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  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    A study of effectiveness of the programme

    developed for I

    s t

    standard students toimprove, use of articles in English.

    This report is submitted for the partial fulfillment

    of the D.Ed course.

    By:Tilekar Madhura

    Std: S.Y.D.T.Ed

    Div: B

    Roll.No: 02


    Mrs.Shehnaaz shaikh

    Submitted to:

    M.C.E Society Junior College Of Ed ucation

    (English Medium)

    Azam Campus, Camp,Pune-411001.


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    No of thechapter

    Chapters PageNo

    Tit leCert i f icateSelf declarat ionAcknowledgementList of TablesList of Appendices

    1 Introduct ion/ topics of research1 .1 I nt ro du ct io n/ ba ck gr ou nd1.2 Need of the problem1.3 Importance of the

    problem1.4 Statement of the

    problem1 .5 O pe ra ti on al d ef in it io n1.6 Object ives1.7 Assumptions and

    Hypothesis1.8 Sample1 .9 Sc op e a nd L im it at io n

    2 Review of relatedl i terature

    2.1 Review of relatedl it er at ur e f or r es ea rc h

    work2.2 Innovat ions and

    u se fu ln es s o f r es ea rc hwork

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    3 Implementat ion of

    research3 .1 Re se ar ch Me th od ol og y3.2 Sample3 .3 T oo ls an d T ec hn iqu es of

    Action Research3.4 Remedial measures

    4 Collect ion of I nf or ma ti on a nd da ta ,i t s Analysis andSynthesis

    4.1 Presentat ion of information and data

    4.2 Analysis andinterpretat ion

    4.3 Conclusion

    5 Summary, Conclusion,Recommendation

    5.1 Summary5.2 Conclusion5.3 Recommendation/

    Suggest ion5.4 Suggest ion for fur ther


    Reference and Appendix* List of the reference

    books/ bibl iography* Appendix

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    List of Appendix:

    Page.noA List of studentsB Marks of pre-test and post-testC Deviation of pre-test and post-test scoresD Pre-test paperE Post-test paperF Permission letterG Certificate of completion


    This i s to cer ti fy tha t T il ekar Madhura , S td :S.Y.D.T.Ed, Div: B, Roll.No: 02 has completed the

    repor t wr i t ing on A s tudy of ef fec t iveness of the

    programme developed for I s t standard students to improve,

    use of ar ticales in English of Action Research for

    academic year 2012-2013.

    Name of the Guide: Shehnaaz Shaikh

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    Signature of Principal:

    Self Declaration

    I , Ti lekar Madhura, Std: S.Y.D.T.Ed, Div:B Roll .No-

    02, has submit ted my Act ion Research repor t toM.C.E. Socie ty Junio r Co ll ege Of Educa tion

    (English Medium) Pune411001.


    Sign of Researcher :

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    I am grateful to Almighty God for giving me the ability

    to complete my research work in time . I am very grateful to

    my subject teachers Mrs. Aateka. Khan and Mrs. Shehnaaz. Shaikh

    for giving their valuable guidance as in explaining each chapter in

    detail and giving us valuable information and details of how the

    research work has to be done. I am grateful to the principal of

    Shantabai Ladkat School, the primary supervisor, the teachers and

    students who co-operated and gave their precious time, to

    complete my research .

    I am also thankful to my principal Mrs. Sabrina. Khan for

    her co-operation.

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    Page. no

    1 .1 I nt ro du ct io n/ ba ck gr ou nd1.2 Need of the problem1 .3 I mp or ta nc e o f t he pr ob le m1 .4 S ta te me nt o f t he p ro bl em1 .5 O pe ra ti on al d ef in it io n

    1.6 Object ives1 .7 A ss um pt io ns an d H yp ot he si s1.8 Sample1. 9 S co pe an d L imi ta ti on

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    1.1 Introduction:

    English language is the most widely spoken language

    in the world. It is used as either a primary or secondary

    language in many countries.

    During the1500s,fewer than 2mil l ion people spoke

    English.All of them lived in what is now United

    Kingdom.Through the centur ies,as the resul t of var ious

    histor ical events, English spread throughout the world.

    Today,about 400 mi l l ion people speak Engl ish as the i r

    native language.Another 100million people,chiefly l iving

    in India, Pakistan and in many African countr ies,

    speak English in addition to their own language,because

    of thi s we s ee mo st of the p eo ple in In di a who fi nd

    problems while communicating in English.

    English language is a window to the world as now-a-

    days English language is used in every aspect of life.

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    1.2 Need of the problem:

    Need to learn using Articles:

    It is needed because you want to change your practice . You

    may be concerned that things might not be going as you wish,

    or you may need to implement a new initiative but are ensure

    how to do it effectively . What you want is a way of sorting

    out these concerns that offers practical solutions , but that derivesfrom the specific circumstances of your practice . You know that

    someone elses solution may have merits , but that is never quite

    right for the individual situation within which you work . You

    know that practice is always influenced by context . The act of

    finding your solution makes you understand your practice better-

    not only what you are doing , but also the factors that affect

    what you do . Action research therefore has two aspects . The

    starting point is to sort out a problem or issue in practice ; to

    this extent an Action Researcher seeks a solution . But the

    process can also be used as a deliberate attempt to understand

    practice better- a traditional research attitude.

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    1.3 Importance of the problem

    Importance of using Articles :

    The aim of an action researcher is to bring about

    development in her. practice by analyzing existing practice and

    identifying elements for change.


    It helps to speak grammatically correct sentence.

    To develop creativity in student.

    To create interest in English subject.

    To help the students to understand the concept more

    clearly and easily.

    It helps to develop English language.Student can acquire

    the knowledge of grammar.

    1.4 Statement of the Problem:-

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    A studyof effectiveness of the programme developed

    f o r I s t s tandard s tudents to improve use of Ar t ic les in


    1.5 Operational Definition: -

    Effectiveness: -

    (Meaning from the Oxford Dictionary) producingthe intended result, impressive, striking.


    (Meaning from the Oxford Dictionary) a set of

    instructions that you plan to do.

    I s t standard students :-

    Students who have passed U.K.G standard & are

    currently studying in I s t standard.


    (Meaning from the Oxford Dictionary) The

    Adjective a or an and the are usually called as Article.

    1.6 Objectives:

    To find difficulties of students while using Articles.

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    To develop a program to improve use of Articles.

    To study the effectiveness of the programme developed.

    1.7 Assumption:-

    Students know about vowels and consonants.

    Standard 1 s t textbook is appropriate for students.

    1.7 Hypothesis: -

    Research Hypothesis

    I f the researcher gives adequate pract ice for

    understanding the concept of Articles through the program

    developed then students concept will improve.

    Null Hypothesis

    If the researcher gives adequate practice for

    under st anding the concept o f Art ic le s through the

    program developed then students concept will not


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    1.8 Sampling:


    Shantabai Ladkat School Standard I s t .


    One division of English medium Shantabai Ladkat


    20 Students of first standard.

    Method of Selecting Sample:

    The researcher uses purposive sampl ing method to

    select the sample.

    1.9 Scope and Limitations


    This research wil l be benef icial to the teachers

    for helping students to use correct Articles.

    This research will be beneficial to the students to

    wr i te cor rec t Ar t ic les and i t wi l l g ive them

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    confidence to express their thoughts in their own


    This research will be beneficial to the society as

    it will help each and every person.


    The r esea rc h i s l im it ed t o o nl y t he f ir st s ta nd ar d

    students of Shantabai Ladkat School of Pune district.

    The r esea rch i s l imi t ed to 20 s tuden t s o f d iv i s ion B


    The research is l imited to Balbharati std. I s tbook only.


    Prof. Limaye Tusharika, Engl ish (First Language) ,Dip loma in Teacher Education , N ir al i P rakashan ,


  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    The World Book Encyclopedia, E Volume 6 , A Scot t

    Fetzer company.

    The World Book Encyclopedia SO-Sz Volume 18 , A

    Scott Fezer company, 1995.



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    Page. no

    2.1 Review of related l i terature for

    research work

    2.2 Innovat ions and usefulness of

    research work

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    2.1 Review Of Related Literature For

    Research Work

    Research if we break this word we get Re

    which means again and search which means to find,

    thus the term research is finding out something more,

    different and new than that which already exists, thus

    in action research, the researcher should have the

    knowledge of the steps in research and also he should

    find out whether other researchers have already worked

    on the same subject, their method of work for the

    research, their tools and materials because a researcher

    will be successful in his research only when it is

    different from the earlier research.

    One of the important steps in the planning of any

    research study is a careful review of the research work

    we collect the information from the different sources

    for example;

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    Books :

    Books which are related to the researchers topic

    give a lot of information as in what steps can be

    taken to solve the problems new and innovative ideas.

    The World Book Encyclopedia Volume 6 (E)

    Pg 277 English language

    English language is the most widely spoken

    language in the world. I t is used as either a primary

    or se condary language in man y countries.

    During the 1500s, fewer than 2million people

    spoke English. All of them l ived in what is now

    United Kingdom. Through the centuries, as the result

    of various historical events, English spread throughout

    the world. Today, about 400 mil l ion people speakEnglish as their native language. Another 100million

    people, chiefly living in India, Pakistan and in many

    African countries, speak English in addition to their

    own language, because of this we see most of the

    people in India who find problems while

    communicating in English .

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    English, Diploma in Teacher Education First year

    - Prof. Tusharika Limaye Pg

    E ngl is h la ng uag e i s a win dow t o t he wor ld as now-

    a-days English language is used in every aspect of

    l ife.

    Action Research and Innovations .

    - Arvind. L. Kapole

    - Bansi Bihari Pandit

    Pg 2.8, 2.9 Review of Related Material

    the researcher should have the knowledge of the steps

    in research and also he should find out whether other

    researchers have already worked on the same subject,

    their method of work for the research, their tools andmaterials because a researcher will be successful in

    his research only when it is different from the earlier



    The researcher can refer to Thesis of other

    senior researchers and develop a programme whichwill be more effective and cover the drawbacks faced

    in their research work. The new researcher will get a

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    lot of information about the methods, programme

    developed by the previous researchers.


    The quickest and fastest mean to get

    information about the problem and its solutions is the

    in ternet the researcher can eas i ly ge t what he /she

    wants by us ing the in ternet .

    2.2 Innovat ion And Usefulness Of Research


    Innovat ion:

    To i n n ov a t e m e a ns t o i n t ro d u ce n e w t h i ng s .

    Innovation i s an idea or a pract i ce perce ived

    as new by the adopter

    T h e r e se a rc he r h a s b ro ug ht i n no va t io n i n t h e

    t r a d i t i o n a l m e t h o d s o f t e a c h i n g A r t i c l e s i n t h i s

    research by the fo l lowing ways;

    Teach ing Ar t i c l e s to s tuden t s on ly a f t e r theyknow the cor rec t meaning , pronuncia t ion of

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    t he word . (Th i s can be done wi th the he lp o f

    audio v isual a ids)

    Giving the s t udents enough t ime t o v isual ize the

    word .

    Ask the s t udents to wr i te down t he word neat ly

    and cor rec t ly .

    Using the word in many sentences .

    Usefulness Of Research Work:

    Th i s r e sea r c h i s u se fu l m a i nl y f o r s t u de n t s o f

    t h e p r i m a r y c l a s s e s a s i t w i l l h e l p t h e m t o

    deve lop conf idence to wr i t e co r r ec t Ar t i c l e s anda l so be use fu l to them to pen down the i r own

    thoughts as in wr i t ing appl ica t ion based answers .

    T h is r es e ar ch w il l b e m or e u s ef u l f or t h os e

    students who are week in Engl i sh .

    T h i s r e s e a r c h w i l l h e l p s t u d e n t t o t r y n e w


  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    T hi s r es ea rc h w il l h el p t ea ch er s t o t ea ch

    Art ic les by g iv ing games which are very

    ef fec t ive and usefu l .


    Alan. S. Brown, Department of Psychology , Southern

    Methodist University, Vol 2, No 4, 1990

    Arvind L . Kapole and Bansi B ihar i Pandi t, Action

    Research and Innovations , Nirali Prakashan, 2007

    Prof. Limaye Tusharika, Engl ish (First Language) ,

    Dip loma in Teacher Education , Nira li Prakashan,


    The World Book Encyclopedia, E Volume 6 , A Scot t

    Fetzer company.

    The World Book Encyclopedia SO-Sz Volume 18 , A

    Scott Fezer company, 1995.

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    3.1 Research Methodology

    3.2 Sample3.3 Tools and Techniques of Action

    Research3.4 Remedial measures

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    3.1 Research Methodology:

    Research methods can be ca l l ed p lann ing and

    execu t ion under t aken by the r esea rcher to so lve a

    sp e ci f i c r e sea r c h p r o bl e m . Th e r e sea r c h p r ob l e mcan be pas t o r i en ted , p resen t o r i en ted o r fu tu re

    o ri en te d. T hu s o n t he b as is o f c on cl us io ns ,

    r esea rch methods a re d iv ided in to th ree g roups as

    g iven under :

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    Historical Research Method:

    This r e sea rch i s based on the ex i s t ing f ac t sbased on the past h is to ry l ike a resea rch on

    t h e i n s t i t u t i o n w h e r e i n , t h e r e se a r c h e r w i l l

    have to f ind ou t the name o f the founder the

    year of es tab l i shment e tc .

    Survey/ Descript ive Research Method:

    This r e sea rch i s done mos t ly on soc ia l and

    cur ren t p rob lems f aced by the peop le , i n th i s

    r e se a r c h a su r v e y i s d o n e b y t a k i n g p u b l i c

    o pi ni on . M os tl y i n t hi s r es ea rc h o nl y

    suggest ions are g iven to so lve the problem.

    Experimental Research Method:

    The r esea rch In which e f f ec t o f one f ac to r

    on the o the r i s s tud ied i s ca l l ed Exper imen ta l

    Re sea r c h . I n s c i en t i fi c t e rm s , e x p er i m en t a l

    r e se ar c h m ea n s e x am i ni n g t he h y po th e si si nd ic at in g t he c au se a nd e ff ec t r el at io n.

    E xp er im en ta l R es ea rc h i s c on du ct ed t o

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    u n de r st a nd t h e e f fe c ts o f t he f a ct or s l i ke

    t e a c h i n g m e t h o d s , e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t r u m e n t s o r

    tools used whi le teaching .

    Character ist ics of Experimental Research:

    For mak ing a compara t ive s tudy o f exper imen ta l

    and con t ro l l ed se t s , a min imum of two se t s a r e

    requi red . This he lps in f inding out the ef fec t of

    the ac t ion t aken and in a ssess ing as to which

    act ion i s more ef fec t ive .

    T h e a c t i o n a n d t o w h a t e x t e n t i t i s t o b e

    taken i s dec ided by the r esea rcher . In o the r

    words , i ndependen t va r i ab les a r e hand led by

    the researcher only .

    I t i s n ot p os si bl e t o h an dl e i nd ep en de nt

    va r i ab les l ike sex d i sc r imina t ion , age soc ia l and

    economical condi t ions .

    S e t s o r g r o u p s a r e d i v i d e d e q u a l l y b y u s i n g

    random sampl ing method.

    Exte rna l va r i ab les tha t a r e no t inc luded in the

    s t u dy b u t w h ic h c a n a f fe c t t h e d e p en d a nt

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    v a r i a b l e s a r e c o n t r o l l e d b y u s i n g t h e c o n t r o l

    process . In exper imenta l research , only oneindependen t va r i ab le i s a r r anged fo r con t ro l l ing

    t h e o t h e r v a r i a b l e . I f t h i s i s n o t d o n e , t h e

    f a c t o r m a k i n g t h e e f f e c t c a n n o t b e i d e n t i f i e d

    pos i t ive ly .

    I n a n e xp er im en ta l s tu dy , t he r es ea rc he r

    m a n i p u l a t e s a t l e a s t o n e i n d e p e n d e n t v a r i a b l e ,

    con t ro l s o the r r e l evan t va r i ab les and obse rves the

    ef fec t on one var iab le .

    -Gay (1992)

    T h e r e se a rc h er h a s s e le c te d t h e e xp e ri m en t al

    research method because of the fo l lowing reasons;

    T he r es ea rc he r i s s tu dy in g t he e ff ec t o f

    p ronunc ia t ion .

    In exper imen ta l r e sea rch method the r esea rcher

    w r i t e s d o w n H y p o t h e s i s t h a t i s a c o n d i t i o n a l

    s t at e me nt m a de o r a s t at e me n t a s su mi n g t h epos i t ive resu l t of the r esearch .

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    I n e x p e r i m e n t a l r e se a r c h t h e r e se a r c h e r u se s

    sampl ing methods , conduc t s p re - t e s t , pos t - t e s t ,

    a n d g i v e s t h e p r o g r a m m e d e v e l o p e d t o so l v e

    the problem.

    I n e x p e r i m e n t a l r e se a r c h s t a t i s t i c a l t o o l s a r e

    u se d t hu s t he r es ea rc he r c an c he ck t he

    re l iab i l i ty of the research and i t s e f fec t iveness .

    3.2 Sample

    Before r esea rch work , the inves t iga to r has to

    d e c i d e w h e t h e r t h e e n t i r e p o p u l a t i o n i s t o b e

    m ad e s ub je ct f or t he d at a c ol le ct io n o r a

    pa r t i cu lar group i s to be se l ec ted as

    rep resen ta t ive o f the en t i r e popu la t ion . The fo rmer

    method when the en t i r e popu la t ion i s t aken in to

    accoun t , i s ca l l ed Census method . On the o the r

    hand , when a smal l g roup i s t aken in to accoun t

    a s r epr es en ta ti ve o f t he w ho le , i s c al le d

    Sampl ing method .

    The sa mple desi gns are basica l ly of two types tha t

    i s Non-probabi l i ty sampl ing :

    I s non- random sampl ing .

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    Probabi l i ty sampl ing :

    I s based on the concept of random sampl ing .

    Incidental sampling method:

    When the sample is to be selected from the population

    researcher selects the sample from his surrounding as an when

    the sample units are available this method is known as

    Incidental Sampling method.

    Eg; A soap company wants to survey a population of products

    to select the sample. The company Interviews the people in an

    around is premises.

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    Purposive sampling method:

    In purposive sampling method the researcher selects the

    sample from the population of his interest and which satisfies a

    particular purpose.

    Eg; Students week in English pronunciation are selected by the

    teacher to give the treatment.

    3.3 Tools And Techniques of Action Research:

    The main tools used for Action Research can be divided into

    four types.

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    A series of pre-arranged questions put forward for

    collecting information is called a Questionnaire, the second tool

    used in Action Research. In the language of research, the

    questionnaires a tool study the likes and dislikes, line of

    thinking, values, experiences in the past and present

    circumstances and the problems of the research population.

    According to Bar well arranged set of the questions given to

    the person from whom information is to be collected is called

    a questionnaire. In other words, a per-arranged series of the

    questions presented for collecting information is called a


    Characteristics of a good Questionnaire:

    The questionnaire should be precise and its language clear and


    The questions should be intelligible. This can be achieved byconstructing small, easy sentences.

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    Instructions in the questionnaire should be clear and


    Questions should be small and correct.

    Typing of the questions should be neat and tidy.

    Instructions for answering the questions should be specific and

    foolproof. These instructions should be placed at the beginning

    of the questionnaire.

    3.4 Remedial Measures

    The researcher took the following remedial measures while

    conducting the research

    To make Articles more easy to those students who

    found it difficult to learn Articles the researcher adopted the

    play way method with the students of standard Ist . The

    researcher used picture and audio- visual aids to make use of

    Articles interesting for example; to teach an article of anaeroplane the researcher first pronounced the word { aero-plane}

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    showed a picture and made the students repeat the word after

    the record.aeroplane-an aeroplane.

    The researcher also taught many article games to the students .

    Steps of research

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    Arvind L . Kapole and Bansi B ihar i Pandi t, Action

    Research and Innovations , Nirali Prakashan, 2007

    Alan. S. Brown, Department of Psychology , SouthernMethodist University, Vol 2, No 4, 1990

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    Page. no

    4.1 Presentat ion of information and

    data4.2 Analysis and interpretat ion4.3 Conclusion

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    Comparison of scores of pre-testand post- test






    4.1 Presentation of information and data

    The researcher conducted a pre-test to check how much

    the students knew and developed a programme and taught thestudents easy way to memorize Articles and then conducted a

    post-test the following is the performance of the students in the

    tests conducted.

    Graph 1

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    4.2 Analysis and Interpretation


    Merely collection of data is not the aim of

    any research activity, instead the collected data must

    be used by the researcher to draw conclusions, make

    generalizations, establish relationship between two ormore variables and the test the hypothesis. The term

    analysis means the computation of certain measures or

    indices along with searching patterns of relationship

    that exists among data groups. In this process, some

    statistical methods are used to make data meaningful.

    Statistics is an efficient tool in the analysis of

    the research data. The very purpose of the statistics is

    to aid research. Statistics are to the researcher what

    tools are to a carpenter. Therefore the utility of the

    statistics as a tool depends on their use for correct

    functions. Quite frequently in action research, techniques

    or tools like Mean, Median, Standard Deviation etc are



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    Refers it the average value of the distribution

    and id arrived at by dividing the sum of scores in

    the distribution by the number of observations.


    Is a point of an array of scores. I t is that

    value or point which divides the distribution equally.

    The scores are arranged in the order of magnitude and

    the middle point above and below which equal number

    of scores fall, is regarded as the median.


    Is that score which most frequently occurs in

    a distribution.

    Standard Deviation:

    Is the square root of the sum of the squared

    deviations divided by the number of observations. It isthe standard measure of variability in most statistical


    Mean of pre- test:

    Mean = X1N

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    = 25220

    = 12.6Mean = 12.6

    Mean of post-test:

    Mean = X2N= 337


    = 16.85

    Mean = 16.85

    Coefficient of co-relation (r) = xy_

    ________ x2*y2

    r = _____155.8_____


    r = 155.8


    r = 155.8

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    r = 0.734940There is high co-relation because the value is

    between 0.60 to 0.80.


    t-value = M1 M2 i.e. M2 M1 d d

    Where;M1 = Mean of post-test

    M2 = Mean of pre-test

    = standard deviation of given scores

    d = (M1)2 + (M2 )2 (2r * M1 * M2 )Where;

    M1 = 1 and M2 = 2 N1 N2

    df = N1 + N2 - 2= 20 + 20 2= 40 2

    df = 38

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    one tailed testlevel of significance 0.01

    t (table) = 0.403

    1 = (d1)2 i.e. 1 = (x1)2N1 N1

    1 = 372.8 = 18.64


    therefore 1 = 4.3174

    2 = (d2)2 i.e. 2 = (y1)2N2 N2

    2 = 120.55 = 6.027520

    therefore 2 = 2.4550

    M1 = 1 = 4.3174 = 4.3174 N1 20 4.4721

    M1 = 0.965407M2 = 2 = 2.4550 = 2.4550

    N2 20 4.4721M2 = 0.548959

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    d = (M1)2 + (M2 )2 (2r * M1 * M2 )

    = (0.965407)2 + (0.548959)2 2 (0.734940) (0.965407)(0.548959)

    = 0.93201067564 + 0.30135598368 1.41903244116

    = 1.23336665932 - 1.41903244116

    = -0.18566578184

    d = 0.43308

    t cal = M2 - M1d

    = 16.85 - 12.60.43308

    = 4.250.43308

    = 9.8134 t (cal) = 9.8134

    t ( table ) = df

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    Ans: t (cal) > t (table)

    9.8134 > 0.734940

    4.2 Conclusion t (cal) > t (table)

    So, we conclude tha t this research i s

    successful and research hypothesis is accepted and

    null-hypothesis is rejected.


    Table 1

    Comparison of Mean of pre-test and post-test

    Mean of pre-test Mean of post-test Difference of Mean

    of pre-test and post-

    test12.6 16.85 4.25

    Table 2

    Comparison of Standard Deviation of pre-test and post-test

    Standard Deviation of


    Standard Deviation of


    Difference of

    Standard Deviation

    of pre-test and post-


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    4.31 2.45 1.86




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    Page.no5.1 Summary5.2 Conclusion5.3 Recommendation/ Suggestion5.4 Suggestion for further research

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    5.1 Summary


    English today is an international , global language , perhaps

    the current Position of English as a globle language . It would

    seem that English was Expending in the right geographical and

    technological , political , economical and Cultural area , today

    English plays important role in industrial and commercial Life

    of india , E- Banking , E-Mail services are available only in

    English . National International tardy , and all transaction in

    commercial Establishments take place Only English.English is important subject in teaching learning process.

    For the Effective use of English language the grammar is very

    important , it is Necessary to the student to know and understand

    various rules of Grammar . Article is sub-topic in the grammar

    student use article Effectively in the sentence then the language

    is clearly understood . Grammar improve the use of languageparticularly incidence student make Mistake in using article so

    the language not use effectively.

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    Need :

    It is needed because you want to change your practice.

    You may be concerned that things might not be going as you

    wish , or you may need to implement a new initiative but are

    ensure how to do it effectively . What you want is a way of

    sorting out these concerns that offers practical solutions , but that

    derives from the specific circumstances of your practice . You

    know that someone elses solution may have merits, but that is

    never quite right for the individual situation within which you

    work. You know that practice is always influenced by context.

    The act of finding your solution makes you understand your

    practice better- not only what you are doing, but also the

    factors that affect what you do. Action research therefore has

    two aspects . The starting point is to sort out a problem or issuein practice; to this extent an Action Researcher seeks a solution.

    But the process can also be used as a deliberate attempt to

    understand practice better- a traditional research attitude.

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student



    The aim of an action researcher is to bring aboutdevelopment in her practice by analyzing existing practice and

    identifying elements for change


    It helps to speak grammatically correct sentence..

    To develop creativity in student.

    To create interest in English subject.

    To help the students to understand the concept more

    clearly and easily.

    It helps to develop English language.

    Student can acquire the knowledge of grammar.

    Statement of the Problem:

    A study of effect iveness of the programme developed

    f o r I s ts tandard s tudents to improve, use of Ar t ic les in


    Operational Definition:

    Effectiveness :-

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    (Meaning from the Oxford Dictionary) producing the

    intended result, impressive, striking.


    (Meaning from the Oxford Dictionary) a set of

    instructions that you plan to do.

    I s t standard students :-

    S tudents who have passed U.K.G s tandard & are

    currently studying in I s t standard.


    (Mean ing f rom the Oxford Dic tionary) The

    Adjectives aor an and the are usually called Articles.


    To find difficulties of students while using articles.

    To develop a program to improve use of article.. To study the effectiveness of the programme developed.


    Students know vowels and consonants.

    Standard 1 s t textbook is appropriate for the students.

    Hypothesis: -

    Research Hypothesis

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    I f the researcher gives adequate pract ice for

    understanding the concept of Articles through the program

    developed then student concept will improve.



    Shantabai Ladkat School Standard I s t .


    - One division of English medium Shantabai

    Ladkat School.

    - 20 S tudent s of fi rs t st andard

    Method of Selecting Samples:

    The researcher uses purposive sampling method to select

    the sample.

    Scope and Limitations:SCOPE

    To student: student can understand the concept of articles.

    To teacher: after this she will teach correctly.

    To society: after this they learn about articles.

    It is useful for researcher.

    It is useful for 1st std teacher.

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    It is also useful for the setters of syllabus.


    The study is limited for topic articles only.

    It limited to the student of 1st standard.

    It is not useful for other standard teacher.

    The research work is concerned with students of SHANTABAILADKAT SCHOOL.

    5.2 Conclusion

    This research was very usefu l as i t s the most

    common problem teachers face in classroom teaching.

    Thi s r esea rc h p ro ve s t ha t l ea rn in g A rt ic le sunknowingly is more bet ter than to be learnt by

    heart . I t was seen that the week students enjoyed

    learning Art icles in play way method and i t a lso

    proved to be correct as one can see i t from the

    difference in the pre-test and post-test scores.

    5.3 Recommendations/ Suggestions

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    The researcher gives the following recommendations

    and suggestions

    To teach Art icles with the help of innovat ive


    Vowels have to be made clear to t he


    Consonants have to be made clear to the students.

    Use of Articles can be improved with the help of

    Grammer rules.

    5.4 Suggestions for further research

    The researcher can develop a programme on Articles

    in view of those students who have psychological


    To study the impact of use of Articles.

    To develop an effective programme where in the

    listening skill and its relation with use of Articles is


  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student



    Arvind L. Kapole and Bansi Bihari Pandit , Action

    Research and Innovations , Nirali Prakashan, 2007

    Prof. Limaye Tusharika, English (First Language),

    Diploma in Teacher Education , Nirali Prakashan,


    The World Book Encyclopedia, E Volume 6 , A Scott

    Fetzer company. The World Book Encyclopedia SO-Sz Volume 18 , A

    Scott Fezer company, 1995.


  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student



    Alan. S. Brown, Department of Psychology , Southern

    Methodist University, Vol 2, No 4, 1990.

    Arvind L. Kapole and Bansi Bihari Pandit, Action

    Research and Innovations , Nirali Prakashan, 2007

    John Ellison Kahnn, DPhil , How to Write and Speak

    Better, The Readers Digest Association Limited,2002.

    Prof. Limaye Tusharika, English (First Language),

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    Diploma in Teacher Education , Nirali Prakashan,


    Rosevia Warda, research based tutoring of English

    , while paper, 2005

    The World Book Encyclopedia, E Volume 6 , A Scott

    Fetzer company.

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student



    Appendix (A)

    List of Students

    Ritesh PatilHarshad ShaikhShraddha YewleGuru. TagdhaneJoshua. Joel

    Naif. KaziTauheed. Khan

    Prachi KakadeMomin. HayatKiran PatilVaibhav Vaghmare

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    Shahid. ShaikhGanesh Karale

    Zaid. SayyedSahad. SayyedSakshi JadhavArbaaz. ShaikhVasanti PachangeKaif. ShaikhVrushikesh. Tupe

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student


    Appendix (B)

    Appendix (C)

    Sr .no Roll .


    Name of the s tudent Pre- test

    Marksout of 20

    ( X1 )

    Post - test

    Marksout of 20

    (X 2 )1 6 Ritesh Pati l 16 172 8 Harshad Shaikh 12 153 9 Shraddha Yewle 10 194 12 Guru. Tagdhane 18 205 13 Joshua. Joel 12 166 15 Naif . Kazi 6 127 21 Tauheed. Khan 19 208 24 Prachi Kakade 4 169 25 Momin. Hayat 9 18

    10 29 Kiran Pati l 7 1311 30 Vaibhav Vaghmare 18 2012 31 Shahid. Shaikh 18 2013 36 Ganesh Karale 17 1814 39 Zaid. Sayyed 12 1415 40 Sahad. Sayyed 11 1716 44 Sakshi Jadhav 11 1617 46 Arbaaz. Shaikh 10 14

    18 48 Vasanti Pachange 13 1519 49 Kaif . Shaikh 11 1720 66 Vrushikesh. Tupe 18 20

    Total 252 337

    Roll. noof thestudent

    Scoreof Pre-test (x)


    post-test (y)

    Deviationx2 y2 x*yx



    6 16 17 3.4 0.15 11.56 0.0225 0.518 12 15 -0.6 -1.85 0.36 3.4225 1.119 10 19 -2.6 2.15 6.76 4.6225 -5.59

    12 18 20 5.4 3.15 29.16 9.9225 17.01

    13 12 16 -0.6 -0.85 0.36 0.7225 0.5115 6 12 -6.6 -4.85 43.56 23.522


    21 19 20 6.4 3.15 40.96 9.9225 20.1624 4 16 -8.6 -0.85 73.96 0.7225 7.3125 9 18 -3.6 1.15 12.96 1.3225 -4.1429 7 13 -5.6 -3.85 31.36 14.822


    30 18 20 5.4 3.15 29.16 9.9225 17.01

    31 18 20 5.4 3.15 29.16 9.9225 17.0136 17 18 4.4 1.15 19.36 1.3225 5.0639 12 14 -0.6 -2.85 0.36 8.1225 1.7140 11 17 -1.6 0.15 2.56 0.0225 -0.2444 11 16 -1.6 -0.85 2.56 0.7225 1.3646 10 14 -2.6 -2.85 6.76 8.1225 7.4148 13 15 0.4 -1.85 0.16 3.4225 -0.7449 11 17 -1.6 0.15 2.56 0.0225 -0.2466 18 20 5.4 3.15 29.16 9.9225 17.01

    Total 252 337 372.8 120.55 155.8

  • 7/28/2019 Project For DTEd student




    PRE-TEST TIME: 30min

    NAME: ______________________________________________

    Q.1 Identify the Articles in the sentence. 10 marks

    a) Kondhwa is a very dirty city.

    b) I like the novel.

    c) Here is an elephant.

    d) That is a picture.

    e) Ram is a good boy.

    f) Amol is the cleverest boy.g) Two times a day.

    h) Sixty kilometers an hour.

    i) Mumbai is the biggest city.

    j) The pen is lost.

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    Q.2 Write correct Articles using the picture clues. 10marks

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    Appendix (E)


    20 MARKS

    POST-TEST TIME: 30min

    Q.1 Write correct articles in blank and write correctpicture no in box.


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    Q.2Fill in the blanks. 10 marks

    a) I saw ..man.b) Two times ..day.

    c) ..red horse.

    d) inkpot.

    e) .great Shivaji.

    f) ..old man.

    g) There is unhappy dog.

    h) He saw doctor.

    i) He can play flute.

    j) A cow is .useful animal.

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    Comparison of marks of each student in pre-test andpost-test







    6 8 9 12 13 15 21 24 25 29 30 31 36 39 40 44 46 48 49


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