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  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project



    Presented By:Pranav Bhatia



  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project



      T$ deter#ine the %$n%entrati$n $& %itri%

    a%id 'resent in ri'e &r(it )(i%es*

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project



    Intr$d(%ti$n Str(%t(re $& %itri% a%id ,ses -ey.$rds Titrati$n $& &r(it )(i%es Pr$%ed(re

    "''arat(s O/servati$ns Pre%a(ti$ns Res(t Bi/i$ra'hy

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    I+TRO2,CTIO+  A fruit is the mature ovary of a flower. A fruit contains

    considerable amount of various organic acids. Citricacid is a weak organic acid found in citrus fruits. Theacid content varies in different fruits at ripe and unripestages. Therefore, unripe fruits like lemon, oranges,etc are sour in taste. At room temperature, citric acid isa white crystalline powder. It shares some propertiesof carboxylic acid. When heated above !" degreeCelsius, it decomposes to C#$ and %$#.

    Chemical formula & C'%(#! )olecular weight & *$.$g +Carbon& !."-, hydrogen&.$/-, oxygen&"(.$*-0 I12AC 3A)4& $hydroxy5propane5,$,5tricarboxylic


  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    Citri% "%id in r(it

    J(i%es A titration is a techni6ue to determine how much

    analyte+species being analy7ed0 is present in a sample.This is done by reacting the analyte with a knownamount of titrant +species added in small increments bya buret0. In titrations, an indicator is often used todetermine the end of the reaction+endpoint0 bychanging colors.

    A titration is a stoichiometric techni6ue. That is, byknowing the amunt of itrant added and the molarity of

    the titrant, you calculate the number of moles of titrantthat reacted with the analyte. 3ext, a mole to moleratio is applied to find the moles of analyte.

    In this experiment to estimate the amount of citricacid+analyte0 in fruit 8uices, you will add

     3a#%+titrant0 to the fruit 8uice until the solution withthe phenolphthalein+indicator0 changes color to pink.9ince some of the 8uices are colored, the endpoint may

     be a slightly different color.

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project








    It is the main constituent of citrus 8uices. It is natural preservative and is also used to add an acidic +sour0taste to foods and soft drinks. It is used as anacidulous in beverages, confectionary and effervescentsalts. In biochemistry, it is important as anintermediate in the citric acid labs and therefore,

    occurs in the labs as an environmentally benigncleaning agent and acts as an antioxidant and is used toad8ust p% of food.

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project



    Volumetric analysis:  a 6uantitative method ofanalysis dealing with volumes of solution and theirmeasurements.

    In volumetric analysis, concentration of a solution isdetermined by allowing a known volume of a solutionto react 6uantitatively with another solution of knownconcentration.

    Titration:  It is the process by which the volume orconcentration of either the acid or base is determined.

    Titrant:  The reagent of known concentration. Titrand:  The substance being titrated Normality:  It is defined as the gram e6uivalents of

    solute present litre of solution  3:+wt;e6uivalent weight0

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    #xidation state is e6ual to

      . =alency of an element

      $. acidity of a base.

      . basicity of a acid+etc.0 Equivalence #oint:  the state of a titration when

    reaction is 8ust complete.

    Indicator:  the reagent used to locate the exactcompletion stage, i.e. end point of the reaction byshown change in its color.

      It gives different colors in different medium.

      It is of two types&5

      . 4xternal indicator& > +fe+C300'

      9elf indicator& when color of one of the titrantschanges at end point. 4g >)n/

      $. Internal indicator& it is added to the solutionstaken in the conical flask.

      4g.  2henolphthalein

     )ethyl orange  9tarch solution  )ethyl red


  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


      In the experiment sodium hydroxide is titrated againstthe fruit extract and the end point is determined when

     phenolphthalein which is used as an indicator changes

    color from colorless to pink.

    End #oint:  after the reaction between the substanceand the standard solution is practically complete, withone extra drop the indicator shows a clear usualchange in the li6uid being titrated, the stage in titrationat which this occurs is called the end point.

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    Titrati$n $& &r(it )(i%es

    The following are performed&

     3A#% v;s orange 8uice  3A#% v;s lemon 8uice  3A#% v;s sweet lime.  3A#% v;s apple 8uice.

    ?ix the burette vertically with the help of iron stand

    and fill it with 3A#% with the help of a funnel. Take/ ml of fruit extract in the conical flask and add a fewdrops of phenolphthalein to it. #pen the tape to let

     3A#% fall dropwise in the conical flask. >eep onshaking till a permanent pink color appears. 3ote thefinal reading and repeat the process till concordantreadings are obtained.

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    PROCE2,RE:4 Pre'arati$n $& &r(it etra%t:

      Peel of the fruits and extract their juices in a

    container by crushing them. Filter this juice in

    another container. It should be free from seeds

    and fibres.

    Pre'arati$n $& 50# +610 +"OH s$(ti$n:

      N!" # $%!"""&"%2'"  $ # !g

      (a)e *-+ fla)es of N,OH and add them to 2'"

    ml of ater in a standard flas).

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project



    $raduated a##aratus

      2ipette, burette, pipette bulb, measuring flask to

    make standard solution.

    $eneral a##aratus

      Titration flask, beakers, gla7ed tile, glass funnel, wash bottle, burette stand

    C"emical %alance &or ei!"in!

    C"emicals required

      9odium pellets, fruit 8uices containing citric acid+lemon 8uice, apple 8uice, sweet lime, orange 8uice,concentrated sulphuric acid, phenopthalin

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project



    9olution in burette @3A#% solution

    9olution in conical flask5fruit 8uices Indicator used phenolphthalein

    4nd point @colourless to pink.

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    RIPE OR"+8E

    .No. Initial /in ml0reading

    Final /in ml0reading


    !. 2 '

    2. ' +

    . + !!.' .'&. !!.' !&.'

    NaOH olution Orange 3uice

    N! # N!" N2 # 4


     # ml 12

     # !"ml

    N!1! # N212

    N2 # "."N

    5eight of orange 2" g

    67. 5t. of Citric acid 8&."&

    trength N x 67.5t."." x 8&."&

    !.92 gl

    In !"" ml ".!92 g

    2" gm fruit contains ".!92 x!""


  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    RIPE SEET IME.No. Initial /in ml0

    readingFinal /in ml0



    !. + 9.2 !.2

    2. 9.2 !".& !.2

    . !".& !!.+ !.&&. !!.+ ! !.2

    NaOH olution Orange 3uice

    N! # N!" N2 # 4


     # !.2ml 12

     # !"ml

    N!1! # N212

    N2 # "."!2N

    5eight of eet ;ime 2" g

    67. 5t. of Citric acid 8&."&

    trength N x 67.5t."."!2 x 8&."&


    In !"" ml "."** g

    2" gm fruit contains "."** x!""


  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    RIPE EMO+.No. Initial /in ml0

    readingFinal /in ml0



    !. !8 &8.' ".'

    2. ! !.' ".'

    . 2 2 "&. ' '.' ".'

    NaOH olution Orange 3uice

    N! # N!" N2 # 4


     # ".'ml 12

     # !"ml

    N!1! # N212

    N2 # "."'N

    5eight of

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    RIPE "PPE.No. Initial /in ml0

    readingFinal /in ml0



    !. ! 2.! !.!

    2. 2.! .2 !.!

    . .2 &.& !.2&. &.& '.' !.!

    NaOH olution Orange 3uice

    N! # N!" N2 # 4


     # !.!ml 12

     # !"ml

    N!1! # N212

    N2 # "."!!N

    5eight of

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    RES,T.No. Fruit Citric ,cid Content

    !. Orange juice ".98:

    2. eet ;ime juice ".+':

    . ;emon juice 9.*':

    &. ,==le juice ".':

    Citric ,cid Content is >aximum in ;6>ON 3?IC6

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


      PREC",TIO+S  'recautions usin! a %urette

    urette should be thoroughly washed.

    urette must not leak. 9top cock must be properlygreased.

    urette should always be clamped vertically into the burette stand.

    efore filling the burette, it must be rinsed withsmall amount to solution.

    %ot solutions should not be poured into the burette.%ot li6uids make the glass expand and make errorsin measurement.

    Always read the lower meniscus in case ofcolourless solution and upper meniscus in case of

    coloured solutions.

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


      'recautions usin! t"e #i#ette

    2ipette should be washed thoroughly well before use. Always use the forefinger and not the thumb while

    closing the upper end of the meniscus.

    The solution should not be sucked too fast as it maygo into the mouth.

    9olutions of poisonous substances should not besucked with the mouth. Instead use a pipette bulb or a burette.

    Bo not blow off the last drop from the pipette.

    'recautions "ile usin! t"e measurin! &las( 

     3either heat it nor add hot solutions to it. Cool thesolution to room temperature before pouring. %eadingmay change the volume of the flask.

    Clean the flask before use. ast few drops of water must be added very carefully.

  • 8/19/2019 Revised Chemistry Project


    Bi/i$ra'hy  T"is #ro)ect "as %een success&ul it" t"e material

    !iven in t"e &olloin! %oo(s:


    ab )anual of Chemistry

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