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  • 7/29/2019 Public Relations Plan Book for North Valley Animal Disaster Group






    GOAL 1 11

    GOAL 2 14

    GOAL 3 17

    GOAL 4 20























  • 7/29/2019 Public Relations Plan Book for North Valley Animal Disaster Group


  • 7/29/2019 Public Relations Plan Book for North Valley Animal Disaster Group



    North Valley Animal Disaster Group Executive ReportIntroduction to Goals and Ideas

    GOALSIn September 2012, directors of the North Valley Animal Disaster Group presented four

    problems they perceived within their organization and asked for solutions. As a small,

    non-profit group, NVADG has had some trouble finding the funds necessary to stay

    afloat. Because of this, the first goal the directors had in mind was the creation of three

    different fundraising events. Secondly, with a large number of inactive volunteers, thedirectors asked for ways to properly engage their existing and future members. Also,

    even though NVADG has a stellar reputation, the group is not widely recognized in the

    area it serves. Therefore, raising awareness of its existence and services is the third goal

    to work toward. Finally, with the amount of equipment NVADG has, finding a safe, cost-

    effective place to store it all is a pressing concern.

    OUR IDEASFive associates at Dynamic PR reviewed NVADG's problems, goals and expectations and

    have created 10 objectives to help meet them.

    For the first goal, we have suggested three different fund-raisers.

    1. Fill the Fish Bowl: Since 49 percent of people polled in an external survey indicated it would be

    most likely to donate spare change to a small-scale fundraising event, we

    recommend volunteers standing at strategic places around Chico with seasonally

    decorated fishbowls and NVADG sandwich boards to collect small donations.

    The 10 locations we have provided are each in populous, economic areas wherepeople are walking around and spending money. Because of this, it seems likely

    that passersby will have spare change to donate to a cause that grabs their


    The three times of year we suggest to have this event are during November, nearthe holiday season when people are in the giving mood, July when the weather is

    nice and more people are likely to be walking around, and February. Also,

    because of the way these three times are spaced, the fish bowls will be an event

  • 7/29/2019 Public Relations Plan Book for North Valley Animal Disaster Group



    that stays in people's consciousness without overwhelming them with


    2. Car and Pet Wash: Considering that 32 percent of people polled in a random survey said it would be

    likely to donate to an animal-related fundraiser, and that 56 percent of these

    same people was pet owners, we envision a joint car wash and pet wash to be

    held in the summer.

    The location we suggest to hold this wash is strategically placed to be easy tofind for those who see the ads placed but also in an area that gets enough traffic

    to attract those driving by.

    This event has been planned for the summer month of June because people aremore likely to want their car washed or be traveling with their dogs in warmer


    3. Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed: As an annual event, we feel that a feed at Kinders Meats and Deli is more casual

    and therefore more inviting than a large-scale banquet dinner.

    Kinders Meats and Deli, a charitable company with a restaurant in Chico, is agood location because of its popularity and ample seating space for the dinner.

    For the second goal of better utilizing volunteers, we have developed

    three ways to improve internal relations.

    1. Quarterly Interactive Newsletter: Since 94 percent of the existing volunteers reported in the internal survey that it

    would prefer to get their NVADG news via email, we propose a quarterly

    newsletter sent out by the directors designed by an intern found through Chico

    States PR department.

    Sending four comprehensive, interactive newsletters will engage volunteerswithout overwhelming them with a constant barrage of emails.

    Creating the newsletter to be aesthetically pleasing and interactive will makevolunteers more likely to read through it.

    Events and activities, as well as fire season updates, can be highlighted withineach newsletter to keep them on the volunteers' minds.

    2. Annual NVADG Picnic Day in Bidwell Park: Creating a once-a-year event to bring together willing volunteers will help foster

    a sense of camaraderie between them.

    Keeping the event local (Bidwell Park) will help remind volunteers whom theyare serving.

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    The three games suggested (volleyball, balloon toss and minefield) are all simple,ageless and offer a fun way to get to know one another.

    Making the event a potluck will keep costs down and create opportunities forvolunteers to share recipes and compliments.

    3. Create a Volunteer Hierarchy: Good organization is key to keeping track of member commitments and

    volunteer hours. Because of this, creating a hierarchy that is tiered to monitor

    classes of volunteers according to their contributions will be an effective way to

    ensure volunteers keep their commitments.

    For NVADG's third goal of generating more community awareness and

    prestige, Dynamic PR has formed three plans for success.

    1. Educational Outreach: By partnering with local fire departments to visit K-8 schools, NVADG can start to

    become a household name.

    Bringing the NVADG vehicle to fire-safety assemblies will package the group'sservice along with general fire safety, which will become a talking point for

    children and their parents.

    By teaching children how to prepare their pets for disasters, fewer will be indanger when disaster actually strikes.

    2. Increase Social Networking Awareness:

    As social networks become part of every day life for many people within thecommunity, having a larger presence will help NVADG become better known.

    Different social networking platforms can help engage different volunteers aswell as interested parties that don't necessarily want to be members.

    While we focused predominately on the creation of a Twitter account for NVADGto use, we also highly suggest continuing the current Facebook community page

    because of its accessibility to current volunteers.

    A strong online presence can create buzz around fundraising events andorganizational needs.

    3. Connecting with Downtown Chico Business Association (DCBA): Since the DCBA is such a dominating force in Chico, we believe that partnering

    with them would help raise community awareness of NVADG.

    Partnering with DCBA would allow NVADG to have booths and a presence at allDCBA events such as Thursday Night Market, Taste of Chico, and Slice of Chico.

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    For NVADG's final goal, we found one person that expressed interest in

    storing the organizations equipment.

    1. Contact Citizen Interested in Donating Space:

    Elizabeth Beck at [email protected]

    In conclusion, the plan Dynamic PR developed to solve the problems NVADG presented

    in September is all encompassing and thoroughly researched. Within, what we gathered

    through our research and expanded into organized objectives, tactics and visual samples

    can be found.

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    SWOT Analysis

    STRENGTHS Organized trainings Devoted to helping animals Good 200+ volunteer base Good reputation Open to improvement Experienced Passionate about animals and the mission statement

    WEAKNESSES Lacking organizational structure Lack of promotion Minimal fundraising and limited income Volunteers only want to help when needed to rescue Lacking in effective media Lack of networking with student audience No organization or communication with outside groups or audiences Minimal visibility within local community Minimal communication with other organizations that do similar work

    OPPORTUNITIES Social networking beyond Facebook Fundraising opportunities Community outreach and education Greater awareness of organization Require X amount of hours from volunteers in order to be considered for fire


    THREATS Periods of no disasters No funding Volunteers losing interest in off season

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    GOALS Gain visibility Find storage space Create fundraisers Engage volunteers

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    North Valley Animal Disaster Group is a commendable organization that strives to serve

    the community during disaster situations. The organization, however, doesnt have a

    large presence outside its volunteers and board members and needs to find new ways

    to engage the public and involve its already dedicated volunteer base.

    Executive Summary

    Dynamic PR conducted research that provided a look into some of the issues facing theorganization:

    External research showed that though many people in the community volunteertheir time to various organizations, a high percentage was not aware of NVADG.

    Internal research found that there is a strong drive to help with outreach, butcurrent volunteers are not aware of the organizations needs and many of the

    current volunteers live out of the area.

    Comparative research showed that other animal organizations of various sizesalso face challenges gathering funds, finding storage space and utilizing


    Audience TargetedDynamic PR saw a variety of audiences as appropriate for surveying. First, we focused

    on an external audience and surveyed 100 random participants at various locations

    throughout Chico. Dynamic PR associates combed Chico States campus, pet stores,

    Target Corp. and the Chico Mall to assess general volunteer participation and NVADGs

    community visibility within the markets of young people, pet owners and general Chico


    Secondly, we turned to an internal audience of current volunteers and surveyed 200

    existing volunteers to measure their attitude toward NVADG, and their commitment to

    further serving the organization. We reviewed responses from 57 current volunteers.

    Locations for External Surveying: Chico State Petco PetSmart Target Corp.

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    Chico MallTarget Audience Observations: 100 people surveyed

    Of those surveyed, 56 percent were pet owners It was discovered that 61 percent were females, 39 percent males 50 percent surveyed were between the ages of 20 30 According to the survey, 68 percent were single 97 percent did not have a large animal. Of those who did, one person had a


    According to the surveys, 71 percent lived in areas prone to fire disasters When asked, 49 people said theyd rather donate or attend a smaller fundraiser 32 people surveyed said they would donate or attend an animal related


    Survey Result Summary: 100 people surveyed According to the surveys, 82 percent had never heard of NVADG 2 percent of the people who had heard of NVADG had never volunteered with

    the organization, but heard positive things about NVADG

    74 percent of the people surveyed had volunteered for other organizations 97 percent expressed volunteering was a positive and rewarding experience for


    68 percent of people said it would pay a membership fee to be part of anorganization if they believed in its cause

    79 people surveyed said they get their news from the Internet Only 10 people said they got their news from posters and booths

    InternalNext, we focused on the internal audiences, i.e. current volunteers. They were surveyed

    with a separate set of questions to lend a better understanding of NVADG from an

    insiders perspective. We gained insight of how NVADG is organized, what kind of

    people volunteer, how we can expand qualities of volunteers and what the volunteers

    are willing to do. Two hundred surveys were sent out to volunteers via

    Surveymonkey.com. In total, 57 surveys were returned and tabulated on the website.

    Internal Survey Results: 57 people surveyed According to the survey, 78.9 percent were females, 17.5 percent were males No members were under 25 years of age, while 43.9 percent were between the

    ages of 55 65

    Of those surveyed, 93 percent were pet owners. This included 75.4 percent catsand 71.9 percent dogs

    The survey showed that over 70 percent of volunteers had volunteered for overtwo years

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    Of 57 surveyed, 54 percent had actively volunteered during a disaster According to the survey, 57 percent would give up their volunteer status if they

    had to pay a monthly fee

    Over 71 percent of members would be willing to help with outreach projects All members who responded to the survey stated they read emails sent by

    NVADG 94 percent prefer to be contacted via email Although most were adequately satisfied, 10.5 percent werent happy with their

    NVADG experience

    44 volunteers surveyed did not have land NVADG could store equipment inComparative Research ResultsTo capture an understanding of how organizations with similar activities and goals as

    NVADG deal with challenges concerning fundraising, internal operations and volunteer

    participation, Dynamic PR associates studied websites and made phone inquiries to 15

    different groups.

    List of Comparative Research SCLAR, El Dorado Countywww.sclar.org The Large Animal Rescue Company, Hollisterwww.largeanimalrescue.com The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, ASPCA, National

    Organization www.aspca.org

    Paws of Chico, Chico www.chicospayneuter.org Small Dog Rescue, Chico www.smalldogrescue.org Chico Animal Shelter, Chico www.chicoanimalshelter.org Butte Humane Society, Chico www.buttehumane.org Hope for Paws, Los Angeles www.hopeforpaws.org Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, SPCA, Oroville www.nwspca.org Furry Friends Rescue, Fremontwww.furryfriendsrescue.org Happy Tails, Ohio happytrailsfarm.org The Humane Society, Nationalwww.humanesociety.org California Animal Rescue, Santa Rosa car.rescuegroups.org Northern California Dog Rescue, San Francisco www.norcalfamilydogrescue.org Homeless Animals Rescue Team, H.A.R.T, Ohio www.rescueahart.org

    These 15 organizations were compared to NVADG. Five were local animal centeredorganizations and the remaining 10 were animal disaster groups.

    Comparative Results: 15 organizations surveyed 14 organizations relied on volunteer help California Animal Rescue had the fewest volunteers with only seven active


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    The Large Animal Rescue Company had no volunteers Humane Society had millions of volunteers nationwide 10 out of 15 organizations required a certain amount of service hours Eight of those surveyed have at least one full time member, Humane Society had

    11 million

    Only six organizations had a board of directors According to the surveys, 14 organizations do some kind of community outreach Of those surveyed, six organizations hold smaller fundraisers, two hold bigger

    fundraisers, and four hold both

    10 organizations utilize their volunteers for putting on fundraisers 12 of the organizations have students involved in volunteering and help with


    Overall EvaluationIt was found that our targets external and internal publics have some similarities. They

    both consisted of mainly single individuals who are in a specific age range. The externalpublic are in their 20s and 30s, while the internal public was in its 50s and 60s. With

    over 71 percent of external public living in fire prone areas and 56 percent being pet

    owners, it is troubling they dont have knowledge of NVADG. Knowing about the

    organization could help them and their pets during a disaster.

    In the external survey, 68 percent said it would pay a membership fee, while 51 percent

    of the internal public said it would give up their membership if fees were introduced.

    With 79 out of 100 of the external public saying they get their news from the Internet, it

    makes sense most of the internal public chose that they prefer to get their NVADG news

    via email. This shows the Internet is a popular way for most people to get news andinformation. Six of the internal participants noted that they didnt live in the NVADG

    area, citing this as the reason they do not volunteer more. It is unclear whether they

    have always lived out of the area or have moved. This indicates that NVADG needs to

    update their volunteer database and see who is still around and able to volunteer.

    What we found while conducting comparative research is that NVADG can be influenced

    by groups like Chico Animal Shelter who utilize Chico State students in their volunteer

    work. Additionally, some groups surveyed incorporate seasonal events into their

    fundraising. Northern California Dog Rescue built a good community presence by

    involving diverse types of people. They recruit individuals on parole and who live in

    halfway houses. Groups like Butte Humane have printable PDF applications on theirwebsite for easy applying.

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    Goals and Objectives

    Goal 1

    Create and identify three (3) fundraising opportunities.


    1. Fill the Fish Bowl Event

    1a. Awareness To create awareness regarding a Fill the FishBowl fundraiser via newsletter.Objective

    1. To make 100 percent of volunteers aware of the event three weeks beforeevent date, and to get at least 20 to participate in the fundraiser three times

    a year via a quarterly newsletter.

    2. Notify local merchants of the fundraiser at least two weeks before event inorder to obtain location for the Fill the Fish Bowl event.

    1b. Acceptance

    To have volunteers inquire more information about volunteering at the event.Objective

    1. To have volunteers want more information about the event, and to get atleast 20 to participate in the fundraiser three times a year via a quarterly


    1c. Action Creating decorative visuals and signage that will catch the attention of people

    passing by the day of the event.

    Produce a successful event.

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    Objective1. To create fish bowls and signs and stand at 10 predetermined locations

    throughout Chico three times a year.

    2. Aim to raise $100 per fish bowl three times a year, totaling $3,000 per year.2. Car and Pet Wash Event

    2a. Awareness Create awareness for the car and pet wash fundraiser within both internal and

    external publics.


    1. To make 100 percent of volunteers and 60 percent of the general publicaware of the event by newsletter, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, fliers and

    word of mouth.

    2. Have volunteer responsible for sponsorship of event get at least one petgroomer business involved with the fundraiser to help clean the pets at least

    two months before the event date.

    2b. Acceptance

    Further inform interested parties about the event.Objective

    1. To get volunteers, groomers, and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. better informed aboutthe upcoming event.

    2c. Action

    To purchase the supplies and hold a successful and well executed car and petwash.


    1. To purchase supplies that wont exceed the $1,000 budget.2. To raise $1,000 once a year by holding this event.

    3. Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed Event

    3a. Awareness

    To create awareness of the collaborative Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed event NVADGwill host with Kinders Meats and Deli to the general population and NVADG


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    1. Make 100 percent of the volunteers aware of the event via the Augustnewsletter.

    2. Advertise the Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed through social media and fliers to makethe community aware at least three weeks before the event date.

    3b. Acceptance

    Be prepared to partner with Kinders Meats and Deli and have informationavailable about the event.


    1. Draw up the profit splitting agreement between NVADG and Kinders Meatsand Deli and have it ready for approval by the manager.

    2. Involve volunteers who expressed interest in working the event.3c. Action

    Have volunteers presell 50 tickets at $10 each with the goal of getting 25 percentof the current volunteers working the event with the aim to raise $1,000 prior to

    splitting profit with Kinders Meats and Deli.


    1. Have volunteers presell 50 tickets with the goal to raise $500.2. Sell an additional $500 worth of tickets on the day of the event.

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    Goal 2

    Create and identify three (3) ideas for organizing and involving current volunteers.


    1. Quarterly Interactive Newsletter

    1a. Awareness

    To make NVADG news, events and updates available to 100 percent ofvolunteers who use email via a quarterly interactive newsletter sent out to

    registered volunteers.


    1. To present information regarding the organization, fundraisers and meetingminutes in an effective, well-organized and efficient manner to all currentvolunteers who have provided their email addresses to the organization.

    1b. Acceptance

    Register for a Constant Contact account and have interns begin creating atemplate with news stories and information to be sent out to current volunteers.


    1. Begin the creation of a newsletter using the Constant Contact website,templates and by registering for a free account.

    1c. Action

    The exposure to NVADG problems and events coupled with the user-friendlynewsletter will bring at least 20 percent of the volunteers that receive it to

    donate, respond to or attend fundraisers within the first quarter who otherwise

    wouldnt have done so.


    1. To foster positive, regular, and clear communication between NVADG andits members on a quarterly basis, providing them with information about

    the organization, its upcoming goals, and opportunities for involvement.

    2. Annual NVADG Picnic Day in Bidwell Park

    2a. Awareness

    To notify 100 percent of the NVADG volunteers of the annual Picnic Day in theMay newsletter and promote on Facebook event page.

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    1. To make information about the Picnic Day available to 100 percent ofvolunteers.

    2b. Acceptance To make further information about the picnic available to interested members

    and begin a list of what people will bring to the potluck one month before the



    1. To get more information to 100 percent of interested volunteers by writingposts on the Facebook event wall, specifically a thread where people can list

    what food or supplies they plan to bring.

    2c. Action Involving 50 percent of NVADG volunteers in a potluck-structured Picnic Day in

    Bidwell Park once a year to get to know each other and do team building



    1. To organize the event and engage 50 percent of the volunteers in the event.3. Create a Volunteer Hierarchy

    3a. Awareness To raise volunteer effectiveness by 80 percent by dividing active and non-active



    1. To reorganize the structure of the volunteer program within NVADG bysending out an e-blast with a survey to internal volunteers in the next six

    months to identify active volunteers.

    2b. Acceptance

    Be prepared to inform volunteers who ask what being an active volunteer mayentail and how they can get in a higher position within the volunteer hierarchy.Objective

    1. To gain acceptance of the surveys emailed out to internal volunteers.

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    3c. Action

    Create requirements and form committees for different tasks that theorganization needs fulfilled, with each tier of the hierarchy requiring more hours

    of volunteer work in order to become a qualified member of said tier (this would

    go into action fully within a year).


    1. To reorganize the structure of the volunteer program within NVADG bycreating a volunteer hierarchy that is determined through hours and


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    Goal 3

    Create and identify three (3) ideas for increasing awareness in the community.


    1. Educational Outreach

    1a. Awareness

    Partner with local fire departments to construct a fire safety assembly to bepresented at K-8 schools around the area NVADG serves.

    Objective1. To make contact with fire departments and schools to get necessary leaderson board and begin organizing the disaster awareness assembly utilizing

    NVADG volunteers.

    1b. Acceptance

    To get more information to schools and fire stations interested in the assemblyas well as NVADG volunteers willing to develop and present it.


    1. To get fire fighters and school administrators at 30 percent of local schools tocommit to the presentation.

    2. To have NVADG volunteers commit to creating and presenting the assembly.1c. Action

    To create a presentation within the next year to be performed at no less than 30percent of the areas K-8 schools fire safety/emergency preparedness



    1. To get a mix of experienced NVADG members and newer ones to cometogether and develop a 15-30 minute assembly aimed toward teaching K-8

    children fire safety preparedness - particularly what to do with their pets in

    an emergency to present within the year.

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    2. Increase Social Networking Awareness

    2a. Awareness

    To boost online presence and engage 100 percent of the current socialnetworking users in a friendly and professional manner on topics pertaining to

    the organization including news, fire warnings, fundraising opportunities, facts,



    1. Continue fostering good online community management practices for theorganization, actively posting and engaging those who currently like the

    Facebook page, and implement the creation of a Twitter account to post

    interesting information and natural disaster warnings in the area.

    2b. Acceptance Place a social media intern in charge of maintaining the social networks for the



    1. Assign an intern to the social media networks of the organization to boostuser engagement and raise brand awareness by 25 percent.

    2c. Action

    Implementation and utilization of a Social Networking Best Practices located inthe social media section of this book (page 58), including but not limited to,

    information on the creation of a Twitter account handle and ideas for regularsocial media engagement and online community management that aims to boost

    volunteer and organization engagement.


    1. Begin implementing the "Social Networking Best Practices" included in thesocial media section of the plan book (page 58) to help create a unified

    online community management process.

    3. Connecting with Downtown Chico Business Association (DCBA)

    3a. Awareness

    To make DCBA aware of NVADG and what it does.Objective

    1. Make the DCBA aware of whom NVADG is to open communication for futurecollaborations.

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    3b. Acceptance

    Answer questions and make the right communications happen betweenmembers of the DCBA and NVADG.


    1. Answer perspective questions the DCBA may have about NVADG and whatthe alliance could mean for them.

    3c. Action

    Start active business and community relationship with DCBA.Objective

    1. To establish an active relationship with DCBA and businesses involved, whichwill lead to a boost of community awareness, using the relationship as a way

    to boost volunteer involvement.

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    Goal 4

    Implementing one (1) idea for finding a location to store equipment.


    1. Elizabeth Beck Storage Space

    1a. Awareness

    To contact Elizabeth Beck regarding available storage space.Objective


    Store equipment at Becks property.

    1b. Acceptance

    Email Beck at [email protected]

    1. To have Beck give NVADG a positive answer whether or not the storagespace is still available.

    1c. Action

    If Beck gives a positive response, start storing equipment; if the response isnegative, keep looking for an available space.


    1. To store as much equipment as possible on Becks available property.

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    Strategy and Tactics

    Three Ideas for Fundraising Opportunities

    1. Fill the Fish Bowl Event

    1a. Awareness To create awareness regarding a Fill the Fish Bowl fundraiser via newsletter.Public

    NVADG volunteers Local merchants

    Objective1. To make 100 percent of volunteers aware of the event three weeks before

    event date, and to get at least 20 to participate in the fundraiser three times

    a year via a quarterly newsletter.

    2. Notify local merchants of the fundraiser at least two weeks before event inorder to obtain location for the Fill the Fish Bowl event.

    Strategy By advertising the Fill the Fish Bowl event through the quarterly newsletter

    distributed to volunteers at NVADG. The 20 volunteers producing the event

    will be recruited.

    Tactics1. Mention the Fill the Fish Bowl event in the quarterly newsletter to inform the

    current volunteers of the event as well recruit them for the event.

    2. Send courtesy emails to the 10 locations where the volunteers will becollecting donations.

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    Volunteer hours will be given out to those who participate in the event. Constant Contact provides a free account for basic newsletter sending.

    Evaluation Method Count how many volunteers sign up.

    1b. Acceptance To have volunteers inquire more information about volunteering at the event.Public

    NVADG volunteersObjective

    1. To have volunteers want more information about the event, and to get atleast 20 to participate in the fundraiser three times a year via a quarterlynewsletter.

    Strategy Have more information about the event provided to volunteers interested in



    1. Train a person in charge of the event to answer questions about event forpeople that are interested and want more information.

    2. Keep an updated list off all volunteers who show interest in being involved inthe event to keep them updated and informed.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    Count how many volunteers find interest in the event and want to beinvolved.

    1c. Action Creating decorative visuals and signage that will catch the attention of people

    passing by the day of the event.

    Produce a successful event.

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    Public General public NVADG volunteers


    1. To create fish bowls and signs and stand at 10 predetermined locationsthroughout Chico three times a year.

    2. Aim to raise $100 per fish bowl three times a year, totaling $3,000 per year.Strategy

    Buy the supplies to make the fish bowls more presentable and purchase thematerials to make signage to alert people of the fundraiser by day of the

    event at 10 locations described in the Tactics section.


    1. Have the person in charge of finances purchase the fish bowls and artsupplies by day of the event.2. Meet the morning of event to decorate the fish bowls and create signage for


    3. Divide volunteers for 10 locations to fundraise between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. atthe following places:

    Target on 20th Street Safeway on East Street Chico Mall Chico Crossroads Mall Pheasant Run Plaza North Valley Mall Safeway on Mangrove Costco Downtown Chico City Plaza Downtown Chico, 2nd and Broadway


    Total cost: $125.95 Suggested products:

    o Imagine Gold Drum Fish Bowl 2.5 gallons ($9.04 at Wal-Mart StoresInc.) x10 = $90.40

    o Construction Paper 200 pack ($6.29 at Staples) x1 = $6.29o Crayola Markers 8 pack broad line ($3.49 each at Staples) x2 = $6.98o Riverside Paper White 4-ply Poster Board 22-by-28, 25 count ($16.99

    each at Staples) x1 = $16.99

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    o White Cotton String in Ball 400 feet. ($5.29 each at Staples) x1 = $5.29Evaluation Method

    Count the total amount of donations received per fundraiser.2. Car and Pet Wash Event

    2a. Awareness

    Create awareness for the car and pet wash fundraiser within both internal andexternal publics.


    NVADG volunteers General public Pet groomer


    1. To make 100 percent of volunteers and 60 percent of the general publicaware of the event by newsletter, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, fliers, and

    word of mouth.

    2. Have volunteer responsible for sponsorship of event get at least one petgroomer business involved with the fundraiser to help clean the pets at least

    two months before the event date.


    By promoting this event, members of the general public will become awareof the event and it will drive them to attend and get their pet and/or car



    1. Dedicate a large portion of the May newsletter to inform current volunteersabout the Car and Pet Wash fundraiser.

    2. Have volunteer responsible for sponsorship of the event visit pet groomingbusinesses in Chico and ask them to volunteer by washing animals during the

    event at least two months before the event date.

    3. Visit the Chico Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and ask manager to donate a portion ofthe stores parking lot for the event.

    4. Have Chico State intern or a volunteer with design experience create avisually appealing flier for the wash four weeks prior to the event.

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    5. Print 100 fliers at Bidwell Design by three weeks before the event.6. Post the fliers and posters around town: pet shops, veterinarian offices, auto

    supply stores, car lots, and Chico State campus two weeks before the event.

    7. Have an intern or volunteer create radio advertisement or utilize theexample enclosed for placement on local area radio stations.

    8. Purchase radio advertisement space on Power 102.1, Bob 92.7, KZAP 96.7,and The Wolf 95.7 to run at least one week before event.

    9. Place the wash on local area newspaper community calendars online a weekbefore the event.


    Total cost: $90

    o Radio ads: $18 for a 30-second ad (5 ads)= $90o 100 fliers from Bidwell Design = $70.95

    Evaluation Method

    Monitor the success of radio ads and community calendars and keep track ofhow many volunteers sign up to help.

    2b. Acceptance

    Further inform interested parties about the event.Public

    Pet groomers NVADG volunteers Wal-Mart Stores Inc.


    1. To get volunteers, groomers, and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. better informed aboutthe upcoming event.


    Get extra information out to the publics involved in the event that willguarantee their participation.


    1. Be prepared to answer questions the groomer may have regarding NVADG orthe pet wash event.

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    2. Be prepared to answer questions Wal-Mart Stores Inc. may have regardingNVADG or the pet wash event.

    3. Volunteers who want to sign up to volunteer can email or call NVADG to letthem know they want to their donate time.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    See if groomer and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. show interest in NVADGs cause.2c. Action

    To purchase the supplies and hold a successful and well executed car and petwash.


    General public NVADG volunteers Pet groomers Wal-Mart Stores Inc.


    1. To purchase supplies that wont exceed the $1,000 budget.2. To raise $1,000 once a year by holding this event.


    To buy supplies for the event enabling NVADG to raise funds.Tactics

    1. Have person in charge of finances purchase the supplies needed for the washindicated in the budget by day of the event.

    2. Hold event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on a Saturday in the Wal-Mart Stores Inc.parking lot that is donated for part of the day.


    Total cost: $489.75 Suggested products:

    o Colorite/Swan 8-by-25 all weather hose ($13.87 at Wal-Mart StoresInc.) x8 = $112.00

    o Dog grooming supplies such as soaps and baths supplied by groomervolunteering

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    o 100 percent Cotton bath towels. ($72 per case at Dollar Tree) x72 =$72.00

    o Donated towels and washcloths from linen storeso Scrub Buddies value pack sponges. (10 pack for $1 at Dollar Tree) X20

    packs= $20.00

    o Utility 12-Qt pail ($1 each at Dollar Tree) x36 = $36.00o Meguiars Gold Class 64 ounce car shampoo/conditioner wash ($9.99

    each at OReily Auto Parts) x25 = 249.75

    Evaluation Method

    Total the monetary funds raised at the car and pet wash.

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    3. Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed Event

    3a. Awareness

    To create awareness of the collaborative Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed event NVADGwill host with Kinders Meats and Deli to the general population and NVADG



    NVADG volunteers General population


    1. Make 100 percent of the volunteers aware of the event via the Augustnewsletter.

    2. Advertise the Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed through social media and fliers to makethe community aware at least three weeks before the event date.


    Promote the feed in the August newsletter, in a Facebook event, in Facebookposts, on Twitter, and in printed fliers and other local media outlets to

    remind and attract active users, supporters and their friends to the Tri-Tip

    Sandwich Feed.


    1. In the August newsletter, write about the details of the Tri-Tip SandwichFeed: what is the purpose, ticket cost, etc.

    2. Place the event on community calendars three weeks before the event.3. Assign social media interns to create a Facebook event, name it NVADG and

    Kinders Succulent Tri-Tip Feed and invite all of NVADG Facebook friends.

    4. Have a volunteer with design experience or a Chico State intern design abasic flier for the event to be printed and distributed in person and online.

    5. Print 100 fliers at Bidwell Design to be distributed locally.6. Promote the event on Facebook once a week for a month before the event

    by writing a post.

    7. Tweet information about the Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed twice a week on Twitterfour weeks before the event date.

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    8. Contact Kinders Meats and Deli and give the general manager theinformation regarding the event.


    Total Cost: $70.90 Suggested products:

    o 100 fliers from Bidwell Design = $70.90Evaluation Method

    Count the number of likes, mentions and reposts the Tri-Tip Sandwich Feedgets on social media.

    Count how many volunteers sign up.3b. Acceptance

    Be prepared to partner with Kinders Meats and Deli and have informationavailable about the event.


    NVADG volunteers Chico Kinders Meat and Deli manager


    1. Draw up the profit splitting agreement between NVADG and Kinders Meatsand Deli and have it ready for approval by the manager.

    2. Involve volunteers who expressed interest in working the event.Strategy

    To have Kinders Meats and Deli accept proposal of fundraiser and to recruitvolunteers who are looking to help.


    1. Draw up the proposal to show to Kinders Meats and Deli.2. Be prepared to answer questions regarding the proposal.3. Be prepared to answer questions volunteers may have about the event.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    See ifKinders Meats and Deli agrees to collaborate with NVADG to make theTrip-Tip Sandwich Feed possible.

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    Count how many volunteers sign up to help.3c. Action

    Have volunteers presell 50 tickets at $10 each with the goal of getting 25 percentof the current volunteers working the event with the aim to raise $1,000 prior to

    splitting profit with Kinders Meats and Deli.


    General public NVADG volunteers


    1. Have volunteers presell 50 tickets with the goal to raise $500.2. Sell an addition $500 worth of tickets on the day of the event.

    Strategy Hold the Tri-Tip Sandwich Feed event and sell enough tickets to make the

    goal of $1,000.


    1. Print out 70 copies of the suggested ticket included in plan book.2. Have volunteers sell tickets in exchange for volunteer hours.3. On the day of event, arrive at Kinders Meats and Deli early to help set up

    and sell tickets.


    Total Cost: $72.93 Suggested products:

    o Pacon 4-Ply Poster Board, White, 25/Carton (Wal-Mart Stores Inc.) =$14.54

    o HP All-In-One Printing Paper, 8-1/2 x 11, White, 500 Shts/Ream (Wal-Mart Stores Inc.) = $7.54

    o HP 61 Black & Tri-color Combo Inkjet Cartridge (Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)= $31.97

    o Crayola 10ct Fabric Markers (Wal-Mart Stores Inc.) = $3.88o Radio Ads (Mapleton Communications: KFMF-93.9, The Wolf- 95.7,

    KQPT- The Point 107.5, KZAP-96.7) = $15 - 20 per 60 second radio ad.

    o Newspaper Ads = Try to get the newspaper advertisements donated

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    Evaluation Method

    Count the money to see if the goal of $1,000 was fulfilled prior to splittingcosts with Kinders Meats and Deli.

    Count the number of tickets sold by volunteers.

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    Strategy and Tactics

    Three Ideas to Improve Internal Relations

    1. Quarterly Interactive Newsletter

    1a. Awareness

    To make NVADG news, events and updates available to 100 percent ofvolunteers who use email via a quarterly interactive newsletter sent out to

    registered volunteers.


    NVADG volunteers

    Objective1. To present information regarding the organization, fundraisers and meeting

    minutes in an effective, well-organized and efficient manner to all current

    volunteers who have provided their email addresses to the organization.


    Hire two interns from Chico State to help assist writing stories and creatingand designing a two to three page newsletter that will be sent out quarterly

    to all active members to keep them informed and engaged.


    1. Contact Chico States Journalism and Public Relations department and ask forDebra Johnson. Inquire about obtaining two interns from the program to

    help create content for a quarterly interactive newsletter and to maintain

    social media within in the next month.

    2. Hold several interviews to find the best interns for the position that arecreative and passionate about the cause and work that NVADG needs

    accomplished within the next month.

    3. Begin brainstorming with the interns about stories the organization wants tomention, as well as discuss what fundraisers will be included in the currentissue of the newsletter in production.

    4. Four weeks before the newsletter is emailed out, begin writing severalstories about the organization or upcoming fundraisers with the ultimate

    goal of having roughly two to three pages of content.

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    No cost, internship given to Chico State interns Constant Contact provides a free account with free templates

    Evaluation Method Measure the number of people in attendance at fundraising events. After two newsletters are produced, send out a survey to current volunteers

    inquiring about the effectiveness of the newsletters, and ask current

    volunteers if the quarterly newsletter was informative, helpful, and/or


    1b. Acceptance

    Register for Constant Contact account and have interns begin creating atemplate with news stories and information to be sent out to current volunteers.


    NVADG volunteers Chico State interns


    1. Begin the creation of a newsletter using Constant Contact website,templates, and by registering for a free account.


    Begin using the Constant Contact website as a way to create and send outquarterly newsletters.


    1. Go to ConstantContact.com and register for a free account within the nextmonth.

    2. Utilize Chico State interns and have them use the Constant Contacttemplates to design an original and appealing newsletter.

    3. Populate the newsletter with stories relevant to the organization.4. Populate the newsletter with fundraiser information.


    No cost for free Constant Contact account. Internship credit given to Chico State interns.

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    Evaluation Method

    1. Verify that ConstantContact.com account was created and that work hasbegun on the newsletter four to five weeks prior to the newsletter run date.

    1c. Action

    The exposure to NVADG problems and events coupled with the user-friendlynewsletter will bring at least 20 percent of the volunteers that receive it to

    donate, respond to or attend fundraisers within the first quarter who otherwise

    wouldnt have done so.


    Internal volunteers who have received the NVADG quarterly newsletterObjective

    1. To foster positive, regular, and clear communication between NVADG andits members on a quarterly basis, providing them with information aboutthe organization, its upcoming goals, and opportunities for involvement.


    Make the newsletter engaging and simple so NVADG volunteers are able toeasily donate money and know when to attend events and fundraisers.


    1. Write the quarterly interactive newsletter in a simplistic style that is easy tounderstand.

    2. Create a unified and simplified quarterly newsletter design that is not toocluttered and provides volunteers with an easy understanding of upcoming


    3. Have interesting and informative articles that capture and maintain readerinterest such as NVADG news, event coverage, and local area news.


    No cost, internship credit given to Chico State internsEvaluation Method

    Survey those members who were members prior to, and after theimplementation of a regularly sent newsletter and inquire about whether or

    not the newsletter helped keep them informed about issues as they related

    to the organization.

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    2. Annual NVADG Picnic Day in Bidwell Park

    2a. Awareness

    To notify 100 percent of the NVADG volunteers of the annual Picnic Day in theMay newsletter and promote on Facebook event page.


    NVADG volunteersObjective

    1. To make information about the Picnic Day available to 100 percent ofvolunteers.


    To package the event in a way that sounds fun and looks engaging.Tactics

    1. Have Chico State interns write a short, rousing blurb in the May newsletterinforming volunteers the event will happen within the following months.

    2. Have Chico State interns create a Facebook event a month in advance andinvite 100 percent of the volunteers that support NVADGs Facebook

    community page.

    3. Have Chico State interns make another call for volunteers to help set up theevent by posting on Facebook and sending out a reminder email.

    4. One week in advance, have Chico State interns email or Facebook messageeach attendee reminding them of the date, time and what they committed

    to bring to the potluck.

    5. Have Chico State interns send a separate email to those attendees that alsovolunteered to help set up reminding them of their commitment.


    No cost, internship credit given to Chico State internsEvaluation Method

    Count how many hits the Facebook event page totaled Count how many volunteers agreed to attend and posted on the Facebook

    wall saying what they would bring and/or what activities they enjoy

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    2b. Acceptance

    To make further information about the picnic available to interested membersand begin a list of what people will bring to the potluck one month before the


    Public NVADG volunteers interested in picnic


    1. To get more information to 100 percent of interested volunteers by writingposts on the Facebook event wall, specifically a thread where people can list

    what food or supplies they plan to bring.


    Generate excitement by keeping the event in volunteers minds.Tactics

    1. Have Chico State interns make another call for volunteers to help set up theevent by posting on Facebook and sending out a reminder email.

    2. Continue the potluck sign-up discussion on Facebook event page.3. One week in advance, have Chico State interns email or Facebook message

    each attendee reminding them of the date, time and what they committed

    to bring to the potluck.

    4. Have Chico State interns send a separate email to those attendees that alsovolunteered to help set up reminding them of their commitment.


    No cost, internship credit given to Chico State interns.Evaluation Method

    Count how many people respond to Facebook posts. Keep updated list of food and supplies that NVADG volunteers are bringing.

    2c. Action

    Involving 50 percent of NVADG volunteers in a potluck-structured Picnic Day inBidwell Park once a year to get to know each other and do team building



    NVADG volunteers

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    1. To organize the event and engage 50 percent of the volunteers in the event.Strategy

    To gather the necessary supplies and do the final organization of the event ina way that will make it a success.


    1. Create timeline of events so the day goes smoothly a week in advance.2. Choose team-building exercises a month in advance; information on team-

    building exercises can be found in the appendix.

    3. Buy supplies for team-building exercises two weeks in advance.4. Make a list of supplies needed for the barbeque potluck and cross-reference

    with list of what attendees committed to bring two days before event date.

    5. After cross-referencing the list, figure out what supplies are not beingbrought by volunteers and purchase them the day before the event.

    6. Create comment cards by the day of the picnic to pass out at the end of theevent.

    7. Bring all supplies to Bidwell Park the morning of event to set up.Budget

    Total cost: (plus varied costs) $95.22 Suggested items:

    o Game Supplies: Hello my name is sticker tags: 100 count ($4.49 at Wal-Mart

    Stores Inc.) x2 = $8.98

    Sportcraft S7 Volleyball set: ball, net and rules ($12.99 at Wal-Mart Stores Inc.) x1 = $12.99

    9 Round Balloons in assorted colors: 25 count ($2.39 at Wal-Mart Stores Inc.) x1 = $2.39

    Franklin Sports 9 Soccer Cones ($2.57 each at Wal-MartStores Inc.) x20 = $51.40

    Paisley Bandanas for blindfolds ($1.50 each atwholesaleforeveryone.com) x4 = $6.00

    o Event Supplies: Pacon Blank Flash Cards in assorted colors: 1,000 count ($9.97

    at Wal-Mart Stores Inc.) x1 = $9.97

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    Other supplies based on what attendees arent bringing(varied cost)

    2 4 hours of organizing time Shoebox for comment cards Crayola Markers 8 pack broad line ($3.49 each at Staples) x1 =


    Evaluation Method

    Count how many volunteers attended. Read comment cards for general feel of the event.

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    3. Create a Volunteer Hierarchy

    3a. Awareness

    To raise volunteer effectiveness by 80 percent by dividing active and non-activevolunteers.


    NVADG volunteersObjective

    1. To reorganize the structure of the volunteer program within NVADG bysending out an e-blast with a survey to internal volunteers in the next six

    months to identify active volunteers.


    By sending out a survey within an e-blast to understand who wants to helpduring the off season and who is not interested.


    1. Decide who, of higher management, would be willing to create the survey oruse the one provided and incorporate it into an e-blast within the next


    2. Compile all internal volunteers emails from records and send out the e-blastto those emails within the next month.

    3. Gather and tabulate all returned surveys and adjust volunteer base to activeand non-active members to understand who is willing to agree upon changes

    and volunteer regularly during the season and off season once surveys begin

    to be returned.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    Count how many volunteers return completed surveys and show interest inhelping during the off season.

    3b. Acceptance

    Be prepared to inform volunteers who ask what being an active volunteer mayentail and how they can get in a higher position within the volunteer hierarchy .

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    Internal volunteers who have received the surveys via emailObjective

    1. To gain acceptance of the surveys emailed out to internal volunteers.Strategy

    By emailing out surveys, volunteers are able to distinguish their involvementwithin the organization know where they currently stand within the



    1. Seek out volunteers who have shown interest in the survey and want moreinformation about the hierarchy by responding to volunteers questions

    about the procedures once the surveys are returned.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    Count how many volunteers find interest in the hierarchy.3c. Action

    Create requirements and form committees for different tasks that theorganization needs fulfilled, with each tier of the hierarchy requiring more hours

    of volunteer work in order to become a qualified member of said tier (this would

    go into action fully within a year).


    Internal volunteers that have responded to the e-blasts and are interested infurther involvement


    1. To reorganize the structure of the volunteer program within NVADG bycreating a volunteer hierarchy that is determined through hours and



    Create hours and work requirements and form committees for differenttasks that the organization needs to fulfill.

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    1. Create hour requirements that give volunteers incentive to donate their timeby requiring more hours in order to become an active member; only active

    members can be on the rescue team, but need to donate a specific amount

    of time during the off season.

    2. Utilize the provided survey and email active volunteers to poll specific skillstrengths that volunteers possess within the next month.

    3. Decide on tasks that need to be completed and put them into manageablecategories within the next month.

    4. Divide volunteers into committees pertaining to their task and skill sets.Assign the committees to the categories on tasks that are reasonable for a

    number of volunteers in a committee.

    5. Delegate a volunteer who can volunteer 11-15 hours per month in eachcommittee as the leader who will turn in timesheets and volunteer

    evaluations monthly.

    6. Have a timesheet available for volunteers and distribute them to eachcommittee to record their hours worked and turn in once a month.

    7. Give each committee a task that is specific to their skillset to complete everymonth.

    8. Create a volunteer evaluation method for leaders to evaluate team membersand have them turn it in each month with the timesheets.

    9. Decide on incentive for hours reached. Incentive Examples:

    o 4-10 hrs/month= active member, but pays for trainingso 11-15 hrs/month= able to be committee leader, but pays for trainingso 16+ hrs/month= can be on rescue team for fire season and receives

    free trainings

    Budget No cost, just NVADG labor.

    Evaluation Method

    Count how many volunteers become qualified and how the organization isbenefitting from the reconstruction of the volunteer program.

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    Strategy and Tactics

    Three Ideas for Raising Awareness

    1. Educational Outreach

    1a. Awareness

    Partner with local fire departments to construct a fire safety assembly to bepresented at K-8 schools around the area NVADG serves.


    Chiefs of local fire departments Current volunteers K-8 school administration officials


    1. To make contact with fire departments and schools to get necessary leaderson board and begin organizing the disaster awareness assembly utilizing

    NVADG volunteers.


    Package message in a way that will make fire chiefs and school officials wantto partner with NVADG and allow NVADG to come present.


    1. Call principals of all local schools with K-8 students and communicateNVADGs interest in taking part in the annual fire safety assembly (or starting

    one in schools that dont already have one) by the fall 2013 school year.

    2. Call local fire department chiefs and communicate NVADGs interest inpartnering with firefighters to create (or add on to) fire safety messages for

    children, particularly dealing with what to do for your pets in an emergency

    by the fall 2013 school year.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    Count how many of the schools contacted replied with interest. Count how many fire stations replied with interest.

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    1b. Acceptance

    To get more information to schools and fire stations interested in the assemblyas well as NVADG volunteers willing to develop and present it.


    Local school administrators Local fire departments NVADG members that have expressed interest


    1. To get fire fighters and school administrators at 30 percent of local schools tocommit to the presentation.

    2. To have NVADG volunteers commit to creating and presenting the assembly.Strategy

    Call interested parties and finalize details of when and where the assemblieswill take place in spring of 2014.

    By the end of fall 2013, gather NVADG volunteers that are committed todeveloping the presentation.


    1. Have NVADG member in charge of assembly call each interested school todiscuss more details.

    2. Have same member call each interested fire station to discuss more details.3. Send email to committed NVADG members to set up a meeting to discuss

    more details.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    Count how many schools, fire stations and NVADG members commit toassembly.

    1c. Action To create a presentation within the next year to be performed at no less than 30

    percent of the areas K-8 schools fire safety/emergency preparedness



    Local K-8 school students and administrators

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    Fire fighters committed to the event NVADG volunteers committed to the event


    1. To get a mix of experienced NVADG members and newer ones to cometogether and develop a 15-30 minute assembly aimed toward teaching K-8children fire safety preparedness - particularly what to do with their pets in

    an emergency to present within the year.


    Presenting NVADGs work as knowledge to help children and their pets in adisaster will begin to make them a household name - students will go home

    and talk to their parents about what they learned.



    Place a call for volunteers to organize and present the assembly in theFebruary newsletter, through NVADGs Facebook page and a short tweet on


    2. Gather the volunteers who have committed their time, along with thefirefighters that agreed to collaborate to discuss and develop the assembly to

    be presented within the next year.


    Creating presentationo 10+ hours of volunteer time to discuss, develop and perfect


    Carrying out assemblieso Gas for the NVADG truck and/or volunteers cars (varies)o 1-2 hours of volunteer time for each assembly.

    Evaluation Method

    Request feedback from school administrators and teachers to gauge howsuccessful the assemblies were and how interested the students were.

    Count how many schools invite NVADG back.

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    2. Increase Social Networking Awareness

    2a. Awareness

    To boost online presence and engage 100 percent of the current socialnetworking users in a friendly and professional manner on topics pertaining to

    the organization including news, fire warnings, fundraising opportunities, facts,



    NVADG volunteers Prospective volunteers General online population


    1. Continue fostering good online community management practices for theorganization, actively posting and engaging those who currently like theFacebook page, and implement the creation of a Twitter account to post

    interesting information and natural disaster warnings in the area


    Social networking tactics and practices will aim to actively engage roughly 50percent of the current volunteers that have a presence in the online social

    networking space, as well as attempting to connect with those who are not

    currently aware of NVADG and what they do.

    Tactics1. Use interns hired from Chico State to run the social networking platformsand update them several times a week.

    2. Follow the instructions in the social media chapter of this book that explainabout setting up a Twitter account, and begin to post the example tweets

    provided as soon as interns are acquired.

    3. Participate in good online community management tactics, replying to userswho post on the organizations Facebook page and actively engage them.


    No cost, internship credit given to Chico State interns.Evaluation Method

    Monitor the number of Likes on the Facebook page and check the growth Monitor the number of Followers on the Twitter account and check the


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    2b. Acceptance Place a social media intern in charge of maintaining the social networks for the



    NVADG volunteers Chico State interns


    1. Assign an intern to the social media networks of the organization to boostuser engagement and raise brand awareness by 25 percent.


    Use the Social Networking Best Practices located in the social mediachapter (page 58) for guidelines on social networking interaction.

    Use the information on Twitter and the sample posts in the social mediachapter to start the creation and implementation of a Twitter handle.Tactics

    1. Assign an intern (or both) to maintain the NVADG social networking accountsonce they have been hired.

    2. Give the intern the Social Networking Best Practices information.Budget

    No cost, internship credit given to Chico State interns .Evaluation Method

    Gauge the number of Likes and Followers on Twitter .2c. Action

    Implementation and utilization of a Social Networking Best Practices located inthe social media section of this book (page 58), including but not limited to,

    information on the creation of a Twitter account handle and ideas for regular

    social media engagement and online community management that aims to boost

    volunteer and organization engagement.


    NVADG volunteers Prospective volunteers General online population

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    1. Begin implementing the "Social Networking Best Practices" included in thesocial media section of the plan book (page 58) to help create a unified

    online community management process.

    Strategy Implementing a common set of online community management rules will

    aim to increase social networking engagement on both Twitter and Facebook

    by 40 percent within the first four months.


    1. Refer to the Social Networking Best Practices page located in the socialmedia chapter book (page 58) to help assist in managing the social

    networking platforms.


    Actively engage the public online in a friendly manner.


    No cost, internship credit given to Chico State interns.Evaluation Method

    Compare before and after Likes on Facebook, as well as looking at theamount of Followers on Twitter to see how many NVADG has gained

    during the course of the first four months.

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    3. Connecting with Downtown Chico Business Association (DCBA)

    3a. Awareness

    To make DCBA aware of NVADG and what it does.Public

    DCBA Volunteers involved in making DCBA aware of the organization


    1. Make the DCBA aware of whom NVADG is to open communication for futurecollaborations.


    By associating themselves with the DCBA, NVADG aims to boost is overallawareness by 30 percent within the next year.


    1. Introduce the idea to the current NVADG volunteers in the Februarynewsletter.

    2. Write a collaboration proposal to the DCBA in order to let them know theintent is to be associated with them.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.

    Evaluation Method

    Count how many volunteers offer their help.3b. Acceptance

    Answer questions and make the right communications happen betweenmembers of the DCBA and NVADG.


    DCBA members NVADG volunteers


    1. Answer perspective questions the DCBA may have about NVADG and whatthe alliance could mean for them.

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    Giving clear answers and developing a good rapport can lead to a greatbusiness and social alliance between the two nonprofits.


    1. Upon contacting the NVADG via email the appropriate phone numbers willbe distributed to the DCBA members. They can use these to call the NVADG

    and volunteers designated to answer questions.

    2. Once all the questioned are answered the NVADG members can make surethe DCBA members are happy with the contact thus far and let the DCBA

    know they can contact them at any time with questions.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    Measure the reaction and happiness of DCBA after emailing.3c. Action

    Start active business and community relationship with DCBA.Public

    NVADG volunteers Members of the DCBA

    General public


    1. To establish an active relationship with DCBA and businesses involved, whichwill lead to a boost of community awareness, using the relationship as a way

    to boost volunteer involvement.


    Actively participating in DCBA events will make more of the public aware ofNVADG.

    Tactics1. Table at the Thursday Night Market to draw attention to NVADG and help

    raise awareness; Volunteers will table every other week and use current

    NVADG promotional materials (pamphlets) to pass out (this will take place

    during the summer months).

    2. Pamphlets will be on display and available to take at Downtown Chico stores.

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    3. Special events like Slice of Chico will be utilized for tabling or booths; ManyChico citizens attend this event and will be exposed to NVADG and what it

    does for the community.

    4. The DCBA and NVADG will work together to put together a fire disaster drillheld in the Chico City Plaza and will aim to bring a diverse group of Chico

    citizens together.


    There is no cost, the pamphlets will be provided by IFAW and NVADG. NVADG labor will also be utilized.

    Evaluation Method

    See how the relationship helps the public awareness of NVADG by gauginggeneral awareness, website traffic, Facebook Likes and TwitterFollowers.

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    Strategy and Tactics

    One Idea for Equipment Storage

    1. Elizabeth Beck Storage Space

    1a. Awareness

    To contact Elizabeth Beck regarding available storage space.Public

    Elizabeth Beck NVADG volunteers



    Store equipment at Becks property.


    Contact Beck through email at [email protected] and ask her ifstorage space is still available within the next month.


    1. Have Sandy Doolittle email Beck.2. Use NVADG main email to contact Beck.3. In the email, include NVADG main phone number as a way for Beck to

    respond other than just email.


    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    Await Becks response either positive or negative through email or phone.1b. Acceptance

    Email Beck at [email protected]

    Sandy Doolittle Elizabeth Beck

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    1. To have Beck give NVADG a positive answer whether or not the storagespace is still available.


    Initiate communication between Beck and NVADG via emailTactics

    1. Email Beck at [email protected]

    No cost, just NVADG labor.Evaluation Method

    See if NVADG is able to obtain space for storage at Becks property.1c. Action

    If Beck gives a positive response, start storing equipment; if the response isnegative, keep looking for an available space.


    NVADG volunteers Elizabeth Beck


    1. To store as much equipment as possible on Becks available property.Strategy

    Use NVADGs automobiles and/or volunteers automobiles to transportequipment to Becks property.


    1. Have volunteers help load the automobiles with the equipment.2. Ask Beck how long can NVADG store equipment in the storage.3. Thank Beck for letting NVADG use the storage space.4. Give free lessons to Beck on what to do in case of a disaster, and feature her

    on NVADGs website, the newsletter and the NVADG Facebook page if she is


  • 7/29/2019 Public Relations Plan Book for North Valley Animal Disaster Group




    Total Budget: Gas prices variesEvaluation Method

    See if NVADG was able to obtain space for storage on Becks property.

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    Social Media

    Current social media usage:o The North Valley Animal Disaster Group (NVADG) currently uses only one

    social network. They have a rather active presence on Facebook, but lack

    additional social networking platforms.

    o https://www.facebook.com/nvadg

    Analysis of the current social media - Facebook:o NVADGs Facebook page only has 237 likes, leaving a lot of space for

    improvement. Facebook provides a good opportunity for the organization

    to speak and communicate directly to the community and their


    o The profile is updated often and provides those who Like the page withuseful information about the organization, their cause, and the upcoming

    events at which they will have a booth

    o Although the page posts somewhat regularly, the posts dont tend to beparticularly engaging consistently enough to achieve the ultimate goal of

    having the content shared and reshared across the social networkingplatform

    o NVADG would benefit from creating more engaging Facebook posts thatwould cause those who like the page to reshare the information, thus

    spreading Facebook page to a wider audience

    o In addition to more engaging posts, the Facebook header image could beupdated to a more modern, more attractive image

    Social media to focus on - Twitter:o One major improvement that Dynamic PR would like to focus on is the

    lack of NVADG presence on the social networking/microbloggingplatform Twitter

    o Dynamic PR would like to start a Twitter account (@nvadgroup) forNVADG, where they can post interesting facts about fire safety,

    organizational information, emergency information, and where they can

    retweet sister organizations and other companies who are from the local


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    o Use the Twitter account to engage younger people involved in NVADGand continually engaging followers with the posts

    o Use the Twitter account to actively and effectively reach a much largeraudience through word of mouth networking by sharing and retweeting

    other posts

    o Link Facebook and Twitter accounts together so posts take place crossplatform via Facebooks website

    Why Twitter?o Twitter and Facebook are the most popular ways to communicate on the

    web for social networking and microblogging so it makes sense that the

    organization should have a dominating presence on both networks

    o People are constantly connected on Facebook and Twitter, andconstantly receive news from these networks

    o Twitter serves as a tool of communicating to volunteers and thecommunity in case of a disaster, quickly and efficiently

    Who Twitter will reach and why:o In creating a Twitter presence, Dynamic PR hopes to get NVADG in touch

    with a younger group of participants in the local area by using platforms

    such a HootSuite to target a very specific audience quickly, easily, and


    o NVADG would benefit from reaching the younger demographics sincethat demographic makes up a large portion of the Chico area

    o Facebook can reach its existing older audience, while Twitter will help toreach the younger and student part of its audience

    Why this market is important to NVADG:o This market should be of particular interest to NVADG because of their

    eagerness to help and because of the vast amount of the local population

    they make up. According to our research, Chico State students often

    volunteer or are looking for places to do volunteer work, Twitter can

    easily reach this audience

    o This demographic often like to volunteer, and use experiences thatorganizations such as NVADG can offer as valuable resume building


    o As previously mentioned, a younger demographic of people represent asignificantly large, and currently untapped, public in the within the Chico

    community for this particular organization. Chico State and its students

    can bring a vast array of skills to the organization for relatively cheap if

    not for free

    o It is advised that NVADG follow and engage Chico States socialnetworking platforms to get a hold of students

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    Explicit instructions on how to set up this social media:o Start inviting friends of friends, and invite Chico States community

    oriented organizations, akin CAVE, and animal-oriented organizations

    (Animal rights group, agriculture groups, etc) through Facebook and


    o Create interesting and engaging posts that will be easily and readilyshared over the networks by those who see it, thus getting the page

    more views

    o The creation of a Twitter handle for prompt disaster notifications andother microblogging tactics

    Samples of what will be posted, highlighted, focusing on, etc.:o NVADG will appoint a social media intern, who will get college credit for

    updating its social networking accounts. NVADG will send an email to all

    its volunteers requesting them to make a Twitter account, and/or to

    follow NVADG on Twittero Using a social media intern will allow NVADG to interact better on

    Facebook and Twitter, and help to tap into the online public by posting

    engaging and interesting posts, thus spreading the word and awareness

    of the organization

    o A day by day plan for this social media usage for at least 20 dayso Disaster response alerts - create a protocol for warnings and status

    updates during disasters

    o Retweets/reposts from other various emergency groups (IE Red Cross,etc)

    oRetweets/reposts from other animal-related groups

    o Retweets/reposts from local area businesses/partnersHow long this social media will take to create, implement and work on:

    o Twitter accounts are time efficient and only take a few minutes to create.Given that Tweets are only 140 characters long, it wont take a large

    amount of time to compose a daily Tweet. Followers could be reached on

    the NVADG website as well as its Facebook. The Butte Humane Society

    could also display the Twitter link on its website.

    Timeline for implementation:o A Twitter account can be created immediatelyo Once the account has been made (refer to the how to set up a Twitter

    guide), the logo and information can be added in order to brand NVADG

    o After the page is personalized, add and follow all local competitors andpeople/organizations NVADG is affiliated with such as;

    Butte Humane Society (@buttehumane) Cat Coalition

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    PAWS of Chico (@PawsofChico) Trail Blazer pet Supply (@TrailBlazerPet) Chico State (@ChicoState) Tehama Group Comm. (Chicos PR Team) (@TehamaGroup) Chico State Career Center (@ChicoCareers)

    o Begin composing Tweets regularly and follow the 20 day Twittercampaign to get started

    Who will be implementing and maintaining this social media:o NVADG would benefit from having a reliable social media intern. This

    would be someone who could make updates on the groups behalf. Social

    media internships could be an opportunity for younger volunteers who

    have social networking and digital experience to get involved, while

    benefiting the organization in a positive way

    o NVADG would benefit because students, particularly in the journalismand public relations department, have a great grasp on social media andeffective social media tactics

    Cost breakdown:o As far as Twitter and Facebook activity, there is no costo Using a student intern will diminish any costs for paying a social media

    coordinator and online community manager

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    Social Networking Best Practices

    #1: Answer QuestionsWith more and more people and volunteers participating on social networking

    platforms, NVADG needs to be doing much more than simply posting their own updates.NVADG must also be willing to answer questions and engage the community online in

    their social networking space. This type of engagement online helps to humanize the

    organization and helps to boost awareness and engagement.

    #2: Facilitate CommunicationKeep your volunteers and your followers informed by updating your information

    regularly and by communicating with them constantly. Make your social networks a

    place to go for a wealth of information about the organization.

    #3: Aim for GrowthIts about rationale. Companies and organizations that can create compelling reasons for

    their audiences to connect with them will succeed on the social web. Those that dont

    emphasize helpfulness and relevancy will fail. Keep up the engagement online and you

    will gain a larger audience.

    #4:Ingenuity is MemorableInteresting, funny, creative, or engaging posts will be memorable and cause people to

    think of the organization. Take advantage of photos and videos, showcase your

    volunteers and give people a reason to engage.

    #5: Share Related NewsMake it a point to visit other non-profit organizations social networking pages whose

    goals align with NVADG (Red Cross, IFAW, Peta, etc). Sharing their content on NVADGs

    platforms and commenting on the other organizations pages helps to spread the word.

    Most importantly, social media acts as a way to stay continually connected to your

    audience and volunteers. Know this, and use it as a way to further promote the cause of

    your organization, as well as foster the growth and awareness of it. Be professional and

    write clearly and concisely. Engage the audience in a friendly, prompt, and efficient

    manner and youll be well on your way to being an effective online community manager.

    For a more in-depth guide to effective community management for businesses and

    organizations, feel free to check out this website below:


  • 7/29/2019 Public Relations Plan Book for North Valley Animal Disaster Group



    Whats Twitter and How Do I Use It?

    Twitter is a social network that can provide a company or organization with a unique

    opportunity for conversation between you and the community, allowing you to send

    and receive short messages known as tweets within your Twitter community. This formof quick and efficient conversation between a company or organization and their

    followers is very effective.

    Your Twitter community (often called your twittersphere) consists of:

    People You Followo The first thing you do when you sign up for a Twitter handle is selecting

    the people you wish you follow. This is how you begin to define the

    community around you. Its a good idea to follow industry leaders in your

    field, or local area organizations you wish to partner with.

    o Consider Following: @buttehumane, @RedCross, @action4IFAW People Who Follow You

    o Those who read your tweets will decide to follow you themselves. Yourfollowers will begin to see your posts in their feeds.

    What is a Tweet?Simply put, tweets are short, concise messages only 140 characters long, making

    them easy to skim through when glancing over an entire users feed. Tweets will usually

    answer questions along the lines of Whats happening? It might be more accurate to

    say that you tweet to answer the question along the lines of What are you currently

    thinking about?

    Twitter is like walking through a big party, and eavesdropping on conversations as you

    walk through the crowd, catching short bits of information here and there. You can stop

    (or click the link) to hear or read more about a particular interesting topic. If

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