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Page 1: Progression of Infection and Tumor Development in Damselfish

Progression of Infection and Tumor Developmentin Damselfish

C.E. Campbell,1 P.D.L. Gibbs,2 and M.C. Schmale2,*

1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A.2Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 4600

Rickenbacker Cswy., Miami, FL 33149, U.S.A.

Abstract: The bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) is a tropical marine teleost naturally affected by multiple

neurofibromas and chromatophoromas on South Florida reefs. Damselfish neurofibromatosis is a transmissible

disease caused by a subcellular agent. Development of tumors is associated with the appearance of a series of

extrachromosomal DNAs ranging in size from 1.2 to 7 kb that appear to be the genome of a small virus-like

agent which we termed the damselfish virus-like agent (DVLA). This DNA was found at high copy number in

most spontaneous and experimentally induced tumors. An essentially identical pattern of DNA, but with lower

copy numbers, was observed in non–tumor-bearing tissue from diseased fish. Copy numbers of DVLA DNA

in tumors and nontumorous tissues increased as the disease progressed from early to late stages. In healthy fish

in which DVLA DNA was detected, the quantities were much lower than those in diseased fish. Healthy fish

from populations with a high prevalence of disease exhibited more infected tissues than fish from populations

with low levels.

Key words: neurofibroma, damselfish, tumor virus, schwann cell, chromatophore.


Model systems involving peripheral nerve sheath tumors in

any vertebrate animal are especially valuable because mam-

malian models of these tumors are rare. Investigation of the

mechanisms controlling alterations of Schwann cells, peri-

neurial cells, and axons during the development of such

tumors would be greatly facilitated by the use of an animal

model in which these tumors and the neoplastic process

could be manipulated experimentally, both in vivo and in

vitro. Animal models also are needed to investigate the ori-

gins and the roles of hyperpigmention and mast cell infil-

trates often associated with these lesions.

Damselfish neurofibromatosis (DNF) is a disease af-

fecting bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus [previously

Pomacentrus partitus]) in coastal water of South Florida.

This disease consists of multiple, disseminated plexiform

neurofibromas, neurofibrosarcomas (malignant peripheral

nerve sheath tumors) and chromatophoromas (Schmale

et al., 1983, 1986; Schmale 1991). The histologic similarity

of these neurofibromas to tumors observed in humans

led us to propose this system as an animal model of path-

ogenesis of these tumors. Our previous studies showed

that DNF is caused by a transmissible, subcellular agent

(Schmale and Hensley, 1988; Schmale, 1995). Viruses able to

induce tumors have proved to be valuable tools for studying

the molecular mechanisms of neoplastic transformation.

The majority of tumors caused by DNA viruses and retro-

viruses are papillomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, and leuke-

Received January 31, 2001; accepted March 30, 2001.

*Corresponding author: telephone 305-361-4140; fax 305-361-4600; e-mail:

[email protected]

Mar. Biotechnol. 3, S107–S114, 2001DOI: 10.1007/s10126-001-00323

© 2001 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Page 2: Progression of Infection and Tumor Development in Damselfish

mias (Tooze, 1980; Fan, 1994). DNF is the only naturally

occurring, transmissible cancer affecting a neuroectodermal

cell type (Schwann cells and chromatophores) and thus may

provide a unique and important model for investigating

carcinogenesis in these cells.

Recent studies indicated that the etiologic agent of

DNF is a small DNA virus-like agent which we termed the

damselfish virus-like agent (DVLA). The genome of DVLA

can be detected in infected cells as a series of extrachromo-

somal DNAs ranging in size from 1.2 to 7 kb (M.C.

Schmale, in press). The goal of the present study was to

document the distribution of this DNA in selected tissues in

healthy fish from high-disease and low-disease populations

and in diseased fish as the disease progressed from early to

end stage.


Bicolor damselfish, Stegastes (previously Pomacentrus) par-

titus, were collected and maintained in the laboratory as

described previously (Schmale, 1995). Healthy fish and fish

with spontaneous tumors were collected from reefs with a

low prevalence of disease (Fowey Rocks, 0.3% of adults

affected) or high-disease reefs (North Dry Rocks and Little

Grecian Reef, average prevalence of 20.5% of adults af-

fected; Schmale, 1991).

Fish with spontaneously occurring tumors were classi-

fied into disease stages based on the surface area of the fish

covered with tumors, as described previously (Schmale et

al., 1986). The stages used in this numerical rating system

can be summarized as follows. Fish having a single sign of

possible tumor development, such as a tiny spot on the fins

or scales, were classified as stage 1. Stage 1 fish were not

included in the present study because the presence of de-

finitive tumors could not be confirmed in these fish. Fish

having 1 or 2 possible areas of early tumor development

were considered as stage 2. Stage 3 were those fish with

small numbers of tumors on several regions of the body

(e.g., flanks, fins, and head). Fish that exhibited large num-

bers of tumors on several body areas were classified as stage

4. The most severe stage, stage 5, included fish with all body

surfaces heavily affected by tumors. For the purposes of the

present study, this stage was further subdivided into stages

5A and 5B where the latter group exhibited essentially con-

tinuous heavy coverage of the entire body with pigmented


Tumors characteristic of DNF were induced in healthy

damselfish in the laboratory by intramuscular injection of

tumor homogenates or cultured cells derived from tumors

as described previously (Schmale, 1995). Briefly, 20 to 50 µl

of either tumor homogenate or cultured cells was injected at

each of 2 sites on opposite flanks at a volume based on the

size of the fish. Tumor homogenates were prepared by ho-

mogenizing tumor tissues in Hank’s balanced salt solution

without Ca2+ or Mg2+ (HBSS) or L-15 medium (without

serum or antibiotics) at a concentration of 80 mg/ml using

a glass homogenizer on ice (Schmale and Hensley, 1988).

Cultured cells were harvested from previously established

tumor-derived cell lines, counted, and resuspended in

HBSS at a concentration of approximately 5 × 106 cells/ml.

Fish were lightly anesthetized with MS-222 (tricaine meth-

anesulfonate, 120 mg/ml, pH 8) before being injected. Fish

developing tumors in these experiments were not classified

by degree or rate of tumor development. However, most of

those used in the present study exhibited relatively large

tumors (greater than 1% of body weight).

Eleven tissues, including fin, muscle, brain, liver,

spleen, gonad (ovary, testis, or unclassified gonadal tissue

from sexually immature fish), heart, pronephros, eye, red

blood cells, and serum, as well as tumors when present,

were collected from each fish following euthanasia with

MS-222. DNA was extracted as described in Sambrook et al.

(1989). Four primers were used to amplify DVLA DNA:




hemi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 1 µg of DNA

was amplified with the primers 5AU and 5BU for 30 cycles

(94°C for 30 seconds, 60°C for 30 seconds, 72°C for 1

minute), following which 1 µl of this reaction was reampli-

fied using the primers 5AU and 5BU2 for 30 cycles. Two

negative control reactions, one without template DNA and

one with template DNA from a healthy fish previously

shown to be negative in these assays, were run in parallel

with each group of samples to detect contamination of re-


Slot blot hybridization was performed by an alkaline

transfer protocol (Sambrook et al., 1989). Primers 5BU and

5AL were used in a 40-cycle PCR to amplify a 1.3 kb prod-

uct from tumor cell line DNA to use as a probe for the blots.

Probe DNA was purified from agarose gels and labeled in a

random primed reaction using 32P-labeled dCTP. Each slot

was loaded with 5 µg total DNA. Membranes were rinsed in

2× SSC buffer and placed in hybridization solution con-

S108 C.E. Campbell et al.

Page 3: Progression of Infection and Tumor Development in Damselfish

taining 50% formamide. Blots were hybridized with probe

overnight at 42°C and washed to a final stringency of 0.1×

SSC, 0.1% sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) at 65°C.

Quantities of DVLA DNA per sample, determined

from slot blots by visually comparing them with standards,

were grouped into 4 categories for analysis: below detection

limits, less than 0.02 copies per cell (or 1 copy in 50 cells);

low, 0.02 to 0.19 copies per cell; medium, 0.2 to 2 copies per

cell; and high, more than 2 copies per cell. Standards were

based on dilutions of DNA from the DNF tumor-derived

cell line 92-16 (Schmale et al., 1994) and dilutions of a

1.0 kb PCR product (primers 5AU and 5BU with 92-16

DNA as a template). All dilutions were made using juvenile

damselfish chromosomal DNA that was shown to be

DVLA-free. Standards were quantified using the Molecular-

Analyst program (Bio-Rad). Copies per cell were estimated

from the modal diploid genome size for fish of 2 pg (Hin-

egardner, 1976) as there are no data on genome size avail-

able for bicolor damselfish or closely related species.


The distribution of DVLA DNA was documented in 11

tissue types (and tumors, where present) from healthy fish

of low-disease and high-disease populations (as defined by

Schmale, 1991), from fish with spontaneous tumors, and

from fish with experimentally induced tumors. At the time

of collection, all tissues were inspected for gross evidence of

tumors. Tissues were scored as tumors if any evidence of

invasion by the tumor was found, and these tissues were

analyzed with other tumors rather than with normal tissue.

All samples were analyzed by slot blot to quantify the copy

number of DVLA DNA. Selected healthy fish in which no

homologous DNA was detectable by this technique also

were screened by hemi-nested PCR (one round of PCR did

not increase sensitivity significantly over that obtained by

slot blot). These assays included 51 healthy fish from low-

disease reefs (559 tissues), 12 healthy fish from high-disease

reefs (132 tissues), 59 fish with spontaneous tumors (598

tissues, 124 tumors), and 17 with induced tumors (145

tissues, 17 tumors) examined by slot-blot analysis. In addi-

tion, 9 healthy fish (99 tissues) from high-disease reefs and

10 healthy fish (110 tissues) from low-disease reefs were

examined by hemi-nested PCR.

The prevalence of DVLA DNA in tissues of healthy fish

was compared with that in grossly normal tissues from fish

with spontaneous and induced tumors (Figure 1). The

mean number of positive tissues per fish by slot blot analy-

sis was lowest in healthy fish from low-disease reefs. The

numbers of positive tissues were slightly, but not signifi-

cantly, higher in healthy fish from high-disease reefs. At all

stages, fish with spontaneous or induced tumors exhibited

significantly higher numbers of infected tissues than either

class of healthy fish (t test, P < .025). Fish in the most

advanced stages of disease development, stage 5A and 5B

with spontaneous tumors, were found to have significantly

more tissues infected than all other categories of fish (P <

.05), but these numbers did not differ significantly between

these stages. The mean number of tissues affected was sig-

nificantly different in the increasing order of spontaneous

tumor stages: 2 < 4, 5A, and 5B; 3 < 5A and 5B; 4 < 5A and

5B (all at P < .05). Fish with experimentally induced tumors

exhibited significantly more infected tissues than all healthy

fish and fish with stage 2 spontaneous tumors. These fish

did not differ significantly from fish with stage 3 and 4

spontaneous tumors and had significantly fewer infected

tissues than fish with stage 5A and 5B spontaneous tumors.

Figure 1. Mean number of grossly normal tissues per fish testing

positive for DVLA DNA out of a maximum of 11 tissues tested (±1

SD, N = sample size of number of fish per group). Analyses were

conducted by slot blot (A) or hemi-nested PCR (B). Fish with

spontaneous tumors (TF) are subdivided from early-stage (2) to

late-stage (5B) disease. Both TF and fish with experimentally in-

duced tumors (EF) exhibited a significantly larger number of in-

fected tissues than healthy fish (HF) from either low-disease-

prevalence reefs (HF-L) or high-disease-prevalence ones (HF-H)

by slot-blot analysis (t test, P < .05).

Tumor Development in Damselfish S109

Page 4: Progression of Infection and Tumor Development in Damselfish

All fish with induced tumors and 97% of those with spon-

taneous tumors were positive for DVLA DNA by slot blot.

Hemi-nested PCR was used to assess the presence of

DVLA DNA in a subset of healthy fish from both high-

disease and low-disease reefs, which were negative by slot

blot (Figure 1). This assay detected DVLA DNA in 6 (60%)

of 10 healthy fish from low-disease reefs and 9 (100%) of 9

healthy fish from high-disease reefs, indicating that very low

levels of this DNA were present in some tissues, below

detectable limits for the slot blot assay. In contrast, standard

40-cycle PCR did not show increased sensitivity relative to

slot blots. The mean number of tissues affected in healthy

fish from high-disease reefs was significantly larger than

that in healthy fish from low-disease reefs (P < .05).

Southern analysis of undigested genomic DNA from

tissues of fish with spontaneous tumors indicated that in-

fected tissues contained an identical pattern of DVLA to

that observed in the tumors themselves (Figure 2) and in

tumor-derived cell lines (M.C. Schmale, in press). This pat-

tern was consistent across tumors arising in a variety of

tissue types, including fin, jaw, mouth (buccal cavity), and

muscle on the flank of the fish. In addition, weaker signals,

indicating lower copy numbers of this DNA, were observed

in several grossly normal tissues, including the pronephros,

spleen, muscle, and serum.

A more detailed analysis was made of the quantities of

DVLA DNA in normal and tumor tissues to determine the

progression of this infection throughout all stages of this

disease (Figure 3). Over 97% of samples from healthy fish

were below detectable limits (less than 0.02 copies per cell,

or 1 copy in 50 cells), and no samples from any healthy fish

exhibited levels of this DNA at, or above, 0.2 copies per cell

(C.E. Campbell and M.C. Schmale, in press). In all stages of

the disease, copy number in tumors exceeded that in grossly

normal tissues from fish with spontaneous tumors, with

over 45% of tumors exhibiting over 2 copies per cell in the

earliest stages and increasing to over 80% in late stages.

Most non-tumor tissues followed a similar pattern of in-

crease in copy number with progression of the disease, al-

though at a lower level. In late disease stages, the proportion

of tissues with over 2 copies per cell of DVLA DNA varied

from 0% in serum to 43% in the eyes. Tumors typically

developed in all fins in the advanced stages of disease, such

that no grossly normal fin tissues could be obtained for

analysis from stage 5A or 5B fish. Other tissues, such as

muscle, pronephros, spleen, and gonad, were sometimes

Figure 2. Patterns of extrachromosomal

DNA distribution in tissues from one

fish with spontaneous tumors with stage

5B DNF. Southern analysis of

undigested genomic DNA demonstrated

the presence in tumors (collected from 4

sites) and several grossly normal tissues

(including pronephros, spleen, muscle,

and serum) of extrachromosomal DNA

forms homologous to those previously

found in tumor-derived cell lines

(reference DNA lane). Note that larger

fragments in the reference lane could

also be visualized in tumor and tissue

samples with longer exposure of the

autoradiograph and that some DNA

degradation occurred in tumor samples

owing, in part, to the presence of

necrotic tissue in some tumors. DNAs

were loaded at 10 µg per lane (except

serum at approx. 0.7 µg). The probe was

made from a 500 bp DVLA clone

isolated from DNA of a tumor cell line.

S110 C.E. Campbell et al.

Page 5: Progression of Infection and Tumor Development in Damselfish

affected by tumors (Schmale et al., 1986; Schmale and

McKinney, 1987), and thus the absence of grossly visible

tumors could not rule out microscopic areas of tumor in-

vasion in these tissues. However, other tissues such as the

eye, heart, brain, and liver were never seen to contain tumor

cells. Although obvious tumor growth was not observed in

blood vessels, no attempt was made to rule out the presence

of tumor cells in circulating blood.

Of 17 fish with experimentally induced tumors used in

this analysis, 16 were in an advanced stage of tumor devel-

opment, with tumors ranging from 1% to 15% of body

weight. Although 100% of induced tumor tissues exhibited

detectable levels (>0.02 copies per cell) of DVLA DNA, copy

numbers were generally lower than for spontaneous tu-

mors, with less than 20% of tumors having more than 2

copies per cell (Figure 4). In fish with induced tumors, the

proportion of normal tissues with detectable DVLA DNA

and with high levels of DNA was lower than that observed

in fish with late-stage spontaneous tumors. In only 2 tissues

in fish with induced tumors, eye and heart, did levels ever

exceed 2 copies per cell (in approximately 10% of fish). All

of the 8 serum samples collected from fish with induced

tumors were negative.

Analysis of the tissue distribution of DVLA DNA using

hemi-nested PCR in healthy fish with levels below those

detectable using slot blots indicated an increased prevalence

of infection in fish those from high-disease reefs compared

with those from low-disease reefs in all tissues except the

eyes and serum (Figure 5). However, significant differences

were observed in the prevalence of DVLA between the high-

disease and low-disease sites in only 3 tissues, the spleen,

gonad, and heart (P < .05; x2 analysis). The pattern of

positive samples was relatively evenly distributed among

tissue types, with no dominant patterns within either group,

except for a lack of positive serum samples and a very high

prevalence level in the hearts of the fish from high-disease



A strong correlation was observed between the presence of

DVLA DNA and the development of neurofibromatosis

Figure 3. Alterations in copy number of DVLA DNA in tissues of

fish with spontaneous tumors at different stages of disease. The

results for disease stages 2, 3, 4, 5A, and 5B are arranged in order

for each tissue (sample sizes as in Figure 1). Copy number was

measured (by slot blot) as the proportion of samples in each group

falling into the categories of high (>2 copies per cell), medium

(0.2–2 copies per cell), or low (0.02–0.19 copies per cell). Other

samples did not contain detectable DNA (<0.02 copies per cell).

All fins of stage 5A and 5B fish had grossly visible tumors, and thus

no normal fin tissues were available for analysis. In previous stud-

ies, muscle, pronephros, spleen, and gonad often were found to be

invaded by tumor cells as the disease progressed (Schmale et al.,

1983). Tissues types not previously reported to contain tumors are

denoted with an asterisk (*).

Figure 4. Copy numbers of DVLA DNA in fish with experimen-

tally induced tumors (N = 17; all fish had relatively large tumors).

The copy number was measured by tissue as in Figure 3.

Tumor Development in Damselfish S111

Page 6: Progression of Infection and Tumor Development in Damselfish

among bicolor damselfish on reefs in South Florida. The

hypothesis that DVLA is the etiologic agent of this disease is

supported by data demonstrating that DVLA DNA is pre-

sent in the vast majority of both spontaneous and induced

tumors, is typically at high copy numbers in tumors, and is

found in healthy fish only at extremely low copy numbers.

The pattern of increasing copy number in tumors with ad-

vancing stage of the disease also supports this relationship.

The presence of very low levels of DVLA DNA in

healthy fish, detectable in most fish only by hemi-nested

PCR analyses, suggests that one or more factors are most

likely affecting tumor development in these fish. In the

most parsimonious scenario, all infected fish would go on

to develop tumors, given sufficient time. However, as this

would result in much higher disease prevalence rates than

observed in the wild, other factors are likely to be impeding

the development of disease. These might include a stochas-

tic relationship between the dosage of the agent in a fish, the

likelihood of that agent encountering a susceptible cell, and

the probability that such an appropriate, infected cell will

undergo neoplastic transformation. In such a scenario, fish

with higher dosages of the agent would be more likely to

experience cell transformation during their lifetime. Dose-

response or threshold effects have been reported in many

viral diseases whereby some minimum amount of a patho-

gen is required to induce the disease (O’Neil et al., 1999).

Differences in viral genotype or expression could also

influence the outcome of the disease. Many families of vi-

ruses are known to produce particles with wide ranges of

virulence based on mutations in the viral genome (Tooze,

1980; Fan 1994). Initial studies of sequence variation in

DVLA have suggested a high degree of conservation of

DVLA sequences (M.C. Schmale, unpublished data). How-

ever, these results are very preliminary and do not include

the entire sequence of DVLA.

Expression levels of viral genes might also affect the

outcome. Such a scenario was proposed for the neoplastic

disease, dermal sarcoma, in walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in

North American lakes. Essentially, all walleye were positive

for walleye dermal sarcoma virus (WDSV) DNA despite a

maximal disease prevalence in affected lakes of 30% (Poulet

et al., 1996). In these animals, levels of WDSV DNA were

similar in healthy and diseased fish and ranged from unde-

tectable (less than 1 copy in 20,000 cells, based on PCR

quantification) to 1 copy in 2 cells. These authors attributed

the lack of symptoms in the presence of WDSV DNA in

healthy fish to a lack of effective transcription of viral RNA

as measured by low or undetectable RNA levels in healthy

fish. Thus the viral genomes in healthy fish appeared to be

effectively silenced, which could explain the lack of tumors.

The hypothesis that expression of DVLA DNA might be

reduced or absent in healthy damselfish could not be tested

in the present study because DVLA RNA levels were not

measured in most samples.

Other factors influencing the outcome of DNF in in-

fected fish might include environmental and genetic differ-

ences. However, there is no evidence of any differences in

susceptibility to DNF in the laboratory between fish from

high-disease and low-disease populations (Schmale, 1995),

and it is unlikely that there are genetic differences between

populations of bicolor damselfish on Florida reefs (Lacson

and Morizot, 1991). A role for environmental factors in

accelerating or slowing the development or progression of

the disease has not been investigated and cannot be ruled


Unlike the situation in tissues of healthy fish, in which

DVLA DNA levels were very low or undetectable, many

grossly normal tissues in fish with spontaneous or induced

tumors contained moderate to high levels with patterns of

extrachromosomal DNA similar to that seen in tumors. A

similar situation was reported in tumor-bearing walleye, in

which high levels of WDSV DNA were observed in tissues of

diseased walleye that never developed tumors (Poulet et al.,

1996). Tumor invasion is commonly seen in some of these

tissues in damselfish, such as fins, muscle, and pronephros,

Figure 5. Percentage of positive organs in healthy fish from low-

disease and high-disease reefs by hemi-nested PCR. Fish from the

latter exhibited a higher proportion of any given organ infected

with DVLA compared with healthy fish from low-disease reefs. All

of the fish used were negative in all tissues by slot blot analysis (N

= 10 low, 9 high).

S112 C.E. Campbell et al.

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and less often in spleen and gonad (Schmale et al., 1986;

Schmale and McKinney, 1987). Thus it is possible, particu-

larly in the fish with advanced-stage tumors, that micro-

scopic tumors were present in these grossly normal tissues

and that the DVLA DNA observed there was localized to

tumor cells (these tumors always originate in either periph-

eral nerve sheaths or chromatophores and never from neo-

plastic transformation of other tissues). However, in tissues

in which tumor invasion has never been detected, such as

eye, heart, brain, and liver, this explanation would not be

applicable. An alternative source for this DNA might be

blood and nerve tissues present in these organs. The rela-

tively low levels of DVLA DNA observed in blood and se-

rum suggest that these compartments are not likely reser-

voirs of this DNA. Although peripheral nerves are the

source of neurofibromas in DNF, and these nerves are pre-

sent in essentially all tissues in the fish, their extremely small

size prevented us from preparing satisfactory, pure samples

for DNA analysis. Thus the role of nerves as reservoirs of

DVLA DNA in unaffected tissues has not been investigated.

The complex pattern of extrachromosomal DVLA

DNA seen in both tumor and normal tissues suggests the

presence of a viral genome with replicative intermediates.

This pattern is somewhat similar to that seen with small

DNA viruses, such as SV40, which exhibit a wide range of

partial and complete multimers of the viral genome visible

as a series of different size fragments of extrachromosomal

DNA (Ariga, 1984). This pattern in damselfish tissues, if

indicative of DNA replication, would suggest that, at a

minimum, this agent is capable of infecting and replicating

DNA in many types of tissues in which tumor development

does not occur. Although assay techniques to determine the

presence or titer of infectious particles in these nontumor

tissues are not currently available, the lack of obvious cy-

topathic effects in these tissues in DNF-affected fish sug-

gests that large-scale release of virus particles does not oc-


These observations suggest that the formation of tu-

mors involving the peripheral nervous system and pigment

cells is a function of effects of the virus infection on specific

cell types rather than simply a limitation on the range of cell

types susceptible to infection by DVLA. This might be ho-

mologous to the life cycle of infection of many of the small

DNA tumor viruses that produce tumors in cells which are

nonpermissive for complete viral replication. In these cases,

an aborted cycle of replication in nonpermissive cell types

results in the survival of the cell containing the viral ge-

nome. This state of continued, suspended infection then

predisposes the cell to neoplastic transformation by a con-

tinued expression of a combination of viral genes that

stimulate cell replication (Nevins and Vogt, 1996).

Another factor relevant to understanding the relation-

ship between DVLA and nontumorous but apparently in-

fected tissues in fish with spontaneous or induced tumors is

the type and level of viral RNA transcripts present. How-

ever, no data are yet available on the levels of RNA expres-

sion in tumors relative to grossly normal infected tissues.

Although transcriptional silencing has been proposed to

explain lack of tumor development in healthy walleye, as

described above, unaffected tissue types in diseased walleye

did exhibit normal transcription levels, suggesting a differ-

ent mechanism must avert tumorigenesis in these cells

(Poulet et al., 1996).

Difficulties in isolating and cultivating many subcellu-

lar agents often hinder conclusive demonstration of etiology

of diseases related to these agents by the traditional criteria

proposed as Koch’s postulates. In such cases, identifying

etiologic agents must often rely on determining the distri-

bution of microbial nucleic acid sequences rather than ma-

nipulating cultured microbes (Fredricks and Relman, 1996).

Perhaps the strongest evidence supporting the hypothesis

that DVLA is the etiologic agent of DNF is the presence of

high levels of this DNA in the tumors of fish with experi-

mentally induced DNF. The data presented here also dem-

onstrate that the appearance and progression of damselfish

neurofibromatosis is associated with increasing levels of

DVLA DNA in all tissues with at least a 10-fold higher level

in tumors. Because DNF is the only naturally occurring,

transmissible cancer affecting a neuroectodermal cell type

(Schwann cells and chromatophores in this disease), an im-

proved understanding of the properties and life cycle of

DVLA, as well as of how infection by this agent alters cel-

lular functions, may provide unique insights into mecha-

nisms of neoplastic transformation in these cells.


Fish were collected under research permits issued by the

State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection,

the Biscayne National Park (National Park Service), and the

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (National Oceanic

and Atmospheric Administration). Thanks are extended to

the personnel of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctu-

ary and the Biscayne National Park for logistical support.

This research was supported by Public Health Service grants

NS36998 and ES05705.

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