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Presented in partnership with Slide 2 CLUB TECHNOLOGY Making the correct investment Slide 3 Learning Objectives This session will enable you to Utilize key guiding principles when making an investment in technology Understand how technology impacts each department within the club Think about horizon products and how they can apply within club industry Slide 4 BMI II - Technology What part of the club does not rely on software? What were the two biggest software shifts that affected the club industry over the past 20 years? Slide 5 Club Technology Historical Overview 1980s Service Bureaus Simple DOS systems Technology mostly in the Accounting Dept Punch Card Systems 1990s DOS Systems extend to POS Golf but mostly F&B Clubs move from Pen & Paper to Automated system Windows Software released and adopted by about 40% of the clubs Technology was to be used by employees and not seen by members Back of house only Cell Phone policies come into play DO NOT USE IN CLUB OR A FINE WILL BE IMPOSED ! 2000s Y2k - Causes much fear and many clubs to move from DOS to Windows based system High Speed Internet becomes prevalent More members begin using the internet in their everyday lives email, google, PDAs etc. Cell Phone Bans lifted and high speed wireless now offered at clubs Technology moves from Back of House to Front of House and even into members homes Websites go from online brochures to interactive member service Slide 6 BMI II - Technology Do you really need it? Why do you want it? How to prepare for the Board Sell Future technology Slide 7 The Technology Need Chances are you dont need new technology Features are already available Training always yield higher returns New solutions are expensive Slide 8 The Technology Need Features In Your Current System Evaluate current system before considering a new system Department Meeting Vendor Meeting System Audit Slide 9 The Technology Need Training is an investment not an expense Very High Yields Avg System cost $50k Utilization of new system is One day training is $1000 On site Increase utilization by 10-20% Many people trained at one time Slide 10 The Technology Need Slide 11 Intuitive Software Dont be fooled no software is truly intuitive Training is required to get the most out of any system Excel Contest Slide 12 The Technology Need Use everything you are entitled to Internet Seminars Interactive FAQ Website Help/Support User Groups Email Blasts OTHER CLUBS! Slide 13 Guiding Principles When making a decision on purchasing software, 4 factors play a key role. How will systems drive additional revenue? How will systems increase member satisfaction ? How will the applications assist the club in becoming more efficient? (reduce costs) Does the system meet compliance regulations? Slide 14 The Technology Need You Need It, So Choose Wisely Technology Litmus test Software must have: Benefits members Club Implementation Feasibility Realistic Utilization Slide 15 The Technology Need Benefits to My Members Improves Customer Satisfaction Fills a requested function More personalized service Faster Service Matches their daily lives Slide 16 Guiding Principles How will systems increase satisfaction to constituents/members? Member Facing Modules Engage & Interact Enhance Communication Increased Satisfaction Slide 17 Member Satisfaction Email Marketing Club Websites Loyalty Program Cash Cards Member Facing Applications Slide 18 Interactive Modules Slide 19 The Technology Need Implementation Feasibility Can be implemented with current infrastructure In a timely manner Fit your schedule Little disruption to daily operations Slide 20 The Technology Need Realistic Utilization of New Product is a must Can your staff use it Can your members use it WILL THEY USE IT? Slide 21 The Technology Need Tee Time Example Tee Times Tee Time System OnlineKioskMobile Slide 22 The Technology Need How will systems/applications make the club more efficient? (i.e. save costs) Operational Efficiencies Faster Service Measurable ROI Slide 23 The Technology Need Does the system meet compliance regulations? PABP/PCI Compliancy General Accounting Principles Payroll Licensing Slide 24 The Technology Need Cool Features are much less important than core features Dont be sold on technology alone How does that technology add benefits to you? Dont be fooled by vapor ware the fumes are deadly to your career Horizon products are a bad idea Slide 25 The Technology Need NOW GET IT Wine (whine) will only get you lucky And that is a bad thing! Preparing for the Board Presentation Use your litmus test Identify possible push back Come with Facts Ask Vendor for tools/presentation materials Slide 26 Return On Investment This is not a cost it is an investment ROI Calculator Slide 27 Where club technology may go Slide 28 RSS What? Really Simple Syndication Why? You can keep up with many websites easily. You dont have to subscribe to an email list. Slide 29 A mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into an integrated experience. The etymology of this term derives from its similar use in pop music, possibly from the hip-hop music practice of mixing two or more songs. (Wikipedia) Mashup Slide 30 Member Mashup Slide 31 Manager/Employee Mashup Slide 32 Technology Convergence Voice & Data Microsoft Communications Servers Facility Management Ability to track utility usage online Chemical usage based on weather forecasting Slide 33 Smart Facility Technology Smart Rooms Set Room Preferences to guest preferences Language Temperature Radio TV

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