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Page 1: Professional Portfolio - Lisa Farrugia


Page 2: Professional Portfolio - Lisa Farrugia

1 – Personal Educational Philosophy

2 – Personal Educational Goals

3 – Professional Knowledge

- Teachers know how students learn and how to team them effectively.

- Teachers know the content they teach.

- Teachers know their students.

4 – Professional Practice

- Teachers plan and assess for effective learning.

- Teachers create and maintain a safe and challenging learning environment.

- Teachers use a range of teaching practices and resources to engage students in effective learning.

5 – Professional Engagement

- Teachers reflect on, evaluate and improve their professional knowledge and practice.

- Teachers are active members of their profession.

6 – My Classroom Management Plan

7 – Case Studies

- Professional Knowledge

- Professional Practice

- Professional Engagement

8 – Description of Killara Primary School

9 – Applied Curriculum Project


Contents Page P R O F E S S I O N A L P O R T F O L I O

Page 3: Professional Portfolio - Lisa Farrugia

My Personal Educational Philosophy ! ! ! ! !

“Teaching children is an accomplishment; getting children excited about learning is an achievement.”-Robert John Meehan.

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. They are our politicians, our athletes, our lawyers and accountants. Our carpenters and electricians, our doctors and our entrepreneurs. Today’s students are equipped with the necessary skills and experiences to be what ever they desire to be. I believe they no longer require me, as a teacher, to teach them basic content, for everything they wish to know about is instantly available on the Internet. My focus in the 21st century is to teach students the skill of thinking for themselves and to help them develop their own strategies for learning. Students need to think critically about the information they are encountering via modern forms of communication such as search engines,

databases, blogs, videos, websites, social media, wikis etc. Students must now learn to be flexible and continuously evolving in this rapidly changing world.

I am a 21st century learner myself, and therefore, I see no other alternative than to be a 21st century teacher. I love teaching. I am passionate, enthusiastic and dedicated to this profession. I know that teaching is an important and honorable occupation that demands commitment. I believe that each of my students has the potential to bring something unique and special to my classroom. I have the opportunity to impact on my students’ lives in a positive way; this is a huge privilege that I will never take lightly.

I support that an optimal learning environment is one where my students feel safe, comfortable and inspired to excel to the best of their abilities in all learning areas. I will encourage my students to take risks in their learning, and to find their own passion. I believe that learning is a continuous, life long journey, and I will provide my students with real-world opportunities to make meaningful contributions to aspects that they feel relevant in their own lives.

Preparation is the key to a successful lesson. I aim to be well prepared for each teaching experience. I strive to have a thorough knowledge of the subject matter and spend time preparing an engaging delivery by using differentiated teaching methods. Although I believe formative assessments are necessary, I strongly value summative assessments, whereby I can generate timely results that will alter my teaching based on my student’s needs and abilities and ultimately improve my student’s performance by providing specific and meaningful feedback.

As an aspiring primary school teacher I want to be able to take part in the development and enrichment of my students' lives as they prepare for their futures. I will be a provider of stability and support for all of my students, encouraging them to surpass in all that they do. One of my ambitions as an educator is to inspire a love of learning in my students, as I share with them my own passion for learning. I feel in the education industry there is a need for compassionate, strong, and dedicated individuals that are excited about working with children. I believe that I have the qualities necessary to show empathy, love and strong sense of self. I believe these qualities provide the backbone to ensuring that I become an effective and memorable teacher to each and every one of my students.

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I believe teaching is the most rewarding profession of them all. I have always wanted to be a teacher and I knew that when I would fulfill that dream I would be excellent at it. The main reason why I love teaching young children is because I want to make a difference in their lives. I want to be that teacher that they will never forget, and someday I hope a student will come back into my life and say “Thank you for never giving up on me.” Kids need someone that they can rely on. Someone that will always encourage them, support them, teach them, and have fun doing it in the process.

This course has given me the opportunity to accomplish my dream of becoming a teacher. However, I know that my learning journey is not coming to an end by completing this course. It’s actually just beginning. I believe that I am going to learn more in my first year of teaching than ever before. I would consider myself a life-long learner because I never want to cease learning. I want to pass on my love of learning to my students, and show them that it’s all right to make mistakes. “A mistake is half way to reaching the right answer.”

I consider myself a highly motivated and driven person. I always set personal goals and ensure that I complete them in a reasonable time frame.

My current educational goals are include the following -

Immediate goals To successfully complete my Graduate Diploma in Primary School Education.

To obtain a position as a Primary School Teacher for 2013.

To renew my Level 2 in First Aid certificate.

Short-term goals To develop excellent classroom management strategies in my first year of teaching.

To fulfill my VIT obligations as a graduate teacher.

To become a valued member of my Primary School by contributing to extra school activities and programs.

To participate in a professional development session concerning classroom literacy programs and strategies.

Long-term goals To take on a leadership role regarding numeracy or student welfare.

To complete a Masters in Primary School Education.


My Personal Educational Goals !


Page 5: Professional Portfolio - Lisa Farrugia

Ideas for differentiated teaching and learning.

Teachers know how students learn and how to teach them effectively.


Different Learning Styles

The picture on the left shows a student working with fake notes during a numeracy lesson on money. This was an activity I created. Students could buy items from the catalogue and had to tell me what notes they would use to pay for their items. By allowing my students to use hands on resources and by providing items they are interested in such as a PlayStation or iPod they are able to link the activity with a real life situation.

The picture below was taken during a numeracy lesson on measurement. Students had to measure how far they could toss a beanbag. Once again the link between measurement and the real life use was evident to my


All students learn in a different way. By acknowledging different learning theories I am able to provide lessons that cater to the learning styles of each individual student in my class. Mostly all of my lessons follow a whole-part-whole approach. I like to start off a lesson by engaging my students with a relevant game or activity using the Interactive White Board. My strategy is very much like the e5 constructivist learning approach. I always finish off my lesson by reflecting as a class. We look at what the learning intention was and if we succeeded in completing it.

Asking open ended questions

Creating ability groups This helps me target my teaching at my student’s individual level.

Including rotations

Rotations give me an opportunity to have activities to suit many different learning styles.


This gives students an opportunity to work at their own level.

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Mentor Feedback

Teachers know the content they teach.


Preparation, preparation, preparation…

By referring to AusVELS (left) I am able to plan my lessons based on the Key Learning Areas my students need to achieve. I always look for interesting and interactive ways to structure my lessons.

It’s in my nature to always be prepared for anything that could happen. I spend quite a lot of time researching innovative ways of teaching the basic content to ensure it is engaging and fun. Every lesson plan (as below) is detailed with resources required, AusVELS levels targeted, the structure and flow of the lesson, adaptions and extensions and so on. My weekly planners will be just as detailed to ensure my students receive the best lessons


Preparation is the key to a successful lesson. I aim to be well prepared for each teaching experience. I strive to have a thorough knowledge of the subject matter and spend time preparing an engaging delivery by using differentiated teaching methods.

I have been extremely lucky to have mentor’s that have supported me, and continuously given me written feedback on all of my lessons. I find this feedback essential to my development as a teacher.


“This was an excellent lesson and you should feel pleased. The learning was targeted appropriately and the pace was spot on. Again, a different approach/strategy to present the information.” – Caroline Hole, Grade 5/6 Team Leader – Killara Primary School.

“The structure for your lesson was well set out – revising a narrative beginning, middle and end and what information to include in each section. Well done.” – Cynthia Follett, Grade 2 Team Leader – Killara Primary School.

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Mentor Feedback

Teachers know their students.

Annotations I believe that one of my greatest strengths is my ability to build rapports with my students. One way I do this is by showing an interest in what they did on their weekends or extracurricular activities that they participate in.

Another example is by setting activities that allow my students to work in groups (below). This builds on their social and interpersonal skills and allows kids to feel like they are apart of a team.

As an aspiring primary school teacher I want to be able to take part in the development and enrichment of my students' lives as they prepare for their futures. I am a provider of stability and support for all of my students, encouraging them to surpass in all that they do. One of my ambitions as an educator is to inspire a love of learning in my students, as I share with them my own passion for learning. I feel in the education industry there is a need for compassionate, strong, and dedicated individuals that are excited about working with children. I believe that I have the qualities necessary to show empathy, love and strong sense of self. I believe these qualities provide the backbone to ensuring that I become an effective and memorable teacher to each and every one of my students.


“You have a very calm and positive attitude with the students and they respond well to you.” – Cynthia Follett, Grade 2 Team Leader – Killara Primary School.

Page 8: Professional Portfolio - Lisa Farrugia

My planning process

Teachers plan and assess for effective learning

Planning Planning is essential for any teacher. Most teachers work in teams to plan for the same year level. This ensures a level of consistency across the year level. At Killara Primary School our grade two team plans fortnightly together, and I plan daily with my mentor based on those fortnightly plans.

I then plan every lesson in more detail to ensure I cover everything I want to accomplish in that time frame. I always reflect on my lesson at the end of the day and annotate it with what worked well or possible changes on could work better.

Yearly Planner Term Planner

The yearly planner will be broken down into terms. The detail gradually increases.

Weekly Planner

This is the most important planner as it is used all day, every day. The detail is amplified.


Annotations I attend a fortnightly planning session with my grade two team. From this meeting the grade two fortnightly plans are produced (right).

I then produce my own weekly planner (below). In my weekly planner each lesson lists the learning intention, a warm up activity and an extension activity. My timetable remains flexible to change based on my students needs.

All requirements from AusVELS will be compiled into one document.

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Assessment Assessment and monitoring both play a vital role in the teaching and learning process as assessment provides students, teachers and parents with important information regarding the students learning progress. Assessment tasks need to be rich, purposeful and informative and act as a facilitator to further extend each individual student. Teachers need to ensure that they are using a variety of assessment tools to continuously monitor student’s progress throughout units of work, as it is a vital strategy for extending students.

For assessment to be successful it needs to be an ongoing tool that is used at the beginning of a topic as a means for direction, throughout the topic as an indication of students understanding and to address the learning needs of the individuals, and also at the end of a topic to evaluate the learning of each student and accurately report each students achievements. I believe one of the most important aspects of assessment is to provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their own learning and use their new skills and knowledge that they have acquired.





- Sharing with students the learning intention. - Determine student’s prior knowledge. - Encourage interaction as use of resources.

- Students monitor their learning and use feedback to adjust their understanding. - Involves students in self- assessment and peer-assessment (sharing their stories).

- Students demonstrate what they know and what they can do. - Is supported by evidence of student’s learning. - Is used to plan future goals.

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Classroom Rules

Teachers create and maintain a safe and challenging learning environment.

I believe that an optimal learning environment is one where my students feel safe, comfortable and inspired to excel to the best of their abilities in all learning areas. I encourage my students to take risks in their learning, and to find their own passion. I believe that learning is a continuous, life long journey, and I will provide my students with real-world opportunities to make meaningful contributions to aspects that they feel relevant in their own lives.

I am passionate about creating a learning environment that is student-focused and hands on so that every child can discover

answers through their own exploration and experiments. Furthermore children should feel proud of their new knowledge, and share that knowledge with not only their class mates, but with the world via modern technology such as Wiki’s, Blogging, YouTube, Podcasts and so on.


Annotations I am a highly organised person; therefore my classroom will be no different. Students will know exactly where to find things, and will be encouraged to contribute to keeping our classroom clean, organised, safe and presentable.

Posters and displays in my classroom will all be relevant to our class’s current work. Student’s work will be displayed so students can feel proud of their hard work and accomplishments.

At the start of a school year, my class and I will collaboratively establish our classroom rules. The rules will be continually referenced throughout the year. Consequences for breaking our rules will be enforced and rewards for positive behaviours will be

introduced throughout the year.

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One of the most vital elements in effective teaching is the ability to engage my students. While planning each lesson I look for ways to make learning exciting and interactive. It is proven that active learning improves student’s understanding and retention of information. Active learning is also effective in developing higher order cognitive skills such as problem solving and critical thinking.

The pictures on this page display ways in which I have used resources and different learning styles to engage my students.

Uses For ICT In The Classroom

Teachers use a range of teaching practices and resources to engage

students in effective learning.

Differentiation I believe that no two students are the same. It is my responsibility to cater for this diversity by providing a framework that accommodates individual learning paces and styles.

I plan lessons using a variety of teaching methods to incorporate different theories of how students learn. For example Multiple Intelligences, De Bono’s Thinking Hats, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Inquiry Based Learning.

Interactive White Board

Computers, Laptops, Netbooks

Blogging, word processing /

publishing work, educational games.

Apple iPads & iPods

Literacy apps, numeracy apps, presentations,




Warm-up games, brainstorming, modeling work, digital movies.

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Teachers reflect on, evaluate and improve their professional

knowledge and practice.

Reflection I consider myself a reflective learner, as reflection is autonomous in my everyday life. I am constantly looking for ways to improve and develop my knowledge, skills and general wellbeing. I welcome any opportunity to engage in professional development sessions going forward.

Through my experience studying and working as a preservice teacher, I have been exposed to the constantly changing world of education. There is always new and different ways to improve teaching methods, classroom management, assessments and teacher/student connectedness. It is one of the reasons why I love teaching. Effective classroom teaching strategies reflect that of a teacher providing skills and appreciation of lifelong learning. I know it is paramount to continue learning, reading, reflecting and questioning my teaching style and methods. I aim to achieve this by fostering a healthy and professional relationship with colleagues to extend my teaching knowledge. I am enthusiastic about trialling new innovative strategies to improve my teaching style and to improve the learning experience for my students in my classroom.

“Lisa’s reflections have demonstrated her willingness to improve her teaching practice by acknowledging things she would do differently next time. Lisa has also responded positively to all feedback and advice she has received. Lisa has attended all staff and team meetings and taken advantage of any professional development opportunities available to her.” – Caroline Hole, Grade 5/6 Team Leader, Killara Primary School.

Professional development sessions I attended during 2012

Assessment On The Go Workshop.

Differentiated Teaching for Numeracy Outcomes.

Behaviour Management Workshop.

Parent Helper Course.

Number Fluency and Reflection.

HOTing Up Mathematics.

Enquiry NET.

Survival Kit Workshop.

Creativity with Ligia Pelosi.

Sustainability in Schools - CERES

Mentor Feedback


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Professional development

sessions I attended in 2012.

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Teachers are an active member of their profession.

Getting Involved For an educator to effectively teach their students, he/she must be committed to teaching, learning and sharing, and being active participants in all of the above. The capacity to understand and be committed to every part of a school is crucial for any teacher. I am dedicated to being an active part of a Primary School by organising and participating in any special programs such as excursions, incursions, camps, coaching sporting teams, swimming programs, ESL programs, sustainability and environmental programs, developing and coaching others in ICT programs and any other opportunity that arises.

During the year I got a chance to experience supervising some excursions. During these experiences, I leant about the heightened responsibilities of the teachers while we were away from school.

Annotations I believe that having fun with my

students is what fosters a great relationship. I have taken advantage of

any opportunity to dress up and participate in school events. For Book

Week this year I came as Little Red Riding Hood (right).

Other school events that I have participated in include Pyjama Day,

AFL Day and the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

School Excursions


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My Classroom Management Plan I believe that an optimal learning environment is one where my students feel safe, comfortable and inspired to excel to the best of their abilities in all learning areas. I encourage my students to take risks in their learning, and to find their own passion. I believe that learning is a continuous, life long journey, and I will provide my students with real-world opportunities to make meaningful contributions to aspects that they feel relevant in their own lives.

I am passionate about creating a learning environment that is student-focused and hands on so that every child can discover answers through their own exploration and experiments. Furthermore children should feel proud of their new knowledge, and share that knowledge with not only their class mates, but with the world via modern technology such as Wiki’s, Blogging, YouTube, Podcasts and so on. Classroom rules are important to established at the start of the year. The students and I will collaboratively determine the rules and they will be constantly referred to throughout the year. Consequences for breaking our rules will be enforced and rewards for positive behaviours will be introduced throughout the year. The main rules that I would encourage the class to list are -

1. Be kind and respectful to your teacher and fellow classmates. 2. Raise your hand before speaking. 3. Listen when others are talking. 4. Follow directions the first time they are given. 5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 6. Always try your best and participate in all class activities.

The consequences for breaking our classroom rules are -

⇒ First warning – verbal warning ⇒ Second warning – formal warning – the student will need to move seats. ⇒ Third warning – a letter will be sent home.

I am a highly organised person; therefore my classroom will be no different. Students will know exactly where to find things, and will be encouraged to contribute to keeping our classroom clean, organised, safe and presentable. I will have classroom helpers that will take on a different responsibility throughout the week. Posters and displays in my classroom will all be relevant to our class’s current work. Student’s work will be displayed so students can feel proud of their hard work and accomplishments. I will determine the seating arrangements and I will change them every term or as I see appropriate. I believe it’s important to have a space in the classroom that encourages quiet reading. I would like to set up a corner with cushions and beanbags where students can feel comfortable reading individually or in groups.

My classroom will be a happy and safe environment where my students can express themselves and feel comfortable to not only excel but also to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. I aim to inspire and motivate my class to be the best they can be.

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Case Study Professional Engagement

Teachers reflect on, evaluate and improve their professional knowledge and practice

Praxis Described One of the hardest aspects for a new teacher is classroom management. Students will always test their teacher and search for the boundaries. It is the teacher’s job to show the students what’s acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Like every profession, teachers learn from experience. I have had many successful situations when dealing with tough situations, and I have also failed. For this reason I decided to attend a professional development session hosted by the Australian Education Union called PD in the Pub – Behaviour Management Workshop. Presented by Glen Pearsall.

!Praxis Explained During the PD Glen equipped us with some excellent behaviour management strategies. One of main point that Glen made was to ensure that teachers always address the behaviour and not make it about the child. For example using phrases like ‘Your behaviour this morning is very silly and unacceptable.’ Rather then ‘You’re being very silly this morning’. Also, always name the behaviour. Glen states, “Once you name it, you can train it. Once you name it, you can make it go away. Students don’t like to admit that they’re doing the wrong thing, but if you clearly name the behaviour then it’s easy to change it”.

Praxis Theorised Other strategies that Glen talked about include –

• Proximity – Where the teacher positions themselves in the classroom is very important. Stand near the child that is misbehaving, but don’t look at them. Continue on by reminding the class what they are trying to achieve and why. Refine this technique to influence the child misbehaving. Glen states, “You can’t make a child do something, but you can change your proximity.”

• Cross praise – Praise someone behind or near or even next to the child misbehaving. The misbehaving child will look at the child being good, at this point turn and walk away.

• Use pivot phrases – When a child just wants to argue back use phrases such as-

⇒ That’s not the issue right now. ⇒ Never-the-less… ⇒ Well that may be so …

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⇒ OK ….. ⇒ I welcome feedback but not at the start of the lesson. I’ll talk to you

after the class. ⇒ I understand or I can see your frustration….

• Don’t block or get louder. Always get quieter. A teacher that starts off yelling as a

standard tone of voice will never be able to achieve that impact again when the time comes. You must start off with a quiet voice, and only yell when you want to make an impact.

Practice Changed After attending this professional development session I tried some of these strategies during my partnership placement. Proximity was one that I used most of all. I found this extremely helpful when the students were working at their tables. By addressing the class from different areas in the classroom, this allowed me to ensure that students who were misbehaving were quickly put back on track without the rest of the students noticing. At some point I tried all of the above strategies. They all work in different circumstances and I am glad I attended the PD to learn more about classroom management. I will be more then happy to attend various other PD sessions on behaviour management as I now believe you can never have too many different strategies as different incidents call for different approaches.

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Phillip drive, Sunbury, VIC 03 9744 6432

�A bit about Killara primary school� Killara Primary School opened in 1993, in what was a rapidly expanding area of housing estates on the northwest fringe of Sunbury, within the City of Hume. The school had a period of rapid growth from 1993 to 2000 where the student population went from 103 to a peak of 641. After a period of decline in numbers, the school is currently going through a period of growth with student numbers at close to 550. At Killara Primary School we recognise the extraordinary responsibility and privilege it is to educate our students. All students deserve the right to the best possible education and to achieve their highest potential every day.

We always aim to demonstrate a high standard of professional and ethical practice by displaying qualities such as dedication, enthusiasm, honesty and respect. We consistently design and deliver innovative and inclusive curriculum that supports the needs, abilities, strengths and talents of each individual child.

At Killara Primary School we believe in promoting a positive school culture, based on positive behaviours and values that seek to increase student wellbeing and learning. We have, as the basis of our student engagement and well being beliefs, rights and responsibilities that we all aim to uphold:

• We all have the right to do as much work as possible

• We all have the right to be safe and comfortable in the classroom and outside

• Personal Responsibility (I do the right thing)

• Communal Responsibility (I encourage others to do the right thing)

A comprehensive and high quality educational program for all students is offered at Killara Primary School and we expect children to participate in all aspects of school life.

Killara Primary school

My partnership experience is at Killara Primary School in Sunbury. For term one and two I was placed in two year 5/6 classes that team-taught as one big class. This was a challenging, yet rewarding experience for me. For term three and four I was in a year two class. This was such a huge difference from my previous experience and it made me realise that I could teach at any year level.

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Background Information Prior to the Netbooks arrival each classroom had only four desktop computers available. Classes were allocated a one-hour session a week in the computer lab and they also have a laptop trolley with 25 laptops, which is used by classes on a roster basis. For some students there was no home learning aspect, as not all students have a computer available after school hours.

At the beginning of term two, the grade 5/6s began using their own Netbooks. Teachers are integrating the Netbooks into the students learning by using the Netbooks for projects, literacy and numeracy

learning games and activities, rotational activities, online news such as BTN, home learning tasks and so on.

The Netbooks will be used as a tool for learning, and not as a replacement for writing. The school believes that teachers need to focus on 21st century learning, which involves collaboration, communication, creation, sharing and organising using more efficient tools.

There are frustrations such as hardware issues, which are being addressed. Some parents are also concerned that the Netbooks are being used too much or alternatively not enough.

Our project was to evaluate the effectiveness of the 1:1 Netbooks Program in years 5/6.

Applied Curriculum


Our Action Plan To find out exactly what all the stakeholders of the Netbooks think of this new technology we -

1. Surveyed students, teachers and parents and analysed the data collected.

2. Evaluated how the Netbooks are currently being used and found other ways to integrate them into the curriculum. This included websites or new software that will improve student learning.

3. Compiled a video with a range of student’s opinions regarding their experience using the Netbooks.

4. Created a PowerPoint incorporating all of our findings.

5. We presented this information to all of the staff at Killara Primary School at the weekly staff meeting.

Our Findings We found the following main points regarding the 1:1 Netbook Program-

! The program significantly increased student’s enthusiasm to learn.

! The program increased students and teachers ICT skills.

! The Netbooks allowed students and teachers to try new things.

! The Netbooks make it easier for students to complete their home leaning tasks and for teachers to set home learning tasks.

! The Netbooks allowed students and teachers to develop new skills.

! The survey showed students, parents and teachers agree that there has always been technical support available when something goes wrong with the Netbooks.

" There was a lack of communication regarding the arrival of the Netbooks.

" Students and teachers both agree that there is still much to learn about the Netbooks and integrating

them into the classroom.

Evaluation of the 1:1 Netbooks Program

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