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Made By:NIHARIKA PANDEZHILMIL GUPTA(Banasthali Vidyapith )

A system to eliminate waste and reduce errors and injuries and optimise the productivity.Focuses on maintaining orderly workplace and achieve more consistent operational results.


The 5S pillars


Encourages workers to improve their working conditionsDiscipline to follow standard work.Space reduction. Improve efficiency and productivity.Helps to learn to reduce waste, unplanned downtime and in-process inventory.

It focuses on eliminating unnecessary items from workplace that are not needed for current production operations. It’s all about separating the things which are necessary for job from those that are not and keeping the number of necessary once as low as possible and at convenient location. Set in order is the method of arranging all necessary

items in order so that they can be easily picked for use. It a study of efficiency that is how quickly a person can get the things he/she need and how quickly he/she can put them away.

Shine/sweep is thorough cleaning of areas, machines, and other equipments to ensure that everything is returned to nearly new status. Daily follow-up cleaning is necessary .Keep your kitchen safe and easy to work.

It is the method to maintain the three pillars mentioned above. It creates a consistent approach with which tasks and procedures are done. It means continuous cleanliness and repeatedly maintaining your kitchen’s neatness and cleanliness and cleanliness to the environment. It is the final step that instil the self-discipline and

culture that will maintain the 5s system. To instil self-discipline is to get everyone to understand the importance of 5s and making it habit of properly maintaining the correct procedures either by changing the culture of employees or kitchen . Without sustain pillar the achievements of other pillars will not last long.







11)Fresh bottles of soft drinks, ketchups, coco powder etc.. kept or one should no doubt say dumped behind the ice cream n cold drink refrigerator.Though it is nearer to waiter but one could imagine how much time would it take to get a ketchup bottle from this heap..

2)This place seems a bit tidy one.. Isn't it???May be to you but the fact is whatever is extra or spare it is piled up here as seen non like thing i.e. -a gas cylinder, soft drinks, empty cartons, plastic bag etc. are kept together. This shows there is an absence of proper storage in the canteen..



3-This pictures depicts the proper storage of all the items in separate boxes.Thus decreasing the overall time of searching than required to search in an unorganized heap…This follow the principle of sorting..

4-Shows sorting :Separate container for plastic bags,ketchup sachets,labeled and properly arranged pickle jars…


While working on this challenge we observed that the worker needs to move while cooking so as to get the ingredients and utensils..Thus affecting the efficiency by increasing the time for a dish to be prepared and finally leading to late delivery to the customer.



The solution to the problem is that we can place all the things like spices and utensils around the stoves so that the cook need not go every time to fetch the stuff leaving his current work..And to put away the thing seldom required in the cooking process..


1)As encircled with a red oval thejuice pulp that was bi-product in the process of juice making that can be used further is kept in open and this serves as an open invitation to flies which can cause disease like diarrhea, Food poisoning etc…

2) The vegetables after being boiled and cut ,the dough and sliced cheesed covered just by a cloth n that too not properly…

Would you like to have to meals prepared in this way?????

3)Here, the kitchen has proper disposable bin but just dumping the waste is what shine means??

The bin and the wall behind the bin is so dirty creating unhygienic conditions .



This kitchen in the pic above is the perfect kitchen as everything is organized and clean..But this is only possible if the management pays a proper attention to the cleanliness and staff in the kitchen have a sense of responsibly for this…

As shown in the above pic each and everyone inside the kitchen is responsible for thegarbage produced either in peeling or cutting of the grocery.Thus maintaining a clean environment for working..

1)How would you react when you are told that the

chapatti you just ate now was made with dirty hands or on dirty slab??

I guess now it’s clear that continuous cleanliness doesn't just mean cleaning of kitchen regularly but also means personal hygiene. One must wash his hands every time before he starts cooking.

2)Well, cooking by following the first three pillars of 5S told by us doesn't mean the work is over..

Here, in the red oval, it shows that the kitchen doesn’t follow standardization as continuous cleaning and dumping of vegetable wastes are absent.

Just ask yourself would you like to keep on working with mess around u??

3)Cleanliness or janitor is not just the responsibility of the cleaning staff; but responsibility of every individual….As clearly depicted by this picture one can see how the left overs are not dumped by the customers in dustbins. And thus leading to unhygienic surroundings…


SOLUTION• Proper equipment to handle emergency situations like fire extinguisher should

there which was missing in the canteen .

• Workers should pay attention on personal hygiene and should wear light colored clothes because these show dirt quickly which sows how clean the place is.

• Proper ventilation should be there in the kitchen.

• Safety measures while working should also be a major concern.

• A do check list should be maintained by management to check if the work is done according to a proper plan.

The basic standard for cooking i.e. wearing apron or clean clothes is missing.Though the aprons were provided to the workers but they didn’t want to wear them..

5)SUSTAIN Problem Solution

• The management should organize sessions focusing on the importance of following the above 5s.

• The management should make sure that proper signs and poster should be there like FIRE EXIT etc.

• The management should give some incentives to those who are particular about cleanliness and are organized.

• Every worker should consider it as his duty to make the kitchen a place worth for cooking food .

CONCLUSIONFrom the previous we got to learn that 5S of management i.e. sort, shine, set in order standardization and sustain helps to increase the efficiency where efficiency means performing of any task in time with minimal wastage..Not only in an organization this 5S is important but also we can apply these principles In our daily lives.Believe us you can find and be a difference as you will find everything sorted and will not have to struggle to get simple things to be done..And the one of its main advantage is that one can complete all tasks in a timely and efficient manner without wasting efforts in unnecessary things.Being students these 5S are of real importance and we recommend to every student to follow this and be effective in every area.

Thank You

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