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Richard S. Wilkins Recent Photography

The most meaningful cre-ative exercise I ever did was during a drawing class in a small New Jersey commu-nity college. We were told to look at our hand and draw it without looking at the paper. The exercise is known as Pure Contour Drawing and this exercise is designed to bypass-or perhaps shut

down-the analytical side of our brain and tap the subconscious connection between our eyes and our fingers. To this day, the resulting image I drew in that class is the purist artistic render-ing I have ever made. The act of drawing, creating art,

and how I saw things in the world, changed for me from that day forward. Everytime I get behind the camera, I am pursuing that mysterious connection, the magical leap the mind can make over logic and reason into a world of imagery usu-ally reserved for dreams.

Artist Statement

I’m constantly inspired by movies. Especially the mov-ies of filmmakers like David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino, and Stanley Kubrick. Each of them shoots in a differ-ent way with their cameras but they all create beauti-ful images, images that are crafted like paintings.I enjoy the things around us that might be considered un-usual, or quirky. In my work, I look for new connections between things that typically aren’t thought of as things that go together - such as ball gowns and skateboards. I am motivated by opportuni-ties to create unusual con-nections, to bend the rules, and to occaisionally fold Convention up like a paper airplane and let it sail into the wind.

Regardless of the subject matter, I try to remain aware of shape, color, line, balance, and compositional dynamics while trying to capture, or create, some emotion, some moment that speaks to me in a language the subconscious understands and trans-lates through the rules of art and the mechanics of photography.

Richard S. Wilkins302 5th Ave., Apt12Asbury Park, NJ 07712, USA


[email protected]

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