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Page 1: Realityworks Portfolio
Page 2: Realityworks Portfolio

Realityworks Sell Sheets– Updated product sell sheets to both visually interesting and brand

similar. Used fonts to create a linked and cohesive company offering, even as each had a distinct look.

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RealCare Baby Brochure–

Brochure for RealCare Baby designed for trade show dispersal. Again, keeping with cohesive brand identity developed.

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Logo Update–

When asked to complete more product re-branding, namely here the Pregnancy

Profile (renamed Pregnancy Simulation), I decided to update the older logo. The

previous was, in my estimation, a “halfway” association by fitting the

pregnancy silhouette around the text. My offering would marry both image and text,

and resulted in a pleasing solution.

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Invitation design– Project was added to workload rather

quickly, to answer a need to further explain product to select customers . They required

a classy looking invite, one to make the recipient very honored and grateful to receive. The ticket arrived in it’s own

carrier, to remove as shown below left.

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Trade show banners–

A major need upon my hire was a necessity to

attract attention at various trade shows.

Bright colors and interesting graphics were

created to draw any potential customer to the


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Training Certificates– Project intended to upgrade

current stock of training certificates. Since the majority

of truly certified consumers were adult, the certificates

needed to be upgraded. My solution was to make them

similar to other wall documents, such as certifications, awards

and diplomas. Seal was created in photoshop.

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RealCare Pamphlets–

Asked to take stock of all RealCare Baby materials and join them in one cohesive identity. The curve is a shape reflected in the logo, and also can be seen as an allusion to pregnancy

and the “protection” of motherhood.

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yStart Handouts–

yStart’s corporate identity was already established before my

hire, so my task was to take elements of those sell sheets

and brochures and water them down for yStart informational


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yStart Magazine Ad–

Advertisement for yStart program in ½ page ad in target market magazine. Using minimal graphics from already designed yStart pamphlets to

avoid clutter, created a layout more reliant upon info than looks. The quotations were given added punch with the quotation marks, while the

text block was separated into two different informational segments rather than one big info block.

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Medical Art– Volunteered to draw clinical art for FAS (Fetal Alcohol

Syndrome) and DAD (Drug-Affected Demonstrator) without incurring added company expense. Marker

and colored pencil on marker paper, scanned In and touched up in photoshop.

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FAS Curriculum– First full curriculum

design project. Wanted to convey visually the

stark, clinical and shocking element of

the content. Designed cover, page headers

and iconography.

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DAD Curriculum– Sister product to FAS, curriculum expansion allowed both DAD and FAS their own curriculums. DAD

also followed same formula for product line: clinical, stark and

shocking, to emulate the content and subject matter.

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BIC Curriculum– First curriculum project with complete artistic control, which was a European

version of the popular RealCare product. Produced every art need, from cover to

layout design, PowerPoint layout design and project photography.

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Curriculum Revamps– Asked to upgrade older and lesser

known products (left) into eye-catching covers (right) that

would evoke a sales response from prospective customers.

Color infusion and clever graphics usage elevated the products nicely, stimulating

sales across the board.

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Curriculum-on-CD– One of my final tasks as designer was

to not only upgrade the look of all saleable curriculum, but also

design cover sleeves and labels for electronic curriculum.

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First complete live photography assignment for a project. Learned to take what the subject gives you yet still accomplish what is needed for the project.

Photography/BIC Project–

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