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Page 1: REVIEW FOR THE UNIT TEST The Enlightenment American Revolution French Revolution and Napoleon Latin American Revolutions Unifications of Italy and Germany.


UNIT TESTThe Enlightenment

American RevolutionFrench Revolution and Napoleon

Latin American RevolutionsUnifications of Italy and Germany

Page 2: REVIEW FOR THE UNIT TEST The Enlightenment American Revolution French Revolution and Napoleon Latin American Revolutions Unifications of Italy and Germany.

The two eras known as the Renaissance and

the Enlightenment are similar in that they both led to people doing two


(1) Question the world

around them (2) try to improve society

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During the Scientific Revolution, scholars applied logic and reason; this inspired the Enlightenment thinkers to also use

logic and reason as they came up with new ideas about economics and government

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Baron de Montesquieu felt that too much power in the hands of

one person always leads to tyranny; Rousseau agreed with

this idea of too much power

Montesquieu believed in separation of powers:

dividing power among three branches of government

Political Ideas of the Enlightenment

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The Swiss philosophe Jean-Jacques

Rousseau believed in individual freedom

Rousseau believed that people are

naturally good, but too much power

corrupts them

Political Ideas of the Enlightenment

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John Locke said that the purpose of government was to protect citizens’

natural rights

Locke believed that people are born with

natural rights: rights to life, liberty, and property

Political Ideas of the Enlightenment

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Locke believed that a government’s power

comes from “consent of the governed”

(approval of the people)

The English Bill of Rights

(1689)•The king cannot tax or overturn Parliament’s laws•Protected freedom of speech•The army cannot be used as a police force •No excessive bail

Political Ideas of the Enlightenment

He argued that kings could be overthrown

if they violated peoples’ rights

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Voltaire argued for certain rights: freedom of speech and religion;

he criticized intolerance, prejudice, and


Voltaire once said:“I may disapprove of

what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Political Ideas of the Enlightenment

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English philosophe Thomas Hobbes believed that

humans are naturally cruel, selfish, and hungry for power

Because he believed people needed to be protected from

themselves, Hobbes supported rule by absolute

monarchs (like Louis XIV); he argued that only kings with

absolute power could maintain order in society

Hobbes would disagree with the political ideas of Locke

and Montesquieu

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To collect the new ideas of the Enlightenment and make them accessible, Denis Diderot created the

first encyclopedia

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Capitalism is an economic model based on private ownership of property and the

goal is to make profits

“Laissez-faire” (“hands off”) is the idea that the economy thrives

when there is minimal government

involvement in the economy and business

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Some powerful monarchs known as enlightened despots listened to new ideas

and tried to improve the lives of their citizens

Impact of the Enlightenment: Kings

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The policies of the enlightened despots were influenced by the

writings of Enlightenment thinkers (such as Voltaire, Rousseau)

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Enlightened despots improved the lives of their

citizens: they favored religious

tolerance, tax reform, reduced

government spending, and

legal rights

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Salons were discussion parties held by Enlightenment thinkers in Europe; they discussed new ideas in

culture, government, and economics

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Music composers created new, elegant styles of music known as Classical

Franz Joseph Haydn

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Beethoven

Impact of the Enlightenment: Music

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The storming of the Bastille prison in 1789 represented the beginning of the French Revolution

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The French Revolution was started by the financial crisis in France, the unfair taxes on the Third Estate, the spread of Enlightenment ideas, and inspired by

the success of the American Revolution

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The French and Indian War (1754-1763)

England won the French and Indian War; France gave England all

French lands east of the Mississippi


…but the war left England with

massive debts

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To pay off war debts, Britain created a series of new taxes (such as the Stamp Act) for the

American colonists

The colonists were upset that the Parliament in

England would pass laws and taxes without the

colonists’ approval

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Their slogan became: “No taxation without representation”, which

meant that colonists believed that they should be able to vote on taxes and laws that affected them

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The Declaration of Independence used ideas from

the Enlightenment (especially John

Locke) to explain why Americans were declaring independence

The Declaration suggested that

the government should protect the rights of its


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Like America’s Declaration of

Independence, France’s Declaration of the

Rights of Man and of the Citizen also stated that the government

should protect the rights of its citizens

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France’s unequal social structure: the Three Estates

They owned 10% of land in France but paid little in taxes to the government

The clergy (priests) of the Roman Catholic Church made up the First Estate

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They owned 20% of French land but were exempt from paying


The Second Estate was made up of rich nobles

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This group paid 50% of their income in taxes

The Third Estate made up 97% of the population and

was mostly made up of extremely poor peasants

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The members of the Third Estate,

the French commoners,

hated having no say in the

government and having to pay all

the taxes

This cartoon shows the poor Third Estate carrying the burden of the First and

Second Estates

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During a meeting of the Estates-General (France’s government), the First and Second Estates voted to

increase taxes on the Third Estate; King Louis XVI approved of the vote, which enraged the Third Estate

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The American Revolution and French Revolution were important events

in world history Both revolutions created

new democratic governments based on

the Enlightenment ideas of individual liberty

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In 1793, King Louis XVI was

arrested, convicted of treason, and executed by


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In 1793, radical Maximilien Robespierre

slowly gained control of the

National Convention, France’s new government

after the death of the king

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When King Louis XVI was executed during the French Revolution, many European nations attacked France to keep revolutionary ideas from spreading

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From 1793 to 1794, any French citizens who were accused of being

disloyal to the new republic were


Robespierre executed 30,000 “traitors” during an era known as

the Reign of Terror (until he, too, was


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In 1799, a French military general named

Napoleon Bonaparte led a coup d'état and

seized power in France

Similar to Robespierre, Napoleon took

advantage of the chaos of the French

Revolution to increase his personal power

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Napoleon made a series of reforms to improve the government, economy, and lives for French citizens

To fix the French

economy, he introduced a

fair tax system and created a

Bank of France to regulate the money supply

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In order rule France more effectively,

Napoleon created a comprehensive set of

laws called the Napoleonic Code

This law code provided order, freedom of

religion, and eliminated privileges by estates

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In 1812, Napoleon made his greatest mistake and invaded Russia

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Russia’s severe winters and the Russians’ “scorched earth” policy devastated the French

army and forced Napoleon to retreat

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The era after the fall of Napoleon was a conflict among conservative, liberal, and radical forces

CONSERVATIVESCONSERVATIVES were usually wealthy land

owners and nobles; they typically supported

traditional monarchies LIBERALSLIBERALS were usually from

the middle class; they supported Enlightenment ideas

like limited monarchies and protecting citizens’ liberty

RADICALSRADICALS were usually from the lower classes; they supported extending

democracy to all citizens

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After the fall of Napoleon in 1815, European leaders met at the Congress of Vienna to

restore a balance of power in Europe

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The Congress of Vienna was attended by conservatives from Austria, Prussia, Russia, Britain, and France and

was led by Austrian minister Klemons von Metternich

Metternich and other conservatives wanted to restore powerful monarchies in Europe, disliked democracy,

and feared the ideas of the French Revolution

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In the class system of Latin America, rich and powerful

White Europeans

called “Peninsulares”

were at the top of society

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Peninsulares were at the top of society in Latin America

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In 1791, Haitian slaves rose in revolt against their French

rulers; Toussaint L’Ouverture became the

leader of the slave uprising and

helped free all the slaves by 1801

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From 1811 to 1824, Venezuelan

creole Simon Bolivar led an

army of revolutionaries in the independence

movement against Spain

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Argentinean creole San

Martín led the independence movement in

southern South America

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Enlightenment ideas spread

from Europe to South America,

which led to creoles fighting

for independence from Spain and other European


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In Mexico, a poor but well educated

Catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo used

Enlightenment ideals to call for a revolution against


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What is NATIONALISM?What is NATIONALISM?Nationalism is loyalty and devotion to a

nation of peopleIt is a sense of national identity exalting

one nation above all others It can be defined as pride in one’s

nation, and it can also be defined as the desire of an ethnic group to have its own country

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As of the early 1800s, the German and Italian people were DIVIDED into numerous small states. Germany and Italy would not become fully unified until 1871



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Garibaldi, who always wore a red shirt in battle, named his

forces the “Redshirts”

Giuseppe Garibaldi wanted a unified Italy under a republic style

of government

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Otto von Bismarck was the Prime Minister of Prussia in the 1860s

Bismarck’s goal was the unification of the German

states under the leadership of Prussia

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Otto was an advocate of realpolitik, “politics of reality”, where there is no room for idealism

As someone in favor of realpolitik, Bismarck was ruthless and saw using force, threats, and deceit as ways to achieve his goals


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In 1862, Bismarck makes his intentions known:

“Germany will not be united through speeches and

diplomacy, but through blood and iron.”

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Ottoman ruler Suleyman the Magnificent’s

greatest accomplishment

was establishing a stable government

for the Ottoman Empire through the law code he


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By the mid-1500s, Suleyman the

Magnificent was the most powerful king in the world;

similar to kings such as King Louis XIV of France and

Czar Peter the Great of Russia,

he ruled with absolute power

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Tokugawa Ieyasu

During the time of Tokugawa’s rule, the actual power in Japan was held by the shogun, not the


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Nagasaki Bay



Dutch ships

Very similar to Qing China, Tokugawa Japan’s policy with foreigners was one of isolationism

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Babylonian King

Hammurabi created the world’s first written code

of law

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Pax RomanaPax Romana

During the Roman Republic, the Senate

ruled; when they became the Roman Empire, emperors

called “caesars” ruled with absolute power

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The Justinian Code

The “Justinian Code” was the

legal system of the Byzantine Empire;

it is considered important because it would serve as a model for future European legal


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Absolute monarchs like Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia made all government

decisions without the consent of their people; this is what made them “absolute monarchs”

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