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Page 1: REVIEW - Nairobi Chapelnairobichapel.net/.../uploads/2020/...Guide-Week-3.pdf · You are receiving this devotional study and prayer guide as part of the Personal and Family Worship
Page 2: REVIEW - Nairobi Chapelnairobichapel.net/.../uploads/2020/...Guide-Week-3.pdf · You are receiving this devotional study and prayer guide as part of the Personal and Family Worship


You are receiving this devotional study and prayer guide as part of the Personal and Family Worship Package from Nairobi Chapel. So far, we have covered what faith is and why we should have faith. In summary, faith is having confidence or complete trust in God. We come to God acknowledging that He is the source of our faith.

Last week, we looked at the following benefits of faith: Salvation Peace with God Answer to prayer Godly success and HopeThis week, we will look at the hindrances of faith.

MONDAY Icebreaker: What machine/equipment /gadget have you ever tried using before reading its user manual? How successful were you?Bible reference: Hosea 4:6, John 8:32, Daniel 11:32, Psalm 14Question: How do you get knowledge and understanding of God?Reflection: Knowledge about different kinds of diseases and the dangers they pose to humankind is available to us. Ignorance to this knowledge is what put people’s lives at risk. Likewise, one of the hindrances to faith is not knowing God. God’s word allows us to know Him and understand how to relate with Him personally. When we apply God’s word we raise our faith in this relationship. Reading the word of God, will help us gain knowledge of the truth that sets us free and makes our faith grow so that we can do exploits for God.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me and my family members for not paying attention to Your word. Help us to constantly read and study Your word so that we can gain knowledge of the truth. I realize lack of knowledge about You, your values and expectations of me can lead to death, spiritual death. Help me to pay close attention to Your word today in order to overcome the various challenges the enemy brings my way.

I pray that the Church will consistently teach this truth that sets people free. Thank You for the freedom we have in You. You are the way, the truth and life. Father we also pray for our leaders, help them to know this truth so that they can lead this country in wisdom and knowledge. We thank You for continually answering our prayer for protection. We pray that, as citizens of this nation, we will obey those in authority as they do their best to keep us safe. Lord, we also remember many of us who live in dire need. Please send them the much needed help to cope with the physical, social and economic challenges that life brings their way.

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TUESDAY Icebreaker: Think of a sacrifice you have made for someone. How did it make them feel?Bible Reference:1 Samuel 15:22-23, Micah 6:8, 2 Chronicles 20:20, Psalms 51:16-17Question: What area(s) of your life is God asking for your total obedience?Reflection: Disobedience is a hindrance of faith and is equated to the sin of witchcraft. For our faith to grow, we MUST be determined to obey God. When God speaks to us through the scriptures and the Holy Spirit directs us on what to do, we must obey. God does not delight in a sacrifice offered in defiance or out of religious duty. God is delighted with every aspect of our obedience to Him.

Prayer: Lord, create in me a clean heart and put a right spirit in me to always obey You. Forgive me where I have disobeyed You. Cleanse and purify me together with my family so that we can live a life of obedience. I confess, on behalf of the church, and ask that You may forgive us for disobeying You. Forgive us for not being the salt and light of the world. Help us in this season to show love and care to those in need especially the poor, sick and hungry.

Father, we also confess and repent on behalf of our country Kenya. We have not obeyed Your word especially with regards to issues of integrity. We confess that we are corrupt in every way. Forgive us for being greedy and self-centered. We have not loved justice and shown mercy as a nation and the social injustices are obvious to us. Lord have mercy on us and forgive us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

WEDNESDAY Icebreaker: Which test have you ever done and passed with flying colors?Bible Reference: Mark 9:14-29, Luke 17:5-6, James 1:6, Question: Share of a time you doubted God’s intervention in a particular situation.Reflection: Doubt and lack of trust in God is another hindrance of faith. While we do not have a barometer with which to gauge our faith, 2 Corinthians 13:5 requires us to examine ourselves. We can ask God who is the source of our faith to help us when we find our faith lacking or inadequate. If we can only have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can do great things.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for having doubt and for not asking you to increase my faith. Please increase my faith and dependence on you now more than ever before. I pray for my family members that we will learn to ask You to grow our faith so that we can do great things for You. We also ask that You help the church to continue in faith. We ask that you protect the church to continue being Your hands and feet here on earth. You prayed that we would remain in You in John 17. Thank You for the truth that you are protecting the Church and keeping us safe. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

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Icebreaker: Share a time you waited for someone to show up for a scheduled meeting and they stood you up. How did that make you feel?Bible Reference: Joshua 1:8, 2 Timothy 2:15, Matthew 13:1-8Question: What will you do differently to make time with God a priority?Reflection: It is said, if something is important you will always have time for it. When the doctor tells you a certain disease is on the way unless you maintain a healthy lifestyle, not only will you join a gym and change your diet, but the risk will cause you to invest time and all that is necessary to become fit. In the same way, for our faith to grow, we need to spend quality and quantity time in the word of God as prescribed to Joshua. Lack of studying God’s word consistently is a huge hindrance of faith. Set a time and place and be consistent and committed to meet with GOD daily through Bible reading, reflection and prayer.

Prayer: Lord, I pray and ask that you will put a deep desire within us to be committed and dedicated to reading Your word consistently as a family. We desire for you to grow our faith in you. Protect the time we have dedicated to spend with You in prayer and study of Your word.

Lord, we ask that you will help us stay connected to the power of the Holy Spirit. We also pray for the larger body of Christ to continue upholding the nation in prayer. We pray that we (the church) will direct everyone to You for help, as you say in Psalm 121:1-2, because You are the maker of heaven and earth. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

FRIDAY Icebreaker:Which of your school past or present teachers would you like to meet for coffee or lunch? Why? Bible Reference: Mark 6:52, Mark 4:39-40, Matthew 16:9, Hebrews 13:8Question: How has a lesson from a past experience shown you God’s faithfulness that you can apply and claim again?Reflection: Victories we experienced in past storms remind us of a faithful God who will see us through any situation we encounter in life. Fear and forgetting lessons from past experiences that grew our faith can hinder our faith too. God, who heard our prayers in the past is the same God who will answer our deep cries today. With Him every experience is not wasted. When we are fearful, we can remind ourselves of the victory He showed us before and our faith will rise up again.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you remain faithful. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. I pray that you will help me together with my family to remember that you are able to do again what you have done in the past, in Jesus name.

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Remind us as a Church that when Your people were faced with challenges You rescued them and showed them Your salvation. Lord we ask that Your spirit will move all around the world removing fear and replacing it with faith in You. We ask that You would protect our minds from fear and that the enemy of our faith will not come in and control us. We ask that You touch and heal all the sick people at home and in hospitals. We also remember all the medical personal who are working round the clock to care for the sick. Please protect them and give them wisdom, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.


2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

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