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RESEARCH INTO CHANNELSGroup 1 – Ellie Money , Ellie Francis and Saxon Lee

THE CHOICE OF CHANNEL• After researching into multiple channels we have came to a conclusion that we will be

selecting BBC 3 to publish our documentary. The reasons behind this are because we feel the mood of our documentary will suit the channel exceedingly well as they tend to feature a lot of documentary's. For example, when researching into BBC 3 we found that “the documentaries department is at the heart of the longform content on BBC Three” (BBC, 2016) Therefore as a group we feel it makes perfect sense to have BBC 3 publish our project as they commonly display similar formal documentary’s, such as: ‘Tulisa: the price of fame’, ‘Is Britain racist?’ and ’Prince Harry: Frontline Afghanistan’. Therefore our project will reach the correct audience, of 16-19 year olds, as they will already be familiar of watching documentary’s if they continuously switch over to BBC 3. Therefore it is highly likely that they will enjoy our film as they will be interested in this particular genre. Additionally, further research into BBC 3 allowed us to undercover that BBC 3 is home to a young audience therefore our target audience of 16-19 year olds is well reflected as they will highly likely be watching. Meaning that we will be capable of achieving our target audience if the channel we select have already managed to draw in and consolidate that particular age range.


• Next, we also looked into and considered using MTV as a choice of channel. However, we had a split decision and didn't’t feel overly confident with this selection and therefore consolidated with BBC 3. A reason to why we dismissed MTV was because after research we discovered that it was mainly American based. Therefore we felt less inclined into inputting our British college documentary as we didn't’t feel it would be able to compete. Furthermore, a lot of the shows featured on MTV are celebrity based. As seen on the screenshot to the side. Therefore this was the final straw for us as we don’t feel our small scale documentary would be effective when up against such large represenations.

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