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Release Notes

GP Payroll

April 2017 & Patches

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Release Notes

Welcome to your software update for the April 2017. This update of the software includes some

new features and enhancements together with any necessary legislative changes. These notes

provide information on all the improvements to the software; for detailed information on

legislative changes click here. If you encounter any difficulties please visit:


The minimum system requirements can be found on our website:

▪ GP Payroll


GP Payroll April 2017 Patch Release v2017.1.28 ............................................................................. 4

Government Gateway ............................................................................................................................................. 4

GP Payroll April 2017 Patch Release v2017.1.27 ............................................................................. 5

NSR02/NSR06 ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

Practice Reference Number ................................................................................................................................... 5

NI Prefixes ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

GP Payroll April 2017 Patch Release v2017.1.24 ............................................................................. 5

Pensions .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Auto Enrolment ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Postponement ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Scottish NRS03 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

State Pension Age .................................................................................................................................................... 5

GP Payroll April 2017 Release ........................................................................................................... 6

PAYE Legislation ............................................................................................................................. 6

Apprenticeship Levy ...................................................................................................................... 6

Reports...................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Apprenticeship Levy Values Report ........................................................................................................................................ 7

National Insurance .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Tax, NI, Statutory Payments and Pension Rates .................................................................................................. 7

Tax Code Changes ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Student Loan Thresholds........................................................................................................................................ 8

Pensions .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Added Years – ERBBO ............................................................................................................................................. 8

SPPA .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

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Employee Details ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

Type of Employment ................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Arrears of Contributions ......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Pension Summaries ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

NEST Contributions Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 10

AE Configuration Tool ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Transitional Period ................................................................................................................................................ 10

RTI .................................................................................................................................................. 10

Full Payment Submission (FPS) ............................................................................................................................ 10

Earlier Year Update (EYU) ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Removed ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Added ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Employer Payment Summary (EPS) ..................................................................................................................... 11

Employer Payment Summary screen ................................................................................................................................... 11

Reports .................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

P60 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12

NHS Superannuation Scheme Contributions Payment Schedule ................................................................... 12

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GP Payroll April 2017 Patch Release v2017.1.28

Government Gateway

IMPORTANT - HMRC has recently changed the website address (URL) the software connects to

automatically when processing RTI submissions. All the changes required for your software are

included within this update. If you do not update to this version or later, you will be unable to

send your RTI submissions to HMRC. HMRC will deactivate the existing URL by February 2018

however IRIS recommends you update your software as soon as possible.

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GP Payroll April 2017 Patch Release v2017.1.27


SPPA no longer require the Balance of 365 days pay populating in the NSR02 and NSR06 as it is

being phased out. This field will now be populated with zero. If required, you can manually enter a


Practice Reference Number

The message displayed for Scottish Practices creating NSR files when the Practice Reference

Number is not entered, or is entered but is not 15 characters long has been updated.

NI Prefixes

NI Prefixes have been updated in line with legislation.

GP Payroll April 2017 Patch Release v2017.1.24


Auto Enrolment

For employees re-assessed following postponement, if their qualifying earnings are below the

Monthly Lower Threshold they will now be assessed as Entitled Workers. If their qualifying

earnings are between the Lower Threshold and the AE Trigger they will now be assessed as Non-

eligible jobholders.

Also when re-assessed, employees aged 22 with postponement setup (whose qualifying earnings

are above the AE trigger) will now be auto enrolled.


If postponement is configured and an employee is aged between State Pension Age and 74, on

assessment, a deferral date is now added to the employee record.

Scottish NRS03

The issue with the NSR01 - 06 missing off employees, if employees have been reordered has been


State Pension Age

The warning message that has been appearing for men (based on the women’s staggered change

over) will no longer occur.

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GP Payroll April 2017 Release

PAYE Legislation

Apprenticeship Levy

Funding for apprenticeships is changing and employers will be required to contribute to a new

apprenticeship levy. The new Apprenticeship Levy has been introduced from the 2017/2018 tax

year. Details on the legislation changes can be found in the Legislation Guide. Changes to the

software to incorporate Apprenticeship Levy are detailed below.

If you are moving a practice mid-tax year onto IRIS GP Payroll, you must enter the Pay Bill YTD

and the Levy Paid YTD in Setup/ Options | Tax/NI Parameters | Apprenticeship Levy values.

The Levy Allowance is currently £15,000 and Levy Rate is currently 0.50%. You will pay the levy if

your pay bill exceeds £3million per tax year, pro-rated on a monthly basis.

When moving into the new tax year via End of Year Transfer (2017/2018 only), you will receive a

message asking you to confirm the value of Apprenticeship Levy Allowance being claimed. In

future years, if the default allowance is set to the current maximum, it will be set to the current

maximum in the new tax year.

During the End of Year Transfer process:

■ Apprentice Levy will be set by default

■ You must choose the maximum or minimum allowance for the 2017/2018 tax year or

enter the value of allowance you require which cannot exceed £15,000

To cater for the new Apprenticeship Levy Allowance, the following new fields have been added

to the Setup/ Options | Tax/NI Parameters tab under the section Apprenticeship Levy:

■ Apprenticeship Levy

■ Levy Allowance – this field will only be enabled if Apprenticeship Levy is set to Yes

■ Monthly Levy Values button – this opens a new Apprenticeship Levy Values screen

where you can view the Pay Bill, Allowance and Levy Paid information for each tax

month. From this screen you can also view Pay Bill YTD, Allowance YTD and Levy Paid


If you started using IRIS GP Payroll part way through the tax year, transferring from

another payroll system, you can enter the values here.

From this screen you can print the new Apprenticeship Levy Values report. This report

can also be printed from Print Output / Export Data | Monthly Summary and P32

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The following reports have been amended to include Apprenticeship Levy:

■ Employer’s Payment Record (P32)

■ Budgets – Staff costs compared with available budget

■ Government Rates and Parameters Summary (this report will also now include

Employment Allowance)

■ Employer Payment Summary

Apprenticeship Levy Values Report

The Apprenticeship Levy Values Report can be printed from two locations; Setup/ Options | 12

- Tax/NI Parameters | Apprenticeship Levy Values screen or Print Output / Export Data |

Monthly Summary and P32. This report will contain the following information:

■ Month

■ Pay Bill

■ Pay Bill YTD

■ Allowance

■ Allowance YTD

■ Levy Paid

■ Levy Paid YTD

Totals will be displayed on this report in respect of Pay Bill, Allowance and Levy Paid.

National Insurance

Following legislative changes, the payroll software will now accept ‘KC’ National Insurance Number


Tax, NI, Statutory Payments and Pension Rates

The rates for tax, NI, statutory payments and Pension rates have been updated for 2017/2018.

Once you have moved into the new tax year, the new rates can be viewed from Setup/ Options |

12 Tax/NI Parameters.

The Pension rates will reflect the Employer Pension rate for England/Wales that includes the new

admin levy introduced from 1st April 2017. This is now 14.38%.

Tax Code Changes

In line with legislative changes, moving into the new tax year (2017/2018) will automatically uplift

tax codes as required.

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Student Loan Thresholds

The annual thresholds for 2017/2018 are:

■ Plan Type 1 - £17,775

■ Plan Type 2 - £21,000


Added Years – ERBBO

Added Years’ contributions for employees in the 2015 NHS Pension Scheme can now be

configured. To cater for this, if the employee is set to Include in the NHS pension scheme, the

Employee Details | Pension Details | ERRBO Contributions button has been renamed

ERRBO/Added Years.

The NHS Pension Scheme ERRBO Contributions screen has also been renamed NHS Pension

Scheme ERRBO Contributions & Added Years.

The Employee Contribution and Employer Contribution fields have been moved under a new

ERRBO Contributions Section. A further new Added Years section has been added. Here you

can enter either Extra fixed monthly payment or Extra percentage of salary. This section will

default to Extra percentage of salary.

Please Note: extra contributions of salary cannot be more than 50%.

All the relevant reports have been updated to include Added Years, if applicable.


Only applicable to Scottish Practices

The following new forms have been added to the software for you to create CSV files and print


▪ NSR01 – Starter form

▪ NSR02 – Leaver form

▪ NSR04 – Service Change form

▪ NSR05 – Miscellaneous Update form

▪ NSR06 – Amendment form

These changes will only apply if Setup/ Options | Practice Pension Details | Pension Agency is

set to Scotland.

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Employee Details

Type of Employment

In Employee Details | Pension Details a new field Type of Employment with a drop-down list

has been added to the software. Here you can select the Type of Employment which will then be

included when creating the NSR01/2/3/4 and NSR06 files and reports.

Arrears of Contributions

A new button has been added to the Pension Details screen, Arrears of Contributions. Click this

button to open the new Arrears of Pension Contributions screen with a field Arrears of

Contributions paid. This field should only be used if the employee has been on unpaid leave, for

instance unpaid maternity or a career break, and you have not continued to pay contributions to

SPPA on the employee’s behalf.

Pension Summaries

On the Print Output / Export Data | Pension Summaries screen, the radio button NRS03 – and

other end of year options (Click OK for full option screen) has been renamed NSR03 and

other SPPA options.

The End of year options – Scottish Pension Agency screen, has been renamed Scottish Pension

Agency options. The following changes have also been made on this screen:

▪ A dropdown has been added, Select the type of form that you want to create or print. This

contains the following forms:

▪ NSR01 – Starter form

▪ NSR02 – Leaver form

▪ NRS03 – Annual return form

▪ NSR04 – Service change form

▪ NSR05 – Miscellaneous update form

▪ NSR06 – Amendment form

▪ Prepare an End of Year NSR03 for transmission to the SPPA in CSV format has been

renamed Prepare a file in CSV format for submission to SPPA

▪ NSR03 – annual summary of employee payments (or to construct an NSR03 for an

employee who leaves mid-year) has been renamed Print a copy of the form for your


▪ Numbers of Employees | A single employee has changed to Choose Employees. This

allows you to select multiple employees

Selecting Prepare a file in CSV format for submission to SPPA will launch the wizard and the

screens presented will depend on the NSR file selected.

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Please Note:

▪ NSR02 – Leaver form

This form requires the date that the employee left the scheme and the reason for leaving.

▪ NSR04 – Service Change form

This form requires the date that the change to the employee’s service became effective.

▪ NSR06 – Amendment form

If you are sending this form to replace incorrect leaver information, you should select a

Reason for Leaving and the date they left the scheme in the Supperann. Stop or

Replacement Annual Return Date field

If you are sending this form to submit amended financial information you should enter the

Supperann. Stop or Replacement Annual Return Date as 31st March of the year the

amendment is form

NEST Contributions Schedule

Where an employee is on family leave and assumed pensionable pay is being used for the

employer pension contribution, the NEST Contributions Schedule, Reason for reduced

contribution will be set to 3 Member is on family leave.

AE Configuration Tool

The Deduct basic rate tax indicator has been added to Setup/ Options | Practice Pension

Details | AE Configuration Tool | Step 5 – Pension Provider Details for Stakeholder pensions.

Transitional Period

The Transitional Period for pension schemes with defined benefits will be withdrawn from 30th

September 2017. Any employees with the Transitional Period indicator set will therefore be

assessed for Auto Enrolment on or after the 1st October 2017. Postponement may be applied to

these employees – the same process as if they were a new employee.


Full Payment Submission (FPS)

The FPS has been updated in line with scheme changes for 2017/2018.

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Earlier Year Update (EYU)

The EYU has been updated in line with schema changes. Some minor amendments have been

made to field descriptions. When sending an EYU for 2016/2017 onwards the following fields have

been removed/added:




■ PT to UAP

■ Total 1d Earnings above UAP to UEL

■ NI Rates D, E, L, I and K


■ PT to UEL

The following fields have been added to the Sundry screen under a new section Flexible

Drawdown Group:

■ Flexibly Accessing Pension Rights indicator

■ Pension Death Benefit indicator

■ Flexible Drawdown Taxable Payment

■ Flexible Drawdown Non Taxable Payment

Here you can select the relevant indicator and enter the adjustment value.

Employer Payment Summary (EPS)

Following legislative changes, from the 2017/2018 tax year, the EPS will now include

Apprenticeship Levy values.

Employer Payment Summary screen

A new Adjust Levy button has been added to the Employer Payment Summary screen. This

allows you to enter or amend the values if required on the Adjust Apprenticeship Levy Values


The Reinstate original values button will revert any value entered to the original value held in

the EPS screen.


The Employer Payment Summary and Employer Payment Summary Confirmation reports will

now include Apprenticeship Levy Allowance.

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The P60 has been updated in line with legislative changes.

NHS Superannuation Scheme Contributions Payment Schedule

The employee contribution rate has been added to the Pension Summaries | Monthly

payments | NHS Superannuation Scheme Contributions Payment Schedule.

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Call: 0844 815 5700 for IRIS or 0844 815 5677 for Earnie

Visit: iris.co.uk

IRIS & IRIS Software Group are trademarks © IRIS Software Ltd 06/2015. All rights reserved

Additional Software and Services Available

IRIS AE Suite™

The IRIS AE Suite™ works seamlessly with all IRIS payrolls to easily manage auto enrolment. It will

assess employees as part of your payroll run, deduct the necessary contributions, produce files in

the right format for your pension provider* and generate the necessary employee


IRIS OpenPayslips

Instantly publish electronic payslips to a secure portal which employees can access from their

mobile phone, tablet or PC. IRIS OpenPayslips cuts payslip distribution time to zero and is

included as standard with the IRIS AE Suite™.

IRIS Auto Enrolment Training Seminars

Choose from a range of IRIS training seminars to ensure you understand both auto enrolment

legislation and how to implement it within your IRIS software.

Useful numbers

HMRC online service helpdesk HMRC employer helpline

Tel: 0300 200 3600

Fax: 0844 366 7828

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0300 200 3200

Tel: 0300 200 3211 (new business)

Contact Sales (including stationery sales)

For IRIS Payrolls For Earnie Payrolls

Tel: 0344 815 5700

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0344 815 5677

Email: [email protected]

Contact support

Your Product Phone E-mail

IRIS PAYE-Master 0344 815 5661 [email protected]

IRIS Payroll Business 0344 815 5661 [email protected]

IRIS Bureau Payroll 0344 815 5661 [email protected]

IRIS Payroll Professional 0344 815 5671 [email protected]

IRIS GP Payroll 0344 815 5681 [email protected]

IRIS GP Accounts 0344 815 5681 [email protected]

Earnie or Earnie IQ 0344 815 5671 [email protected]

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