •  PopulaAon  management:  – PotenAal  model  in  the  way  generalists  have  worked  together  with  endocrinologists  on  diabetes  management  

– Registries  

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Quality  Will  be  Measured  and  Used  to  Determine  Value    

•  NaAonal  push  for  meaningful  outcomes  measures,  not  process  measures  

•   AAN  must  idenAfy  meaningful  paAent  outcomes  

•   Neurologists  must  take  accountability  for  helping  paAents  reach  meaningful  outcomes  

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Payment  will  be  Modified  Based  on  Value  

Quality  Score  §  Payment  adjustment  to  begin  in  2017  for  all  providers  (based  on  2015  

reporAng  data)  –  Certain  ACOs  excepted  

•  Quality  of  care  is  a  composite  score  –  CombinaAon  of  quality  measures  

•  Clinical  care  •  PaAent  experience  •  PaAent  safety  •  Care  coordinaAon  •  Efficiency  •  PopulaAon/Community  Health  

•  Assigned  a  level  of  high,  average,  or  low  quality  •  Measured  against  naAonal  mean  

Modified  From  J.  Fritz  and  D.  Evans,  2012  

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Payment  will  be  Modified  Based  on  Value  

Cost  Score  •  Total  costs  •  Total  costs  for  beneficiaries  with  specific  condiAons  (COPD,  heart  failure,  coronary  artery  disease,  diabetes)  

•  Assigned  a  level  of  high,  average,  or  low  • Measured  against  naAonal  mean  

Modified  From  J.  Fritz  and  D.  Evans,  2012  

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Value-­‐Based  Payment  Modifier  •  For  Groups  of  25  or  more  •  Quality  Aers  –  9  combinaAons  –  VBPM  ranges  from  2%  to  -­‐1%  

  Low  cost   Average  cost   High  cost  

High  quality   +2.0x*   +1.0x*   +0.0%  

Average  quality   +1.0x*   +0.0%   -­‐0.5%  

Low  quality   +0.0%   -­‐0.5%   -­‐1.0%  

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The  AAN  has  an  Aggressive  Program  to  IdenAfy  Quality  Measures  

•  AAN  has  embarked  on  an  intensive  program  to  develop  quality  measures  –  Measures  available  now:  DemenAa,  Parkinson’s  Disease,  Epilepsy,  Stroke  

–  Measures  available  in  2013  -­‐  ALS,  Distal  Symmetric  Neuropathy  

–  Measures  available  in  2014-­‐  Headache,  Muscular  Dystrophies,  update  to  PD  

–  Measures  available  in  2015  –  MS,  update  to  Epilepsy  

•  See  hCp://www.aan.com/go/pracAce/quality/measurements  

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Federal  Programs  Encourage  Quality  Measurement  

The  AAN  has  requested,  and  views  as  criAcal,  the  inclusion  of  neurologist  developed  measures  •  Meaningful  Use  Stage  2  

–  DemenAa  CogniAve  Assessment    Physician  Quality  ReporAng  System  (PQRS)  Applicable  neurology  measures  for  2013  reporAng:  •  Epilepsy  –  3  individual  measures  for  claims  or  registry  reporAng  •  DemenAa  –  9  measures  in  group  for  claims  or  registry  reporAng  •  Parkinson’s  disease  –  6  measures  in  group  for  registry  only  

reporAng  •  Sleep  –  4  measures  in  group  for  registry  only  reporAng  •  Stroke  –  5  InpaAent  measures  for  claims  or  registry  reporAng  •  Low  back  pain  –  4  measures  in  group  for  claims  or  registry  reporAng  

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ReporAng  is  Being  Simplified      UnAl  this  year,  quality  reporAng  as  part  of  Meaningful  Use  and  under  PQRS  were  not  well  coordinated.  BUT    •  StarAng  in  2013,  you  may  saAsfy  the  meaningful  use  Clinical  Quality  Measures  by  parAcipaAng  in  the  PQRS  –Medicare  EHR  incenAves  pilot.    

•  In  2014  the  two  quality  reporAng  systems  will  have  essenAally  merged,    – MU  and  PQRS  will  have  overlapping  measures    –  PQRS  and  MU  will  share  a  reporAng  mechanism.    

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Quality  ReporAng  Is  Local  as  Well  AAN  has  a  partnership  with  CE  City  to  report  measures  through  a  registry  

–  The  2013  sets  were  live  in  late  May  –  CE  City  -­‐    hCp://info.cecity.com/about.html  –  Registry  info  hCps://aan.pqriwizard.com/default.aspx    

•  All  payers  have  quality  reporAng  programs  that  feed  into  their  pay-­‐for-­‐performance  or  value-­‐based  contracAng  programs.    –  AAN  Staff  are  reviewing  the  cost  and  quality  measures  being  

used  in  private  payer  programs,    –  MeeAng  with  private  payers  to  understand  their  programs  –  AAN  \will  have  a  resource  for  members  that  outlines  the  cost  

and  quality  metrics  used  in  programs  by  Fall  2013.      

Based  on  the  latest  reports  available,  in  2011,  only  20.8%  of  eligible  neurologists  parAcipated  in  PQRS.    

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The  Choosing  Wisely  Campaign  Engages  PaAents  in  Quality    

•  A  campaign  to  make  paAents  AND  physicians  aware  of  some  common  procedures  that  are  clearly  of  liCle  value  

•  The  AAN  suggesAons  for  neurologic  care  –  EEGs  are  not  helpful  in  headache  –  CaroAd  US  should  not  be  done  in  simple  syncope  (no  other  associated  signs  or  symptoms)  

–  Do  not  use  bubalbital  or  opioids  in  migraine  except  as  a  last  resort  

–  Don’t  prescribe  interferon-­‐beta  or  glaAramer  acetate  to  paAents  with  disability  from  progressive,  non-­‐relapsing  forms  of  mulAple  sclerosis.    

–  Don’t  recommend  CEA  for  asymptomaAc  caroAd  stenosis  unless  the  complicaAon  rate  is  low  (<3%)  

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You  Should  be  Engaged  in  ReporAng  AND  CreaAng  Metrics  

•  There  will  be  opportuniAes  to  shape  local  efforts  to  improve  quality    –  Payers  want  to  know  that  efforts  are  underway  to  measure  and  improve  quality  

–  Internal  efforts  in  large  groups  may  rely  on  unique  process  or  outcome  measures  and  reporAng  

Examples-­‐    –  Timely  communicaAon  to  referring  physicians  – Wait  Ames  for  an  appointment  –  Average  wait  once  in  the  doctors  office  –  And  many  more…  

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These  Changes  in  Healthcare  Require  New  PracAce  RelaAonships  

•  The  PaAent  Centered  Medical  Home  (PCMH)  exemplifies  many  of  the  ideas  that  will  guide  new  relaAonships  criAcal  to  the  future  payment  and    delivery  systems  

–  Pa:ent  Centered-­‐  RelaAonship  based,  with  aCenAon  to  the  whole  person  

–  Comprehensive  care-­‐  The  Primary  care  home  will  meet  a  majority  of  the  paAents  medical  and  mental  health  needs  

–  Coordinated  care-­‐  engaging  with  all  parts  of  the  health  care  system  from  specialists  to  hospitals  and  nursing  homes  

–  Accessible  services-­‐  shorter  wait  Ames,  in-­‐person  and  electronic  availability.  

–  Quality  and  Safety-­‐  commitment  to  measurement  of  quality  and  process  improvement,  use  of  decision  support  and  evidence-­‐based  pracAce.    

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Specialists  Will  Be  Part  Of  The  Medical  Home  Neighborhood    

•  Specialists  can  work  together  with  the  PCMH  in  many  possible  ways.  – TradiAonal  ConsultaAon  – Off-­‐site  collaboraAve  care  – On-­‐site  collaboraAve  care  – Principle  care  

– The  NCQA  has  developed  a  set  of  principles  for  the  PCMH  neighbor  hCp://ow.ly/kYHlx  

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Greater  CommunicaAon  and  CollaboraAon      

Off-­‐Site  •  Neurologist  is  available  by  phone,  email,  specialized  IT  portal.    

–  Curbside  or  “pre  consultaAon”  may  be  all  that  is  needed  –  PCP/team  ozen  managed  meds,  intervenAon  –  Complexity  and  comfort  zone  of  PCPs  drive  process.    

On-­‐site  •  Embedded  with  the  PCMH  

–  More  real-­‐Ame  interacAons    –  Great  opportunity  for  educaAon  –  Co-­‐management    A  “stepped  approach”  may  dictate  who  manages  the  paAent  in  either  model.    

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“Principle  Care”  May  Be  a  Model  for  Some  PaAents/Neurologists  

Neurologist/Team  serve  as  the  principle  care  providers    •  Response  to  the  younger,  otherwise  healthy  paAent  who  

feels  they  only  need  a  neurologist.    –  MS,  Epilepsy,  etc.  

PCP  is  the  “neighbor”  

•  The  neurology  pracAce  will  need  addiAonal  resources  to  help  with  tasks  that  PCMH  teams  may  normally  do  

•  Neurologist  will  want  to  have  experience  with  populaAon  management  concepts  

 As  paAent  ages,  and  health  issues  expand,  PCP  becomes  the  “home”,  Neurologist  the  “Neighbor”  

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Providing  Principle  Care  as  a  “Medical  Home”  Will  Not  Be  Easy  

•  Access  and  ConAnuity  –    –  Azer  hours  and  electronic  access    –  Provide  culturally  and  linguisAcally  appropriate  services  

•  IdenAfy  and  Manage  PaAent  PopulaAons  –    –  Registries  to  proacAvely  remind  paAents  of  overdue  care  

•  Plan  and  Manage  Care  –    –  Implement  evidence-­‐based  guidelines  using  point-­‐of-­‐care  reminders  –  IdenAfy  high  risk  paAents  –  Manage  medicaAons  

•  Provide  Self-­‐Care  Support  –    –  Provide  educaAonal  resources  –  IdenAfy  and  refer  to  community  resources  –  Provide  self-­‐management  tools  and  plans    –  Include  paAents  and  their  families  

•  Track  and  Coordinate  Care  –  –  tesAng  and  referral  tracking  –  managing  care  transiAons  

•  Measure  and  Improve  Performance  –  –  Quality  metrics  and  reporAng  –  Include  the  paAent  experience  of  care  


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The  Way  You  Work  With  Pateints  Will  Change  

•  In  addiAon  to  new  professional  relaAonships  and  payment  models,  there  will  be  new  relaAonships  with  paAents  

•  “Engagement”  –  Partnering  with  paAents  so  that  they  are  drivers  of  their  care,  rather  than  passive  passengers  

•  There  are  many  organizaAons  that  can  help  –  Consumers  Advancing  PaAent  Safety  

•  hCp://www.paAentsafety.org/  –  Informed  Medical  Decisions  FoundaAon  

•  hCp://informedmedicaldecisions.org/  –  InsAtute  for    PaAent  and  Family  Centered  Care  

•  hCp://www.ipfcc.org/  –  Society  for  ParAcipatory  Medicine  

•  hCp://parAcipatorymedicine.org/  

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Most  Medical  Care  Occurs  Outside  the  Office  or  Hospital  Ferguson’s  inverted  pyramid  

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Why  You  Should  Collaborate  with  PaAents  

•  PaAents  are  already  collaboraAng  with  each  other,  and  doctors!  –  They  are  online  in  vast  numbers  –  They  talk  to  each  other  online  –  They  do  research  online  –  They  include  medical  professionals  in  their  social  networks  (even  if  we  don’t  know  it)  

–  Some  rate  doctors  and  hospitals.    –  Almost  70%  feel  that  coordinaAon  of  care  is  a  problem,  30%  feel  it  is  a  major  problem.    


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The  Pew  Internet  Project  Finds:  •  34%  of  Internet  users  have  read  descripAons  of  other  

people’s  experience  with  health  •  25%  of  Internet  users  have  watched  health  related  videos  

online.  •  24%  of  Internet  users  have  looked  up  informaAon  about  

drugs  online  •  18%  of  Internet  users  have  looked  for  other  paAents  with  

their  concerns    •  16%  of  Internet  users  have  consulted  doctor  raAngs.  •  15%  of  Internet  users  have  consulted  raAngs  for  hospitals  or  


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PaAents  Can  Be  Integrated  Into  The  Workflow:  Experience  At  Kaiser  

Zhou,  Y.  Y.,  et.  Al    (2010).  Improved  quality  at  Kaiser  Permanente  through  e-­‐mail  between  physicians  and  paAents.  Health  affairs  (Project  Hope),  29(7),  1370-­‐5.  doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0048  

Compared  Provider–PaAent  e-­‐mail  users  and  nonusers  (  >35,000  paAents)    Found  improved  HEDIS  measures  in  those  with  hypertension  and  diabetes    BeCer    HA1C  values  BeCer  screening  Lower  BP  

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There  Are  Many  Other  Examples  Of  Impact  Of  PaAent  Engagement  

•  Bedside  presentaAons  reduce  apprehension  in  paAents  and  may  increase  accuracy  of  data  

•  Sharing  of  notes  with  paAents  is  rare,  but  when  it  is  promoted,  paAents  express  “considerable  enthusiasm  and  few  fears”  about  sharing  notes.    

•  Walker  et  al.  AIM  2011  

•  Why  is  this  important?  We  know  coordinaAon  of  care  is  a  problem,  but  paAents  also  see  it..    

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There  are  Many  Tools  You  Can  Use  to  Increase  Engagement  

•  Shared  decision  aids-­‐  –  Informed  Medical  Decisions  FoundaAon    –  Programs  to  aid  paAents  in  understanding  risks,  outcomes  and  the  views  of  other  paAents  

•  Portals,  and  other  IT  – MeeAng  MU  –  “Engaging”  paAents  in  your  pracAce  

•  Behavioral  Health/Behavior  Change  – MoAvaAonal  interviewing  

•  Style  of  interacAng  helps  paAent  take  control  of  their  health  on  their  terms  

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Summary  Points    •  Health  care  reform  will  include  major  changes  in  how  neurologists  are  paid  and  the  way  they  provide  care  

•  CoordinaAon  of  care,  use  of  teams,  and  new  processes  of  care  will  proliferate  

•  You  can  make  the  transiAon  by  understanding  your  present  processes,  costs  and  outcomes.    

•  Focus  on  the  value  you  bring  to  the  paAent’s  care.    

•  Do  not  be  afraid  to  jump  in  and  work  with  our  colleagues  who  are  pioneering  these  changes.    

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Resources  for  Assessing  the  Delivery  Models    

•  Overview    –  hCp://www.aan.com/go/pracAce/models  –  hCp://cp.neurology.org/content/2/3/224.full  

•  Accountable  Care  OrganizaAons  –  hCp://www.aan.com/go/pracAce/models/aco  –  hCp://ow.ly/kOdQH  

•  PaAent  Centered  Medical  Homes  –  hCp://www.aan.com/go/pracAce/models/pcmh  –  hCp://cp.neurology.org/content/3/2/134.full  

•  Webinars  from  AMA  –  hCp://ow.ly/kOe35  

 The  AAN  will  launch  a  new  website  to  help  keep  many  resources  in  one  place,  someAme  in  June.    

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Resources  for  Assessing  Payment  Models  

•  Overview  from  the  AMA  –  hCp://www.ama-­‐assn.org/resources/doc/psa/payment-­‐opAons.pdf  

•  Bundled  Payments  –  hCp://www.aan.com/go/pracAce/models/bundled  

•  Global  Payments  –  hCp://www.aan.com/go/pracAce/models/comprehensive  

•  Pay  for  Performance  –  www.aan.com/go/pracAce/models/performance  

•  Pay  for  ReporAng  –  hCp://www.aan.com/go/pracAce/pay  


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