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Page 1: Question 1 - Part 3

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?EditingThe editing in my trailer allowed me to create meaning and let me link emotions and reactions together to draw the audience in.

This shot shows the point of view in which the character is looking at

This shot gives the audience the characters personal view, drawing the character in so they feel like they are actually in the shot

This shot shows the reaction of the character after what her and the audience have just seen, this creates the audience to feel emotion to the reaction

This close-up shot shows the audience the characters emotion of that he is creepily watching something

This shot is the point of view of the male character, part of the tree is still in the shot so the editing makes it look from his point of view

This shot shows what is behind the female character as she is walking off oblivious of someone stalking her every movement

Page 2: Question 1 - Part 3

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?

By using title cards in my trailer as part of my editing allowed the audience to feel emotion to them as each word on the title cards allowed me to tell the narrative which creates meaning of the main events happening in the trailer.

Title Cards

This title card states the obvious to the audience to show exactly what is happening in the storyline creating meaning Bella: Who is it?Archie: Nobody.The title card appears after this piece of dialogue by the couple

This Title card shows exactly what is happening to the audience as the couple are sneaking behind “Archie's” girlfriends after he walks her to work.Sambuca: Has she gone yet?Archie: Yeah don't worry!The title card fits in perfect with the events that are happening before the viewers eyes.

This title card final shows what is going to happen to the audience who were wondering what is going to happen to the girl walking through the forest with a stalker behind the tree watching her.Murder victim on the phone: “no ill be fine, ill walk really quick”This gives the audience suspense as they don't know what he's going to do to her and when the title card shows it will cause a reaction to the audience

Page 3: Question 1 - Part 3

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?

Another form of editing i have used is fading blackouts while flicking from one storyline to the other as well as using blackouts when the title cards appear on the trailer and then blackouts after going onto the next scene in the trailer

Editing- Fading and blackouts

Storyline 2 Second faid blackout Title card

2 Second faid blackout Faids into next storyline

This is the storyline which the storyline is linking to

The reason i put the fade blackouts there is so that every shot runs smoothly including the title cards

Title card that links to the storyline

The title card fades and then it goes to the next storyline The next storyline then begins

Page 4: Question 1 - Part 3

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?Editing – slow motionAnother type of editing in which I included in my trailer is slow-motion, I did this to make it look more dramatic to the audience and so the reaction is bigger.

This is the moment the audience would have been waiting for in my trailer about what is going to happen with the girl in the forest and the strange man stalking her. I wanted to make this one of the big moments where i can get a massive reaction from the audience, the slow motion defiantly makes it more dramatic as he grabs her it stays on the screen a couple of more seconds giving the audience a feeling of helplessness ,drawing them in.

This shot is one of the big moments in my trailer as well as the audience would of had a built up anger against “Sambuca” and when Bella slaps her it is almost a relief as they have been drawn in, the slow motion makes it so much more dramatic and aggressive, being in slow motion it also makes it not happen to quickly so the audience miss the slap.

The Murder

The Slap

Page 5: Question 1 - Part 3

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?SoundBy using non-dieagtic sound in my trailer where sound cannot be heard or extra sound put in creates a more dramatic feel. it enables me to create meaning through sound and genre by using this

When we shot the slap scene either the sound of the slap wasn't at the right timing or it wasn't loud enough even when I put the audio on full. I decided to make it more realistic to add a noise of a slap which I found on YouTube and then imported it onto Imovie, I placed it at the correct timing where the hand touched the face and it looked very real!

When filming the bed scene, when the text is received its meant to make an short tune which will wake “Archie” up to read it. When we filmed this the sound was to quite so to make it more realistic so that it would actually wake “Archie” up i found on YouTube an iPhone tune that happens when it receives texts, i imported this to iMovie I placed this tune to when Sambucas text came through “I'm Pregnant” so it the correct timing.

Page 6: Question 1 - Part 3

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?Editing- Trailer Soundtrack

It was quite hard to pick the soundtrack for my trailer as i wanted it to be emotional with suspense and the chorus to stand out from the song.I had 3 options at first for my trailer:•Adele- I set fire to the rain•Florence and the Machine- Shake it out• Jar of Hearts

I finally picked Florence and the machine- Shake it out as i thought it had everything i was looking for, it as emotional minor chords and then a massive chorus which stands out with major chords. This song fits in with my trailer as it has emotional sad parts, suspense and main parts where the music almost builds up and erupts in those parts

Page 7: Question 1 - Part 3

Regrets collect like old friends

And ive been a fool and ive been blind

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?Sound- The soundtrack i have chosen creates meaning throughout my trailer through words, chords, instruments and will make the audience feel different emotions from the soft, slow start to the massive swell of chords at the end. The non digetic chords add extra meaning

This shot fits in well with the words as she has found out she is pregnant and it is a “Regret”. The minor chords of the organ makes this scene feel emotional and have real meaning to match with the storyline

This shot fits in with the words said in the song as the audience know he has got the girl from the start pregnant, as we see the text before Archie does, he has been a fool and he's been blind from not realising that he's hurting people from his own actions

Page 8: Question 1 - Part 3

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?I can never leave the past behind

These words fit in with this shot as his girlfriend (Bella)in bed next to him appears from behind him and he can never leave the past behind him as he cant run away from the fact he has cheated, lied and got another girl pregnant (Sambuca)

These words fit in with this shot as he is stalking every movement his victim makes as he stalks her in the forest, the words relate to what he is staring at and the look on his face is there to make the audience feel nervous.

I can see the way, i can see the way

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